• Published 26th Oct 2018
  • 5,710 Views, 566 Comments

Prison of Ice with Silver Keys - RadBunny

As Gallus navigates the uncertain waters of being a special somegriff, demons from past his refuse to let him rest. As a hostile empire looms, Gallus will need to fight with every fiber of his being; only this time it's to protect the one he loves.

  • ...

Chapter Eleven: Family Meetings and Seapony Shenanigans

The regular click-clacking of the train’s travel had faded to a steady background cadence as it sped towards the new Mount Aris station. There were only a few occupants aboard; namely a tourist or two along with some researchers. For the most part, the five passage cars were empty. After switching trains twice, Gallus and Silverstream were on the end of their day-long journey.
It definitely had been a good idea to break up the travel into two days. Now they’d arrive in the early afternoon instead of late at night.

In the middlemost car, Silverstream dozed peacefully against Gallus’ shoulder- or at least she had for the past few hours.
Now she was just enjoying the close comfort her special somegriff provided.
He was awake apparently, reading some large volume about knights and such. It was a bunch of codes of conduct- interesting, but less so when she was tired.

A smile slid onto Silver’s beak as she scooted closer. The past two months had been a return to normalcy, at least for the most part. They had been able to go on dates every other day or so, and Gallus had quickly regaled their friends with tales from his training. A campout or two in the snow, another happy hearths warming, and even a dance or two.

Through it all though, Silver had noticed something different about Gallus, as had the other girls. It was something subtle but gave the gryphon an extra something.
Silverstream reached over to tap a claw against the breastplate on Gallus’ chest, a few tears forming in her eyes. It had taken her a good week of thinking to figure out what it was- but she finally figured it out.

Gallus simply seemed more sure of himself, more happy to be him. Outside words were great, but Silver could at least understand feeling good about being you.
And now he finally did. A new sort of energy seemed to radiate from the young gryphon, being able to just enjoy life and push past the awful things in his past. Not that he didn’t have moments where a quick nuzzle or kiss was needed to distract him though.
The past won’t go away, but I’m happy to be here for you to help you through it all.

Silverstream’s cheeks blushed furiously as Gallus reached over and gave her claws a squeeze- apparently noticing the hippogriff staring at him.
And that smug smirk. Ugh.
“We’re getting close I think. I think I saw the ocean….” Gallus mused, the bleak view of the badlands and mountains having given way to shrubland blossoming amid coastal rocks.
“I think so too. This is a different way than flying of course, or teleporting. But it’s nice!” Silverstream chirped, then nuzzling Gallus’ shoulder.
“And more time to spend with you of course. All the kisses and hugs. And did I mention kisses?”
Make Gallus blush at least once a day- Check.

“So-erm, you said your family doesn’t know that much about me?” Gallus asked, prompting Silverstream to shake her head.
“Yeah. I didn’t feel like it was my place to tell them a lot. Just that I love you a ton, and you had a rough time growing up. So they might ask about y’know, family or…” Silverstream’s words became softer and more unsure, prompting Gallus to sigh, then reaching down to rub her cheek with a talon.
“It’s ok Silver. It’s who I am, and it’s gotten me this far. No point in being ashamed of what I can’t change. Thank you for not telling them though.”
Silverstream nodded, then smiling as Gallus’ view became focused on the window outside.

“Whoaaaaaaaaaaaa.” Gallus whispered, eyes wide in wonder. The vast ocean spread out as far as they could see; the newly-laid train tracks meandering along the coastal cliff.
“I’ve never seen anything like this….”
The wonder in Gallus’ eyes made Silverstream nearly squeak in delight.
Oh just wait until he’s able to be under the ocean!
…I’m still impressed he’s willing to try the tube tunnels with his tiny-spaces fear. Oh I hope he likes it all.
“Final stop, Mount Aris Station!” The conductor called as the train began to slow down, Mount Aris quickly becoming larger as they approached. Even from a distance, it was clear to see the city had both returned to its former glory and expanded, a few new outcroppings of housing on the ‘wings’ of the stony fortress. Small tubes followed the natural rocks and burrowed into the sides of the mountain, no doubt the crystal pipes linking Seaquestria to the upper world.

Exiting to the newly constructed stone train platform, Silverstream and Gallus were all smiles; the gryphon more amazed than anything. The massive mountainous city rose from the ocean like a waterspout; intimidating yet beautiful all the same as a new road snaked across the water to the entrance.
“Ooooooh there’s so much I can’t wait to show you!” Silverstream squeaked, fully aware that Gallus was still a bit spellbound by the majestic sight.
“Uh huh….”
“Oh. But Auntie wanted to meet you first. Terramar will take you there too!”
“Ah-WAIT WHAT?!” Was Gallus’ replying squawk, a tan hippogriff waving as he approached.
“Hey Sis! Have a good-”
His words were interrupted by a flying tackle-hug, but Terramar didn’t seem phased in the slightest.
“Last I checked, and you must be Gallus.” The male hippogriff added, holding out a set of claws as Silverstream let him go. Gallus took them in a friendly grip, rather happy to see no animosity Terramar’s gaze.
“Yup. You must be Silver’s brother- heard a bit about you, and nice to finally meet you.” Gallus remarked calmly, trying his hardest to quell the ever-present nerves.

“We can talk a bit on the way to the throne room. Oh! Sis, Skystar wanted to say hi for a bit before you met back up with Gallus. She knows you’re busy though.” The hippogriff added, Silverstream hopping happily at the news.
“Oh? Yay! I’ll meet her- um, where should I meet her?”
“She said ‘the usual place’.”
“OH! I’ll do that and then meet youuuuu…um…” Silverstream paused, then flaring her wings slightly.
“Dads house I think. We’re having dinner there, right?”
Terramar nodded, rolling his eyes with a slight smile as Silverstream quickly gave Gallus a loving kiss.

“You’ll be fine, and I’ll see you in a bit! There’s probably a reason Auntie wanted my brother to show you around instead of me! Most likely because she’s kinda craftly like that…” Silver mused, giving Gallus a brief hug.
“We’ll be good Sis, I’ll make sure she doesn’t turn your special somegriff into coral.”
“…Isn’t that an option though?” Gallus muttered, waving to Silverstream as she sped out of view.

“C’mon, flying is faster. Just follow me.” Terramar called as he hopped into the air and then pausing.
“Oh! Right, baggage. Um, Mom said she’s have someone pick up anything you had and have it carried- Ah, there we go.” His sentence was cut off as a purple armored hippogriff nodded to Gallus.
“May I take this to Sky Beak’s home, Squire Gallus?” He asked, the gryphon nodding quickly.
Still don’t get used to that…

“I erm- yeah, that’d be great, thank you.” Gallus remarked, watching the large bag picked up and easily hefted as the guard flew towards the distant city.
“Ok! Baggage- check, and now to the throne room!” Terramar mused, waving to Gallus as both were now airborn.
“I wouldn’t sweat it. I know ‘meeting the Queen’ can seem intimidating, but Aunt Novo isn’t that bad.” The hippogriff remarked, still prompting a slightly unsettled look from Gallus.
“Y-yeah, I suppose so.”
Deep breaths Gallus.

“You know, I was going to do the whole ‘protective big brother thing’. Terramar remarked, glancing to Gallus as they flew above the meandering roads and trading posts below.
“I mean, don’t get me wrong, you’d better not break my sister’s heart. But that’s kind of a ‘duh’.”
“So, why didn’t you? I’m actually rather surprised you’re not being more, y’know…” Gallus replied, eliciting a laugh from the easy going hippogriff.

“Because I just said that part of it- don’t break her heart. I’m her brother and I love her and want her to be happy. But like, everything you’ve done has been the total opposite of what I worry about. Like-” Terramar sighed, gesturing to Gallus with a set of claws.
“You being a Squire, that news got around fast, the first gryphon knight in training in centuries? And the reason being my sister? That’s…pretty awesome. You care about her enough to go through that training and everything.” Terramar then paused, a rather evil grin splitting his beak.
“Huh. I guess my sis was right. It is easy to make you blush.”

Gallus tried to glare back, he really did…
“But seriously. I’ve seen Silverstream happier than ever before, all when talking about you or just being herself. I’m glad she has you. And you seem like a decent gryphon, since actions do speak louder than words and all that. So I really don’t have much reason to be super concerned.” Terramar concluded, Gallus blinking in surprise.

“I can’t say I expected such a warm welcome. I’m not exactly used to that. Any gryphon would have been threatening me for a good hour or two…”
“Pffft. Well we aren’t gryphons now are we?” The hippogriff chuckled, prompting a nod from Gallus.
“True, and for that I’m thankful.”

As they neared the palace at the top of the mountain, Terramar gestured to a grassy hillock to their right- just near the main entrance where guards stood at attention.
“Well, here we go. I’ll wait around here for when you’re done. I doubt you’ll be too long. Then we can go to my Dad’s house and see if Silverstream is back.”

Gallus held out his own talons to shake Terramar’s, the gryphon nodding gratefully.
“Thanks Terramar- and I’m glad Silverstream has a brother like you.” He said sincerely, the gryphon having to choke down emotion that rose in his throat.
A caring sibling- something I never had.

Terramar seemed somewhat surprised at the gesture and words, but smiled all the same as he returned the gesture.
“Sure thing! And thanks, I try my best. I’ll be here.”

The two teal armored guards then opened up the doors leading inside, the alabaster structure a daunting sight indeed. The entrance was a combination of underwater architecture mixed with the above water natural carvings, trees shifting to images of coral in the stone around the opening. Made of what appeared to be a single chamber with smaller rooms branching off from it, the palace’s main hall seemed to double as both the main gathering area and throne room. The royal seat was visible through a few more doors at the distant end of the hall, each series being opened by a set of guards.
Just meeting with the Queen of the Hippogriffs, no biggie.

On the final set of doors, Gallus paused, looking to each of the stoic guards before then to his own claws. Nerves threatened to cloud his mind and dull his movements.
I never thought I’d ever be in a place like this.
With that single thought, the nerves vanished as confidence welled up in Gallus’ breast.
Then again, I never thought I’d be anything more than a homeless gryphon.
And now….
He stood a bit straighter, looking around a bit more at the royal statues and carvings present in this small section of the palace.
Someone loves me for who I am, and I’m set to meet with the Queen of the Hippogriffs.
And on top of that, I’m a Squire, a Knight in training to protect the one I love.
What wouldn’t I do for her?

With that final thought, Gallus strode into the throne room as the doors were opened. The off-white stone floor was carved into rising steps at the end of the hall, ending in a beautifully sculpted throne that appeared to be a feathered clam in shape. Two more guards stood on either side of the throne, a large and well-kept hippogriff rising from the cushioned seat. Queen Novo’s pink feathers were neatly preened as a darker magenta mane and tail stood out, swaying to the side to some unseen breeze. An odd pair of more luminescent tendrils accompanied the dark purple feathers, along with light silver necklace placed around the Queen’s neck.
Her purple eyes however, bore into Gallus’ with an unreadable gaze.

“Queen Novo.” Gallus stated, bowing respectfully as the lithe hippogriff padded forward and looked him over.
“Hmmm. Indeed. And you must be Squire Gallus. I am quite pleased to see you have manners.” She mused, a slight smile now edging onto her beak.
“Ok, enough bowing. Now then, Guards, if you’d leave us for a moment?”
So this is the gryphon I’ve heard so much about?
The other hippogriffs left, leaving Gallus to stand looking up to the Queen.
“I’ve heard quite a bit about you Gallus, mostly from my Sister and among the nobles. There are a few not happy with you courting my niece.” Queen Novo mused, then tossing her head to the side with a huff.
“That said, I am extremely happy Silverstream has found someone. I won’t bore you with unnecessary semantics though, and get to the point.” She paused, looking at the young gryphon with an interested gleam in her eye. Despite towering over the Squire, Gallus stood at attention with only the hint of a shiver in his limbs.

Well well, isn’t he a strong one? Silverstream, you didn’t do half bad for yourself…
“I want to make sure you have my niece’s best interest in heart. To tell you the truth, your actions seemed to certainly have proven that, but I want to hear from your own beak the answer.”
Queen Novo then sat down, allowing the tension to dissipate ever so slightly
If he IS going to see this to the end, best not scare all the feathers off him, however fun that may be.
“Squire Gallus, what are your feelings towards Silverstream and what she wants?”

Gallus’ ears perked up at the question, musing over the answer carefully. Of course, there was no easy answer.
“Well, I’ll answer the second part, because that’s easiest.” He said calmly, making sure to phrase the sentence before having it leave his beak.
“I want whatever will make her happy. I mean, compromise is what makes relationships work, but I don’t want to see her sad. I want her to always feel loved for who she is, be if that’s with me or otherwise, but I’m extremely biased in that regards...I hope that answers that part at least.”

Queen Novo nodded, seeming to be satisfied with the answer as she continued to wait.
“I could just say the cliched answer that’s in the books Silverstream reads. I love her, she means everything, and all that. I mean, that’s true, but that makes it sound so simple.” Gallus replied, brow furrowing in thought.
I know what to say.

The words rose to Gallus’ beak even as emotion threatened to stop his throat. The Squire pushed onwards, looking up to the Queen with a genuinely curious and heartfelt gaze.
“Queen Novo, how can I put into words for Silverstream? How can I describe my feelings for the one who gave me everything I never thought worthy of? Things I never thought I could feel, things I never thought anyone could ever-”

Gallus stopped, closing his eyes briefly to hopefully stem the burning dampness threatening to spill over.
“Silverstream and the others at the school were my first real friends my age. She then was the first to ever show me that I could be loved. How can I describe my feelings for that? How can I thank her for that? All I can offer her is myself, and somehow that seems to be enough.” Gallus stood a bit straighter, gesturing to the breastplate shining on his chest.

“That doesn’t mean I won’t try to do everything in my power to make sure she’s happy. I didn’t start this journey to be a knight just for my own doing. I wanted to be someone Silverstream was proud to introduce, to be someone. I know the whole ‘you already are someone’ saying, but that can’t cover all of it. I had to do something.” A smile then slid onto Gallus’ beak as he looked up to Queen Novo, her own gaze softened by the young gryphon in front of her.

“And so I learned how to keep her safe, to make sure nothing hurts the one I love the most, the one who gave me everything. So I love her, Queen Novo, but not in any way I can describe in a single sentence. Or paragraph. Or essay I suppose. I guess that’s the answer, rambling, but an answer.” Gallus finished, reaching up to swipe a tear from his eye.
It was almost easier when I had no confidence and could hide behind sarcasm. Dealing with feelings is so much harder-
But it feels so much better…

“Gallus.” Queen Novo said, her own demeanor having softened as the young gryphon had spoken.
“I am glad you are the one to have captured my niece’s heart, so consider that my sign of approval.” She added, a slight smirk on her features.
“I do hope you plan to come back if you plan on being something more than a special somegriff though…”

A bright blush flared onto Gallus’ cheeks as he choked, the cheeky Queen laughing with a contented sigh.
“Oh I’m sorry, but that never gets old. Throwing individuals off balance, but that’s not fair to you. But honestly Gallus, well done. You handled yourself better than many, and that answer was beautiful.” Novo then paused, then nodding both to him and herself.
“You might want to tell Silverstream that, if you haven’t already. But I think my sister will want to hear such a reply too.”

“I-erm…” Gallus stammered, then bowed again briefly.
“Thank you, Queen Novo.”
Novo laughed, walking forward to give Gallus’ shoulder a brief pat.
“You are most welcome, Squire Gallus. Now get going. I’m sure my daughter and Silverstream will be finishing up. We’ll be speaking again I’m sure.”
As Gallus trotted out the doors and back to where Terramar was waiting to show him to Sky Beak’s house, Queen Novo settled back down on her throne. She at least had a few more moments before some nobles were to arrive for an evening meeting.
Well Sister, I don’t think you need to be worried about Silverstream at all. Her heart isn’t going to lead her astray.

---Meanwhile at the base of Mount Aris---

The combined joyous squeals of the two hippogriffs threatened to split the mountain’s foundations in their pitch and intensity, the pair wrapping the other up in a tight hug as they met on a secluded beach.
“So how have you been? I mean obviously great since you’ve got Gallus, but what’s been going on? You first!” Skystar trilled, hopping up and down excitedly.
Great indeed….

“Ummmm let me think. Gallus is now a Squire, and seeing him fight was TOTALLY scary but awesome. We agreed to have a Pish cookoff and see what happens- with the other girls and Sandbar judging of course. We’re doing ok in school, aaaaaaand Gallus found something I brought as a gift to you!” Silverstream rattled off, counting each item on her claws.

“Pish? A gift?” Princess Skystar tilted her head to the side curiously, prompting Silverstream to giggle.
“Oh, right. I think I told you ages ago- a pastry with fish. A Pish!” Silver proclaimed, Skystar then giggling in turn.
“Ok that’s pretty good. But wait a minute, you got me something?” She asked, Silverstream nodded as she fished out a small stone talisman from the satchel around her neck.
“Sooooort of? We both did actually. I knew you liked stuff from other lands, and he just happened to know what it was. So more of a joint effort!”

Turning the circular stone over in her claws, Skystar looked over the intricate carvings, depicting a beautiful city with a strange tower shining at the top of it. The hippogriff let out a squeak of excitement at the alien writing etched into the other side, Silverstream walking closer to tap it with a claw.
“Gallus pointed it out to me when we were browsing an antique shop. He says it’s a royal insignia from a distant gryphon province or something. Some sort of old item they used to employ that basically said ‘hey, the king wants me here’ and so you use that as like a city hall pass!” She explained, promptly getting wrapped up in another hug from Skystar.
“Thank youuuuu! I’ll be sure to thank Gallus tomorrow at the dinner thing- but I’m really really happy you all even thought of me!” Skystar gushed, a happy smile on her beak.

“I’m sure he’ll appreciate it- I think you’ll like him! I hope you do…” Silverstream added, Skystar rolling her eyes.
“Psssh. I’m sure I will, he sounds like a total catch. He makes you happy, and just wants to be loved? Sounds like a toooootal softie under it all.” Skystar giggled, the other hippogriff sighing happily.

“Trueeeee. He doesn’t like to admit it though. But I guess that’s common for some guys. What about you? Any luck so far?” Silverstream asked. Few would have caught it, but Silver had known Skystar long enough to pick up on her slightly drooping ears and wings as she spoke.
Very few could see that Skystar’s smile didn’t quite reach to her eyes.

“Oh, y’know, just the usual. A few prospects, but just the same!” She replied almost as though reading from a script, causing Silverstream to send a pouty glare in reply.
“Skystaaaaaaaaar…” Silverstream grumbled, not happy at getting a bland and clearly pre-thought out reply.
“Ugh, sorry Silverstream- it’s not exactly a unique question, so I kinda just default into that phrase…” Skystar sighed, a genuine smile blossoming on her face as Silverstream gave her a brief hug.

“You’ll find sooooome guy, or girl, not judging! I mean, you may have to be blunt...I wasn’t joking for how long I dropped hints to Gallus. Just takes time and stuff!”
Skystar let out a soft chuckle, then nodding slowly.
“Wasn’t it for like, months before he finally figured it out? And thanks, I hope so…I mean there was that nice gryphon captain I chatted with a week ago.”
“OOOOOOOOH?” Silverstream’s face was promptly scrunched up by her own claws, looking to her cousin excitedly as the other rolled her eyes good naturedly.
“Mmmhmm. He was picking up a shipment and had some time to wait. It was just nice to finally just chat with someone without the whole ‘you’re a princess so I have to act a certain way’ thing. He just didn’t seem to care.” Skystar used her claws to emphasize part of her sentence, then shrugging.
“Well, it was a nice hour or two at least. It's a start at least!”
“….you talked for an hour or two straight?” Silverstream asked, a rather wide grin on her beak as her cousin smacked a set of claws to her face.
“Maybe? I mean I um-kind of didn’t keep track?”
Judging from the slight blush on Skystar’s face, it had certainly made an impression.
I won’t push too much, that’d be mean!

“Wellllllll hopefully he’ll stop by again. In the meantime, I think you’d like Ponyville if you could get away for a bit!” Silverstream suggested, Skystar perking right back up.
“That’s actually a really good idea! I probably can cover it under some ‘diplomatic mission’ or whatnot!” The hippogriff mused, still smiling as she paused.
“I’ve missed this Silverstream.” She admitted, the other hippogriff nodding in agreement.
“I have too. We really should find times for more visits!” Silver added, then gestured up to a distant outcropping above them.
“…wanna jump off that one spot like we used to?”
“And see how deep we can dive? Totally.”

“Sooooo your dad blew up your house?” Gallus asked with a raised eyebrow as he and Terramar neared the beach, the hippogriff laughing with a shake of his head.
“Only with smell. He cooked something wrong and now it smells…interesting. Probably not the best place for guests. It’ll air out soon enough.” Terramar added with a nonchalant wave of his claws.

Why do I feel like this is a common occurrence for them?
Landing at the edge of a beach, Gallus looked around curiously at the partially-covered furniture. Neatly carved stone tables, chairs and couches sat half submerged in parts, or completely in or out of the water in others. They were all arranged like a living room, a smattering of each of the stone pieces in an area spread out across the entire coast line.
“This is one of many meeting points between Mount Aris and Seaquestria.” Terramar explained, gesturing to a collection of furniture farther down, continuing to speak as they walked along the sand.
“My mom prefers Seaquestria, and my dad Mount Aris. The pipes make it pretty much one and the same now, which is really nice. It was kind of tense for a while figuring that out...anyhow, the Three Days of Freedom celebration pretty much solidified everything. For today they figured to just meet up here for an early dinner instead of the contaminated house. Hope that’s alright, since you know, the house reeks.”
Gallus nodded, hopping across some of the water to sit on a stone chair. A bit of water lapped at his fur, but it was surprisingly warm rather than unpleasantly nippy. Terramar took a seat as well, seeming to enjoy the scenery.
“Huh. Interesting, and yeah, this is cool. So I guess they’ll be here soon?” He asked, then hearing a characteristic giggle to his left. In the distance, A light yellow hippogriff flew off after giving another pink individual a hug-

“Oh! Hey Gallus! Terramar!” Silverstream called, quickly flying closer with a smile. With a flash of light, she shifted to a Seapony and swam around, looking up at Gallus with a grin.
“After we eat, want to explore underwater? You can become a Seapony too, at least with a bit of help.” Silver explained, prompting a hesitant nod from Gallus.
“Erm, ok? I mean, it sounds interesting…I think it’d be fun?”
The pout on Silverstream’s face was enough to get Gallus to sigh, reaching over to give her head a pat.
“I never said I wouldn’t. It is just kind of a new thing. You did mention it, I just hadn’t thought about it a lot.”
He really should have picked up on her intentions, Silverstream’s eyes shifting to his arm-

“Hey Gallus! Now I don’t have to look up anymore!” Silver chirped as a soaked gryphon stood on the sandy bottom of the ocean, the water up to his neck.
“I would be a lot more annoyed if this water wasn’t so nice and you weren’t so adorable.” Gallus grumbled, not able to resist a smile.
“Soooooo after dinner, Seapony exploring?” Silverstream asked, clapping her flippers together.
“As long as we can try out those tube things, yes.”

Gallus nodded, seeing Silverstream's ecstatic face being more than enough to quell his nerves.
“Yeah. I mean, they’re clear, so technically doesn’t feel like a small space? I want to try though.”
Silverstream’s reply was cut off as a light yellow seapony popped up next to her. Her mane, wings and tail edges were a bright violet, complementing her lighter purple eyes. From under the water a few trays were produced with a variety of foods, the seapony then smiling at seeing the pink hippogriff.
Huh. Can see where Silverstream got the pink from.

“Silverstream!” She crowed, wrapping up the younger seapony in a hug.
“Mom! Good to see you! I guess Dad is on his way soon?” Silver asked, Ocean Flow rolling her eyes with a smile.
“My goodness, that hippogriff; he tried to bake his famous seaweed rolls and ended up not taking them out of the oven in time. So, the entire house now smells like an old beach. Probably not the best to meet a certain someone. And speaking of that…” She turned to Gallus, holding out a flipper which Gallus took in greeting.

“You must be Gallus! Nice to meet you! I’m Ocean Flow.” The seapony said with a smile, Gallus bowing his head slightly.
“Nice to meet you Miss Flow-”
“Oh goodness, such manners- but Ocean or Ocean flow is fine dear! Makes me sound old otherwise!” Ocean chuckled, prompting a slight smile from Gallus.
“Ocean Flow it is, I’m sorry it took so long to get here.” Gallus added with a slight wince. His words were waved off with a flipper, the seapony simply laughing.
“Oh no problem at all! We assumed you were busy with studies, and saving Equestria apparently! I’m just glad to finally meet the gryphon that my daughter will not stop talking about!”
Gallus deadpanned and looked over to Silverstream. To her credit, her face now matched her flippers in terms of shade.

“I don’t talk about him that much…” She whispered, Gallus not able to resist a chuckle.
“I really hope she only talks about the good. I’m just me.”
Ocean Flow laughed, then gesturing up above them.
“Oh most certainly. Ah! And there’s the master chef. So Sky Beak? How did your cooking attempt go? Did you burn them again?”
The hippogriff landed on a stone seat next to his wife, purple feathers complimented by his snow white mane and tail standing out with his orange eyes. The large hippogriff placed a large tray of pastries on the table as he grumbled with a slight smile.
“Maybe. I mean I had to try!”
“You forgot to set the timer again didn’t you?”
“That was only once!”
“…Sky Beak.”
“Ok yes I forgot to set the timer.”
Gallus smiled at seeing the back and forth between the pair, a strange sort of longing starting to prick at his heart.
Is this what it’s like to have a family? Have everyone joke back and forth but still love each other?

A flipper poked at his side, Silverstream’s loving gaze catching the gryphon’s attention. He simply nodded, sitting up a bit straighter in the stone chair.
“And where are my manners- you must be Gallus! Good to meet you- I’m Sky Beak.”
Gallus reached over and shook the outstretched claws, managing a slight smile through his ever-present nerves.
“Nice to meet you. Erm, Mr. Beak?”
“Goodness no. I’m not that old. Just Sky or Sky Beak.”
Looking back to Ocean, Gallus couldn’t help but smile.
“She…um, said the same thing. Figured I’d check.” He added with a shrug. Apparently that was a good answer, because Sky simple chuckled and then hopped into the water to give his daughter a hug.
“And Silverstream! Good to see you as always!”

Letting out a happy squeak from her father’s hug, Silverstream then shifted into a hippogriff to sit next to Gallus as Terramar scooted forward to eye the pastries.
“Well dig in everyone!” Ocean remarked, Terramar instantly snagging a pastry and letting out a blissful sigh after taking a bite.
“You skipped lunch again son? Or are the local breads just that good?” Sky asked, prompting an embarrassed mumble from Terramar.
“Fair answer.”

Gallus then turned to Ocean as she looked over at him curiously.
“So, Gallus! Tell us a bit about yourself! We know some parts from Silverstream- what are you up to nowadays? That Squire business sounds interesting!”
Gallus poked the breastplate and nodded, sitting up a bit straighter as Silverstream snagged a seaweed sandwich with a flipper.
“Just going to school now. I’m in training for another few years on and off. Just studies and occasional tests though. It was a nice break, but now back to Twilight’s school for a time. It was definitely worth it though.”
“Oh! Tell them about the test!” Silverstream squeaked, Terramar perking up as well.
“Yeah! She said you had to fight like ten guys or something?”

As Gallus retold the exam as best he could, the nerves seemed to slip away ever so slightly. Ocean Flow and Sky Beak seemed genuinely interested in curious, and not at all hostile (as opposed to a gryphon parent, which wouldn’t have been nearly as pleasant). Everyone took breaks to ask a question here or there, as well as devouring the tasty dishes in front of them. From simple pastries to seaweed sandwiches, they all fell under the family’s appetite. When asked, Gallus expounded on a few of the adventures he and Silverstream had gone on- especially with his other friends. The conversation eventually looped back to his training however.

“That sounds pretty awesome.” Terramar stated, a wide grin on his face.
“I have to say Gallus, that is rather impressive.” Sky added, Ocean nodding in agreement.
“So why did you become a squire? Is your family knights or something? Some kind of passed down tradition?”
At Terramar’s innocent question, Gallus saw both Sky and Ocean wince.
Ah. So they had an idea of what Silverstream meant.

“I mean it could be? I don’t really have a family. Not like this at least, I have a different one in Ponyville.” Gallus explained, trying to ignore the slight ache in his heart. Terramar’s ears instantly flattened as he realized his mistake.
“I-erm, oh. Sorry. I didn’t…”

Not wanting to see the hippogriff beat himself up, Gallus waved a set of claws with a shrug.
“It’s ok, was bound to come up sooner than later. Silverstream didn’t want to tell many creatures, which I’m kind of glad for. It’s just my past, can’t really change it, so no reason to dance around it.” He mused, then looking over to Silverstream with the hint of a smile.
“But I have to say, dancing is fun.”

Terramar nodded, then looking to Silverstream incredulously.
“Seriously? A knight in training and can dance? Is this guy from one of your books Silver?”
Thoroughly enjoying the blush on Silver’s face, Gallus smiled at the comment.
“I’m just me. I guess I can be a bit awesome?” The gryphon then puffed up his chest with a grin.
“And I’m humble too!”
As the family chuckled, Sky nodded to Terramar and Silverstream, gesturing to some tube entrances in the distance.
“Terramar, Silverstream- would you mind giving us a chance to talk with Gallus?” He asked, the pair then standing up with a nod. Silverstream hesitated, quickly hopping over to give Gallus a peck on the cheek before making her way along the beach.

“I have to say Gallus, my sister is impressed, and that’s a rare thing.” Ocean remarked, seeming more curious than anything.
“If I might ask something both my wife and I are curious to- why visit us now rather than before? I mean it’s never an easy thing, but I do hope we aren’t that intimidating.” The hippogriff asked, Gallus then pausing to think.

“I wanted to make sure of everything.” Gallus finally said, looking to the water at first. He then looked up to the parents, tapping the breastplate with a claw.
“I wanted to make sure my feelings for Silverstream weren’t some ‘phase’ or something. I also wanted to be a gryphon she’d be proud to introduce.” He then sighed, head shaking slightly.
“She loves me for…me. That’s something that I still haven’t gotten used to. I’m sure she’d have been fine with me being here as I am of course. But I wanted to feel like I was someone, more than just ‘that gryphon.’ I suppose it was a bit of selfish reason, that part at least. But the main reason for being a Squire wasn’t that.”

“Hmm. You never did answer Terramar’s question dear.” Ocean mused, Gallus nodding.
“I guess I didn’t. In short, I went through all this training so I could keep Silverstream safe. That’s…the long and the short of it.” Gallus explained, trying to put words to the feelings that soared through his heart.
“Queen Novo said you gave quite the answer to her question.” Sky mused, Ocean nodding as well.
“I’m curious too. What did she ask, and you say that impressed my sister so much?”

Gallus took a deep breath, trying to compose his thoughts.
“Well, first off I do apologize for not coming and meeting you both sooner though. I just- it has been tricky. Having someone care about me is a very new thing, especially in the context of how Silver does.” The gryphon paused, looking down at his claws briefly.

“The Queen asked what my feelings were towards Silverstream.” Gallus raised his gaze to meet Sky’s and Ocean’s, despite the nerves of it all.
“I can’t remember everything I said, but my point still is the same. I can’t put my feelings for your daughter into anything as simple as ‘I love her.’ I mean I can, but it doesn’t cover everything.” Now both parents were curious, Ocean’s eyes narrowing slightly in interest to where Gallus was going with all this.

Gallus met their gaze despite the nerves and doubt that still threatened to strangle his thoughts, warmth flooding his frame as his words fell into place.

“Until I met my friends in Ponyville, I didn’t know what it was like to have them. Until Silverstream, I didn’t know what it was like to be loved by someone. I didn’t know what it was like to love someone.” He stood up a bit straighter, emotion choking Gallus’ throat.
“I didn’t know I could be loved. The gryphon with nothing. No home, no family, not a bit to his name. And somehow despite that, just being me is enough for Silver.” He shook his head slowly, vision blurring slightly.

“How do I express my love for someone who has given me everything I never had? How can I explain how much I want her to be happy? How can I describe what I would do to keep her safe?” Gallus curled a set of talons into a fist, tapping the metal on his chest briefly.
“Being a Squire was to make myself feel like somegriff, that’s true. But it was all for Silverstream. It always was. Her laugh, her smile- even the spastic excitement at topics that seemed boring. I love everything about her. When she chatters on, I can just listen and chime in. It’s almost therapeutic… I mean, she makes even learning about plumbing interesting. Just being around her makes me happy, spastic, excitably hippogriff she is. For the training, it started when-”
Tell them.

Gallus took a deep breath, wiping his eyes as he faced the two parents. Perhaps he was making a total fool of himself- but if that meant they heard his honest words, then so be it.
“I kept having nightmares. Someone stealing Silverstream away, hurting her. So I trained to make sure I’d never let that happen. And here I am.”
Ocean Flow had a flipper over her mouth in shock, eyes wide- but not in a negative manner. Sky’s own expression was that of respect- and surprise.

“What I didn’t tell you about the test was that Silverstream was there. She took the place of a training dummy, behind a shield of course. Every test was for her. If the goal was to protect someone, it was always her.” The gryphon couldn’t help but close a fist tightly around a small stone, shaking his head.

“I’d do anything to keep her safe and happy, no matter what that may be. Those are my feelings for her- nothing that can be described in a sentence or two. I probably rambled, but that’s it. Your daughter means the world to me…”

“I’d say you described your feelings beautifully.” Ocean whispered, her own eyes actually tearing up at hearing her daughter described in such a loving manner.
Sky Beak hopped to the nearest bench, holding out a set of claws.
“Of anyone who Silverstream could have fallen for, I am glad it was you Gallus.” He stated with a respectful nod.
Ocean Flow swam over, reaching a flipper up to hold both their claws with a slight sniffly smile.
So that’s where Silverstream gets it…

“To hear my little girl talked about so fondly- I’m just so happy.” Ocean whispered, Sky reaching over to place a clawed hand on her shoulder.
“All we want is our daughter to be happy- and if that is your goal too, then who are we to raise any disagreements?”

Gallus couldn’t help but smile gratefully, another thought refusing to leave his mind as the parents took a step back with loving gazes to each other.
“Erm, Ocean Flow? Sky Beak?” He asked, taking a deep breath.
“I-I’d like to come back to visit a time or two in the next few months, if that’d be alright, with Silverstream.” Gallus asked, Sky and Ocean all smiles at the idea. The purple hippogriff seemed to pick up on what Gallus was saying, judging from the knowing smile he was beginning to sport.

Ocean Flow could only smile she nodded.
“We’d certainly love to see you again Gallus.”
Sky Beak reached over to give Gallus' shoulder a friendly pat, nodding in agreement.
“Unless you turn into a bugbear, we’d be happy to have you back here for a few more visits. And if there happened to be another visit without Silverstream knowing, just let us know.”

Gallus’ eyes widened, the gryphon sitting a bit taller as he nodded.
“I-I think that will be a thing. Not sure when, but I can’t see things going any other way.”
Ocean Flow picked up on what the pair were discussing, letting out an adorable squeal and a nod.
“Well just let us know- but I think my daughter won’t tolerate us stealing you any longer. I know Silver must have told you, but tomorrow is a formal dinner you’re more than welcome to attend with our daughter.”

Gallus nodded, looking over to see an impatient pink hippogriff hopping up and down in the distance.
“I’d love to go, so I’ll plan on being there!”
The parents shook Gallus’ claws a final time, then watched as he flew to where their daughter was waiting impatiently in the distance. They couldn’t help but smile as Gallus was wrapped up in a full body hug and a loving kiss, Ocean flow reaching over to hold Sky’s claws with a flipper.
“We raised her well Sky Beak.”
“That we did. I don’t think she could have found anyone better.”

Gallus lost himself in Silverstream’s embrace, loving warmth spreading through his entire frame from beak to tail. Her caring gaze looked up to his as the hippogriff snuggled against his chest feathers for a few moments, then gesturing to the ocean.
“Seapony time?”

Gallus thought for a moment, then yanked Silverstream into another hug. A soft squeak was a reward for the passionate kiss he planted on her beak, tension and pent up nerves fading at her touch.
Now Seapony time.” He said with a grin, Silverstream blushing as they both trotted into the water.

“This might feel a bit weird.” Silverstream warned, tapping the pearl shard on her necklace briefly. The pair were encircled by a bright light as the shard activated, two seapony forms then splashing into the water.
Whoa. This is weird.
“It feels like I’m breathing air, but heavier? How can I smell underwater…AND I HAVE FLIPPERS?!” Gallus squawked, looking over his new body in shock. While his chest retained the slight cream color, blue scales covered Gallus from head to tail. From the feel, the gryphon had a slight crest on his head, similar fins spouting from his back and shoulders. His back two legs had merged into a single large tail, the dark blue color patterned into slight lighter stripes.
Huh. I look pretty good!
“Uh, Silver?” He asked, seeing two wide eyes looking back at him.
“Not. Fair.” She grumbled, the blush much more prominent on her seapony form as Silverstream let out a frustrated sigh.
“YOU’RE STILL HOT AS A SEAPONY!” Silverstream clamped her flippers over her mouth at the outburst, Gallus chuckling as he swam around her.
Ever. So. Slowly.

“I haven’t heard that before…” He mused, a blush creeping down Silverstream's neck at the sight.
“Y-you’re not gonna forget that, huh?” She asked, not able to meet his gaze.

She sighed, gesturing around in a clear attempt to distract Gallus.
“Well, here’s the outskirts of Seaquestria! I can show you around, or maybe try the tubes first?” She suggested, the blush still not leaving her cheeks.
“Tubes first maybe. Still getting used to these flippers, and not having a beak. Hmmmm.” Gallus mused, an idea then popping into his head.
No beaks. I wonder…
He swam over to Silverstream with a smile, wrapping his fins around the surprised seapony and planting a passionate kiss on her muzzle.

He had no way to describe the difference between beaks and no beaks other than ‘softer’, the kiss making Gallus’ head spin as Silverstream eagerly returned the gesture.
“Um. I think I like seapony kisses.” He whispered, Silverstream letting out a giggle.
“Well me too. Maaaaaybe try the tubes in a few minutes instead of now?” She asked with a grin, now causing Gallus to blush.
I know she means kisses, but since when did my mind go-UGH.

Gallus followed Silverstream down the ocean floor, luminescing plants lighting up water as the sky slowly began to darken above them. Sitting on a massive plant-thing (a sponge, according to Silverstream), Gallus looked around and sighed, nodding slightly.
“This is pretty neat. So you grew up mostly down here? Well, in the city over there, but yeah.” He mused, Silver leaning on his shoulder.
“Mmmhmm. Little over half my life, give or take.” She explained.
“Well I’m glad to see it. Makes me get close to you in a way.” The gryphon added, prompting a smile from Silverstream.
He paused, then reached over to hold her flipper in his (an odd sensation, but not unpleasant). It was actually rather comforting.

“So, your parents and the Queen asked me something I don’t think I’ve ever explained to you fully.” Gallus admitted, prompting Silverstream to tilt her head in curiosity.
“Huh? What?”
“My feelings for you.”

Silverstream’s brow furrowed, the seapony shrugging.
“How so? I don’t think you’ve not explained it?” She suggested, then blushing as Gallus put a flipper to her muzzle.
“Maybe just let me explain anyway?”
A nod was her reply, snuggling up next to Gallus happily.
“Apparently it impressed both of them. But just- saying I love you doesn’t cover it all.”
He felt Silverstream shift, and her flipper tighten around his own at that.

“Like…Silver, I said to you a while ago, I didn’t know what it was like to be loved, to love, any of that. I didn’t even know what it was like to have friends. And then, a certain beautiful energetic hippogriff thought that I should have all of that and more.” Gallus explained, shifting so Silverstream was laying slightly on her back and against his chest, angled to look up at him.

“I still am getting used to the idea, that being me is enough. I wanted to get training to feel like somegiff more, but it was still all for you.” Gallus shrugged, reaching down to place a flipper against Silver’s cheek- which had the same effect as a set of claws.

“So much happiness in my life is because of you, so saying ‘I love you’ feels like I’m leaving so much out. You make me so happy Silver.” Gallus held her close for a moment, looking down to see two adoring eyes meet his own gaze.
“I just want nothing more than to love you, and you t-to-” To his surprise, emotion promptly walled up Gallus’ throat.
That’s the root of all if it, isn’t it?
“Gallus?” Silverstream floated up slightly to be eye level with him, still holding one of his flippers.
“I just want you to love me. That just makes me so happy.” Gallus whispered, knowing his words sounded simple, almost trite.
Apparently Silverstream didn’t care, because the kiss that followed erased the emotion that blocked his words, replacing it with love.
“That’s all I want too Gallus. I want to love you, and have you love me back.” Silverstream whispered, nuzzling his cheek contentedly.
“I do love you Gallus, more than anything.”
“I love you too Silver.”

Gallus couldn’t help but enjoy Silverstream’s embrace for a time. It was different floating in water- you were suspended, the main source of warmth coming from the one he loved.
“I could fall asleep like this.” He mused, prompting a squeak from Silver.
“I-it is pretty nice…”
“Should we try the tubes before it’s pitch black? Should be a bit of light left, then you can show me around Seaquestria?” Gallus suggested, then promptly being yanked along by a blushing but still energetic Silverstream.

It took only a few minutes to find the nearest entrance, a series of five large crystal tunnels which had a steady pull of water through them. Silverstream floated next to the one on the left, a wide smile on her face.
“Tada! There’s a couple of these scattered around. This one takes us…umm, all over! Just stay on the main tube and it brings you back on the other side of Seaquestria! Just gooooo with the flooooow.” She giggled, seeing Gallus eye the entrance warily.

“When we get to the end I’ll give you a congratulation’s-on-pushing-through-your-fear-kiss!”
Gallus blinked, not able to resist a smile at Silverstream’s offer.
“Why do I have a feeling that would happen anyway? The kissing and such?”
“…shush.” She grumbled, then swimming close to the tube.
“Sooooo? You first or me?”
Taking a deep breath, Gallus swam closer and eyed the entrance cautiously.
Well. I guess it’s sort of a tight space? But is a really long tube, so that makes it LESS small?

With that word, Gallus pushed himself to the entrance-
And was promptly yanked along by the rushing current.
Any passing hippogriff or seapony would have probably looked up to see a yelling blue blur as Gallus zipped through the city. Even with the light fading, seeing lit buildings and all of Mount Aris spread out before him was humbling.
Then it was back to twists and turns, the water pressure pushing him along the main route for a good few minutes between sights.
And just like that, the gryphon-turned-seapony popped out of the travel tube, Seaquestria now visible from the opposite side.
“Well. That was something.” He muttered, having slightly enjoyed the adrenaline rush. The sights alone had been worth it.
“And no crippling fear. Huh. Yay me.” Gallus added, then hearing a characteristic giggle as a pink blur exited the tube as well.
“Hey Gallus! Sooooo what did you think?” Silverstream asked, Gallus managing a smile as he looked back to the tubes.
“…I think I want to do that again.”
Silverstream’s laugh rang in his ears as she pulled him along, fully intent on showing him around before it got too late.

-A Few Hours Later-

Sitting on a wooden balcony, Gallus looked out of the small guest room adjacent to Sky Beak’s home. Silverstream hadn’t shown him around the house yet, mainly due to the lingering seaweed funk, and of how late it was getting. Apparently though each home had a small pool section for seapony-preferred forms, fully integrating the two kingdoms above and below.

The house was a simple matter; a spare room or two for guests visiting anywhere in this section of the city. As far as Gallus could tell, it was just a house nobody had moved into yet; since it seemed to match others with neat stone steps leading to the oval rooms within a large tree.
It was rather nice actually.

Despite the stressful moments of the day, Gallus couldn’t help but be happy. He had met the Queen, Silver’s parents, and not been turned into bleached coral. The fact Silverstream could show him around Seaquestria had put an extra bit of energy into her movements. It had been her home for most of her life, so Gallus was more than happy to see everything. It had been rather beautiful, between the floating dwellings, luminescent coral formations, and schools of fish swimming here and there.

And yet contrary to the weariness in his limbs, Gallus couldn’t sleep, not yet at least.
Gallus had bid Silverstream good night, the hippogriff not wanting to let go for a good few minutes- not that he complained in the slightest. But a yawn had clearly solved that dilemma as she showed him to the guest room.

That was a good hour ago. After thirty minutes of tossing and turning, Gallus found himself looking out through this section of Mount Aris, the peaceful homes glowing ever so slightly in the clear night.
It’s an itch, but why?
The primal animal in Gallus’ heart was on edge- going completely against the current atmosphere. The feelings felt wrong, out of place.

The gryphon walked back into his room and opened up the large padded bag with his few essential belongings. Truthfully, the most essential items could have fit in a satchel around his neck.
Reaching in and pulling on one of his two armored gauntlets, Gallus flexed his metal-covered claws with a sigh.
Bringing this all made me feel better- so maybe it’s just a security thing. I’m probably just overthinking this feeling.
For whatever reason, having the heavy weight of armor around his forelimb made falling asleep a bit easier.

Author's Note:

SHOO BE DOO SHOO SHOO BE DOO! :rainbowlaugh:
PHEW! This was a long one. (Whoa, longest yet actually.) I will try to keep the chapter-a-week schedule, but no worries if I'm a bit late. It's either split up these sections into two, or have them be one glorious monster read. Not sure which everyone prefers!

Seapony Gallus and surviving a meeting with the Queen! And the parents approve! Discord must have given Gallus some of his mythical-strength emotional laxatives for all that explaining! But all is going so well! Happy rainbows for everyone! Nothing can stop the adorableness!
