• Published 29th Dec 2014
  • 9,678 Views, 3,428 Comments

A Dangerous Sparkle - David Silver

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up in a whole new realm of danger and adventure, where the land is ruled by a much more pragmatic pony empire, ruled by a very mortal queen. A Ponyfinder crossover.

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39 - A New Hope

The room faded to inky blankness besides the well lit path to the pedestal. All attempts to peer beyond were fruitless, even for Spike's dragon eyes. They marched in single file up to the small pyramid like base to climb up to the platform where the book rested, already open.

Twilight's wings flared out, looking ready to surge forward at the book when Dawn's hoof came up. "Whatever it is," he cautioned, "It is a matter of the gods. I will put my eyes on it first, even if it is cursed."

Twilight snorted and rushed instead at Dawn, "That's not a good idea. Let us at least check it for curses before you bury your snout in one."

Dawn Event stopped his approach, turning to face the party. After a moment of silence he nodded, "You drew Luminace's attention, go on then, look at it."

Twilight fluttered her wings, feeling at once elated and sorry for her actions. She didn't approach the book, instead calling on the magic that should throw aside the mystery of it. Even with the specific view of the one item, the magic seemed blindingly bright, but she squinted through it, trying to determine it. "I... think it is harmless? I feel no curse on it, but I can't determine what it is supposed to do."

Spike shrugged, "Not cursed and harmless are not the same thing, Twi."

Soft Mane rocked on her feet, peering at the tome from afar, "It doesn't look bad."

The tome was innocuous looking, like any other tome in any other library. It was bound with vellum with light traces of gold and platinum that ran across it. The hint of a pattern could be seen peeking out on the cover, but most of the cover was hidden by the stand that held it up. The stand that the book rested on was a pair of wings perched at the top of the podium. They were delicately made, but constructed of stone, grey and lifeless.

While everyone considered the next step, Pinkie bounded up to the book with her usual brand of care. She landed in front of it and gave it a sniff. Her presence was apparently enough to upset something as the entire platform begin to shake ominously. Pinkie backpedaled back to the others just in time for a huge construct of iron to fall from the indeterminable heights above. Its body was polished to a lustrous sheen, but the large heart symbol done in ruby on its chest stood out. The creature stood up tall, pointing at the ponies with an accusing finger, "You have shown you know what love is, and felt its grasp, and even navigated the many perils of it, but are you willing to fight for it?"

Soft shrieked as she fled, only to encounter the entrance they had entered from was closed off and the path that led to where the door once was had vanished. She reached the bottom of the pyramid and panicked, looking for an exit that refused to be found.

"An iron golem," said Spike and Twilight almost at once. Spike gestured for Twilight to continue, "It's immune to most magic and can breathe poison." Their reading had paid off well, and both looked pleased with their knowledge, at least until the golem slammed a fist into the ground.

"You will fight for love, or be crushed by it," stated the golem in its grinding voice before it surged at the group.

Long Road met it half way, crashing into it with his sword desperately. The golem seemed more irritated than injured by the mild slash and brought its sword down with a terrifying blow as metal met flesh in a crushing display. Long Road staggered back, spitting blood even as he called to the forces of light to see him through it.

Twilight reached out and tapped Spike with a quick word, a field of force clinging close to his body. "Long Road needs you, Spike. He can't take too many hits like that."

Spike saluted and was off in a sudden thrust of flight. He unleashed his breath as he came in, managing a smile around it as the beast slowed down under the crackling attack. "Not so tough around a Sky dragon, huh! I'll show you who's boss," he taunted as he closed in.

Dawn Event quickly moved behind Long Road, laying a restoring hoof on him as he scowled at the towering guardian. The golem swung down at the donkey, slower but unstoppable as it sent him flying half way down the pyramid with a brutal attack. Long Road did not move from where he fell.

Spike roared with fury and began clawing and scraping at the metal beast, but nothing seemed to leave much more than a fine scratch where he landed his blows. "Is love too strong for you?" asked the metal beast, turning its attention to Spike, "Love conquers all."

Twilight's eyes had followed Long Road as he was smashed before she clenched her eyes rather than watch him land heavily. Energy sparked around her as she let out a muffled growl of her own. Her spellbook pulled itself free of her pouch and flipped pages wildly as an unfinished spell began to quickly write in the missing portions beside the furious alicorn.

Soft Mane was beside herself, doing little but screaming as she ran around. Chasing a cute boy she knew well enough, fighting whatever that was, that was far beyond her. Dawn pawed at the ground as he called out, "Luminace, fill my friends with the divine intent of your will. We are tools in your hoof, guide us to victory!" Energy washed out from him over Spike, Twilight, and himself as the purpose he called fueled them.

The golem suddenly reached out for Spike. Spike tried to swat the hand away, but the fine lines he made did little to discourage it as he found himself imprisoned in its grip. "Love will crush your spirit... and your bones," echoed the iron beast. With a flash, Twilight's book snapped shut and the Alicorn rose up, held by her own unleashed magic. With her horn glowing brightly, she spoke the arcane words, rending space beneath the golem in a sudden yawning pit. It barely took half a step before it fell into this new hole, Spike popping free as it collapsed into the pit. Its fall did not last long, falling thirty feet before it hit the spiked bottom and collapsed.

It was already climbing to its feet as Dawn Event hurried up as close to the hole as he dared to approach it slanted edges. "Very good work, Miss Sparkle," he complimented as he drew his mace free, "But it's not dead yet." Even as Spike washed it with lightning, the love golem climbed free of the hole slowly but inexorably. The screams of Soft Mane stopped, to the relief of the combatants. Though the hole was lined with sharp ridges and spikes, the golem crushed them and ignored them until it was standing atop the platform, ready to resume battle. Though it had clearly suffered some harm from falling, it was the first true blow on it of the fight, and it hardly seemed fazed.

"This isn't love," muttered Twilight, taking half a step back.

The golem looked at her suddenly, "Love leaves you twisted and broken." The golem raised a hand high even as Twilight went into full retreat with wide eyes. Spike zipped into the golem's face with an angry shout, trying to distract it only to get a face full of dense green smoke. Spike staggered back, drifting away as he coughed and gagged on the poisonous fumes. "Love will twist your belly and bring tears to your eyes."

Dawn looked around as his fellows were brought low, unsure how to fight this, "Maybe if they were all here," he muttered, "We might have a chance."

The golem kicked the despondent Dawn, drawing a ragged cry of pain before he crashed back to the pyramid and rolled to a stop. The golem was on him in an instant in a haymaker, bringing down both metal fists, "Love will rob you of breath," it hissed, pulverizing Dawn's chest mercilessly.

Twilight spun around when no attack came, just in time to see it crushing Dawn. "No!" she shrieked, sending bolts of fire at it, only for it to to rush into the few injuries she had caused and close up. Her ears fell as she realized her critical error, "No..."

The golem rose to its full height and turned to put Twilight in its vision. "Surrender to Love's power and be crushed by it." Spike suddenly fell from the sky with a final choke, landing at the golem's feet with as much movement as the rest.

Twilight shook her head back and forth, "This isn't love! Love heals... love empowers. Love is... the what brings us together!" she said, almost spitting at the creature as it approached her slowly. "Love is the most powerful thing I know, because love..." The golem brought its fist down in a sharp crushing motion. "Cares," said Twilight before she was knocked down the stairs beside the trembling Soft Mane. Twilight was still conscious, if barely, staggering to her feet in failed attempts. "Love would never... do this."

The golem was upon her, having seemingly thrown off the slowing effects of Spike's breath. "Love cannot be denied," it said as he grabbed Twilight from the ground. "Love cannot be stopped."

Forced into a corner by its proximity, Soft Mane danced from one hoof to another. "Love isn't cruel," she said, taking the cue from Twilight. "Love brought me and Spike together, and he's wonderful! Love keeps Twilight and Spike together. Love brings us all together, like a warm fuzzy glue. It does not crush us to death."

The golem brought Twilight close to its mask, green vapours spilling out slowly in threat, "Why do you seek love?"

That was the first question it had asked like that. Twilight took a moment to realize before she perked an ear. "Everyone... deserves love. Love... shouldn't be... trapped here, in the dark."

"Who will stop love's abuse?" asked the golem, squeezing Twilight just hard enough for her to squeak in pain.

"Ah! We... all will... together. We will... use love... to heal love's hurts..." explained Twilight even as her vision swam with pain.

Twilight was suddenly on the ground, legs spread out, pain throbbing, but golem gone. A voice whispered in her ear, "Prove it. Heal love's hurt."

Twilight slowly got to her feet, every step like fire through her as broken bones shuffled in ways most unnatural. She staggered to Spike, closest, and half collapsed onto him. She gathered his cooling form against her own, sobbing and crying. She didn't know how to use love that way, but if they had to go, at least they would go together.

Author's Note:

Twilight gains a level mid-fight. Shame her archetype will deny her 4th level spells for another level yet, darn.

Iron golems are way OP for their level, poor guys.

As an act of desperation, the typos are rallying for a final showdown, don't let them get the upper hand!

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