• Published 29th Dec 2014
  • 9,648 Views, 3,428 Comments

A Dangerous Sparkle - David Silver

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up in a whole new realm of danger and adventure, where the land is ruled by a much more pragmatic pony empire, ruled by a very mortal queen. A Ponyfinder crossover.

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109 - A Song of Old Times

"Why are you following me?" asked Lex as he prowled through the train. He had been looking for an empty car where he could relax, but Sonata had trotted after him regardless of where he went.

"Because you're lonely," said Sonata with a smile. "You look like one of my sisters, so I thought I'd come cheer you up!"

Rounding on her, Lex was about to tell her just how much her "cheering up" was irritating him, when he paused at the sight of her. She hadn't even bothered to change out of her swimsuit, and Lex suddenly recalled the scene from less than an hour ago. "Who can blame a guy for finding this attractive?" she said, lightly shaking her bottom. "I don't need cheering up," muttered Lex petulantly, trying to fight down a blush at the memory, "and you have nothing I'm interested in."

Sonata shook her head, "Aw, don't say that, I have lots of things. We could talk. What do you like doing?" She pointed at him, "Tell me about you, I'm all ears."

He almost shot back that she didn't have any ears, at least not obviously, but even he knew that was childish. "I prefer to talk about my work. Nopony would find my life story interesting."

"Pretty sure I do," replied Sonata with a grin, "Go on. I'm listening."

Sighing, Lex looked around, finding a car that was empty but for the two of them. Settling into a seat, he watched her do the same. Again, the memory of her unabashed jiggling came to him, and he tried to keep his eyes from sliding down her body. He glanced out the window, suddenly feeling terribly self-conscious. "...I don't know. This was your idea. You start."

Sonata tapped her chin, "Well, OK. You see, I was born in Equestria, a long way long time ago." She made some dramatic motions with her hooves to emphasize the length of time, sitting on her haunches, "Me and my sisters, we weren't really sisters, would go around and sing at ponies and they'd do what we wanted. It was pretty sweet."

Lex frowned at her, "You were little more than a blight on ponykind then?"

Sonata shrugged softly, "Yeah, kinda... This pony with a big beard and stars and stuff on his robes sent us off to this icky world of humans!"

Lex's frown turned slightly incredulous, "Star-Swirl the Bearded?" How old was this mare?

Sonata bobbed her head, "That's the one! I knew it was on the tip of my tongue. So anyway, I'll skip some of the boring stuff. Me and my sisters ended up here and they were ragging on me, as usual, when Twilight's friends showed up. They were way nicer and I joined them instead. We've been having tons of fun!"

Lex shook his head then, "I heard you were sentenced for crimes against the state. How does that fit in?"

Sonata rolled her eyes, "Well I was kinda there when my sisters started trouble. I mean I totally said sorry! I even helped take them out, but, like, the Queen said I still had to do community service." She sagged a little, "Totally the worst, but," she perked up a little, "Then Twilight showed up, and I met you too." She pointed at him, "Your turn."

Lex sulked for a moment at her pronouncement. He stared at her for several moments, trying to divine her intent behind all of this. But doing so proved absolutely futile, with nothing about her giving away any clues that he was able to discern. "Fine," he sighed.

"I too was born a long time ago in Equestria. Just over a millenium, in fact." He paused, as though having to actually make an effort to retrieve such far-flung memories. "Even as a foal, I was different from the other ponies. While they were content with insipid games and meaningless trivia, I was far more interested in learning all I could about the world around me. I wanted nothing to do with them, nor they with me."

He turned his gaze towards the window again, but his eyes were fixed firmly on the past. Even after all this time, he could still remember quite clearly the frustration and bitterness he felt, not just at being excluded, but also at not knowing why. He knew that he'd done something to drive everypony away from him, but no matter how hard he'd tried, no matter what logs he'd kept or experiments he'd run, he'd never figured out what it was that had so consistently repelled everypony else.

"Eventually, I was admitted to Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. I had thought that at last I'd be among peers who shared my drive to learn, to understand why everything about Equestria was the way it was. You can imagine my disappointment when I found out the truth: that I'd simply traded one group of empty-headed foals for another. All of them were content simply to soak up whatever scraps of knowledge were thrown their way, without questioning or challenging or building upon anything they'd learned," he growled, his disdain fully apparent.

Those had been the worst days of his life. At least his parents had been there to soothe the harshness of his classmates' rejection when he'd gone to the local schoolhouse. At Celestia's School, he'd had to board, and the memory of being utterly alone, a pariah that was utterly despised by the students and teachers alike, regardless of his top marks, was something that he'd never forgotten.

"Eventually, I realized that I was better off teaching myself, and I withdrew from that so-called institution of 'higher learning' to chart my own course. I was right to do so," he smirked, "as without their institutional traditions holding me back, I was able to make many strides forward, not just in magical applications, but in many philosophical disciplines as well." Dropping out of school was a decision that he'd never regretted. Despite his parents' concerns, he'd never been more content than when he was shut away in his room or in the basement, writing down new theories and notes.

He paused for a long moment, savoring one of the less-unhappy times in his life, before glancing back at Sonata, wary of her reaction so far.

Sonata was listening intently, bobbing her head until he stopped talking. "Way harsh. See, I knew we were alike. Other ponies coming down on us for no good reason." She advanced on him and raised a hoof in a friendly fashion, "It's cool now! You taught yourself magic? That's kinda cool... I guess I did that too? I mean, nobody taught me my magic, it just, you know, comes to me? Watch this!"

She backed away and waited for the next pony to come along. She stepped in front of the mare, "When you open the door to the next car, you'll remember you have to go to the bathroom, like, totally really bad." She then scooted out of the way.

The mare blinked softly in confusion, then proceeded to the next car. When she slid her hoof into the slot to open the door, she paused. She looked around quickly, then dashed off in an awkward prance back to her room.

"How droll," Lex smirked, for once it lacked its usual cutting edge. Her magic was petty, befitting somepony that seemed so empty-headed, but still... her sympathetic demeanor was a not-unpleasant change of pace, presuming she was genuine.

Waiting for her to settle back down, he surprised himself by continuing. "Eventually, I reached the limits of what resources I had, and I set out to find additional materials to further my research..." he trailed off with a frown. This was the part where he'd need to be careful what he said. Revealing that the new magic he'd pioneered was still unfinished, still deeply flawed wouldn't do. Not unless he was completely and utterly sure he could trust Sonata...and he'd never once met a pony, or any other being, that warranted that level of regard.

Skipping over that point, he instead jumped ahead. "Eventually, I went to the Crystal Empire, hoping to study their Crystal Heart. But by the time I got there, that lunatic named Sombra had taken over. By the time I'd realized what was going on, Celestia and Luna had shown up. I admit, I expected them to make short work of him. What I didn't expect was that they'd bungle the job so bad that the entirety of the Empire would be sealed away with him, along with everypony inside it." His eyes narrowed, again glaring at his memories. "Along with me."

A long moment passed before he continued. "When I came to, things were chaotic and uncertain. In hindsight, what I witnessed were bits and pieces of the events that led to Sombra's final defeat, but I didn't know what was happening at the time; venturing outward to gather the facts on my own seemed unwise."

He paused again, but this time his tension was visible. He looked back at Sonata, his gaze wrathful, but it wasn't directed at her. "Can you imagine? Can you imagine finding out that I'd been cast a thousand years into the future? A thousand years... and Equestria had not changed at all." His teeth ground, and he stood up, pacing the empty car in agitation.

"Nothing. Nothing! Nothing had changed! No new advances in any field! No new sciences, or magic, or anything! The future was just an extended version of the present, with the barest of details changed. That was when I knew..." he trailed off, lost in his own thoughts.

Sonata nodded her head firmly, "I can totally imagine that! I mean, that's kinda what happened. I haven't been to Equestria in, since, forever!" She glanced left and right, "So why don't we find out together? Once Twilight has that thingie working to get us home, we can go back to Equestria." She made a looping motion of her hoof, "I bet we could make a real splash. Think of the fun we could have! No Sombras or mean sisters or banishments. Just two ponies living the life."

Author's Note:

Two chapters in one day? I felt the last chapter really needed a rapid resolution as it rubbed many the wrong way, so here it is! And then more stuff too!

Haste makes waste, and typos.

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