• Published 26th Oct 2018
  • 5,709 Views, 566 Comments

Prison of Ice with Silver Keys - RadBunny

As Gallus navigates the uncertain waters of being a special somegriff, demons from past his refuse to let him rest. As a hostile empire looms, Gallus will need to fight with every fiber of his being; only this time it's to protect the one he loves.

  • ...

Chapter Twelve: Formal State Dinner with a heaping side of Uh-Oh.

“You about ready Silver? We’re gonna be late!”
“Unlike a certain sooooomegiff, I take time to get ready for stuff like this!” Silverstream called out, walking out of the door to Sky Beak’s house with an amused sigh.
Not sure WHY you wanted to wait here for me instead of towards the palace.
Not that I’m complaining though.

“See? We still have plenty of time!” She chirped happily. The pair had explored Seaquestria during the morning to see the sights in daylight and then moved on to a full hour or two of tube-riding.
Surprisingly, Gallus had been rather put out they had to cut it short; the two needing to get lunch and then get ready for the formal afternoon meal ‘meeting.’ But at least they’d be able to go together!

Silverstream couldn’t help but blush, seeing Gallus staring unabashedly at her with wide eyes.
“You look gorgeous.”
A flame ignited in the young hippogriff’s heart, Silver being all smiles as she tried to shrug off her increasingly warm cheeks.
“W-well you do too…”
Gallus couldn’t help but just grin; while it wasn’t anything fancy, even the most simple things made Silver a different level of pretty to the gryphon. A tiara accompanying a familiar teal and pink silk half-shawl that draped around her shoulders completed the formal look, whereas Gallus simply had his smoothed feathers and the breastplate strapped to his chest with two simple side bags on his flanks.

The gryphon looked up and then grinned even wider, prompting Silverstream’s eyes to narrow.
Following his gaze, Silverstream couldn’t help but stare. Hanging above the door frame was a small plant, wrinkled and fragile from storage.
The mistletoe still was strung up directly above her, perfectly aligned.
“G-gallus? Did you save some of that mistletoe from Hearth’s Warming just for this?”

The loving emotion in Gallus’ eyes made Silverstream pause, the hippogriff actually freezing for a moment. Swiftly stepping closer, Gallus yanked the hippogriff into a passionate kiss that made Silverstream sag into his arms. She quickly returned the gesture as she melted, nothing else existing other than the warmth that spread from her beak down to her hooves. She knew full well the blush on her cheeks wouldn’t fade for some time- but she knew it was tooootally worth it.
Her eyes widened as Gallus deepened the kiss, and the hippogriff felt the gryphon’s tail curl around her left hind hoof-
Silverstream’s blush kicked into overdrive at that. Somehow that gesture made it more…intimate.
I certainly don’t mind that; I want nothing more than to be close to you.

Finally breaking the kiss, Gallus looked at her with a smile, giving Silver’s cheek a nuzzle as she tried to not breath rather heavily. To say her handsome special somegriff was making it easy on her though was the polar oppose of the truth.
You can say what you want about me having taken classes, but jeez Gallus, you’re a pretty good kisser!
“Love you Silverstream.” Gallus whispered, taking a bit of enjoyment as his flustered special somegriff nuzzled his own cheek back.
“Love you too Gallus. And wow, that kiss. Like…I want to ask why but dooooon’t care.” She whispered happily, the gryphon simply shrugging.
“Being here has made me realize a bit more how much I care about you. Well, that and actually phrasing my feelings. It-” The gryphon paused, reaching down and giving Silver’s claws a loving squeeze, a tender and brief kiss punctuating his words.
“It’s freeing, in a way. Finally putting words to what I’ve felt. So I figured kisses are the best way I can show it all. Well, one of a few I guess, but the most fun! The mistletoe was a funny touch though.”
For whatever reason, Gallus’ words made Silverstream rather grumbly as they walked to the palace- but it didn’t seem like she was in a bad mood. More like a very good mood.

Odd, wait-WAIT. Could she be thinking that another fun gesture could-
“Here we go! The dining area is in one of the lower levels near the water. It’s in an underground cavern, super-duper secure. Apparently Princess Cadence is here too, she’s talking to my Aunt about a security integration thing.” Silverstream explained as the pair made their way down various winding steps and guard checkpoints, snapping Gallus out of his musings. He nodded, then adjusting the satchels hanging at his side.
“Soooo what’s in those anyhow?” Silver asked, Gallus simply shrugging.
“Just- I’ll show you later. I was just kind of nervous, so it helps.” Gallus explained, not wanting to make it that big of a deal.
“Oh, ok!”
Thankfully with Silverstream, she just accepted so much about him…

Entering through two large wooden doors, the pair took a brief look around the grotto- Gallus more awestruck than Silverstream, (she having seen the palace meeting rooms before). The massive cave appeared to be mostly natural, the bluish grey domed ceiling lit with modern crystal lights in the center as some greenish blue bioluminescent plants dotted the walls near the floor. A few gold-framed paintings were spread around the curving walls; enough to prevent a sense of emptiness but keeping the focus on the large tables in the center.

Rectangular in shape, the tables were arranged in a neat parallel fashion; a circular table at the head of the setup to the left of the main entrance. It was there Queen Novo sat with Princess Cadence, engaged in some lighthearted banter as Princess Skystar looked on somewhat bored- then waved on seeing Silverstream and Gallus. Ocean Flow sat on the other side of Queen Novo, apparently completing at least a portion of the royal family. Guards were stationed along the walls; a total of twelve around the entire room with another few outside; certainly enough security for royalty.

Slightly offset to one side, the many wooden tables were inlaid with grey stone patterns, the chairs likewise matching the intricate construction as a white tablecloth was set over each.
Fancy mental silverware was placed near each silver setup, and the formal setting was not helping Gallus’ nerves in the slightest.

I’m here with Silver. All good…
Sitting down at a stone bench about halfway down the second table, the pair glanced around as other nobles began to file in. Gallus casually slid the side satchels under the bench; thankfully without much fuss.
According to Silverstream, the afternoon meal was a break from various meetings of the upper classes, so the talk would be of various agreements, politics, and other things the gryphon wasn’t too well versed in.
At least I don’t have to go to those meetings…

“Galluuuuuuuuuus.” Silverstream whispered, prompting the gryphon to glance in her direction.
“Relax.” She giggled, Gallus then looking down and seeing one of his claws had a death grip on the tablecloth.
“Erm…” He simply said, not having even noticed the gesture.
“Just feel a bit out of place.” The gryphon whispered, prompting Silverstream to scoot a bit closer on the bench, giving his talons a squeeze with her own.
“You’re here with me. What’s out of place about that?” She chirped back, leaning on his shoulder for a few moments.
“I know what you mean though, and it’s ok. Even though my Auntie is the Queen I still feel out of place. But we’re just here to have a nice meal and listen to the chitter chatter. Then more tube time!”
The gryphon felt the tension ebb from his body at Silver’s words- finally nodding slowly.
“That does sound fun. That also means more seapony kisses…”
Maybe he was imagining it, but Gallus swore his shoulder started to heat up just a bit.

The meal commenced without much fanfare; a few waiters bringing in various dishes here and there. The meals ranged from seapony delicacies such as seaweed…everything, to pleasantly roasted fish. The various hippogriffs at the tables apparently were involved in hammering out various trading agreements and mining rights, along with other economic things.
Not that Gallus understood it all, but he did get the gist of what they were talking about.
There were of course vegetarian options for the visiting Princess, who seemed quite content on chatting with Queen Novo pleasantly.
Cadence seems rather nice. I mean she IS the Princess of love. Suppose that’s part of it all..
Gallus’ cheeks lit up as Cadence glanced around the room and on meeting his gaze, gave a quick wink and a smile before returning to the conversation.
…I really should have expected that.

“Seeee Gallus? This isn’t so bad! Just can listen in on conversations, sit next to each other, and eat yummy things!” Silverstream proclaimed softly, snagging another seaweed-wrapped fish bite.
“I admit, it isn’t too bad. Some of the stuff the others are talking about is interesting. Most of it is over my head, but sounds like they’re trying to get some sort of trading post open?” Gallus added, prompting a nod from Silverstream.
“Yup! That’s about it. Skystar is suuuuuper excited about it actually- I think she’d be happy running the trading store honesty, considering how interested she is in the entire thing. Just a place to exchange more expensive stuff between Equestria and Mount Aris! I mean, Seaquestria too, but the store would be above water.” Silver mused happily.

“Would be fun to visit I suppose, seeing all sorts of antique items.” Gallus agreed, a slight shiver suddenly running down his spine.
Nothing about the scene visibly changed much- the nobles continued to chat merrily as waiters came to and fro, and none of the guards alone the sides of the room seemed to be on a higher alert.
And yet something itched at Gallus’ mind; seeing Queen Novo whisper something to Princess Cadence, the words causing the Princess’s eyes to narrow ever so slightly as she nodded.
Something is going on. Or maybe I’m just being paranoid?
And yet this feels just like Griffinstone- when they say the weather is fine, but you can feel a snowstorm just behind the mountains.

“Gallus?” Silver asked, the gryphon then managing a weak smile.
“You look…worried.”
Gallus shrugged, eyes flickering about briefly as he sighed.
“Probably nothing. Just feels weird. Maybe just nerves.”
“Hmm.” The answer seemed to satisfy Silverstream, despite the itch in Gallus’ heart only increasing.
“You don’t look ok.”
So much for her accepting that answer.
“Something feels off Silver. I’ve felt it in Griffinstone. I think Queen Novo knows.” Gallus finally admitted.
“Huh? What could-”

The crystal lights in the room suddenly dimmed as a distant impact shook the grotto. A low alarm began to chime, the guards in the room quickly trotting towards the main set of doors.
“Everyone, please stay behind the guards and myself.” Queen Novo called, Princess Cadence at her sight, horn aglow with power.
Right. Alicorn. Between those two there’s enough magical energy to level a mountain!
…I hope.

“What is going on!?” A tan hippogriff called, prompting the Queen to flare her wings.
“There’s currently a magical disturbance lashing out at the mountain; that’s all we know. Clearly it’s not a normal thunderstorm.” Novo replied calmly. Gallus didn’t miss how Cadence nodded in agreement slightly, as though an unknown truth wasn’t spoken of.

Outside the doors, a series of odd noises reached the ears of all who were present. Snaps like firecrackers and the clang of metal on…something.
A surprised cry sounded outside of the door before all went silent. The guards inside edged into a line, spears aimed at the sealed entrance.

“Get down.” Gallus hissed, now sliding off the bench and digging into his satchel. Silverstream quickly followed suit, eyes widening as she saw the gryphon yank on an armored gauntlet.
I wish I had a weapon! But my claws are enough. But maybe the door will hold?
The massive door shuddered with a few blows, the gryphon’s eyes narrowing.
A silly question of course,
it won’t.

With an explosion of splinters the door shattered apart, a dark grey mist pouring forth and causing every creature to back up to the middle of the room. A spell from Cadence simply washed off the mist harmlessly, as though oil tried to mix with water.

A shadowy figure became visible, striding on two legs through the mist but still wreathed in darkness. Two burning blue eyes stared out from the fog, and Gallus felt Silverstream shiver at his side.
“That’s impossible.” Queen Novo hissed, her own pearl fragment beginning to glow with power.
“Impossible? Hmm. Perhaps only improbable!” A familiar sing-song voice called. As the guards began to move forward, a smattering of small orbs flew from the mist, each one hitting the hippogriffs dead center.

Frozen into blocks of magical ice, the royal guards promptly smacked into the ground, the immobilizing magic appearing to have a semi-solid consistency as the frozen hippogriff’s eyes darted around in horror. Their weapons spun to the floor in all directions, leaving only the Queen and the pony Princess between the foe and the nobles.

“Now that those annoyances are taken care of, I think it’s time to say hello.” The voice called, a primate striding through the mist to glare at the two remaining opponents. Now fully visible, the white-furred primate was clad in a set of black metal armor, the pieces covering his hands, feet and breast. No helmet sat on his head this time, two black horns rising to the ceiling on either side of his oval face. Hulking creatures strode in behind him; massive creatures not seen since the invasion of Canterlot. These Storm Beasts seemed different; their forms composes of pure purple energy, glowing violet eyes set in their somewhat featureless frames. Other forces filed in as well; a collection of what appeared to be reptile and rodent species from the badlands…

The Storm King chuckled, gesturing to his entourage with an armored hand.
“So, hello Queen Novo. Oh, and the lovey-dovey princess too.” He chuckled, a strange black staff set with blue gems held in his left hand. The nobles promptly backpedaled even further, fear starting to freeze their limbs and minds as the familiar foe stood in front of them.

“You’re dead. We’ve seen the pieces- so an imposter? A replica?” Princess Cadence called, eyes narrowed suspiciously.
“Perhaps all three? Two? One? None of the above? What matters is that I am here, and need to collect something for an important project.” The mad king chuckled, staff pointing to one of the tables.

“Ah. That’s where it is. Whoever that pearl is attached to, you’re coming with me. All in the name of progress of course, no free meals though.” The primate mused, seeing a pink hippogriff pop her head out before ducking down with a horrified gasp.
“There you are. Now let’s play nice Queen Novo. You let that pink one go with me with the pearl shard of course, and I’ll leave you all in peace. Well, for now. So how about it?”
A brutal slash of pink arcane energy leapt from Cadence’s horn to arc at the creature’s face as Queen Novo yanked out an small ornate dagger from her ornate necklace and also sent it zipping at his neck. The arcane energy was batted aside with the staff in his hand, and the Storm King actually managed to grab the dagger and crumble it to dust.
Optional Music

The pearl shard around the Queen’s neck glowed, sending points of energy lashing out at the King and minions alike as Cadence did the same-
Yet none of the shots landed, the staff in his hands seeming to dissipate all the energy attacks from a protective grey bubble that snapped into existence around him.
“Ok. No more mister nice king!” He growled, sending a pulse of black energy surging forth. It promptly shoved the two rulers back as Cadence snapped a shield up to protect the nobles and the Queen. Not bothering to even look to the side, the Storm King gestured with his staff and caused a squirming Silverstream to be yanked from behind the bench.
“Since we’re beyond niceties, I’ll be taking this lovely lady and-YEAAAARRRRH!”

Queen Novo and Princess Cadence’s eyes widened as a spear sprouted from the Storm King’s unarmored gut, his offensive magic cutting off as his form flickered this way and that. It was as though a mirror was being angled within his own body, a different creature glaring from inside the mask. Yanking out the spear, the primate’s body bled a strange purple and green fire instead of blood as he tossed the weapon aside.

The Storm King’s form continued to warp and crack as he glared at a figure who jumped onto the stone table, another weapon cradled in his grip. Lashing out with dark tendrils, the primate’s eyes widened as the gryphon snapped off a small gem on his armor. The magical attacks vanished as though hitting a brick wall, a dead zone around the gryphon repelling the deadly blows.
Glaring at the king with a steely gaze, there was no mercy behind the blue eyes that bore into the Storm King’s own. From armored helmet to metal-clad haunches, Gallus’ form nearly vibrated with energy as he held another spear at the ready, guarding over a prone Silverstream in a protective stance.

With a horrifying shriek, the magic around the Storm King failed, the illusion spell unable to counter both the physical assault from the spear and the magically nullifying properties of the gem. The king shrank by a third of his height with a ‘SNAP’, armor quickly becoming replaced with robes as red eyes glared at the gryphon hatefully.

“You. The primate hissed, sending more barbs of dark energy lashing out at the gryphon. As before, the energy shattered a few feet from Gallus as the gryphon crouching over a woozy Silverstream. Rearing on his hind legs, Gallus sent another spear hurtling towards the intruder as Queen Novo and Cadence did the same with arcane blasts.

Assailed on three fronts, the mysterious primate brought a more solid black shield into existence, causing all three strikes to glance off. The low hit on the Storm King’s illusion was apparently a higher hit on this creature, Gallus’ first strike having pierced the intruder’s chest dead center. The robe falling from the primate, the smaller creature clutched his chest and let out a hiss, aiming his staff at Gallus as purple and black magical flames continued to leak from the genuine wound.

“I should have known you would be trouble! No matter, take them alive! Those two- I want that pearl shard and the bearer! The gryphon too! I’ll find a use for him.” The primate hissed darkly as his minions moved forward swiftly. Ice creeped out from under the primate’s paws as he retreated back towards the door cautiously.

An ethereal hippogriff strode to the creature’s side, glancing at the wounded primate with a slightly pitying gaze. He seemed to be closer to the age of the Queen and had more detail on his form than the other beasts. The black-tinted shield blossoming from the primate's staff continued to ward off Queen Novo and Cadence’s attacks as Gallus looked on cautiously as the hippogriff looked around.
“I warned you about this.”
“Oh shut up.” The diminutive storm biped hissed, tapping a small strange grey and red necklace around his neck. It almost looked to have the shape of a unicorn’s head on it…

“You traitor!” Queen Novo gasped, a few of the nobles seeming to recognize the ethereal hippogriff as they stared in horror at the newcomer.
“Traitor? That implies I have been in your service, Queen Novo. Ever since you failed us, that has not been the case.” The hippogriff shrugged, watching the useless attacks from the rulers continue to beat against the shield.
“We can take it from here, Sir.” The hippogriff added, the primate letting out a huff and vanishing in a cloud of grey smoke.

“Take them.”
The final words left the arcane-hippogriff’s beak before he too vanished, Storm Creatures of all shapes and sizes pouring into the room. Cadence and Queen Novo were quickly pushed back towards the nobles, a few creatures darting to cut off Gallus and Silverstream.
“Gallus!” Cadence called, sliding one of her side satchels to him with a magical toss. Barely having time to snag it, Gallus helped Silverstream away from the tables as the creatures began to surround them. From floor to ceiling, a barrier of dark pink energy snapped into existence, separating the two groups. Ice creeped up the energy field, formed a shoulder high physical wall that sparked angrily with arcane power.

“Use them! Take the big gem and press to your chest-tap three times!” Cadence yelled, a shield then snapping back into existence as Queen Novo lashed out with a guard’s spear to take the arcane head off one of the creatures.
With a choked gasp, the storm creature faded into a thousand shards, no blood or gore left in its wake other than the smell of electrified air. Another quickly filled the vacant space, but this monster promptly screeched and vanished in a similar manner as Skystar sent a dagger into its skull with an expert throw. Gallus’ eyes widened, now at least slightly understanding what these creatures were- or could be.
Magical Gollum’s? Like in old stories? No, the hippogriff spoke- and Queen Novo knew him! Perhaps arcane entities of some sort?

A storm creature got too close, and Gallus lashed out with a filleting knife and tore a gash in the apparition’s chest. Instead of meeting fierce resistance, it felt like Gallus was dragging the knife through thick cream; without substance or bone but maintaining shape nonetheless. With a choked shriek, the arcane creature vanished with a ‘SNAP’, prompting the others to back up slightly.
They’re not that durable…

Reaching into the durable cloth satchel Cadence had tossed him, Gallus examine the hoofball-sized hunk of multicolored crystal; not appearing to be anything special. If anything, it looked like someone had taken a bite out of a building in the Crystal Empire.
“Gallus! Hurry!” Cadence called as the creatures began to assault the shield with arcane weapons grasped in their clawed grips, swords and clubs battering the barrier relentlessly.

Pressing the crystal to his chest and tapping it three time, Gallus let out a gasp as the chunk of rock flattened and slid underneath the metal breastplate with a soft chime. Warmth spread to every part of Gallus’ frame, bits of crystal appearing around the edge of his breastplate and side plates. Small glowing crystal shards appeared to edge into his gauntlets, a small node forming on his left forelimb armor. The gryphon also felt a thin bit of something edge into the sides of his helmet. The gem set at the center of his breastplate also appeared to be edged by the odd crystal, blinking a soft blue.

The two other items in the satchel didn’t appear too useful; a small rod and the handle of a sword.
“Gallus!” Cadence called over the increasingly loud battlefield, snaps of arcane energy echoing around the chamber. He could barely make out what she was saying…
“….Keep you safe….adaptive…similar…crystal heart….focus….”
One of the walls next to the door exploded as more creatures flooded in, drowning out the rest of her words.
A small staff and sword handle. Better than nothing.

Silverstream looked up at him with a bleary gaze, something about the primate’s magic having knocked her senseless.
The Storm Creatures seemed to have gotten their nerve back, a few edging closer with crude arcane clubs held in their grips. Obviously breaking bones wasn’t a problem for them, their orders calling for the pair alive. Holding the sword handle in one clawed hand, Gallus looked over the three attackers as they approached. Even without a blade, it would be useful for blocking! Strangely enough, the small rod-like weapon seemed to glue itself onto his shoulder when he let go of it.

“FOCUS ON SILVERSTREAM!” Cadence’s final words reached Gallus’ ears as the pieces slowly began to fall into place.
Looking down to Silverstream, Gallus steadied his stance, energy flooding his frame.
Isn’t this why I became a Squire, to protect you?
To keep you safe?

Her face from moments ago rose to Gallus’ vision, the pink hippogriff’s eyes wide in fear as the Storm King had pointed his staff in her direction when the pair were hiding behind the stone table.
“G-Gallus…” She had whispered, head shaking from side to side as her deepest nightmare had come true.
“I’ll keep you safe Silverstream.” He had whispered, reaching down to give her claws a squeeze.
“I promise.”

The armor around Gallus began to vibrate slightly with power, the gryphon’s eyes widening in realization.
The crystal heart. Isn’t that powered by-
The crystal in the center of the breastplate stopped flashing.
With a snap of arcane energy, a blazing blade of teal energy grew from the sword hilt, a low hum beginning to fill the room.
“You won’t touch her!” Gallus roared, holding the sword at the ready as the hum began increase.
The beast in Gallus’ heart was howling- and for the first time in his life, Gallus let it out without a leash.

The nearest Storm Beast took a step forward, and Gallus cleaved through its face with a single swipe. As the foe vanished with a choked ‘POP’, Gallus darting back to stab a smaller rodent creature through the chest as it crept towards Silverstream.
Another large hulking creature then barreled towards him, and the gryphon threw himself at the arcane monster to send claws ripping across the enemy’s face. Refusing to be distracted, Gallus lashed out at any creature in range as they began to try and strike from all sides. Ducking a blow to his head, Gallus took the limb off the offending storm beast, then turning to stab another in the face as it tried to grab Silverstream.
Outnumbered ten to one.
Let them come!

As he turned, the gryphon raised his unarmed set of claws to block the arcane club swinging for his head, two of the creatures attacking at once to try and overwhelm the Squire. One of them paid for their attempt, but Gallus didn’t have enough time to block the other’s strike.
If only I had a-
The air in front of Gallus shimmered, and a sturdy magical shield blossomed from his armored forearm, the crystal encrusted edges glowing.
Wait, Cadence said it was adaptive-

Hopping to his feet, Gallus dove into the fight with renewed vigor, sword lashing at any creature within reach as the shield protected him from the worst of the blows. Never more than a step or two away from Silverstream, Gallus hacked through limb and body alike, tearing the arcane forms apart with his beak as one creature tried to grab his neck. The blows that did get through didn’t seem to reach his hide, the weapons instead glancing off hardened crystal that ebbed and flowed against the metal armor.

As another creature vanished into magical threads, the remaining ten or so backed up, each not wanting to venture into the striking range of the enraged gryphon. A feline entity seemed to roll its eyes, casually pulling two items from a small satchel and tossing them towards the pair. Homing in onto Gallus and Silverstream’s limbs, the black-braided bracelets latched onto their wrists and refused to let go, the evil thread pulsing steadily and with increasing intensity.
What…are these?!
-End Previous Song-

As a triumphant roar sounded from the entrance as the ten creatures stationed at the door fell under combined assault of the full strength of the royal Hippogriff Guards, the others barely able to strike blows before being torn apart. The icy energy field remained in the center of the room however, the ten creatures near Gallus vanishing in a puff of arcane smoke.

Dragging Silverstream to the barrier, Gallus found himself looking into the eyes of a horrified Ocean Flow, tears beginning to gather as Cadence looked at the pair. A blow from the sword didn’t even scratch the wall of ice and energy, and Gallus simply waited for the rulers to speak.

“Arcane marking bracelets. That is old magic, and quite powerful. You’re about to be transported- it’s probably taking longer thanks to that gem.” The Princess explained, the bracelets beginning to flash faster.
“We will find you both Gallus, just hang on. We won’t give up on you!” Queen Novo said, wings slightly flared as she looked at the pair beyond the barrier.

Optional Ending Music

“G-GALLUS!” Ocean Flow cried, tears flowing down her cheeks as the Queen draped a comforting wings over the distraught mother.
“Keep me daughter safe! Please!” She begged, the arcane bracelets now beginning to hum.
Making sure the shining sword was still held tight in a set of talons, Gallus reached down to hold Silverstream’s limp claws with the other as he looked back to Ocean Flow.
“I promise.”

The pair then vanished in a flash of light, Gallus’ world going dark. As his body was twisted and warped through the teleportation spell, the gryphon’s final words echoed through his mind.
I will keep you safe Silverstream.
I promised to myself I would,
I promised to your mother,
And I promised to you.

Author's Note:

*common side effects of reading this chapter :rainbowlaugh:
As always, feedback is appreciated!