• Published 29th Dec 2014
  • 9,680 Views, 3,428 Comments

A Dangerous Sparkle - David Silver

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up in a whole new realm of danger and adventure, where the land is ruled by a much more pragmatic pony empire, ruled by a very mortal queen. A Ponyfinder crossover.

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97 - Absolve us of our Sins

Twilight, riding Celestus' body, walked alongside her friends down the hallway to the front of their inn. Drowsy perked up from her usual sleepy state to look at them all and frowned a moment thoughtfully, "You're missing one."

Spike quickly shook a claw, "Nah, she's out, room's clear. We might come back later, but the room's all clear for the next guest."

Drowsy seemed to accept this, "Thank you. I hope I see you again." Her head went back down to the counter, already looking asleep again. The group filed out onto the street and the morning sun.

Twilight savored the simple pleasure of feeling the warmth of the sun, but it was interrupted as she got an internal nudge. "I think I know where the temple is." She turned and moved towards a larger street, her friends trailing behind her.

Soft shook her head as she walked, "Probably for the best Long Road isn't here. I think he'd collapse having to think of you as that stallion, Twilight."

Twilight twitched her borrowed ear, "Huh? He doesn't... you know, look at me that way. That's why he's with Rarity."

Soft rolled her eyes, "You're adorably dense. Of course he likes you. He didn't hide that. But it was a choice, and he's not going to string you both along. I couldn't say how Equestria works, but only farm ponies and wild stallions even consider herding these days."

Twilight felt her new cheeks warming furiously as she stumbled mid-step, though quickly recovering, "I'm not sure how I'd feel about being in any kind of relationship with one of my best friends involved."

Rainbow made a face as she flew above, "Seriously? That's your worry? Any stallion I net is going to have to work full time just keeping up with me, they wouldn't have time to deal with any other mares."

Applejack gave a soft merry laugh, "Ah agree with Dash. Any stallion joining tha Apple tribe's gotta take on his share of making the farm work, and that doesn't leave time for juggling a bunch a mares. Shoot, that sounds like a job all of its own. Do ponies really do that?"

Spike looked a bit uncomfortable with where the conversation was headed. Soft noticed his stiff walk and patted him on the back, "Relax, Spike. Dragons don't do any of that, right?"

"Uh, I think so?" said Spike quite uncertainly. "One mare's hard enough to understand."

Soft ribbed him lightly, "Then it's settled. It's hard enough for just two people to get their act together. Toss in more and someone's going to trip over someone else eventually."

They passed into a neighborhood that appeared to be meant for religious pursuits. There were temples on either side of the narrowed road they followed. It was a bit quieter, though the songs and prayers of many could be heard, drifting from their temples. Twilight squirmed in her new form a little, drawing Applejack's attention.

"You OK Sugarcube?" she asked, looking sidelong at Twilight with concern. "You're looking fussier than a long-tailed cat in a room fulla rockin' chairs."

Twilight went full red in her face, "You're... I have to go."

"So go," said Rainbow Dash with a confused tone.

"But it's a stallion!" objected Twilight hotly, starting to trot in place from one hoof to another.

Applejack reasoned as she smiled comfortingly at Twilight, "Then ya best go take care of that. He's in there, aint he? Don't make him sit around all uncomfy like. Just don't think about it sa hard."

Twilight couldn't argue the logic, and trotted off quickly. The group waited for her to return, which she did about two minutes later, much less tense looking, but her blush had hardly decreased. When they resumed their journey, Rainbow Dash flew in close to Twilight, "So... How was it?"

Twilight froze in place a moment before she shook her head violently and she resumed walking forward, not answering the question, much to Dash's obvious disappointment. Rainbow rolled her eyes, "Spoil sport."

Spike crossed his arms as he walked, "Lay off her, Dash. This is already weird enough."

"Once in a life-time opportunity!" argued Dash, giving her wings an emphatic flap. "If I was a stallion for a day..."

Soft held up a hand, "I don't think anyone here wants to know what you'd do."

Rainbow stuck out her tongue before she flipped over in place, "It'd be awesome."

Applejack shook her head, "You're impossible, Dash. C'mere." Dash flew over to Applejack and a soft whispered exchange drifted between the two of them. Afterwards Rainbow Dash stopped talking about it, a blush of her own across her blue furred face, and a smug expression on Applejack's.

Further such conversation ground to a halt as they arrived at a library. Its presence seemed off compared to the temples all around it until they spied a statue of Princess Luminace perched above the door, seated with a book floating in front of her.

"Of course," said Twilight in her masculine voice, "Her temple would be a library. Perfectly logical." She trotted up to the door and took hold of it in her ghostly telekinesis, pulling it open with a violent swing. It banged against its wall loudly, causing a chorus of 'shhh' 'quiet' and disapproving glares from various ponies inside. Twilight wilted in place under the shared shaming. Suddenly she felt a powerful internal pressure and she struggled a moment, her grip on her new body waving a moment before she could restore her mental footing.

"You ok?" asked Dash as she landed.

Twilight nodded, "Yea, just got fuzzy for a moment. Let's go."

They proceeded into the library temple, and the doors gently closed themselves behind the party without a whisper of a noise. A goat approached them with a smile. "Welcome to the stacks of Princess Luminace. How can I help you today?" he asked in barely a whisper.

Twilight tilted her borrowed head at the goat, "I thought Princess Luminace was a pony god."

The goat shook his head, "She does not reject cloven followers. She is a wise and gentle god of knowledge, and it is my pleasure to serve her. What brings you before her today?"

Spike hiked a thumb at Twilight, "We're looking for a cleric powerful enough to bring a ghost back to life."

The goat frowned, looking Twilight over again, "He looks perfectly alive to me. I'm afraid I don't understand."

Dash nudged Twilight in her concealed cutie mark, "Time to come out of there."

Twilight hesitated, the body was so warm, and felt nice. With the most sullen of sighs she let go of that grip, and suddenly she was beside Celestus instead of inside of him. The goat jumped in surprise at her appearance as Celestus wobbled with recovering control.

With increased understanding, the goat nodded quickly, "Follow me, but bring no harm to others while you are here. Princess Luminace would not tolerate violence among her people." He spun around and began to trot away, leading them into the depths of the library, and up some stairs.

Twilight's eyes wandered over all the books they passed, "This is quite the collection. It would take years to read it all."

The goat perked an ear back, "Very few can claim without lie to have read them all."

"May I?" asked Twilight, "After, you know..."

"The standard donation," spoke the goat, "Is ten gold pieces per day. Multiplied by ten if you intend to bring scribing materials with you. The money goes towards upkeep of the library." He arrived at a door and knocked on it so quietly the group could barely hear it.

It was loud enough. The door soon opened and a wizened equine snout appeared. An elderly mare looked at the goat, then onwards to the ghostly Twilight and her entourage. Her eyes widened at the sight, but Celestus pushed forward, "Be at peace, director. The ghost is here at the summons of Luminace herself. She comes in peace and humbly."

Twilight quickly nodded at this, "I just want to be alive again."

The aged mare looked to the goat and waved him away, "Come in."

Soon the entire group was in the private room. It was scarcely large enough to fit them all. Applejack moved for the exit, "Ahm not gonna be helpful with this magic stuff. Ah'll wait outside." Rainbow wasn't as quick to flee, instead perching on a lower book shelf easily. With the two of them no longer taking up space at the ground level, there was room enough.

Twilight approached the desk that the old mare had set herself behind, "Can you help me? Luminace seemed like a nice pony when I met her. If she brought me here, it has to be for a good reason."

The mare and Celestus shared a surprised expression. Celestus asked first, "Do you mean literally, or figuratively?"

"Literally," replied Twilight, tilting her head.

The mare nodded, "You have attended one of her visitations then? To bask in her presence is an awe inspiring event. There was some complication with it this year, unfortunately." She raised a fuzzy brow at Twilight, "Now. How long have you been in this state?"

Twilight sighed out with soft echoing, "It feels like forever, but really just coming on a week?" She suddenly turned to Celestus, "Thank you, for allowing me to ride you here. It was very... educational."

Celestus shook his head, "You were in need, and you didn't do anything... too strange. Can you help her, Director?"

The mare held out a hoof and a book flew to it without any obvious magic on her part. She set it down on her desk and it flopped open to the page she wanted as she read over the exposed page quickly, "It will require a Resurrection spell, presuming you have a portion of her body?"

Twilight wilted, "Celestia wouldn't let anypony close to it."

Spike shook his head, "Sure, but now that we're here, with people that can help? We should ask her to send it." He dug out his writing supplies, "I'll send her a message in a flash."

Rainbow nodded from her high perch, "Not like she has any use for it." Her tone heavily implied she was baffled at the possible point of a corpse.

Soft made an agreeing sound as she moved to Spike's side. Together they wrote a quick letter.

Dear Princess Celestia,

We've found clerics that can restore Twilight to life, but we need her body for it. The whole thing would be great, but even a portion would suffice. It will be good to have Twilight back in a real body as soon as possible. We hope things are going well in Equestria!

Spike and Soft Mane

With a puff of controlled electricity, the letter was destroyed and sent on its way. The mare tilted her head lightly, "That is a unique variation of that spell. If you would consent to its study, we could count your pay towards her revival."

Spike looked to her, "Huh, what, the letter sending?"

She nodded, "Just the one. Can you send letters longer than two dozen words?"

Spike bobbed his head, "As long as I want. I've sent, and received, entire scrolls. It's a little uncomfortable when they're really big, but I can do it. I didn't know it was a spell though."

She smiled gently, "All magic can be a spell, when studied properly and codified. It would be be a marked improvement if we could properly codify your talent."

Spike opened his mouth to agree eagerly when Soft Mane's hand fell over it. "How much are you offering?" she asked.

The mare looked towards Twilight, then back at Spike and Soft, "What you request will require diamonds of non-negotiable value. One thousand to begin the study, and another four if we can produce a spell from it. A very fair sum."

Twilight shuffled in place, "I don't mean to be rude, but if you do succeed in making this spell, I imagine you'll make back five thousand very quickly at the standard going rate." She raised a spectral hoof, "Would you double that, please? You may study Spike, and if you discover the secret, we'll trade for my revival." She hesitated, "This won't hurt him, right? I don't want Spike hurt for any amount of coin."

Spike smiled brightly, "It's my choice, Twilight. I can take a little abuse if it gets you back."

The mare waved a hoof lightly, "It shouldn't come to that, sir dragon. We will just need to make exacting notes of you while you use this talent, both sending and receiving, then it will be up to our scholars to determine how to translate that into a practical spell, instead of a wild 'talent' as you have. I see no reason for any harm to befall you."

Celestus smiled, "Do they have a deal, director?"

She sighed softly, "Very well, but this presumes you retrieve a portion of her. The spell required if we have nothing is much more complex, and expensive.

Celestus bowed his head, "Then my task is complete, Luminace be praised. Be well, and ever seek knowledge." He turned and departed quietly. Only a few moment later, Applejack poked her head in, followed swiftly by the rest of her.

"So what's the deal?" she asked.

Spike looked ready to reply when he went to his knees with an expression of acute pain. His claws went to his belly as an odd rumbling emanated from within. The old mare was already writing a fury in a fresh book, watching Spike quite intently, as if she could see through him to whatever was bothering him, but it only translated to writing, not spoken words.

Spike wretched violently and shuddered as he suddenly expelled the perfectly preserved and cold body of Twilight onto the floor. Almost as an after-thought, Spike burped up a scroll on top of the corpse, looking comically neat and sealed atop the disheveled body. Spike sank against a bookshelf, looking drained.

"Freaky," said Rainbow, looking down at the ghost Twilight and the dead one.

Applejack nodded in agreement, "That's about tha right word fer it."

Author's Note:

Welcome to the library! Now be quiet...

Librarians are easily upset by typos, so let's try to weed as many of them out as possible. This will be on the test.

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