• Published 29th Dec 2014
  • 9,678 Views, 3,428 Comments

A Dangerous Sparkle - David Silver

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up in a whole new realm of danger and adventure, where the land is ruled by a much more pragmatic pony empire, ruled by a very mortal queen. A Ponyfinder crossover.

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88 - Requiem for a Butterfly

Few of the Returners of the Dawn particularly wanted to be alone, save Long Road who moved to enter his own room. He was denied by a following Rarity. Spike had separated from the group and gone to perch at the top of the castle silently with a supportive but awkward Rainbow Dash to keep him company. This left Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Soft Mane together.

When they had settled down, Fluttershy sank into the softness of one of the Canterlot bed and buried her face in her fetlocks. Pinkie perked an ear and moved closer to the bed, following the faint noises until she found Fluttershy weeping almost silently. "Aw, c'mon Fluttershy, it isn't that bad!"

Fluttershy peeked out of her fortress of hooves at Pinkie Pie. "Yes it is," she said in a barely audible whisper.

Soft Mane tilted her head at the bed, "We'll bring Twilight back. It's a matter of when, not if. We won't let her down..." Her teeth clenched hard a moment before she sagged, "I already did that once."

Pinkie glanced between the two, "What do you mean, Soft?"

Soft sighed gently and rolled a hand, "I already told you my dad died, right?"

Pinkie started to nod, then shook her head, "Kinda? But OK." She slowed in her speech, unsure with how to proceed.

Soft leaned back against the wall she was along, "I was way too young to help him, and we didn't have enough money for it anyway, but... Twilight is friends with a queen, two queens! We can afford to help her, easy! We just need to get her to someone with the power."

Pinkie nodded, "Then we'll just have to do that!"

"It's my fault!" suddenly cried Fluttershy, burrowing down into the covers almost angrily before the sobbing resumed, "I could have saved her!"

Soft looked over at Flutter, "How do you figure that? Your backup is the only reason the rest of us even survived. You were amazing, Fluttershy."

Fluttershy threw up the blanket and slipped beneath it as it came down, "I felt her! I was so close to catching her I could feel her wings against my hooves! I wasn't fast enough, just a little bit more... Rainbow could have caught her. Rainbow would have caught her. I'm a useless pegasus that can barely fly when everything depends on it."

Pinkie frowned as she reared up on the bed, resting her forehooves on the edge, "Fluttershy, everypony did what they could. Everypony did their part. This isn't your fault."

Soft Mane crossed her arms, "What stopped you from getting to Twilight? I'm guessing you didn't smash into the ground since we found you on the roof being mauled."

Fluttershy's form quivered with terror at the mention of her experience with the demon, "That... horrible pony... She caught me with a rope before I could grab Twilight. She took me away from Twilight, and... she hurt me. She laughed and she hurt me. It still hurts any time I..." She trailed off as the sobbing resumed from beneath her soft tomb.

Pinkie Pie hauled herself up onto the bed and settled beside Fluttershy's distraught form. She wasn't sure what to say, so instead gently gathered her friend up, through the blanket, and held her.

For a single moment, there was nothing for Twilight. She passed through a tunnel so narrow only the fact that she had no true body allowed her to pass. Suddenly there was pain. Her life flashed across her vision in snatches and glimpses as she pressed against it, still determined to escape the goddess that had chased her. She could see the astral plane. She could see herself and Celestia, her mentor so full of pride and joy. She gained her wings and proved to everypony that she was truly the element of magic, nay, the princess, of magic, of friendship.

She saw the demon driving the blade into her barrel, twisting the magic steel and destroying her internal organs while mocking her gently. She could see herself falling, she could feel the impact of the ground, and she screamed.

Twilight burst through the tunnel, emerging into the throne room with a wail of torment that echoed powerfully through the castle. the guards that were nearby went wide eyed, some even making puddles as they ran away in stark terror. Twilight gritted her immaterial teeth as the pain grew worse. It was hard to think, but she fought against it, struggling as she hovered there, above...

She looked down and beheld the peaceful form of her dead body, almost smiling as it laid there in its intricate casket. With a shudder of revulsion, Twilight recoiled from the form to find herself several feet above the detestable sight.

"Oh Twilight..." came a new voice, a familiar voice. Twilight jerked her head around to find a familiar pink alicorn looking up at her with the saddest expression.

"Cadance..." The word came out as a low moaned whisper. Twilight surged forward, soon before her startled and frightened looking sister in law. "Cadance! Help me. It hurts..."

Cadance reached out, but her hoof fell through Twilight's immaterial form. The attempt seemed to only enrage Twilight, who growled in frustration, "Cadance! Help!" She swirled around Cadance with an increasing fury, "Do something!"

Cadance took a soft swallow and a breath before she spoke, "Sunshine, sunshine. Ladybugs awake!" Twilight stopped circling and paused before landing before Cadance. She repeated the words and followed along as Cadance sung the rest, "Clap your hooves and do a little shake." They ended it with their rumps pointed at one another and a gentle smile on Cadance's face. "It is you, Twilight. Please calm down. I'm here. I won't leave you."

Twilight felt a glimmer of joy, of hope, and bobbed her head quickly. "Thank you. Please make it stop hurting. It's hard to... think."

"You have broken things," came the voice of Celestia as she stepped into the room, wings spread wide. "Twilight Sparkle, this is... not the way."

Twilight recoiled back at the accusing tone and words, "I had to! There was this terrible pony, a god I think, and she wanted to take me away, from you, from Cadance, from everything!"

With a flash of magic from Celestia's horn, a mirror appeared. Twilight was mostly transparent from head to hooves, though her cutie mark stood out bold and solid looking. Twilight jerked back at the vision of herself, "What am I?"

Cadance put a hoof in front of Celestia's barrel, "Let's stay calm. Twilight, you did the unlikely, again." She smiled gently, "You were always my special little filly."

Twilight nodded, the praise seeming to soothe her a little, "I didn't want to leave you..."

Celestia set the mirror aside, "Twilight... I am overjoyed that you are here, but this is... not how I wanted it."

Twilight bobbed her head, "Give me a chance, Princess. We can do it, we can fix it! Just... can you make the pain stop?"

Celestia shook her head, "The pain you feel is what keeps you anchored to this world. It is the fury you built up to break free of the resting place and return... as you are. You're a ghost."

Cadance cuffed Celestia on the shoulder, "Auntie! Ghosts aren't real."

Twilight sank to her haunches, "No... that makes sense." She rose up and walked despite having no need to do so. She approached her dead body with a shiver, "Where did you put all of my things?"

Celestia gestured with her head, "Stored safely. You can't make use of them for now."

Twilight sighed, "That may be true... but my books! I need my spellbook, and the one Queen Iliana gave me." She stomped a hoof only for it to fall through the floor. The act baffled her a moment before she frowned, "Being a ghost is... strange."

Cadance approached Twilight's spirit form and leaned forward. Her horn shone with soft pink light as she bathed Twilight with love. Twilight began to relax immediately, sinking to lay on her belly beneath the magic, "It... stopped hurting. Please, keep it up." Cadance had little intention on stopping, but her energy soon ran out.

With a soft huff, Cadance frowned in thought, "Maybe you just need your friends? They all love you."

Celestia smiled gently, "Even in death, Twilight Sparkle, friendship will be your salvation."

A sudden coldness swept through the room. Reality was rent asunder as Soft Whisper stepped through, breathing with labored draws of breath.

Celestia frowned at the new presence, "Who are you?"

Soft Whisper drew her pick from her side, "I am Soft Whisper, native god. I mean no disrespect, but your dead has done a naughty thing." She locked eyes on the trembling Twilight, "I am here to bring her back and see she gets her proper rest."

Cadance quickly moved between Soft Whisper and Twilight with a scowl, "You can't hurt her anymore." Her wings spread wide as if an additional shield against the threat.

Celestia shook her head, "You are trembling, foreign god. I do not think you have the strength to do what you say."

Soft Whisper snorted loudly as she took a step forward, only to wobble and fall to a knee, "It is my duty. She is a good pony. She does not deserve this wretched existence."

Twilight peeked around Cadance and called out, "It was my choice. I will fix things. I will put it right."

Soft Whisper slowly gathered herself back up to a standing position as she nodded, "Your choice. It is at that." She thrust the pick back into its holder and raised a hoof to point at Twilight. A grey beam reached out from it, wrapping around Twilight's form instantly. "When you tire of this game, simply close your eyes and wish for the embrace of death, and it will be over instantly. I have time. It is all I have."

Twilight shuddered as the alien magic dug through her spectral form. The pain lessened noticeably as Soft Whisper explained what she had done. "It... doesn't hurt so much."

Soft Whisper nodded, "Your soul rejoices, because now... now it is truly your choice. Trouble not the living. Fulfill your destiny swiftly, and return to me, troublesome mare."

Cadance nodded her head and looked a little sheepish, "I... thank you. I'm sorry for snapping at you."

Soft Whisper shook her head, "My word rarely brings pleasure to the living." She turned away back to the slowly sealing rift in space and forced it wide enough to start walking back through it.

Celestia didn't stop her from leaving, but watched the space intently until the disturbance was entirely gone. She turned on Twilight with a sigh before her horn began to glow. She pulled Twilight's form over in her magic and embraced her in the golden light. "Troublesome mare, that about summarizes it, my talented little Twilight."

Twilight began to giggle, comforted in being held, and in the proud little note in Celestia's talking. "Everything's going to be OK. Actually, I think I need to make a stop by the archives. I'll try not to scare anypony on the way." She lifted up, then suddenly darted through a wall, gone.

Cadance moved up to nuzzle Celestia gently, "She'll make it work. She always does."

Celestia returned the affection, "I can't even start to describe how I feel. The thought of watching her fade away in that place.... It was too much."

Cadance knew what place Celestia meant, having been there once herself. "I thought... I was coming to pay my respects, and there she was, hovering over her dead body. She looked so lost and hurt."

Celestia gave a gentle smile, "And her favorite foalsitter knew exactly how to soothe her."

Author's Note:

Twilight is evolving! Someone hit B, quick! Damn it, too late.

The scribe was frightened by Twilight's scream and left all the papers in a jumble. We hope we put it back together correctly.

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