• Published 26th Oct 2018
  • 5,709 Views, 566 Comments

Prison of Ice with Silver Keys - RadBunny

As Gallus navigates the uncertain waters of being a special somegriff, demons from past his refuse to let him rest. As a hostile empire looms, Gallus will need to fight with every fiber of his being; only this time it's to protect the one he loves.

  • ...

Chapter Seven: A Golden Heart’s Training

A Gryphon Knight does not lie, and remains faithful to their pledged word. If one cannot trust the word of a Knight, how greater so can one not trust their actions?
Ok, meet with Gyld for whatever reason, then grab a snack before heading into Canterlot. Then, tasty fish pastries with Silverstream.
Hmm. Fishy pastry kisses. I wonder how that’d go.
Heh, I wonder how it WILL go…

Gallus was all smiles as he walked into the familiar administrative office, sitting down as the Headmaster waved a set of claws.
“How are you doing Gallus? I’m sorry to call you in this morning, it being your day off and all.” Gyld asked calmly, regarding the gryphon sitting in front of him in the small office with a gentle gaze.
“I’m…doing alright, Gyld. I’ve got friends and a special somegriff to help with all that.” Gallus replied slowly, shrugging his wings.

“That’s good to hear. I just had a quick question or two for you. The armor you have, the blacksmith took a look at it and let me know if its unique nature. Do you know what exactly it is? I also need to know where you got it and how?” Gyld asked, prompting a confused look from the younger gryphon.
“Unique nature? I honestly don’t know. As to where I got it, I discovered an old armory around ten years ago. As per Griffinstone law, I took that single item, a suit of armor, as my share. Twi-Erm, Princess Twilight helped me set up a bank account, since I get paid by museums due to an extra historic claim.” Gallus replied, then sighing as he wracked his memory.

“I know it’s special, since there were only a few other sets next to a statue of King Grover. Other than that, I really don’t know. Grampa Gruff seemed to think it was unique though.” Gallus mused, prompting the other gryphon to raise an ash-colored eyebrow.
“Oh? What did he say about it?” Gallus’ brow furrowed as he tried to recall the exact words, claws rapping at the floor.
“He basically said that I could sell it for nothing right then, or he’d hold on to it until I was older. An investment, since it’d be worth much more later. He said that if I wanted to wear it for whatever reason, I had to have training, and a good heart. Something about not being a criminal. Considering how Griffinstone citizens acted up until recently, not too sure about that good heart thing. He seemed to think I was ok though.”

Nodding slowly, Gyld stood, walking over to the young gryphon with a smile.
“That’s what I thought, and matches what the Princess and the Griffinstone Council says as well. The reason for all this, Gallus, is because that suit of armor is one of only a few dozen in existence, at least from what we know.” The Headmaster explained. “It is armor from King Grover’s personal guard. They were known as the Knights of the Gryphon Empire, some of the most fearsome and noble gryphons to have ever lived. That might explain the ‘good heart’ requirement.” Gyld didn’t miss how Gallus straightened up slightly, ears perking up.

“Simply put, I wanted to double check how you got the armor, no offense meant, since it is an extremely valuable artifact.” The gryphon admitted, prompting Gallus to shrug.
“Eh. Non taken. But yeah, it’s legally mine. Not stolen or anything.”
“I also wanted to let you know what this armor was, and what you wanted the Master blacksmith to do with it. Now that you know its value and rarity of course.” Gallus' ears pinned back slightly, gears grinding in his mind. He knew exactly what he wanted; and it wasn’t bits. It also wasn’t as simple as ‘polish the armor.’ But how could he phrase it? It was intertwined with other things…

“I-erm, can I think about it? Maybe tell you more specifically tonight when I come back? If you see the Blacksmith today, you can let him know that I want it at least polished, cleaned up and the like. Just to start at least.” Gallus replied, a nod Gyld’s simple answer.
“Of course, and I’ll let him know. Feel free to stop by any time tonight.”

With Gyld’s words echoing in his mind, Gallus got everything ready to head to Canterlot. A quick shower and donning his small satchel, and it was off to the train station for only two stops.
Such a rare piece of armor, and worn by ancient knights none the less!
Well, I’ll have a few questions of my own for Gyld tonight about that. For now though…

Gallus zoned out as the trail rocked over the tracks, easily able to push everything out but the impending lunch date with Silverstream. It was only after a minute or two the gryphon noticed an extremely dopey smile on his beak. Thankfully the train car was empty, but that didn’t stop a blush from making Gallus’ facial feathers fluff. Distracting himself by observing a lone newspaper, Gallus read the title smeared across the title page; ‘Royal Museums broken into, but no items missing? Royal Vault compromised without a trace? Who is doing this and why? What isn’t Celestia telling us?’
Clearly the sky was falling as usual.

Gallus set the newspaper aside, going over the day’s plans in his head. He had already planned out where to go; talk in one of the high-altitude parks for a bit, and then snag lunch. After that? Well, Silverstream would probably lead him around to whatever shop she saw first. Sounds like fun whatever we do.

The park Gallus had chosen was one primarily suited for Pegasi or other winged individuals due to its location. A small circular field and trees were set into the side of the massive mountain to one side of the city, a long path otherwise leading up to it from below. The massive waterfall was but a mile away, a gentle mist occasionally wafting over if the wind shifted just right. The city hustling and bustling down below, the ponies mere specks in the distance.
Nice and alone. Well, not for long.

“Sir Discord! Gallus the Knight calls upon you to fulfill your contract! Well, for the first time at least.” Gallus proclaimed, stifling a laugh as a fully armored Draconequus appeared, waving a rather floppy wooden sword.
“As we agreed on! One lovely lovey lass ludicrously lassoed to…here.” Discord pouted, waving in a brief dismissive gesture. “I can only go so far with those rhymes. But that’s beside the point; just let me know when you want me to send her back!” Gallus grinned, nodding briefly.
“Thanks Discord.”
“Of course! That’s what friends do! And I can’t wait to try that Shawl with my other gear….” The chaotic God’s words trailed off as he vanished, leaving Gallus sitting in the grass with a peaceful smile on his beak.

Silverstream let out a soft yelp as Discord popped into existence, looking around the empty courtyard briefly.
“Lady Silverstream.” He began, unrolling a scroll that seemed to trail for a good few dozen tail-lengths.
“As per commissioned by Gallus the Knight, I am to provide transportation to you for the purpose of lovey-dovey date things. Are you ready to go?” He asked, snapping the parchment away with a set of claws.
“U-um yep! Thanks Discord, I really don’t know why some ponies still are scared of you. You’re fun!” The hippogriff chirped, not missing the extremely surprised look on Discords face- and a very possible shocked blush.
“And away we go!”

Silverstream’s world vanished as a teleportation spell kicked in, her vision then clearing as clean air filled her lungs. The sight of the small secluded park caused her eyes to perk up, Silverstream glancing around.
“Gallus? Where-MMFFF!” The hippogriff melted into the strong arms that yanked her close, the fierce kiss Gallus giving her causing Silver’s wings to flare. Her chest pressed against his, Silverstream could feel the burning blush on her cheeks as Gallus gave her another kiss, then grinning as she rested against his feathers.

“Hi there.” He quipped, Silverstream letting out a soft giggle. Ugh. That heartbeat and his soft feathers. I don’t know whether to kiss him again or fall asleep like this. Opting for the first option, Silverstream couldn’t help but smile as a tell-tale blush made its way onto Gallus’ cheeks after her kiss, then cuddling close happily.
“Hello to you too.” She whispered, nuzzling as close as she could as Gallus held her close.
“I thought we could talk here, then fly down for some food and explore shops?” Unable to restrain a high pitched squeal of excitement, Silverstream nodded rapidly, already imagining all the antique and odds-and-end emporiums that awaited them.
“That. Sounds. AWESOME!” She yelled, giving Gallus a tight hug with a happy smile.

“You’re amazing, you know that?” Silverstream asked as Gallus blushed, a set of claws cupping her cheek.
“I don’t think so; but having someone who does, maybe I will someday.” Gallus whispered, then glancing back briefly.
“Hmm. I wonder…” Silverstream was only disappointed for a moment as Gallus hopped a short distance away, the hippogriff then happily settling down at seeing his intent. The two of them leaning against a steep grassy outcropping on their backs; now able to relax a bit further instead of just sitting in the same position for a time.

Quickly finding out she could still snuggle close to Gallus from her current position, Silverstream scooted to rest the her upper half of her back against his chest, laying her head on Gallus’ feathers. His arms reached down and held around her waist, the hippogriff instantly melting at the warm safety Gallus provided.
“Is there anything about me you’ve wondered? I know I haven’t shared that much about growing up, but I do want you to know…well, me.” Gallus asked, prompting Silverstream to look up at him with a smile.

“You haven’t, but I don’t hold it against you. It must have been really bad at times, so I didn’t want to push.” She explained, musing over his question. “Maybe just, what was it like? I know it was hard, but it’s something so foreign to me. Like stairs or a water slide.”
“Pfft.” Gallus couldn’t resist a slight chuckle, nodding slowly.
“Alright. Well, most of the time growing up I knew I’d at least have one meal a day. I slept wherever the snow and wind wouldn’t get me, at least during the winter. The spring wasn’t too bad. I woke up, hunted fish or any small game that were still around, and then went into town for jobs. Most of the time Gryphons had a half-day job or something they could pay us for a bit or two. That alone added an extra meal for a day.” Gallus explained, feeling a slightly cold chill run down his spine at the memories.

“It’s odd. When I first came here, it seemed so normal. Now that I know it was anything but that, it’s like the full weight of it is starting to hit me. The realization of how bad it was. I just never really thought about it like that- I couldn’t. I just wanted to stay alive and try to make it to the next day.” Gallus looked down at feeling Silverstream shift, the hippogriff meeting his gaze with a loving smile as she nuzzled the gryphon’s chest feathers.

“Being hungry was normal, obviously. Had a meal a day usually, but sometimes that went down to every other day, but that wasn’t too common. If the orphanage- or what passed for it, closed for repairs or got overwhelmed, that’s when it really was bad. There was a week or two in the winter that happened. Lots of orphans….” The peaceful scenery vanished, Gallus’ eyes clouded with a memory from the past. The snow bit at his bones, the blizzard nearly whiting out any signs of civilization. The small frozen lumps in the alley were completely covered within a few minutes.

His breath heaved in a sharp breath, the gryphon snapping back to reality. To Gallus’ surprise, a few tears had wet his cheeks, Silverstream looking up in concern.
“I’m here. Just bad memory. Every winter, not all the orphans made it.”

Silverstream was quiet for a good while, reaching over to give Gallus’ talons a squeeze with her own.
“I can’t imagine- it just sounds so…brutal.” Silverstream whispered, prompting Gallus to nod.
“That’s a good word for it. If you didn’t know how to survive, or just got unlucky, you didn’t. Obviously gryphons being not terribly charitable didn’t help, but that was only part of it. Thankfully I learned fast.” He explained, seeing Silver’s brow furrow as she still tried to understand such an alien upbringing.

“There was a nice gryphon at the library; probably around Gilda’s age actually. Of the few books there were, some were pretty useful. I taught myself how to make a fire, shelter, preserve food, and other stuff. Fish jerky took me a while to learn though. Burns too easily.” Gallus mused, looking down in surprise as Silver’s beak stretched into a slight smile.

“That’s actually really really cool! Could you teach me that stuff?” She asked, wiggling slightly with excitement.
“Umm, yeah? I should be able to.” He replied, not able to resist a smile of his own. Warmth blossomed in the gryphon’s heart, Gallus not able to resist tightening his arms in a hug.
“I’d actually really like that. Makes it all seem a little less…well, bad.” He then chuckled, nuzzling the top of Silverstream’s head with his beak. “Well, you make everything seem less ‘bad.’”

The loving emotion behind Silver’s eyes as she looked up at him nearly brought Gallus to tears; the gryphon just hugging his special somegriff closer.
“I blame you for turning most of my sarcasm to cuddles.” Gallus grumbled, running a set of talons through Silverstream’s head feathers as she giggled.
“Well, I like both. But cuddles are amazing…”
“Mmmm. Not gonna disagree with that.” The hippogriff let out a soft surprised squeak as Gallus flipped her half-around to plant a loving kiss on her beak, eagerly kissing the gryphon back.

“Hey, Silver. You said you always wanted…well, this? I am curious about that.” Gallus asked, Silverstream shifting back in his arms.
“Hmm? W-well, it’s kinda that simple.” The hippogriff stated, then going rather quiet. “I might have read all the romance novels in the royal library.” Silverstream whispered, prompting Gallus to chuckle.
She nodded, a slight blush on the hippogriff’s cheeks.
“I know it’s silly to have a big dreamy idea of what romance could be, because real life isn’t like that.” Silver continued, then turning to nuzzle Gallus’ chest feathers. “Even so, I doubt I could get any closer than this, than you.

Going back to caress her headfeathers, Gallus simply nodded, hoping Silver wouldn’t notice the growing blush on his cheeks.
“Well, if there’s any other dreamy ideas that you’ve always wanted, let me know.” He gently cupped her cheek with his claws, a slight smile meandering onto his beak. “Like this for example. Things you always imagined your special somegriff doing.” Silverstream nodded happily, sighing contentedly.
“Will doooooooo. Dancing and this is pretty much top of the list though.”

The gryphon couldn’t help but grin; making a mental note to do both of those things more often.
“I like these sharing moments; can we have these more often?” Gallus asked, prompting a giggle.
“You don’t have to ask, but I’d like that. I like learning about you.” Silver replied with a happy sigh.
“Well, same. I didn’t know you were that into romance. I mean I kind of guessed, with the few hints you’ve given and all.”

Angling her chin on Gallus’ chest, Silverstream looked up to his with a dreamy smile.
“Whateeeeeeever could have given you that idea?” A long kiss was Gallus’ reply, followed by a chuckle.
“No idea. Must have just been a passing bird.” Silverstream couldn’t help but start giggling as Gallus reached down and gave her cheeks a squeeze.
“A really really pink bird.”
“You goofy gryphon, I love you.” Silverstream murmured, more than happy to let Gallus continue. “Love you too Silver. What do you say we get some food and then check out the shops?”
“That sounds good, but I’d rather stay like this.”
“What was that?” Gallus asked, his sharp ears picking up her words but enjoying another blush that was making its way onto her cheeks.

“…I like this.” She replied, letting out a sigh. “I also like browsing shops, but I could stay here all day.” Gallus chuckled, rubbing Silverstream’s shoulders with a grin.
“Hmm. Well as comfortable as this is, wouldn’t it get boring?” He suggested, Silverstream then shaking her head.
“Nah, I don’t think we’d get bored. Even if we are, bored together is good.”
“That’s true. I feel the same, just spending time together is nice.”

Silverstream nodded, eyes then widening as she scooted upright to sit next to him. A blush so deep her cheeks that it now matched part of her beak blossomed on the hippogriff’s face, Silverstream refusing to look at a rather confused Gallus.
“Erm, Silver? You ok there? That’s an adorable blush by the way.” He asked, fully enjoying seeing his flustered special somegriff, even if he wasn’t sure of the cause.
“Y-Yep! All good! Totally. Maybe can get lunch and shops before you head back?” She suggested, still avoiding eye contact. Well, she doesn’t look sad or anything, so at least she’s doing ok?
Then again, I have no idea if this is just a normal thing. Eh. Whaaaaaatever.

“Sounds good to me!” Gallus replied as he stood up and stretched. “This…is actually going to be super fun. We’re high enough it’s easily a few good minutes of gliding.” He remarked, walking over to the edge as Silverstream stood at his side.
Heh, she’s still dark pink. Looks good on her- but if she doesn’t want to say anything I won’t ask.
Totally will use it as joking ammunition though. Especially after she tried to come up with every ‘blush’ pun that one date.
On second thought…eh, not my best work, but still.
“Hmmm. Y’know, at least we’ll be able to have warm leftovers!” Gallus mused, prompting a very confusing look from Silverstream.

“Huh?” Gallus hopped close, nuzzling the hippogriff’s neck to then whisper in her ear.
“Because with that blush, I’m sure we can re-heat anything!” He then yanked her close for an extremely heated kiss, the gryphon then cackling as he launched himself off the ledge. Moments later, a very very dark pink Silverstream darted after him.

Iron Anvil tossed another heaping shovelful of fuel into the forge, sweat dripping from his brow. Call it a hunch, but if that young gryphon had any sense, he’d-
“Stoking the forge old friend?” Gyld asked, meandering into the back of the blacksmith’s shop.

Waving a set of heavy tongs at the gryphon, Iron nodded before taking a few steps back.
“Aye. Have to heat it to near meltdown levels…unless that Gallus fella decided to not have me work on his armor?”
“I would joke with you that he didn’t, but I haven’t seen you this excited in a while. You’d be correct.” Gyld chuckled, grinning as the old stallion let out a triumphant laugh, trotting over to examine the pile of unique armor.
“HA! I knew it. So what does he want done to it?
“Specifically? He didn’t say; I’m meeting with him tonight and Gallus will tell me the details. If I had to guess, you’ll be busy though. However, until then, just cleaning the corrosion and such. I have a feeling that will take enough time.”

Iron nodded, hauling the large breastplate over and gesturing to it.
“Indeed. For being stored in a damp armory, they’ve fared well. I can clean it, aye. I might not get to all the pieces for a while though. This metal is…well, you know how rare and hard it is. It’ll take scrubbing and multiple heated oil baths just to loosen the corrosion.” The master blacksmith explained.

“So that will easily take a day or two, maybe more if I’m right. I’ll draw up some plans for commissioning the straps for it too; the pieces holding the armor together completely disintegrated. Not surprising, but annoying. When you see him, let this Gallus feller know that I can clean it and leave it be, or make it a ceremonial piece, or battle ready.” A mischievous glint then entered the blacksmith’s eye, prodding the armor with a hoof. “Or perhaps all three. Now wouldn’t that be a project…”
“You’re drooling, Iron.”
“I’M NOT DROOLING! Now leave me be! Cleaning will take long enough, just let me know what that gryphon wants! My assistant is already annoyed when his magic cuts out if he gets too close!”

Halfway to the door, Gyld paused, ears flicking upwards in curiosity.
“What now?” Iron looked at the gryphon as though a child had asked where bread came from.
“What? You know about this armor I thought!” “…only the general aspects of it.”
The blacksmith grinned, wiping off the center of the breastplate with a fetlock. Visible due to a small opening in the gold star insignia, a red gem was visible set underneath the metal, placed between the Griffinstone Crests.

“A gem?”
“Aye. It’s a good thing I’m an Earth Pony otherwise this would have been an obnoxious endeavor. I imagine a certain Princess would love to examine this; but the other sets have them too. This is old magic; I don’t know how it works, only what it is said to do. It was made back when gryphons used the leylines of this world and knew runic spells.”
The pony carefully tapped the armor with a hoof, brow furrowing in thought.
“When the armor is put on or held close, that gem will dampen the majority of combat spells, and outright block simple arcane magic. Apparently it wreaks havoc with levitation spells and the like even just sitting here. I honestly don’t know what else it can affect, but it’s some sort of magic dampening field, inscribed into the heart of that gem.”

Gyld regarded the armor with a keen gaze, nodding slowly. “That is fascinating; thank you Iron. I’ll relay that as well. Carry on.”
“Take care Gyld. HEY! WHERE IS THAT OIL? I ASKED YOU TO GET IT AN-” The gryphon chuckled as he made his way out of the shop, hearing Iron start to blow a few gaskets sooner than his furnace.

Silverstream happily hopped alongside Gallus, a wide smile on her beak as they meandered down the Canterlot streets.
“Ok, so definitely new favorite place to eat?”
“Toooooootally. That. Was. AWESOME! I mean, fresh fish is better, but in a different way? This stuff had spices! Like, did your tongue tingle? We didn’t have much spicy stuff underwater; but I liiiiike it! Different from the Griffinstone fish pastries! And the fishy kisses…I think chocolate is a bit better though. But the meal-Hmm. A Fastry? A Pish? Fistry? One word is better than two words, so we totally should come up with a shorter word for it!”

As Silverstream’s voice echoed in his ears, Gallus couldn’t help but just smile happily as her infectious mood lifted his spirits. And why wouldn’t he be happy? Spending time with someone he loved…
“Hmm. I think a ‘Pish’ sounds funny, so we should definitely call it that. And I love the spice, probably could handle a bit more actually. I do agree chocolate kisses were better. Still lovely though.” Gallus mused, prompting Silverstream to stop dead in her tracks with a slight sniffle.

A wide but trembling smile was on the hippogriff’s beak as she walked over and gave Gallus a hug.
“I’m s-still getting used to that; someone listening even when I’m r-rambling. Not getting annoyed, but actually replying and j-just….”
“Silverstream, rambles or not, you’re still you and someone I care about. So, I listen. It’s kinda relaxing actually; you have a nice voice.” Gallus smiled, feathers fluffing slightly at the glint at Silverstream’s eye.
Ok what is that emotion? “If we were aaaaanywhere a bit more private I’d push you against that wall and be making out with you. Right. Now.” She grumbled, prompting a very happy smile to slide onto Gallus’ features.
“Oh really? That actually-wow.” The gryphon’s brain short-circuited as he imagined that possibility.

“That is an extremely attractive thought actually.” He mused, looking over to see Silverstream appearing absolutely horrified she had actually vocalized that.
“R-really? Ididntmeantothatsayoutloud.” She promptly buried her head in Gallus’ shoulder, prompting the gryphon to laugh.
“Well I’m glad you did. That sounds pretty great. My special somegriff aggressively showing me affection? Awesome.” Gallus grinned, prompting an increasingly common deep pink blush to spread across Silverstream’s face and neck with a soft ‘eep.’
“G-good to know.” She stammered, not meeting Gallus’ gaze as he continued to chuckle. This is too much fun. She’s so cute when flustered!
Cute. Beautiful, adorable, all synonyms for the one I love.

“Not sure what causes that blush, but it looks really, really good on you.” Gallus quipped, prompting a rather viscous inaudible grumble.
“You ok there Silver?”
“Ugh. I’m FINE!” She growled with a poorly suppressed smile, taking a few deep breaths before being interested in the nearest shop window as Gallus did the same with a grin.
“Huh. Never knew you were interested in ancient pony cookware…” There was an audible *Thunk* as Silverstream whacked her forehead against the shop window, Gallus shoving her shoulder playfully. “Hey, did Smolder really incinerate one of the tests the other day?”

Apparently grateful for the distraction, Silverstream nodded, returning to Gallus’ side as they walked, the street becoming less populated as they neared the edge of a Canterlot district.
“Yup. And the best part? Spike was the test proctor; so whatever made her sneeze affected him too. I think the chalkboard has a big burn mark on it now!” She chirped, prompting a chuckle from Gallus.
“That sounds pretty great. I do miss hanging out with you and the others, but this training is really helping I think. Nightmares are nearly gone already.” He added as Silverstream smiled happily.
“I miss seeing you more often too, but if this helps, then I can wait a few months! Besides, we still get to see each other every week, and for most of the day!” The hippogriff added, prompting Gallus to reach over and give her a long kiss.

“And I certainly had a fantastic time today. I love spending time with you.” He put a set of claws on Silver’s cheek, the hippogriff promptly sagging into his arms as usual.
“It was amazing. I’m already looking forward to next week…” Silverstream murmured, reaching up to nuzzle Gallus’ neck feathers lovingly. Wrapping his special somegriff up in a hug, Gallus held her close and savored Silverstream’s close touch. “I love you, Silverstream.” Gallus whispered, prompting said hippogriff to snuggle a bit closer.
“I love you too Gallus.”

“…so what do we call this? A hug snuggle? A ‘sug’ sounds weird.” A soft giggle left Silverstream’s beak at the thought, her wings shrugging briefly. “I think there’s a word for it. A ‘huggle’.”
“Huh. I guess that works.” Gallus mused, looking up at the late afternoon sun.
“You had to be back before dinner, huh?” He asked, Silverstream nodding with a sigh.
“Yeah. Everyone is going to get hayburgers. And I heard they added a seaweed item or two! So going to try that.” She explained with a smile.

Pulling back slightly, Gallus gently touched the necklace around Silverstream's neck, his blue feather standing out starkly against her pink fur. The hippogriff reached over and gave his claws a squeeze with her own, her beak quivering slightly.
“I know it’s silly, but I’ll miss you Gallus.” She whispered, giving him a tight hug.
“Not silly at all; I’ll miss you too Silver. But it’s just for a week.” Silverstream closed her eyes, enjoying the rise and fall of Gallus’ chest against hers before breaking away.

“Oh. I want to try this time!” She giggled, looking around at the empty street. “Hey, Discord-“
Sir Discord might be better.”
“SIR Discord! I’m ready to go back now!”
Not seeing any cheeky Draconequus appear, Gallus grinned with a shrug.

“Maybe phrase it different? Like in an old story book?”
“Oooooooh!” Silverstream struck a pose, falling back slightly in Gallus’ arms.
“Sir Discord! I am ready to be sent back from my lovers arms, until we meet next week and I can kiss him again and again and-”
“OH MY GOODNESS I’M HERE ALREADY!” A fully-armored Discord yelled, claws dragging down his face with a sigh as he floated above them.
“I can only take so much of that, but well done. I give that performance a banana out of five.” Said fruit and a neon number appeared next to each other before Discord shooed them away, armor clanking.

“Alright, off we go. Take care Gallus the Knight.” Discord added, Silverstream waving before the two vanished in a puff of…seafoam?
“Thanks again Discord.” Gallus whispered, making his way back to the school.
*One Hour Later*

“So, Gallus, have any more thoughts about what I can tell Iron Anvil? He’s the local master blacksmith.” Gyld asked, Gallus’ brow furrowing as the two conversed back in the administrative office.
“Yeah, just let him know I want to be able to wear it for events, as dresswear and the like, but also have it serve its full purpose if the need arises. There were a few other questions though.”
“Oh?” Gallus fiddled with his claws, finally sighing and looking up to the older gryphon. He still wasn’t sure how to phrase it, so best not beat around the bush. That wasn’t exactly his style anyhow.

“Are there any more advanced classes? Specifically for gryphons? As you mentioned when we first met, living among ponies…you can’t use your claws. Are there any classes or instructions on those? And also where I can practice while wearing armor?” Gyld’s gaze hardened, the Master Sergeant standing up a bit straighter.
“There are very few techniques that use your claws and are not lethal, or at least used to inflict grave injury, Gallus. In terms of pony classes, there are not any such classes for lethal strikes, not outside of the upper echelons of the military of specialized royal guard.” Gyld explained.

“That said, I know you’ve been checking out books on the matter; what few we have at least. I was expecting it, so no need to feel bad.” The gryphon remarked, prompting an embarrassed smile from Gallus.
“Combat techniques, and the code of the ancient knights. Two interests of yours I take it? I assume the armor certainly added to that?” Gallus nodded, but then shrugged his wings.
“To an extent. For the claw combat, it’s just something I want to know, since I have claws after all. For the Knights, I figured the armor had something to do with ancient warriors. I just like their code and stuff. It’s…” His brow furrowed as the young gryphon tried to put his thoughts to words.

“The knights are the opposite of what gryphons are now, for the most part. Caring for others, noble warriors, having honor, your word meaning something. It’s appealing, kind of how I want to live at least. Or try my hardest to.” The gryphon explained. “I never really had a set code of values, just what I kind of knew to be right and wrong. No stealing, don’t hurt others, and so on. I mean, I guess that’s a code, but this puts it all into words, makes it easier to understand.”

By now Gyld was smiling rather widely, gesturing to a few piece of parchment on his desk.
“Hmm. Then Let me pose this offer to you this Gallus. I have already obtained permission from all three Princesses and the Gryphon Empire to train you in advanced, including lethal, combat. So if you want to have private lessons in addition to your current training, I would be more than happy to tutor you. It would likely extend your stay here, depending how much you wanted to learn. ”

As Gallus’ ears perked up, Gyld’s tone grew much more somber. “Before you accept this, Gallus, I promised I would inform you of the burden of this knowledge, only then I’ll accept your answer.” The gryphon continued, capturing all of Gallus’ attention.
“My full name and rank is Gyld Ironfeather, Master Sergeant of the Royal Counter Terrorist Branch, specifically, assassination prevention. Trust me when I speak of lethal force, I have personal experience with it.”
The younger gryphon’s eyes were wide in both shock and wonder, then nodding as Gyld continued.

“I have killed many creatures, young gryphon. I have done so to save both my life and those of whose safety I was entrusted. The burden of that is something I have come to terms with, no matter how justified I was in these actions.” Gyld’s tone was soft but stern, not quavering as he spoke. “The mere knowledge of how to use lethal force, and the practiced training to do so is a burden. You must then know when it is appropriate and when it is not, and be held accountable for such either way. Should you ever have to use it, and I hope you never do, you will wonder if you did the right thing. Even if you know it saved lives, your life, you will occasionally wonder if there was another way. That is the burden of this training, Gallus. And I promised that I would do my best to let you understand that before you accepted my help.”

The gryphon then stood a bit taller, the hint of a smile on his beak.
“There is another side to that coin though. With this knowledge and training, this power, comes a responsibility. This nation is largely untouched by traditional warfare; thankfully the Elements of Harmony have kept most villains in check. That said, the horrors of war are prevented largely without fanfare and in the shadows. Individuals such as myself have killed to prevent that burden from falling on the shoulders of the unprepared, and the unable. I am willing to do this so that my wife never has to, so that ponies do not have to. That is another burden, but also a noble responsibility you will bear with this knowledge and training.”

Waiting a few moments until Gallus’ brow had stopped furrowing as he processed the speech, Gyld then nodded.
“So, Gallus. Do you accept this training and responsibility? That is to say, lethal strikes and techniques while understanding the burden it may entail?” Gallus stood tall, nodding once.
“Yes. If what I learn can save others, help others, and….” He paused, swallowing a slight lump in his throat. “If what I learn can save others from bearing that burden, hopefully keep them safe without shouldering that, then I fully accept.” The look in Gallus’ eyes made Gyld’s gaze soften into that of genuine respect.

“Gyld, I am not a stranger to seeing death. I only shared that with Silverstream recently. If I can keep the one I love from having those images etched in her mind, or even having to take a life even to save her own, then I gladly embrace all the training you have to offer.” A set of heavy talons fell on Gallus’ shoulder, Gyld nodding approvingly.
“Well said Gallus. You’re a much better gryphon than I was at your age. Much better than most. Now, you said you liked the knight’s code, correct?”

A nod was Gallus’ response, prompting a smile from the Master Sergeant.
“Well, I can instruct you on that as well if you’d like. I know quite a bit of the old codes; it was a study of mine once upon a time. The primary way to become a Knight is through genuine combat after years of study; so I sincerely hope that final test never comes to pass. That said, you can train as one, have a training title, and live by that code if you’d like. After a few years of continued training, you could possibly gain the official title of ‘Knight.’” Gallus’ ears perked up as he stared at Gyld, nodding rapidly.

“I’d…really like that. I never wanted to be in the military or guard, but I want to try living by that code as a principle. If a title comes along with it, I’d like to show that I have some sort of…training, credentials? Not sure how to put it. Showing that I am someone. Not just any ordinary gryphon who claims to have training.”
Gyld chuckled, nodding with a wave of his claws dismissively.

“Gallus, you already are someone. I certainly know a certain hippogriff, professors, Princesses, and friends who would disagree with you. That said, I know what you mean. It is a verbal and written certificate showing work, something like credentials. I imagine that has an additional and understandable appeal.” Gyld’s brow furrowed as he mused over the possibilities, then looking back to Gallus. “It is a military title, so formally you should be in the Gryphon Army and go from there, but their training camp barely has plumbing, let alone someone to teach. No, there haven’t been knights in centuries; but I still think they’ll recognize you as one in training since I have sufficient experience. You’ll be a Knight-in-training, an ‘Esquire’ as you continue to study the code and practice, even after you leave here. While both Knight and Esquire are military titles, nowadays they are more ceremonial than anything. It still carriers some weight in the military however; and that can be explained further on in training.”

Gyld offered a set of his claws to Gallus with a smile, standing tall as he looked at the young gryphon.
“Is that something you want, Gallus?” Grasping the talons in a firm grip, Gallus nodded, standing as tall as he could.
“I’d like nothing more, Master Sergeant.”

Two Paragraph Specific Song
Snapping to attention, Gyld then looked down at Gallus, his massive wings half-spread.
“Esquire Gallus! Do you accept to become trained as a Knight of the Gryphon Empire, including the fighting techniques, codes of conduct and honor, all other statutes and the burdens thereof? Do you also accept to maintain the training title of ‘Eequire’ until otherwise approved by your superiors after proving yourself in combat or sufficient study time has passed?”

Gallus stood and saluted; an ancient Gryphon Empire gesture with his wings half spread, and a fist across his chest.
“I accept.”

Author's Note:

GO ESQUIRE GALLUS GO! This was a fun one to write. Things starting to be set in motion!

I've got a background in some self-defense training/etc, so trying to shed some light on the aspect of having that knowledge/mindset. It's a unique thing.

F is for friends who do stuff together
L is for lovey dooooovey.
R is for rotatiiiiiiiler
F is for Fluff fluff FLUFF!
F.U.N song

Thank you to all who have commented/favorited; feedback is always appreciated!