• Published 26th Oct 2018
  • 5,710 Views, 566 Comments

Prison of Ice with Silver Keys - RadBunny

As Gallus navigates the uncertain waters of being a special somegriff, demons from past his refuse to let him rest. As a hostile empire looms, Gallus will need to fight with every fiber of his being; only this time it's to protect the one he loves.

  • ...

Chapter Six: Knight's Honor

‘A knight shall never recoil from an enemy; but to die a pointless death is an honorless endeavor.’ (ACGK:A/IE)

‘Dear Silverstream,
This first week has been a blast! I know it might seem a bit, I dunno, odd what I’m learning, but it’s certainly making me feel better. Learning different strikes, immobilizing holds, how to assess situations, all that fun stuff! Not too much classroom work; some legal stuff with a few tests. Most of it is claws-on work!
Just wanted to send a quick note- look forward to seeing you this weekend. Discord will pop in sometime and talk to you about that.
Love you,

Silverstream smiled, reading over the letter again in her room. Placing it in a drawer, the hippogriff meandered out into the common area. A knowing smile from Ocellus was enough to make Silverstream blush.
“Miss him?” Silverstream sighed, flopping on the couch next to the changeling with a nod. “
Yeah. Probably don’t need to be able to sense emotions to know that though. I’m just happy he’s doing ok.” Ocellus giggled, reaching over to give the hippogriff a pat on the back.
“Well, you’ll see him in a day or two!”

Nodding knowingly, Silverstream smiled at the thought, prompting another giggle from Ocellus.
“You really do love him, huh? I mean Sandy and I are obviously still dating, but you and Gallus seem extra close.” Nodding at the question, Silverstream toyed with a free thread on the couch.
"I really do, more than anything. I can’t imagine being with anyone else, and you are right. We are really close, but it’s different. Not like the whole ‘teen love’ that everyone always said we were in. I mean yeah, there was that part of it at first…” The hippogriff grumbled slightly.

“I just- I mean I still get warm fuzzies and butterflies, but being near him just feels right. I feel safe, and totally happy even if we don’t say much. It’s a more calm thing, which is really really weird for me.” The changeling was all smiles as she nodded briefly.
“Sounds like he’s the one.”
“I really think he is, not sure how he-EEEEP.” Silverstream stuttered, clamping her beak shut and shaking her head with a blush.
“Ohmygoshthatsnotthefirsttimethatshappened.” She mumbled, Ocellus doubling over in laughter.
“I won’t say anything, I promise! It really does sound like you have something special, and I’m happy for you. I wonder what he’s up to?” Silverstream sighed, burying her face in a couch cushion as her wings flared.
“I dunno. Hopefully nothing too dangerous. But that’s probably not the best thing to hope for at that school.”

“Dude, Gallus, that’s like the third time you’ve missed that block.” The amber stallion chuckled, standing on his hind legs and twirling a training staff.
“Yeah yeah I know. It’s that one move that always gets me.” The gryphon grumbled, levering himself up on his own training staff.

The pony and gryphon took a breather, looking around briefly. Their current class was located in one of the large square training buildings, various practice weapon racks dotted areas along the granite walls. The immediate walls and floors were padded with dark blue material, a few small rings set up for one on one sparring sessions. To the side was a water cooler and first aid station; allowing a good few hours of practice before taking a long break.

Rivet Brazing grinned, briefly swinging the weapon once or twice in an artful twirl.
“It’s a downward strike; the problem is you’re trying to brute force block it. You aren’t re-directing it to the left or right far enough. Hence the headache.”
Gallus nodded, about to take another go at the maneuver again when the whistle sounded, indicating a short break.
“Guess time to get a drink and then back at it?” Rivet asked, Gallus nodding and hoof/claw-bumping the stallion.

“Seems like it. So your dad is one of the blacksmith’s in town?”
“Yeah. Apparently there’s quite the hubbub in the Smithing circles. The only Master blacksmith here has been pouring over his books and references. Considering he’s one of the best, something must have him curious. It’s all very hush-hush though, even the apprentice isn’t allowed in his study.” The stallion mused, chugging a bottle of water.
“Huh. That’s pretty cool. I’ve always found blacksmithing interesting, but never really had a chance to try it. Suppose I’ll add that to the list of things to explore for sure.” Gallus remarked, glancing around the room.
“Oh great. It’s big, brash and stupid.” Rivet grumbled, a cocky stallion making his way into the room.
“Well, Barbed seems to have left everyone alone this week. I’m surprised all the stuff I’ve heard is true; I’d have thought they’d kick him out.” Gallus mused, playing the ignorant gryphon.

“Pffft. Nope. His dad is loaded, big importer of raw materials, so he paid the school to whip his son into shape. All that has done is let the son whip us. At least that’s what I’ve heard. My friend was one of the guys sent to the hospital. Some convenient failure of the training dampeners or whatnot. With all of daddy’s money, who know what that idiot has bought to accomplish that. He’s already completed this entire course once before though...” Rivet said with a roll of his eyes.

“Ah well. He’ll be gone after this training session hopefully.” Gallus mused, hackles rising despite his casual tone. Gyld’s words came flooding back. ‘Officially, when training with staffs, the dampening spells have malfunctioned with his partners, causing some rather nasty injuries…’
Uh oh.

The instructor was clearly not pleased as the large stallion pushed himself into the training session.
“It’s free sparring next, right? Mind if I join?” He said in a sickeningly sweet tone, the lithe white mare instructor clearly forcing a pleasant attitude.
“Of course Barbed, I’ll get you a staff.”

As the stallion grinned, the instructor clearly retrieved a staff herself and looked the item over meticulously, even activating the magical blunting spells to ensure functionality. Well, it’s not a specific staff that goes bad at least.
As the break ended, Rivet followed Gallus to one of the rings, the pleasant stallion quickly having become a fast friend after the orientation.
“So, want to practice the blocks again? That does seem to be your-”
“Mind if I cut in?”
….oh plucked feathers. Please let this not go how I think it will.

Rivet plastered a stereotypical but extremely fake smile on his features, nodding to the larger stallion.
“Sure Barbed. I call next match though.” Stepping inside the slightly-raised ring padding, Gallus made sure the small crystal devices Gyld had given him were in the small neck-satchel. Hopefully I won’t have to use these. He hasn’t bothered me this entire week, so maybe it was a one-time thing?

Acting as the judge, Rivet raised a hoof and dropped it, signaling the sparring to commence. The rules were fairly simple; on a hit, break apart and re-evaluate the fight and techniques or continue on; head strikes were not permitted. The first strikes of Barbed Wire’s staff were easy to block, the gryphon actually scoring a decisive blow to the stallion’s side. He’s slow. Powerful, but slow. With his sharp gaze, Gallus saw the stallion adjust a small circular crystal on his fetlock before breaking apart, the device hidden under a bit of fur. The tell-tale hum of blunting spells abruptly vanished from one of the staff’s. So that’s it.
“I think that staff is bro-”

Gallus barely had time to raise his staff to block the onslaught, the stallion’s blows becoming much more refined. Testing me before? Or just enjoying the hunt? Slamming the staff against Gallus’ own block, the stallion grinned as he was a few inches away.
"You’ve gotta learn eventually gryphon, this is a pony school. You all don’t belong here.” He hissed, then retreating briefly. “Seriously? I already dealt with one pony who thought that way, now you too?” Gallus sighed, not bothering to whisper. Hunting relied on not being noticed; so perhaps… On seeing some of the gazes cast their way, Gallus’ heart sank. Even the instructor looked helpless, shaking her head slowly.

No evidence. Only being a jerk is what they can judge on. Well then… Locking staffs again, the stallion grunted as Gallus gave his face a good whack- the magical spells blunting most of the force.
“Neighsay had it right- at least before he went soft!” Barb hissed, sidestepping and delivering a blow to Gallus' side. Pain erupted on Gallus' ribs, the solid wood staff knocking the wind out of him as the gryphon stumbled.
“That’s enough Barbed!” Rivet called, the stallion shaking his head.
“What? Gallus here is still good, aren’t you?” Gallus nodded, waving to Rivet.
‘Ponies are not predators by nature.’
I am.
Wait for an opening.
Just like in Griffinstone.
This isn’t new.

Gallus caught another blow to his chest, letting out a groan as the stallion twirled his staff. ‘When a fight starts, you are to finish it…’ Another blow to his back, near the wings, this time Gallus couldn’t resist stumbling. When Barbed Wire got closer, Gallus let out a single wheeze, prompting the pony to pause.
“Coward.” Barbed tilted his head to one side, ego oozing from every pore.
“Excuse me?” Gallus stood back up, swaying as though dazed from the pain; which was partially true at least.

“Can’t even take a hit from a gryphon?” Barbed Wire whacked the gryphon’s shoulder, causing Gallus to hiss in pain, but then the larger pony backed off.
“Ok then bird, you get a hit, right to my chin. But then I get a hit. Deal?” With a subtle move as though stumbling slightly, Gallus grasped at his chest- And the small pouch around his neck.

The stallion shifted his staff, adjusting the fetlock crystal with a slight movement. Gallus' staff then hummed with a full-power arcane dampening field. No matter how hard he hit the stallion, it’d be like hitting with a rolled up magazine. Allegedly.
“You heard that Rivet? We’re practicing strikes. I’m going to try mine, then Barbed will try his.” Gallus called, prompting the pony to shake his head.
“Bad idea bad idea bad idea-”
“Well? C’mon birdbrain. Let’s see-“

Gallus slapped two of the crystal devices onto his staff and lunged forward. Twisting at the waist, the gryphon sent the staff snapping sideways at the stallions face, the extra movement adding a burst of speed to the strike.
Barbed Wire was still grinning as solid wood and metal shattered his teeth, the impact sending the pony thudding to the floor. The bully didn’t move, causing Gallus to sigh and shake his head. Knockout, fight’s finished.

Gallus wheezed, waving over to the instructor as he removed the small devices from his staff with a subtle movement.
“Hey, this staff malfunctioned. I think he’s hurt.” The gryphon explained, sitting off to the side as the pony called for some medics. Rivet simply stared, nodding slowly.
“Dunno how you did that, but good riddance.” He muttered, helping Gallus limp out of the ring.

After a brief visit to the medical station (and a quick magical patch up for bruises and a cracked bone or two,) Gallus gave his brief statement; ‘I guess both our staves malfunctioned, and we both were too stubborn to stop.’ He didn’t like leaving out the detailed parts, but that would clearly help nobody in this case. You had to pick your battles; and if it was of words, this one is a fight he’d lose. The sly grin Gyld had shot his way when going to inspect Barbed Wire had given Gallus a bit of relief. Nobody died, and that jerk wouldn’t be hurting anyone else anymore.

In the empty locker room, Gallus toweled off after a brief shower. Magically-healed wounds always felt weird for a day or two after. They said it was latent magic in his system, but while it was better than any pain, it still felt weird. Hearing the locker room door open and close, Gallus called out on hearing some hoofsteps.
“Hey, Rivet, that you?” He called, closing his assigned locker with a dull ‘thud.’
“I was wondering if we could go over those blocking moves again before dinner.”
A blow to Gallus’ head made the world spin, the gryphon quickly finding himself strong-limbed against the metal lockers, a meaty forelimb across his throat. A bruised face looked back at him, chipped and broken teeth widened in a malevolent grin.

“You stupid gryphon.” Barbed Wire spat, holding Gallus off the ground with a forelimb.
“My dad will pin your feathers to his wall! Break my face and make me look like fool? Oh he’s gonna rip you apart. But f-first…” The stallion began to cackle, his other forelimb reaching into a small pouch.
“I get my hit, with interest.”

The moment a switchblade snapped out, Gallus’ eyes widened in shock as adrenaline spiked into his blood. A primal surge of energy begged to be let out in his mind; slamming against the bars of its cage. This pony, he’s not going to-
“Maybe I’ll scrape those wings clean first!” Gallus’ blood ran cold at the ruthless statement, finally understanding this pony’s intent. This pony’s not just a bully; he’s a psychopath!

His claws gripping the pony’s forelimb, Gallus could feel the muscles tensing-
I could make him bleed out by just a cut.
Shred muscle and bone.
Just like a rabbit.
The animal in Gallus’ mind growled; it could help! Just let it!
…I don’t want to hurt anyone!

“Don’t make me do this, let me go!” Gallus grunted, the forelimb tightening on his throat.
“Make you do what? I’m going to get my dues with interest. And maybe when you’re lying in a hospital bed and your girlfriend visits, I’ll say hello to her too!” The mad stallion cackled, rearing the knife back for a stab. The final reservations in Gallus’ mind vanished, energy surging through his limbs. The gryphon’s eyes narrowed with a predatory gaze.
Gallus' claws snapped out, a deep growl rising in the gryphon’s throat.
Talons dug into the forelimb across Gallus’ throat, the other held up to fend off the blade.
A guttural scream left Barbed Wire’s throat as his forelimb was shredded by Gallus’ talons, but still struggled to push the switchblade home.
Gallus let out a screech, digging in his claws to the fullest until he scraped bone in the pony’s arm. Then snapping his talons up, he felt them dig into the pony’s muzzle; so he ripped. The stallion crumbled to the floor with a wet shriek, the switchblade clattering to the floor as four gaping wounds were torn across his face. Gallus kicked the weapon aside, glaring at the bleeding pony on the tile. He quickly ran to the entrance and tapped at the crystal intercom.
“I need medics at the locker room, some idiot tried to stab me!”

That duty done, the gryphon looked at the pitiful pony lying on the floor, blood pooling around his torn limb and muzzle.
“You bullies are all the same, it’s pathetic.” Gallus growled, yanking open a locker and tearing up a towel to tie around Barbed Wire’s wounds as his claws shook with adrenaline. The stallion’s eyes widened, not understanding as Gallus tightened the makeshift bandages.
“I don’t want to kill anyone; I just wanted to make you let go. But I could have gone further.” Gallus growled, showing his talons mere inches from Barbed’s eyes.

“I don’t want that on my conscience. But remember I could have killed you, or taken your eyes. I don’t expect to see you around anymore- do you understand? And if you ever threaten the one I love again…” He whispered, prompting a nod and a whimper at the open-ended statement. The gryphon tightened the bandages with a yank; at least the pony wouldn’t bleed to death.

Gallus turned and made room for the medics who rushed in, gladly following the two uniformed officers to lead him away. It was a fight after all. It was only when he was outside when the gryphon paused, briefly nodding to the officers, and promptly threw up his lunch into the nearest bush.

“Is that it then?” Gallus asked, wings drooping with exhaustion. He had given his statement multiple times; and even though it had been but a hour or two, the gryphon was exhausted as shock started to set in and the adrenaline wore off.
“That will be more than enough. Surprisingly Barbed Wire isn’t denying anything. If anything, he’s elaborating on it all which clears you right up. While the medics cleared you Gallus, are you doing ok otherwise?” Gyld asked, his head shaking slowly in the empty office.
“I never thought Barbed would go that far; so everything about this is on me.”

Gallus shook his head, handing the crystal items back over.
“No. He would have sent me to the hospital at the very least. Even in training he almost did. You at least gave me the tools to fight back.” A weak smile dawned on Gallus’ features.
“Might take a bit for me to get over this though. It’s still a bit much, I’ve never been in a fight like that before.”

Gyld nodded, waving a set of claws briefly.
“Of course. You can have an extra day off or few, however many you need. Look, Gallus, I’m sorry you were dragged into this. If-”
“You didn’t drag me into it, Barbed did.” Gallus interrupted with a slight furrow of his brow. “Gyld, I feel like if I hadn’t helped, then I’d have ended up beaten to a pulp in a hospital. More than that, I’d still be afraid to fight with my claws.”
The young gryphon sighed, shaking his head. “I never wanted any of this; but I’d rather have this stuff now, then have it be new if, or when it really matters.”

A set of heavy claws patted him on the shoulder, Gyld nodding in approval.
“That’s an attitude gryphons five years older than you still haven’t grasped. You’re still a good gryphon, Gallus. The fact you showed as much restraint as you did indicates that even more so. Take the rest of the day off, and then you already have tomorrow free as well. Let me know if you need more time, or if we can help at all. This is an unprecedented event; so you’ve got plenty of resources at your disposal.”

Gallus nodded, shaking Gyld’s claws and meandering back to his dorm room. What the gryphon couldn’t help but notice were the looks sent his way. To his surprise, they weren’t negative. Ponies nodded in approval, quite a few smiling and waving. No gazes of disgust; the only thing close to that was a bit of fear from some. I’m still a good gryphon, they don’t think I’m-

Gallus calmly closed the door to his room and buried his head in the pillow as tears traced their way down his face.
As cruddy as this is, I’d rather deal with it now than if Silverstream needed me… Waiting until the tears had mostly passed, Gallus walked out of the small room and to the empty lounge; no other individuals having moved into this hall section yet.
“Discord, I need your help. Please.” Gallus asked, genuinely surprised when the chaotic being popped into existence, floating above the smattering of tables, chairs, and a few worn sofas.

“Gallus? My, you look horrible.” The Draconequus droned, looking around at the homely surroundings.
“Nice dorm thing though. What can I do for you? Sounds like you’ve had quite the chaotic day, something I can appreciate. The actual events though, not so much.”
“If Silverstream is free, can you please send her here? Just for a bit. Add it to our deal or whatever, I don’t care. I can’t do this alone…” A slight smile twitched at Gallus’ beak as he looked to Discord briefly.
“That said, thank you for showing up. I’m not alone I guess, but just-”
Discord sighed, waving a pawed hand in the air.
“Look, I’m a devious, sneaky, conniving, and generally mischievous individual; but let it be known I’m not going to add insult to injury, not when someone almost took your life. This is, after all, what friends do Gallus. Not like we need a contract or anything that barbaric. Anyhow, she’ll be here soon.”

Gallus didn’t even have time to say thank you before Discord vanished. With a soft ‘pop’ (and what Gallus swore were small heart-shaped confetti sprinkles,) Silverstream appeared in the room, looking around curiously.
“Gallus? What’s going on? Twilight only told me a short version, and then Discord said you-” Her words cut off as Gallus ran forward and wrapped the hippogriff up in a hug, burying his head into her feathers as a few tears fell from his eyes again. “Just-need you.” Gallus whispered, sagging into Silverstream’s embrace as she rocked him back and forth. His sharp hearing let the gryphon know Silver’s heartbeat instantly doubled, only then realizing after nuzzling her chest feathers that this was one of the more intimate hugs he had ever given her. I just need to know she-

“I’m just glad you’re ok Gallus.” Silverstream whispered, resting her head on top of his. Gallus relaxed in her arms, trying his hardest to shut out everything but Silver’s loving touch.
“Do you think worse of me?” He finally whispered, looking up into Silverstream’s tender gaze. “What?!” The hippogriff’s startled exclamation had Gallus’ brow furrowing.
“Not sure how much Twilight told you, but I hurt someone, Silver. Badly. I mean he was trying to-”
“Gallus. Shush.” Silverstream sighed, pressing her cheek firmly against his and nuzzling the gryphon’s face affectionately. “All Twilight said was that someone tried to hurt you, and you fought back. Is that wrong?”
“Then I’m glad you’re ok. Why would I think less of you? Because you actually fought back? I’m glad you did. H-how do you think I’d have felt if you ended up in the hospital? I’d have been so worried…”
Gallus sighed, nuzzling Silverstream’s cheek in return.

“I suppose that’s a good point. It’s just hard. In Griffinstone, this was a day to day thing. Here though, it’s totally different, and it’s hard to not feel like I’m being judged. Let alone for being a gryphon, but now a dangerous one. I don’t want to be seen as that, or a monster, or anything like that.” A soft giggle reached Gallus’ ears, Silverstream turning her head to give him a tender kiss- Which quickly turned into a very heated one that made Gallus’ feathers fluff.

“If fighting back against bad ponies or whoever means you’re dangerous, then I’m glad. Knights had to be dangerous to save their princesses too. You’re no monster, you fight monsters.” Gallus couldn’t help but smile, still a bit pleasantly woozy from Silverstream’s kiss.
“I guess that’s true. And I am your knight in armor, huh?” “Mmmhmmm.”
You think that’s just an expression Silver, just wait, then you’ll see…

The gryphon took quite a bit of pleasure in knowing the passionate kiss he then gave Silver had the hippogriff’s quick heartbeat suddenly thudding in his ears.
“What you said- it actually helps a lot; I was just worried. I never really worried about what creatures thought of me; not until those creatures were my friends, until I had friends. Now all I can see is the differences.”
“Well. I love those differences.” Gallus sighed, sitting up a bit straighter to hug Silverstream back.
“Thank you Silverstream, thank you for being you.”
“Awww…” Silver’s eyes watered as she melted in Gallus’ arms.
“What? It’s true.”

The hippogriff sighed, letting out a slight sniff as she smiled.
“I d-don’t think I’ll ever get tired of hearing that. That being me is a good thing.”
“Mmm. I sense reminders in the future.” Silverstream bent over backwards in Gallus’ arms, draping a forelimb across her forehead.
“Oh the agony of those reminders. How that will pain me.” She groaned, then dissolving into giggles.
“And I thought I was the sarcastic one…” Gallus grinned, more than loving her thespian display.
“Hey. It’s fun!” She pouted, then returning to her position snuggled against Gallus’ chest. “You feeling better?”

The gryphon nodded, resting his cheek against Silvers as he thought. “Very much so, and thank you. We still on for a date tomorrow?”
“I hope so, but I didn’t want to press stuff in case you didn’t feel good.” Gallus could only smile, feeling Silverstream’s chest rise and fall against his. “Silver, being with you always makes me feel good.” He had to resist a laugh as Silverstream’s heartbeat doubled yet again and her face heat up from a blush. Wonder why that is. She’s flustered? Well it’s adorable whatever the reason.

“Rivet, one of my friends here, recommended a fantastic restaurant with a gryphon or hippogriff menu nearby. Apparently their fish pastries come with a seaweed wrap; freshly caught every day.”
“That sounds greeeeaaaat.”
“I’ve got plenty to tell you too; one of the Headmaster’s here is a gryphon. He grew up on the streets too. So someone kinda understands it all.”

Gallus reached down and gently held a set of Silverstream’s claws, a genuine and tender smile on his beak.
“Tomorrow I want to share more about all that with you; if anyone deserves to know it’s you.” Silverstream let out a giggle, shaking her head briefly.
“Gallus, there’s no rush to all that, but I am looking forward to it though. I find you interesting, past and all.”
“…are you sure the seaweed pastries aren’t more interesting though?”
“Ok, that sounds like a close second.” Gallus chuckled, giving Silverstream a kiss. “I love you Silver.”
“Love you too Gallus.”

Giving her a final squeeze with his arms, Gallus stepped back slightly.
“Guess you should be heading back?” Silver nodded, clearly wanting to pout but failing miserably.
“Yeah, have to get some studies done. I’m free though tomorrow, I made sure of that!” A smile on his beak, Gallus glanced around.
“Hey Discord? Could you send back Silverstream? And thanks again, really.” The floating head of the Draconequus appeared, nodding briefly.
“Please keep all limbs attached to yourself during the trip. Ta-ta!”

With a wave, Silverstream and Discord vanished, leaving Gallus smiling as he returned to his room. I’m the luckiest gryphon in the world… Opening a book on his desk, Gallus couldn’t help but smile as he recalled his words to Silverstream as the title of the volume stared at him from the top of the page. 'The Ancient Code of Gryphon Knights: Volume One. Adaptations/Interpretations Edition. Chapter One; The first code: A knight shall never recoil from an enemy… (ACGK:A/IE)’

Gyld nodded to the guards at the entrance to the royal throne room, the gryphon being allowed to pass with snapping salutes. Inside the massive gilded doors, Celestia and Luna waved casually to him as Gyld walked to sit at the base of the throne.
“Gyld! It has been too long my friend.” Celestia remarked, the gryphon bowing to each before nodding.
“Indeed; I really do need to visit more often. But with the training programs I’m kept busy.”
“And how is your wife doing?”
“Very well, thank you. I do blame you for sharing your cake recipes. I’ve had to work out more than usual to keep the weight off.”

Luna promptly laughed off to the side, a grin on the Night Princess’s features.
“Well you still look as in good shape as ever. Are you ready for the questions?” Gyld sighed, shrugging his wings.
“Suppose so. As long as you prevent her from roasting me alive.” Celestia nodded, waving to the guards at the sides of the room. “Oh she wouldn’t go that far. Guards? If you can leave us for a time.” The ponies trotted out, closing the large doors as arcane energy gathered in the middle of the room.
“Ah. And there she-” A very peeved princess snapped into existence, purple magical tendrils rising from the floor as the teleportation spell completed. Twilight took a deep breath, and then promptly ground her teeth at seeing a certain gryphon present.

“Why. Is. He. Here?” She asked, Celestia waving briefly.
“Hello to you too Twilight.” She sighed, trotting over to sit near the other two Alicorns.
“Sorry Princess Celestia…I’m still just a tad-just WHY?” The monarch gestured to Gyld with a wing, still maintaining a calm smile.
“I thought he’d best explain it, or answer any questions you have.” Twilight nodded, a slightly predatory glint in her eye as she turned to Gyld.

“Ok, Gyld Ironfeather. Why does an ex-mercenary turned lawful teacher want to instruct one if my students how to kill?!”
Luna promptly let out a soft *snrk*, covering her muzzle with a hoof as Celestia sighed, also appearing to restrain a giggle.
Straightening up with a flare of her wings, Celestia turned to Gyld. “Gryphon! State your name, rank, and occupation!” She barked, prompting Gyld to snap to attention, Twilight looking on curiously. “Gyld Ironfeather. Master Sergeant of the Royal Counter Terrorist Branch, specialty, assassination prevention. Currently stationed at Guard Combat School Three unless dictated otherwise.” Gyld stated, Celestia nodding in approval.

“Only an ex-mercenary indeed. There is a reason you only found that bit of information in the archives on him, my ever studious friend.” Celestia chuckled, waving to Gyld to relax.
“He is one of my most trusted guards, and has saved both my life and yours on occasion.”
“Mine?!” The youngest Alicorn exclaimed, Celestia nodding to Gyld as he stepped forward slightly.
“Yes. Some time ago, the week before Celestia instructed to put protective wards around your castle a disgruntled Pegasus tried to slip a knife in between your ribs. You probably didn’t hear my crossbow shot nor the snap of a teleportation spell as the body was transported away.” Gyld explained, prompting Twilight’s ears to flatten.

“Y-you killed him.” She whispered, the gryphon nodding.
“Yes. To save your life. I have done so for years in defense of my friends, family, and this nation’s rulers.” A slight smile meandered onto Gyld’s beak. “Those rulers fall into the friends and family category too, I do believe.”
“B-but why kill? That’s not what…” Twilight stammered, still shaking her head.
“Princess Twilight, you are naïve.” Gyld stated, holding up a set of claws to refute her glare. “I mean that in the kindest way possible. You see the world as I, and some others do not. Without much stain or evil. Ponies; specifically you and your friends, have a power greater than any physical force known to this world. You can turn some of the most evil hearts to good, and enemies to allies. I respect that immensely.” He then sighed.

“But outside of Equestria, and occasionally within, there are many whose hearts can never be affected by such power. I, along with a few others, must employ whatever force necessary to prevent these evils from infringing on you or any other Equestrian citizen.” Twilight looking up at the gryphon, Gyld shrugged his wings, his eye gazing back to the Princess gently.
“Princess Twilight, I kill so that others do not die, and so that others do not have to shoulder that burden, and only do so when there is no other method of prevention. If it will make things more clear, that burden is also shouldered by the other two Princesses here.”

Twilight’s gaze snapped to Celestia and Luna, who both regarded Gyld with a slight nod.
“You may proceed Gyld.” Celestia whispered, averting her eyes from Twilight’s curious and shocked gaze.
“What do you know of the Glass Craters, Princess Twilight?” Gyld asked.
“O-on the borders of the badlands. There are three craters deep enough as to need ladders to climb in and out of. Pure glass; archeologists are still puzzled as to how they were formed. Current theory is dragonfire.” The studious Princess recited, Gyld nodding briefly.

“You know at what temperature rock turns to glass, Princess Twilight. What is more probable, I ask? Three strikes with the power, of say, a solar flare, or a rogue dragon that took days to carve out just one of the craters?" Twilight turned to look from the gryphon to her teacher, Celestia sighing.
“Yes, I made those craters, Twilight.” She whispered, stepping down to walk and sit near the newest princess, still averting her gaze. “It was two hundred years ago. I don’t know what this band of creatures were affected by; dark magic, some jungle drug, or perhaps just plain sadistic evil.” She then waved to Gyld to continue.

“Earliest reports indicate this group of perhaps four hundred ponies, gryphons, minotaurs, and other species slaughtered no less than three border towns. After torturing the victims, they moved on to the next town. Judging from records we have, cannibalism followed any attack.” Gyld remarked, prompting Twilight to turn a sickly shade of green.

“The ambassador that was sent to negotiate was killed and eaten. His head was tossed into a nearby town with the note ‘you all are next’ pinned to his forehead with a knife. While the local guards were dispatched, casualties would have been immense. The main military force was still days away. It would have been a slaughter since they were outnumbered four to one.” The gryphon continued, gesturing to Celestia.

“A gryphon wanderer who would soon advise the ruling gryphon body at the time recorded this rather poetic description of what he saw mid-day, a few hours before the raiders were to attack. I made a note to memorize this a long time ago.
‘The day broke with three booms of light from the heavens, the ground shaking in terror. She burned the clouds away and in her fury, smote the heathens with solar fire. Clad in terrible armor and wreathed in fire, her laugh was that of triumph, but turned to that of sorrow. I felt her gaze upon my feathers, and I feared that I would burst into flame. With but three strikes she scoured the sands, and naught but glass remained.’”

Gyld looked to Twilight, his expression that of grim respect.
“His next action was to personally see the Gryphon King, and in short, requested that ‘under no circumstances must we anger the nation of Equestria. Their ruler will bring our nation higher than the clouds should we ally ourselves to them, or she will lay waste to us all lest we err. Let the one who breaks the day not fall upon the Gryphon Empire.’”
Twilight’s eyes shrank to pinpricks, regarding Celestia with a troubled look.
“Daybreaker. Y-you-”
“I defended my ponies, Twilight. I am not proud of it, but they left me no choice.” The ancient monarch lifted her gaze to match that of her pupil. “I still fear what you will now think of me, as I always have with such things.”

Twilight’s ears pinned back, letting out a sigh.
“I’ve read hundreds of history books; so it really shouldn’t surprise me logically at least. It’s still is a bit startling though.” The youngest princess whispered. “It’s troubling, but I think no less of you. You’ve always been so kind- I can’t imagine you doing such a thing unless there was no other way. It’s just hard to put that action with you. I don’t think you’re a worse pony though…”

Celestia smiled, her eyes damp at the acceptance from her close friend. Gyld sighed happily, glad to be a part of the brief learning moment.
“I still don’t see why Gallus, a kid, needs to learn how to kill.” Twilight added, turning to Gyld.
“Because he is neither a kid nor alien to killing, Princess Twilight. First, one does not grow up in the streets without a family and stay a ‘kid’ for long. I certainly didn’t, and I don’t think Gallus is much different in that regards.” Gyld remarked, pausing before continuing.

“Second, do you think he has never caught fish? A rabbit? He was an orphan, how do you think he survived?” Gyld asked, prompting Twilight to turn slightly green again.
“I-I never thought of that. But this is different!”
“Only by morality, if we remove it down to the core of the action. We have established I am not teaching him to kill in theory, only the methods to do so that remove risk to himself or those he strives to protect.” Gyld replied, then smiling ever so slightly.
“Princess, did he tell you why he enrolled in this school?”
“He keeps having nightmares; Gallus wants training to put them at rest, to learn to protect someone.” Gyld nodded slowly, gesturing to a small, barely-visible necklace on his neck.
On said necklace were two stones and an off-white feather.
“That someone is driving ever one of his actions here. In the most recent incident, he was having reservations of even defending himself until the offender threatened Miss Silverstream. He then promptly tore the pony apart.” Gyld stated flatly.

“We are predators, Princess Twlight. Living among ponies, we have learned to not use our claws lest we hurt our friends; a hug, a touch on the shoulder, and so forth. I have seen the frustration that comes from that. We try to teach combat to gryphons, and the past two that have enrolled dropped out. The reason being they were frustrated by always having to fight with their claws closed; therefore not able to use their full potential which can be deadly in a struggle.” Gyld remarked, sighing sadly.

“Gallus is a good gryphon, and you have taught him well at your school. This is different though. I am not asking him to ignore any of your teachings, because our school teaches all these techniques are that of a last resort. I am asking you to let me teach him things he will learn on his own. Do you really think he won’t consult books or other teachers if he wants to learn? He already has checked out a few volumes on the topic actually.” The older gryphon sighed, gesturing to his eye.

“I made mistakes, Princess Twilight. I don’t want Gallus to learn such things haphazardly. If I am to teach him gryphon fighting techniques and yes, deadly ones, I will make it extremely clear what this knowledge entails. I will not mince words on the burden using such techniques will cause. I would like for him to avoid the way I learned how to fight; yes, there were two years being a mercenary. But he’s a better gryphon than most. Gallus doesn’t want to fight unless it’s in defense, and he’s got a gold heart despite his harsh childhood. Having grown up on the streets too Princess, so I know how a troubled past can haunt one’s self. That said, Gallus has somehow risen above it all.”

Twilight found herself smiling as Gyld described her student, nodding slowly as the gryphon continued.
“Gryphon Empire has already granted this request of course, as have Princess Celestia and Luna. However, both legally and morally, you deserve a say in all this. I would instruct him in addition to the classes, and perhaps keep him a few weeks longer to solidify the training. As I said before, I will make clear he is willing to accept the burden of this knowledge, for it is nothing less. I would rather teach him than discover he pursued this knowledge on his own, perhaps learning harsh lessons along the way.”

Twilight didn’t respond at first, but finally nodded slowly.
“I don’t like it, but I understand. I do agree that you should teach him. I’m certainly an example of pursuing knowledge to a fault, and I’d hate for Gallus to do so with the chance of harm. Teach him, Master Sergeant Gyld Ironfeather. Instruct and reassure him that he has all of our support, should he choose to pursue this training.” The gryphon bowed, a slight smile on his beak as the other two Princesses nodded in approval.
“Thank you Princess Twilight.”

Letting out a yawn, Iron Anvil turned a page in the ancient book in front of him. It had been ages since such a challenge had presented itself to the master blacksmith. It was exhilarating!
Never before had the grey pony needed to dig through archive after archive in such length, trying to find the composition of a metal and how best to reshape it! The last time such a challenge had arose was over four year ago! But this, this was something different. The aged blacksmith didn’t dare try to polish a piece of metal other than with a cloth without knowing what it was made of and how best to clean it. Some materials would tarnish or rust where others would be cleaned, and with such a wide range of metals available across the lands he couldn’t be too careful.
There was a reason he was a Master Blacksmith.

The breastplate on the metal workbench shone in the afternoon light, a single symbol visible on the center. It was this symbol that Iron was researching; surely it would lead to the exact match!
Turning the page, Iron’s eyes widened, rough grey beard starting to prickle.
An exact match!?

Cross referencing two, then three volumes gave the same result. The master blacksmith then yanked open the door to his study, causing his poor apprentice to nearly fall out of his chair in shock.
“Oi! Tongs, get the feathery butt of Gyld in here! He’s got some explaining to do!” Surprisingly, the gryphon was here in mere minutes, grinning at the annoyed pony.
“Iron, you found something? I was on my way back when-” “Look. At. The. Book. I’m not touching that until you let me know it’s legally clean and ok!” The blacksmith grumbled.

Gyld looked at the book, then the other two, and then to the breastplate symbol. Another double check yielded the same result.
“Ok, I’m glad you called me here. I’ll certainly make sure everything is in order. But should it check out, can you refurbish it?” Iron glared at the gryphon as though taking personal offense to the question.

“Refurbish it?! I don’t have to! I can fit it to size, perhaps redo the internal padding, but if this is what I think it is, there’s nothing I can, nor should add to it! Just let me know and then I’ll start formulating.”
“Oh please, old friend. You already are thinking about how to better it! Even if it’s something as simple as-”
Gyld chuckled as he waved his goodbyes, making his way back to the combat academy. Gallus, where in the world did you get that?!

On the tome next to the metal set of armor, the Griffinstone Crest lay inscribed on the page, a golden star set between the two half-arches. A matching symbol gleamed in the light on the metal breastplate next to the book.
‘A symbol inscribed on the armor of King Grover’s personal guard.* As of this writing, the armory containing such pieces is not known…
*See Knights of the Gryphon Empire.’

Author's Note:

The adventures of our noble gryphon continue!
....this is the florf that never eeeeeeeends. It goes on and on my frieeeeeeeend!

Gallus the knight. I wonder what theme music would fit him, clad in armor looking all noble. Hmmmmmm.
Justice League Unlimited Theme Meets Metal