• Published 29th Dec 2014
  • 9,678 Views, 3,428 Comments

A Dangerous Sparkle - David Silver

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up in a whole new realm of danger and adventure, where the land is ruled by a much more pragmatic pony empire, ruled by a very mortal queen. A Ponyfinder crossover.

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66 - Court of Law

It was a wide and open room. Light streamed in from windows far above across those gathered below. There was a sizable crowd in the front, watching and murmuring curiously. Seated at the highest point in the room was Queen Iliana. Flanking her were two imperial guards. Across from her and to the left sat Twilight Sparkle, organizing her notes in a slightly frazzled manner. In front of, and below, the Queen stood a mare with a pin on her shirt that showed an even scales.

"Bailiff," spoke the Queen with a smooth patience, "Let us begin. Bring out the first of the accused."

The mare with the pin nodded at the Queen, "As you command. It is a pleasure to have you back, my Queen." She quickly strode from the room and returned with a still savaged Aria. The bailiff nudged her along up to the witness stand that sat directly left of Iliana in its own section. She was shackled on her hooves with a heavy chain linking them to her thick tail.

The Queen frowned on seeing her. "I am aware she stands faced with heavy crimes, but why is she still injured? Even she deserves to face justice with a clear mind and body. See to her wounds immediately."

The bailiff nodded as a stallion stepped forward with a symbol of the Sun Queen dangling from his neck. The stallion quickly approached the accused and began healing Aria with powerful prayers to their goddess. "It is as you wish," he said before backing away, leaving Aria whole of body, if still worried of mind.

Aria feigned her usual indifference, though it was a poor act, "Are you going to... chop my head off or something?"

The Queen seemed uncomfortable at the accusation, "Perhaps. That depends on how things go in this court. Accused, tell us your name."

Aria sighed, "Aria Blaze, for what it matters."

"Aria," spoke Queen Iliana, "Your guilt is plain, but your reasoning is not. Surely you did not think you could get away with that forever. Why? Why did you do it?"

Aria fidgeted in place, chain rattling as she considered. "We were asked to, by the grey mare. We didn't hurt anyone."

"Physically?" asked the Queen, "Or mentally? You denied my soldiers their free will. You assaulted those that tried to stop you quite physically. Do you understand the severity of your crimes?"

Aria sunk in place. There was nowhere to run to and she felt certain her magic would be countered. "Y-yes, your highness. Please! Just let me go, I won't bother your guards again." She began to rattle the chains again as she made a begging motion, "I'm sorry!"

The Queen shook her head slowly, "So you can predate on ponies not in my sight? Tell me what you would do, young monster, besides control others?"

Aria began outright whimpering as she caught sight of bared steel being sharpened ominously, "Anything! I'll be good, honest!"

Iliana gave a slow nod. "I do not like seeing blood spilled, and I think we may yet make something of you, but... Your gift. You cannot be trusted with it. Though it agonizes me to sentance such pain, it is better than to see my subjects suffer under your threat. Your throat will be cut and voice removed. Mute, you will be permitted to learn a more reputable life. Do you accept this?"

Aria shook her head wildly, "What?! No!" She raised her hooves as high as they could go, trying to guard her throat, "Anything but that!"

"Anything?" asked Iliana.



Aria sank a little, much of the fight leaving her.


"To where?" asked Aria.

"This is not your plane. I can send you back, if you wish it," spoke Queen Iliana in soothing tones.

Aria bobbed her head quickly, "To Equestria? That would be amazing! I'll never bother you again, I swear."

The Queen gave a slow nod, "Then it will be so. After your voice is removed. I cannot in any good conscious release you onto a world, any world."

Aria began to thrash wildly in dismay as the bailiff dragged her away. The sentence had been given. She was thrown down on a wood block, facing upwards. "I advise," said the mare. "You stay still. The surgeon's husband was controlled by you, and she won't lose any sleep if she slips and cuts more than your voice."

A new pony strode forward, a unicorn mare with some tools hovering beside her. Aria broke into sobbing as the tools were arranged carefully and slowly. The Queen gave a soft sigh, "She has suffered enough. Sleep now." She directed a hoof at Aria, sending her to unconsciousness. "Do your work well. We will remove this power, but no further butchering." The operation proceeded smoothly, leaving a stitched up and bandaged siren before the queen. "As I promised," said Iliana before speaking powerful words of arcane might. Aria vanished with a soft pop, banished in the truest sense of the word.

Twilight's ears perked forward at the magic, taking it in curiously and wondering at its uses on getting herself and her friends home.

"Bring in the next," bade the Queen. The bailiff saluted with a hoof before rushing out to bring back Spike. Spike was not bound as the others were, walking behind the bailiff and sitting where he was told to.

The Queen nodded at Spike. "It seems today's court is full of extraplanar travelers, though I am told you are more polite than the last to grace our court."

Spike nodded his head quickly at her, "Yes ma'am. My name is Spike."

Iliana smiled, "And I am Queen Iliana. A pleasure to meet you. I have been informed that you ambushed some of my soldiers."

Twilight's voice rang out, "Objection!"

Iliana looked at Twilight with confusion and a loud murmur rippled through the crowd. The Queen tilted her head faintly at Twilight, "We haven't used that method in almost a hundred years. I am surprised anyone remembers it. What do you object to?"

Twilight flushed a bright red as she gave an uncertain nod, "Spike was working in the best interest of the empire." She shuffled her notes quickly, "Under the law written by your majesty in the twentieth year of the founding of the empire, those who cause harm for the greater good should be shown leniency, especially if no blood or property is lost."

Queen Iliana nodded to this, "I recall my words. Spike did not kill or break anything, and did fight on behalf of the empire. He should be proud for this, but there are several ponies with bruised heads and egos that are quite put out by his actions."

Spike rang his claws nervously, "Uh, sorry. What are you going to do? I don't want to be banished too! Twilight needs me."

"I need you!" came a voice from the audience, where Soft Mane had sprung to her hooves.

"You have good friends," spoke the Queen. "The punishment is simple. The guards say that they lost due to surprise. They desire a rematch. You will honor this and give them a chance at their pride back. I feel that is sufficient in addition to the time you already served. Do you object?"

Spike shook his head quickly, "No ma'am. A fair fight... That should be OK."

With a last nod, "Then it will be so. Thank you for your service to the crown. I am informed you suffered terribly in the battle against the sirens. You are a credit to dragons across Everglow."

Free to go, Spike hurried across the court room with a bright blush. He sat besides Twilight, looking a bit stunned as he whispered, "Did you hear that?" He was clearly giddy from the praise, and could barely hold himself still.

"The next accused," ordered the Queen. "Bring her in."

The next was Adagio. Predicting their Queen's orders, she had been cured of her wounds before being brought to the Queen's presence.

The Queen leveled her gaze at Adagio, who returned the look defiantly. "Do you have anything to add that we haven't heard from your accomplice?"

"You did me a favor getting rid of that idiot," said Adagio. "Now the big girls can talk. With me at your side, your kingdom will be more secure than ever."

The Queen gave a soft nod of acknowledgement, "You volunteer to service? I am a very demanding mistress, but a fair one. Will you suffer for the benefit of your fellow pony?" She gestured out over the crowd of witnesses who began to murmur loudly at the turn of things.

"Volunteer is a strong word," said Adagio, "I'll work, and I expect to be paid for it. I'll leave your ponies alone and bring your enemies to their knees, smiling all the while."

Iliana nodded, "You are... amazing, in a horrific sense. The teachings of the Night Mare are clear on this. If you will submit to my rule and turn your terror onto my enemies, I will forgive this 'audition'. It is fortunate for you that no one was slain in this. You will serve me for thirty years. What you do for the remainder of your lifespan is up to you, but I do not wish to see you in that seat again."

Adagio quickly agreed, "You just watch and see." she said, crossing her hooves as soon as she was set free, "We're going to make history..."

Twilight gaped as Adagio was set free. Her muzzle must have been hanging open since Adagio popped it shut on the way past, chuckling darkly, "No hard feelings." The siren appeared to be getting more adapt at moving around with her fin legs, and was soon joining the witnesses.

The last of the accused was led in. Sonata was chained as the other sirens had been. Almost before the Queen could open her mouth, Sonata blurted, "I'll do it too! I'll work!"

"Objection!" shouted Twilight, ears lowering as she blushed just after saying it, "Uh, sorry, but, she shouldn't be treated the same. She helped us defeat the other sirens. Besides, she's no monster, as evidenced by the fact she doesn't have a fin for legs."

The Queen nodded, "In the future you may raise a hoof and the court will acknowledge you, Twilight Sparkle." Her voice sounded far more amused than annoyed at Twilight's enthusiastic interjections. Iliana looked Sonata over, "It is true, you do not have a fin. You are a pony, not a beast. Tell me, what turned you away from that path, and be honest. I will know."

Sonata glanced around with a heavy swallow before she nodded, "A-alright. At first, I was just scared. I thought we were going to lose and I ran to the winning side. It was... very different. They treated me like a real person. They never made fun of me, even when I said something a little dumb. One of them even likes... I want to be with them. They're friends, true friends. And they don't do... bad things. So I don't want to do bad things. I don't wanna be sent away. I don't know what I'll do alone!"

The Queen took this all in before gesturing at the witnesses, "You may call one to testify on your story."

Sonata squirmed as she looked over the crowd, then directed a hoof with the clinking of chains at Pinkie, "Her. Pinkie! Come up here Pinkie!"

Pinkie sprang to her hooves and bounded up into the courtroom in a flash. "Heyya honor!" she said at the Queen with a grin, "Nice to meetcha. My name's Pinkie Pie."

The Queen smiled easily, perhaps enjoying being addressed so informally, "Hello, Pinkie Pie. I am Iliana. You should call me Queen, but I will not hold it against you. Will you tell me of your friend, Sonata?"

Pinkie nodded quickly, "For sure! She was a little crabby when we first met, but she likes to have lots of fun. Even when we were fighting the other sirens she paired up with me and we sang like there was no tomorrow! She gets a big Pinkie Seal of Approval since she doesn't seem like a meanie pants anymore."

Iliana gestured at Sonata, "Do you think she would use her powers, if it were convenient?"

"If it were funny?" asked Pinkie. "A little laugh between friends is great."

The crowd raised in volume at Pinkie's words as she got confused. "What? Did I say something wrong?"

"You were very honest," spoke the Queen. "Is the realm you are from a hostile place, Sonata?"

Sonata shook her head, "Equestria's not that bad, from what I remember of it... It was a long time ago."

"Then I will send you there, intact. You can make a new life for yourself home." said the Queen, raising a hoof. She spoke the words of banishing as Pinkie jumped in the way with a defiant cry of 'Nooooooooooo'.

Author's Note:

Court-room hijinks aplenty!

Laws are long and complicated, the perfect hiding place for typos!

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