• Published 18th Mar 2021
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The Gate: A Strange New World - Ranger-Redstar

Mel finds himself in strange world full of magic and talking multicolor horses, and soon he must learn all he can about them and the world they live in

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Chapter seven- The Grand Summit

The next day came as I was getting dressed, I felt great having a decent night sleep for once, thanks to Luna no doubt. I recalled having a very pleasant dream where I was laying on a soft bed that was shaped like a flower and I could hear the sound of a babbling brook, it was peaceful and I’m sure Luna made it that way.

I then heard a knock at the door. I quickly buttoned up my shirt as I heard Sargent Haynes on the other side.

“Sir there’s a pony here to speak to you” he said

I finished getting dressed and I stepped towards the door. I opened it slowly and what stood before me was a pink alicorn with a blonde, pink and purple colored mane, but it did not flow in the air like Celestia’s or Luna’s

“Oh, hi there I don’t think we’ve met before” she said

“Uh I don’t think so”

“Oh Well, let me introduce myself, I am Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, but you can call me Cadence”

“Oh, uh it’s nice to meet you” I said as I bowed

“It’s a pleasure to meet you Ambassador, Celestia has told me a lot about you, all good things mind you”

“Huh, that’s funny she never mentioned a third princess, are you related to her?”

She looked and gave a small chuckle

“Oh no, I too was also a student of Celestia’s until I earned my own wings and became a princess myself”

“That’s a thing?”

“Oh yes, when a talented unicorn accomplishes a great and magical deed, they’re transformed into an Alicorn”

“I just thought that alicorns were just born that way I didn’t realize you could become one, huh you learn something new every day”

“Well, I was informed to let you know that a grand summit is taking place here in Canterlot today and that you are welcome to attend it”

“Oh well as Ambassador I feel as though I must attend”

“It’s your decision, you don’t have to attend”

“May I ask what the discussion will be about?”

“Well, it is about you as well as the gate”

“Oh, I see”

“All the rulers and leaders from all across Equestria will be attending to determine how to move forward”

“That’s what my government is doing as we speak; I wonder if they have decided on what to do”

“Well, I won’t be there I have other matters to attend too and in a year’s time I will be married”

“Oh congratulations, who’s the lucky stallion?”

“I believe you’ve met him before; he is captain of the royal guard”

“Shining Armor?”

“The very same”

“Well, he does seem like a capable husband”

“Indeed, he is so handsome and charming, well I have to go good day Ambassador” she bowed her head and walked down the hall

“Well, she seems nice” I said

“You really think we can trust them sir?” Haynes spoke

“I believe we can, this summit sounds important and I am certain to attend it”

“You’re the boss, shall I gather the men sir?”

“Yes, if they want us to leave, we should be ready just in case”

Haynes saluted and left to gather his squad and get their things in order. I decided to make my way around the castle in search of Celestia. I looked all around the castle but could not find her, I checked the conference room where we first delegated, even the dining room. I walked up and down the stairs, all the through the halls hoping I would find her eventually. I went outside the castle looking at all the buildings that were connected to the castle itself. There were so many, so I turned to one of the guards standing at his post.

“Excuse me but where is the summit taking place?”

He turned to me with a sullen look

“The Grand Summit will be taking place in the dome over yonder”

He pointed to the big round building to the east.

“I see and what time will the summit be happening?”

He looked over at the small garden and in the middle was a sun dial telling the time

“The Grand Summit will begin at 2:00pm”

I pulled out my phone to check the time and it said 11:27am

“I’ve got some time to kill”

I looked down to Canterlot and wanted to go for a walk. I walked down past the garden and through the gate towards the town. As I made my way down, I came across Haynes and his men loading up their Humvees with the equipment and weapons. When they saw me they all stood at attention including Haynes

“Is there a problem sir?” Haynes asked

“No problem, the summit isn’t for a few hours, so I figured I’d go for a walk around town”

“I should come with you sir; in case anything happens”

“No, I’ll be fine I assure you, just make sure were ready to leave”

He looked frustrated but then relaxed

“Very well sir but do be careful” Haynes said as he saluted me

I walked past them down into town. Canterlot was rather unique with its stone made stores and cobblestone roads. There were many restaurants, clothing stores, cafes. I could smell the cooking from outside. I did wonder what kind of food ponies eat besides vegetables and sweets. Several unicorns in fancy clothes passed by all looking at me and whispering amongst themselves. I can only imagine that they were talking smack about me. It didn’t bother me as much again I’m trying to be friends with these beings, so being nice was a must.

I turned the corner and I soon came across a building with a giant donut mounted to the side and I could only assume this was Donut Joes shop that Twilight mentioned to me. I walked up to the door and ducked my head to enter. Inside were tables, chairs, and what I can assume was Donut Joe behind a bar-like counter. Off to the side of the shop were three ponies talking to one another. I took a few steps in and all three looked at me. To be honest It felt like I was being judged.

“Well, well if it isn’t the Ambassador, here in my shop” Joe said

“Come on over and have a seat” he motioned to me

I walked over and sat down on the stool. The stool was a little small for me as I loomed over the bar.

“So, what can I getcha?” he said

“Uh can I get a glazed donut?”

“Absolutely” he turned to the display and pulled out a donut and put it on a plate. He then grabbed a cup and put it under a tank and filled it with a warm liquid. He then dropped a few marshmallows in the drink.

“Here, something to drink with your donut, and don’t worry about paying it’s on the house”

“Thank you” I picked up the donut and took a bite, it was fluffier than I realized, and the glaze was sweeter. I guess handmade is better than what I usually get. I took a sip of the coco and it was not too hot but delicious

“Well?” Joe said

“It’s good, very good”

“Glad to hear it, I’m Donut joe by the way, and may I say it’s an honor to have you in my store” he bowed his head at me

“You’re welcome”

“You mind if I get a picture?” as he reached under the bar and pulled out a camera

“Uh sure” I said as he made his way behind the counter and stood next to me. He held the camera back at us and clicked as a flash nearly blinded my eyes and out popped the picture like an old polaroid. He held the picture admiring the shot

“Excellent” he said going back behind the bar and putting the picture in a frame and putting it up on the back wall amongst a few other pictures

“Now that’s a conversation piece, ponies will be taking about it for years”

“Do you do that every time someone famous comes in?”

“Oh yeah this place has a lot of history and I have met a lot of famous ponies in my time working here, like those ponies” as he pointed to the three ponies from before

“Oh, I had no idea”

“Oh yeah they are very well known in Canterlot”

One pony with a very coiffed mane and fancy glasses waved at me

“Excuse me Ambassador can I trouble you for a moment?” he said

I looked back at joe and he nodded his head towards him. I finished my snack before heading over

“Pleasure meeting you joe” I said wiping my face

“Anytime pal” as he took my plate and cup

I walked over to the three ponies and sat down as best I could.

“Good evening Ambassador” one female pony said, she had a short grey mane, she also wore big black rimmed spectacles with purple lenses.

“Allow me to introduce myself, I am Photo Finish, fashion photographer, the most famous here in Canterlot” she said

“Huh you look just like Anna Wintour”

She looked at me confused


“Oh, she’s the editor-in-chief for a fashion magazine from my world”

“Ah somepony who shares the same eye for fashion, I must meet this Anna, but enough about that” she pointed to the stallion across the table

“This gentlepony here is Hoity Toity”

“It’s quite an honor sir, I am a major representative of the fashion world here in Canterlot and might I say that the suit your wearing is very well made”

“Oh, uh thank you”

“I’m Sapphire shores, Canterlot's best pop singer, and I got to ask who made that suit for you hun”

“Oh well believe it or not a pony friend of mine made it for me”

All three of them were astounded


“Oh yeah her name is Rarity, and she owns her our boutique in Ponyville, she very generous and very good at making dresses as well as other clothes”

“Ooh I gotta meet this Rarity and have her make me a dress for one of my upcoming tours” Sapphire shores said

“I too will have to visit this Rarity and see these dresses of hers” Hoity Toity said

“Perhaps I could get some new photos myself for my next fashion show” Photo finish said

“I’m sure she’ll make time for all of you”

As we were talking my phone rang

“What is that thing?” Hoity Toity said

“It’s a phone, just one second”

It was a video call coming from Sargent Haynes. I pressed answer and Haynes appeared on screen

“Ambassador” he said “The summit is happening soon its best if you leave now if you want to make it Haynes out” then he hung up

“Well, I hate to cut my time short, but I have a summit to attend” as I stuffed my phone in my pocket

“Well next time we meet, you be sure to tell us all about it hun” Sapphire shores said as she got up and trotted out the door

“I too must be going, until we meet again Ambassador” Hoity Toity said

“Another time Ambassador, you must visit my studio and do a photo shoot for me”

“I’ll see what I can do” I got up and left as well

I hurriedly made my way back to the castle where Haynes and his men were waiting for me

“Good to see your in-one-piece sir” he said

“Yeah, Canterlot is not as dangerous as you would think, I even made some new upper-class friends”

“Very…nice but the summit is starting soon please after you sir”

I took the lead and led them to the dome shaped part of the castle. We walked up to the doors where two guards’ ponies stood watch. When they saw me and my soldiers, they quickly opened the doors for us.

“Welcome Ambassador” they said

“At ease gentlecolts”

We passed them as we entered the outer part of the rotunda where a long hallway stretched around the building. We walked along the hall until we ran into Celestia and Luna.

“Ah, good afternoon ladies” I said as I bowed my head

“Oh Mel, good to see you I was hoping you would make it” Celestia said

“Yes, we are very and deeply honored to have you attend the grand summit” Luna said

“I am humbled to attend” I noticed under Lunas wing was my 3DS

“Have you gotten far Princess?”

Luna blushed a little bit

“Oh, I’m still learning how to play in thee… oh kokiri village I’m just about to enter the great deku tree” Luna then pulled out the ds and starts playing for a little bit


Celestia leaned in towards me

“Luna seems to have taken a liking to you” she chuckled

“We may have bonded a little bit last night and I may have shown her the wonderous world of video games…hehe”

“That’s good, my sister doesn’t have a lot of friends and the fact that you and her bonded and share a common interest might be good for her”

I looked at Luna, who was immersed in the game and smiled. Celestia looked up on the wall and looked at a clock that had a sun and moon on it.

“Well, the Summit is about to start now sister”

Luna put her game away and composed herself

“Ah yes shall we sister?”

Both of them walked into the round room as I followed close behind. The room itself was filled with ponies in seats with built in tables with names of various world leaders on them. Celestia and Luna’s seats were in the middle of room. The seats were crafted to suit each one’s cutie mark. I stood next to Celestia as I watched many ponies gather in and sit down. The room was filled with chatter as I looked around sweating thinking about what was about to happen. Soon Celestia used her magic to levitate a gavel and smacked it onto the table. When she did the room went quiet.

“Oh boy” I thought to myself

“The Grand Summit shall begin now” she said rather loudly

“The topic of this summit is to determine how Equestria shall move forward with the peace negotiations with the humans across the gate and about the gate itself. As you all known the gate magically appeared in our world only a few months ago with no explanation of how or why but what we do know is that it connects us to another world that we still know very little about except for this young man here” Celestia stopped and turned as the spotlight was on me

“Way to put me on the spot” I thought to myself

As I stepped forward, I was feeling scared and shaky, but I know I had to be brave for America and Equestria. I thought about Twilight and her friends and the memories we shared to help me.

“Ahem, good evening everypony, my name is Rommel Panzo Jr, I am an Ambassador sent by my government to study and learn about Equestria so that we may in turn learn from one another so that peace between our worlds can be achieved”

The chatter continued until once pony spoke up

“And what exactly have you learned from us human?” he said

My mind was muddled, and I couldn’t think straight

“Well. Uh I uh learned about friendship, that’s important…ha-ha”

I turned to Celestia for help she then used her magic, and I could hear her voice in my head.

“Calm down Mel, breathe in and out and just be yourself I’ll handle the harder questions” she said

“I apologize everypony I’m not used public speaking; I will say this.
you ponies are unique from us, we don’t have magic or wings to help us in our day to day lives. But what we do have is our imagination and that helps us invent things to help us. For example-”

I pulled out my phone and showed it to the summit

“This device allows me to communicate with any number of people from across my world, I can even show my face and see their face in return. I can also jot down a note without paper or pen. It has a calculator, a camera that can take still or moving pictures, it can also tell you what the weather is for the upcoming day or week, it can record your voice and play it back for you. It has maps that can help you navigate, and it can also play music”

I skimmed through the various songs I had stored and played Beyond the sea by Bobby Darin. As it played some of the ponies listened and some started to move to the music. I could also hear various ponies question the device while others are fascinated by it

“And this is just a small piece from a world fueled by bright minds who can build and create wonderful things like carriages that run by fuel, flying machines that can take you great distances, Televisions and the programs that people create to keep you entertained”

The chatter continued until a different pony stood up

“That all seems nice but what about bad people who build dangerous things like those firearms mentioned by the princess?”

I clamed up and went back to being nervous

“Well, uh yes there are dangerous things built by us, but we would never use them on you”

“How do we know that; how do we not know that you’re here to invade our lands and take what’s your?”

Celestia stood up to speak as she stood by me

“Please everypony, it is true their weapons are powerful, but our magic is just as strong as there’s and we have the means to defend ourselves if we must, but please don’t judge him for things he has not committed. When Mel was first brought to me, he was not here to threaten me or my ponies he came here because he was curious, and I showed him kindness and in turn he was kind to me. I have seen their world full of people some of them with firearms, but they were only used by their military and guards to protect their president and his associates like Mel here”

Celestia looked at me with a smile and I smiled back

“We are not here to judge him the only thing we are here to do today is what to do with the gate and what lies beyond”

“Then let us decide your majesty” he sat back down

“Very well then we shall continue to cooperate with the other world and maybe we can coexist or shall we say no and lock the gate forever and deal with a possible invasion, we must decide” Celestia said

The chatter amongst them continued as they began to write down what they think they should do. The tension was almost unbearable as the fate of my future and the future between our worlds now hung in the balance. I nodded to Celestia and went back into the hall where Haynes was waiting

“Well, what did they say?” he said

“There deciding now about what to do, but I need some air and maybe some water”

Haynes escorted me back to his Humvee outside the castle wall. He pulled the tailgate down for me to sit on. He grabbed a bottle of water and handed it to me. I almost chugged the entire bottle as I sat down. I tried to calm myself down but at that point it was hard for me to do so.

“I’m sure whatever happens it will be for the better”

“Yeah, and if they choose to close the gate, what’s American gonna do!” I yelled

“They gonna roll on in and all-out war will happen and kill thousands” I put my hand in my face trying not to think that

Suddenly Haynes phone began to ring. He quickly answered and had a lengthy conversation with the person on the other side. After a while he hung up and turned towards me

“That was my men standing by the gate, they have informed me that America is on board for peace and that Congress wants to meet these ponies firsthand”

“Finally, some good news for a change but does Equestria want the same thing”

Hayne’s didn’t speak and just stood by. A half an hour went by when I decided to head back to the castle. I walked up the stairs and stood in front of Celestia’s castle examining it one last time. The white hoof carved stone and the fancy stain glass windows that accent it as well as the purple roofs. It truly was a sight to behold then out of the corner of my eye I saw something move. I turned to face the garden and saw Celestia standing proudly.

“Something wrong Mel?” she said

“No nothing at all” trying to make myself feel better

“Well, I was hoping you would join me for a stroll through my garden, there’s a lovely little spot where we can have some tea”

I took a deep breath thinking this might be my last time with her

“That sounds Lovely please lead the way”

I Followed Celestia into her garden. Her garden was filled with beautiful and exotic flowers as well as a plethora of birds and animals. As I walked through, I felt calm and peaceful it’s as if the garden was imbued with magic that made me forget my troubles.

We soon came to a small clearing. In the middle was a lone tree with a table and a tea set. Celestia went and sat down and urged me to sit as well. I walked up to the table and sat down. I looked back at the clearing and the animals came out and watched and gazed at Celestia as if she were their leader or god. Celestia poured tea for the both of us. She then levitated her cup and took a sip. I gently grabbed mine and took a couple of sips.

“I hope your relaxed now” she said

“I am now your highness” I said as I put my cup down on the saucer

“I trust you’ll want to hear what the summit’s decision was?”

“Very much so”

Hear it is the moment that I’ve been waiting for, the fate of Earth and Equestria now comes crashing down, peace or war

“The summit has decided that the peace negotiations will continue”

When she said that a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders and I could finally breathe

“That is wonderful news. Whew and here I was thinking that Equestria wanted to close the gate for good”

“Oh, nonsense we are very curious about your world still and with your leadership I think we can coexist” she said

“Oh, I’ve also been giving word that your presence was requested again but this time in front of Congress”

“I see”

“I believe it’s going to be like an interview but live for everyone on earth to see”

“Oh well I don’t mind as long as your there”

“Also, I was kinda of hoping to bring some ponies for them to see, you know for them to get to know the three major races”

“Hm I don’t see why not; do you have any particular ones you want to take?”

“Maybe Twilight for unicorns, Applejack for Earth Ponies and Fluttershy for Pegasi. I know Fluttershy is indeed shy when it comes to large gatherings, but I hope that if I’m there maybe she’ll be okay”

“That sounds lovely, I’ll have to pack for a long trip”

“Wait who’s gonna be in charge while your away?”

“Oh, Luna can handle running things while I’m gone”

“Well then” I held my cup into the air “Here’s to the Future”

Celestia raised hers “To the Future” and we both gently banged our cups together.

Author's Note:

so peace will continue as Celestia and some ponies make there way to DC
sorry this one took awhile