• Published 29th Dec 2014
  • 9,678 Views, 3,428 Comments

A Dangerous Sparkle - David Silver

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up in a whole new realm of danger and adventure, where the land is ruled by a much more pragmatic pony empire, ruled by a very mortal queen. A Ponyfinder crossover.

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12 - Let's Swap

Their days progressed in the same pattern, with the two getting a few minutes at the start and end of each day to trade stories. Twilight was advancing quickly under Under Score's tutelage, gladly reporting each new spell that she mastered. She had a spell book of her very own that she showed off to Spike with an extreme pleasure, grin plastered across her snout.

"I didn't even know you could do half these things without an affinity, or having the spell on hand and doing it by rote," she confessed, "But Under Score taught me how to compartmentalize things, up here." She taps her head, "It's like the songs Celestia used to teach us to remember things. Once I put a spell up there, it sticks around until I replace it with something else. It's amazing!"

Spike, while glad for his friend's progress, was also eager to share his stories. "And then she was trying to jump at you."

"At me?" asked Twilight quizzically.

"The dummy, er, the training target I was pretending to be you," he said with a sheepish smile. "I stopped her though. Today you didn't get a single scratch." He looked proud enough to float away, and Twilight clapped for him with quick raps of her forehooves together. "Thank you, thank you," he said, bowing to the audience of one, "But tomorrow's gonna be different. Fast Shadow said I was going to learn from Under Score."

Twilight looked perplexed, "Huh, looks like we're switching teachers. Mister Score said I should report to Miss Shadow. I'm not sure what she can teach me though. I'm no swordspony."

Spike lifted his shoulders, "Dunno. Didn't he say it'd take years for me to learn any cool spells?"

"I didn't even know dragons could learn magic," confessed Twilight, "What if Equestria isn't that different? What if we were just wrong?"

Spike remained quizzical in expression, "Guess we find out when we go back. Pinkie already does magic, sort of? We could find a brainy earth pony and try teaching them something?"

Twilight pulled out her spell book and made a quick scribble with her lavender-wreathed quill, "I'm making a note to try that. I'm sure the princesses will be very eager to know more. Since none of the magic Under Score is teaching me relies on my horn, I should be able to pass it on to a pony without one."

They settled to bed shortly thereafter, and rose, ready to meet their swapped teachers.

Twilight followed the larger and more physically imposing figure of Fast Shadow as she was led to the proving grounds of her favorite dragon. The air was crisp and had some autumn bite to it. In the distance, Twilight could hear the soft murmur of the city from all directions.

"Under's been saying," spoke Fast, "That you've been taking to your magic lessons like a natural, and that's good, but there's more to life than stuffing your nose in a book."

"There's friendship," said Twilight.

Fast raised a brow at the reply, "Yes, that's actually close to what I was going to say. Your friends can only shore up your weaknesses so far. You need to be able to defend yourself, even if it's just getting away from what wants to rip you apart."

Twilight's expression fell, ears folding back, "I'm not a swordspony."

"No," said Fast, "You are not. But you will defend yourself." She lashed out. Spike would have swatted it aside or ducked out of the way, but Twilight caught it in her surprised face, blood suddenly liberated from her abused snout as she collapsed backwards.

Twilight wrenched up a hoof to cover the bleeding, tears in her eyes as she gawked at the suddenly hostile mare, seemingly unable to grasp that she was just attacked.

"I don't like bashing pretty little faces," said Fast Shadow, "But I will until you learn to protect it." She switched hooves, going for Twilight's shoulder. A suddenly erected force bubble made it skid away and Fast grinned, "That's better, but I bet you can't keep that up forever."

It was just the start of the day, but Twilight was fairly certain it was going to be a very long one.

Under Score led Spike to a new room. It was underground, but it was spacious. Mostly bare, and about a floor and a half of ceiling allowance. Spike wandered in and started looking around, noting funny symbols on the ground that looked like the sort of thing Twilight would put on things when working on a big spell.

"So what are we working on?" asked Spike.

Under directed a hoof at Spike, and spoke a few quick words of power. A powerful bolt of lighting surged out, bright blinding white as it washed over Spike and left a black mark on the wall behind him. Spike was entirely unharmed, though he had raised his claws up in surprise, expecting pain.

"Today, we go over your birthrights," explained Under. "As you can see, you are entirely immune to electricity. It is your native element, alongside air, and cannot bring you harm directly. Of course, if you're standing on something and lightning causes it to give way, you could come to indirect harm by it, so bare that in mind." He pointed with a hoof at the mark at the wall, "And just because you can ignore it, does not mean others around you have that luxury. If your friend, Miss Sparkle, was behind you, they would be quite injured, no matter how invulnerable you are."

Spike turned to look at the mark and winced, envisioning what it could have done to Twilight, had she been there, "Ok, so, lightning, still worth worrying about, got it." He gave a thumbs up even as Under backed away and put a hoof on a strange symbol. "What's that dOooo" Spike was suddenly hurled towards the ceiling as if it were the floor, and he collided with the stone painfully. "Ow! What's the big deal?" he asked, quickly getting to his feet, now standing on the ceiling and glaring up/down at Under.

"The lesson will continue when you reach me," stated Under calmly.

Spike huffed and began jumping up and down, but he was stuck to the ceiling just as well as he had been stuck to the floor, unable to reach Under Score. He tried running for the wall and began to scale along it. Unfortunately, the wall was smooth and he didn't make it far before he slid back to the ceiling. He tried breathing lightning at the strange marks on the ground, but it did little to free him from the situation.

"Alright!" said Spike, throwing his claws in the air, "What do I have to do?"

"Just come to me," said Under. "Stop thinking about how to reach me, and reach me."

Spike rolled his eyes dramatically, "Yea, sure, I'll just fly along like a pegasus." He flapped his arms and began to float. "Woah! Is this part of the magic?" he asked as he tried swimming through the air with moderate success, soaring from one end of the room to the other in a slow pace.

"My magic reverses gravity. Your friend, Miss Sparkle, said she used a similar spell once," explained Under, "Your flight is your own power. Try it without the flapping."

"Without the flapping?" asked Spike with some confusion.

Under slowly nodded as he explained in a lecturing tone, "Imagine the air around you is your willing servant, your best of friends. It wants to carry you, you just have to direct it just as you would your arms or your legs. Move at the speed of your thoughts, instead of the speed of your arms."

It all sounded too good to Spike, but the old stallion hadn't been wrong so far. He pulled his arms down and tried imagining himself moving forward. This only nudged him ahead a little and he frowned.

"Don't imagine your hand moving, move it. It is the same thing," said the old wizard.

Right, don't imagine the claw, just... move the claw. Spike frowned, trying to wrap his mind around it. His movement started again, slowly, but with gaining confidence as he learned his new 'muscles'. As he became better at it, he began to laugh. "This is better than wings!" he cried as he started to soar around fast enough that he constantly had to stop to avoid crashing into a wall. He felt he could give Rainbow Dash a run for her money, and it felt good, so very good!

"You still have to reach me," came the voice of his new mentor.

Spike gave a soft 'oh' and zipped over to the stallion, wrapping his claws around his wizened neck in a fierce hug, "Thanks for showing me that! This is amazing!"

Under took his hoof off the circle, and Spike could feel things settle inside him as gravity returned to normal. He landed in front of the teacher with a big grin, "What's next, teach?"

"I noticed something in your movement," He said, directing with a hoof at Spike's legs. "You should be able to move as fast as an unburdened pony with ease, but you move as if your legs were shorter. I know the temptation to fly is great, but that will not always be an option, or optimal in any event."

Spike leaned over to look at his feet. Sure enough, his legs were a little longer in comparison to the rest of his body, at least when he thought back to his shape in Equestria. He tried putting a foot out as far as it could go and took one awkward step, getting used to a longer gait. "I never even thought about that," confessed Spike as he started to walk around the room.

"You were not born to this," replied Under in easy tones, "But, you are taking to it as swiftly as Miss Sparkle took to her book learning. I doubt I will need you for longer than today."

He began running Spike through obstacle courses that would erupt and meld back into the stone, sometimes while he was in the middle of it. It was a long day, but Spike was thoroughly enjoying himself and the limits of his new body.

Twilight was cowering on the ground, covered in marks and bloodied from Fast Shadows relentless assaults. "I don't want to do this anymore!" she wailed, "You can't make me!"

"No," agreed Fast, "I can't make you, but a real opponent can, and will, and won't stop at painful cuts. Your friend, Spike, took his licks and came back at me. You're not going to be shown up by him, are you?"

"He's a dragon!" she cried out, starting to sob in place in loud wails that shook her body.

Fast shook her head slowly, "And you were doing so well, too. I guess I will have have to inform Under Score that you failed the test."

Twilight's tears dried almost instantly as she looked up, "Test? This is a test?"

"Of course," said Fast with a feigned appearance of disappointment, smiling internally at how well Twilight appeared to be falling for the trick Spike had shown her. "If you don't learn the basics of self defense, then Under Score cannot proceed, and you'll be flunked out."

The lavender alicorn struggled to her hooves quickly. "I don't... fail tests," she said amid a snuffle as she wiped snot and blood free of her snout. "I'll pass." Her expression hardened by the moment, filling with determination.

Fast gave an uncertain nod, "If you're absolutely sure?" Twilight quickly bobbed her head, "Alright then. I'll take it easy and work up to where we left off."

Twilight would need a few days work, but she didn't give up again.

Author's Note:

Lessons are learned, some harder than others.

But soon, Sooooooon! Adventure will be had. This slice of life learning stuff can only go so far.

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