• Published 29th Dec 2014
  • 9,678 Views, 3,428 Comments

A Dangerous Sparkle - David Silver

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up in a whole new realm of danger and adventure, where the land is ruled by a much more pragmatic pony empire, ruled by a very mortal queen. A Ponyfinder crossover.

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102 - Second Night

Spike and Rainbow returned to their shared library, sore, but victorious. The prize for the first match wasn't the ten thousand they were hoping for. "Five hundred," said Dash with disgust, "We're worth more than that."

Spike held up a claw, "The average farmer wouldn't see that with a decade's work."

Rainbow gave a pfft, "I'll let AJ know. She'll be so proud." She jiggled the bag in front of Spike, flying over his head with the bag's drawstrings in her mouth, "What are we going to spend it on?"

Spike glanced up at Dash, "Right now? Nothing. My bed's calling to me. Why don't we save it until we either win the rest or get knocked out?"

Rainbow landed beside Spike and handed him the bag, "When we win, we'll get something amazing! Twilight said she could make things right?"

Spike rolled his eyes, "Good luck getting her to take a break from her reading marathon for that. I was almost afraid she'd attack me as a ghost from the way she reacted when they first offered a few days."

Rainbow snickered softly, "That was really good going, Spike. You looked that mare right in the eyes and said 'No, give me a week, and like it!' and she did. I didn't know you had it in you." She nudged him with a wing and smiled, a gesture he returned with warmth.

As they approached their inn, Spike asked, "So, how are you liking it, here in Everglow?"

Rainbow flared out her wings and gave them a few flaps, "Eh, it's a mixed bag? I miss the rush of hitting that top speed, but there's so many other things to do. The ponies around here just accept adventure as a part of life, which is both freaky and amazing. Did you see that ogre? Now don't go telling everypony, but I'm glad you were in that ring with me. I didn't want to face that thing alone."

"Do you miss being a weather pony?" asked Spike.

"Spike. Being a weather pony?" said Rainbow with a soft snort, "That's a job. My passion's speed, and excitement! I traded some of one for some of the other. So long as we get to go back when we get bored, I'm cool with this all so far. So what about you? You went from little baby dragon to huge badass machine of dragon awesomeness."

"I'm not huge..." said spike with a blush and building self-consciousness.

"Like hay you're not!" objected Rainbow, "You're taller than I am now! Everglow's been nice to you."

Spike raised a brow, "So nice it's tried to kill me several times so far."

They entered the inn and moved past Drowsy, who was napping at the front desk. They pushed open the door to find Soft Mane tucking Twilight into bed with some resistance on Twilight's part.

Twilight whined, "I still have more reading to do! I was right in the middle of copying that spell!"

Soft Mane gently patted her furry neck, "The spell will be there tomorrow. You're tired and you need some sleep." Her soft petting did seem to be calming Twilight, whose struggles became weaker by the moment. Soon her eyes settled closed and Twilight fell to proper slumber.

Soft turned away to spot Spike and Rainbow trying to sneak to their own beds. She put a hand on her hip and moved towards them, "Where are you two sneaking back from? What's with all the bruises? Spike, why are you limping?"

Spike looked like a deer in headlights, but Rainbow was quick to throw out her poor lie, "We were just roughhousing around, in the air. Spike crashed. Ya know?"

Soft shook her head with clear doubt as she stepped up to Spike. "Since you didn't lie to me yet, you get first treatment." Her hands shone with the pink light of her god as she started tending to the soreness in his leg, which faded to a faint stinging under the soft words of healing.

"My turn?" asked Rainbow, looking hopeful.

"All out," said Soft Mane. She drew out a small wooden set of hearts that looked much like the ones on the armor she wasn't currently wearing. She held it towards Rainbow.

"What?" asked Rainbow just before pink energy washed out from Soft Mane. It made her injuries tingle softly and the pain lessened slightly, "Aw yeah, that's the stuff. More please."

"No," said Soft bluntly, "Not until you tell me where you really were."

Rainbow's feathered bristled, "What?! C'mon! That's not fair. Friends don't keep friends in pain." She nudged Soft with a wing, "C'mon!"

Soft crossed her arms, "If you wake up Twilight, I'm definitely not doing it."

Rainbow screamed with her muzzle shut, a long muffled noise as she sank to the ground. Spike gently pat Soft on the shoulder, "I'll tell, so please heal Rainbow. She's had a rough enough day."

Soft smiled at Spike, "I knew I could trust in you, Spike." She held up her holy symbol and washed both in waves of the healing pink force. Her skill still wasn't enough to get all the aches away, but it was far better than without.

Rainbow rose back to her hooves, stretching her more compliant muscles, "That's better. Now, I'm hitting the hay." She trotted over to the bunk she shared with AJ, flying up to the top bunk and tucking herself in.

Spike rolled his eyes, "She means 'thank you.'" He smiled then at Soft, "Promise not to be mad?"

Soft raised a brow, "No."

Spike's expression fell, "Aw man. Fine. We went to a fighting event. We fought this huge ogre and won and they gave us five hundred coin."

Soft punched him in the chest. It wasn't very hard, but it startled him. "Spike! How could you go do something that dangerous and not bring me along to help? I'm not a helpless little girl."

Spike raised a finger, "You're at least two of those things." Soft narrowed her eyes at him and he quickly added, "And I love those things? Would... you like to come with us tomorrow night? We want to get the grand prize. Ten thousand gold bits!"

Soft let out a sigh, "Fine. I doubt I could convince Rainbow Dash to stop, and she's going to drag you with her. I may as well be there to make sure you don't get yourselves killed. Just don't expect me to fight with you." She crossed her arms, "Now let's get to bed."

The next day, with Twilight, Applejack, and Lex safely at the library, the other half of the party snuck off in the evening to get to the fighting ring. The ogre was still serving as door guard. On seeing Rainbow and Spike, he grunted and slapped his chest before waving them downwards. "Good fight," he said in his deep voice.

They moved past him as Rainbow extended a wing up towards him, "Yeah, good fight big guy. You were pretty awesome." The wing was met with a meaty fist and the ogre smiled.

As they descended the stairs Rainbow spoke to her friends, "It's important in competitive circles to be a good winner."

Spike raised a brow, "Who are you and what have you done with Rainbow Dash?"

Rainbow scrunched up her snout, "Hey! I can be a good winner!"

The elf looked them over and directed his quill at Soft Mane, "Is she fighting with you? We don't do trios. Besides, you're already at the second tier."

Soft Mane shook her head, "I'm here to heal them."

The elf gave a soft 'huh', "Well, alright, just no healing in the middle of the fight. One cure spell and they're both disqualified. You can administer first aid after they finished winning or losing."

They made their way to the ring. The rowdy crowd recognized Spike and Dash from the night before and instead of reluctantly getting out of the way, they were greeted with hearty back and shoulder slaps.

"Knock em dead!"

"You're going straight to the top."

"They're going to get creamed tonight."

"Give the bastard a black eye for me."

They soon arrived at the front of the crowd, watching as a robed pony did battle with a dwarf. Arcane might washed over the battlefield in controlled blasts of lightning and fire, but the dwarf took a much more direct approach with axe and frenzied battle cry. The lone wizard had to be rescued from the berserking dwarf when he went down. It was a short, but brutal, display.

Soft Mane winced at the conclusion of the fight, "Guys? Really? This is pretty awful."

Rainbow waved a wing at Soft Mane, "Just sit back and watch us kick some flank. That ten thousand's as good as ours!" She nudged Spike, "You coulda taken on that short human, right?"

"Dwarf," corrected Spike.

"Dwarf, midget, short. They all mean the same thing," scoffed Rainbow, "Doesn't change that he's not as awesome as we are."

Applejack stood with an expression of concentration intermixed with a child-like joy. Floating in front of her was a book Twilight had just finished reading, but it was not held in Twilight's magic. It was held in Applejack's magic. She made it float slowly to the left, then slowly to the right, barely holding in her giggles as she did so. "Look ma, no horn!" she said to no one in particular before she turned to face Twilight, the book slowly drifting back in front of herself, "Hey, Twi! How do ah make the book move faster? You're all fast when you do it, but mine moves like it's in jello or somethin'."

Twi looked up from her book and perked an ear, "The mage hand spell is just like that. That's as fast as it goes, and it doesn't lift much, but it's simple and doesn't drain the user." She smiled gently then, "Good job, Applejack. You're really getting the hang of this."

Applejack pranced in place, clip-clopping on the ground as pride swelled within her. She tried to open the book in the air, but it didn't budge. Frowning, she considered it a moment, then set the book down. She grabbed the cover with her thoughts specifically and lifted it up, making the book open. "Ah can only hold one thing at a time," she said in observation, flipping through the book slowly without touching it with mouth or hooves. "It's not as good as your horn, Twi, but it's not bad, and it's mine."

The delighted Applejack lifted the book up and set it back on its proper shelf before returning to Twilight's first spellbook, determined to add another spell to her arsenal. "This magic stuff ain't so hard once ya get yer mind around it." Just because she could, she only handled Twilight's spellbook with her magic. Each flip was a little victory that spurred her on.

Author's Note:

Soft Mane is not so easily fooled by the terrible duo, and Applejack learns another cantrip that makes her as giddy as the first. I feel proud for her.:ajsmug:

Pride can lead to laziness, which leads to typos! Do your part to keep the chapter typo free.

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