• Published 29th Dec 2014
  • 9,648 Views, 3,428 Comments

A Dangerous Sparkle - David Silver

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up in a whole new realm of danger and adventure, where the land is ruled by a much more pragmatic pony empire, ruled by a very mortal queen. A Ponyfinder crossover.

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95 - Warm Welcome

The imperial mare looked over the group with undisguised wariness, "Good afternoon, travelers. Are you aware there's an unfulfilled following you at an alarmingly close proximity?"

Twilight tilted her head, "Of course they are. We're together."

The mare frowned as she took a nervous half-step back, "She speaks, great... Please take her somewhere else. We'll fetch the wizards if we have to."

Applejack raised a brow, "Now see here, we don't want no trouble."

"You brought it with you," retorted the gate guard, "Ghosts are pretty high on the no-entry list, stranger. It is our duty to protect the ponies of this city."

Soft Mane puffed her armored chest out, "This undead travels under my protection and control, by my word as an oracle of Lashtada."

"Who?" asked the guard, looking over Soft Mane, "That sounds official enough, but I never heard of that, little half-blood. Turn yourself around and find some other place to haunt."

Rainbow clopped her forehooves together, "Enough already! We just need to see the Queen, so stop being in the way."

"The Queen?!" squeaked the guard, "There's no way I will permit you to approach Queen Iliana with a cursed unfulfilled! Besides, she's not even here."

Spike sighed as he spoke in a much calmer voice than Rainbow, "Where is she? She knows us."

The guard shook her head, "I'm supposed to take your word on that? Last warning. You're not welcome here, so go, and take your ghost with you." She turned away from the party with a flick of her tail, marching back to the gate, "And don't follow me, or we'll take it as an attack."

Twilight sagged in place, "That could have gone better... Maybe they'll let you go in if I go away?"

Spike snorted softly, "That defeats the point, Twilight. We're here for you."

Twilight suddenly perked up, "Well, she can't actually stop me."

Applejack lowered her hat as she turned her head towards Twilight, "Ah don't like tha sound of that. What's on your mind sugarcube?"

Twilight shook her head, "Nothing complicated, just that I'm a ghost, as she was so kind to remind us. Walls can't keep me out of places. Besides, I can still teleport. I doubt those gate guards could keep me away, that's why they're so scared."

Rainbow shrugged softly, "Alright, so what are we waiting for? You go do your ghost thing and we'll meet inside."

Soft pointed along the wall, "We should go to the next gate first. These guards will never let us go past. Twilight can split and head over or through the wall, so long as she isn't seen. We'll all meet at the Seekers manor. They may have some ideas too."

Twilight gave a nod of agreement before fleeing away from the party in the direction of the wilderness before fading into the ground. Applejack huffed as she began hiking for the next gate, "Never going ta get used to that."

Spike shrugged softly, "Then don't. Let's get Twilight back in a real body."

The conversation simmered down to silence before they arrived at the next gate. Without a ghost following them, they were waved through with minimal difficulty and only the smallest bit of idle chatter, "Are you coming from down south? Why not take the Lightning Rail?"

Soft spoke truthfully, "Oh, we didn't have to walk far to get here." At least from the other gate, she thought to herself. "Besides, the Lightning Rail gets expensive after a while."

"Isn't that the truth," said the guard before waving them past with a gesture of their hoof.

The sun was well on its way towards the horizon as the group entered the capital. Rainbow and Applejack looked around at the grand Grecian architecture while Spike tried to keep them moving towards the Seekers.

"Guys!" came a harsh whisper before Twilight's head poked free of the wall of the building to their left, "Guys!"

Applejack smiled, "Good ta see ya made it, Twi, but why are ya hiding like that?"

"There's some kind of barrier around the Seekers," explained Twilight as she waved them into an alleyway and joined them there, "I can't get in."

Spike crossed his arms, "Figures, they ghost-proofed their headquarters. Not a bad idea, I guess, but that doesn't work for us."

Rainbow pointed up at the darkening sky, "Well it's probably too late to go asking for royal visits anyway. Why don't we go somewhere to sleep and worry about it tomorrow. Besides, I'm starving and we can get some good grub for a change."

Twilight licked over her lips. "I miss eating," she admitted with a wilting of her ears.

Soft gave an encouraging smile, "Don't worry, Twilight. We'll fix this." She pointed down the road, "Let's head in there. Twilight, duck out of sight and pop in after we get a room."

Twilight spat a sudden spell, vanishing from sight before her voice spoke, "Right behind you."

As they approached the tavern, Twilight whispered softly to Spike, "Thank you, for being with me, through thick and thin."

Spike made a dismissive wave of a claw, "What are friends for? Besides, we're family."

They entered the inn to find a sleepy-looking mare behind the counter. The mare jerked awake when they approached the counter, "Oh! Hello! Welcome to Drowsy Mare, I'm Drowsy, and I'm a mare," she greeted, "Would you like a room?"

Rainbow zipped up to the counter, "Biggest one you got for the bunch of us. You got some food too?"

Drowsy nodded her head, "Sure do. Ten gold for a night in the luxury suite, includes three meals while you're here." She grabbed a key in her mouth and set it on the counter, "I'll bring your food in a moment."

Spike surrendered a platinum coin to the counter and took the key. Drowsy suddenly jerked awake anew, staring at the space beside Spike. "Lost spirit, how can I help you rest?" she asked in solemn tone.

Twilight went stiff as Drowsy stared directly at her despite her invisibility spell. Being still didn't stop her from staring and waiting. The others didn't notice her hesitation, and were soon off to the room, leaving her behind with Drowsy.

"Don't be alarmed," spoke Drowsy, "My full name is Drowsy End. I know much of lost spirits. If you will not speak with me, go in peace."

Twilight shuffled nervously before she let the spell fade from her, appearing before Drowsy, "How did you see me?"

Drowsy shook her head, "I didn't, but I can feel your presence. You are pretty. Your desire for the material world must be a peaceful one to hold to your living grace so well."

Twilight blushed a bit as she ruffled her wings, "Thank you, I think. We're just trying to fix this."

Drowsy looked perplexed a moment, "To fix it, you simply must let go. You are too pretty to be wracked with true unfulfilled desires. Surrender to your rightly-earned rest and it will be--"

"No!" exclaimed Twilight, wings shooting out, "I don't want to fade away! I want to be alive. My friends need me, and I'm not done living yet."

Drowsy nodded slowly, "That will be difficult. No matter how pretty you may be, your soul is touched with the darkness. Only the most talented of divine workers could restore life to you."

Twilight worried her lower lip a moment before she perked up, "We know the Queen. She can help us, if we can find her. The guards said she wasn't in her castle. Where is she?"

Drowsy tilted her head, eyes half lidding with her namesake drowsiness, "She has the money, but she is no divine wielder. I suppose she would know of a few. Be wary of that one. She does not appreciate the plight of the dead and may bend her arcane might against you if she feels it right to do. You would stand little chance before her fury."

Twilight shrunk in place, "But... we're friends. She wouldn't just zap me."

Drowsy perked an ear, "You know her that well? Perhaps then, but the guard is right." She paused to yawn widely, sinking in place so her head rested on the counter, but her eyes rested on Twilight, "She left her castle centuries ago and doesn't live there anymore."

Twilight folded her wings up against her back as she started towards the room her friends had gone in, "I don't suppose you know where she does live?" Her voice carried doubt, and it was soon validated.

Drowsy gave a soft negative noise, "Only her most trusted know, and they don't speak of it. She is an empress in hiding. Just as well, she has many sins to hide from."

Twilight paused, "Huh? She seemed really nice when I met her. Kind, even-hooved and fair."

Drowsy snorted then, a quiet noise, "She gives that impression, but she can also take disastrously strong action at the word of those she calls friend, or stay her hoof when it is needed most. She is no perfect angel, despite what many would call her." Drowsy closed her eyes, "Please don't tell her I said that. I am attached to my head, and wish more years of sleeping yet before I descend to true rest."

Twilight shuddered powerfully and fled Drowsy, dashing through the walls to appear beside Soft Mane as she was changing into sleeping clothing. "Oops!" Twilight kept going straight ahead, pushing into the main room where the others were relaxing.

Rainbow spotted Twilight instantly, "Hey! Where were you hiding? We've been in here forever wondering where you ran off to."

Twilight shrugged, "The innkeeper could tell I was there, but she just wanted to talk. She seemed to know about ghosts, and the Queen. She really isn't here, but she didn't know where the Queen is." An angry huff came from Twilight, "We have to find her."

Spike stretched out before he flopped onto a bed, "Well we aren't finding her in the middle of the night, so let's get some sleep."

"I don't sleep," reminded Twilight with a light frown.

Spike sheepishly replied, "Oh yeah... Point stands though. We'll find her, Twilight."

"He's right," spoke Applejack, already perched on her own bed, "No reason ta get worked up any. Soon as the rest of us get some shut eye, we'll put hooves ta tha road and find that Queen!"

They weren't the perfect words, but they'd have to do. Twilight sat herself in the center of the room, watching as her friends settled to sleep. It didn't escape her notice that Soft slipped in with Spike in the same bed, though she was dressed at least, so Twilight didn't comment on it. She did watch as they snuggled and fell to sleep together, a tinge of jealousy running through her. She wanted a hug...

Deciding to distract herself with more useful thoughts, she cast her magic grip at her book, pulling it free of Spike's backpack and reviewing her magic through the night.

Author's Note:

Being a ghost is not always the ideal situation, as Twilight learns more and more each day. Where is Iliana hiding?

Drowsy End fell asleep in the middle of editing this, likely leaving some typos unfixed.

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