• Published 26th Oct 2018
  • 5,710 Views, 566 Comments

Prison of Ice with Silver Keys - RadBunny

As Gallus navigates the uncertain waters of being a special somegriff, demons from past his refuse to let him rest. As a hostile empire looms, Gallus will need to fight with every fiber of his being; only this time it's to protect the one he loves.

  • ...

Chapter Two: Hearts speak the same language

Sandbar yawned, the young stallion meandering out his bedroom door to the main dormitory lounge. Gallus was usually up before this time and had actually learned to make decent pancakes. That said, there were usually extras… As of recently, that had diminished though. The poor gryphon had looked pretty horrible the past week.

“Hey Gallus, are there any panc-"


Sandbar’s mouth snapped closed, turning around and resisting a very un-stallionlike squeal. On the couch was one of the most adorable scenes he had ever seen. And he lived in Ponyville, so that was saying something.

Curled up under Silverstream’s left wing, Gallus actually looked happy. And considering how exhausted he had appeared the past week, that was a rare sight indeed.
The fact he was smiling in his sleep any time Silverstream nudged him only made Sandbar want to squeal more.
Giving Sandbar a wave, Silverstream let out a yawn, gesturing to the fridge in the half-kitchen. “He usually puts leftovers there, probably wouldn’t mind.” She whispered, the pony trotting over quietly.

“Thanks, I’ll take a look. Looks like he’s finally sleeping. Good, poor guy needs it.” The pony remarked, prompting a simple nod as the dormitory door swung open.

“Hey Sandbar, have you seen Silver-oooooooooooh.” Smolder started to call out, the mentioned pony making a zipping motion with his hoof. The dragoness saw the sight on the couch and promptly let out a soft groan, dragging a set of claws down her face.

“Ok, that’s adorable even to me. I wish I had my camera…” She grumbled, Yona and Ocellus filtering in behind her.

“Oh! This is where hippogriff friend was!” Yona whispered, looking at the sleeping Gallus.

“Silverstream loyal specialgriff. As loyal as yaks! Gallus lucky.” She proclaimed, Ocellus nodding in agreement.

“We were wondering where you went, but I guess that solves that. We were all thinking of heading out somewhere, maybe join us later in the evening?” Silverstream nodded as Gallus shifted with a few soft mumbles.

“I’d like that! I don’t think he’ll sleep that long anyhow. I’ll catch up with you guys after lunch no matter what though. Let you know about things.” The hippogriff whispered.

“Let us know how he’s doing, we’ve all been worried.” Ocellus added, prompting the others to nod (Smolder included.)

“Will do. Hope you guys have fun! Thanks for checking in.” Silverstream replied with a genuine smile, happier than ever to have such caring friends.

If only you could understand how much we all care for you Gallus. She mused, the gryphon mumbling a bit more. He lifted his head and blinked, looking around before settling back onto the sofa, a smile returning to his beak as Silverstream rubbed his head and neck.

Reaching into the bag she had snagged an hour ago, Silverstream pulled out a book and set it to the side. When Gallus had been dead asleep, she had dashed back to her room to get a few things. Now she could read and keep up the constant cuddles! I could do this for a while! Reading and snuggles. Best. Things. EVER!
The book had actually been given to her by the caring gryphon; one of over fifty in the series.
‘Common plumbing methods across Equestria; Book Seven of Fifty-Nine in the ‘Basics of Home Design across Species Series.’

The kiss she had given him after such a gift had left the gryphon about as flustered as Silver had ever seen him. Turning to her marked page, the hippogriff scooted closer to Gallus, pulling him close with a wing.
You’re so loved by many, Gallus. I just hope you can see is, and let us help. I hope you will let me help…
There were no cohesive thoughts, only a general peace as Gallus slumbered. He vaguely remembered some soft voices, but instead simply resumed drifting in the comforting warmth that was draped over his entire body. There were no cold winds snapping him away, no nightmares, only a dreamless sleep punctuated by feeling safe and content.
For the first time in over a week, Gallus woke up naturally, letting out a slight mumble mixed with a yawn. Making the executive decision to lay in bed a bit longer, the gryphon plopped his head back down, scooting closer to the warm pillows and blanket. A pillow that was moving regularly, was surprisingly warm....and pink.

He could have opened his eyes, but instead simply cuddled closer to Silverstream. Apparently the gryphon’s head was resting against her shoulder, the hippogriff settled next to him on the sofa. The heavy blanket was apparently her wing half-draped over him, her own gaze focused on a partially illustrated book in her claws.
I wouldn’t mind waking up like this often.
Gallus did his best to ignore how true that statement was; and the fact ‘often’ was edging to towards ‘always.’ That step of their relationship was still a ways off; but in terms of sleep quality, this was fantastic. The idea that it could always be like this was a bit overwhelming. A soft sniffle caused Gallus’ ears to perk up, the gryphon letting out a yawn as he looked around blearily. A soft caress on his head caused a hum of contentment to leave his beak.

“Morning Silver.” He mumbled, Gallus closing his eyes to enjoy the affection.

“You have the sniffles?” A soft familiar giggle reached his ear, the gentle massage around the gryphon’s head feathers not ceasing. “You looked so happy, after last night that’s a really nice thing to see.” She whispered, withdrawing her wing slightly as Gallus leaned up ever so slightly.

“I haven’t slept that well in a while.” He admitted, looking over to her with a tender gaze.

The loving and brief kiss on his beak made the gryphon’s wings flare slightly, and Gallus was all smiles as Silverstream gave him a hug. Then pulling back to look at his face a bit more closely, she gave a slight nod.

“You look a bit better. Still tired, but better.” She proclaimed, prompting Gallus to nod.

“That kind of describes how I feel. Better but still tired.” He mused, scooting next to Silverstream before grasping a set of her claws in his.

“Silver, I-” Gallus’ usual plethora of remarks was always stopped by the warm lump in his throat when looking into those two captivating eyes. He could only give her claws a tight squeeze, finally managing to push past the emotional wall.
“T-thank you Silver, really. I-” He paused, Silverstream’s tender expression gazing back at him. “I needed the help.”

As he pulled her into another hug, Gallus took a shaky breath.
“I needed you.”
Admitting the simple need for help lifted a weight Gallus hadn’t known he had been carried, and he hugged Silverstream all the tighter for it.

Looking up at him briefly, Silverstream smiled happily, enjoying his embrace as long as she could.
“Always here for you Gallus. Always.” She whispered, then gestured to the book on the arm of the sofa, also seeing the time on a wall clock.

“Hmm. Probably should get some food. Have I mentioned how much I love this book?” She asked, Gallus giving her a final squeeze before cautiously stepping off the couch.

“Hmm. Not since the last time I saw you reading it, at least.” Gallus quipped, prompting another adorable giggle from the hippogriff. "

Oh? So way too long ago then! I love this book!” She proclaimed with a slight flare of her wings, putting the bookmark in the pages carefully before hopping off.

“Guess we should snag some food first- was that Sandbar I heard earlier? I’m not in the mood for pancakes, but I probably should make some more soon.” Gallus asked, Silverstream nodding as they meandered down the hall to the cafeteria for a hot meal.

“Yep. And Smolder, Yona, and Ocellus too. They’re going out for something later, so maybe we can join them? They’ve been really worried about you.” The hippogriff replied, prompting a sigh from Gallus as his wings slumped slightly.

“I know. I haven’t been fair to them, or to you especially.” He admitted, staring at the floor as Silver gave his shoulder a nudge with her own.

“Hey, so you’re not perfect. Big surprise, nobody is.” His shoulder got another nudge, this time Silverstream stopping to give him a quick but loving hug.

“I’m just super-duper happy you finally are letting us help. I didn’t fall in love with you because you’re perfect; I fell in love with Gallus the gryphon. Faults and all.” She whispered, now causing Gallus to take a few deep breaths as tears threatened to brim at his eyes.

“Dangit Silver, I-” He muttered, not able to finish the sentence as he gave her cheek a nuzzle with his own. Silverstream promptly gave him a kiss before returning to his side as they neared the main dining area.

Being the weekend, not many students were present, and Gallus glanced around, finally catching sight of a clock.
“Whoa. It’s like halfway to noon already?” He exclaimed as they picked up a hot meal of fish-pastries and fruit sides.

“Yup. You were dead asleep. And super comfy. Best pillow ever.” Silverstream remarked as they munched on their food.
“Well that goes both ways. I’d have stayed on that couch all day if I could. You’re so much better than the bed.”
Silverstream's naturally pink face burned with a bright maroon blush, the hippogriff promptly chomping on another bite as she avoided Gallus’ gaze. He of course was enjoying her flustered reaction to the fullest. Taking another bite to eat, the gryphon’s ears then flattened ever so slightly as a thought settled into his mind.
I have a full belly, a safe place to sleep, and someone who loves me.
Didn’t I once dream of this?


The gryphon looked up to see two curious purple eyes gazing back at him. “You ok? You’ve been staring at that piece of fruit for like…a solid minute.”

He blinked, wings shrugging as he tried to force out words not laden with emotion.
“I’m-” Do I trust her with the truth? Of course.
“I’m ok, at least right now. Just- I’ll explain in a bit, alright?” It was the truth; the last thing Gallus wanted was to break down sobbing in the cafeteria. Cuddling and being tearful with Silverstream aside, he still had some semblance of pride.

Finishing up their meal, the two walked out across the school ground and down one of Ponyville’s main streets. Due to it being the weekend, a few of the towns inhabitants were out and about, giving the atmosphere a lively charge of energy. Silverstream was all smiles as she thanked Gallus again for the book, expounding on the latest chapter.
“Like, I still can’t get over the idea of pressurized water! It just shoots the contents down the pipes! I think that’s where Twilight got the idea from; I hear they are almost completed in Mount Aris! I can’t wait to try them!” She exclaimed, wings flaring in excitement. “I mean, I don’t think it was me mentioning it. Twilight did stare at me a super long time after I asked her what it’d be like to be in those pipes and stuff…maybe it was me? I dunno. But it sounds AWESOME!”

Gallus occasionally glanced to his ecstatic partner with a genuine smile. While he didn’t have much to add on topics such as this, just seeing Silverstream happy was a treat in and of itself. He did find the subjects interesting though. In this case, it sounded like the pressurized crystal pipes were almost completed; allowing Seaponies to intermingle with hippogriffs on Mount Aris down to individual dwellings. It united split families and allowed more exchange than ever before; no doubt Silverstream’s brother Terramar would be excited beyond words.

“Y’know, I’m pretty sure they have water parks where you can go down slides and stuff. Not like a pipe, but pretty close. I’ve seen pictures and advertisements of…them…” Gallus' words dropped off as Silverstream walked up close to him, beaks almost touching.

“We. Have. To. Go!” She stated, the biggest grin on her face before bouncing back to his side.

“I think everyone would have a fun time. Poor Yona might not be as excited though.” Gallus mused, prompting
Silverstream to nod.

“I still think it’d be great! And a separate time with just you though.”

Gallus blinked, head tilting slightly.

Now he knew something was up, because Silverstream’s telltale blush returned in full force.
“Erm. I’ll explain later? Can I do that too?” A soft chuckle left Gallus’ beak as he nodded, the two of them meandering along a familiar dirt path that led to a secluded hill overlooking a lake.

“Of course you can.”

As he sat under one of their designated cuddle-trees, Gallus looked over the small field at the base of the hill and the large lake beyond. There were a few individuals frolicking in the water, but his nerves eased substantially at seeing nobody close. Huh. Guess that’s another thing about me. Seeing Silverstream looking at him expectantly, Gallus took a deep breath, scooting over to wrap the hippogriff up in a gentle and sincere hug. Nuzzling her neck feathers, the gryphon wrapped a set of claws around Silverstream’s shoulder and waist.

“Just-hug first.” He mumbled into her feathers, prompting a happy squeal as she returned the gesture whole heartedly. It was almost a reverse reaction within Gallus' mind; Silverstream's embrace erased the edge off of his worries as emotions surged to the fore. He still wasn’t used to this.But I guess I have an entire lifetime of bottled up stuff to deal with- I’m just glad it’s with her.

(Optional songs) [http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=6dFbZ1jvq_U&p=n#/20;266]Guide You Home or You Know I Will (Both set different tones)

“This is still h-hard for me, but I want to try.” Gallus whispered, closing his eyes and reveling in feeling Silverstream’s chest rise and fall against his. Apparently she was enjoying the close gesture just as much, because he felt the hippogriff caress his neck feathers in return. “To start- why I was staring at that piece of fruit? Other than it looked really delicious and was a good specimen worthy of attention?” He remarked, feeling Silverstream shake with slight laughter at his words.
“I realized where I was. I have a full belly and a safe place to sleep. I grew up not knowing when that would happen.” Gallus continued, bracing himself for the next few words. He pulled back ever so slightly and grasp Silverstream’s claws, the hippogriff looking at him curiously. He placed her clawed hand on his chest, the lump in his throat choking the words that welled up from his heart.

“I a-also realized I have someone who loves me very much. I never imagined that happening. I didn’t know it could. I’ve never loved someone, Silverstream, and now that I do, i-it means everything to me.”
The moments where Gallus didn’t care about appearances were becoming more and more frequent, especially in certain pink company. This was no exception as hot tears traced down his cheeks, now hugging the one he loved close.
“You mean everything to me Silverstream. And that’s something I still am coming to terms with, and it’s scary too.”
Silverstream held her gryphon tightly, his sides shaking with soft sobs. As Gallus nuzzled her neck, the hippogriff still could feel the blush burning at her own cheeks. Somehow having a set of claws on Gallus’ chest had somehow been one of the most intimate gestures she had ever experienced. It was also one of the most tender moments as Gallus had finally started to open up. Silverstream could feel him lean into her embrace, wanting to be close. Her own heart was on fire, wanting nothing more than to make his world better, to right the wrongs that dared assail him.
But I can’t, not yet. He has to tell me what is going on first.
And so she waited, held in the arms of the one she loved more than anything.
“I don’t remember most of the other dreams. This last one felt like all of them combined though, so it covers most of them I think.” Gallus explained, forcing himself to take a few deep breaths. Having Silverstream so close was better than any relaxation exercise though, the hippogriff only snuggling closer at his words.
He told her everything. The strange rejection, the fight against the changelings, their taunts, and ending with being trapped in goo before being rescued by Luna. Silverstream stayed quiet throughout, letting Gallus finished as she processed his words.
“And that’s it. Luna gave me the final push, but I should have told you long ago. I guess I’m just scared.” Gallus whispered, waiting for Silver’s response.
“Do you still think so little of yourself?” Silverstream asked, pulling back to lock gazes with Gallus, her own eyes shining with tender tears.
“Gallus, I know all those things about you- and I’m still here. I love you m-more than anything.” Silverstream’s voice quivered as she spoke.
“Those dreams are wrong though. You’re not just a bunch of problems, or not wanted, or not needed, or not loved, or-or-” The hippogriff’s claws clenched, snagging one of the gryphon’s hands to squeeze.
“The parts of you think I won’t love, you’re wrong. I know you’ve been through a lot of stuff, I know you don’t have a family back home, all of that. I mean, there’s plenty of stuff I don’t know, but the big stuff? I’m still right here, right where I want to be.”
She leaned forward to rest her head under his, pressing against the gryphon’s chest to listen to his heartbeat.
“Right here.” Silverstream felt warm tears drip onto her feathers as Gallus held her close again, the gryphon rocking her back and forth.
“You’re loved by all your friends, and they want the best for you.” Silverstream paused, her voice becoming much softer. “Those dreams are so wrong. How could you think I don’t want or need you? You make me so happy…”
Neither spoke for a time, the two simply enjoying each other’s embrace. Gallus didn’t even try to stem the tears rolling from his cheeks, Silverstream’s words having burned away the fearful thorns that had been digging into his heart for so long.
“Just b-because you have specific stuff you need to deal with at times, doesn’t mean you don’t help me just as much.” Silverstream whispered, prompting the gryphon to caress her head feathers with a set of claws.


She sighed, sagging into his arms at Gallus’ touch.
“Just because there’s moments like this where you need to lean on me, doesn’t mean the stuff you do is any less. And you do so much Gallus. Maybe you don’t know…”
Gallus couldn’t help but let out a slight huff, shaking his head as his tears stemmed- but from the loving but damp look in Silver’s eyes, she had a few of her own to shed.
“I do know stuff has been bothering you though, but I guess I don’t know what I do, because it does feel a bit lopsided.” He admitted.

She buried her head in his chest feathers, squeezing his talons tightly.
“You love me for me. I don’t have to filter myself around you. I can be happy loud me, or let myself be sad and wanting hugs. I don’t have to pretend for anyone. You actually care about what I say, even if it sounds weird. You listen to what I am interested in, and actually take the time to look into it as well.” She let out a sniffle, shifting to press against the gryphon slightly.
“I’ve always wanted someone to be able to lean on; maybe it’s stupid. B-but like in the books, a knight to save the princess. I like doing stuff on my own, but sometimes I just w-want this. To be held. To have someone be all romantic and treat me like a lady. T-to show how much they love me in small and big ways, just like you have from the start.”

Gallus couldn’t help but smile, reaching down to cup Silverstream’s cheek in his claws which prompted a few free-flowing tears.
“This being one of them I take it?” Gallus saw her nod ever so slightly as he reached down to give her a tender kiss. What he wasn’t prepared for was the slight whimper that left Silverstream’s beak as she kissed him back, then burying her head in his chest feathers once again.

“I’ve wanted someone like this for so long. First a friend, and t-then someone to love. Someone to love me. And then you come along. A-and, a-and-” She looked up and prodded his chest with a set of claws.
“And t-then you think you haven’t helped me? That you aren’t wanted or needed? Y-you have no idea how m-much I do. M-maybe I don’t have as many times like this w-where I need you, but you’ve done so much more for me. I c-can’t ever thank you enough. It mean so much…” The only response that Gallus could give was to wrap Silver up in a loving kiss, hugging the hippogriff close until he had to breath at last. Her words had burned away the final thorny vines of doubt in his mind-

“I love you so much Silverstream.”
A soft sniffle reached his ears, the hippogriff managing a smile as she looked up at him.

“I love you too Gallus. I love you-“ Her brow furrowed, ears perking up slightly.

“What’s a word more than super? I love you a ton. More than I can say. There we go.” She mused, nuzzling against his feathers once again. “So you’ve always wanted a special somegriff? A boyfriend?” He asked, musing over the new term.

“Huh. Easier to say, at least a bit.” Silverstream nodded ever so slightly, shrugging her wings.

“Boyfriend works- huh. Have we ever called each other that? Well, as does special somegriff. But yes, ish. Just someone to love, to go explore ancient ruins with, read books, just enjoy life together. A friend and then love on top of that, if it makes sense.” She replied, sighing happily. “But between all the stuffy nobles and such, I didn’t know when or how it’d happen. Or even if it would. Wasn’t about to be with some guy just because it looks good.” She grumbled, a set of claws lifting her face up slightly to look at Gallus.

“That makes sense to me, at least as best as it can. As for stuffy nobles, now they’ve got to go through me, and I’m not going anywhere.” He said with a smile, Silverstream letting out a happy hum.

“So, promise to do this more often if stuff is bothering you?” She asked, prodding his chest with a claw again.

“I promise. I might need some encouragement though.” The gryphon admitted, ears flattening slightly. “To have someone not care about the things I see as huge negatives will take time.” His attention was then fully captivated by another kiss, Silverstream grinning as she pulled back.

“Well I hope kisses are a form of encouragement.” She quipped, wiping her eyes with a free set of claws. “And I’ll make sure to make a point of letting you know how much I appreciate you. And want your attention.”

A slight blush then rose to her cheeks.
“N-need sounds a bit…um-I just-” Silverstream shifted to rest in Gallus’ arms, letting out a happy sigh.
“I want this. I just feel safe and happy. And I need you for that.” She admitted, still blushing rather furiously as Gallus tried to process her words. Huh? Need sounds a bit…what? Doesn’t sound that weird I don’t think… There was something that did make it sound a bit odd, but the gryphon wasn’t sure what. Some knowledge that he couldn’t recall that gave the phrase a different meaning. Eh. Whatever.
Silverstream sagged a bit more into Gallus’ embrace, her ears flattening slightly as another thought rose to the fore.
“Silver? Anything else that had been on your mind?” She couldn’t help but smile- the gryphon picking up on her distressing train of thoughts easily. Pressing against his chest, Silverstream shrugged her wings slightly.

“Just a thought. But a good one.” The hippogriff replied, closing her eyes and listening to Gallus’ heartbeat. This sort of embrace was what she had dreamed about.

“You don’t care about me being royalty. That alone means so much. When I was at gatherings back at home, it just hurt.” She explained, brow furrowed as she tried to put feelings to words.
“Everyone being nice to me just because of who my aunt is. They didn’t care about me. Plenty thought I was obnoxious, but acted like they enjoyed being around me just to look good to Auntie, and that hurt. That they didn’t care about who I was, or didn’t want to care.” She sniffed, actually surprised as a few more tears brimmed in her eyes.

“I-it’s almost an opposite thing. Y-you grew up on your own and alone, I grew up surrounded by family and friends, but felt so alone at times.” She whispered, prompting a slight squeeze from Gallus.
“Until I came here, I didn’t have too many friends. Loving family, yes, but nobody to talk to. To just be me around. And then I met you, and fell head-over-tail in love. At least that’s how it snowballed.”
A happy hum was Gallus’ response, Silverstream not able to suppress a giggle as her head-feathers got caressed by some talons.

“I think I understand, as much as I can. Both types sound horrible, in their own way.” He mused.

“I was alone, only one or two gryphons I could call sorta-friends. Although, that was pushing it at times. But at least I could be me. Sounds like you had an opposite but still not so fun problem. Being physically versus emotionally alone.”

Silverstream glanced up at the gryphon in surprise, poking his chest with a claw.
“Since when did you become all philosophical?” She asked, prompting a blush from Gallus.

“I-erm, I’ve read books Silver, you know that. Especially on ones that might help me adjust to ‘life.’”

A brief nod was Silver’s reply, shifting to get a bit more comfortable against her living pillow.
“Thank you for sharing that stuff with me Gallus.” She finally said, making sure to catch his gaze. “It really does mean a lot, because I want to help. I want to be there for you.”

Gallus smiled back at her, giving the hippogriff a hug in return. “You’re welcome. I feel…relieved I guess? Fears I didn’t want to think about are just less? I think?” He mumbled with a shrug. “I promise I’ll try not to ignore stuff like that again, which really didn’t feel so great. Thank you too for sharing, I wasn’t sure how to bring it all up. I knew something was bothering you, but-” He sighed, shaking his head. “I guess we’ll both try to be better about that, huh? Well. Mostly me. A lot me.” Gallus grumbled with a slight smile, prompting a giggle.

“At least we’re both aware and wanting to help each other. I think that’s a good step.” Silver mused, getting a rather cheeky grin on her face. “Y’know, I have been having some nightmares. Nothing too bad; just that stupid storm king stealing you away.” Clearly Gallus was confused as to why she was grinning, looking down at her rather perplexed.

“Uh, that doesn’t sound fun. I can certainly promise I would put up quite a fight, but I don’t know how to help. I mean, I really liked that sleeping arrangement.” The bright blush on Silverstream’s face was enough to make Gallus laugh, the hippogriff trying to pout.

“I liked it too. But I had a different idea. I want good night kisses. Only thing that will help.”

“You are adorable when you try to pout.”


“Nuh uhhhhh.”

Silverstream couldn’t hold in her giggles any longer, giving Gallus a loving kiss and a hug before sliding to sit next to him.
“I love you Gallus. You sarcastic goof.” Said gryphon was all smiles, craning his head sideways to look at her.

“Are suuuuuuuuure? Reaaaaaallllyyyyyy?” Seeing Silverstream shoot him a deadpan look, Gallus chuckled and nudged her shoulder with his own.

“I love you too Silverstream. Hmm, should we stay here for a bit and then go see what everyone else is planning?”

“Sounds good, but I definitely want more snuggles.”

Gallus promptly wrapped the hippogriff up in his arms again with a grin.
“Snuggles it is.”

Author's Note:

🚀 Liquid fluff reserves at max! FULL POWER TO THRUSTERS!
...I love this pair. Such a good dynamic and background between the two...:rainbowkiss:
I'd have to say the two songs listed would be some of this pairs theme: You Know I Will And
Guide You Home

(Feedback always appreciated, especially since this story is differing with other viewpoints/ect!)