• Published 18th Mar 2021
  • 2,151 Views, 39 Comments

The Gate: A Strange New World - Ranger-Redstar

Mel finds himself in strange world full of magic and talking multicolor horses, and soon he must learn all he can about them and the world they live in

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Chapter one- It Appeared

I was riding my bike down to the now empty and desolate strip on Hampton Beach. I decided that a bike ride would help me get some fresh air and not sit at home playing the same video games I’ve played 100 times. I didn’t normally ride but today I thought I would get in some exercise. The day was Sunday, October 3rd, nothing major happening in my life, I just started my senior year in high school and I just wanted it to be done and over with. I tried not to think about school as I rode past the hotels and condos. I could feel the cool breeze pass through my hair as I rode past the walkways toward the sandy beach. The air smelt salty from the sea as I whizzed past a restaurant mixing with the smell of food it was weird but pleasant. It also made me hungry and I wished some of the food stands were open so I could grab some Blink's fried dough. Usually, everything on the beach closes around September after the Seafood Festival, with no fried dough until Memorial Day. I slowly made my way up the ramp leading to the Casino Ballroom which would be playing concerts and some shows but nothing I would want to attend. The only thing I would like to do is play some games at Fun-O-Rama. So, after passing some of the more casual restaurants and bars I came to the edge of the strip. I turned and looked out towards the beach and listened to the sound of the waves splashing against the sand. I thought about my life and my future, like what was I gonna do for the rest of my life when I got out of high school, was I ever gonna leave my parent's basement and find a place of my own? I hated thinking about it sometimes, so I just kept on riding. The strip itself was like a small island that you would drive around to find a good parking spot. Most people either rent or live down in some beach houses behind the strip and there are a lot of parking spots. I kept on riding down the sidewalk and I thought to myself

“Man, I wish something would change, my life is boring as hell”

As I was riding down past some houses, I was coming up to the massive parking lot behind the Casino Ballroom. This is also where the performers would park their tour buses and trucks for all their musical equipment. Something caught my eye and I stopped to focus my sight on it. It looked like a section of the parking lot was moving, like clear water moving in thin air. It was bizarre and I decided to get a closer look. As I drew close it looked like an object or rather a large object was trying to form itself into existence. It looked like a house with a triangular roof, the whole structure was see-through, like glass. As I continued to watch the structure slowly became opaque like a stone until the whole thing was visible. At first, I thought I was dreaming, I whipped my head and closed my eyes, but when I opened them back up the object was still there. I pinched myself a couple of times just to make sure. The opening of the structure was pitch black inside, I looked, and it was just high enough to fit a decent-sized vehicle through. I slowly walked up to it with my bike and gently touched it, it was cold and it felt like stone. I looked behind it and saw the surface of a flat wall. I went back to the opening and wondered what the hell it could be.

“HELLOOOOOOoooooooo” I yelled into the abyss

No response, I looked up at the top where the corners of the roof angled and saw a circular stone disc, and carved into the stone was a winged unicorn. I thought it was interesting since I had never seen or heard of one. I looked around to see if there was anyone else in the area who might have seen what I was seeing, luckily, I saw no one. A thought occurred to me, maybe I should go through it and see what happens, but then another thought came, what if I die when I go through it as I stood there looking into the nothing at the entrance.

“Well, nothing ventured, nothing gained,” I said

I left my bike leaning on the side of the structure and I slowly began to walk into the black nothingness, I stopped when I realized I still had my iPhone with me, so I turned on the flashlight and continued. I walked very slowly still thinking that I might die but part of me was very curious. I kept walking for what seemed like hours, the humidity was strangely high as I walked deeper, and I started to sweat a little. I continued onward down this strange gateway when all of a sudden, a bright aura surrounded me blinding me momentarily. When I opened my eyes, I saw a light at the end of the tunnel. I kept walking thinking it must be the exit, as I got closer, I could make out some buildings stretching down on both sides of the gate, I could make out a sky and some clouds and what looked like beings, but not people. I slowly crept out of the dark and saw a sun in the sky. I looked and saw what looked like a horse or equine of some kind, but it had a light blue coat and a grey mane. It had a pair of horseshoes on its flank for some odd reason. It looked right at me and their eyes went wide with fear. It slowly started to back away maintaining eye contact and then it turned and screamed.

“AH Monster” as it trotted down the road

“Okay Rude,” I thought to myself

I stepped further out of the stone gate and looked to see what was behind it. I saw a pathway that led to some grassy hills. I looked off into the distance and saw a grand mountain and attached to the mountain was what looked like a castle. It reminded me of Minas Tirith from Lord of The Rings

“I wonder who lives there, maybe a king or queen perhaps,” I thought

As I continued to look past the castle, I could see flying dots coming closer to me, at first, I thought they were birds but as they drew near I could make out the shape of a pony, but with wings.

Several winged pegasi in armor flew down and surrounded me as they pointed their spears directly at me.

“Halt Intruder” one said “You are trespassing, and are hereby under arrest”

I was frozen in fear and honestly didn’t know what to do, part of me wanted to run but considering that they fly I couldn’t get two feet without being speared to death. Two pegasi grabbed my arms and one clamped a pair of iron shackles around my wrists. The shackles were cold and very durable, they were also attached to a chain that one pegasi was holding, as he began to walk, he pulled the chain making me follow him.

“What have I gotten myself into!?” I thought

Behind the gate was a grand golden or brass chariot that had a cage on the back of it. Attached to the chariot were two more armored pegasi. One pegasi poked my back ordering me to get into the cage. I did as I was told as they locked the door behind me. The two pegasi began flapping their wings and soon we began hovering into the air. It was amazing and soon we were flying towards the castle I saw a moment ago. I still didn’t say anything for fear of being yelled at or worse hit. I looked down and saw small houses, a river, trees, and what looked like a farm of some sort. The view and height started to make my mind go all woozy. I sat down in the cage and closed my eyes. I took a deep breath and counted to four, exhaled, and counted to four. I did this a few times until my head calmed down. Truth be told I’m scared of heights, but soon the castle came into view as we slowly floated down to a pair of large wooden double doors. The chariot landed softly as a Pegasus came up to the cage door and unlocked it.

“Follow me,” he said as he grabbed the chain and headed toward the doors

I followed close behind him and there were more pegasi with their spears pointed at my back. I wondered who ruled this caste, what that person was like, were they evil or nice, whatever the case may be I was their prisoner. The doors opened up and we walked into the castle. The walls were faded and pale purple with intricately carved columns that supported the roof. The floor was laden with a red carpet. It was soft to step on and I wondered who maintained all of the architecture. We kept walking past several stained-glass windows until we arrived at a set of white doors. The lead pegasus knocked on the door and another pegasus opened it and peeked out seeing him and me, then opened the door wider for us to enter. As we entered, I looked up and saw her, the princess. She was an alabaster white horse with wings and a horn, her mane was several colors that seemed to flow in the wind as if it were alive, she was just as tall as I am. She had a golden crown and necklace with golden shoes on her hooves. I wondered if she was the winged unicorn on the gate I saw when I entered it. She looked right at me expressionless but rather curious.

“Kneel before the Princess !” the lead pegasus said
I did as I was told and knelt on one knee in front of her. The Princess slowly approached still looking at me. One pegasus knelt before speaking

“Your Majesty, we have captured an intruder at the gate that appeared earlier this morning”

The Princess looked at me up and down humming to herself curiously

“What shall we do with it, Your Highness?”

She looked at him and back at me

“Leave him with me,” she said in a firm but gentle tone

The pegasi guards were shocked by her response

“It that wise your Highness, what if he were to attack you?”

“I believe I can handle one being, now leave us” She waved at the guards

“Of course, your majesty”

The guards soon left, and I was all alone with the princess, I stood back up and tried to say something.

“I….. did not mean to…. trespass your Highness” I was shaking like a leaf as sweat rolled down my head

She looked right at me with a smile on her face as if she knew who I was or I was like a long-lost friend

“Are you alright, they didn’t hurt you did they?” she said

“Uh well no not at all”

She looked down at my wrists and saw I was still shackled

“Oh my, let me take those off for you” Her horn glowed, then my shackles shimmered, and then in a flash they were gone.

“I do apologize about the introductions; stranger things have happened in the past; my guards were just being cautious”

I rubbed my wrists and said “It’s alright”

“What is your name good sir?” she asked

“You wanna know my name?”

“Of course, if we are to form friendly relations with one another we must be able to be formal, shouldn't we?” she chuckled

“Oh uh, yes, of course, I did not mean to be rude”

I cleared my throat a bit before speaking

“My name is Rommel Lago Panzo Jr”

“Hm, quite an interesting name, sounds royal”

“Oh no I’m just an ordinary being like everyone else”

“What is your name?” I asked

“I am Princess Celestia, ruler of all of Equestria, it’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance”

“Uh it’s a pleasure to make yours as well” I bowed my head slightly

“So, you rule over all the lands?”

“Well, most of the lands anyway, some are ruled by others”

“I see, but if you’re the princess, is there a king and queen?

Celestia hesitated with a slight frown for a moment before answering

“There is no king nor queen, for as long as I can remember we…I mean I have kept watch over Equestria for the last 1000 years”

I wondered why she hesitated but then realized she was that old

“Wait you’re 1000 years old!”

“Why yes, Alicorns do not age like normal ponies”

“Oh, well looking good”

Celestia chuckled at my comment

“Why don’t we go somewhere more appropriate, I am very interested about what lies beyond the gate?”

“Please after you your highness”

Celestia walked past me and used her horn to open the doors. She and I walked past her guards and down the hall. We soon came to another set of doors. Celestia used her horn to open the doors and inside was a shiny wooden oval-shaped table and inside was another pony. She was a white unicorn with a brown mane done up in a bun. She had huge stacks of blank paper and lots of ink at one end of the table. Celestia walked over to her and sat down.

“Please have a seat,” she said

I pulled out the small chair, it was made of carved wood and had a red cushion on the seat. As I sat down it was a little low or maybe I was just too high as my legs were a little uncomfortable. The white unicorn used her horn to grab a quill and a sheet of paper preparing to write down our conversation.

“Can I offer you a drink?” she asked

“Yes please”

As soon as I said that the door opened and another pony in a maid outfit came in with a cart that had a teapot and teacups on it. She used her horn to levitate a cup and saucer over to me as well as Celestia. She then levitated the teapot over to my cup and poured some tea into my cup and then Celestia’s. I wasn’t a huge fan of tea I don’t remember the last time I had it, drinking warm liquids was something I never really enjoyed but Celestia did offer and I didn’t want to be rude. I gently picked up the cup and took a sip. The warm feeling and taste were different, but it was good, nonetheless.

“Thank you, Your Highness,” I said as I put the cup on the saucer

“I’m Glad you like it; so shall we begin?”

“Of course, Your Majesty, I’ll try my best to answer anything you ask to the best of my abilities”

“Well first off, who rules the lands beyond?”

“Well like this place there are other nations that have their rulers, but on the immediate side of the gate is a group of states called the United States of America and we have a president that runs the country”

Celestia was intrigued by my answer

“So, it’s a democracy run land”

“Why yes, the free people of the country vote on who should run for office”

“Interesting, how many states exist in these United States?”

“About 50, 48 of them are connected while one exists far to the north past another country, and the other is of the west coast which consists of a small group of islands”

“Hm, so you live in one of these states?”

“Yes, I live in New Hampshire, which is located in the northeast section of the country which is also where the gate appeared”

“Hm, I wonder why it appeared there and not some other place?”

“Your guess is as good as mine your majesty”

“Now this President what does he do?”

“Well politics is not my strong point but as far as I know he makes big decisions when it comes to running our country. Whether it’s to send troops to fight or to help the people it’s all up to him”

“Does the President help the people that vote for him?”

“Sometimes he does sometimes he doesn’t”

“You seem to refer to the President as him, has there ever been a female President”

“Oddly enough there hasn’t been, there have been women who run for office but were never elected”

“Hm, does this President run the country by himself?”

“No, he has supporters who help make decisions, you see there is an executive branch of our Government that is in charge of making sure that the laws of the United States are obeyed. The President of the United States is the head of the executive branch. The President gets help from the Vice President, department heads, called Cabinet members, and heads of independent agencies”

“Interesting, and I take it that you work with the President as well?”

“Uh excuse me?” I was unsure how to answer

“Well, I assumed you were an ambassador sent by your president to start forming friendly relations with us”

“If I’m being honest Your Majesty, I am not an ambassador, I’m just a civilian who stumbled through the gate just to find out what was on the other side”

Celestia gave me an odd look but then smiled

“Ambassador or not you are indeed the first of your kind to make it through and make first contact, therefore I will consort all future peaceful negotiations and meetings with you”

“That’s a very serious undertaking, I’m not sure if I’m qualified, I’m only seventeen for Pete’s sake”

“Everything will be alright you have me to help you with whatever you need, and I hope that one day we will see each other as equals”

“I hope so too your highness”

Celestia and I continued for hours as her assistant jotted down everything, I spoke about, the country, what kind of people live there, agriculture, architecture, infrastructure, finances, and other stuff I was vaguely familiar with. I pulled out my phone just to check what time it was and Celestia perked up curious as ever

“What is that in your hand?” she pointed her hoof at me

“Oh, this is my phone, it allows us to talk to other people even if they're not in the same room”

“Really, how is that possible?” she asked

“Well, if I want to contact someone, I dial their number which sends a signal to a satellite in space, and the satellite sends it back down to the person, I mean the signal might not work since I crossed the gate”

“Wow, that’s fascinating what else can it do?”

“Well, it can tell you the time, it can also take pictures, it has a calendar, it’s got an alarm clock, it can play various games”

The more I explained Celestia's eyes grew wide with excitement

"Hold still for just a moment," I said as I quickly snapped a picture of Celestia

“How can it do all that if it's so small?”

“Years of science and engineering,” I said

“Hm sounds very complicated but I won’t ask any further”

“What other things exist in your world that you can tell me about?” she asked

“Well, we have automated carriages, flying machines, televisions, video games, to name a few

“Wow, your world sounds amazing! tell me about these auto carriages?"

"Well It's a vehicle that runs on an internal combustion engine which is run off of gasoline to make the car move"

"Wow, how do your flying machines work? do they flap like a bird or are they carried by balloon?"

"No, an airplane has two turbines on each wing that suck in air to take off and fly"

"Amazing the technology from your world is so fascinating"

“Yeah, it can be cool at times”

Celestia let out a small yawn and so did I

“Perhaps we can continue in the morning”

“That would be nice”

Celestia looked and saw a couple of piles of paper that her scribe wrote down.

“That’s a lot of information about your world but I can only guess that this is just the beginning, we’ll transcribe these into books so the others may learn about the gate and the world beyond”

"That’s nice of you”

“Thank you,” Celestia said as she stood up

“Come with me I would like to show you something”

We both got up and I followed Celestia out of the room and down the hall. We soon came upon a balcony overlooking the rest of the castle. Celestia stood proud as she looked over her land

“This here is Canterlot, home of the unicorns and the royal princess, we have many wondrous things, including a library, various shops and restaurants, venues for various get-togethers, a garden with a hedge maze, and my school for gifted unicorns”

“You run a school?”

“I watch over it more or less and make sure everything runs smoothly, in fact, I have an up in coming pupil who might find you just as interesting as I do”

“Well, I can’t wait to meet her”

“Perhaps you will, one second”

Celestia raised her horn and it started to glow very bright. I looked up and saw the sun slowly go down and the moon was raised high in its place. I could not believe what I had just witnessed

“How in the world did you do that?”

“I used my magic to lower the sun to make way for the night, Alicorn magic is very strong, stronger than most unicorns”

“You just moved a gigantic ball of gas away from the planet and put up the moon, that’s like god-tier power”

“Oh, I am not god, I am merely the watcher of this land and I make sure everything is right”

“Do you do this every night?”

“Every night for the past 1000 years”

“What happened before that?” I asked

Celestia turned sad for a moment before answering

“A long time ago, I had a younger sister named Luna, and it was her responsibility to raise the moon at night, but over time she became jealous at how much ponies liked me more than her, so one day she conjured the powers of darkness and became a wicked mare of night, Nightmare moon”

It was indeed a sad story and now I understand why she didn’t mention her before

“What happened to her?”

“Well I did not know how to save her at the time, instead I used the most magical powers I could, the Elements of Harmony, and banished her to the moon all those years ago,” she said as she looked up at the moon

I looked up too and saw the shape of a pony on the surface of the moon

“I am sorry for your loss Princess”

I could see the conflict in her eyes and it almost made me tear up

“Tis fine, I just hope someday I’ll be able to see her again”

Celestia wiped a small tear from her eye before speaking

“Now then, let me show you to your room,” she said

Celestia and I walked back down the hall until we came upon a single door. Celestia opened the door and inside was a bed, an armoire, a couch at the foot of the bed, and a small window.

“You can rest here if you would like”

I stepped in taking in the room, it smelled like lavender

“It’s nice, until tomorrow your majesty,” I said as I bowed my head

“Until tomorrow,” she said as she headed out of the room and closed the door

I stood there for a few minutes trying to grasp the reality that was happening right now, not only did I discover a strange new world I got to meet with royalty and have tea with her, not to mention I am now an ambassador and must attend peace summits and things like that. It was like the biggest change of my life and I did not expect it to happen right then and there. I wanted to cry but I was also happy and excited for once in my life. I then thought about my family, my friends, and of course, what was going on back beyond the gate. Had the military arrived and quarantined the area to further study the gate, would they send scientists or soldiers through to spark some war? I tried not to think about the latter, but it did make me wonder what I was going to say to them if I ever got back. I took my shoes off, sat on the bed, and looked at my phone again it was 7:16 pm. Usually, this is when I would go to bed to get up early to go to school, I then thought

“Hey, I don’t have to go to school anymore”

It was a small comfort, but I will miss it, somewhat. I took off my shirt and socks and got into bed. The bed was soft and gentle as well as the blanket and pillows. I rested my head and closed my eyes only to realize that I had a hard time falling asleep. My mind was racing 100 miles an hour, my anxiety was through the roof and I was also scared. What if she decides to keep me like some sort of weird entertaining slave or worse her pet? What if this place isn’t all sunshine and rainbows and deep down there’s something evil going on? I then thought about her sister and how she might come down from the moon and claim my soul or something.

It was a sad story, and I would have loved to have met her. I thought about her student and how she and I might get along. I thought about tomorrow like what’s gonna happen? I took a deep breath and counted to four, exhaled, and counted to four. I had to clear my head if I ever wanted to get some sleep. So, I rolled over and saw the blue night shine into the room. I closed my eyes thinking about these new beings that I had to make an impression on because I didn’t want to make America look bad. I thought about Celestia and how beautiful she was soon I drifted off into sleep with Celestia in my mind to keep me company.

Author's Note:

This is very exciting I've had this story in my head for a long time and now im finally uploading to here I hope you guys like, there is lots more to come