• Published 29th Dec 2014
  • 9,682 Views, 3,428 Comments

A Dangerous Sparkle - David Silver

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up in a whole new realm of danger and adventure, where the land is ruled by a much more pragmatic pony empire, ruled by a very mortal queen. A Ponyfinder crossover.

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56 - Grains for the Grain God

It was dark and quiet in Twilight's room as magical techniques danced around in her head despite her desire for sleep. She snuggled deeper under her covers, eyes closed, and tried to dispel them in favor of rest for the next day. She was slowly succeeding when the door opened slowly.

She heard a soft click click click of nails on the floor and opened an eye, but it was far too dark. "Did I wake you?" came Spike's voice.

"I wasn't asleep yet," said Twilight with a huff of irritation. "You're coming home late. Is everything ok?"

There was a pause before the wall sconce was uncovered to allow light in the room. Twilight could see there were tears streaming down Spike's face and she grew quickly concerned and confused, "Spike, what's wrong?"

Spike landed softly on the ground, "My day was... not Hum Drum."

Twilight tilted her head at Spike, "That's a good thing, isn't it? Why are you crying for that?" She sat up onto her haunches and patted a spot beside herself.

Spike climbed up and settled down beside her, "Like the comics I read back in Equestria, I mean."

Twilight looked dumbfounded for a moment before it clicked, "You mean the power ponies? Hum Drum was the side kick, right? It's been a while since I saw it."

Spike nodded, "I went out and fought crime today, on my own." He clicked some of his claws together softly in a nervous display.

"Spike!" exclaimed Twilight. "That's very dangerous to be doing alone. Are you alright?"

Spike smiled, "Better than alright. I took care of it without any mess ups. I didn't trip or slip. I just grabbed the bad girl and returned the money to the victim, like that, on my own."

Twilight reached for him, rubbing along his back with a fetlock, "You're talking like you're proud, but you're still crying. I don't get it, Spike." She cared for him, but she was still a bookworm at heart.

Spike hopped up onto his feet on the bed, making it creak under him as he faced Twilight, "You don't get it? I'm... the super hero for a change. I'm the knight I always wanted to be instead of the 'side kick'." he made air quotes with his claws as he said the hated word. "I even... have a fair damsel to protect that swoons over me."

Twilight let out a soft sigh as she drew Spike closer. A soft smile came over her tired face, "You are, Spike. You were always my little hero."

Spike suddenly pushed away from Twilight, "But that's it. I'm not a little hero. I'm not just an assistant! I'm a big hero. I'm a... full part of the team. I'm... not just there..." Fresh tears began to fall as he sank to his rump on the side of the bed.

Twilight moved for him this time, settling just behind and to the side as she asked quietly, "Why does that make you so sad?"

Spike pulled up his legs and hugged them, looking much more like his smaller self did in Twilight's eyes. "You're going to go back, you have to. You're Equestria's number one hero. Then I either go back with you, and be a side kick again, or I say goodbye to my best friend."

Twilight's mouth pulled into a thin line. As many friendship lessons as she wrote for the princess, this was outside her knowledge. She carefully wrapped herself around Spike and drew him fully onto the bed, soon covering the both of them in her soft blanket. "Well then." she said in a most non committal tone of voice, just lost and confused, "For tonight, we rest." She squeezed him gently, and for the moment, it was enough.

Sleep brought with it ideas. Twilight sprang out of bed, only to have forgotten Spike was still there and tripping over him. As she crashed to the ground, Spike rolled over to face her, now awake. "Hey Twilight. You ok?"

She gathered herself up and gave a little shake of her body before turning to face Spike, "Spike, take a letter."

Spike groggily got out of bed, mumbling idle complaints before the writing supplies were ready. "Got it."

Dear Princess Celestia,

I've been working hard to master the native magics to bring back to Equestria in the hopes of advancing the study of magic. Bringing magic to pegasi and earth ponies would be a tremendous addition to our collective ability. This is not what I write you about today, however. I cannot return to Equestria--

"What?" asked Spike. "You can't?"

Twilight raised a hoof, "Spike, finish the letter, please."

Spike nodded slowly, "If you say so..." He put quill to paper, resuming the writing.

at this time. Spike is ready to be a more mature dragon and I wish to return with him as he is now.

"You mean that?" asked Spike, cutting off the letter again.

Twilight smiled, "Of course I do. I'm not going anywhere without my number one assistant, and I won't make you choose between me and maturity."

"But, how?" asked Spike.

Twilight put a hoof to her chin, "Well, the transportation we used was much like the mirror portals, making adjustments for the convenience of the target world. I've read they have more literal transportation magics here, which should be able to bring you to Equestria as you are now." She spread her wings back, "I think I want to be translated back again. I miss being able to fly whenever I wanted."

Spike nodded without hearing half of what she said, "You think we can really do that? That would be amazing!"

Twilight cleared her throat softly, "And now, if we've had enough distractions, we need to finish the letter."

Spike saluted sharply, "Yes ma'am!"

I will return when I can do so safely without sacrifice on the part of Spike, my number one assistant and longest friend, besides you, of course. I hope that all is well and look forward to being with everypony again soon.

Your student of the stars,
Twilight Sparkle

Spike ran off with a smile, leaving Twilight to freshen up and prepare to greet the day. Twilight stepped into the hallway with a bounce in her step, proud of the resolution she came to with Spike. She skipped down the hallway towards the library and pushed the door open to find Soft Mane, Long Road, and Pinkie Pie were already inside. Long Road was digging through books while Soft Mane looked troubled. Pinkie Pie was singing a little melody about the wonders of reading.

Twilight raised a brow at this, "What's everypony doing in here?"

Long Road looked up from his book, "We've seemed to picked up the habit of conjuring gods."

Twilight blinked, "What? Again? How? I didn't do it this time!"

Soft Mane raised a hand, "I did it. Last night, at a party. I just started grabbing all the rice like my life relied on it."

"Rice?" asked Twilight as she approached the others, "And that did it?"

"When I had enough," said Soft Mane. "At least Lashtada is a pretty goddess. She was only there for less than a minute."

Twilight shook her head, "Alright, so what did she do?"

Pinkie Pie suddenly joined the conversation, "She got the groom and bride together and bam." She made a thrust with a hoof, "And boof." She thrust again with her other fore hoof, "She stamped them and wished them the best anniversary ever. Everyone was all confused but I explained it and they got real happy."

Twilight hesitantly nodded before looking towards Soft Mane, who nodded back at her. "Alright, well, since she only has one follower, I'm guessing she won't get in trouble like I did for calling her when someone else had plans, but what are you reading, Long?"

Long presented his book of 'The Divinities of Everglow', "I'm trying to find something, anything, on Lashtada, even if we aren't in that fancy library."

"Any luck?" she asked and he shook his head quickly, setting the book down.

Long Road confessed, "I never was any good at research. I was hoping you would join us. You have a much better head for this sort of thing."

Twilight was about to volunteer when her hoof wavered in the air and slowly sank down, "Actually. I have to continue my studies, but Spike is very good at looking through books. He's helped me do research in the past and has been a voracious reader since we arrived. You should ask him. I think he was just heading to the common room for breakfast."

Soft Mane was quick to perk up, rushing for the door. "I'll get him!" she cried before she was lost to sight with only the sounds of her clip clops retreating down the hall.

Twilight turned towards Pinkie, "Important news, Pinkie."

Pinkie tilted her head at Twilight, but said nothing, waiting for her to speak.

"I'm not going back to Equestria until we can bring back Spike as he is," she explained with her eyes closed, in full speech giving mode.

"Ok," said Pinkie, accepting it.

"Wha?" replied Twilight. "You don't have any problem with that?"

Pinkie bounced in place, "Of course not! I'll stay too since you two won't be lonely. Say, does Spike's letter thing still work?" When Twilight nodded, she smiled, "Can I write the Cakes a letter? I just want them to not worry about me."

Twilight nodded through her confusion, "Of course, Pinkie. I just didn't expect you to take it so easily."

Pinkie hopped onto a chair and grabbed a quill in her mouth, "Why wouldn't I? Spike's our friend. This is what friends do." She began to write her letter quickly, words a little sloppy but somehow exuding her personal cheer.

Hey Cakes,

Sorry I'm taking so long! I'll be home as soon as I can! You can write me back by giving a letter to Celestia. She's cool and she will get it to Twilight, who will give it to me. Isn't that super awesome? I'm having a fun time with Twilight and Spike! I can't wait to tell you all about it when I get back. Don't be scared of the princess, she's a very nice pony. Give Pound and Pumpkin big hugs for me.

With sparkles and cookies,
Pinkie Pie

Pinkie folded the letter into an origami crane with a flurry of hoof movements, then handed it to Twilight. Twilight grasped it in her pink field and tucked it away carefully. "You never fail to amaze me, Pinkie."

The door opened to admit Twilight's teacher and Twilight nodded at Long Road and Pinkie, "I have to get studying. I'll see you two later."

Twilight moved off to her unicorn mentor with a smile and they began to speak.

Soft Mane had the door open in one hand, and pulled Spike along with the other. "Please! See if there's anything, even a scrap. Someone had to write about her," she explained as she came in.

Spike looked uncertain but nodded, "Sure. I can help, but I have to stop in the afternoon for my own classes."

Soft Mane gave him a quick peck on the cheek and bounced back to let him work. Pinkie Pie drew a long breath before resuming her song on the splendors of reading, but didn't get too far before Twilight's teacher shot her a withering stare and brought up a hoof to her lips, giving a loud 'shhhhh'.

With or without musical accompaniment, Spike began to dig through the books, sorting them into orderly piles of likely results before sitting down and skimming through them, making revised piles. Only then did he start reading more in depth, "Huh, what did you say she looked like again?"

Long Road explained, "She was small, no larger than a filly, but she was an adult. Her legs were a little short."

Spike nodded as he read carefully, silence building until he slapped a claw on the paper, "There was a 'tribe' of small ponies, but they were wiped out near the start of the empire. It says they worshiped a goddess of love, but doesn't give a name." He smirked, "Good thing we already know that."

Soft Mane leaned forward, "What happened to them?"

"Uh," said Spike. He snapped the book shut and moved to the next. Knowing what he was looking for, it didn't take as long to find it, "Here we are. Soldier reports say the town was found wrecked while on patrol. Signs hinted at the presence of gnolls, uh, hyena people, and it was presumed they destroyed the small ponies."

Soft Mane's expression darkened a little as she scuffed the floor with a hoof, "That's awful. I've seen those. They're terrible."

Spike nodded and stood up, "I'll read more, promise, but I have to get ready for class."

He bid everyone well and hurried out the door.

Author's Note:

Emotions! Feelings! Back story! Exclamation points!

Summoning gods sometimes opens rifts to the typo dimension.

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