• Published 26th Oct 2018
  • 5,709 Views, 566 Comments

Prison of Ice with Silver Keys - RadBunny

As Gallus navigates the uncertain waters of being a special somegriff, demons from past his refuse to let him rest. As a hostile empire looms, Gallus will need to fight with every fiber of his being; only this time it's to protect the one he loves.

  • ...

Chapter Nine: Royal Balls and Plates of Pish

A knight shall love the nation in the which they were born. If a knight cannot accept and champion their birthplace, nation and creed, then how can they build more upon such a fractured foundation?

“….she’s in a funk, huh?” Smolder asked, glancing over to Ocellus who nodded briefly.
“Yeah. But I don’t really blame her, y’know?” She whispered, Silverstream letting out a groan from the couch.
“I can hear you two.” Silverstream grumbled, prompting Smolder to sigh.
“Well it’s true, isn’t it? You’ve just been, I dunno, off this morning. I mean you’re seeing Gallus later, doesn’t that usually make you bounce off the walls?”

Silverstream was quiet, oddly quiet, enough so that Ocellus and Smolder walked around to look at the hippogriff on the couch.
“It’s just something stupid and sappy and-”
“Silverstream, really? You’re going to pull that line with us?” Smolder grumbled, crossing her arms. “We’ve watched as you turn into a feathery puddle whenever thinking about Gallus. I think we’re past ‘stupid and sappy.’”

Ocellus actually giggled as a legendary pout slid onto Silverstream’s beak, the hippogriff not able to maintain it for long however.
“Ok. Fair point. It’s just- I never thought how weird him being gone would be? Like, we still see each other once a week, but it’s just a shift. I guess only noticing it now that it’s getting close to the end of it all.” She mused, taking a drink from a water glass balanced on an end-table.

Her changeling friend nodded, sitting down on the couch.
“I hear long-distance relationships can be really hard to maintain, unless you see them often. But you’re doing that! And you’re always happier when you come back!”
“Probably because he’s a great kisser.”
Silverstream promptly spat out her drink, glaring at Smolder as the dragoness doubled over in laughter.
“I’m not sorry! Probably true and hey, now you’re not pouting, you’re thinking about Gallus’ kisses! Tada! Instant happy fix!” Smolder crowed as a blush began to rise on Silver’s cheeks.
“I hate you.”

“Nah, you love me. This is what friends are for, riiiiiiight?” Smolder quipped, Ocellus’ laughter added to the mix as she gave Silverstream a pat on her back.
“Was it another bad dream? I know you had those a while back.” Silverstream then shook her head with a huff, glaring at Smolder.
“No, nothing like that. It’s more silly. I just like waking up in his arms…” She pointed a claw at the dragoness with a glare.
“Don’t. Say. Anything!”

To Silverstream’s surprise, Smolder held up her own claws with a shrug.
“Nah, nothing more from me, I’ve had my fun. You love him, I get it. Just because most dragon’s don’t know what romance is doesn’t mean it’s THAT alien of a concept.” She added, walking over to sit on the couch.
“You’re going to that Ball though, and then there’s the smaller Hearth’s Warming one here. He’ll be back before you know it.” The dragoness then grinned.
“I mean hey, you’ve got a literal knight in shining armor. What’s a bit of waiting for that?”

Smolder’s ribs were promptly given a stress test by Silverstream’s hug, the hippogriff letting out a slights squeak of joy.
“That puts it perfectly Smolder! What’s a bit of waiting when the payoff is so great!”
“And I’ll bet his kisses are a bonus!”
Two voices then echoed in shock, the dragon and hippogriff turning to a grinning changeling.


Their own training exercises halting, more than a few ponies had taken a break to watch the spectacle taking place in the more distant training rings of the gym. As a series of practice crystals hummed at full power, two arcane entities circled a gryphon between them. Despite graduating the previous night near the top of his class, the blue and cream colored gryphon was still at the school.
And he was still under apparent tutelage of one of the headmasters, if word on the school grapevine was correct.

New recruits watched in wonder as the older gryphon circled and observed his younger charge, the arcane enemies still not striking.
“These next weeks will build on your past training Squire Gallus! You know how to subdue foes while showing restraint, even while being continually taught more lethal methods. Having graduated with honors, it is now time to complete your full combat training!” Master Sergeant Gyld Ironfeather barked, tapping the crystals with a claw. The two faceless arcane ponies spun their staffs in unison, Gallus holding his own weapon at the ready.

“No more holds barred! No more restraint! While a knight is to know how to fight within bounds, as you have done, they must also know when to fight with every fiber of his being! Your first task is this; you are all that stands between these two enemies and your charge! Should you fail, they will kill you and likely her. Your training staff will not survive beyond a few blows- and yet your duty remains. BEGIN!”

The ponies watching from behind the arcane entities took a step back, the recruits not used to seeing such a predatory view from any creature as Gallus spun the training staff. Borderline rage seemed to edge into his movements, yet the Squire maintained control as he waited for the first strike.

Feigning a blow, Gallus’ staff met one of the opponents with a loud ‘PING’, the modified weapon splintering in his claws. Blocking a strike from the other arcane enemy, the staff promptly splintered into two. A few ponies audibly gasped as the gryphon launched himself at one of the arcane ponies with an eagle-like screech, tackling the training apparition to the ground. A rear paw firmly planted on the pony’s throat, Gallus drove a broken piece of the staff into the other’s chest, his training opponent leaning in for a strike at Gallus' side.

As one arcane enemy vanished, Gallus spun and lashed out with a set of claws to dispatch the prone enemy underneath him. Before he had even finished the strike, two more opponents appeared; one with a crude set of brass horseshoes- And the other with a cutlass.

Gyld tossed a training sword into the arena, the weapon skidding near Gallus’ claws as the Master Sergeant circled and observed the fight. The older gryphon didn’t miss the excited glint in the Squire’s eyes as he snatched up the weapon. A punch thrown by a brass-gilded hoof was easily dodged, the limb promptly cut off as a slice to the torso followed suit.

Standing on his hind legs, Gallus held the sword at the ready, shoving the opponent’s weapon aside with a blow before angling the weapon back for another strike. The sword darting in for a series of brutal short cuts, the arcane entity flickered and fragmented into a million blue stars as its neck and chest were fillet open. A final arcane foe appeared, cutlass swinging wildly at the gryphon. Ducking the blow, Gallus delivered a brutal punch to the pony’s chin, his other clawed hand sending the sword hilt-deep into his foe’s chest. Exploding into shards of arcane energy, the pony vanished as the gryphon sprang back upright as he scanned for more attackers.
“All enemies dispatched. You are now free to escape.” Gyld remarked, tapping the crystals and causing the opponents to vanish as ponies hit their hooves together in applause.

The Master Sergeant’s eyes narrowed as Gallus didn’t seem to hear it at first; the young gryphon looking at the sword held tightly amid claws as his sides heaved. A few deep breaths later, and Gallus nodded slowly, setting the sword down at the side of the area. You channel that intense inner emotion and yet maintain control. Admirable, Gallus.
-song cut-

“Walk with me Gallus; we’re done for this morning, especially since you have a ball to get ready for tonight.” Gyld remarked, Gallus happily walking at his side.
“I see you still favor the sword, and rightly so.” A grin slid onto Gallus’ beak as he nodded, the two meandering outside the training facility for a few minutes on one of the many cobblestone paths.
“Yeah, I really just like how it feels. Not sure how I’d ever get a real one, or if I’d ever need one, but it’s certainly my favorite weapon.” Gyld nodded slightly, brow furrowing as he thought the best way to phrase his next words.
“I am concerned that at times you get too wrapped up in the emotions of a fight however. It is an admirable way to channel inner strength, but if you are not careful it can consume you.”

Not immediately replying, Gallus finally stopped and looked up to his mentor with a honest yet determined gaze.
“I can’t do it any other way. I have to learn to control it all since ignoring it is impossible, otherwise I’ll go crazy. It’s why I enrolled here; it was all eating me up from the inside. At least this is an outlet.” He said, clearly talking both to Gyld and himself.
“I…understand though, Master Sergeant. I will be careful- I’ve certainly read about examples where fights and wars were lost due to not keeping a level head.” A set of talons gave Gallus’ shoulder a squeeze, Gyld smiling ever so slightly.

“As long as you maintain that awareness, you will be fine. Some can fight without emotion, others cannot. If you can maintain your focus and not let emotion cloud your judgement, but empower your strikes and abilities- that is the key. Thus far that is what you appear to be doing, and I find it rather admirable.” Gallus blushed in slight embarrassment, scratching a few head feathers with a claw.
“That makes sense; using emotion for power as opposed to letting it cloud judgement. It’s a fine line though…I can see how that would get mixed up at times. I can’t really help it in these scenario’s though.”

And even wider grin split Gyld’s face as he nodded to Gallus’ words. “I would be surprised if you did. I assume you are imagining the scenario and internalizing it; thus this is a good test of how you would react. The fact you don’t fly into a blind rage or recklessly attack is one of many good signs. You stay on the defensive and maintain awareness. In short, Gallus, I am impressed.”

Now a full blush did reach the Squire’s cheeks, Gyld chuckling at the sight.
“And I do believe somegriff else will be impressed tonight. Get going; the armor should be ready at Iron’s shop.” With a wave, Gallus aimed towards the showers as his mentor continuing to laugh softly.
“Quite a special gryphon you are Gallus. I hope this night treats you well.”

“Alright, hold still.” Iron Shield grumbled, tightening various straps across Gallus’ torso. Covering most of Gallus’ chest, the breastplate was polished to a sheen as the blacksmith fiddled with the fitting components.
“The side barding and plates are ready for use, but for a ceremonial event just the breastplate is customary for any warrior- as Gyld most likely told you.” The pony remarked, Gallus nodding simply.
“I can’t thank you enough Iron. It feels fantastic- I read this metal isn’t as heavy as iron or steel, it feels so light!”
“Aye. It’s an alloy, a very rare one indeed with a few layers. It’s about one third the weight of steel, maybe less. And…there we go! Take a look!”

Gallus turned to look in a slightly-grimy mirror, and his heart rose to the gryphon’s throat.
Gone was the homeless orphan, skin and bones and scraping together any meal. In his place, a young warrior stood, looking confident yet nervous for the night’s events with a lovely lady.
“I look…whoa…”
“You look good kid, and fits perfectly.” The blacksmith remarked, grinning as Gallus shook his hoof in thanks.
“I can’t thank you enough Iron. This is fantastic!” The gryphon’s wings flared slightly, the pony gesturing to the door with a laugh.
“You are most welcome, but get going! It’s an afternoon and evening even, so get to that castle!”

His formal invitations to the ball (courtesy of a request to a certain Headmare,) safe in the satchel around his neck, Gallus sat up straight on the train as it whisked him towards the castle. Apparently held in the grounds just outside the monolithic structure, the Ball was supposed to be an in-between event, after the Running of the Leaves and just before Hearth’s warming. Despite a chill beginning to enter the air, it was still warm enough to not feel unpleasant in the later hours.

The train not being nearly as empty as before, the gryphon garnered quite a few odd glances, many of which were of surprise and slight confusion. As one family had passed by though, a young colt had grinned and pointed to Gallus while whispering something to his mother. The genuine smiles on all of their features has been enough to warm Gallus’ heart; even if he didn’t know what was said. To be seen as someone is a feeling I don’t think I’ll ever get used to, Silverstream’s affection included.

“Excuse me Sir.” A curious dark-mauve pony asked, looking at Gallus with an interested gaze.
“May I ask what the armor is for? I’ve never see a gryphon wearing such.” Huh. I guess someone was bound to ask eventually.
“In short, I’m attending a formal Ball, and being a Squire now have the privilege to wear this armor.” Gallus explained, having gone over the answer to such a question more than a few times in his mind.

“A Squire?” The stallion tilted his head, eyes then widening in understanding. Gallus only then noticed the large book that served as the pony’s cutie-mark.
“As in, a Knight? That type of Squire? There haven’t been any of those in Equestria in centuries!” Gallus stood up a bit straighter, smiling slightly as he nodded.

“I am a Squire of the Gryphon Empire, a knight in training. There haven’t been any for centuries in either nation, true…” A warmth in the gryphon’s chest then blossomed that surprised even him.
“I guess I’m the first in this age. I hope there will be many more though. I won’t be a Knight until after I have completed more studies, but that’s the path I am choosing to take.” Gallus added, the pony grinning widely and actually prancing in place.
“That’s so exciting!!! OH! This is my stop- good to meet you Squire!”
Gallus couldn’t stop grinning all the way to the final train stop.

The Ball was starting to receive early guests when Gallus finally made his way from the train station to the actual castle, having stopped for some food on the way. The massive courtyard of the castle was decorated neatly yet with a flare of excitement; decoration colors celebrating the previous holiday and that to come adorning pillars and tablecloths alike. The half-circle area was easily large enough to hold a few hundred ponies, a live orchestra setting up in one section, and refreshments in another. After taking a few moments to smooth down his freshly-groomed feathers, Gallus meandered behind some trees and decorative bushes which lined the edge of the entire courtyard. No doubt the actual dance would be held inside the main castle hall, where Gallus could see guards posted around the sides as arriving nobles were being greeted by Princess Celestia and Twilight.

“Hey Discord?” Gallus asked, grinning as the chaotic being popped into existence.
“Hello fellow adventur-WHOA! You got an upgrade!” Discord exclaimed, poking the breastplate with a claw.
“Fascinating. That is quite old magic and metalwork…you are full of surprises!” He added, then gawking after reading a parchment produced by Gallus.

“You’re giving me your ring of lockpicking? With a full magical charge? You already gave me the other item a month ago!” The Draconequus squeaked, Gallus chuckling with a nod.
“Well it’s what friends do. I’ll still give you that shawl; but you’ve held to our agreement fully, and that has meant so much more than just a single item. Soooooo one ring of lockpicking to show my thanks.” Gallus explained, letting out a wheeze as Discord yanked him into a bone-crushing hug.
“Oh aren’t you just my favorite gryphon then! I swear you’re spoiling me!” He crowed, then letting Gallus down with a wide grin.
“These parties aren’t my thing, not yet at least, so I bid you good day. One pink hippogriff arriving shortly!”

Gallus was all smiles as a wave of pink ocean foam frothed across the ground in front of him, Silverstream popping into existence with a smile.
“Hey Gallus! How are-whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.” Her words quickly faded, beak wide in astonishment as Gallus grinned, turning slightly to show off the armor.
“Hello to you too Silver.” He chuckled, the gryphon’s own mind sputtering to a halt as he took in the gorgeous hippogriff’s attire.

A familiar silver tiara sat upon Silver’s forehead, a silky half-shawl that spilled past her shoulders and mid-waist flowing in the slight breeze. Teal and light pink in color, silver highlights perfectly blended it with her natural color and the royal apparel on her forehead.
“Good heaven’s you’re beautiful….” Gallus whispered, prompting a furious blush on Silver’s cheeks.

“I-I-you…whoa.” Silver stammered, Gallus reaching forward to give her a brief hug and kiss on a cheek. “Same to you, but careful, you’re drooling.” Not saying anything to contradict his words, Silver just continued to blush, pulling back to look Gallus over again.
“You look fantastic, like WOW! That armor-you look soooooooo gooooooooooood.” She gushed, apparently unable to do much other than stare for a good long minute.
“And I also got my feathers combed, and I’m preaaaatty sure these workouts are doing me good.” Gallus mused, turning slightly with a flare of his wings.
I wonder if this will make her-

Considering the blush that was now creeping down Silver’s neck from her face, Gallus’ slight showing off had been a massive success. The hippogriff was definitely drooling as she stared.
“Y-you look really really good. So handsome and ohmygoooosh.” She squeaked, finally snapping out of her adoring stupor. Even though Silverstream’s top half was a new color, Gallus felt a blush making his own cheeks burn.
“I u-um don’t think I’ll ever get used to being looked at like that. In a good way. A very good way.” He muttered, prompting a soft squeak from Silverstream, followed by a whisper he barely caught. “Well you’d better get used to it you totally hugglableandlovableandOHMYGOSHUGH!”

Gallus couldn’t help but give her another hug, chuckling all the while.
“Hugglable-loveable-ugh?” “NOTHING!” She squeaked, burying her head into his shoulder with a sigh.
“Well, while we wait for your color to return to natural, want some food? Not sure if you ate. I brought Pish.” Gallus laughed, taking out the wrapped up fish-pastry he had snagged on the way.
“Oh my gosh you are amazing.” Silverstream muttered, eagerly digging into the dish.

“And you can’t make fun of me that much! Your face is purple too!” The hippogriff grumbled, rapidly downing the spicy Pish dish.
“We need to learn how to make these. Date idea?” Gallus mused, a rather vigorous fishy kiss quickly distracting him.
“I-erm, take that as a y-yess.” He stammered, Silverstream grinning as she finished the meal.
“Uh huh. W-well, now we can finally go in?” She asked, looking over her gryphon one more time with a blush.

“S-seriously Gallus, you look amazing. I thought the paper armor in that old picture looked awesome, but this is like, ten times that.” She whispered as the two walked across the courtyard. More than a few ponies stared; likely because the God of Chaos had been conversing with them.
Eh. So I’m friends with Discord. I see that as a positive thing by far.

“Really? So armor is a definite yes?” Gallus asked, adding a bit of a strut to his stride ever so briefly.
“Mhmmmmmmohyesdefinitellyayyesssssss.” Silverstream mumbled, borderline drooling once again before Gallus shoved her shoulder with his. “I don’t think I’ve ever had someone look at me like that before, and I am not complaining.” He chuckled. Still not sure what to think of it, but I like it….

A still dark pink Silverstream and noticeably purple Gallus both bowed their heads in greeting to the two Princesses, the gryphon not able to resist a grin to Twilight.
“Don’t worry Professor, I sent my homework in yesterday.” To his amusement, Twilight had to stifle a slight laugh, nodding as she waved them in.
“Yes, I know. I’ve had quite fun correcting it. Enjoy tonight you two!”

Celestia looked the gryphon over, a wry glint in her eye that matched the approving smile.
“Squire Gallus, Lady Silverstream, a pleasure to see you here.” She remarked, the two of them nodding.
“Y-you too Princess Celestia! I mean I expected to see you here it’s your castle and all that I mean-EEP!” Silverstream let out a squeak as Gallus poked her side to interrupt her rambling.
“We’re both happy to be here Princess Celestia, and to see you too. Can you pass on my greetings to Lu-erm, Princess Luna when she’s free?” Gallus asked, the Alicorn smiling with a nod.
“Of course. Ah, looks like more nobles arriving- Enjoy tonight you two!” She called, the pair walking inside the massive hall.
“Whoaaaaa…” The gryphon muttered, looking around with wide eyes.

One of the massive entrance halls had been converted to a ballroom; titanic marble pillars rising up on either side to support the second story which housed mostly relaxing seats and tables. A smaller refreshment table was located near the back left, near a grand stairway, while a stage for the live orchestra sat unused in the back right, no doubt to be utilized as the events moved indoors after the welcoming and mingling outside (as nobles apparently did? Gallus still wasn’t sure about that…) Eh. I have only onegriff I want to mingle with.

“Sooooo. Wait for the main welcome, meander outside for a bit, and then inside? Dance the night away? All the above?” Gallus asked, Silverstream being rather quiet but perking up at his words.
“I’d love that.” She whispered, sitting on the edge of the hallway as nobles walked hither and thither.
“Thank you for this, Gallus. Really.” She added, giving him a brief but very heated kiss, eyes shining with genuine tenderness as the gryphon gave her claws a squeeze.

“Anytime Silver…hmm. Do you think I’ll have to explain myself to nobles?” Gallus mused, Silverstream letting out a giggle as she nodded. “Oh, most definitely. And I’m totally looking forward to it.”
“Huh? Why?” Gallus asked as a rather well-dressed cream unicorn and slender pink mare approached them.
“Because one of the many things I love about you, is that you are not what anyone expects.” She whispered.

“Hello there! You must be the Gallus who we have heard so much about.” The unicorn remarked, his twirling moustache matching rather well with the monocle on his right eye. Shaking the outstretched hoof, Gallus nodded briefly.
“That’s me, may I ask your name sir?” A genuine laugh left the unicorn’s lips, the stallion lightly hitting his forehead with a hoof. “Of course! Where are my manners. I’m Fancy Pants, and this is Fleur De Lis. We’ve heard of your interesting training, and simply wanted to say hello!”

The pair shook the noble’s hooves, Silverstream blushing slightly as Fleur nodded with a wink and a grin as Gallus explained the whole ‘Squire-to-Knight’ journey to Fancy.
“Well it looks like the entire affair is about to start! Good to meet you Gallus, and quite an interesting journey you’re going on!” Fancy remarked, offering a hoof to Fleur as the pair walked back to the center of the ballroom. Princess Celestia and Twilight had taken their place on the massive grand stairway, the structure serving as an impromptu stage.

“Welcome all, to the Mid-Fall Ball!” Celestia called, the two hundred or so nobles in attendance turning to listen. “The program is simple; occasional slow dances, with a bit of newer pieces that have been highly recommended. While there will be a formal dance at designated intervals, most songs are suited for such. As the night gets colder, the entertainment will move back into this hall. I hope every-creature has a fantastic evening!” Gallus felt his feathers fluff slightly as the nobles began to chatter once again, Celestia’s gaze resting on the gryphon as she winked. Well, so far the only non-pony. Well, and a certain hippogriff.

Meandering outside with the throng of ponies, Gallus and Silverstream sat to the side as the first song began to play. A softer classical piece, the melody drifted across the vast outdoor expanse. It wasn’t a suitable song to dance to, but provide a lovely background spirit to the Ball. “Hey Silver?” Gallus whispered, Silverstream apparently having zoned out slightly as she leaned against his shoulder. “Hmm?”
“See that pony’s hat?” He asked, Silverstream following the gryphon’s gaze and nodding.
“It totally looks like a fish is trying to eat him.”
The hippogriff’s sides shook with laughter, Silverstream struggling to not burst out with a loud giggle. To be fair, her suppressed giggles were fairly adorable.
Silverstream finally couldn’t take it anymore and let out a soft ‘Snrk’ behind her claws, then glaring at Gallus with a wide smile.
“Oh my gosh Gallus, you’re totally right…and hey, does the one next to him look like a moldy fruit?” The gryphon tried to suppress a laugh; the sound coming out like a choked sneeze.
“Wow. It does, it really really does.”

As the two pointed out amusing hats in hushed whispers, Silverstream couldn’t help but glance over to Gallus as warmth blossomed in her chest. Just having fun, being herself with him always just felt right, even if it was making fun of hats. Ok especially if we’re making fun of hats. I’m surprised he’s the one who said it first.
“Silver?” She blushed as Gallus was looking expectantly at her, the hippogriff apparently having not glanced away for a good minute or so.
“Erm- Just…ugh.” Silverstream relented and gave Gallus a peck on the cheek.

“I’m just happy to be here with you.” She whispered, a happy hum being Gallus’ reply. As another song was kicked off by the orchestra, Silver’s ears perked up.
“Ooooh! This is a classic! Literally! Nice swaying dance and-EEEP!” The hippogriff was yanked into a spin, ending up in Gallus’ arms with a surprised giggle.
“Hi there.” He grinned, his words and rather sly grin not helping Silverstream’s blush in the slightest.
“H-hi to you too.” She managed to stammer, any residual nerves the hippogriff had vanishing as Gallus led her through an (almost) flawless dance. Ok. Pointing out another funny hat to make me forget a step was SO not fair!

Silver could see that as the dance ended quite a few curious eyes were on the armored gryphon, Gallus clearly a tad uncomfortable with the attention. Giving him a kiss on the cheek, Silverstream bowed as the song wound down, Gallus doing the same as the pair meandered back to the outskirts of the dance area.
“I kinda expected a few odd looks, but-ah well.” He muttered, Silverstream happily leaning against him.
“Eh. Don’t mind them. You look quite handsome.” She whispered, prompting a rather fluffy (and sheepish) grin.
“I’m surprised they’re not focused on you, considering how gorgeous you look.” Gallus couldn’t help but grin as Silver’s own feathers fluffed, the hippogriff letting out a good-natured sigh.
“Ugh, you flatterer. But it works.”
“That implies it isn’t true.” Silverstream pushed her face into Gallus’ shoulder with an muffled ‘Stffffff.’
“I assume that means stop? How can I when every part of you makes me happy?” Gallus continued.

A very familiar dark pink blush crept onto Silver’s face as she glared at him, Gallus’ own face reddening. “Ok. Even I’m-Erm, I meant-” He stared at his claws with a sigh.
“Can we just forget I said that and file it under ‘things Gallus didn’t think about before saying?’
To the gryphon’s partial horror, Silverstream shook her blushing face. “Nuh uh. Not forgetting that one. Maybe for the ball though, otherwise I’ll-ooooh. There’s Princess Luna!” She remarked, Gallus looking up and nodding.
“Huh. So it is. At least she and the other princesses look like they’re having fun talking! Maybe they’ll dance?” Silver mused.

Gallus shrugged, nudging Silverstream’s shoulder as they went to look over the refreshment table.
“Hey. They’ve got fancy pish, but with fruit.”
“That’s…a normal pastry Gallus.” A glare was Silverstream’s reward; as well as said dish was shoved into her beak.
“It’s. Fruit. Pish.” He grumbled, Silverstream still all smiles as they swayed to the music, watching as other noble couples danced.
“Hmm. Dance for a few more and then see what you want to do?” Gallus asked, Silverstream nodding eagerly as they moved to the edge of the dance floor.

The dances blurred together in a series of smiles, giggles, and smooth twirls. Not entirely sure of how much time had passed, Gallus was panting as he sat down off the dance floor, Silverstream following suite. Between dances Gallus was hard pressed to explain the armor to a few more nobles, most of whom thought it a respectable position (thankfully.) At least the songs were an excuse to cut the conversation short.

“Ok. I love dancing, but wow it’s a workout. Different than combat training.” He mused, Silverstream nodding with a smile that shone from her eyes as well as her beak.
“Totally. But thank you- I love it, tired or not. But maybe a short break.” She admitted, Gallus reaching over to squeeze her claw briefly.

“I’m glad you’re here Silver.” Gallus whispered, the hippogriff smiling and leaning on his shoulder.
“I’m glad to be here Gallus. Wouldn’t want to be with anyone else, here or otherwise.” She murmured, the gryphon grinning. “Someone wanting a nap?”
“Your shoulder is sooooo niiiiice…”
“Well, feel free to keep resting for a bit, but it looks like we’re heading inside.” Gallus replied, Silverstream nuzzling his feathers with a sigh.
“I guess we should go toooooo.”

Walking in with Silverstream’s side occasional brushing his, Gallus glanced around at the massive hall-converted ballroom. Most of the nobles were filing in to the sides as the orchestra started up again, the three princesses still chatting away on the grand Stairway.
“Uh, Silver? Are those ten-foot tall folding speakers?” Gallus asked as a familiar white unicorn with large shades began manipulating the large devices.
“Oooooh! Maybe a faster dance?” Silver suggested, Gallus nodding as the two simply rested against each other for the current song. “I suppose it could be. I mean they did say there’d be more modern music…but a DJ at a ball?”

“The next piece is certainly not an ordinary Ball musical selection, but is currently sweeping through every nightclub and impromptu dance party from Manehatten to Saddle Arabia.” Princess Celestia announced, with a very slight smirk visible on her muzzle. Gallus couldn’t help but watch on in amusement, Silverstream apparently as curious as he was. What could she be planning…

“Hey there Squire Gallus.” A familiar deep voice rumbled, Gallus turning to nod in greeting to Gyld.
“Master Sergeant Gyld.” He stated, then gesturing to Silverstream with a smile.“Lady Silverstream, this is Master Sergeant Gyld Ironfeather- my mentor.” The hippogriff bowed her head with a smile, tail swishing happily.
“Good to meet you! I’ve heard a bit about you from Gallus- sounds like you’re quite a good teacher!”

Gallus chuckled, nodding briefly. “That’s an understatement; he’s fantastic.”
“Careful now, don’t be inflating his ego any more than it already is.” A soft voice chirped, the origin being a tan gryphoness with darker brown stripes down her neck and flanks. Gyld chuckled, reaching over with a wing to hug her closer;
“Squire Gallus, Lady Silverstream, this is Mally Ironfeather; my wife.” The two bowed in greeting as Silverstream clearly restrained an adoring squeak.
“I’ve heard quite a bit about you two; it’s nice to finally meet you in person.” Mally added, Gallus nodding briefly.
“The same- well, in passing of how you make a fantastic cake…” The gryphoness reached over to casually poke her husband in the side with a grin.
“Apparently so, because a slice is missing before I’ve even frosted the blasted thing.”

Suddenly Gyld seemed very interested in everywhere but his grinning wife as he waved a wing to the two.
“Well, I thought I’d come over and say hello; and hope you enjoy the evening.” He remarked, then smiling as he bowed his head to them again as Mally followed suite. As the two faded into the crowd, Silverstream smiled and leaned against Gallus’ shoulder.
“I like them.” She stated, Gallus nodding in agreement.
“Gyld is awesome; and Mally seems nice too!”

As the orchestra wound down, a steady beat and lyrical voice began to emit from the now-assembled speakers. The nobles cleared the main dance floor, the majority clearly unsure of whether to dance or simply listen. Silverstream had no such doubts, a wide grin splitting her beak.
“OH! Skystar told me about this song. I’ve only heard it a few times, but it’s super catchy! I think we….hmmm.” She continued to listen then turned to Gallus excitedly.
“Wanna dance? I think that school one we practiced would work!” She asked, Gallus looking around at the very-empty dance floor.

“I-I-erm, nobody else is? And the school one? The half line dance and swing one?” Gallus asked, shifting from claw to claw. I mean, Rarity said basically everypony learned it when they were foals for parties…
“Uh huh! That one! Why not? I mean not our fault these ponies don’t know how to dance!” Silver added, Gallus now swallowing nervously. He already knew what he’d do of course; it was just convincing himself when to do it. Well am I a Squire or not? Afraid of a dance?

His eyes narrowed, and Gallus let a nervous grin slide onto his features, holding out a set of claws to Silver.
“Lead on Lady Silverstream.” Gallus grinned, Silverstream letting out an excited giggle as she yanked him onto the dance floor. The first few steps were awkward, the pair stepping in time as they tried to settle into a beat-
And then it all began to flow.

The judging eyes around the pair vanished, and all Gallus could see was an overjoyed Silverstream as they danced. The line moves were simple, steps, twirls and the occasional spin with a partner, and at any point the couple could shift to a swing, or even a different semi fast dance. Before that moment even came, Gallus saw some familiar feathers to his left, a large and imposing gryphon dancing with his amused wife.
Gyld!? Mally!?

Now a few more nobles joined the line dance, others quickly filling into the now three-line deep dance formation, hooves stomping to the beat as embarrassed looks were replaced with wide, joyous grins. On one energetic twirl, Gallus couldn’t help but laugh as three Alicorns apparently had joined into the rear-most dance line with smiles that lit up the room. The last few moments of the song had most individuals snag their partner into a few simple swaying moves, ending with a final spin and smiles all around. Silverstream was beaming as Gallus yanked her close to plant a kiss on her beak. The gesture was quickly and eagerly reciprocated, Silverstream blushing as her claws rested on Gallus’ chest.
-song(s) end-

“That. Was. AWESOME!” Silver crowed, few paying attention as the uplifting Ball now resumed with most individuals lining the edge of the dance floor. Smiles were present on even the most up-tight of nobles, only the most boring and cynical individuals sniffing at the merriment. Eh. Let them keep their boredom. That was awesome!
“I totally agree Silver.” Gallus remarked, then casually pulling her behind a pillar to plant a very heated kiss on her beak. “Thanks for pushing me to do that.”
“Hehhhhh. Sure thing.” Silverstream mumbled, Gallus’ kiss apparently causing the poor hippogriff’s brain to overheat.

Making their way to the mingling area to the side of the hall and take a breather, Silverstream swayed against his side as a peaceful classical piece started up again. Can’t say I’m a fan of so many ponies…but this is nice. Gyld and Mally, even the Princesses joined in on that dance. Having creatures here that I know helps, and Silverstream makes it all easy to ignore, just her and-

A strange prickle ran up Gallus’ spine, and the gryphon casually glanced around. What is…. His gaze settled on a seemingly bland earth pony, his dark purple coat not standing out among the crowd. Nothing about him really did stand out as he moved against one of the walls to observe the majority of ponies- And then Gallus saw an odd miniscule device in the pony’s hoof, arcane magic spinning a cube around with purple flames flaring this way and that.
“Silver, I need to check something, I’ll be right back, ok?”
“Hmm? Mkay.” Silverstream remarked, watching as Gallus slid through the crowd. His eyes widened as the odd magenta cube began to reform in the shape of a triangle- and point directly at Gallus, or more specifically, Silverstream.

The pony looked up and clearly saw Gallus’ narrowed eyes, appearing genuinely surprised his efforts had been noticed. A predator doesn’t ever want to be seen. Waving an arm above the crowd, Gallus saw Princess Celestia look his way, and then to the pony he gestured to. As the suspicious stallion backed up to hide behind a pillar, Gallus snapped off the restraining gem on his armor as he got closer.

A soft ‘POP’ cut the air for but a moment; mostly hidden behind the music, but enough so that Gallus could pick up on it. For a moment, the shadow of the slightly-concealed pony warped and twisted, a very different and taller outline shining on the wall as red eyes glared malevolently back at the disruptive gryphon, two horns framing the individuals oval head. As Gallus rounded the pillar, nothing remained of the stallion but purple smoke and a feeling of unease.

“Gallus. What did you see?” Gyld rumbled, the older gryphon at his side in but a moment. A small fold-out crossbow was clutched in the warrior’s talons, and Gallus’ brow furrowed.
“Think, Gallus. Before it fades. What did you see, what did you hear? Describe it to me.” Gallus nodded, playing back exactly what sights he had taken in and describing it as best as he could. When he got to the description of the shadow on the wall, Gyld sighed, nodding slowly.
“And you are sure?” A nod was the young gryphon’s reply, and the mentor lay a set of claws onto Gallus’ shoulder.

“Probably was just a thief trying to detect the most valuable items; some artifacts can do that, and then set up a target for later.” He explained calmly.
“Go back to Silverstream and enjoy your evening, you did exactly what you’re supposed to do. I wouldn’t tell anyone about this though, not until we know more.”

“Gallus?” The gryphon’s head swiveled as Silverstream padded up beside him, brow furrowed in worry.
“Everything alright?” Looking to Gyld briefly, Gallus then nodded to Silverstream as he nudged her shoulder.
“Yeah, just…knight stuff, can’t really talk about it yet.” He remarked, Silver simply shrugging as she nodded.
“Oh, ok!” The pair meandered back to enjoy each other’s company on the edge of the dance floor as the music continued to play.
“Soooo a few more dances?” Silver asked, her voice easily quelling Gallus’ unsettled thoughts.
“Of course. And then a few cuddles outside?” Gallus added with a loving kiss on Silver’s cheek.

“Gyld?” Mally asked, nudging her husband’s shoulder with her own, the warrior stowing the crossbow into a small pouch under his chest.
“Just…enjoy the Ball, dear. Please. I’ll tell you later, alright? I need to let Celestia know a few things.” Gyld replied, giving his very unconvinced wife a nuzzle as they made their way towards the Princesses.

In a small room shut off from the main dance hall, Celestia and Luna looked at the gryphon in front of them, their own expressions rather grave.
“You are sure that is what Gallus said?” Luna asked, Gyld nodding once.
“Yes. And it matches up with the brief view I got, as well as the note of a magical disturbance in the area at that time.” He added, Celestia sighing with a shake of her head.
“And so our defenses are being probed it would seem.” She whispered, prompting Gyld to raise a claw in disagreement.
“I don’t believe so. If what Gallus said is true, and we have no reason to doubt him, the pony had a device that was focused on something. This was more of a scouting manner I think.”

“He will understand the necessity of a white lie, Gyld.” Luna interjected, seeing the warrior sigh.
“I know. This is far above what he needs to deal with, but I still don’t like not telling him.” The gryphon admitted. Celestia stayed silent for a moment, then nodded once to Gyld.
“Thank you Master Sergeant for your help. We’ll keep in touch.”

As the doors closed, Luna glanced over to her sister as the Sun Princess shook her head.
“I thought we had more time, Luna. I really did.” As a viewing portal was summoned by Luna, the dark blue Alicorn shrugged her shoulders.
“It will not be long. Rumors are spreading, fear eating away at the fringes of dreams on our borders. Soon enough everypony will know; everycreature will know. But until then, we must do our best, as you are doing, dear sister.”

“Auntie! What a pleasant surprise! What can I….Celestia?” Cadence’s pleasant tone quickly shifted to that of suspicion.
“Ok Auntie, what is going on? I haven’t seen that look from you in years.” Celestia drew herself up, a determined smile stamping itself on her features.
“Things are progressing faster than we thought. I think you should ask Queen Novo if that military arms modernization meeting can be bumped up in schedule.” Seeing Cadence’s eyes narrow, Celestia simply nodded.
“As in, within a few months.” The alabaster Alicorn added, causing the other ruler to sit up a bit straighter.
“I understand Princess Celestia. Let’s talk later tonight; we had a bit of an incident here a few hours ago as a matter of fact.” A slight grin slid onto Celestia’s features as she looked to Cadence.
“Oh? How interesting….”

Author's Note:

Hello all, and Happy Holidays! (To those who celebrate Thanksgiving at least!) Sorry this chapter has taken a bit; I think one chapter a week is what will be planned on from here on out (give or take.)

That said, the story will go on! Where will this adventure lead? Stay tuned to seeee!
As always, thank you all for the support and continued feedback!