• Published 18th Mar 2021
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The Gate: A Strange New World - Ranger-Redstar

Mel finds himself in strange world full of magic and talking multicolor horses, and soon he must learn all he can about them and the world they live in

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Chapter thirteen- Christmas who?

December 19th
The Pentagon

I was standing in a room private with the president and several other military leaders as I was presenting my latest findings on Equestria. I had never been to or even seen the inside of the pentagon, I do know that it’s where the more strategic planning takes place and the fact that it to was also attacked by terrorists on 9/11. Getting in was no short task, they have every security measure known to man that I had to go through just to get in. its not like Celestia had this sort of thing back in Equestria unless you count her royal guards. There were several screens behind me as I went through my findings.

“As you can see dragons are real in this world and they are a force to be reckoned with, from steel-like scales that can deflect bullets, large wing spangs for flying long distances, not to mention their fiery breath.”

“Unless of course you’re a yellow flying pony of course” as one commander chuckled.

“Her name is Fluttershy and she’s far braver than you think.”
I chimed in, “These ponies have the means to defend themselves if there are ever threatened.”

“Yes, the white magical princess horse who can move the sun and kill us all, when are we gonna get to their resources and wealth.”

“I was getting to that” I said bringing up my next slide.

“Equestria wealth runs with her Majesty’s Royal Treasury which holds vast quantities of gold and possibly gems, I myself have never seen it, but I’ve only been told it is vast. I do however have been given a few bit coins that they use every day as their centralized currency.”

“Wait they use bitcoin as well?” one commander said.

“No, they have coins that they call bits” as I placed the bits on the table.

The men looked at them as one coin made of copper that held a relief of a horseshoe, a silver coin with a relief of a crescent moon, and a gold coin with a sun relief.

“And she just gave these to you?”

“Yes, she said I could hold onto them or spend them.”

“You also mentioned gems?”

“Ah yes” I pulled a small red gem from my pocket and placed it on the table.

“Gems have worth as well however they aren’t commonly used however they are tradable and come in many different sizes and colors.”

“Well, where would one find gems then?”

“Well, if you’re a unicorn you would use a spell to find them, hell the use gems for everything like clothing. On a side note, dragons as you may know have an affinity for gems for which they also consume not sure why?”

They all looked at me funny.

“Wait, dragons eat gems?”

“Yeah, I don’t know why maybe to them they just taste good.”

“And that’s it?”

“Well, there’s a possibility that there’s (ahem) oil over there but I would have to ask.”

“Well, I think that will conclude our meeting if there’s anything else you would like to add Rommel,” said the President.

“Uh, no I don’t believe there is, oh I do have a scroll for you from the princess herself” as I pulled it out of my briefcase and handed it to him.

“How old fashioned are they?” one commander said jokingly as the other members chuckled.

“You’d be surprised” I said, “Believe it or not if you set it on fire, it will magically wisp off into the air to the princess like sending a text message.”

They all looked surprised by that.

“They may not have fancy tech like we do but they manage to get by with what they have, they don’t have guns but if you’re a unicorn you can just shoot a magical laser beam from your horn to attack someone.”

The President read through the scroll and nodded. He then rolled it up and handed to his secretary.

“Let Celestia know that an accord is being written up as we speak, and we will present to her when it's ready.”

“I will let her know sir.”

“Good, after you’re done, be sure to hand over your findings over to the CIA before you leave.”

“Yes sir Mr. President”

I handed my laptop over to an agent who took it and left without any emotion whatso ever.

“So, Rommel any plans from the holidays?” the President asked.

“Well, I’m more than likely going to be spending it over in Equestria but I don’t mind though. I’ll probably swing by and see my family beforehand and give them something before I go.”

“Well, you do have an important job son.”

“Yes Mr. President I know I’m not complaining.”

“Well take care” as he shook my hand as we both went our separate ways.

I headed back through security again which was a nightmare to deal with a second time. Agents patted my whole body down and used a fuzz buster to make sure I didn’t take anything that I wasn’t supposed to.

“Alright you're free to go.” They spoke

I collected my belongings and soon found myself back into the parking lot where Hayne’s was waiting for me.

“Ambassador” he said, “Your plane is waiting for you.”

“Alright let’s get a move on.” I said as I sat in the back of the armor car. We drove through DC, as winter was fast approaching, we drove down the road passing all the sites I had seen before and it reminded me when I took Celestia and some of the girls to, it brought back some good memories especially the one where I got shot.

I rubbed my chest where the bullet impacted it didn’t hurt now but the memory made it so. We soon pulled into the airport where a private jet was waiting for me. Haynes and I boarded and took off back to my hometown. We soon made it back home as Haynes drove me to my parents’ house to drop off my gifts all the while listening to Christmas music. I got out and went up to the door and gave it a couple knocks and was greeted by my stepmom

“You made it” as she gave me a hug.

“Yeah, I can’t stay though, I’ve got to go back so I wanted you guys to have these.” as I hand her some envelopes.

“Thanks, I wish you could stay though.” She said as she took the presents.

“I know I’m a very busy man, Merry Christmas” I said.

“You too, have fun” she said as she closed the door behind her.

I hopped back into the car feeling rather empty for some reason.

“You good sir?” Haynes asked.

“Yeah, I’m good” I said unfulfilled.

We drove off back to the gate where the major was waiting for me as I got out of the Humvee.

“Ambassador, I trust your meeting went well.”

“It did or at least I hope it did.”

“You ready to go back now?”

I nodded as the doors began to move to allow Haynes and I passage to Equestria. Just then I noticed it began to snow lightly. Seeing snowfall in December was rare occurrence but it felt nice. I could only imagine that it was snowing in Equestria given the time of the year. I imagine that the pegasi were busy making clouds and snowflakes for the upcoming winter. When I left last it was starting to get rather chilly but there wasn’t any snow.

The doors opened and we soon drove on through again as the snow blew away as we did. When we emerged, lo and behold there was snow everywhere. Guess the pegasi at the weather factory were in full gear. We kept on driving until we stopped at Sargent Haynes camp. We left the vehicle as Haynes was about the open the door, I heard a familiar voice call out to me..

“Mel your back” she said.

I looked and saw Twilight wearing yellow boots, a scarf, and earmuffs. She looked kinda cute wearing them to be honest.

Hey Twi, Merry Christmas” as I waved at her.

Twilight then looked at me puzzled when I said that.

“Christmas who?”

“Oh right sorry, it’s a human holiday that we celebrate around this time a year.”

“Really wow so is it a lot like Hearths Warming Eve.”

“Wait, let me guess it centers around family, giving gifts and also has and intricate backstory.”

Twilight looked at me stunned.

“Why yes, actually the girls and I were about to have a Hearths Warming party at my place if you’d like to join us?”

“Sure, why not” I said, “I don’t have any gifts with me unfortunately.”

Twilight smiled at me “That’s okay having you with us is more that we can ask for.”

“Alright then” as I looked back at Haynes.

“I guess I’ll be experiencing some cultural exchange then.”

Haynes looked at me and shook his head.

“Very well sir don’t stay out too late.”

I nodded as I began to follow Twilight back to her treehouse/library. We began to walk along the snow laden path.

“So how was your meeting with the President?”

“Everything went well I did present my latest findings to them, but they were seemed more so interested with your resources.”

“Why’s that?”

“Well, America can be rather greedy at times, but we mean well, we are in the process of making an accord that will hopefully be signed soon.”

Twilight disregarded that first bit I said because the second bit sounded way more exciting to her.

“Really, that sounds exciting what will happen if Celestia signs it?”

“Well, it will solidify the Humans and the Equines together so that others may also experience the unique cultures and lifestyles you guys have, that I’m getting to know more about each time I visit.”

Twilight’s eyes went wide with excitement.

“Wow, does that mean I could visit your world at any time?”

“Something like that but it may take a while and also you’ll have to get a passport in order to do so.”

That somehow made Twilight even more excited.

“Yay, I can’t wait, I’ll have to talk to Celestia about a passport, oooh I bet I could learn a lot from your libraries and-.”

“Twilight, your geeking out very loudly”

“Oh oops sorry I just get too excited, you know when it comes to these sorts of things”

“I know, all too well.”

We soon found ourselves at Golden Oak Library. When Twilight opened the door a rush of warm air hit me as I entered. I looked and saw Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Spike who were all waiting for us.

“Yay Mel’s here!” Pinkie Shouted

“Good to see ya again sugarcube” as Aj came up to me.

“It’s wonderful to have you darling.” Rarity remarked.

“Are you here to celebrate Hearths Warming Eve with us?” Fluttershy smiled at me.

“I am, I unfortunately do not have any gifts with me, so I guess my company is my gift to you all” I said jokingly.

They all chuckled at me.

“That’s fines come on in” Rainbow said.

As I made my way inside of the library, I took off my snowy shoes and placed them by the door along with my coat. The place was nice and toasty considering the snow outside. I looked and saw Fluttershy sitting next to the fireplace. I chose to sit down next to her to warm myself up as well.

“Oh, are you cold?” she said.

Fluttershy then wrapped her warm wing around me as best she could. Her feathered wing was soft and gentle like cuddling with an eagle, or an albatross.

“Thanks flutters” As I gently rubbed her feathers.

Fluttershy began to blush heavily as she looked away. Applejack went and got a small glass and poured something warm into it. She trotted over and handed it to me.

“Here ya go, this will warm you right up.”

I took the small glass from her hoof and took a small sip; it was warm apple cider. Like I said before I wasn’t a fan of hot drinks but being with the girls and the princess’s I was starting to like it more.

“It’s delicious Aj.”

“Well, I’m glad you like it” Aj then sat down next to me as well.

“So how you holdin’ up over there?”

“Ah you know, work is long and boring as usual but it’s my job.” As I took another sip of warm cider

“I just hope they’re not working you to hard” Fluttershy retorted.

“No, it’s just they expect to do more and more which is fine but I’m only one person, and they expect me to do it all.”

“I know that feeling all too well sugarcube.”

Rarity then joined in on our group by the fire.

“Come now darling let’s not talk about work, after all it is Hearths Warming.”

“Yeah, besides I’d like to know more about this Christmas you mentioned” Twilight added.

“Christmas what?” Rainbow Dash said scratching her head.

“It’s a holiday that some people celebrate during the winter season.

"Wait you mean not all humans celebrate it?”

“Well depending on what your religion is, like the Jewish celebrate Chanukah, which is kinda like Christmas just slightly different. If you're African, then they celebrate Kwanzaa.”

“That’s neat so there’s like more than one holiday so that anyone can participate in.”

“Yeah, in a way”

Twilight began writing down her new discovery.

“Don’t mind her too much, so tell us about this Christmas then.”

“Well Christmas wasn’t a jolly holiday like it is today. You see back in the day people would party heavily and drink during this time of the year to celebrate either the birth of the sun or the end of the Harvest. Then Christians decide to transform their holidays to incorporate their religion. However, during the back when times in England they would violently celebrate the holidays by drinking way too much and threaten people with violence"

“Geez that doesn’t sound like a holiday to me” Pinkie interrupted.

“True but when our American ancestors came over from England to get away from Great Britain’s rule, they banned Christmas because they were afraid of all the violence and drinking and if you were caught celebrating anything Christmas related you would get fined.”

“Sounds like a horrible time to be in” Twilight muttered.

“I agree, but when immigrants came over during the 19th century, they brought with them they own traditions and a love of Christmas which overtime became the norm of Christmas that we all love and celebrate today.”

“And that’s the story of Christmas?” Applejack said.

“Pretty much, our winter festivities had pagan roots with drunk traditions that Christian straight up hated for a long time.”

“Isn’t there a nicer story of Christmas you could tell.” Fluttershy said.

“Well because Christians tried to integrate their religion into the holidays I could tell you the story of the birth of Jesus, but that’s kind of a long one.”

“Hey, would you like us to tell you about how Hearths Warming Started?” Twilight said.

“Sure, give me one sec” I went to get my camcorder set up and hit record “Okay go”

“It all started a long time ago before Equestria became the great nation it is today. The Earth ponies grew food, and in payment for providing weather, the Pegasi demanded some of the food. The Unicorns also demanded payment for magically raising the sun and moon. None of the tribes cared what happened to each other. This fragile relationship continued until a large blizzard came along causing a food shortage. And without any food, the leaders of each pony tribe decided to meet up to discuss what to do. The meeting however went poorly, as each of the leaders continued to argue with each other. After the assembly, three ghostly horses appeared overlooking the Earth below from a passage in the clouds; they would later become what we know as the windigos. Each of the leaders returned to their second-in-command and explained that the meeting went poorly because the other leaders refused to cooperate. The leader of the Earth ponies decided that they need to grow food somewhere else, and each of other leaders concludes that they too must find new land to inhabit.”

“Wow that sounds riveting.”

“I’ve read all about hearths warming in an old book in my old library anyway Commander Hurricane and Private Pansy of the pegasi flew through clouds, while Princess Platinum and Clover the Clever of the unicorns traveled through the forest, and while Chancellor Puddinghead and Smart Cookie of the earth ponies traveled across a gem-encrusted mountainside. Each tribe leader found their ideal land and claimed it for their tribe. Commander Hurricane named her land Pegasopolis Princess Platinum named her land Unicornia and Chancellor Puddinghead named her land Earth as a recommendation from Smart Cookie to replace her first choice of Dirtville. However, they soon discovered that each tribe had claimed the same land, and of course more arguments ensued about who gets to own the land. Commander Hurricane calls for a fight for the land, but each of the advisers votes for everyone to just calm down. Chancellor Puddinghead throws snowballs at Commander Hurricane and Princess Platinum, causing everyone to realize that the blizzard has once again returned.”

“You make it seem like the blizzard is alive and that its following them”

“You’ll see why in a minute, so to escape the blizzard, the ponies made their way into a cave. Once in the cave, they continued to argue over who gets what part of the cave. Due to their constant arguing, the windigos once again returned, causing an ice blizzard, which froze each of the leaders solid. Clover the Clever identifies the creatures, saying her mentor Star Swirl the Bearded taught her about them.

“Starswirl the Bearded?”

“Oh, he was a famous Unicorn and conjurer of the pre-classical era I’ll tell you about him later, back to the story. The advisers, however, manage to hold good relations with each other, regardless of the different tribes they hailed from. They deduce that the leaders' arguing is what caused all of this, and told stories and sang songs, songs of which became the carols that are still sung in Equestria today.”


“And with their continued display of friendship, Smart Cookie, Clover the Clever and Private Pansy managed to melt the ice surrounding their leaders and incinerate the windigos through the magic of the Fire of Friendship. In the end, all the tribes learned that the warmth of harmony and love with each other can conquer over the coldness of hatred and grief. After the leaders settled their differences, they all finally lived in harmony with each other while founding the new land, Equestria. The ponies then raised a banner bearing two Alicorns, which bear a resemblance to Princess Luna and Princess Celestia, depicted flying with the Sun and Moon.”

“That’s one hell of a story, so if the secretaries didn't console with one another then Equestria would have just been a frozen wasteland.”

“Now that you mention it yeah.”

As we continued to enjoy each other’s company Rainbow Dash got a sneaky idea.

“Hey why don’t we take some pictures to remember this day” she said.

"That’s a great idea but who or what should we picture?” Twilight asked.

“How about-” As Rainbow looked around the room “Mel and Aj.”

“Us?” Applejack said.

“Yeah, you two stand by the kitchen opening” as she got the camera set up

I looked at Aj and she looked at me and we both got up to go stand in the opening. I stood next to Aj as she kinda blushed a little and truth be told so did I. Rainbow looked through the lens and focused it on us.

“Okay now kiss.”

I straight up went full red when she said that.

“Excuse me?” Aj yelled.

“What, you guys are standing under the mistletoe.”

It wasn’t until we both looked up and saw it hanging in the opening.

“Rainbow, you did that on purpose” Aj screamed.

“Oh, come it will make a great photo.”

“Normally I wouldn’t agree with Rainbow, but I think it will make a nice picture” Rarity said smiling.

I looked at Aj as I knelt down to her eye level.

“We don’t have to kiss if you don’t want too” I said my face fully red.

“No, its tradition and I will do it, even though I was goaded into doing it.”

Everypony watched with their eyes staring on us. Aj closed her eyes and brought her lips close; I did the same and soon we locked lips with other as Rainbow captured the moment. She proceeded to laugh hysterically rolling on the floor.

“Seriously Rainbow, I thought the moment was beautiful” Rarity said as she looked at the photo. She then trotted over and handed it to me for Aj and I to see. I looked and saw Aj and I kissing under the mistletoe, and it was making me all red still.

“I think you looked pretty good their sugarcube.” Aj said as she blushed some more.

“If you wanna keep it I don’t mind” as I handed it to her.

I could tell she wanted to as she kept blushing but then she pushed the picture back towards me with her hoof.

“You keep it I don’t want the apple family knowing about it if I go and hide it.”

She then looked towards Rainbow with a scowl.

“And I don’t want you flying around town telling everypony either Rainbow.”

“Okay fine your secret is safe with us.”

“We promise” Pinkie pie interjected “Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.”

“You know it’s a secret when you pinkie pie promise it” Fluttershy said

We all laughed together.

“Hey why don’t we do a group photo” Twilight said.

Everypony gathered around Aj and I as Rainbow pushed the timer and zoomed over to us in a flash and posed. We all smiled as we celebrated this moment. Inside I was happy, for once I had friends that really care about me and will always be there for me even though they were ponies it didn’t matter to me. I hope that this will continue into the near future. Then the camera flashed, and our Hearts Warming Picture was forever immortalized.



The President was sitting in the oval office doing some paperwork when there was a knock on the door.

“Come in” he said.

“Mr. President we might have a problem.” A Cia operative said as he came into the office.

The president stopped with what he was doing to listen.

“What seems to be the problem?”

“Well, it would appear that certain nations are furious with us right now.”

The president then shook his head.

“What’s new” he said jokingly.

“Well, it has to do with…the gate.”

The president then became more composed and serious.

“The gate, what about it?”

“Well, it would appear that because we found the gate first and made contact with the ponies on the other side, the other nations are angry that we are currently sitting on a monumental amount of untapped resources.”

“Well, that does raise cause for concern, what are the dangers?”

“Some of our operatives have info that say that they are planning to strike at some point, but we don’t know when or how?”

The president thought long and hard about this new information. He smiled as he thought up his own idea.

“When do you think the Accord will be finished?” he said.

“There should be a copy on your desk to go over sir.”

The president looked and saw the small book on his desk labeled: The Homosapien and Equine Accord.

“I’ll give this a once over, you keep monitoring the situation and let me know if there are any new developments.”

“Yes sir” he turned and walked back through the doors.

The president sat in his chair looking at the accord.

“Best way to defeat your enemy, draw them out into the open.”

Author's Note:

oh boy something bad gonna happen something big and nasty

sorry this one took awhile