• Published 29th Dec 2014
  • 9,679 Views, 3,428 Comments

A Dangerous Sparkle - David Silver

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up in a whole new realm of danger and adventure, where the land is ruled by a much more pragmatic pony empire, ruled by a very mortal queen. A Ponyfinder crossover.

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31 - Star Bear Festival

The group raced across the countryside. As they approached the small town, they could start seeing signs of the empire around them in the roads that opened up before them, but none were as obvious as the great tracks they carefully worked the horses across.

"What sort of train is this, that would have tracks so wide?" asked Twilight as she looked down at them. With a thought and a quick word of might, she cast her vision into the arcane. "It's... full of magic too! I see a long term arcane matrix... electricity type? It didn't shock us as we crossed it, so it must be selective, which is good. It's very powerful."

Pinkie looked confused a moment before she repeated the words. "Wow!" she exclaimed, looking up and down the railroad, "It's all purple and stuff and tastes like soda pop." She turned her head to look at Twilight, "Hey, your head thingie's glowing too, and your neck thing." She reached out and tapped Twilight's bark disc, then moved right along, identifying all of the magical items worn by the party, even if she never tried to figure out what they did. "Mister Dawn, you're practically on fire!"

Dawn Event gave a soft snort of half-amusement, "Miss Pie, I've been working as an active agent for my goddesses for some time. It is dangerous work, but it has rewards." He gestured at the railway with a hoof, "This is the thunder rail I mentioned. The trains that travel on it are quite immense, capable of carrying many people at once, along with heavy loads of goods from one side of the empire to the other. We will ride it when we get into town. Come, we shouldn't waste further time." He directed his horse away from the tracks and pressed onwards, with the rest of the party soon catching up.

They could see the town as evening was fast oncoming. It was growing dim but Turves was lit up brightly.

Pinkie's smile only grew with every trot of her horses. "I smell a party!"

It soon became apparent that Pinkie Sense was alive and well. The entire town was in full swing, with about half the populace wearing large costumes of straw that entirely concealed their form. As they rode into the town proper, a shambling dragon with googly eyes approached them and spoke with a masculine voice, "Welcome to the Star Bear festival. You're late for the procession, but the party goes all night long." One of the dragon's hands pointed limply, more of a spin in the right direction as the pony inside bounced up and down to keep it going, "If you need to get changed into costumes, there's a stations for it on the west side. Big and red, can't miss it. The taverns still have some rooms open if you need them too. Have a great time!"

"Star Bear?" asked Spike, coming down to land in front of the group.

"Oh yea," spoke the stallion in a dragon suit, "Ponies get dressed up, and there's a big contest about it. And there's good drink, and candies for the colts and fillies. Everyone has a good time. If you wanted to join the contest, I don't think they've announced winners yet so get to the town square with your costume on."

Dawn Event shook his head, "We have no time for local holidays. We are on an important mission."

Pinkie's face fell with all the force of the minotaur's blade, "What! But... I want to see it! It's a new party! You can't keep me from a new party!" Tears welled up in her eyes that soon unleashed in a tsunami of sobs at the mere thought of missing out on a party from another world.

Dawn tried his best to ignore it, "Good stallion, do you know if the train is scheduled to arrive soon?"

"Can't say I rightly know off the top of my head," confessed the pony-dragon, "Stations on the south side, go on and ask. Good luck!" And he ambled off, rejoining the festivities.

As Dawn led the party through the town, Pinkie's bawling only grew worse at every sign of celebration they passed. The little colts playing games and showing off their costumes. The adults sharing drinks and loud rough cheers in the well-lit town center. The ongoing tournament of pin the tail on the pony was almost too much, with Pinky gaping and trembling with obvious need to join in.

Twilight pulled up alongside Dawn Event, "You're being very mean spirited, you know." When he looked away, she pressed on, "If you deny her this, you're being just as bad as I was in taking your thing away from you. Except you're doing it willingly. This is her. This is her element. Let her have it."

Dawn Event huffed, looking at the quietly sniffling pink one before back at Twilight, "Fine. Keep her in sight while I check the train schedule." He spurred the magic horse into motion swiftly, leaving the others behind.

Twilight flashed a bright smile, "Alright everypony. We get to have some fuAaaa!" She was suddenly bowled off of her horse by a tactical Pinkie missile, knocked clear to the ground as her friend squeezed her, now sobbing for joy. Despite the bruises, Twilight smiled and gently pet the top of Pinkie's mane, "Come on, Pinkie. It's party time, not time for hugs."

"It's always time for hugs," argued Pinkie, but she relented and stood up, looking around before dashing back to the pin the tail game with a bright smile.

"Spike." The dragon saluted sharply, "Keep an eye on her. You're fast enough to keep her in view even if she pulls tricks." Spike nodded and grinned.

"I'll beat her at pin the tail too," he declared and zipped off after her.

This left her with Long Road. She moved over and nudged him, "Let's get a drink." The idea seemed agreeable with the paladin, and the two wandered towards one of the stands. They were selling heavily fermented cider, with a head large enough to drown in, which they both took a turn doing.

Long Road sipped from his powerful drink as he sat on his haunches, "It's... exactly as I dreamed."

"What is?" asked Twilight, taking her own pull and looking around the town filled with joyful expressions.

"Adventure. Tough times, but good times. Sitting with a pretty thing, sharing a good drink in good company."

Twilight flushed quickly and buried her expression in a hurried gulp before a nervous laugh escaped her. "Yea... this stuff is a lot more powerful than I had back home."

Long Road raised one of his ears, "I've had stronger, but you have to go dwarven if you want to be knocked flat by your drink. It has a good taste. They treat their crops well."

Twilight took a slower pull, taking a moment to let it roll over her tongue before she swallowed and nodded. "You can taste the love they put into it."

Dawn Event arrived at the ticket station to find a sign perched on the window. Closed. He grumbled softly, but looked back at the party in progress. At least he let them have their fun. With a resigned murmur, he went to secure rooming for the night and allow them to have their moment.

Pinkie was in her element. After scoring miserably, but ecstatically, at pin the tail, she began to look at all of the costumes. She gave compliments easily as she bounced from one to the next, no matter how complex or simple it might be, she had something positive to say about it. With Spike trailing behind her, she happened on a booth that looked like it was closing up, but had some costumes for sale. She gasped, "I want one!" She reared up, fore-hooves on the counter top as she leaned over, tail wagging rapidly.

"Do you even have any money?" asked Spike.

Pinkie produced a small gem that she put on the counter, then whistled shrilly. When the mare that was busy putting things away heard it, she turned and approached, "Last minute shoppers? What can I do for you?"

Pinkie pointed at the gem, "Give me the most superrific one I can get for that."

The mare peered at the gem, then gave a hollar, "Straight Line!"

A stallion poked his head out from the back, then approached as the mare waved him forward. The stallion looked a bit off, with fins and ridges, he looked more like a creature of the sea. "What is it, sugar lumps?"

She pointed at the gem, "How much is that worth, Straight?"

The sea stallion lifted the gem up and gave a soft 'hmm', "Two hundred."

"If he says it's two hundred," said the mare, "It is. That's enough for anything I have, so take your pick."

Pinkie had already selected a strange outfit that made her look like she was made of metal and was wriggling into it expertly. "This is super keen," she said with a faked metallic voice, "I will take it!"

The shopkeep slid the gem away and put a pouch of coins in its place. Pinkie reclaimed her change and pranced away with a big smile, "Thaaanks!" Spike followed after her with a parting wave at the couple.

"That's a strange outfit you picked there," he commented down at Pinkie.

"Yea!" she agreed easily, "Isn't it the coolest?" Her voice remained robotic as she got into the part. "Let's get some oil!" She bounded away from Spike towards a refreshment stand, ordering a large tankard of 'oil' in the form of a local brand of wheat beer. When Spike landed next to her, she offered, "You want some too?" Spike glanced in the direction Twilight had gone before nodding at Pinkie. Pinkie quickly ordered a second before shoving it towards him, "Big adventurers need big drinks!" she cheered, bumping her mug against his before draining it with all the intensity she took towards life in general.

Spike tried to emulate her, only to cough up half of his first swallow as his throat burned. Despite his troubles, Pinkie drew him close with a giggle and paid it little mind. Tomorrow would bring more trials, but the evening belonged to the party, just the way Pinkie liked it.

Author's Note:

It's party time!

Typos hide in parties, beware.

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