• Published 29th Dec 2014
  • 9,648 Views, 3,428 Comments

A Dangerous Sparkle - David Silver

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up in a whole new realm of danger and adventure, where the land is ruled by a much more pragmatic pony empire, ruled by a very mortal queen. A Ponyfinder crossover.

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122 - Return to Yi Sheng

As the sun rose over the forest they used for cover, the party began to rouse from their slumber. While the sleep had been mediocre at best for the Equestrians, it was practically luxury for those newly freed.

One of the shorter ponies ambled up to Twilight when she woke up, "Why didn't you wake me up? Will you punish me for sleeping in?"

Twilight blinked down at the squat pony before she cast a spell, dismissing the grime from her and revealing vibrant blue fur and a brand of destiny that showed a broken cage. Twilight tilted her head at the mark, "You are not being punished, today, or ever again, I hope. As a free pony, you get to sleep as long as you need, with some exceptions." She pointed at the pony's mark, "Ponies are born with their marks here, right?"

The short leg turned to look at her mark, then back at Twilight, "It's always been there. What does it mean?"

Twilight smiled gently, "It means you would be set free, and you are. Is your friend awake?"

She quickly trotted away in a gait that looked odd to Twilight, though she supposed it was natural for ponies made lower to the ground. She returned with her still-dirty friend, "She was still sleeping, don't be mad at her please."

Twilight banished the dirt on the second, showing off a ratty yellow fur. Twilight winced a little, with the dirt removed, she could see that the yellow short leg had been treated far worse, with scars to show for it along her body leaving vast swaths of bald spots. Her mark was that of a pick-axe, which struck Twilight as far less hopeful. "Are you in pain?" she asked the yellow pony.

The yellow pony shook her head quickly, denying the idea violently and cowering behind Blue.

Blue turned and nuzzled Yellow, "She's nice, talk to her."

Yellow looked at Blue with uncertainty a moment before turning back to Twilight, "A little..."

Twilight quickly found Soft, tending to some scrapes lingering from the day before. "Soft, when you have a moment?"

Soft quickly sprinted over, "What's up?"

Twilight pointed at Yellow, "Can you help her?"

Soft approached Yellow, "Let me take a look at you. Tell me if anything hurts when I touch it." She began a quick, careful, inspection. Yellow began to squirm as Soft reached for particular areas, but it was over soon. Soft nodded to Twilight, "I can make the pain go away, but some of these wounds are deeper and will take greater magic." She smiled, "Which I know."

Twilight returned the smile, "That's great, please, go ahead."

Soft glowed a bright pink as she let healing energy wash over the entire camp, washing away the hurts from everyone there before she began to see to the specific deep injuries of Yellow. Blue helped keep Yellow still with soft kind words and snuggling up beside Yellow.

When the spell was complete, Yellow sagged with relief. She still had bald spots, but the marks under them were no longer an angry red in many places.

Blue smiled at Twilight and Soft, "Thank you for helping mother."

Twilight recoiled, "She's your mother?"

Blue tilted her head, "Yes. She was hurt many times protecting me and working as hard as she..." Blue trailed off, and went stiff. "I mean, she's still strong, and she can mine good!"

Soft shook her head, "It's OK. We're not judging either of you on your mining. We're getting you to safety. I'm glad you and your mom are safe."

Twilight perked an ear, "Do either of you have a name? I've started calling you by your color in my head."

Blue looked at herself, "Blue works, and mother is Yellow. It's nice to have a name."

Twilight frowned a little, "What did they call you before?"

Blue shrugged a little, "Hey you, runt, everyone, pony..."

Soft shook her head, "Well that's awful, didn't your mom call you something?

Blue smiled timidly, "We didn't need names. She was my mom. I am her foal."

Soft sighed, "When do we break camp, Twilight?"

Twilight shook herself off, "Now is good. Is everypony ready?"

It was at that moment that Lex trotted over, having already finished breaking down his tent. He frowned as he spotted Soft Mane, but managed to keep his ire contained. Instead he turned his attention to the diminutive pair. "I wanted to speak to the two of you again. When we arrive at Yi Sheng, I'd like you to accompany me. I'm going to speak to whatever official is in charge of social services on your behalf."

Soft Mane frowned a little, "That wasn't a big town. Are you sure they even have that? Maybe we should bring them to Viljatown."

Sonata, who had followed Lex along, tilted her head, "Viljatown had, like, everything. Yi Sheng seems teeny tiny in comparison."

"Fine. Viljatown it is then," shrugged Lex. "So long as I can ascertain that we didn't rescue them only to abandon them to destitution. In fact, that works better. I've been trying to gain an audience with Queen Iliana for some time now. Once we're back there, I can try again."

Twilight looked around the camp site, "Everypony, form up! We're getting to Yi Sheng, today." Her horn glowed with power as she conjured two chariots with her renewed energy. "Applejack, you guide the other chariot."

Twilight hopped up onto one while Applejack took up position on the other. Soon everyone was seated on the magical vehicles and they left the forest behind in a blur. Rainbow snickered softly, "Had to use some other princesses?"

Twilight rolled her eyes, "Laugh it up." While her own chariot was drawn by Celestia and Luna look-a-likes, Applejack's chariot was pulled by a Cadance and Shining Armor simulacra.

Lex had moved to follow the two miniature ponies, who had in turn followed Soft Mane, while Sonata had followed Lex. The result was a slightly cramped and rather uncomfortable atmosphere as they'd flown. That was all the more true due to Lex continually interrupting Soft Mane whenever she'd tried to speak to the pair. Even when she wasn't, he kept an eye on her warily, glancing between her and the short-legged ponies as though he expected her to lunge at them at any moment.

"Twilight," asked Soft, "Would you be mad at me too long if I kicked this stuck-up stallion off the back end of the chariot?"

Twilight frowned, "No fighting. We'll be there soon." Knowing where to go was a great help, and the chariots drew within sight of the town in little time at all.

The orc rose up, hefting his pickaxe, "Time for me to go." He leaped clear of the back of the chariot, quickly lost to sight as he took off running.

The human shrugged, "He would have raised a lot of uncomfortable questions anyway. Nice enough, for an orc."

The carts rolled to a stop before the city and Twilight was quick to step off of hers, "Alright, those who feel confident in finding their own way, you're free to go."

Blue and Yellow started to amble towards the city, drawn to be with the other departing slaves.

Lex quickly circled around in front of them, cutting the pair off. "Wait. Do you two know where you're going? Do you have a plan for what to do now? Because if you don't, I strongly recommend you stay with me for the time being."

Applejack joined them, "He's right, little ones. We'll make sure y'all are taken care of."

Rainbow flew up into the sky, only to return quickly, "Looks like they got the trains going again. That was fast. Want to try it again?"

Twilight nodded, "That would be the fastest way, and we have the money easily." She began leading the way to the train station

Sonata frowned a little as she went, "Better not crash again. That was completely the worst."

Soft gave Sonata a light pat on the withers, "We'll be together."

Sonata perked, then looked to Lex, "Can we do the date in Viljatown? I don't think we're, like, staying here long." She considered only half a moment, "Besides, Viljatown has way more options!"

"I don't see why not," admitted Lex. It wasn't like the location mattered a great deal anyway, so long as it was the same for each mare; the less variance where he dated them, the easier it would be to compare the results. Still, it was best to check and make sure. "Twilight, you don't have a problem with Viljatown being where we go on our date either, do you?"

Twilight looked confused, "What? I still don't--"

Applejack moved between them, "Look here. Twilight's a bit new to the 'dating' thing, and ah reckon you two are barely introduced. Why not a group activity? Something relaxing with more than one mare present?"

Sonata briefly looked disappointed, but hid it swiftly, "We can go on a double date, sure. Lex and me and Twilight, if... you want."

Twilight quickly shook her head, "No no no! I wouldn't dream of interfering with your date. I'm going to be... busy researching spells, and teaching Applejack magic! You two just... go right along and have fun!" Twilight was not the best liar, though she was sincere in hoping the two enjoyed themselves.

"It's settled then. I'll go on a date with Sonata first, while Twilight teaches Applejack magic. Later, Twilight and I will go on our date." That was the best option by far. Each line of research should be conducted independently to avoid contaminating the results. Which made Applejack's idea of a multi-pony activity an odd one; why suggest something so counterproductive? Unless she was trying to interfere with his research somehow...

"You can't come," Lex quickly added, looking at Applejack. 'Group activity' indeed.

Twilight raised a hoof to her face before soldiering on to the train, unable or unwilling to sort out this dating affair. Surely Luminace's temple/library had a book about dating she could consult.

Applejack didn't reply to Lex's curt cut-off, instead moving along with Twilight, "Are ya gonna do it? He's kind of..."

Twilight shrugged, "Consider it an educational experiment."

Spike approached from the other side, "Should I get some paper ready for a checklist?"

Twilight brightened, "You know me so well, Spike."

They quickly paid for their tickets, buying out an entire car for themselves before boarding the train. Hopefully they would be in Viljatown without further interruptions, without harrowing adventure to get in the way of some relaxation.

On the other side of the train car, Lex was having similar thoughts to Twilight. Now that he'd secured a date with both mares, he'd need to figure out what to do while actually on them. The idea brought a small smile to his lips, as research was one of the all-too-few joys in his life.

Author's Note:

Back to civilization! Shall we try the train again? What could go wrong?

Typos, that's what could go wrong.

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