• Published 29th Dec 2014
  • 9,680 Views, 3,428 Comments

A Dangerous Sparkle - David Silver

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up in a whole new realm of danger and adventure, where the land is ruled by a much more pragmatic pony empire, ruled by a very mortal queen. A Ponyfinder crossover.

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33 - A Little Something New

With the group settled in for the journey, Twilight wandered with Spike towards the dining car. Once they got out of the bunk cars, activity picked up. They could see other travelers seated at tables. Most were ponies, with a lone griffon. A small finger suddenly poked the oblivious Twilight, "You're it!"

The voice sounded young and female. When Twilight snapped her head to look at it, she saw a human child with a big grin, but the child was already turning. As the child fled away from Twilight, the alicorn's eyes widened. The human had a tail! Glancing down a little further, she saw the human also had hooves, and strong pony legs covered with mint-green fur to go with. She looked aside at Spike, "Have you ever seen that before?" She pointed with a wing at the retreating demi-human.

Spike shook his head, "Nope. Huh, so that's what it looks like..."

"Why do you sound so blase? I Mean..." Twilight started to breathe heavily, "Humans, and ponies? How..."

Spike snorted at her, "This coming from misses 'falls in love with a human on the first day of knowing they exist'" he retorted with crossed arms. "You're in no place to judge."

Twilight's breathing didn't slow any with Spike's sharp reply, a blush joining her shocked expression for a moment before she lost it, and collapsed to the ground in a faint that would have done Rarity proud, had she been there to witness it.

The child returned carefully, looking down at the fallen Twilight, then up at Spike. "Did I hurt her?" she asked. She was wearing a bright blouse over her top and a skirt of more muted earth-tones over her bottom. Her brown hair was done up in buns, secured with butterfly pins.

Spike shook his head quickly, "Nah. She's just freaking out. She does that sometimes." He gently scooped up Twilight and moved her to an open table, parking her comfortably leaned against it with a soft patting, "What's your name, kid? I'm Spike."

She curtsied in place, pulling up her skirt as her pony legs bent outwards, "Nice to meet you, Mister Spike. I'm Soft Mane."

Spike looked up at her hair, or mane, again, noticing that was all bundled up as it was, "I can't see your soft mane, but nice to meet you too. You headed to Viljatown too?"

She bobbed her head quickly, "Uh huh. I'm going with my mom." She pointed to the second floor of the dining cart, where a grass green mare was watching Soft while trying not to be too obvious about it. She seemed to be enjoying a mug of something.

Spike flashed a smile, "You ever been there before? It's my first time."

She nodded again before doing a twirl, "We go once a year. Where are you from, Mister Spike?"

He hiked a thumb at himself, "Me? Uh, that's a little complicated. It's kind of a far way away, but not really? Uh..."

She giggled at the expression Spike had and reached out to grab one of his claws, "It's ok. You're here now. I can show you all the fun places in the city."

Spike brightened, but then glanced up at the green mare, "That would be great, but would your mom be OK with you walking around with a strange, if cool, dragon?"

She stuck out her little tongue at Spike, "Let me take care of her! Oh, your friend is waking up." She pointed at Twilight, who was just raising her head from the table she was propped against. Twilight looked around in a daze before she settled on Spike and Soft Mane and winced lightly. Soft Mane huffed, "Lots of ponies do that," she whispered to Spike.

Spike gave a soft 'pfft', "They're just not good at dealing with new things. You should have seen it back home when they were dealing with a zebra wandering into town for the first time. I wouldn't worry about it, just keep being nice and they'll come around."

Twilight approached the two, "You two are becoming quick friends?" Her posturing showed a cautious curiosity as she looked over Soft Mane, taking in every detail. Spike had little doubt that she'd soon be taking notes if given a chance.

Soft Mane nodded at her, "Mister Spike is a nice dragon. Nice to meet you again. I'm Soft Mane, and you're still it." She edged away from Twilight a little to avoid any surprise tags.

Spike softly snickered at her antics before he looked up again at the still monitoring mother, "Say, uh, you don't have to answer, but if she's your mom, who's your dad?"

She scuffed a foot on the carpeting softly, "He was hurt..."

Twilight raised a brow, "Are you going to visit him?"

She withdrew into herself a little, "Too hurt for that..."

Spike opened his mouth to speak, then snapped it shut. With realization of what may have happened, he backed away from the topic, "Your mom looks nice. What's her name?"

Soft Mane brightened, "She's the best mom in all of Everglow! Even if she sometimes tries to stop my fun. Her name is Grass Patch, just like her fur. We live in Turves and grow green stuff, uh, moss I think. Peat moss!"

Twilight moved towards the stairs, Spike gave a sharp, "Twilight!"

"What? I just want to--"


"But I have to know!"

Spike deadpanned, "Does she have any reason to talk to you?"

Twilight started to glance around, ears sagging, "It's... but... for scientific notation?"

Spike crossed his arms, staring at Twilight, "Would you want some random mare to trot up to you mid-lunch and start asking personal questions?"

Twilight lowered her head a little, "I guess not..."

Thwip! Suddenly Soft Mane bopped Twilight on her nose, making her start back in surprise. "You leave momma alone. She doesn't want to answer anything about me." Tears had started in her eyes and she looked quite resolute.

Spike reached out, gently patting a shoulder, "Twilight's not going to bother anypony's mother, isn't that right, Twi?"

Twilight relented with a heavy sigh, "No. I'm going to sit back down at my own table and enjoy a daisy sandwich." She backed away in the direction she came and parked at the table, grumbling to herself.

Soft Mane seemed placated by this, turning her full attention back to Spike, "Sorry about that. I have to protect momma from mean people too much."

"Don't sweat it," said Spike, "That's just cause you're so awesome people get curious."

She blushed in her exposed, tanned, cheeks, "You mean that?"

"What, of course I do. Why wouldn't I?" asked Spike.

She started scuffing at the carpet, "The ponies I go to school with make up bad names for me and mom. I don't think they like me much."

Spike scowled a moment, "Well that's not fair. Don't worry, you'll get the last laugh. You have hands." He held up his own fingered claws for her, but she missed the cue. He tried pointing at the claw but she continued staring. He reached for her hand and bring it to position against his claw. "It's called a high five. People with fingers can do it."

She brightened, "Oh, it's like a hoofbump, for hands," she said, delighted.

"Hey, we can do hoofbumps too," noted Spike as he held out a claw clenched tight. She giggled as she brought her own eagerly, bumping it against his. "See, hands can do everything. I bet you're real good with your fingers."

She nodded quickly, "I was the first in my class to learn to write."

"I'm good at writing too," said Spike with a smile. "It's way easier than doing it in your mouth. You ever try drawing?" She shook her head. "Painting?" another shake. "I bet if you learned to work with your hands, you could make great things."

She stood still as if stunned for a moment before she reached down with a shaking hand and wrenched up her skirt, exposing her brand of destiny to Spike. It showed a pile of things. On the left side, they were rough hewn, on the right side, worked to perfection. "I understand it now!" she cried loudly, "My destiny... I'm going to be a builder!" She leaped at Spike, embracing him around the neck tightly and began to cry. He hoped it was with joy but it was hard to tell and he just hugged her back.

A new voice joined the conversation, "She always thought the mark meant she was half finished." Spike looked up to see the green mare from before now standing beside them. She had a kind smile on her snout, tinged as it was with a sadness. "You have given her a great gift today, young dragon. Are you an adventurer? You're dressed like one." When Spike nodded, she dipped her snout into one of her saddlebags and drew out a pair of green boots clearly designed for a flat footed person. "These belonged to my husband. He... wanted to make the world a better place." She set the boots down where Spike could reach them, though he was still being squeezed by Soft Mane. "Thank you."

Soft Mane released Spike with a teary smile. She gave him a final wave and rushed to her mother's extended fetlock, embracing Grass Patch before swinging around to be on her back. Soft Mane was small enough to be carried easily as the mare trotted away with her child, vanishing into the passenger cars.

Author's Note:

Soft Mane could come back for more hijinks, perhaps. This being Sunday, I'm a little pressed for time and apologize for that.

Haste makes waste, and typos, beware!

As a note, cutie marks/brands of destiny are something ponies are born with on Everglow, meaning one can misinterpret their meaning.

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