• Published 18th Mar 2021
  • 2,157 Views, 39 Comments

The Gate: A Strange New World - Ranger-Redstar

Mel finds himself in strange world full of magic and talking multicolor horses, and soon he must learn all he can about them and the world they live in

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Chapter four- the Return of Nightmare Moon

6 days later

My phone alarm went off by my nightstand, I reached over looked at the time and shut it off. I laid in bed for a few minutes trying to wake myself up. It felt a lot like waking up to go to school, like I said I’m not usually a morning person but today was a big day. Today I finally go back through the gate to meet Princess Celestia. After I escorted her back all those days ago, I had more to do if I am going to be Americas ambassador as well as researcher. The US Government had me sign a lot more paperwork, go through some sort of orientation, get me a tailored suit, a security detail, as well as some camcorders to vlog my time while I’m in Equestria. I also got to see my parents one last time before I leave, and the Government also took care of my high school by giving my diploma early which was nice I hated my senior year anyways. I got up out of bed and turned on my tv to the local news.

“Good Morning New England we have an exciting morning today, gosh it’s been a week since the appearance of the strange structure that appeared in the parking lot behind the Hampton Casino Ballroom, Several pictures were taken by strangers before the Government quarantined it out of sight. Many of these pictures have flooded the internet and the world wants to know what the structure is and why it’s here more on that in bit. The Weather today is pretty fair in the 60’s low into the 40’s in other news……”

I turned off the tv and rubbed my eyes.

“If they only knew” I said sarcastically

I decided to take a hot shower to help wake me up. The place I was now living was rather small, but I couldn’t complain. I even have all my stuff moved out of my parents’ house. After my shower I looked in the mirror and decided to give myself a shave, I at least wanna look presentable for the Princess after all. After my face was clean, I grabbed my suit and put it on. I looked in the mirror in my bathroom and I gotta say I looked pretty good. I brushed my teeth before walking out the door where a car was waiting for me. A service agent got out and opened the passenger door for me as I walked up to the car.

“Morning Ambassador, we have your breakfast in the car.”

“Thank you” I said as I got into the car

The Agent jumped in the driver side and we took off. A brown familiar bag was sitting next to me. I opened it up and inside was an onion bagel with cream cheese as well as a bottle of cran-ras-apple juice. I ate the bagel and the juice as quick as I could before we got to the checkpoint. I scarfed the bagel as we pulled up to the checkpoint to enter the area. The guard checked and the doors slid open and we pulled in. Nothing much had changed since the last time I was here, but it was still so new to me as we pulled up beside the gate the Major and the Sargent were waiting for me. The Agent got out and came over to me and opened the door. I stood up adjusted my suit and walked over to them. I stood in front of them and saluted them both.

“Ambassador” they said

“Major, Sargent” I said

“Welcome back Ambassador, today is a historical day, are you ready to begin negotiations with the Princess”

“Yes sir”

“Very well then” the Major turned to the operators “Open the gate!”

The Gate opened up slowly unveiling the dark abyss.

“Before you go, I have your equipment that you requested” the Sargent handed me a metallic case.

“Thank you I hope I don’t run into any trouble over there”

“Also here are some spare clothes and some essentials for you as well as your video equipment” he handed me a small suitcase on wheels with a collapsible handle

“Thank you”

“I think that’s everything, are you ready to go?”

“Ready as I’ll ever be” I said

“Good luck and safe travels” he said as he saluted me again and walked off

I began walking into the dark and warping my way to Equestria. After a while I was on the other side and a Guard pony was waiting for me. He was a big stallion with a white coat, purple and gold armor, his mane was two different types of blue.

“Welcome Ambassador, I am Shining Armor Captain of the Royal Guards, I’m here to guide you where you need to go. I hope you had a pleasant trip”

“Wasn’t too bad, but I’m glad to be back”

“Wonderful can I get your bags?” he offered

“I think I can manage, so what’s on the agenda today?”

“Princess Celestia wants you to make your acquaintance with the mayor of Ponyville”

“Alright lead the way”

Shining turned around and we both headed into town. We soon came to a large circular building made of wood and stone. It was several stories high and had windows circling the entire structure. There was a stage and a large gathering of ponies. Shining took me around back, I guess I get to address myself at this assembly apparently. As we headed around, I saw an older female pony with a tan coat and gray mane. She was wearing a white collar with a green frill and glasses with a brass trim. I could only assume this was the mayor as Shining walked up to her

“Mayor mare, this is the Ambassador Panzo”

She looked up at me and her eyes grew wide.

“My my, I have never had the pleasure of meeting an Ambassador before, especially one like you”

“Yeah, I get that a lot”

“Well, let me be the first to welcome you to my fair town of Ponyville, the local ponies are rather eager to meet you”

“Huh, the first time I was here they were all afraid of me”

“Well, that was to be expected, but then again they didn’t know you were an Ambassador at the time” she said

“So we're going to change that, that’s why I figured gathering everypony together so they can see for themselves. So, I’ll address them, and you’ll come out on stage when I call your name”

“Sounds like a plan” I said

Mayor Mare went past the curtain and got up to the podium.

“Fillies and Genltecolts I have gathered you all here to explain current events, as most of you are aware, a strange gate has appeared in our fine town. Some of you find it intimidating and scary. Some of you have even seen a strange figure appear from it. Well, I am here to tell you that, that being was not a monster. That being was an Ambassador sent by his people to make peace with our world. He has traveled far and would like to introduce himself to you all. Now without further ado please welcome Ambassador Panzo from beyond the gate”

When she said my name, I parted the curtain and I slowly made my way up to the podium. When I revealed myself a lot of small talk could be heard as well as camera flashes. I wasn’t one for public speaking with my anxiety and all. I was nervous but I knew I had to do it for the sake of my country and at least make a good impression on the local populace. I got to the podium, but it was a bit short for me. I bent down to speak

“Hello, my fellow ponies it is an honor to be here and I hope that my world can learn a lot from you and vice versa. My Government has tasked me with researching and understanding your world, and I hope that someday we can be friends”

There was a bit of chatter but some clapped and soon everypony clapped. I was off to a good start but how long will it last. The Mayor came over to the podium.

“If any of you have any questions for the Ambassador, he will answer a few before he gets to work”

A few ponies were talking and some of them raised their hooves

“Ah yes you” I pointed to a young filly

“Do you people have cutie marks?”

“Ah no we do not have cutie marks; everyone has special talents, but some try very hard to get better at them”

“Excuse me how do people get around in your world?”

“Well, we have automobiles, airplanes, as well as trains”

“Are you planning to bring any more of your kind from beyond the gate?”

“We have no plans as of right now, I’m only here to negotiate peace with Celestia in addition to researching”

“do you have any plans to enslave us”

“Uh no, I think that’s enough questions for now, thank you for your time” I said as I left behind the curtain

“Wow they really are afraid of me”

“Oh, they just need time to warm up to you, would you like me to show you town hall?”

“A tour would be nice”

Mayor mare brought me around the back of the town hall to another door. We both walked up the steps and into the inner workings of Ponyville. Inside were filing cabinets and paperwork everywhere. There were desks where ponies were typing important documents.

“I take it your office is in the back?”

“Yes, it’s not much but I enjoy it”

I took out my camera and started recording

“It seems they function very similar to us, when it comes to paperwork that is” I said for the camera

“How about the market district next” she said

“Lead the way”

Mayor lead me down the road as I recorded the way glancing at the housing situation.

“They live in what appears to be timber-framed house's with thatched roofs reminiscent of houses from old England times”

“That over there is the train station if you need to get to anywhere in Equestria the train is the way to go” Mayor Mare pointed out as she walked past

I pointed the camera and documented that as well

“They also seem to have steam powered trains to aid in travel”

“And over there is the Ponyville Post office”

"They also have a postal service as well” I said for the camera

We soon came to a rather open area with booths and tents where ponies could sell their wares.

“And this is our market district, its closed for now, everypony closed up shop for today to catch a glance at you, you are becoming quite the mane attraction around here”

“I see what you did there, what else does your town have”

“Well, we have a schoolhouse for the young fillies, a hospital, a retirement home, a movie Theater, a spa, a library, a clothing boutique, a costume shop, a bookstore, a bowling alley, a joke shop, a quills and sofa store, a fan shop, a jewelry store, a toy store, a tea shop, a china shop, a party store and I think an antique shop as well”

“Wow you guys got everything but the kitchen sink”

“Hm, Im fairly certain we have a shop for that”

“Besides the marketplace where else can I get food?”

“Well, we have a couple of cafés, there’s also Sugarcube corner, there’s Filthy Rich’s Barnyard Bargains and I think there’s a hay burger around here somewhere”

“Wow this town seems to have a lot offer”

“Oh, I almost forgot about Sweet Apple Acres”

“I take it that’s an apple orchard”

“Oh yes, it was founded before Ponyville was a town and has been owned and maintained for generations”

“Wow, that’s impressive”

She and I both headed back into the streets of Ponyville. We walked for a little bit until we came to a building

“Well, here we are, it may look small but it’s very spacious”

The place was about the size of a sideways rectangle with two windows. Mayor mare opened the door and inside was very nice. The den/living room had a couch in front of a fireplace, a staircase ascended behind the fireplace up to the second floor, a kitchen was in the back with a table for eating.

“Upstairs has a bathroom and a bedroom, I hope it’s not too small”

“This is actually an improvement from my current residence”

“Really!” she said

“Yeah, the place that I’m living in is only a 250 square foot room with a bathroom and a closet”

“Well, I’ll let you get settled, I'll be waiting outside till your done"

I bowed my head as I stepped further into the house. I went upstairs to check the bedroom. The bed was large considering my size, I put the metallic case on the bed and my suitcase by the nightstand. I went back downstairs and Mayor Mare was waiting for me

"Now that your all settled I have a gift for you"

“That’s sounds wonderful”

“Excellent follow me”

Mayor mare led me through town again until we came upon a building that looked like a couple of tents. Mayor mare opened the door and we both entered. One thing worth noting is that the doorways over here are designed for ponies which, from a rough estimation are about four feet tall. So, I had to duck under the frame in order to enter the spa. Inside was nice, there were chairs, a desk and doors that most likely led to other areas of the spa. Mayor Mare walked up to the desk

“The Ambassador is here, give him the special”

The pony behind the desk turned and saw me

“Oh, no problem miss mayor, Aloe, Lotus”

When he said their names two ponies came out that looked like twins. One was pink with a blue mane and tail; the other was blue with a pink mane and tail.

“This is the Ambassador from beyond the gate, give him the special and make sure he’s comfortable”

“Of course, follow us please”

I followed them past one of the doors into a hallway filled with rooms for massages. They led me past them to a set of changing rooms.

“Here are our changing rooms, you’ll need to change if you are getting a massage”

“Uh don’t suppose you have any robes fit for a human, would you?”

“Oh, I see, we should have been prepared for something like this. Well, we do have some extra-large towels that might work. I’ll go and get one while you change” one said

“I’ll go and make sure the sauna is ready for you” the other said

Soon I was left alone, so I got into the small changing room and took off my clothes. I folded them neatly so they wouldn’t get ruined. A short time later the pink spa pony came back with a large towel. It was just the right size for me considering. I wrapped the towel around my waist and gathered my clothes

“If you would like we can hold onto those for you?”


She took them from me and placed them in a cubby on the wall.

“Now follow me and we’ll get started”

I followed her down the hall. It felt a little weird walking around in a towel as I passed by other ponies who were also there for the same reason as I was. Soon we came to a room that had a temperature gauge on the side.

“Here is the sauna its very good for the skin, so step in and we’ll come back and get you”

“Thanks” I stepped into the hot room and sat down on the wooden bench. When I sat down the room started to fill up with steam. I had never tried a sauna before I just knew they were hot; I then began to sweat, as condensation started to form on my body as well. I sat in there for about thirty minutes letting the heat exfoliate my skin. Then a knock came from door. I got up and opened the door to see the pink spa pony waiting for me.

“Now that you skin is exfoliated, we can start the massage, please follow me”

I followed her back down the hall until she stopped by another door and inside was the blue spa pony and two tables connected to each other.

“I apologize for the inconvenience were not used to having tall customers in our spa before”

“Now then, lie down on the table and the massage will begin”

I climbed up and laid down on my stomach, as I did, I heard the tables creak a little.

“I hope this can hold my weight, not that I’m heavy or anything”

“Oh, relax dear and lets us ease your body”

First, they gently poured and spread some kind of liquid on my back.

“what is that your using?”

“Oh, this is grapeseed oil, it helps with the massaging plus it moisturizes your skin as well”

They then began rubbing my skin with their hooves and I gotta say it was a different experience. Their rounded hooves massaged better then fingers. It felt wonderful and soon I began to doze off. It felt like forever, I had never fallen asleep that fast and stayed asleep, if only I could do that when I go to bed. Then I heard one of them say something.

“Hello, don’t get sleepy yet silly, we still have much to do” the pink one said

“Fellow us to the lounge” the blue one said

I got up and followed them out of the room and down the hall into a large area with lounge chairs and a large tub and a mud bath. They led me to a chair with other stuff next to it

“Have a seat”

I laid down on the chair as they adjusted so they can work.

“Close your eyes now”

I did just that and they put cucumbers on both my eyes. They then began to smear some goop on my face. It smelled kinda funny, but I didn’t mind. I always dreamt about getting a treatment like this back home but never got around to it. having cute ponies do it just seemed better for some reason and I gotta say everyone's or should I say everypony's been very nice to me since I got here.

“There now relax while we take care of you” they said

One pony grabbed my hand and started to work on my nails while the other worked on my feet. They had to be super gentle, this was something that they were not use too as my nails were not as big as hooves, but they did their best. I think I dozed off again while this was going on and some time went by when I heard them speak again

“Alright Mr. Ambassador your all set”

They then began cleaning my face and removing the cucumbers.

“Wow I feel pretty good” I looked at my hand and they were flawless.

“I’m glad that we could help, if you ever come back just ask for us, we would love to take care of you, I’m aloe and that’s my sister lotus”

“Well thank you ladies for the spa treatment”

They bowed their heads and I headed back to change. I put my clothes back on and went back to the lobby where the mayor was waiting for me.

“I hope you weren’t waiting long”

“Oh, not at all, how was your special massage?”

“It was good I feel rejuvenated and fresh”

“Glad to hear, let me escort you back to your living space”

When I got home I went back upstairs, I then opened the case and looked at my equipment. The first thing I did was put the holster on. I took my jacket off first and slid it over my shirt. I stretched my arms to get it in place, after that I could barely feel it. I looked back at the case and there were three magazines loaded with 9mm fmj’s. I pulled the handgun out and looked it over. I recognized it; it was indeed a Beretta M92fs. I liked these pistols for their reliability and stability. I took a mag and slid it into the gun, I pulled the slide back loading one in the chamber. I then put the safety on and slid it into the holster. I put the other mags in the holders on the right side of my holster. I pulled out the utility belt and it had a small spool of steel wire, grappling hooks, and a flashlight. I put the belt on and adjusted it to fit me. I checked the knife; it was longer than I expected. I rubbed my finger on the edge and it was sharp as a razor; the spine of the blade had serrations for cutting. It also came with a sheath which I put on my belt. Inside the case was a portable field surgeon kit and a vial of storm proof matches. The kit had belt loops so I added it to the belt, I also put the matches in the kit so I wouldn’t lose them and slid it behind me.

I gave myself a once over and thought damn I look better than Leon Scott Kennedy. I pulled out my gun and pointed at the mirror on the wall

“You talking to me, YOU talking to me”

I then heard a knock at the door, so I put the gun away and put my jacket back on. I rushed downstairs and opened the door and saw Shining Armor standing outside.

“Ah, Shining Armor”

“Good evening, I take it your settled in?”

“Yes, I just got unpacked, I take it that Celestia wants to see me now?”

“Yeah, about that I just got word from her highness and she regrets that she’s very busy as of right now what with preparations for the summer sun celebration”

“What’s that?” I asked

“Oh, right well it’s a special holiday that we celebrate to commemorate the defeat of Nightmare Moon 1000 years ago”

“Oh yes Celestia told me about her, sounds kinda sad to celebrate a day for banishing your own sister”

“Yeah, but if she hadn’t all of Equestria would have been shrouded in darkness forever”

“Ah, Okay”

“Celestia instead would like you to help her student with the preparations here in Ponyville”

“Oh, you mean Twilight, yeah that sounds fun”

“You know Twilight?”

“Yeah, Celestia introduced me to her when I first came here”

“Really what do you think about her?”

“She seems, eccentric”

“Yup, that’s my sister alright”

“Wait she’s your sister!”

“Yeah, she should be arriving soon just head that way and you’ll be able to catch her as she lands, right now I have to get back to Canterlot” he said as he bowed his head and left my door

I ran back upstairs to grab the camera, I left my place and made sure to lock the door before heading off to find Twilight. I headed back towards the center of town when I looked up and saw a flying chariot slowly descending down to me. The two guard stallions came to a gentle halt a few feet away and Twilight and Spike got off.

“Hey Twilight”

Twilight looked around and saw me waiting for her

“Oh, hi Ambassador”

“Please, Mel is fine”

“Well Mel what are you up too?” Spike said

“Well, I was just getting to know the ponies of Ponyville, they seem nice but cautious which is understandable”

“Well, me and Spike have a busy day to helping with the Summer Sun Celebration”

“I heard I just got word that Celestia wants me to help you”

“Hm, I suppose having more to help out would get things done quicker”

“Hey as long as I’m with you I might get some more footage for my superiors”

“Better yet maybe there are ponies here with interesting things to talk about” Spike said

As he said that a pink pony walked up to both of us

“Here give it a try Twilight”

Twilight looked shyly at her

“Uh hi”

When she said that the pink pony let out a long gasp before bolting past us

“Well, that was weird”

Twilight, Spike and I headed down the roads towards a farm.

“Summer Sun Celebration Banquet Preparations: Sweet Apple Acres”

“I’ve heard of this place, it supposed to be as old as Ponyville”

All of a sudden a “Yeehaw” could be heard as an orange pony with blonde hair came rushing up to a tree. She turned around and kicked the tree with her hind legs causing the apples to fall into the bushels below. I couldn’t help but stare at this pony for some reason there was just something about her I liked really much but I couldn’t figure out why. Twilight walked up to the orange pony.

“Hello, my name is Twilight Sparkle-”

The orange pony bolted up to twilight, grabbed her hoof and shook it violently.

“Well, howdy-doo, Miss Twilight, a pleasure makin' your acquaintance. I'm Applejack. We here at Sweet Apple Acres sure do like makin' new friends!”

She stopped shaking her hoof, but her hoof continued to shake until Spike stopped it. That’s when I decided to introduce myself

“Hello Miss Applejack, I’m Ambassador Panzo from beyond the gate, me and Twilight are here to check on preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration” I said

Applejack looked up at me and her eyes were glowing

“Wow I gotta say ain’t never seen anything like you before”

“Yup I get that a lot, my names Mel by the way”

“Well welcome to our farm Mel, Since your helping out for the festivities would y'all care to sample some treats for tonight”

“Well as long as it doesn’t take too long” Twilight said

Applejack went and rang a triangle and yelled “Soups on everypony”

When she said that a stampede of ponies came rushing in from our side and the next thing we knew, we were sitting at a table under a gazebo made out of branches.

“Well then, why don’t I introduce you all to the apple family”

Twilight did not seem to have the time for this

“Hold up” as I pulled out my camcorder and hit record “okay go”

“Sorry but we-” before she could finish Some of the apple family were presenting their food for her

“This here's Apple Fritter. Apple Bumpkin. Red Gala. Red Delicious, Golden Delicious, Caramel Apple, Apple Strudel, Apple Tart, Baked Apples, Apple Brioche, Apple Cinnamon Crisp...” Applejack took a deep breath “Big McIntosh, Apple Bloom and Granny Smith. Up'n'attem, Granny Smith, we got guests”

An old green pony was sitting in a rocking chair when she heard her name being called, she woke up

“oh wha… ah oh imma commin” she said

“I’d say your already part of the family, everyone this is Ambassador Mel, no don’t be frightened y'all, he’s here to learn about us so be sure to give him some apple family hospitality”

The apple family were all looking at me and talking amongst themselves then one by one they all came up to and shook my hand

“Wow do you think you could visit our school sometime” Applebloom said

“I might make an appearance at some point”

That seemed to make her happy. Twilight was getting antsy

“Well, I can see the food situation is handled but we must be going”

“Aren’t ya gonna stay for brunch” Applebloom said giving Twilight sad but cute puppy dog eyes

“Sorry, we have an awful lot to do” Twilight said

“Come on Twilight what’s wrong with sampling the local flavor”

“Ugh fine”

The apple family cheered for us

“So, Mr. Ambassador what would you like to try first”

I looked at the table of treats, all of them seemed tasty

“Uh I’ll try the apple fritter”

“Good choice” as Applejack handed me one

I took one bite, and I was in apple heaven, it was moist and warm like it just came out of the fryer.

“Mmmm delicious”

“Ya hear that yall, he likes it”

I continued to taste a little bit of everything while Twilight slowly ate a slice of apple pie. After a while we headed out thanking the apple family for making the food for us and the celebration later tonight. We headed back past the town while Spike took the lead.

“Those apple treats were delicious” he said licking his lips

“Oof, I never thought you could make that many desserts out of apples”

Twilight followed slowly behind me grumbling

“I ate too much pie” she said as her stomach was a little distended

Spike went over the checklist for the next item

“Hm there’s supposed to be a Pegasus pony named Rainbow Dash clearing the clouds”

I looked up and saw that there were still clouds in the sky

“She doesn’t seem to be doing her job very well”

Suddenly a crush came from behind me, I quickly turned and saw Twilight face down in a large mud puddle with a cyan Pegasus on top of her. The Pegasus got up and chuckled a little while Twilight was less than amused

“Let me help you” she said as she flew over and grabbed a cloud and brought it down to Twilight.

It was amazing how the Pegasus were able to control the weather like that, if only they could do that in our world. She then began bouncing up and down on the cloud as rain poured all over Twilight drenching her.

“Oops over did it a little, um how about this” she said as she began to spin around Twilight very fast like a tornado

“My very own Rainblow Dry, no need to thank me”

She looked at Twilight after the fact and her mane and tail were floofed up and messy. She chuckled and then burst out laughing, Spike then joined in and I kinda laughed but tried to hide it.

“Let me guess, you’re Rainbow Dash” Twilight said

“In the flesh, why have you heard of me”

“Well, the checklist says that you supposed to keep the skies clear” I said

Rainbow dash looked up at me

“Whoa you must be that Ambassador guy everypony’s been talking about”

“Yes indeed”

“I bet your pretty fast huh”

“Not at running or anything like that, quick on the draw maybe”

“What’s that?” she asked

“Another time perhaps, now about those clouds”

Rainbow flew up to a cloud and laid back on it like a lawn chair

“That’ll be a snap I’ll do it in a jiffy, as soon as I’m done practicing”


Rainbow dash turned around and pointed to a poster on the wall

“The Wonderbolts, the greatest ariel acrobatic team ever and they’re gonna preform at the ceremony tonight, and I’m gonna show’em my stuff”

I looked over the poster with curiosity

“They kinda look like the Blue Angels”

“Who?” Rainbow asked

“Never mind”

Just then Twilight joined in on the conversation

“Please, they’d never accept a lazy pony who can’t even keep the skies clear”

“Hey, I can clear the sky in ten seconds flat”

“Prove it” she said looking at Rainbow

In a flash Rainbow started kicking and busting through clouds faster than my eyes could perceive and in exactly ten seconds flat all the clouds were gone

“Ha see ten seconds flat, I’d never leave Ponyville hanging”

I looked down and saw that Twilight was still in awe

“Ha-ha you’re a laugh Twilight, I can’t wait to hang out again”
Rainbow said as she flew away

“Wow she’s so fast” Spike said turning to Twilight and me


Next, we headed back into town towards the town hall for the next thing on the list. We walked inside and saw a wide array of colored ribbons wrapped around posts and support beams that were sparkling in the light

“Decorations” as Spike looked around the room “Beautiful”

“Hm yes the décor is coming along nicely, and soon we can get to the library”

“Not that, her” as he pointed to the white mare hanging the ribbons

She seemed like she couldn't decide what type of ribbons to put up

“No, no oh heavens no, hm ah here we are”

“Good afternoon miss” I said

“One moment, and there, sparkles make everything better wouldn’t you say, now how can I help yo-ahhh” she said as she looked up at me

I knelt down to her level

“Hello, I’m Ambassador Panzo, it’s a pleasure to meet you”

She looked up at me and blushed a little

“Oh, um hello I’m Rarity ha-ha”

I took her hoof and kissed it

“It’s a pleasure to meet you Miss”

Rarity looked like she was about to faint

“Oh, my you’re quite the gentlemen” she said composing herself

“what brings you here?”

“Well, me and my friend are checking on the preparations for the summer sun celebration”

“Your friend?”

“Oh, uh Twilight Sparkle” as I presented her

She took one look at Twilight and gasped loudly

“Oh, my stars, what ever happened to you coiffe”

“It’s a long story, were just here to check on the decorations and be out of your hair”

“Mine but what about yours darling” she said as she pushed Twilight out the door

Next thing I knew we were at Rarity’s Boutique where I can only assume, she makes clothes and dresses for a living.

“These outfits you made are stunning miss Rarity” as I looked at the various displays

“Oh, please darling call me Rarity” she said as she was fitting Twilight with an outfit”

“Let’s see no….to green…to poofy…. not poofy enough…to frilly… Aha there it is, now you were telling me where you’re from” as she pulled on the corset cord

“I’ve been…sent from…Canterlot to-”

Suddenly Rarity Let go and she flew back

“Canterlot, the glamour, the sophistication…. oh I’ve always dreamed of living there, you and I are going to get along just fine” she looked down at Twilight's outfit

“EMERALD, what was I thinking, let me get you some rubies”

When she left Twilight decided to make a run for it

“Quick before she decides to dye my mane a new color”

So, we bolted down past the gate past to the open fields

“Wasn’t she pretty” Spike said all lovey dovey

“She seemed nice”

“Come on you two what’s next on the list”

Spike went over the list one more time

“Oh music, it’s the last one”

As we were walking, we could hear the sound of birds chirping a merry tune. We followed the tune to a tree by the road with a yellow Pegasus at the bottom directing the melody.

“Let me handle this one” Twilight said

As she approached the pegasus, she startled her, and the birds flew away.

“Oh, sorry I didn’t mean to scare your birds, I was just checking up on the music and it sounds wonderful”

The pegasus fluttered down to the ground not saying a word

“I’m Twilight Sparkle, What’s your name?”

“Um I’m Fluttershy” she said softly

“Sorry, what was that”

“um my name is Fluttershy” she said even softer

“didn’t quite catch that”

The pegasus was becoming super shy at Twilight. Suddenly the birds all came back to the tree.

“Oh, I see your birds are back, well everything seems to be in order so keep up the good work”

The Pegasus made some sort of cute squeak as Twilight trotted back to me.

“Is it me or did she seem scared of you”

“Not sure”

Just then the Pegasus jumped and pushed Twilight out of the way

“OH, MY I’ve never seen a creature like you before” she said as she fluttered around examining me”

“Oh, I’m from the gate, it’s nice to meet you miss-”

“Oh, I’m Fluttershy, its very nice to meet you, do others live on the other side of the gate?”

“why yes”

“wow I can’t imagine how many

I had to think about that for a moment

“About 7 billion”

“oh my that’s a lot of um…what are you called exactly?”

“Well, we refer to ourselves as humans”

“Oh, I see”

She then noticed Spike walk up behind me trying to help Twilight up off the ground

“A Dragon” she said as she got closer “I’ve never encountered a dragon before let alone a baby one, he’s so cute”

“Well, well, well, well” spike said

“Oh, he talks I had no idea that dragons could talk”

Twilight then interrupted the conversation

“They sure do now we must be going” as she levitated Spike onto her back

“Oh, what’s your name?”

“I’m Spike”

“Hi Spike, I’m Fluttershy so what do dragons talk about”

“Well, what would you like to know”


So, as we headed to the library Spike regaled Fluttershy with his entire life story. It was at this moment, while he was talking, I thought a lot about this world, the way these ponies live is very interesting and that I was glad to be a part of it even though I’m a different species but seeing these ponies live their lives without a care in the world was inspiring and honestly it was something that I wanted in my life, but I suppose doing researching on them was still cool.

We headed back into town and soon came upon and oak tree that had been converted into a library and housing. The sign next to the door read:

Golden Oak Library

“And that’s my life’s story, well except for today, wanna hear about today”

“Absolutely” Fluttershy said

Twilight stopped in front of the door and interrupted her again

“Well how did we get here so fast, it’s was nice meeting you, but my dragon needs to sleep”

“No, I don’t-”

Spike was then tossed off of Twilights back and landed on the ground

“Ah he’s so tired, he’s all wobbly now”

“Oh, you poor thing let’s get you to bed” Fluttershy said as she carried Spike into the House

Twilight rushed in and pushed Fluttershy out

“Thank you, Good night” and the slammed the door in her face

“Huh not sure what that was about” I said as I entered the library

It was pitch black inside when I closed the door; I rubbed the walls trying to find the light switch.

“Well, that was rude” Spike said

“Sorry Spike but we only have a few hours until Nightmare moon returns, and we have to find a way to stop her before it’s too late, now where’s the light”

I rubbed the walls until I found what felt like a switch

“Found it” I said as I turned the lights on the whole room was filled with ponies and they all yelled


Not gonna lie I nearly jumped out of my skin; I was not expecting a surprise party in a library of all places. Soon that pink pony from before jumped in

“Surprise, Hi I’m Pinkie Pie and I threw this party just for you guys, well were you surprised, were you, were you, were you” she said engertically

“Uh yeah I guess” I said

“huh I thought Libraries were supposed to be quite”

“Well, that’s crazy what kind of party would it be if it was quiet, I mean BO-ring Ya see, I saw you when you first got here, remember? You were all "hello" and I was all-” pinkie made a loud gasping noise

Twilight then headed over to the refreshment table while pinkie talked

“Remember? Ya see I've never saw you before and if I've never saw you before that means you're new, because I know everypony, and I mean everypony in Ponyville, and since you're new, that meant you haven't met anyone yet, and if you haven't met anyone yet, you must not have any friends, and if you don't have any friends then you must be lonely, and that made me so sad, that’s when I got an idea, and that's why I went-” pinkie let out another gasp

Twilight poured herself a drink as pinkie continued

“I must throw a great big ginormous super-duper spectacular welcome party and invite everyone in Ponyville, see, and now you have lots and lots of friends” when she was done Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity and Fluttershy came and stood by pinkie

“Jesus Christ, I think this pony had too much sugar this morning she talks fast” I thought to myself

Twilights face went red hot as smoke came out of her ears, literally. She opened her mouth and shot out flames and ran up the stairs

“She’s crying, ah she must be so happy to have friends now”

I picked up the brown bottle that she used and the label said: hot sauce

“Well, that explains the flames” pinkie reached over and poured the contents of the bottle onto a nearby cupcake and then tossed it in her mouth

“What, its good”

“So, Ambassador how are you enjoying Ponyville so far?” Applejack said

“It’s been pretty good, everyone…er everypony has been really nice”

“Well Darling you are new to this world; we most assuredly want to make a good first impression”

“Now let’s get this party started” Pinkie yelled hopping around

“Who wants to try and limbo?” she said setting up the stick

“Ambassador show us what you got”

I was a little hesitant, but I decided to give it a try. I took my jacket off along with my holster and set it off to the side. I walked up to the stick as music played. I slowly bent my legs and my back and slid slowly under the stick. I passed under and they all cheered, the stick was lowered, and pinkie was up next. She got up on her hind legs and slid under the stick bending her back which I didn’t think was possible even for a horse. The stick lowered and I tried my best to bend backwards under it, but I ended up knocking the stick over. I rubbed my back a little bit when Fluttershy came over

“You’re not hurt are you”

“No, I can’t bend my back like she can”

“Well Pinkie has always been a little different from other ponies”

“Different how?” I asked

“She tends to do things that we just can’t explain”

“Oh okay”

“Alright up next is pin the tail on the pony, Ambassador your up”

Oh boy another game. She put the ponytail in my hand and put a blindfold around my eyes and spun me around wicked fast and stopped me. It felt like I just went through a super sonic cyclone.

“Alright its right in front of you”

I wobbled here and there trying to guestimate were the pony was, I got up to the wall and aimed for the right. I pinned the tail and then took off my blindfold and wouldn’t you know it I pinned it right on the spot.

“Whoo-hoo you got it”

Everypony cheered as other tried their luck at playing. I was having so much fun I didn’t realize how much time had flew by, I checked my phone, and it was getting close to midnight.

“Alright everypony lets head to town hall”

As they all left Twilight came down from upstairs looking a little tired yet agitated.

“Did you have a good nap” I said jokingly

“HAHAha, let’s just get to town hall please” saying as she passed me and out the door

We soon made it back to town hall again where the main area was filled with ponies talking amongst each other. I looked and saw mayor mare waving at me. I walked over to see what she needed

“There you are, now that your familiar with the town and everypony, i figured you liked to witness and also be apart of the Summer Sun Celebration”

“Sure, anything to make the ponies happy”

“Wonderful after I announce the Princess you can say a few words if you’d like”

I nodded and followed her to the stage as she trotted up to the microphone. I pulled out my camera and started filming once again

“(Ahem) Fillies and Genltecolts as Mayor of Ponyville it is with great honor to announce the beginning of the Summer Sun Celebration”

Everypony cheered as I clapped, I was really excited to be witnessing an historical moment but then something felt off, I could feel my gut clench for some reason, and I looked around trying to find out what could be wrong. I looked over and saw Twilight looking up at the moon. I looked up and the horse face was now gone.

“Very soon we shall witness Celestia use her magic to raise the sun on the longest day of the year, Now without further a due please welcome the one who gives us the sun and moon everyday, the ruler of Equestria, Princess Celestia”

When she called her name trumpets could be heard, a spotlight was beaming on the top balcony, and the curtain parted, but she wasn’t there. That’s when everypony started to get worried and so was I. Where could she have gone.

“Please remain calm, I’m sure there’s a reason for this”

“Ooh is she in the bathroom” Pinkie said

Rarity checked behind the curtain but nopony was there

“She’s gone”

“Wow she’s good”

Pinkie then shrieked as a blue mist formed on the balcony, the form then took the shape of a dark blue pony which I could assume was none other than Nightmare Moon

“Well, well well, isn’t this lovely, it’s so nice to see all of your sun loving faces after my imprisonment”

“Where’s Princess Celestia” Rainbow yelled

“What am I no longer royal to you, you do realize who I am”

“Ooh uh hokey smokes, queen meanie, pony of shadows that’s-” before Pinkie could say anything more Applejack stuffed a cupcake in her mouth to keep her quiet

“Why no love for you Princess, does my crown no longer mean anything too you after I was banished, do you not recall the legends or the signs”

“I did”

Everypony including me all turned to face Twilight

“You’re the mare in the moon, Nightmare Moon”

Everypony gasped

“Well at least somepony remembers me, then you know why I’m

“You’re here too-” Twilight bit her lip

“Now that Celestia is out of the way, the night shall last FOREVER”

Nightmare moon laughed as swirls of dark magic filled the room causing a windstorm. I stopped filming after she was done and watched as this evil pony was going to take over Equestria, I felt scared and honestly did not know what to do except pray for a miracle

To Be Continued….

Author's Note:

sorry this chapter took so long, I fell out of it for awhile and I really wanted to get it done