• Published 18th Mar 2021
  • 2,160 Views, 39 Comments

The Gate: A Strange New World - Ranger-Redstar

Mel finds himself in strange world full of magic and talking multicolor horses, and soon he must learn all he can about them and the world they live in

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Chapter six- Comforting The Night

So, at this time the US Government and their scientists were reviewing the footage of all that I had taken from Equestria in the past few months. As they watched they debated on their next course of action. I wondered how they were going to proceed with the negotiations with the Princess’s. Lately I have been filming and documenting other aspect of Equestria like the flora and fauna as well as other creatures. I tend to move around between Twilight’s house and Canterlot depending on what I’m researching. With the help of my security detail led by Sargent Haynes and his men they help me get around a lot faster than a flying carriage or a train.

Meanwhile, I was staying in Canterlot after having a wonderful meeting with Celestia. I was in my room typing up our latest encounter on my laptop.

My Latest findings have led me to discover that the weather patterns that happen in Equestria are not natural but artificial. All the weather that happens from rain, to snow are manufactured from a factory in Cloudsdale apply named the Weather Factory. I must get some footage of the factory and its inner workings if Rainbow ever gives me a ride up there. Princess Celestia is ever more fascinated by our world from the conversations I have with her. All of the technological advancements fascinate her, and I believe she may want to visit at some point. Curiosity about our ways is always on her mind but like any new race she is ever cautious about the dangers of our world. I’ll try to convince her but, in the meantime, I will be learning more that I can from her world

I had been at it for hours and didn’t realize time flew by without me noticing. The sun had started to set outside as I looked out the window briefly. I continued when I heard a knock at the door

Knock, Knock

“Huh, come in”

The Door opened and in walked Princess Celestia

“Still up I see”

“Yeah, I gotta make sure these reports are ready for my superiors”

“Oh, is that one of your technologies you told me about?”

“Uh yes this is a laptop, it can help write documents, play games, and use the internet, unfortunately I can’t get any service while I’m over here otherwise Id show you more”

“Fascinating, well I hope you don’t stay up too late now, someone who is as important as you needs rest”

I couldn’t agree more

“You’re right your highness”

“Please, call me Tia”

“Alright then, I’ll see you in the morning Tia”

She bowed her head and left the room; I went back to finishing my report.

Ten minutes went by and I was finally done, my hands were a little sore from typing for so long. I saved the file and closed the laptop. I stretched myself a little before going to bed. I switched out of my suit and into some more comfortable clothes. That’s when I noticed a shadow pass my door. It was a little creepy and wondered who could be up at this late hour. Curiosity got me again, I grabbed a small flashlight out of my suitcase and went towards the door. I opened it slowly and peaked out. All I could see was the dark halls of the castle. I opened the door all the way and turned on my flashlight. The light didn’t reveal much other than the carpet. I looked down and saw hoofprints in the carpet. At first, I thought maybe they were Celestia’s, but they were facing the opposite direction.

I decided to follow the tracks and see where they led. I followed them to another part of the castle that I was unfamiliar with. As I was nearing a corner I stopped and pressed my back against the wall and slowly crept towards the corner. I slowly peaked and saw what appeared to be a dark pony facing out on a balcony. I looked closely and realized that must be Princess Luna. Truth be told I never got to fully know Princess Luna when the Elements of Harmony changed her back. I wondered what she could be doing this late at night. I then realized that she was in charge of the night whereas Celestia was in charge of the day. I slowly came out from behind the corner and slowly walked up behind her.

“(Ahem) your Highness” I said softly

Luna’s head moved ever so slightly; did I scare her? She then slowly turned to face me. We both made eye contact; her mane was dark and light blue the flowed in the air like Celestia’s. Her coat was dark blue as she wore a silver crown, necklace and hoof coverings. Her light teal eyes stared at me.

“Ambassador!” she said

“Oh, I’m sorry, I didn't mean to startle you your highness” I bowed back

“No, I just was not expecting you is all” she said

“Why art thou up this late?”

“Well, I was going to hit the sack when I saw something pass my door, I had no idea it was you. figured I’d get an evening stroll before I sleep”

Luna looked at me confused

“Why would thou hit a sack?”

“Oh, it’s just a term for going to bed”

“Oh, I see we are not familiar with these new words”

“I see, I don’t think we’ve properly met before” I said

I bowed my head

“My names Rommel Panzo, American Ambassador”

“Tis an honor to meet you” Luna bowed her head

I looked out at the night sky and back to Luna

“May I join you on this fine night?”

Luna blushed a little

“Um of course,” she said turning out towards the balcony

I walked up beside her and rested my arms on the stone railing looking out at the dark blue sky filled with shining stars

“The skies are beautiful tonight wouldn’t you say; the stars and constellations are bright and stunning”

Luna blushed harder at the compliment, no one has every complimented her on her night sky before

“I did not know thou liked the night”

“It can be rather peaceful to gaze out on the dark beautiful horizon”

Luna smiled at my compliment and she got a little bit closer to me

“Do you mind if I ask you some questions?” I said

“Oh of course, what wouldst thou like to know”

“I’d like to learn more about you if that’s alright”

Luna’s face turned bright red

“You…you wish to learn more about thee?”

“Why yes, I’ve learned a lot about Celestia, and my superiors would love to know more about the sister Princess of Equestria”

She seemed all flustered by my request but I’m sure she just seemed nervous

“I am charmed that thou would like to know more about me, we have had very little experience with this”

“I understand, if I may, you are in charge of the night, yes?”

“Indeed, thy duties are to make the night sky comfortable for my subjects, I work hard to make the perfect landscape to form a beautiful way to help my subject sleep and have happy dreams”

“You do an amazing job?”

Luna smiled again getting more closer

“Is it true that you can enter other peop…ponies dreams?”

“Why yes as the Princess of the Night I know each pony in Equestria, their hopes and dreams, and I give them guidance in order to help them sleep better”

“Interesting that must be a serious undertaking?”

“indeed, but I do not mind it is my duty after all”

I could tell she was a little sad when she said that

“Do you ever get lonely at night?” I spoke

“I do, I find it comforting to help others, it is indeed a solitary task, I do not have time to let others into my life, but thou are unique, I can tell there is something special about thee”

Luna turned to look at me

“There is something in you I cannot ignore, when I look at you, you do not feel threating or make me anxious, thou art pleasant to be around”

I stared to feel fuzzy myself

“Thank you, your highness,”

I looked away and tried to change the subject

“So, the moon is rather bright and full, does it change”


“You know like half full, or crescent”

“Oh, I see I change it whenever I feel like it to make my subject happy. The moon, yes, it is the best part of my night sky, it also holds a special place in my heart”

Luna moved her flank closer to me

“See my flank, thou can see, the moon and I are connected in more ways than one”

I started to blush a bit

“Why art thou blushing, I am merely showing you who I am, there can be no shame in that”

“I understand it’s just that but…”

“Oh, I sense that this can be promiscuous, my apologies”

“If thou will examine my cutie mark from a comfortable distance, you can see a bit of silver

I looked at her mark and could make it out

“I see” blushing a little

Luna looked back at the moon

“You know already of course; I was banished within the moon for many years. I look upon it from time to time and remind myself what I had done to be trapped within it. it sometimes hurt to remember but it does help keep hurtful thoughts out, it also helps me see the beauty in everything as well”

I could see in Lunas eyes as they started to tear up

“At times it’s like a friend, the moon to me is my guide with an illuminating face that shines a light to help me on my path of life”

Luna wiped her eyes and I too couldn’t help myself feeling emotional. I walked up to her and put my hand on her shoulder. When I did, she looked at me and could also see and feel my pain as well. Something came over me, for a good reason, as I reached my arms around her neck and gave her a warm hug. Luna was shocked by my comfort, but she smiled and put her hoof around me

“I too wish to be closer to you mind and body alike, if you would permit me may I see your memories” Luna asked

I wiped my face “What for?”

“Well dreams are created from memories; they are the map of our imagination by seeing your past will allow us to be closer to each other”

I nodded

“Very well hold still” Luna then pressed her horn on my forehead as it started to glow

There was a flash and Luna pulled back away from me. Luna was in a state as tears formed in her eyes once more

“My goodness, what a poor and miserable life thou hast lived, your childhood ruined by a horrible and despicable being, living a miserable life day in and day out without a moment of peace, with hardly anyone to hear you and your problems

Luna wrapped her wings around me

“Thou have done more than the ponies of this world; they do not know of the cause of trouble thou have experienced making your far less disillusioned yet more lifeless”

We both embraced each other tears streaming down our faces

“Be not weary Ambassador. Thou art laying the pathway of great work. You and Equestria are connected now. You may very well be the most important and special creature in Equestria now”

I wiped my eyes as I gazed back at Luna

“Yes, you are indeed special your appearance doth declare it, but I didn’t say you look special, you are special you are an entity of great stature. You are also very special to me as well, for I shall give you sweet dreams tonight and I shall every night, it is thy duty, will you permit me”

I gave her a soft nod

“Thank you very much Ambassador” Luna smiled

I looked back at her

“You may have done some bad things in your life, but I am here to tell you that you are never alone, I am here, I will always be here for you here or in my dreams”

“Then it shall be so, I have never felt this way before, to tell my troubles to someone who also has troubles like thee”

“Likewise, your highness”

“if I may when day come what do you do in the meantime?”

“Well, I am usually awake when my sister brings forth the sun, we see each other beforehand when I retire for the day, but I do not do much I either read or sleep for the most part”

“You must get very bored then”

“I will admit that when my task is done there is not much for me to do”

“Hm I might have something for you”

Luna looked back at me curiously

“What is it?”

“Follow me” I said as I made my way back to my room

“I opened the door and began rummaging through my suitcase”

Luna looked ever more curious. I then found what I was looking for, my 3DS

“Here you can have this, to remember me by”

She looked at the case confused and puzzled

“What is it?” she asked

“This is a portable video game system; you can play a variety of games on this little handheld console”

“Video games?”

“Oh it’s like playing a story but more virtual and hands on”

I took the device out of the pack and showed it to her. Luna used her magic to levitate it closer to herself.

“it is rather small”

I plucked it out of her magic bubble and flipped it open, when I did, she looked surprised. I then turned it on, and it lit up and made the turn on noise. Luna was now transfixed to the device in my hand. I booted up my Legend of Zelda game.

“In this game you play as the valiant elf hero and must save the Princess from the evil wizard Ganondorf”

“Fascinating, how does it work though”

“You use the circle stick to move around and the letter buttons to use certain objects”

“My what amazing devices your world has, are there other games to play”

“Well, I have Smash Bros, Luigi’s mansion, Star Fox, Scribblenauts”

“Oh, I would love to play them all” she said excitedly

“Certainly” I then handed the bag to her

“I cannot thank you enough, you have done so much for me tonight, I hope that we can continue tomorrow or perhaps in your dreams”

“I definitely would like that your Highness”

“Please call me Luna”

“Very well Luna, oh by the way it may need to be charged, but I don’t know how to charge it without an outlet, the castle doesn't have running electricity”

“Oh, I see perhaps I can charge it with my magic”

“It’s worth a shot”

“Well Ambassador I must attend to my duties soon; I will play this game and see what its like”

“Very well Luna, oh before you go, I should tell you that I have a hard time falling asleep perhaps you could help”

“Oh of course Ambassador I shall help you reach the dreamscape peacefully tonight”

I got into bed and made myself comfortable. Luna came over and her horn glowed. I could feel her magical aura around my head, and it felt like it was massaging my skin and it felt great. It was a feeling that i had not felt in a long while and I started to slowly pass into a deep sleep. Luna watched as I closed my eyes in slumber. She smiled at me as I rested. She gently rubbed my hair with her hoof.

“Sweet dreams my little human” she then leaned in and kissed my forehead

Luna left my room 3DS in hoof as she gently closed the door behind her

Author's Note:

such a touching moment luna and I have maybe she'll visit my dream later on