• Published 29th Dec 2014
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A Dangerous Sparkle - David Silver

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up in a whole new realm of danger and adventure, where the land is ruled by a much more pragmatic pony empire, ruled by a very mortal queen. A Ponyfinder crossover.

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76 - Meanwhile

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" asked Spike as they flew through the air away from the castle. Spike was holding Pinkie aloft while Rainbow Dash flapped alongside him. "I'm pretty sure Twilight's going to get angry."

Rainbow rolled her eyes with a snort, "She can be angry all she wants. We're going to get things done while they party. I can take on a bunch of angry clouds, what's a few rocks? We'll have Ponyville clear in no time."

Pinkie wriggled her hooves with a giggle, enjoying the scenery as it flew past below. "Don't worry, Spike, we're here to help Rainbow out. With the three of us, we'll be dandy."

Spike shook his head as he looked down at his passenger, "I don't get it. It's a party, don't you want to be there?"

"Yupper," said Pinkie, "But thinking about Sugarcube Corner having no Cakes in it? Even I can't party to that. Don't worry! I left them everything they need to have a good time. I'm an expert you know." She stuck out her tongue a little and focused her attention as they rapidly approached Ponyville. She thrust a hoof ahead, making poor Spike wobble, "Ahead, full speed!" Her magic washed over them, making their already fast approach hasten.

"Aw yea," complimented Rainbow, "When did you learn to do this? I didn't think I could get any faster! So what are we looking for? It's like a rock collection down there."

Below them, it was like some giant had come along and dropped piles of rocks everywhere through the town. They didn't appear to react to the flying ponies or the dragon, just laying there, looking harmless. Fortunately they knew better.

Spike nodded as he pulled into a slow circle around the town, "We're looking for the biggest pile in there. If it's this huge, the pile's gotta be... ginormous. Just remember it'll try to clobber you if you get close."

Pinkie Pie pointed, "Found it!" Where she indicated was Twilight's crystal castle, which appeared to be buried partially under a massive pile of boulders.

Rainbow stopped in place instantly and peered at it, "So we just have to bust that up? That doesn't look too bad. I bet Applejack could smash them with one good buck."

Spike looked doubtful, "Yea... I've fought these things, they're a lot harder than you think. Let me get its attention, then back me up." He pointed down, "There, a spot where there aren't other piles too close to it. We don't want to fight the whole town of these things at once."

Pinkie nodded quickly at Spike's plans. "Don't worry, guys, we can do this!" Her magic radiated out with her words, filling them with a sense of hope. Her usual subtle encouragements seem to have been made much more plain for her trip to Everglow. She was suddenly holding a trombone and began playing a piece clearly meant for battle on it.

Rainbow did a hoof-pump, "I'm feeling way psyched. Let's show that rock what it means to mess with Ponyville!" She zipped ahead, with Spike following behind. As they approached, the pile began to quiver, then rapidly assembled into a huge mound, the rocks fusing together to make a pony of earth that stood easily sixteen feet in height. A stone hoof raised to crush Rainbow but she zipped out of the way in a hard left, losing a few feathers but keeping her hide.

Spike dropped off Pinkie close to the ground before rushing at the stone pony. With a powerful exhale, he entered the battle with lightning washing out across the beast. Its roar was like an angry avalanche of grinding stone. Spike caught a flail of a kicking hoof, knocking him back with the solid blow, but he had suffered worse at the hands of Fast Shadow and quickly returned to the fray with stone rending sweeps of claws and teeth.

"Wicked," said Rainbow as she saw Spike going to town on the angry stone pony. She flew around its head, landing a quick punch and kick along the way. As Spike had promised, these were very tough rocks. Even with Pinkie's inspiring presence she was barely making marks on it with each impact of her hooves against the creature. "Aw come on, fall over already! We don't have all day."

Pinkie suddenly vanished from sight as Spike partially deflected the stone creature's attempts to crush the life from him. Dancing between the two incoming hooves, Spike moved with a blur of Pinkie-given speed, leaving fresh cracks in the stone as he hammered at it like any well trained smith would a bent sword. The earth creature staggered back when Spike ran into it with his head and tore a chunk of it free. Mmm, this one tasted like cherry. Best elemental ever. Spike felt a soft tapping on his shoulder, "Keep it up, Spike, you're doing great!" came the enthusiastic voice of Pinkie as some of the worst of the hurt faded away.

The stone horse faced the direction of Spike, no, behind Spike. With a sudden lunge, Pinkie's squeak was heard and her music stopped as something hit the ground with a thump just beside its pillar of a leg. Pinkie's conjured trombone appeared, rolling to a stop close by. "Pinkie!" shouted Rainbow as she landed on its head, flailing at it with her hooves, "You big dumb jerk! You hurt Pinkie!"

Spike was filled an equal fury, burrowing into the creature's chest mercilessly. It couldn't reach him very well as he began to vanish into its tough hide, so it turned its attentions to Rainbow, swatting her free of its head. She pulled up before hitting the ground and came back for a fresh attack. Though the blow had brought stars to her vision, all she could think about was Pinkie Pie, hurt somewhere below. She ducked and bobbed around its hooves to land her hits. She brought a buck to its face and its head suddenly popped free. "Huh?" The beast collapsed in front of her, with Spike left to float in the air from where he had apparently cut his way to its center. "Dude, Spike. That was way awesome! Where's Pinkie? Is she OK?"

"I'm fine!" came Pinkie's voice before she appeared, a bit roughed up but in one piece. "Note that being in the way of a rushing wall? Not fun!"

Spike looked around, "Uh, it didn't collapse..." It was true, there were still rock piles everywhere, and the buildings looked like they were half formed of rocks instead of the wood and thatch they had been.

Rainbow Dash crossed her arms, "Uncool. I thought you said we just had to smash the biggest rock pile."

A new voice spoke, "That was not the largest, though you are brave to fight it." Emerging from between rows of buildings was a dragon of glittering crystals. "You search for me."

Spike spun to face the larger dragon and swallowed nervously. "Uh, hi there."

Pinkie Pie joined in the greetings, waving a hoof at the large dragon, "Hey, uh, are you holding this here?"

"I am," it said, watching them while sitting on its haunches.

"Could you stop it?" asked Pinkie.

"I cannot. So long as I am in this realm, it remains tied to me," he replied.

Rainbow flew up to the dragon, "Well cut it out! This is our home, not yours."

"Be that as it may," spoke the dragon, "it is not my choice. I find your world unappealing."

"It's not so bad," said Pinkie, "But if you don't want to be here, why can't you go home?"

The dragon made an idle effort at swatting Rainbow out of his face, "Would that it were an option. Do you know a powerful wizard that can send me home? I will not resist them."

Spike tapped his chin, "Hey, so, can you leave this spot? I mean." He pointed up at Canterlot, visible in the distance, "If you can come with us to there, we can get you help."

"I will do this, fellow dragon. If you speak falsely, I will be most displeased." It spread its crystal wings, rainbows refracting wildly in the light, "Lead on."

Spike quickly gathered up Pinkie and was off back to Canterlot. Rainbow Dash flew at his side, "Why don't we just, you know, rough him up. He doesn't look as tough as those rock things."

Spike raised a brow at her, "Dash, come on. He's a dragon, and he's being friendly even. He just wants to go home, so let's help him, and then maybe it'll all close up like it's supposed to." He glanced behind himself to see the massive shape of the crystal dragon taking up the rear in an effortless flight. "Besides, I think he's a lot tougher than the stone dudes, just not as... rocky. Trust me on this. You think I'm cool, you haven't seen a grown up dragon."

"Besides!" exclaimed Pinkie, "Making friends is way better than fighting ponies. I bet he's a super nice dragon."

"I can hear you all," pointed out the dragon with a faint smirk on his reptilian face. "I see you are uneducated in the matter of elements, but I am not here to be your teacher today. I am Light Stone." He repeated the name in the language of dragons, though none of them understood it. "A pleasure to meet you, even if it is to be briefly."

They arrived in Canterlot shortly, sending ponies into a wild panic as a true dragon of immense size flew overhead. When the party landed before the castle, the guards raised their spears at the great beast even as they shook a little. "It's cool guys, he's with me," said Spike, hiking a thumb at himself. "Tell Celestia we need her."

One of the guards spoke, "She has to set the sun in a moment. We'll send her out after that." He then retreated into the castle, 'bravely' volunteering to tell her instead of remaining in the presence of Light Stone.

They waited there as the sun sank beneath the horizon and the moon came up to take its place. A minute later, Celestia appeared, walking out alongside the guard that had called for her. She looked up at the dragon with some surprise in her eyes, "I have not seen a dragon of your sort before. What brings you to Equestria?"

"I am Light Stone," said Light, "And I am told you can send me home, to Everglow."

Rainbow flew beside the princess, "If we can get him home, Ponyville should clear up."

The princess nods, "I can do this, but it will take a moment of preparation." She raised a wing to point to a clear spot in the garden, "Wait there."

Minutes later, Celestia had a book beside her with the needed magic, "Your timing is impeccable. I only learned the needed part of this earlier today."

"Truly," said Light, "The fates work in strange ways. I do not mean to be rude, but I hunger to be in my own nest again. My mate must be sick with worry, and he is clueless with the whelps."

Celestia gave a gentle smile, then began the spell. With a rush of golden energy and the soft hum of Everglow's harmony, Light began to fade away. As she faded away entirely, a soft rumble was felt under hooves. Rainbow Dash, already flying high in the air, shouted down, "Looks clear!" She zipped down to stand in front of the slightly winded Celestia, "That did it! Ponyville looks good as new."

Pinkie was nowhere to be seen, but Spike stood nearby, "One down, uh, how many more to go?"

Celestia replied, "There were four significant events and a dozen smaller ones."

With a sigh, Spike nodded, "Plenty more to go."

Pinkie nudged Spike softly, "I thought you said the dragon was a boy?"

Spike flushed lightly, "I, uh, thought so?"

Rainbow sniggered softly, "Better have Twilight go over the birds and the bees again."

Author's Note:

Some ponies just have no patience. No one told me not-elementals could join this party! What other horrors await our brave heroes?

At least Ponyville is liberated! Apples for everypony!

The blinding rainbow scales of that dragon may have caused typos, let me know.

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