• Published 29th Dec 2014
  • 9,678 Views, 3,428 Comments

A Dangerous Sparkle - David Silver

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up in a whole new realm of danger and adventure, where the land is ruled by a much more pragmatic pony empire, ruled by a very mortal queen. A Ponyfinder crossover.

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19 - Risk vs Reward

Spike and Twilight stood before a well dressed human. They had not met him before that morning. Considering the town, it was not surprising to learn that the human had managed to become leader of this chapter of the Seekers. He nodded at them and began speaking, breaking the awkward silence.

"You didn't follow the orders," he said. Twilight opened her mouth and he held up a hand flat to her, "But you got the job done, with less collateral than we expected. The people you rescued practically swore your praises, and, indirectly, that of the Seekers as a whole. You did a good thing, both of you."

The two began to relax, but he continued right on, "But. Do you understand why we have the rules we do? We want to keep everyone safe, and that means everyone following the rules."

Twilight shuffled in place, hoofs shuffling on the floor, "Well, you see. I had Under Score look at Spike first. Things had changed."

The man raised a brow, "Did they? Do go on."

Twilight folded her ears back, "Spike was hurt, and walking with a bunch of pon... people, and they were hurt too. I went to help them."

He nodded slowly, "Entirely reasonable. In fact, I commend your swift action to protect your friend, but you made no move to inform the rest of the Seekers of this."

Twilight gave a nervous laugh as she looked away, flushed in her cheeks.

"And you," said the man, leveling a finger at Spike, "You were told to raze the camp and return. That was very specific. Instead you return days late by foot."

Spike found the ground fascinating as he mutters, "I couldn't just leave them there..."

He shook his head, "I suppose you couldn't. You're good people. As it turns, Under Score was kind enough to inform us. The client was quite pleased when the good Score showed him images of the devastated camp. He left the payment in our care and left with quite the smile on his face." He gestured at them, "Relax. You've been chastised enough, it's time for the better part?"

"Better?" asked Spike, looking up.

"Well," spoke the chapterhead, "You were assisted by another Seeker. Regulation says they have to share in the haul. But, from what I've been told of you two, you probably won't see that as much of a problem."

The two shook their head quickly as Twilight spoke, "Of course not."

"It's always nice to see Seekers who are friends," spoke the man as he moved behind his finely crafted desk and took a seat. "The client left a bonus when he saw you helping the slaves. Apparently he has some bad blood with the practice. I won't go into details out of respect, but it means there's plenty here to divide. I took the liberty of converting it to jewels, as it was too heavy to carry around without making a scene."

He drew out a bag and spilled out a small pile of glittering diamonds that shone in the light of the well-lit room, drawing the eyes of the two friends. Spike's mouth watered with the memory of the exquisite taste of diamonds, however rarely he got to sample one of the rarer gems, especially of such size and cut.

"I think," continued the chapterhead, "It's time you both took some time to get yourselves properly equipped for members of your level of training. Your mentors have been nothing but compliments regarding the speed of your learning. We want to give you work worthy of you, but you're both operating basically naked."

Spike scratched behind his head as he asked, "Where... and what do we get?"

The human directed at the ground, "Under Score's a start. He knows his way about artificing, but he gets called out on tasks on his own when he's not busy tutoring the next generation. Ask around, make friends. It's good that you're friendly with your mentors, but the Seekers are an extended family. It's time you got to know the rest of us. By the way, I'm Reginald Duvois, a pleasure."

They each said their name in turn and he offered a hand over the table. Spike easily took it and shook it, while Twilight had to rear up before she could offer her hoof to be shaken.

"See, that isn't so hard. We don't bite. I expect to hear you two getting around. You're off for the next week, make the most of it." He shooed them off.

Spike scooped the diamonds back into the bag and grabbed it up, and they were out in the hallway shortly after. Twilight peeked in the bag, gazing at the glittering mess, "How much is that all worth?" she asked quizzically. Spike had no idea, and shrugged cluelessly.

"Why don't we ask?" offered Spike.

Twilight looked nervous at the idea, "I mean, I trust Under, and Fast I guess, but come on Spike. We're just walking up to ponies and asking them how much money we have?"

Spike offered a finger as an idea came to him, "Maybe they have a bank! We could deposit it and they'd say how much we had."

Twilight nodded, "That's not a bad idea. Good job, number one assistant." She turned and began to trot away, Spike hot on her heels. Asking around the Seekers discovered that banking had never really become much of a standard practice in Everglow. As they finished asking around, Spike spotted a familiar feline and approached her.

"Hey Sasha," he said, raising the hand that wasn't clutching the bag of diamonds to wave at her.

The purrsian turned, wings half extended before she saw who addressed her, "Ah, young dragon, savior of slaves and burner of orcs, here with his caretaker, the purple hybrid that learns spells with all the intensity of Luminace herself."

Spike looked puzzled at the greeting, but Twilight was simply filled with questions she quickly put to words, "A pleasure to meet you, miss Sasha. My name is Twilight. Who is Luminace?"

The feline's face split in a grin, "Of course. You are planar walkers, unaware of the gods that watch over this domain," she said with her soft rolling purrs and smoldering gaze. "I imagine they are aware of you, even if you remain ignorant. What do they think of you? To answer your question, Princess Luminace is the patron of scholars, spellcasters, and friendship."

Twilight blinked in confusion as Spike blurted out, "She sounds a lot like you, Twi."

The purrsian released a laugh, musical and rich, "Allow me to guess, you are a princess as well? You see why I compare you to her, even if you are but a mortal. She was a mortal once as well, you know, a mortal princess of little holding."

Twilight shook her head vigorously, "Oh, well, I wasn't a princess before..." she trailed off. She wasn't immortal, so far as she knew. "I mean, I was born a common pony."

The feline speared a cheese slice on an extended claw and popped it into her mouth, "Good. You don't have the habits of a born princess, demanding everything be exactly as she says. Now, what do you wish of me, princess and dragon consort?"

Spike held up his bag, "We were looking for a place to trade these for equipment." Twilight opened her mouth to object, but the feline already had the bag in her hand as if Spike was never even holding it. She peeked inside and gave a soft whistle.

"They were not joking," she purred, "When they said you did well. For your second task, you were paid handsomely. I happen to be good at rings. I love how they shine. If you wish a ring to protect you, or hide you, mmm, I can help. They are very popular." She tossed the bag back at Spike, who caught it with a nervous expression until he had it under full control.

Twilight raised a hoof, "Since you've already had a look, just how much did we get? We're not used to the local exchange rates."

Spike pointed at the feline, "I don't see any rings."

Sasha brought her tail around, where two rings dangled half way down, snugly secured. "About twenty thousand coin worth, at a glance. It seemed rude to perform a full appraisal." She flashed her bright teeth, "Enough to easily get you both a ring of protection to start, with plenty left over."

Twilight's eyes widened, "That much? The first one was only a hundred each!"

Sasha made a soft noise, "A lone owlbear," she said, counting on a finger, "With no particular hurry. Without the hazard pay of sending a single Seeker on the job, vs an entire camp of orcs, done the same day in a hurry, to say nothing of the specific defeat of their leader." She got that grin that split her cleft lip, "Risk, versus reward."

"Well," said the lavender alicorn, "I think I need to read some books on what kind of magic items they have, but we may be back. Thank you!"

"Yeah, thanks," offered Spike in solidarity before he hurried to catch up with the already retreating Twilight. His movement was stopped by a soft paw gripping his arm and he was turned back to look at Sasha.

"If you get bored following in her shadow, let me know," she whispered, kissing his suddenly heated cheek before releasing him to stumble away.

Author's Note:

What's this, three chapters in one day? What is this, madness?! Consider it a make up for the 'scarce' word count yesterday. Now I sleep!

Hit me with typo reports and thoughts on the episode, or the purrsians might make off with either of them!

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