• Published 18th Mar 2021
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The Gate: A Strange New World - Ranger-Redstar

Mel finds himself in strange world full of magic and talking multicolor horses, and soon he must learn all he can about them and the world they live in

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Unicorn Tape

Video log- EQ103
Location: Carousel Boutique
Time: 9:32am
Subject: Rarity

[Camera opens up in front of Carousel Boutique, the camera moves through the door as the bell jingles]

“Be there in one moment” [Rarity’s voice echoed from behind a slew of curtains]

[After a few minutes Rarity trots from behind the curtain]

“Oh, hello darling it’s good to see you again”

“Likewise, I hope you’re not too busy?”

“Oh, of course not darling” [Rarity notices the camera]

“May I ask what that’s for?”

“Oh, I’m gathering information about the different pony races and I doing one on Unicorns and I thought who better than Rarity to start”

“Well, I am flattered, why don’t you have a seat on my sofa, and we’ll get started”

[Rarity leads us into her house portion of her boutique and sits on a lovely made couch]

“Okay so my first question is what does being a unicorn mean to you?”

“Well, I suppose it means that we are gifted with magical abilities that are special to our own, each unicorn uses their magic the way they want to”

“Interesting I see you use your magic to make dresses?”

“Yes, indeed I do say it’s a lot better than hoof stitching them, magic just has a certain way of getting it perfect every time”

“So, when did dress making become your full time job?”

“Well, when I was a filly, I got the task of making costumes for our school plays, at first it was rather time consuming and I wanted to make them more spectacular but for some reason I couldn’t. I did wonder if making outfits was right for me. Then my horn glowed and the magic within carried me all the way to the farthest part of Equestria where it led me to a large rock. I thought my horn made a mistake but then an explosion happened, and I looked up and saw a rainbow fly past me, and the rock cracked in half and inside were the loveliest gems I had ever seen. I added them to the costumes, and they glowed and sparkled. Everypony was in awe of how well they turned out and that’s when….”

“You got your cutie mark”

“Why yes”

“Sorry to interrupt but it seems to be a reoccurring theme”

“Anyway, do you make custom dresses for anypony or just famous ones?”

“Well, I guess both I just love making one-of-a-kind dresses that’s unique to the customer, I would love to open up more stores in other cities and expand my business”

“Well maybe someday you will, I’ve also heard you’re a fashionista”

“Oh, but of course making dresses is one thing making yourself look fabulous is another”

“So, do you have any personal tips to make one’s self fabulous?”

“Well keeping your mane stylish is one of my favorites, I always brush, brush, brush, thirty strokes per strand of hair makes any mane look great without a care! Well, it works for me anyway.”

“I see I tend to keep mine short but high and tight, anyways what happens when you have a bad hair day”

“Well, I don’t have any personal experience, but the best course of action is to wear a dazzling hat, anything short of that will just not do”

“Judging from the shine on some of your dress’s you seem to like gems a lot, but do you have a favorite type of gem?”

[Rarity giggles] “Oh darling I love them all”

“Okay, so out of all the types of outfits you’ve made which one would you say is your favorite?”

“Well, the outfit must match the occasion, darling, and I have a favorite outfit for every occasion!”

“So, I understand you have a younger sibling?”

“Oh yes, Sweetie Belle is my younger sister I believe she’s friends with Applejacks sister”

“Does she ever embarrass you?”

“Oh, I could never be embarrassed by my sister. Though she might be a bit enthusiastic for my tastes sometimes, but I love her like any sister would”

“Okay last question, would you ever consider wings?”

“Hm I’m not sure, I would think they would be just a nightmare to accessorize. But they do look ravishing on Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy though."

“Alright then, thank you Rarity for your time”

“Oh, anytime darling”


Video log- EQ104
Location: Golden Oak Library
Time: 12:46pm
Subject: Twilight Sparkle

[Camera opens up in front of Golden Oak Library. Camera strolls up to the door and enters]

[Camera pans and zooms in on Twilight who seems to be in the middle of a good book]

“Whatcha readin?”

“Huh” [Twilight turns around and seems me with my camera]

“Oh, hi Ambassador, I’m just scanning through some magic books”

[She rubs her eyes from reading for so long]

“Ooh is that your camera, you gotta let me play with it sometime so I can do some research about your worlds technology”

“All in good time Twilight, I’m here to ask you some questions”

“Well, I am indeed knowledgeable on just about everything”


“Uh, well no not everything but a good portion of it”

“Well then this should be easy”

[Camera is set up in front of Twilight]

“Okay so what does being a unicorn mean to you?”

“Hm well to me it means that I’m born with magical capabilities and can use magic to help myself or the lives of others”

“How so?”

“Well, I use my magic to help organize my books, help me eat but I use my magic to help ponies lift objects large or small, light or heavy”

“What other types of magic can you perform?”

“Well, I can levitate stuff, alter gravity, fire magical beams from my horn, project force fields, telekinesis, teleportation to name a few”

“That’s incredible, remind me not to fight you, so when it comes to magic do most have a limit as to how much they can do?”

“Yes, depends on how much training and usage, I’ve been using my magic at a young age and have been practicing so I can use mine a lot more than most”

“Well, you must be special if you attended Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns”

“Oh yes ever since I was a filly, I went to the Summer Sun Celebration and saw Celestia raise the sun in front of all of us and it inspired me to learn more about magic. My parents signed me up for her school, but I had to pass an entrance exam which I was not prepared for. I had to hatch a dragon egg!”

“I take it you weren’t prepared”

“No, I tried so hard but just couldn’t, but as I was about to give up a loud crash came from outside as a rainbow flew over Canterlot and it made my magic strong enough to hatch the egg, but it also made me unstable. I was able to calm down when Celestia came in and granted me to study under her”

“Hm, I’m definitely noticing a pattern here, so tell me about your brother?”

“You mean Shining Armor; well, he was always there for me whenever I was alone, we played and always had each others back. He was BBBFF”

“Uh what?”

“Oh, that’s Big Brother Best Friend Forever, even when he got older and wanted to be a guard, he always had time for me”

“Well, he does seem to do a good job of it, since you seem gifted can you read and walk at the same time?”

“Well normally if it’s a good book I can until I crash into somepony”

“So out of all the subjects you’ve read what’s your favorite?”

“Oh magic, reading and reading about magic”

“Weirdo” I thought to myself

“So, what’s your favorite book?”

“Oh, I don’t know I love them all how can I possibly pick just one”

“Super Weirdo” I thought again

“okay here’s a sci-fi question, if you could time travel where would you go?”

“Hm I would love to go back and see Celestia and Luna as young fillies”

“Do you have a favorite food?”

“Well spike does make the best nachos, there hoof licking good”

[In walks spike with a plate of nachos]

“I think my nachos speak for themselves” he said

“Okay, do you have any good luck charms, or do believe In that sorta thing?

“The Elements of Harmony, or course”

“Well, they are very magical not to mention powerful when it comes to evil beings, so what other hobbies do you enjoy?”

“I love spending time with my friends also this pony can never read enough about the bold and brilliant Star Swirl the Bearded”

“And for those of us who don’t know, who is Star Swirl the Bearded?”

“Oh, he was a great and powerful unicorn wizard, who made a lot of spells and defeated mighty enemies back when he was teaching Celestia and Luna how to use magic”

“Dang he must have been old”

“Indeed, his accomplishments were so legendary that he even has his own section in the Canterlot Archives”

“Whatever happened to him?”

“Nopony, knows”

“Huh that’s usually the case”

“He probably did some magic spell that sent him to another world or something” spike said

“Yeah, sure spike” Twilight added

“Well Twilight I think I’ll call it a day, thanks again for taking the time to chat”

“Anytime Mel”