• Published 29th Dec 2014
  • 9,648 Views, 3,428 Comments

A Dangerous Sparkle - David Silver

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up in a whole new realm of danger and adventure, where the land is ruled by a much more pragmatic pony empire, ruled by a very mortal queen. A Ponyfinder crossover.

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43 - A Spot of Grass

Spike tore the familiar seal of the scroll and unfurled it. "This is so nostalgic," he muttered before clearing his throat and beginning to read from it.

Dear Twilight Sparkle,

You have no idea the relief I felt when your friends, Zecora and Pinkie Pie, reported that you were well. Though business keeps me in Canterlot for much of the time, I have managed to spend some of it watching you. Spike seems to have grown into a brave dragon, and I see you are using new magics. This must be very exciting for you. We are working on your problem. As you can see, we have determined enough of the magic of your new world to send a message to you. You should be able to reply in the usual fashion. Equestria is safe for now, but misses you.

Just like I do,
Princess Celestia

Spike scratched the back of his head, not entirely sure how to take the message. Twilight looked misty eyed but delighted, a large grin on her face. The scroll suddenly rolled itself up, held in pink energy as it moved over to Twilight and tucked into her saddlebag. "This is great! We're not cut off from everypony anymore. We can tell them what we've been up to."

Spike wobbled a claw, "Like friendship lessons, but... adventure lessons?

"Yes!" exclaimed Twilight, squeezing Spike fondly. "But only when we have a lesson to report, of course." She nodded to herself, remembering lessons she had learned in the past. "We should write back to her right away! Oh... and we'd better do it where you won't zap anything."

Spike blushed a little as he nodded in agreement. He grabbed a quill and a paper, "Ready when you are!"

They arrived in Viljatown after a comfortable, if not noteworthy, trip. Their passenger was remarkably well behaved until he could be dropped off.

Long Road stepped up to a stallion in fine imperial armor and set the doppleganger in front of him. "This one is guilty of theft and conspiracy with no less than half a dozen of its kind. This one also impersonated Miss Sparkle in an attempt to deceive," he pointed back at Twilight. "I wish to see proper justice dispensed."

The soldier looked between the tied up doppelganger pony and Long Road, then at those behind him. "I see. It is good that you brought him here, rather than to dispense frontier justice on him. I will need a statement from all witnesses for his trial, but you are not obligated to wait for it or testify personally."

Every one took their turn reciting the events as notes were taken, except Twilight. She already had a written account prepared and offered a copy of her careful notes to the soldier with a smile. "A list is always a good idea," she half-sang before she rejoined the others. With all formalities out of the way, the soldier carefully hefted up the prisoner onto his back and was off with him in the direction of the castle.

Soft Mane fidgeted a bit before she announced, "I have to go tell mom. I can't make her wait anymore."

"I already got her!" announced Pinkie, who was just rounding the corner with the green colored mare. On seeing Soft Mane, she almost bowled over Pinkie in a hurried gallop to Soft's side, grabbing her and crying even as she yelled.

"Where were you?!" demanded Grass Patch as she rocked Soft Mane back and forth. "I almost had to go back without you. I spent everything just staying longer... I'm so glad you're ok."

Soft Mane accepted the hugs even as her face fell to now lows of misery, "I... you didn't have to..."

Grass Patch snarled at her, "What do you mean I didn't have to? You are my daughter. I am not going to leave you behind, even if you try to deserve it like right now."

Soft Mane pushed up to her hooves, facing the ground, "I'm sorry..."

Dawn Event moved over to the two. He nuzzled Soft Mane's hand until it turned around, then dropped a bag of coin into it. "Payment, for services rendered." Dawn casually moved past, as if had just been timing that saw the payment given.

Grass Patch looked confused. She grabbed the bag from Soft and pulled open the strings at the top in her mouth while holding it in her forehooves. "There must be some kind of mistake," she insisted. "These are platinum pieces!"

Dawn paused in his walking, then turned to Grass Patch, "Your daughter served well and honorably in a quest that laid me low. She may yet become a fine Seeker, but today, she has certainly earned her pay. Though she did not get proper permission, she did not idle her time away."

Grass gave a soft nod before drawing the string shut tight, "Look at me." She put a hoof under Soft Mane's chin and raised it, then recoiled. "What happened to your eyes? Are you blind?!"

Soft gave a nervous little laugh at that, "I... asked the same thing. I am not, promise." She reached out and gently ran her fingers over her mother's snout. "I just got into a little trouble."

Grass crossed her hooves and gave Soft a look that mothers have perfected over time, "What sort of 'little' trouble?" When Soft began to squirm and shake, Grass sighed and reached for her, pulling her close into the warmth and familiar scent. "Shhh... Just tell me. You're safe now. Whatever happened, I won't get mad."

Soft surrendered to the familiar warmth and presence of her mother, slowly relaxing before she sank down to the ground between the forelegs of the mare, "We found this book. It told us about a god that was forgotten. Lashtada." She reached a hand down and hefted up her skirt to reveal her changed destiny, "I ended up being first."

Grass winched as the mark was revealed, no sign of the old destiny left at all, "First what?" she asked, voice hitching as she wallowed in uncertainty.

Soft shrugged, "First priest? I'm a love priest now, mom."

Grass wrinkled her nose, then sank, tapping her forehead into the top of her child's head. "You ran away out of misguided love for him." Spike tensed at being referred to, even if indirectly. "And come back a love priest. You... are an impossible foal." Grass Patch hugged Soft, gently rocking her, "Impossible..." She seemed to be in a bit of shock, but she hadn't rejected Soft Mane. They remained together as other ponies brushed past on their business.

Dawn perked an ear at the two, "I apologize for intruding, but..." Both sets of eyes fell on him. "Her life has changed. She is an oracle. She can try to run away from it, but it is what she is, and it will follow her everywhere. We can show her how to walk this new path with confidence."

Grass squeezed Soft Mane tight, as if trying to hide her under Grass' mass, "No! I will not give up my daughter. You're from further East, aren't you? I'll never see her again!"

Dawn shook his head, "That is not true. The Seekers have chapter-houses in most cities, this one included. We can take her there, where you can come visit her freely, or she can come to you, just along the Thunder Rail."

Grass relaxed at the news, then stood up, nudging Soft to stand up as well. "This is your life, Soft Mane. Your destiny... changed as it is, is calling." She leaned in and pressed snout to nose, "I knew you would never be a farmer like me, but I didn't imagine this."

Soft gently brushed the tears that flowed freely from Grass Patch's eyes. She closed her milky eyes and just held onto the larger snout for a moment before she stepped back. "No farming for me. I have to learn this... new path." She grabbed up the bag of her payment and quickly produced five platinum coins, holding them out to her mother, "Take it, for waiting for me."

Grass Patch looked torn. She needed the money, but didn't want to take anything from her daughter. Practicality won out as she took the coins slowly. "I will use this to visit you. I had better hear you're doing well, or I'll tan your green bottom." There was almost no bite in her words, trembling with poorly held back feelings.

"I'll be fine, promise," said Soft. She skipped over to Spike and dragged the surprised looking dragon over. "Spike will be there to protect me. He promised."

As Grass Patch peered intently at Spike, he went rigid and nervous. "Are you sure," said Grass. "He will be a good guardian?"

"He... died for me once already," said Soft, shuffling in place. "He has friends too. I'll be with all of them."

Grass Patch looked around at the steadfast faces that stood watching in the crowd. "I've met one of them," she admitted. "They got you home once safely. May the Sun Queen see they continue to do so." She scuffed the ground once, "I will visit every time I come to Viljatown. And! I demand I see this place you will be staying at."

Dawn Event led the way easily, guiding the party, and Grass Patch, to the safe house of the Seekers. Being the capital, the house here was larger than Kadiston. It rose four stories into the sky and spread out wide in addition. A stately fountain burbled quietly in the front, alongside a stable and a few familiar training clearings. Around the right side, a long field with targets was set up, where a pony with firearms strapped along its body practiced its shots.

"This," said Dawn Event, "Is where she will train, and where we will remain until we are called elsewhere."

Twilight tilted her head, "What? I thought we were staying in Kadiston?"

Long Road interjected, "We're Seekers. Travel is in the job. We can stay anywhere there's a chapter house, including here."

"That is correct," agreed Dawn Event. "We have nothing specific waiting for us in Kadiston, let us see our little friend is properly cared for."

They reported into the head of this chapter, who was a mare that seemed happy to see them all. Her name was Lilac Vision.

Lilac Vision circled around the potential new recruit, "Oh look at you. You're adorable." She cooed gently at the satyr. "And full of mystery from the start!" She looked to Grass Patch, "I will see she gets all the attention she rightly deserves. She is a precious and unique gem in every sense of the word."

Grass Patch gave a shaking nod, "You don't have to convince me of that... but it's nice to hear you say it. She won't be picked on, being a half blood, will she?"

Lilac pointed a hoof at Long Road, "We took in a donkey, we can take in an adorable little half blood." Long Road looked a little put off being used as an example, but Lilac continued, swaying her purple tail, "The Seekers are about results first, besides. I get the impression we already have a team for her."

At that, Lilac shot a meaningful look at the others, minus Dawn Event, who quietly slipped from the room. "Of course!" said Pinkie Pie. "She's already a part of the team." She marched up and hugged Soft Mane from behind.

Lilac nodded, "I thought as much. Oracles are..." she waved a hoof in a circle, "Instinctive. We'll show her how to reach into herself, and the rest will come to her. The training is more about the practical things, and giving her space and encouragement to grow. Encouragement I am pleased to report I think she will have no lack of."

Grass Patch gave a soft nod before moving up to each member to thank them. None escaped without a kiss on the cheek and a hug from the emotionally distraught mother. "I will be back, to check on her."

"Any time," said Lilac. "You can stay here, as a parent of a Seeker. Just don't abuse the privilege. It's for family members waiting for their loved ones to return from missions."

Grass Patch agreed, and was led to a small desk to fill out some paperwork. It was decided, Soft Mane would be following her new path, as uncertain as it might be.

Author's Note:

Medieval parenting is tough. When your kid gets a sudden apprenticeship at a known guild, it's really hard to say no.

Twilight has never been happier to get mail! It's not even about horn extensions!

Watch out for any typos brought about by the permanent addition to the group dynamic.

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