• Published 29th Dec 2014
  • 9,678 Views, 3,428 Comments

A Dangerous Sparkle - David Silver

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up in a whole new realm of danger and adventure, where the land is ruled by a much more pragmatic pony empire, ruled by a very mortal queen. A Ponyfinder crossover.

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119 - Let's Free Them

Twilight and Lex made a hasty retreat from the cave, leaving little but a few confusing scents behind for the gem gnolls to worry about. They swiftly returned to their waiting friends. Twilight appeared first, pointing back at the cave with a wing, "They're using half the species of Everglow as slave labor in their dirty mine!"

Applejack raised a brow, "Huh. They're just like the diamond dogs ah was giving a right thrashing to back in Equestria."

Rainbow perked an ear, "When were you fighting diamond dogs? I wanna hear about that."

"Tweren't nothin', y'se--" Applejack's monologue was interrupted by a scowling Twilight.

"AJ, no time for that. We have a problem right here," she berated, "We'll all happily hear about your adventure after we finish with the one we're soaking in."

"We should find a way to draw them out in the open," interjected Lex. "If we try to fight them on their terms, they'll have a significant home advantage. Worse, the captives might be injured in the fighting." He turned to Sonata, "do you have magic that can lure them out here?"

Sonata smiled, "Besides shouting? I bet they'd come to check that out." She looked proud of her direct but elegant plan. "If you don't like that, I could totally tell the guards to get their friends and come over here, but I'd, like, need a good reason for them to tell their friends."

Lex paused, considering that for a moment,"You could tell them to come out here because you've captured a pony that you want to sell them." He gestured to the group. "One of us will go with you and act as bait, while the rest lie in wait to ambush them. A simple plan should suffice to defeat such simple creatures."

Sonata bobbed her head, "I can totally do that." She looked to the others.

Applejack snorted, looking uncertain, then Rainbow stepped up. "I'll do it. If they start looking at me funny, I can fly away, after kicking them in the face."

Sonata was given a rope, which she put around Rainbow's barrel, avoiding her wings, then led her towards the guards before the cave. She trotted like she was meant to be there. The guards raised their spears towards Sonata, "Where you going?"

Sonata locked eyes with the one that spoke, "I'm here to trade a slave, of course. You knew that."

"I knew that," repeated the guard before slapping the other one, "Slaver! Go get the gem counter."

Sonata shook her head, "I have more, but they're being totally silly. You should go get all your friends to help subdue them. I'll give a big discount for your help." Her lashes fluttered, but her subtle magics did most of the lifting, making her words seem so... reasonable.

The gem gnoll bobbed his head, "Discounts is good!" And off he went, rushing into the darkness. The other gnoll waited impatiently a moment before advancing on Rainbow, looking her over.

"Big, strong pony. She'll dig real good," he said in a complimenting tone.

Sonata raised a hoof, "Careful, she's a kicker."

Rainbow stomped on the ground to emphasize the point, peering at the gnoll balefully.

The gnoll snorted, "We'll break her in the first day." He crossed his arms, still holding his spear.

A group of six gnolls emerged from the cave. "Where are troubled slaves?" one of them asked, peering at Sonata.

Sonata pointed to the ambush point with an innocent smile, "Right that way. You're such gentlemen, I'll give you half-off for all your hard work."

Around a nearby bend, Lex's eyes were again glowing as he strengthened the shadows in the area, making the ponies around him difficult to see from a distance. "Here they come," he warned softly, moving to the back of the group. Hopefully the others would be able to handle this, saving him the trouble.

He was used to using a combination of minor-but-easily-replenished magical reserves that he had accumulated, along with Sombra's power and the small amount of divine magic that he'd somehow been granted, to avoid having to dip into his primary magic. But between healing and feeding the survivors of the wreck that morning, calling on his circlet to cast that rope trick spell, channeling his invisibility magic through his body, and having used Sombra's power earlier in the day and again now, his bag of tricks was rapidly depleting.

And if he had to start casting spells directly, it would be weeks before he could replenish them...

Twilight suffered no such particular limitations, and stood with a ready expression. Applejack and Spike lurked behind a large rock, also ready, while Soft Mane hung further back, just barely able to see the others at the edge of her restricted sight.

When the first two gnolls suddenly fell into a pit, the ambush was sprung. Spike leaped from cover, giving the remaining four an electric welcome just as Applejack charged past him. She narrowly ducked a thrusting spear before driving a hoof into the gnoll's belly, driving him to the ground under a jangle of jewelry.

Twilight reared up on her hind legs. "Feel the fury of harmony!" Rainbows cascaded around the gnolls and Applejack, drawing pained barks from the hyenas while leaving Applejack untouched. The gnolls had little chance.

Spike stepped up towards the pit, peeking over the side. His footing became slippery on the sloped surface and he started to float instead. "Ow..." He looked down at the gnolls that had fallen into the spike-laden hole. At least it appeared they went quickly.

Sonata and Rainbow were trotting back towards the group when a rough cry came from the caves. A dozen gnolls were belched out, with a larger gnoll with a mohawk seemingly leading them. The leader pointed at the group, "Get them! Clear-cut diamond for any-gnoll that brings a head."

One other gnoll began a quick spell, hurling a ball of fire that easily caught Sonata, Rainbow, Spike, and Applejack in the blast of intense heat, driving them back. It seemed the true battle had begun.

"Sonata!" Lex yelled her name without thinking about it, catching himself as he saw her picking herself up in the wake of the blast. Cursing at himself as much as their attackers, Lex directed his horn towards the onrushing horde. Waiting until they were close enough, but not so close that his companions would be caught in the effect, he adjusted his circlet again as he chanted a spell, expending the last of its power for the day. A spray of scintillating colors poured forth from his horn - though it lacked the power of Twilight's spell, he hoped it would at least slow them down.

Three of the crowd dazedly ceased their charge, staring off into space. Sonata abandoned the rope around Rainbow and dashed away from the fight with a yelp, her crisped flesh wanting no more abuse for the day. Spike and Applejack stayed the course, putting hoof and claws against jabbing spears and swinging axes. "Do it again!" shouted Soft.

"I can't!" replied Twilight, mentally lamenting that chariot spell she had cast earlier. She dashed out of cover to get Spike between herself and the gnolls and let Lightning thunder through him to the enemies behind.

"They have a wizard!" cried one of the gnolls, pointing a mace at Twilight, "Get her!"

Soft Mane dashed forward towards the battle, hands already glowing pink with a prepared healing touch.

Applejack grunted as an axe cut her shoulder open in a bleeding gash before she drove two hooves out with a lash, breaking the jaw of the gnoll who had yelled and sending him to the ground. Spike tried to stay at her side, getting his teeth around a spear as it came for him and driving his claws into the gem-studded gnoll that was holding it.

Lex intoned a single word, releasing the spell that had been contained entirely within the unuttered magical syllable, and suddenly eight ponies appeared around him. They were clearly unnatural, their bodies composed of a smoky, translucent substance, similar in appearance to extremely dirty glass. "Attack the gnolls!" he hissed, and the constructs immediately ran forward, mindlessly intent on carrying out their commands.

Twilight blinked at the sudden reinforcements, "What in Celestia's name are those?" Caring little for her surprise, they waded into the fray. They lashed with hooves and bashed against the gnolls with their bodies, creating a moment of reprieve for the besieged Applejack.

Soft arrived only moments later, slapping Applejack on the side and banishing some of the hurt in her. "Much obliged," she said as she tried to press the advantage. A small mote of fire rushed past her to explode behind their side of the line, heat washing over them. Soft got out a yelp as she fell to the ground and Applejack looked little better. Spike returned fire with electricity. He couldn't hope to reach the gnoll spellcaster, but several of the fighters fell before his fury.

"Yeaaaaaahhh!" came a shout. Descending from the sky came Rainbow Dash, landing on the gnoll that was hurling fireballs, crushing him with her full weight. She began pummeling him into the ground in a savage series of hoof punches and stomps. The larger gnoll with the mohawk advanced on her, battleaxe raised high. She abandoned her quarry to meet the leader, trading blows with the clearly experienced fighter.

As the wizard gnoll began to rise to his feet, Twilight let out a deceptively simply spell. Motes of power burst from her in all directions before five bolts of force homed in on the gnoll. He barely had time to throw up his hands before he was pummeled right back to the ground and didn't stand up again.

Lex sat back, watching for where he could make a further contribution. The astral ponies that he'd summoned were helping to turn the tide, but he knew they wouldn't last very long - he'd traded power in favor of summoning greater numbers, which meant that his constructs would rapidly fall under any kind of dedicated assault. Even if they didn't, the spell that had created them would last for a minute at most anyway.

Instead, he focused his gaze on the axe-wielding gnoll that was lashing out at Rainbow Dash. Lex's eyes glowed again as he focused Sombra's power on the creature, and a moment later it cried out as black crystals appeared over its face, obscuring his vision. Lex smirked, but his satisfaction was short-lived as the thing scratched them away, shaking off the blindness he'd inflicted on it.

Rainbow was confused, but only briefly, at her opponent's troubles. She lunged past him, driving a hoof into the back of his head and started to laugh at his plight, "What's the matter? Got a little something in your eye?"

Sonata turned around from where she fled, having avoided the second fireball in her courageous fleeing. She looked around for the most dangerous gnoll in sight. The ones in front of Applejack, Spike, and those odd ponies were being whittled away quickly, which left the mohawk gnoll. "Stop!" She ordered as she charged at the leader.

Blind and suddenly frozen, the leader could do little as Rainbow pushed him over and beat him with little remorse. By the time the rest of the party could advance to her, the leader was a mess of blunt trauma and broken bones.

Sonata pointed at the fallen Soft, "Do your healing thing, Lex!"

The battle was over, won by a narrow margin. Applejack slumped to the grass, breathing heavily, "Let's not do that again."

Author's Note:

The party meets stiff resistance for a refreshing change of pace. Who knew bad guys could hurl arcane pain too?

I might have lost track of a few letters in the intense brawl, be wary of typos.

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