• Published 26th Oct 2018
  • 5,710 Views, 566 Comments

Prison of Ice with Silver Keys - RadBunny

As Gallus navigates the uncertain waters of being a special somegriff, demons from past his refuse to let him rest. As a hostile empire looms, Gallus will need to fight with every fiber of his being; only this time it's to protect the one he loves.

  • ...

Chapter Eighteen: Calm Before The Storm

“I’m sorry Gallus.” Starlight muttered, the unicorn shaking her head as she and the tired pair sat on the overstuffed green couch. The sun shone through the half-circle window above their heads as the three faced each other, the remnants of lunch pushed to the side of a nearby table.
The blue gryphon tilted his head to the side with a yawn, still exhausted despite having rested and generally recovered for three straight days.
“For what?”
Starlight let out a huff and gestured towards the crystal armor and metal breastplate with a hoof, the items located to her left on some chairs, then grumbling a few more things under her breath.
“Twilight and I tried dozens of spell combinations. Magic canceling fields, changeling throne fragments, even other gems like the one in the armor from various museums.” She explained, letting out another frustrated sigh.
“The other gryphon sets don’t have as powerful a gem, and…well….”

Gallus looked with deadpan expression to the unicorn, the amount of surprises in the past week having annihilated his ability to be amazed by coincidences.
“Let me guess. Nothing else can mimic the crystal armor, my metal armor, and the throne fragments to block the gem’s signature?”
“Yup. And it is really annoying me.” The unicorn muttered, glaring at the crystal chunk.
“Twilight stayed up for thirty two hours running simulations and such. So far, nothing.”

The gryphon shrugged, Silverstream following suite.
“Thank you for trying though. I mean, at least there is a way to block the staff’s crystal beacon.” He then paused letting out a slight chuckle.
“Um, what do those things do anyhow? I stole them and just assumed they’re important.”
Starlight nodded as the hippogriff and gryphon listened attentively- or as much as they could, both suffering from a bit of cabin fever and exhaustion all rolled into one.

“Simply put? They focus and concentrate necromancing power. So it makes it exponentially easier to cast spells, carve runs, store power, and that sort of thing. When coupled with the Alicorn Amulet, I imagine it’d provide quite a bottomless and vast energy option. Even with one crystal, the necromancer’s activity within the wall has tripled.”
Starlight then paused, gesturing a hoof towards the pair.

“What about you two? How are you holding up?”
Gallus nodded to Silver, the hippogriff happily going first.
“Not like, fantastic, but ok I guess? I mean the nightmares started, so that stinks.” She whispered, wings drooping slightly.
“Um…side effect is that sleeping in separate rooms usually doesn’t last the night.” Gallus interjected, then waved a set of claws on seeing Starlight cough and raise an eyebrow.
“Jeez Starlight. Not like that. Just…sleeping together. NOT LIKE-Ugh.” He muttered, prompting the mare to laugh.
“I get it Gallus. And that makes sense. You two basically depended on each other- so not surprising that each other’s presence is comforting.”
Silverstream nodded, leading against Gallus’ shoulder as she thought.
“I just feel safe with him I’ve noticed. It’s really, really weird. Not in a bad way, but a sort of relief if I’m close? I mean, that’s not good if it’s all the time- that could be odd. But I guess that makes sense?”

Starlight nodded, and saw Gallus’ brow furrow with a sigh.
“Kind of the same here. I just worry about Silver often…” He then managed a slight smile and glanced over to the hippogriff.
“Feeling safe when you’re near me, and I worry about you if you’re away. I can see how we’ll need to not go too overboard on either of those.” He added as Silverstream nodded. Starlight clopped her hooves together happily at seeing the exchange, a wide smile on her features.

“That’s exactly what I was going to say. It’s only been a few days; it wouldn’t surprise me if those feelings persisted for months, or more. But it’s all in moderation- but that’s a good thing to feel! The key is not letting it go overboard. Like having a panic attack if you go out of sight to the kitchen, or worrying if you run an errand alone” Starlight explained.
“Wait. That has happened?” Silver asked, the mare nodding in reply.
“Yep. And more severe cases in the textbooks I’ve been reading. But the fact you two know about it and acknowledge these feelings puts you far ahead in terms of managing it. So I’m quite glad to hear that. But for now, it’s ok to take comfort however you can. You’re still barely processing it all- so whatever keeps you from freaking out is a good thing.”

As the pair nodded, Starlight noticed the subtle shifts in body language between the two. A slight nudge from Silverstream prompted Gallus to half-extend a wing over her shoulders, and if Gallus started to massage his claws together anxiously, Silverstream scooted a bit closer to him.
It was rather adorable, especially since Starlight couldn’t tell if it was conscious decisions or not.

“Well…yippie.” Gallus grumbled with a sigh, the gryphon flopping onto all fours as he looked up at Starlight.
“I guess that’s a good thing? The next few weeks, months…whenever will be interesting I guess.”
“That’s one way of putting it, and yep. But I’m always here to talk!” The mare replied with a smile.
“So what has been going on the past few days with mr. evil monkey? We haven’t really heard much.” Silver piped up, Gallus managing a slight smile.
“I’ve…uh, been sleeping a lot too. So not much time to catch up.”

Starlight winced, rubbing the back of her head with a hoof.
“Well, the necromancer hasn’t attacked. Mainly he’s just building up his forces. So not much on that front. That can be good or bad I suppose.” She mused.
The answer seemed to satisfy the two, Gyld then popping his head into the room.
“Silver? My wife is ready to start the scones if you want to help.”

The hippogriff let out an excited squeak as she hopped up, nodding to starlight briefly.
“Oh! Right! Thank you for the talk Starlight- I’ve gotta go though. Well, downstairs. I get to learn how to make a new type of scone!”

Starlight waved, leaving Gallus to wince and stand up.
“Thanks again Starlight. Talking helps, even though it still feels a bit weird.” He muttered, the mare then nodding with a gentle smile.
“It took me a while to get over something similar; I’m just glad to help.” She said, waving before vanishing with a soft ‘pop’.

“So what’s up Gyld?” Gallus asked- the other gryphon having stood near the door ever since letting Silverstream know of the time.
“If you’re up for it, there is something I’d like to discuss. Celestia brought it up- and I think you’ve probably thought about it too.” The Master Sergeant admitted, walking over to sit near Gallus.
“…Heavy stuff?” Gallus asked, and got a nod in return.
“Well, pretty sure tomorrow or the next day won’t be a better time. So what’s up?”

Gyld winced, clearly trying to think of how best to phrase his concerns. He finally sighed, walking over and placing a large satchel next to a dagger, sitting on a desk next to the crystal armor
“How do you feel about all this? The endgame task at least- once the necromancer is stunned that is.” Gyld asked, Gallus letting out a soft huff.
“Oh. Killing?” Gallus remarked, prompting Gyld to sigh and smack a set of claws to his face.
“I told Celestia being that blunt was a better idea, but looks like you beat me to it.” He muttered, the gryphon nodding briefly.
“Yes. Celestia, and myself, have been musing over whether that’s too much to put on you. We can handle that task- but if we are being honest, neither of us can guarantee we’ll get here in time. We don’t know how long the stunning effect will last- but we guess only a minute or two.” The gryphon sighed, eyes watching as Gallus shrugged.
“I don’t see the issue though. If I have to end up killing him- is that what’s the issue?” Gallus asked, his mentor nodding.
“Yes. We both do not want to burden you with that action. Furthermore, should Silverstream have to accomplish it…”

Gallus immediately shook his head, eyes narrowing slightly.
“I took an oath, Master Sergeant.” He growled, calmly walking over to retrieve the chaotic dagger.
“I trained so that Silverstream wouldn’t have to do that. I’ve seen death- and I’ve been killing his minions for over a week.” Gallus then raised a set of talons and sighed.
“I know, they regenerate- but I didn’t know that at first. In my mind, I’ve already been doing that, so I don’t see it as any different. I can handle that burden, especially when it’s defending Silverstream, and lots of others for that matter. I don’t want to kill- well….” His wings drooped slightly.
“I want the necromancer to pay for what he’s done. But I don’t want to kill specifically. If I have to though, I will. I have been at least.” Gallus added, Gyld walking over to place a set of talons lightly on his shoulder.

“I couldn’t ask you to view such a task any better.” The gryphon said proudly, then pulled out a small sheet of parchment and handed it to Gallus.
“That said, this may help you. In many of my tasks, Celestia gave me a similar report. Before that, I always asked and wondered- did I have to do that? Couldn’t there have been some other way? This report has been standardized for the general army as well. Keeping operations secret is obviously still needed, but in some cases, this has helped soldiers cope.”

Gallus read over the parchment, a strange weight lifting itself from his mind as he did so.
‘Diplomatic report with the ‘IC,’ henceforth referred to as ‘The Necromancer.’
Escalating Peace Talks: Failed
Co-existence without loss of life: Failed
Attempts of negotiating a cease of or coexistent contract in terms of self-destructive and violent magics: Failed.’

“What do they mean, self-destructive and violent magics?” Gallus asked, now sitting next to Gyld with a furrowed brow.
“It means necromancy.” Gyld explained.
“By its very nature, the magic he practices requires fresh bodies. Maybe not immediately- but to power his runes and the arcane bodies of the creatures, IC needs fresh life force. Not the volunteers he has been conscripting- he uses their physical bodies as energy for a general storage. But an actual living, or recently dead body has to be used as a conduit for many of his spells. Celestia offered to even use the bodies of the recently dead as an offering for the necromancer to withdraw- he refused.” Gyld explained, shaking his head.

“We offered to provide the horrible tole it would take- but that wasn’t enough. He needed living creatures, because only they would suffice for his research. His words, not mine.”

‘Offers to assist or provide relocation: Failed.
Attempts at all other pacifying actions, including but not limited to; withdrawal of military forces, payment, research grants, and all other diplomatic actions concerning allies: Failed.
Final option in progress: Conventional warfare. High-power magical eradication methods prohibited by royal decree due to collateral damage.’

Gallus didn’t have to ask what the last part meant- but part of him really looked forward to Celestia using whatever those ‘eradication methods’ were.
“Tell Celestia I can handle it. I don’t want Silverstream to have to do that. It would- she wouldn’t be the same.” Gallus whispered, shaking his head. His talons tightened into a fist, the Squire looking up to Gyld with a determined fire in his eyes.
“I would still be me. I’ve seen death, and been killing- at least in my mind. When I saved Silverstream from that creature’s grasp, I wasn’t aiming to wound him Gyld. I already crossed that bridge.” Gallus whispered, the heavy weight of his mentor’s claws on his shoulder giving him a bit of comfort.

“Then I wish you best of luck Gallus, and my apologies. I serve Celestia for the purpose of preventing this exact scenario- others shouldering the burden instead of me or her.” He explained, prompting a chuckle from Gallus.
“Gyld, I’d be dead ten times over if not for your training. This is some freak thing- no apologies necessary. That said, I really do hope you or Celestia can deal with the necromancer, and not me or Silver.”

Gyld nodded, standing up a bit straighter.
“I promise both of us will do everything in our power to do so. Her legionaries are also standing by to accomplish that task- only a few blocks away to minimize suspicion. But if we are unable…”
Gallus stood up with a wince, snapping a salute to his mentor who only smiled.
“He won’t leave here alive- one way or another.” Gallus stated, the older gryphon giving the Squire a pat on the shoulder again.

“That’s the goal, however that may be accomplished. I have to go check in with Celestia- and I believe four legionaries will take my place here for that time. Silverstream should be up within a few minutes.” Gyld replied, heading out the door and towards the stairs.
“Hey Gyld?” Gallus called, holding up the sheet of parchment.
“…Thank you.”

Gyld nodded, waving with a set of claws before pausing.
“Oh. That satchel by the way? The note explains it. It’s for Silverstream.” The gryphon then disappeared from view. Gallus flopped back onto the couch with a grunt, looking over the parchment again.
Weird. I guess I have been killing all this time. At least that’s how I saw it. Maybe that’s why I don’t have any hesitation.
The image of Silverstream pinned inside a containment chamber flashed to the fore, her body coursing with dark magic…
No. I lost all hesitation when I saved her. I made my choice then- not now.

A bit of energy hummed through Gallus’ frame, then noticed the satchel Gyld had dropped near the crystal armor.

Silverstream hopped up the stairs and found Gallus grinning at her, the gryphon sitting next to the chunk of crystal and an odd satchel.
“Gallus?” She asked, the Squire gesturing to the container.
“Gyld dropped this off. It’s for you.” He smiled, clearly having taken a peek.

Silverstream walked forward and scanned the note attached- her ears perking up as she read.
‘To Silverstream:
We hope you will never need this, but it’s yours just in case. I think you know how to use it- it is just a copy of the other one.
-Princess Celestia.’
On opening the burlap satchel, Silverstream let out a high pitched squeal on seeing a large glowing crystal sitting in front of her. Heaving it out, the light pink item was almost a complete match to the glowing armor chunk sitting on the chair nearby.
“Is this…do I get….?”

She hefted the item, tentatively pressing it to her chest and giving the crystal three taps.
Despite the wide smile on his face, Gallus couldn’t help but wince as a familiar boiling steam kettle noise reached his ears, his favorite hippogriff hopping up and down. Covering her chest was a familiar crystal armor, the pinkish blue breastplate fitting her torso perfectly.
“I GOT ARMOR!” She squealed, promptly running over to give Gallus a hug and look at her newly acquired breastplate once again.
Gallus retrieved his own armor, tapping it and letting the crystal mold to his body. Silverstream could barely sit still as she sat next to him, a wide grin on her beak.
“We match!”
Nodding, Gallus felt a blush rise to his cheeks at seeing the armored hippogriff next to him.
I forgot how good she looked in that.
Like. Really good.
Thankfully, the passionate kiss he yanked Silverstream into conveyed a bit of that, the hippogriff letting out a giggle as they parted.
“Somebody happy?” She asked, causing him to nod.
“You look really good in armor.” He replied, prompting Silver to laugh.
“Thaaaaaanks. The same goes for you though- buuuut you already know that. I think I’ve said it like, a thousand times.”
“Three thousand four hundred and fifty seven.”
Silverstream’s eye twitched as Gallus replied, a smug grin on his beak.

“You totally have not been counting.”
“Nah. But I guessed.”
She wrapped him up in a brief hug with a laugh, proceeding to bounce around the room and then look at Gallus curiously.
“Huh. I feel really good! I erm…oh.” She blushed, then looked at her armor again.
“It feels just like before. A warm hug…”
“It is powered by love.” Gallus quipped, shuffling over to nuzzle the increasingly flustered hippogriff on the cheek.
“And I do love you a lot.”
“Galluuuuuuus.” Silverstream managed to squeak- thoroughly enjoying the attention despite the embarrassed hiding behind her claws.
“But a warm hug? Huh- I’m glad it works.” He added with a wide smile.
“Are you gonna make me blush even more, or do you want to try the pastries that will be done soon downstairs?”
Gallus grinned as he followed Silverstream to the stairs- the pair dropping off their armor on the chairs to the side.
“That depends if you want me to keep up the remarks on how cute I think you look…”

IC stalked along the solid stone tunnel, a wide grin on his features as Sulfid padded behind him. Carved into the very bedrock foundations of the tower, the side tunnels of the mine held the counterstrike runes- each aimed to fire at a main city of multiple nations. While some existed on the tower far above them, the majority sat here, deep within the depths of solid stone and scores of guards.
“We found the signature- and the strike force is ready to attack. Our willing contact helped us narrow it down and pick up the faint signal.” Sulfid remarked, IC pausing at his words.
“It isn’t exact- within about eight square city blocks, but with the forces you assigned, that should be enough to hold out until it is searched.”
The necromancer nodded, tapping a few fingers against the staff in his right hand.
“Once the pearl and gems are located, all of our forces can be transported to that location. By the time the outside attackers make their way inside, we will have the items we need. When we pinpoint the exact house, I will personally retrieve it.”

The look IC had in his eyes made it clear there was no argument, Sulfid bowing his head in agreement.
“Of course.”
The primate then let out a hum, letting out a soft chuckle.
“You are clear to begin tomorrow at dusk. Don’t kill anyone except those that oppose you. The more hesitation on Celestia’s part the better. If she sees we only want our property back, and the necessary pearl shard, she might hesitate or hold back. Such a strategy only benefits us- I expect you to make that clear to the troops.”
“Of course Sir.” Sulfid acknowledged, vanishing as he re-materialized far above them to instruct the strike force.
The necromancer walked over to inspect one of the many offensive runes- the dozen guards bowing in reference.
“One day, Celestia. And then I will be at full strength to even hold my own against you.

Silverstream awoke with a gasp, her heart beating out of her chest.
Not that dream again.
She closed her eyes, head shaking side to side as a cold sweat stained her feathers. Calmly walking out of the small side room, the hippogriff let out a slight sniffle as she sat near the couch- a curled up blue feathery blob shifting this way and that.

“Mwah? Silver?” Gallus yawned, raising his head slightly. On seeing a few tears in her eyes, Gallus’ ears immediately perked up to alert. Wrapping his arms around her, Gallus hugged Silver close as she sniffled into his chest, leaning against him with a few shivers.
“Another nightmare I take it? Yeah, those suck.” He whispered, prompting a half-hearted yet almost-chuckle from Silverstream.
“Y-yeah. They do.”

Gallus held her close for a good long few minutes, the hippogriff finally pulling back slightly. Hopping up next to him, Silverstream settled on the couch and leaned on his shoulder.
“Want to talk about it? Or…” Gallus suggested, knowing it was a fifty-fifty chance. He sometimes wanted to talk, other times he wanted to just curl up.
“Just losing you.” Silverstream sighed, shaking her head.

Gallus was quiet for a time- thoughts churning through his mind.
“I guess it’s different for you.” He finally stated, reaching over to hold Silverstream’s claws.
“I grew up with death being a very possible thing, you didn’t I suppose. I guess that could make it more scary, maybe in a different way.”
Feeling Silverstream nod, Gallus continued to talk- hoping this would help rather than make his favorite hippogriff more unsettled.
“You know, gryphons don’t really have a general belief in where we go after- well, ok some do. I like the Knight’s view though. From what I read, it’s basically being happy forever with those you served and protected.” He gave her claws another squeeze.
“And those who you love.”

Silver let out a sniffle, nuzzling his shoulder briefly.
“I like that view. It sounds nice.”
Feeling her relax a bit against his side, Gallus didn’t say anything for a few moments, ears then perking up as Silverstream spoke up.
“There’s a few views for us- I always liked the idea my mom taught us. Kind of like what you said- being happy, but you can also see those still alive at times, to check up on them.” Silver let out a slight giggle- despite still having a few sniffles.
“My mom said that underwater, a bubble could be an ancestor floating around looking at you. In Mount Aris, maybe one of the stars. I found that kind of funny, but nice.”
Gallus nodded, spreading a wing over Silverstream with a soft hum.

“Maybe both of the ideas are right. Being happy forever somewhere and still checking in on everyone.” He mused, reaching over to give Silver a brief kiss.
“As nice of an idea as that is, I don’t plan on going anywhere.” The Squire added, prompting a gentle shove against his shoulder.
“Y-you’d better not.”

As Silverstream lowered her head to rest on his forelimbs, Gallus draped his own neck across hers, letting out a huff.
“There’s very little I wouldn’t do to stay here with you.”
Feeling Silver shift slightly, Gallus let a slight smirk dawn on his face-
“I’d even lick the necromancer.”
“Ewwwwwwwwww.” Silver shivered, her beak now sporting a slight if not disgusted smile.
“It’s truuuuuue.”
“That’s so nasty.”
Gallus chuckled, giving her a nuzzle before laying his head back down.
“Love you Silver- let’s try to get some sleep.”
“Love you too Gallus.”

Author's Note:

Storm clouds on the horizon...the final chess pieces are in motion. A bit shorter of a chapter this time. A thank you to FanficReader920 for the discussion idea too; it fit rather nicely as a worry that could rear its ugly head.
As always, feedback is appreciated, and hope you enjoyed this chapter!