• Published 29th Dec 2014
  • 9,648 Views, 3,428 Comments

A Dangerous Sparkle - David Silver

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up in a whole new realm of danger and adventure, where the land is ruled by a much more pragmatic pony empire, ruled by a very mortal queen. A Ponyfinder crossover.

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105 - Final Night

As they walked towards the arena, Spike tilted his head at Soft, "Why do you look so happy? Not that I mind."

Soft smiled and put her hands behind her back as she walked, "Well, yesterday I got to see another halfer like me, even if he was clobbering you guys."

Rainbow snorted, "He got in a lucky shot! How did he even clobber me like that? He wasn't hitting that hard!"

Soft shook her head, "Not important, but the other part is that I feel closer to Lashtada."

Spike blinked, "You got closer to Lashtada while watching us fight?"

Soft Mane shrugged softly, "Think of it more like the worry and love I have for both of you." She pulled Spike closer as they walked, squeezing him. She put out another hand for Rainbow, who wasn't as fast to join the group hug, but eventually came over.

Rainbow laughed nervously, "I don't do herds."

Soft huffed, "Not that kind of love." She released both of them to walk on their own as she resumed her approach of the arena, "You're a friend, Rainbow. I only need Spike for that kind of thing. So be sure to return him in one piece."

Rainbow rolled her eyes, "Yes ma'am."

They arrived shortly at the arena. The ogre wasn't there, instead there were two earth-bound ponies at either side of the stairs. They nodded at the group as they arrived, then waved them down the stairs. They proceeded without much more than a 'hey' and were soon emerging into the noise of the crowd.

The elf that had signed them up originally approached, "Tonight is a very special night. One of you, either your team or the challenger is going to take home the big pot. Are you excited?"

Rainbow thrust a hoof in the air, "Buck yeah!"

The elf nodded, "Good. The crowd is going to go crazy. The bets will be out of control, and that's good." He waved the group to a quieter corner, "Because the winnings partially depends on those bets."

Spike tilted his head, "I thought it was six-and-a-half thousand either way?"

The elf shrugs, "It will be that, at least. But if the crowd's big enough, and generous enough, it could go up. You've done a reasonable job not having short, boring, matches. That fella you dealt with yesterday loved knocking the lights right out of people, made the fights over too fast. That's why we didn't have a knockout provision when you were fighting him. Your challenger for today is the dwarf, Ironshield Backbreaker. He's wild and vicious. Against any but the hardest opponent, he just wades in with his axe flailing."

Rainbow nodded her head, "Let me guess. You're making sure we don't fall over the moment he starts going nuts?"

The elf pointed his quill at Rainbow, "Exactly so. You're the crowd favorite, but bets are stacked against you being able to weather the storm." He produced two small vials discretely from under his cloak, "Which is why we're offering these."

Spike blinked and leaned in to peer at the dark brown vials, "What're those?"

"A little... assurance." He unfastened them from his belt, "Drink, quickly."

Down the hatch they went as Soft Mane asked, "Isn't that, you know, cheating?"

The elf shrugged, "No rule saying you can't drink potions before a match. Good luck out there." He left them then, fading into the crowd.

Rainbow snorted, "Hope whatever that was doesn't make this fight too easy." They approached the ring, watching the lesser battles until they were called on. Rainbow and Spike entered the ring to loud cheers and riotous stomping from the pony population.

The announcer looked around, "Tonight... will be a night they write stories about." He waved a hoof towards Spike and Rainbow, "On this side, representing Everglow itself, the enchanting fighter all the stallions pine for and her exotic dragon guardian, together, back-to-back. Others have tried to stop them, but none have succeeded. Claw and hoof, brought together in a deadly one-two punch!" The stomping grew louder and the announcer gave a moment for build up before he waved his hoof towards the lone dwarf, who was sharpening his axe pointedly. "In the other corner, representing the deep underhalls, a master of the forge, be it pounding metal, or pounding flesh with metal. He is everything terrible there is to know about dwarves. He lurks in the dark places of your nightmares and he's ready to put a stop to the dynamic duo! Which will take home the prize? Which will prove they are the best the city has to offer?" He backed away, "Let's find out!"

The dwarf hefted his great axe and pointed it at Rainbow Dash, "I was listening the other night. Short, you said, midget, you said. I'm about to teach you why none of those things mean dwarf!" He rose the axe high as fury flowed through his veins and he threw himself forward. Every step sounded like an incoming stampede.

Spike glanced up at Rainbow, "You made a friend." Spike flew forward at an angle, letting the dwarf rush past him before unleashing lightning directly on the dwarf, who only charged right through it, not even singed.

Rainbow flew a few feet off the ground, hooved raised in battle-ready position. "You don't scare... me." Her hesitation grew as the incensed dwarf came rushing at her, ignoring Spike's breath as anything more than a spring breeze. That monster axe came with a deadly speed, and Rainbow punched it. Her hoof knocked the side of the axe, driving it off course with a bright spray of sparks. She lashed out a hindleg, kicking the dwarf in the nose, but it scarcely seemed to register with the maddened creature.

The dwarf reached up and grabbed the kicking leg and yanked downwards, driving Rainbow into the turf painfully. He raised the axe to chop into the fallen pegasus when Spike arrived, landing on his back with a feral hiss. Spike bit into the closest part of him he could reach, teeth denting his helmet as his claws dug into shoulders.

The dwarf wasn't impressed. He threw himself backwards, crushing Spike between himself and the ground. "Everything's an anvil to a dwarf," he said, bringing down the axe on Spike instead when he fell off, "And everything can be forged!" Spike roared in pain as the axe dug with an agony he was unaccustomed to. "Oh, like that do ya?"

Rainbow sprung up to her hooves to catch the back end of the axe's handle across her face, driving her back painfully. She dove in, sweeping with her legs and knocking the dwarf to the ground with the power of a falling sack of bricks. A forehoof lashed out, bashing the axe free of the dwarf's hand just in time for a leg to kick out, knocking the axe across the arena. "Not so tough without that, are ya?" An enthusiastic cheer rose up from a familiar voice. The satyr from the evening before was rooting on Rainbow and Spike in his indecipherable way.

Spike rolled over onto his belly and was quickly in the air. He flinched with each movement, "He did something, gah, it hurts!"

"Spike!" came the shout of Soft Mane from the sidelines, looking worried.

The dwarf laughed as he flexed his mighty hands. Claws sprung from his gauntlets. "Yer not the first to think me helpless without the axe." He grabbed at Rainbow, hauling her down with him to wrestle. His hands found her wings and began pulling, "Now we'll see how a pegasus is like a butterfly. Good for wing-plucking!"

Rainbow thrashed wildly as pain exploded through her precious wings. She swung her hooves into the face of the dwarf, trying to make him let go, but he just kept pulling and pulling. "Let... go... Not cool!"

The crowd was going berserk with excitement. This was the brutality they paid to see, and they were drinking it up.

Spike rushed for the downed couple and sank his teeth into an arm while driving his horns into the face of the senseless dwarf. His claws pulled hard, trying to separate one of those meaty hands from Rainbow. There was an awful tearing. The dwarf fell away from Rainbow suddenly, clutching a bloody trophy for the effort. Dash's screams echoed through the arena.

Spike's eyes narrowed as he shoved the Dwarf to the ground with newfound strength. He tore, bit, and gored at the strangely unresponsive form, tearing him apart until something bumped into his face. It was Rainbow's severed wing. He jerked back with surprise and revulsion, falling to the ground himself as he scrambled away from the thing. The dwarf wasn't moving.

The announcer stepped forward cautiously, approaching the dwarf. He nudged his body with a hoof lightly. "We have a winner! It's not every night that we see the raw fury of battle put on display for us. One warrior lies dead, another brutally crippled! Let's hear it for the survivors!"

The ground-pounding resumed in earnest, mixed with applause and excited whooping, but Spike heard none of that. He moved over to Dash and cradled her, "Dash, are you OK?"

Dash shook her head quickly, "OK! My wing! My... wing!" Her face was a mess of tears and pain, "Put it back! Get Soft, make her put it back! Spike!"

Soft was allowed to enter the ring and hurriedly approached. Her warm pink energy eased the pain quickly, but the wing was still halfway across the ring from Rainbow, dead and fallen.

Rainbow pawed at Soft with her hooves, "This isn't funny! Heal my wing! Buck the rest, just put my wing back on!"

Soft shook her head, "I... don't know how to do that..."

Rainbow rolled over onto her hooves and stood up, a manic gleam in her eyes, "Then we gotta find someone who can! I'm going!" Spike tackled her to the ground before she made it very far.

"Hold on. We should take our winnings."

"The buck does that matter?!" shrieked Rainbow, "My wing is on the floor! What am I without my wings?" She sank beneath Spike, sobbing into the dirt, "What am I?"

Soft glanced nervously at the two, then moved off to fetch their winnings for them. She returned with a bag laden with platinum coins. She opened Spike's backpack while he tried to console Rainbow and she dropped it in. "We should go. Rainbow needs to be somewhere other than a dirty arena floor."

Spike helped the inconsolable Rainbow to her hooves, and they began ascending the stairs away from the arena and its noise.

Author's Note:

Well, that escalated quickly.

They won. Yay.

The typos were betting against the duo, so at least they lost money.

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