• Published 18th Mar 2021
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The Gate: A Strange New World - Ranger-Redstar

Mel finds himself in strange world full of magic and talking multicolor horses, and soon he must learn all he can about them and the world they live in

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Earth Pony Tape

Earth Pony tape

Video log- EQ101
Location: Sweet Apple Acres
Time: 8:50am
Subject: Applejack

[camera opens up upon Sweet Apple Acres, camera pans sideways and focuses on Applejack as she bucks her family’s trees, as apples fall into bushels below]

“Hey Aj, you got a minute”

“Whew, I suppose I can spare some time for ya” [AJ wipes the sweat off of her forehead]

[Aj looks right at the camera]

“Is that your fancy photo camera thingy you make movies out of?”

“Why yes in fact I’m making a movie for my superiors”

“What for?” [Aj gets close to the camera]

“Well, they wanna learn more about the different races that live in Equestria, and having a good visual is better than word of mouth”

“Oh, I getcha” [Aj winks at the camera]

“Alright, so first off what does being an earth pony mean to you?”

“Well long-ago Earth ponies were given the ability to grow crops in order to share with the other races and in turn the Unicorns provided us with magic and the Pegasi gave us the weather, so I guess farmin’ is in our blood”

“Fascinating, so do you enjoy farming?”

“Well, its honest and hard work but I don’t mind it” [Aj begins to load bushels into the back of a wagon]

“How did you or your family get into farming?”

“Well, it all started when Granny Smith and her family came around these parts long ago. Back in the day my family collected and sold seeds for a living and my Great Grandpappy had been collecting seeds far and wide. They traveled a lot and soon came upon the great city of Canterlot where they met the Princess Celestia herself. Being generous she gave my Grandpappy a plot of land right next to the Everfree Forest and that’s when he started planting his apple seeds. Ever since then we’ve been harvesting and selling apples as well as other vegetables”

“Wow, so does your family run the farm by themselves?”

“For the most part, but you know if we ever get far behind my friends will be there to help”

“Indeed, I’ve also heard you sell cider as well”

“Eeyup, every fall we make and sell our own home made cider to help us get through the winter”

“Nice, so have you always wanted to be a farmer?”

“Well, when I was a filly I didn’t, I wanted to live a more sophisticated life like my uncle and aunt orange”

“What were they like?”

“Oh, you know fancy city folk living in fancy house’s, eatin’ fancy food talking fancy like Rarity”

“So, I take it wasn’t for you then”

“Rightly so, it wasn’t till I was sitting in my room when a beautiful rainbow appeared that went all the way back home and I knew I was destined to be an apple, coincidently that’s when I got my cutie mark”

“Nice, so when harvest time comes around, I take it you sell a lot of fruits and produce”

“Well, we sell most of our stock to Filthy Rich, he owns barnyard bargains in town, and we get a good deal every now and then, but we try to sell most of our apples right here”

“So, what is your favorite Apple food, I mean with your family being apples and what not?”

“Well, you can’t go wrong with one of Granny Smiths Apple Pies, they’re to die for”

“What about non-apple foods?”

“Wait do they even make food without apples…. Ha gotcha I usually eat just about anything after a hard day’s work”

[Applejack hitches herself to the wagon and starts heading to her house]

“So, tell me about your siblings?”

“Well, I’ve got an older brother Big Macintosh and a little sister Applebloom, I’m sure you remember them”

“Indeed, do you ever get embarrassed by them at all?”

“Well, if we did, we’d put it behind us, I love my kin just like any other family”

“What’s the best advice you’ve ever gotten from your family?”

“huh let’s see…oh never look a gift apple in the eye, cause a worm might come out and spit in it, your eye that is HAHAha”

“Good one, so which family member is your favorite?”

“Come on partner that’s like telling me what my favorite apple is I like them all”

“Fair enough, so what up with that hat, have you always worn one?”

“This old thing, I won it bobbing for apples at the Ponyville Faire, and I didn’t always wear one, I tried it once and I just kinda stuck”

“Would you ever wear any other type of hat like a fez?”

“Is that some sorta fancy type hat, something with feathers, let me talk to rarity and get back to you on that one”

“Okay, last question if you weren’t born an earth pony would you be a unicorn or a pegasus?”

“Well Granny Smith use to tell me that the only things that matters is a pony’s character and I couldn’t agree more”

“Nice way to end the video, I believe Pinkie pie is up next, so until next time Applejack”

“See ya around partner” [Applejack waves goodbye at the camera]


Video log- EQ102
Location: Sugar Cube Corner
Time: 10:25am
Subject: Pinkie Pie

[Camera opens up in front of Sugar Cube Corner as the view makes its way inside as Pinkie Pie is manning the register]

“Hi Pinkie”

“Hi Mel” [Pinkie looks at the camera] “Hey are you making a movie, oh what part do I get, will I get to watch it” [Pinkie grabs hold of the camera looking straight into the lens]

“I’m just here to ask you some questions, and this is for my superiors”

“So, you want an interview huh” [The lighting changes and a random spotlight shines on pinkie and I, as a desk with a mug appears before my eyes in front of me]

“Okay that was random, but I suppose I can work with that”

“Alright Mel Lay it on me” [She sits weirdly in her chair]

“Okay so is Pinkie Pie your real name?”

“Well, my full name is Pinkamena Diane Pie”

“Huh I never would have guessed so a little existential here, what does being an earth pony mean to you?”

“Oooh, good one well to me it just means I’m good at making things whether its parties or baking”

“What about farming I heard earth ponies are good at agriculture?”

“Well, when I was a filly, I worked on a rock farm if that means anything”

“What’s a rock farm, does that involve things like gravel or stone countertops?”

“Not really, every day we would move stones form one field to the other, but sometimes we harvest or mine them”

“Huh sounds interesting, but I take it, it wasn’t for you then?”

“Not particularly, one day while I was out if the field a huge rainbow blew past our farm and it was the most amazing thing I’d ever seen. It made me smile like never before, but rainbows don’t last forever so I decided to throw a super-duper special party so I can share the happiness I felt from that rainbow. I showed my family and dare I say they loved it and that’s how I got my cutie mark”

“That’s when I knew deep down, I had to share my gift with everypony, so I moved to Ponyville where I got a job making treats here at Sugar Cube Corner”

“Have you always had a knack for baking, or did it just come natural to you?”

“Hm I guess I always had an interest but working on a rock farm you never got to do things that you really liked”

“Do you feel the cakes as your boss’s or your family?”

“I guess you can say both, when I met them many moons ago, they tasted my treats for the first time then knew they had to hire me, plus I’m really good at throwing parties”

“So, what is your favorite dessert to make?”

“Oh, that would be Homemade tutti-frutti sherbet sugar bark sundae cupcakes! Oh! They're the super-duperiest and also tastiest!"

“Hm so how you keep your mane so frizzy and bouncy all the time?”

“I use the best bubble shampoo in Equestria…..and I hang upside down a lot hehehe”

“What color best be-hooves you the most?”

“Uh, is glitter a color, if not it should be, Sparkle hooves are happy hooves in my opinion”

"Okay so I’ve heard you have a pet alligator, what made you choose one?”

"Oh, that’s because Gummy is the most cutie-patootie-licious pet in Equestria. Plus, he's a great conversationalist."

[Camera pans over to gummy on a table, his eyes stare into the camera]

“Huh, I couple ponies in town also mentions you have a, party cannon what do you use it for?”

“Well, I use it to shoot confetti or to setup parties in an instant in case of a last-minute party”

“How many do you currently own?”

“I’ve got about Three” [Pinkie pulls out her three party cannons and fires them off as confetti showers the camera]

“Quite” as I brush confetti off of my suit

“So, you seem to be a pony that likes to relax what you’re your thoughts on bean bag chairs?”

“Best. Chairs. Ever” [Pinkie jumps into the air than lands onto a bean bag underneath her]

“How the hell does she do that” I said to myself

“You love to make promises from what I heard but have you ever broken one?”

[Pinkie Gasps] “Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye! No way Jose!"

“You seem to be a mare of many colors but what is your favorite?”

[Pinkie looks unamused at the camera] “is that a trick question”

“Movin on, you also seem very generous when comes to making ponies happy. what’s the best gift anypony has givin you?”

“Every single hug I’ve ever gotten” [Pinkie proceeds to wrap her arms around herself multiple times and then unravel them like it was nothing]

“I starting to think that maybe she’s not a pony” I say to myself

“Do you have any hidden talents?”

"Well, I can predict the future sometimes. Well, the immediate future really. I call it my Pinkie Sense” [Pinkie begins to shake a little]

“Uh-oh. We better wrap this up soon."

“Okay last question what the best advice for throwing the perfect party?

“Party advice oh I’ve got lots of party advice in fact I should through you a party advice party and I’ll tell you everything you need to know”

“Well, I think that should wrap things up here, thanks a bunch Pinkie”

“You’re welcome come again” [Pinkie waves goodbye]

Author's Note:

This chapter is a little different, expect the Pegasi and unicorn tapes to follow
I might do one for the Princesses as well as the many creatures