• Published 26th Oct 2018
  • 5,710 Views, 566 Comments

Prison of Ice with Silver Keys - RadBunny

As Gallus navigates the uncertain waters of being a special somegriff, demons from past his refuse to let him rest. As a hostile empire looms, Gallus will need to fight with every fiber of his being; only this time it's to protect the one he loves.

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Chapter Thirteen: Where Light Shines, Shadows Flee

When Gallus’ eyes cleared from the teleportation spell, all the gryphon saw was a purple arcane form leering at him. Energy sparked from the feline’s body as it laughed at the gryphon.
“Well hello-AAARG!”
Arm snapping forward, Gallus sent his sword ripping through the strange creature; not caring to hear whatever else it was going to say.
The sharp blow to his head ended any further resistance as the gryphon’s world faded to black.

“So who is he?” Celestia asked, looking at the fellow rulers sitting at the royal Canterlot conference table. The large forms of each monarch and princess made the decently sized wooden piece of furniture look actually small.
“I know the hippogriff- that’s it.” Queen Novo remarked, briefly looking to the others- Cadence, Luna, Celestia, and Twilight respectively.
“He’s one of the more quiet nobles- and more respectful, so I thought. How long he planned this treachery I don’t know. But that explains how this other primate could find every creature so perfectly.” Novo muttered darkly, Luna then glancing to her sister. The other rulers didn’t seem to notice it- but the lunar princess could see small embers in Celestia’s mane as the monarch’s exterior cool demeanor was barely containing her inner turmoil.
“We only know what you all know.” Luna stated calmly, not wanting her sister to have any more time to dwell on her perceived failure.

“Ever since the royal vaults were raided, we all understood something was going on near the Badlands and the Forbidden Jungle south of here. Until now, we didn’t know other than rumors and suspicion. We only recently had a general idea- but we still hadn’t sent any scouts yet.”
Cadence nodded, raising a hoof briefly.

“Well, let’s focus on what we do know. It isn’t the Storm King, but he knew enough about that to try and play to the hippogriff’s fears and use an illusion. We also know the necklace he wore looked identical to the Alicorn Amulet- as confirmed by Queen Novo, yet that item should have been hidden by Zecora a long time….”
Celestia shook her head, raising a hoof to interject as Twilight’s ears perked up as well.

“Zecora came to me some months ago actually. I didn’t think much of it at the time; but she asked for me to hold the artifact in the royal vaults temporarily. In her own words ‘Strange things have been happening close by, it may be best to keep this piece so none may pry.’”
Twilight’s expression instantly became more troubled to match Cadence’s- the Alicorn of Love sighing sadly.
“And you assumed it was just a random occurrence?”
Celestia nodded, clearly displeased with herself.
“Yes. It wasn’t only after we began to get more concrete reports of strange goings-on in the badlands I began to be wary. But since they are so geographically isolated, I didn’t pay it a second thought. And now we have the current situation- yet the amulet is still in our vaults.”
“Princess Celestia, have the tests been run yet on it yet?” Twilight asked, prompting the other ruler to nod.

“Yes, they should be completed shortly. Cursory testing indicated the amulet still had the same magical signature- but an more detailed study is ongoing.” Celestia explained.
“We also know this creature has an army of…energy creatures? They seemed self-aware though- some sort of old magic?” Cadence mused as Queen Novo grew increasingly uncomfortable.

“If you can explain, Princess Celestia and Luna? I still find such magic unnerving ever since learning about it years ago.” Novo muttered, Twilight then looking to Celestia in surprise and speaking.
“What is she talking about?”

A soft chime then echoed through the room as Celestia’s eyes narrowed.
“Hold on, I believe we have a message.” She muttered, adjusting a communication spell to redirect the magical energy into the room.
“I think our mutual fiend wants to talk. Queen Novo? I believe you have the biggest stake here.” Celestia remarked, yielding the floor to the hippogriff Queen.
A shimmering portal of blue fire opened at the end of the table, the top half of a familiar biped filling the entire image.
“Well, well, well! The most powerful ponies and seapony talking to me! I’m flattered.” The primate chuckled, red eyes looking over the rulers with an almost hungry gaze.
“If you are so flattered, why don’t you introduce yourself? You did attack my kingdom and abduct my niece.” Novo asked, standing to face the individual with a steely expression on her face.

“Oh but of course! This didn’t go to plan at all- no no no. I didn’t even intend on having this conversation, so I suppose some introductions must be made!” The creature mused, then bowing in a seemingly mocking manner briefly, his clawed hand grasping at a familiar black staff. Almost as tall as he was, the charcoal-colored wood was set with hoof-sized oval blue crystals, strange runes inscribed on the mineral and wood alike.

“If my cousin fancied himself the Storm King, I supooooose you can call me the Ice King! Or perhaps I.C? HAH! Icey! An abbreviation! King with a hard C!” He cackled, Novo appearing unphased as she pointed a claw to the unhinged primate.
“What do you want?” She asked, eyes narrowing slightly.

“To be left alone! Of course that’s not a simple matter for you is it- but I’m glad you asked!” The Ice King chuckled, then waving to someone off the portal as a familiar voice cried out.
“Auntie? Is that you?”
“Silverstream!” Novo gasped, then getting her emotions under control.
“Oh yes, the pink one. Quite unpleasant the next test is going to be, but can’t be avoided of course…” IC mused, then gestured around himself.
The primate then seemed to get misty eyed, leaning on a dark green ledge under the portal.

“It’s nice here, so unlike the frozen glaciers of home. A lovely place near the jungle, east of the badlands. Half scorching desert, half inhospitable jungle. Prime real-estate for my new empire!”
“You expect us to recognize your claim after what you have done?” Novo added as the others looked on.
“You don’t have a choice!” IC proclaimed gleefully, then waved a set of fingers off-portal.
“And not because of this pink one. Oh no. The tests will be painful, and hopefully she’ll survive. The blue one is…eh, not sure actually. I told them to keep him under control.” He mused, then shrugging, as he appeared to talk to himself.

“Oh I have to leave my home because my methods are so different and now this setback. Your warnings were wrong, you’ll see. I already have thousands within such a short time- did you have that cousin? DID YOU?” Then seeming to remember the portal, IC looked back.
“All I want is to build my kingdom in peace. A beautiful immortal paradise!” He crowed, gesturing around the now-visible room, solid stone and lit with an odd green glow.
“Of course, the foundation might be a bit messy, but all in the name of progress.”

“What are the conditions for the release of Silverstream and Gallus?” Novo asked through a grit beak.
“Conditions? None! Can’t have them back! Not yet at least. Honestly it would have been easier if that stupid pearl shard was attached to someone else!” IC added.
“Or then again, if it was you, that would have made things so much harder! But, random chance being what it is…”
“You took her by chance?!” Novo asked, blinking incredulously as IC nodded.
“But of course! Her pearl shard is a perfect match for the spells I want to employ! Not any old shard would do; my lovely assistant could have given me his! No, hers matched perfectly! I mean I don’t know what these tests will do to her, but then I’ll be one step closer to perfection!”

“You seem to be rather certain that no rescue attempt will take place, and that we’ll simply sit by as you start your claim with a hostile action. This amounts to war. ” Novo stated, IC nodding with a chuckle- Celestia nudging the hippogriff’s claw with a hoof briefly.
“Of course not! I suppose I should state my terms. The walls should be about done after all!” The Ice King proclaimed, actually hopping up and down with joy.
“If any creature tries to rescue these two- or makes any hostile movement against my kingdom, I’ll hit the offending nation with a spell! A beautiful spell actually- crafted and currently aimed at a main city in each nation! Well, two cities. I wonder how many minions that would produce?” IC cackled.
“Even with your power, can you defend a random city at whim? I don’t think so. And maybe I’ll shift it around! So call it a war all you want- but there will be no fights, no moving of creatures into my kingdom!”

“You are no king.” Celestia rumbled- her voice steady and sure yet maintaining a knife’s edge.
“You attack a peaceful nation, abduct the subjects under the protection of multiple principalities, and demand to be recognized as a kingdom? You are a necromancer, a cheap copy of a ruler who draws power from a force he doesn’t truly understand.” The Alicorn hissed, prompting the jovial mood of the Ice King to evaporate.

“Necromancer? A harsh term for those who don’t understand my work.” IC growled, gesturing with his staff and showing a projection of arcane creatures. The outlines of pony, griffin, feline and storm beast were easily distinguishable; but the finer details were smoothed over with purple crackling energy.
“I hardly raise the dead or any such acts! I simple give these poor creatures a longer life! Gone is hunger and pain! Well, mostly. They get the benefits of a body with minimal annoyances!”
“Sounds too good to be true.” Celestia growled.

IC shrugged, waving his staff casually.
“Only to those who don’t understand, and I don’t expect you to. You don’t need to.” His demeanor continued to grow a bit more hostile, the necromancer glaring at the rulers.
“Stay out of my way and I won’t start turning cities into lesser slaves. Those are the terms. I’ll send back these two when my work is done- if they survive. If you don’t like it, not my problem!”
“You have declared war on three nations with your actions- and until you return Silverstream and Gallus we will not stand idly by!” Celestia proclaimed, prompting the necromancer to laugh.
“Oh? Do tell what you can do! I’ll gladly turn a city into glowing pile of-YOWCH!”

The primate promptly yanked his paw away from the ledge- a small circle of light glowing on the stone slab.
“Do not forget your place necromancer.” Celestia growled as her horn ceased to hum with magic.
“Were you not holding our cities hostage, this conversation would have been over within but a minute.”
Seeming rather put-off by the beam of sunlight that had scorched his hand inside the castle, the necromancer grumbled and reached over to tap a something out of view.
“And yet I am. Such actions are necessary to allow my work to continue as it should, speaking of which…”

As a pink hippogriff’s screams echoed through the portal, the room temperature increased notably, and a horrified Queen’s claws dug into the wooden table.
“I did say this wouldn’t be pleasant…”

------ Meanwhile ------

Gallus let out a groan, a warmth on the back of his head bringing the gryphon out of unconsciousness.
What hit me? Must have been quite a smack- wearing a helmet and all.
His eyes snapped open as the full situation came crashing down.

A quick glance around revealed a rather disheartening sight. The dark greyish-green stone walls seemed to be smoothly sculpted, the rectangular cell housing a few other chains and restraints. The gryphon was in the middlemost one, arms spread wide and manacles set tight against all four limbs. The wall ahead of him was a solid crisscross of metal bars as thick as the gryphon’s arm- a simple door leading in and out.
Well, lovely.

Somehow his armor hadn’t been removed- perhaps due to…
“Oh, bird brain is awake.” An arcane feline chuckled as he sauntered in, leaving the door open as four storm beasts accompanied him.
“Y’know, we were just told to keep you under control. I assume that means rough you up a bit. We certainly owe you for that too.” The cat growled as the storm beasts nodding in agreement.
“That stab of yours hurt, so I certainly would like a bit of payback!”

Gallus yanked on the manacles as the feline approached, noting an oddity in his field of view.
Wait. Why is the sword handle on my shoulder?
Not that I can reach it though- how can I get out of here? How adaptive IS this armor I wonder?

The gryphon’s question was answered as a warm pressure slid down his limbs, crystal edging onto the iron restraints.
So it can adapt…to get me out of here? How does it even-
He promptly stopped caring how the armor could sense his predicament, and only focused on the fact that one of his iron manacles snapped in half, crystal having popped the seams on the wrist cuffs.

Snapping his claws to his chest, Gallus scrambled to grasp the sword handle that was adhered to his shoulder. Just as the feline drew a purple blade, the sword in the gryphon’s grasp snapped to life. The other three restraints broke at the same time, dropping Gallus to the floor as he swung the weapon at neck height. Neatly taking the head off the feline, the gryphon rounded on the other four storm beasts; the gaggle of enemies starting to back up as one let out a low worried grunt.
“Uh oh.”

Other than a series of choked yells, the arcane beasts weren’t able to even call for help as Gallus launched himself at them. A sword buried itself into the throat of the first, the gryphon’s talons tearing into the second with ease. The third scored a sharp hit to Gallus' side with a club- a stab from the sword being his reward. The fourth actually made it halfway down the dimly lit stone hallway before Gallus’ sword buried itself in its back- the throw having hit true.

Chest heaving, Gallus picked the weapon off the floor as the storm beast vanished with a pop, scanning the hallway for clues. Built from the same odd dark stone as the cell, the hall ended at a series of stairs in front of the gryphon, extending to a series of rooms back towards the cell. Torches flickering with green fire were placed every few dozen feet, sending alien lights dancing this way and that.
Well heading up would give me a good place to see where-
His sensitive ears picked up a sound that sent a shiver down Gallus’ spine.
Was that a scream?

First it was a fast walk, then a jog- and then a sprint as the gryphon honed in on the sound. Closing the door to the cell-hallway, Gallus took two steps at a time as he dashed upwards, the sounds emanating a good four stories above him.
I know that voice.
Please let it not be…

The closer he got, the more certain of the voice Gallus became.
Rage threatened to overwhelm the Squire’s thoughts as the gryphon took a few deep breaths, pausing at the current floor. From a brief glance outside a distorted glass window in the stairwell, they were fairly high off the ground- but any detail other than a vague horizon was impossible to discern.
Wait. That’s the voice of that fake storm king!

There were no guards as Gallus inched the heavy stone door open- darting inside to hide behind some large metal crates that were scattered across the room. The circular space was piled with such storage containers here and there, most hugging the walls and leaving space for the strange equipment in the center. On one wall, the evil primate stood talking to a brightly lit portal. Behind him and to the right, a series of greenish-black stone console stood, inlaid with crystal displays and dials. Behind them, two large crystal cylinders stood, one of whom held a limp occupant.

Purple and green magical tendrils wrapping around the pearl shard, dark magic also licked across Silverstream’s limbs as the hippogriff hung prone, suspended by thin metal chains behind the transparent glass.

A fiery rage that Gallus had never before felt lit the gryphon’s bones aflame- the Squire wanting nothing more than to tear the primate apart.
Silverstream…hang on! Wait. Is that Queen Novo talking?

Gallus listened in on the conversation- slowly making his way along the wall behind the crates. If he could make a few daring hops, he could get right behind the primate and have Silverstream to his right.
Hang on Silver…

“…the Ice King!” The primate then cackled, gesturing around the room and then turning his attention back to the portal, giving Gallus the opportunity to hop behind another series of crates.
So close! Wait. Is that Celestia? What does she mean, a necromancer?! Isn’t that evil magic?

Another few moments, and another few hops as Gallus inched closer. The conversation between the rulers was interesting; but he couldn’t focus on it just yet!
The gryphon’s attention was suddenly captures as a beam of light pierced the ceiling, solid stone bubbling away and dripping to the floor. The primate let out a yelp- the light apparently having hit his hand.
Was that Celestia’s doing?
Gallus continued to creep forwards, ears perked for any threats.

“I did say this wouldn’t be pleasant…” The necromancer muttered, reaching over to grasp a familiar dark wood staff and wave it towards Silverstream. Gallus’ eyes widened in horror as the dark magic intensified around the hippogriff, causing her to let out a painful scream. His eyes widened in shock as Silverstream’s limbs shook with the strain, finally flopping limp as the dark magic ceased the intense exercise.
The crystal armor on Gallus’ chest began to glow a dull red, the gryphon having to bite a talon to prevent a horrified gasp from leaving his beak.
He’s torturing her?! Just for some test? For his ‘science?’
The rage was now like a welder’s flame- intense and focused on a singular target. The beast in Gallus’ heart was eager, prowling in his mind as it waited to strike.

“Hmm. Odd that such a cursory test would bring such pain…” IC mused, apparently ignoring the livid rulers on the other side of the portal to adjust a few crystal diodes and wave the staff again.
Silverstream’s intense screams nearly had Gallus jumping out from behind the crates- the gryphon forcing himself to remain hidden, if for but another moment. Tears wet his eyes on hearing the one he loved in so much pain- talons shaking slightly as they gripped the sword.
Gallus hadn’t fully understood what could drive some creatures to kill. Moments in Griffinstone to save his own life in defense made it a bit more clear in that regards. Yet that was to protect himself, this…
This is to protect the one I love!

After a long few moments, Silverstream fell quiet as IC turned back to the rulers. Gallus’ eyes narrowed on the back of the creature’s head, adrenaline dumping into his frame as he looked over to Silverstream a final time.
You dare torture her?
The beast in Gallus’ heart was smiling now as the gryphon broke into a soft sprint, but a few bounds from the necromancer.
She gave me everything! And you DARE-

But a few strides away, Gallus took a final hop and spread his wings- IC actually chuckling as he looked at the horrified rulers.
“We have nothing more to discuss. Stay out of my way, or more will join that hippogriff’s place! I think that is-”

The primate’s words were cut off as he turned, an eagle-like cry sounding from above his head.
The sword held in Gallus’ claws no longer burned with a soft blue light, but an angry crimson that spat sparks of energy from a serrated blade. A thin film of red crystal now stretched across the gryphon’s helmet as he sent the sword slamming into the shoulder blade of the primate. With a scream, the necromancer bat franticly at the gryphon as Gallus dug his claws into yielding flesh, twisting the sword violently as the wound spat angry purple tendrils. His claws ripped across a snarling face- and with a final twist of the weapon the primate vanished with a horrified yelp.

Scanning for any other threats, Gallus’ gaze then rested on the crystal container.
Taking a deep breath as the rage turned to fear, Gallus looked over the crystal controls numbly. A blow from his sword didn’t even phase the transparent glass around Silver. On the console, the language was nothing like he had ever seen- so short of breaking things…
His eyes narrowed- then spying the staff on the floor.
Oh, I can break stuff.

Picking up the staff, Gallus looked it over before placing it between two crates; splitting it in half with his sword.
The resulting backlash from the dark magic unleashed pushed him back a few paces- but Gallus only nodded approvingly as he walked back towards the destroyed weapon. The large crystals on the top half were apparently intact- so Gallus promptly yanked them out and set them aside.
I can do some damage here! At least, I hope. And maybe this will help me get Silver free!

As the crystals were removed, an odd hum emanated from behind the containment cylinders. Trotting to take a look, Gallus’ eyes widened as a series of runic circles became visible. Each glowed with a dark purple energy as pieces of stone dotted the entire area.
Removing one of the black stones, Gallus watched as the rune exploded- the magic funneling towards where the stone once lay and then vanishing as the spell fragmented.
These stone contain the rune magic?
Gallus knew he had seen the stones before- but couldn’t place it. Quickly slashing a line through each rune, the Squire grabbed a clawfull of the stones and placed them with the staff crystals, then looked at the crystal controls again.

A dull roar at the bottom of the stairwell was a telltale sign that he was running out of time. Taking aim, Gallus swung the sword with all his might at the base of the crystal control panel-
And almost fell on his rear as the sword carved through the base like butter.
With a series of angry sparks, the control panel flopped over as the front of the containment crystal opened- a seamless door now becoming visible.
Dashing inside, Gallus looked over Silverstream and his heart ached. There were angry welts on her wrists, near the manacles that held her to the roof- matching those near her hooves. The pearl shard still glowed with angry dark magic- the artifact vibrating this way and that as though trying to escape the evil spell encompassing it.
“Silver?” Gallus asked, and quickly cut down the chains holding the hippogriff.
Silverstream didn’t even let out a mumble- total dead weight as Gallus dragged her out onto the floor.
How can I get out of here?!

Running over and closing the nearest door and slamming a large metal lock into place, Gallus then returned to Silverstream. Quickly shoving the odd crystals and rocks into his empty side satchels, the gryphon shook Silverstream without any effect.
I’ll carry you then!

The sword obediently welded itself to Gallus’ shoulder armor on being pressed, and Gallus slid under Silverstream to carry her crosswise on his back. It was hardly ideal- but it’d have to do!
Trotting to another door across the room, Gallus looked around and then ran down the hallway as Silverstream flopped on his back like a bag of bread.
Hang in there Silver!

The hallway in front of Gallus ended in a massive window that spanned from floor to ceiling- rooms branching off to either side on the way.
No stairs…I hope this works!
“GET HIM!” A roar sounded from behind Gallus, and the gryphon broke into a sprint. One of the doors to his left opened- and a storm beast nearly caught him with a swing from a sword as long as the Squire’s arm.

At the last second, Gallus twisted- holding his left arm out as he half-hugged Silverstream with his right.
The armor complied- an arcane barrier blossoming into existence as the gryphon and hippogriff crashed through the thick glass.
Still holding onto Silverstream, Gallus spread his wings and let out a painful grunt as he took her full weight. Adjusting his hold to carry the limp hippogriff under his arms, the gryphon’s eyes widened on seeing the sight below him.

The sun had gone down, and for miles strange tents and purple runes dotted the ground, each as big as a house. Distant creatures milled about, but even Gallus’ eyes couldn’t pick out the details. Behind him the barren plains of the badlands stretched out- a distant blue glow visible in any direction he looked.

Dead ahead however, the runes abruptly ended against an unyielding wall of foliage.
The forbidden jungle? Then over there are the Macintosh hills?
No better place to hide.

Gallus didn’t have much of a choice though- his wings couldn’t keep the two of them aloft forever. Thankfully the glide put them well into the jungle though. It appeared there was less development on the jungle side than the badlands one…for obvious reason.
It’s not called Forbidden for nothing. But that means they’ll be loath to follow!

As the ground vanished into trees and vines, Gallus struggled to stay aloft as long as possible. He now could see the distant glow was a wall- but made of what the gryphon wasn’t sure. It was still many miles off, and there were hundreds of acres of jungle between the tower and the distant barrier.
Hopefully we can hide…they can’t cover all that territory easily.

Unable to keep his wings open any longer, Gallus landed on top of a rather firm tree. Chest heaving, Gallus then saw a sinister glow light up behind them and distant yells reached his ears.
Oh no.
Yanking Silverstream down, the gryphon found semi-firm ground underneath his claws as he slung the hippogriff across his back once again. The dark jungle tore at the gryphon’s armor with leering tendrils, yet the Squire bolted onwards, path lit by the gentle blue light of the crystal encrusted gem in his chest. Lungs burning and limbs aching, Gallus dashed at an angle away from the furious search party, a singular thought driving his actions.
Keep. Silverstream. Safe.


No words were spoken in the conference room for a good few minutes. The image on the communication’s portal was frozen- prompting a grim smile from Luna and a horrified expression from Twilight who finally broke the silence.
“Cadence? What did that armor do to Gallus?” She whispered, the other Alicorn meeting Celestia’s gaze briefly.
“You know the answer to that Twilight. You just don’t like it.” Celestia whispered as she turned back to the portal.
Slightly blurry but detailed nonetheless, Gallus was shown burying a crimson sword to its hilt in the necromancer’s shoulder. A horrified expression was on the primate’s face as talons bit into its cheek and nose and were beginning to tear at magical flesh. Even though partially hidden behind a crystal visor, Gallus’ expression was that of righteous fury, muscles bunched as he drove talon and sword home into the necromancer’s form.

“The armor is adaptive, and reactive.” Cadence stated softly, gesturing to the portal.
“It’s a prototype- and I didn’t think it would take to Gallus so well, but I’m glad it did. It is reacting to his intentions and helping as best it can.”
“S-so it isn’t making…” Twilight muttered, ears pinned backwards slightly.
“It is not controlling him in any way- it’s the opposite actually.” Cadence added, Luna then speaking up.
“Gallus was witnessing the one he loves tortured. What would any of us do to prevent such a fate to any creature?” She asked, finally causing Twilight to nod.
“I’ve just never seen anyone look like that…”
“And for that, we are all thankful, Twilight.” Celestia said lovingly, turning off the portal and giving the younger Alicorn a brief hug with a wing.
“In war, this is commonplace- something I am glad you have been spared. That said, you should get back to Ponyville. I’ll be sending some researchers your way tomorrow. We’ll need to have countermeasures for necromancy- and I’d like you to head the effort.”

Twilight nodded numbly, vanishing with a soft ‘pop’ of an arcane teleportation spell.
“A wise choice I think. I couldn’t bear watch Twilight become jaded and unsettled by war.” Cadence sighed, shaking her head.
“Even so, it might not be avoidable. If it is, I would like to avoid that, for that same reason.” Celestia agreed, Luna nodding as well. Queen Novo finally spoke up, eyes a bit more steely than the Alicorn’s.
“I am glad to see Gallus is alive and well- and I certainly sympathize at wanting to shield Twilight, at least a bit. She’s a sweet pony, and war could take that from her.” The hippogriff mused, then shaking her head.
“Now then. We know Gallus is alive- and possibly free. Assuming the worst, he’s still captive. At best, he’s held inside that massive ice wall.” Novo continued.
“Celestia, you have my full support to contain this threat and any other actions you seek to take- but we’ll need help.”

Celestia nodded, a grim smile dawning on her features.
“I’ll have ambassadors sent within the hour to the dragon and griffin kingdoms- I think they’ll both be able to help us.”
“And if they do not?” Novo countered, eyes narrowing.
Luna now sported a slight smile as embers ignited in Celestia’s mane, the older Alicorn standing up a bit straighter.
“Then we will manage- but I know they will respond.”

She then sighed, looking to the table with a furrowed brow.
“Hold on Gallus…Silverstream…” She whispered, Novo’s steely demeanor finally cracking.
“Keep my niece safe Gallus….” The queen whispered, sharing in the other ruler’s hopes.
Luna stayed silent, not trusting to voice her own thoughts in such an elegant manner.
I think the necromancer has more to fear from you Gallus, than he does us. Stay safe my little gryphon, and keep the one you love within arm’s reach.

Author's Note: