• Published 26th Oct 2018
  • 5,704 Views, 566 Comments

Prison of Ice with Silver Keys - RadBunny

As Gallus navigates the uncertain waters of being a special somegriff, demons from past his refuse to let him rest. As a hostile empire looms, Gallus will need to fight with every fiber of his being; only this time it's to protect the one he loves.

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Chapter Nineteen: Reckoning

“Gallus! Silverstream! You need to get up now!” Gyld growled, shaking the pair of them awake.
“Mwa? What’s going on?” Gallus muttered, scrubbing sleep from his eyes as Silverstream popped up beside him.
The two let out a synchronous squawk that was quickly muffled as Gyld yanked both of them from the sofa and onto the floor.
“Quiet!” He hissed, keeping the two flat on the floor. As Gallus looked around, he saw an eerie purple glow emanating through the nearby window despite the clever tinting built into it.
“Armor.” Gyld whispered, and Gallus scrambled across the floor to retrieve the pair of crystals, the two quickly putting the pieces on.
“Now stay quiet; we must wait until they pass.”
Silverstream pressed against his side, the hippogriff shivering slightly. Gallus didn’t blame her- being woken up suddenly with supposed enemies outside was more than enough to set his own nerves on edge.

As the purple glow faded, Gyld let out a sigh of relief, tapping softly on the floor with a set of claws. Five royal guards carefully trotted up the stairs, then crawling on their stomachs to meet the three.
“Gallus, Silverstream, this area of the city is surrounded.” Gyld explained softly.
“They teleported in not five minutes ago. The legionaries were overrun and had to teleport out- and then a barrier went up, both our own and the necromancer’s. We can’t use magic to teleport in or out- except our friends here. But that’s not transferable.”
The five guards waved- each of their eyes turning multi-faceted briefly.
“They’re only changelings in the guard- the first ones as a matter of fact, still in training. But they can hopefully help us delay the force here long enough until Celestia retakes the city. I imagine the legionaries are massing for an attack, but that can’t happen for at least a good six hours. There’s just too many of them.”
Gallus nodded, a frown on his beak as he processed the situation. Silverstream simply shook her head, clearly trying to not hyperventilate.

“So. Here’s the plan. We lay low here as long as possible. When they start searching near here, our changeling friends zip out and lead them on a wild goose chase while you two hide here.” Gyld then produced a set of three crystals from a satchel around his neck.
“These mimic the energy signature of both the pearl and the staff crystals. Not perfectly, but enough for a general scanning spell. If the changelings are discovered, they are able to teleport out- but it’s a one way ticket. No way to help us escape due to a field around this area of the city.”
One of the guards raised a hoof, fangs protruding from the disguise briefly.
“Sorry. We really tried to see if we could. The crystals set in our armor only allow changelings to. It seemed like a good idea at the time…”

It then dawned on Gallus that these guards weren’t much older than Silverstream or himself- which made sense if they were still in training.
Huh. That…makes me feel better and worse at the same time.
“Ok. So we wait for a bit. That’s ok- Silver and I are good at that. It’s pretty much what we did in a cave for a week.”
Silverstream managed a smile at that, Gyld nodding in approval.
“Excellent. Most of the civilians were evacuated the minute these forces teleported in. My wife was included in that, so I’ll be downstairs. Three guards will be up here, and two more down with me. Let’s just stay put, rest if you can, and eat. If the plans fail Gallus, you and Silverstream may have to move quickly if they search this place too thoroughly. There are hiding areas, but they won’t mask a magical search- not if it’s close enough.”
Seeing the pair nod, Gyld scooted backwards, then sighing slightly. Handing each of them a small necklace, Gallus then gestured to the guards.

“These are communication crystals- tuned for Celestia and Luna. They’ll punch through any magical fields, but hopefully you won’t have to use them. For now, these five will lead the main force towards the perimeter, disguised as you two. Coordinating with the Legionnaires, we can make it seem like you’re making a break for it. Hopefully that will buy enough time to mount a counter attack. If you do get discovered, just stick together and hide. You’re in friendly territory, so you just have to hold out. There’s a basic anti-teleport spell over this area too- so you can’t be yanked to the necromancer’s kingdom again. But as I said earlier, that complicates other teleports. So just sit tight.”

He then army crawled to the stairs along with two of the changelings, leaving Gallus and Silver with the other three.
“Yay waiting.” The hippogriff muttered, scooting over to flop against Gallus’ side. To the gryphon’s surprise, one of the remaining changelings looked at the two with almost…wonder?
Said individual quickly blushed and looked away, one of the other guards smacking a hoof to their face.
“Really Silica? Really?” The second guard sighed, looking over to the curious hippogriff and gryphon.
“Sorry. We’re uh, still in training. You two are also kind of a big deal back at the guard school. I’m Gemil by the way.” The changeling whispered, the third guard then raising a hoof.
“Itsilia here.”
“Nice to meet you…but what do you mean a big deal?” Gallus asked, Gemil shrugging his wings with a grin.
“You took on the necromancer and hid behind enemy lines for a week. That’s like, more than most guards will ever do. So you’ve kind of raised the standards a bit.”

Silverstream giggled and shoved Gallus’ shoulder.
“Go Gallus.”
The gryphon blushed slightly and refused to meet the amused gazes of those present, then finally taking a deep breath.
“Well. I guess it was pretty awesome…” Gallus mused, seeing Silverstream nod like a woodpecker out of the corner of his eye.
“Guess we’ll try to nap.” He yawned, the adrenaline spike from earlier quickly wearing off.
“Another day of hiding from crazy energy creatures. At least not just us this time.” Silverstream scooted closer and lay on the gryphon’s shoulder as he mumbled, the Changelings scooting to a circular guard position around them.

“At least we’re together.” Silver whispered, prompting an nod from Gallus as they dozed.

“Gallus, Silverstream.” Istilia hissed, shaking the two awake.
“They’re coming back- it’s time to go. Follow me!”

The two snapped quickly to wakefulness, not having been able to fully sleep but had dozed on and off for what must have been an hour or two. Snagging two of the chaotic-infused daggers and strapping them to his forelimbs, Gallus saw Silverstream pick up the single-shot crossbow as they scooted towards the stairs.
The changeling guard led them halfway down the stairwell and pushed against one of the wall boards. With barely a click, four of the wooden boards slid to the side, exposing a small space with a few satchels already stashed. Silica carefully heaved another satchel inside, this one containing the two remaining staff gems.
“Gyld is already out there with the other two guards. They’ll lead the search parties away at about the same time they get to this house.” Istilia whispered, gesturing to the hidey-hole.
“So juuust when they start to head upstairs, we’ll run in separate directions and stick to the plan. That means they’ll likely not search too close. If they do…well, as Gyld said- run, or fight. Hope we all get out of this no worse for wear. You should be ok talking for a few minutes, but then probably should be quiet. There’s an escape tunnel that leads to the alleyway at the back.”
Gallus nodded, tapping the armor on his chest as Silverstream did the same.

“We’ll hide here then…good luck, and thanks. Same to you all too- it’s nice to not just be us two in this whole mess.”
After showing Gallus the simple supplies in the satchels and how to close the secret door, the changelings nodded- taking the forms of the hippogriff and gryphon as the compartment slid shut.
“Y’know, in any other settings, I’d say this would be rather romantic.” Gallus mused as Silverstream let out a soft nervous giggle.
“Locked in a compartment while crazy creatures try to find us?” She asked, wringing her claws together worryingly.
Gallus scooted closer to give her a long kiss- the hippogriff quickly calming down.
“I meant more of the ‘just the two of us in a tight space all alone.’” He added, his words bringing the reward of a bright blush from Silverstream and a shocked glare.
He gave the flustered hippogriff a hug, then settling down with a deep breath.
“Feel a bit better?”
She nodded, leaning against Gallus' shoulder.
“Mmhmm. I guess…we wait quietly?”
The Squire nodded, trying to keep his breathing steady. Even with a few days of recovery, the gryphon was still worn out after a week of solid running, and his head still had moments of fuzziness. His side had mostly healed, but still was rather sore.
Let’s hope we can stick to running and hiding then.

His hopes were put on hold as a series of dull thuds echoed through the house- the front door being forced off its hinges. Seeing Silverstream’s horrified gaze, Gallus reached over and held her claws- the other grasping the sword hilt attached to his shoulder armor.
“Search it! Top to bottom!” A somewhat deep voice growled, the sound of muffled footsteps thudding through the floor
Even made of energy, they must be heavy…

A series of yells then sounded- the footsteps retreating as a call was faintly heard to the two hiding creatures.
“There! Across the rooftops! Get them!”
“I heard another report from the East!”
“What about the North? They were spotted there too!”
Go Gyld and guards go!
As the footsteps retreated, the voice remained- apparently a few creatures staying behind.
“Still getting a faint reading here, no Sir I can handle it. There’s really no reason to-”

A ‘SNAP’ echoed through the house, a familiar voice then echoing through the false wall and causing gryphon and hippogriff to shudder.
“No reason you say? I’ll do it myself. Three decoys, and one must be the true pair. That gryphon wouldn’t leave the hippogriff anyhow.” The necromancer growled.
How did he get past the fields?!
“I thought our magic and their prevented your entrance…”
“Prevented others, yes. But stop me? No, only serve as a delaying annoyance.” IC growled, his footsteps thumping through home.
“Hmm. A reading indeed. There’s something here.”
“Really? It looks faint- the other reports indicated a much stronger magical signal…”

Silverstream gestured to the back of the hiding area, where a small tunnel led out through behind them through a false wall and into the alley behind the building. The footsteps got closer, and the gryphon nodded. Silverstream pulled him along as they scooted away from the approaching individuals, who now were just outside the stairwell false wall.
Almost there…

A searing pain ignited around Gallus’ left rear limb as a CRASH echoed through the house. The necromancer chuckled, yanking the gryphon backwards through the shattered wood planking and out onto the top floor.
“Found you!” He growled, delivering a brutal kick to Gallus’ chest that sent him spinning into the left wall.
Crumpling to the floor, the gryphon gasped as the next blow caused something to crack along his side, the primate yanking a spear from the nearest Storm Beast.
“I’ll deal with you later!”
While deflecting off the armor, the spear buried itself into Gallus' side, barely missing his ribs and vital organs but nonetheless pinning him to the floor as he let out a screech. Pain lit up his side as he scrambled briefly, then stopping his movements. The more he struggled, the more likely he’d cause the wound to tear something.
If I move, I might die. But if they get to Silver…

With five hulking storm beasts and an ethereal hippogriff at his side, IC let out a chuckle as he turned back to the secret hiding spot.
“Now where is that pink nuisance, along with my crystals?” He hissed, gesturing to Sulfid with a hand.
“Go check it!”

Optional Music One
The hippogriff hopped over to the secret cubie, poking his head inside. Seeing one of the satchels open and the blue crystals inside, he turned back and nodded.
“They’re here! Not sure about…”
When Sulfid turned back, his eyes met the wrathful gaze of Silverstream. Grasping Gallus’ fallen sword, the hippogriff sent the humming blue blade cleaving through the traitors face, the weapon then sticking into the wall briefly.
As Sulfid’s body vanished with a snap, IC let out a sigh and began to walk towards the stairwell.
“Of course you got taken out by a terrified girl with a pointy knife…”
Gallus now chuckled at the primate’s words, prompting IC to look back at the immobilized gryphon.

Seeing the gryphon’s gaze turn to that of satisfaction, the necromancer turned back around, his own eyes widening in surprise.
Silverstream stood in front of him still grasping the sword. Despite her claws shaking, she held it at ready- crystal armor starting to glow red.
You dare hurt him?!
“Y-you don’t get to hurt me or Gallus anymore!” She growled, promptly lunging at the primate and spearing the tall creature through the chest. As the necromancer batted the hippogriff away, Silverstream kept her grip on the sword- causing the weapon to tear a gash in the primate’s chest. His eyes flashed, and with a swing of his arm IC finally tore Silverstream and the sword away, sending her spinning to the floor next to Gallus.

Body beginning to flicker, the necromancer glared at the pair and gestured to the remaining five storm beasts.
“Handle her until I return! Remember, alive!” He growled, body then vanishing with a puff of purple and black smoke.
Handle me? Oh I’m so sick of running and hiding!

“I like this sword, but wish I had something a bit smaller…” Silverstream muttered, eyes then widening as the weapon shrank into a long dagger. Looking back to see Gallus on the floor, a furious sneer twitched at Silverstream’s beak.
“WHY CAN’T YOU JUST LEAVE US ALONE?!” She bellowed, launching herself at the nearest storm beast that began to walk towards her. Furiously stabbing with the dagger, the enraged hippogriff tore a series of gashes in the arcane creatures head, causing it to vanish with an encouraging ‘POP’.

The remaining four looked at each other and backed up slightly- Silverstream’s angry gaze landing on them.
“Oh you don’t get to go! I’m sick of running and hiding from you jerks!”
I stood up to my fear of the Storm King- I can do this!
As Gallus let out a pained groan, Silverstream’s eyes narrowed.
For Gallus- I’d face ten Storm Kings, let alone these evil creeps!

The fourth storm beast barely had a chance to groan as a furious pink missile catapulted itself into its chest- dagger tearing through arcane flesh with ease. The third creature managed to grab Silverstream and throw her to a wall, but with a flare of the hippogriff’s wings she skidded to a halt. One beast managed to get a grip on her forelimb and promptly lost it with a swipe of the dagger. Staggering backwards against a bookcase, the beast fell to the ground as Silverstream tore two brutal slices into its torso.

The two remaining beasts now came at Silverstream, arms outstretched. As one pinned her to the ground, the other raised a meaty paw to smack her head. The blow causing the floor to crack, missing by inches as Silverstream wiggled to the side, hacking at the beast’s arm which held her down. Finally severing the limb, Silverstream tore into the creature with her claws, dagger slicing this way and that. The final storm beast began to retreat- but Silverstream sent the dagger spinning into its back. Then jumping onto the beasts back, Silver tore holes into its back with her claws. As the beast flickered and began to vanish, the hippogriff panted as she retrieved the dagger.

Her chest heaving, Silverstream tottered her way over to Gallus as she struggled to catch her breath.
“I-I…whoa.” She muttered, sitting down briefly and dropping the weapon hilt near the sofa.
“Give it a bit, you kicked major butt Silver.” Gallus quipped, then wincing.
Silverstream managed a smile, her claws now starting to shake.
“W-wow. I…um…” She mumbled, Gallus then catching her attention.
“Silver? I need your help, focus on me. Please get the medical kit. I have to get this spear stable so we can move.” He instructed the dazed hippogriff- Silverstream thankfully retrieving the small satchel from the other room.
“Oh this is not going to be fun.” Gallus muttered, gesturing to the spear.
“Can…I’ll hold it still, but you need to snap it, if you can.”
Clearly still in a bit of shock, Silverstream nodded as she grasped the wooden weapon, Gallus steadying it so it wouldn’t bite further into his side.
With a ‘CRACK’, the main portion of the spear snapped, leaving a smaller pole still embedder into the gryphon’s side. With a bit of shifting, Gallus managed to get it unstuck from the floor…
“Ok. I need you to bandage it to keep it stable. I don’t want to take it out- it might rip something if we do.” He instructed, trying to ignore how painful and uncomfortable it was to have a broom sized wooden pole through his side- the metal tip protruding completely.
How this missed my lungs and important stuff I don’t know. It should hurt a ton more…
Gallus only then saw the edges of the wound were barely bleeding- crystal pieces encrusting the edge of both entry and exit areas.
…Thank you adaptive armor! Actually, that’s not great. I don’t know how serious it is then! But at least I can move.

“Ok, we need to get moving before he comes back.” Gallus muttered, Silverstream walking close to steady the gryphon.
“Let’s go then.” She whispered, then shaking her head.
“I really did that, huh?”
“You totally did, and it was incredible and awesome.” Gallus added, then feeling his feathers start to prickle with a strange sort of electric charge.
Oh no.
“Silverstream- crossbow!”

It only took a second for the words to register, Silverstream darting back to the hiding cubie as the necromancer reappeared to look at Gallus in surprise, his own body healed from Silverstream’s attack.
“You got yourself free and are able to move? I am surprised.” He muttered, staff glowing with power to send Gallus crashing back against the sofa.
“While respectable, I don’t need you alive, and this chess game has no more use for a Knight. ” IC proclaimed, walking to stand over Gallus.
The necromancer raised his staff- and froze. Looking down, the primate glared at the weapon protruding from his left thigh.
“W-what is this!?” He hissed, IC’s leg spasming and locking up as the chaos gem within the dagger vibrated with increasing intensity, issuing a reddish glow.
“Checkmate.” Gallus hissed, letting out a groan as the necromancer smacked the side of his head with the staff.
“You think this magic can stop me?!” The primate bellowed, trying to yank the dagger free.
“When I get free, I’ll make sure you’re dead, and that hippogriff brat suffers! Experiments or not, she’ll be a shell by the time I’m done! You two have caused me enough trouble!
IC then let out a screech- a crossbow bolt protruding from his chest and glowing the same flickering flame colors as the dagger. Looking behind him briefly, the necromancer’s eyes widened as he saw Silverstream steadying herself against the stairwell with an arm, the other balancing the spent crossbow against the wooden railing.

IC looked back down to the gryphon, his entire body began to spasm and movements starting to slow to a crawl. Gallus then levered himself upright, swaying slightly.
“I promised to protect her- I’ll kill you before you touch her again!” He growled- drawing the third dagger and slamming it into IC’s gut.
*End Music*

As IC’s primate form spasmed and froze, Gallus’ eyes widened. As all three gems began to hum, they glowed a bright orange as the necromancer’s movements completely ceased.

“And so, if passed this proposal would greatly increase the revenue to over half of the orphanages currently experiencing financial strain.” The blue colored pony remarked, quite happy to see Celestia paying rapt attention.
“For the other half, we are currently drawing up a plan to-”
Optional Music Two
The Alicorn’s eyes suddenly widened- and the ponies present were sent stumbling back by a burning wind.
Molten stone dripped from the castle wall, a circular hole blown through the feet of stone. A miniature sun rocketed away from Canterlot, the nearest windows of the city having cracked and shattered at her departure. A squad of her legionnaires gave chase, their smaller meteor-like shapes burning behind Celestia’s trail.
The Alicorn’s regalia had melted off her frame within a second of taking flight- her alabaster frame punching through the air with solar flares bubbling from her magical frame.

She and Luna had gone over the scenarios and rehearsals dozens of times- and every result was the same. Twilight would have been indeed perplexed at Celestia’s statement to be sure.
But it is true. Taking into account kinetic energy needed and mana recharge time…teleportation is too slow!

Now on the outskirts of Canterlot in but a few moments, Celestia took a burning breath and shifted her course. A thousand years of pent up emotions bubbled to the surface as she ignited her horn.
There had been scant few times she had ever opened up her full connection to the sun- far too few for history to accurately report.
But they will record this!

Energy flooded her frame as the arcane channels burned open in her mind and body. Tired lines under Celestia’s eyes were burned away, and a weight the ruler had been bearing for far too long was lifted from her shoulders as the sun lent its strength to the Alicorn searing the sky.

Now near Ponyville, Celestia’s right hoof was outstretched as the air yielded to her flight. Solar flares blossomed from the Monarch’s wings as fiery rings of energy wrapped around her body with an old yet familiar comfort.
Rainbow Dash would be crushed to know she only holds the speed record for normal ponies.
She did have it right at first- you do hold out one hoof.
You just need to be going fast enough!

There was no sonic crack, for she had punched through that barrier back in Canterlot. The sky could only burst into a fiery trail as a miniature sun streaked past Ponyville, the dozens of smaller ones following as fast as they could.
It has been so long since I have done this!
Embers burned into her multicolored mane as Celestia streaked onwards towards the badlands. Her speed only increasing, a friendly ache in her muscles only spurred Celestia to push herself more.

Every failure and agonizing moment of the past thousand years surged to the fore- and Celestia embraced every bit of it. Like any tears that fell, the past agony was swallowed up by the comforting and powerful fire that coursed around her frame as the Sun Princess streaked towards the badlands.

The last of the arcane channels flooding wide open, another solar flare surged from Celestia’s frame to propel her onwards- the distant tower now growing closer by the second.
“LUNA! NOW!” She cried into the skies, the Lunar Princess already in position to await the signal. As Celestia angled upwards to then dive down to the necromancer’s domain, hundreds of lights accompanied her strike as they were plucked from the heavens.

The stars burned their own trails into the sky- but the miniature sun that ducked and weaved around them drew the full attention of the gathered armies. As the stars impacted with a staccato of thunder, Celestia took aim for the center of the evil tower beneath her.
The shielded floors yielded beneath her hooves like tissue paper, the Alicorn punching through rock and metal with ease. As soon as she saw a flash of red crystal, Celestia reached out and yanked the Alicorn Amulet from its rune containment chamber and held it close to her chest.
Hoof still outstretched, Celestia let the solar winds soar from her body and melt away the structure as she dove deeper. The impact of the stars all around her continued to thunder in Celestia’s ears, the foundations of the tower crackling and buckling.
Her flight finally hit bedrock- and the resulting concussion sent the numerous tunnels crashing down. Many of the dangerous runes hidden underground sputtered and died- yet a few remained.
I will burn it all!

Blasting her way to the surface, Celestia’s mane now bore a new streak- that of pure fire amidst the pink, teal, and blues.
As her pupils burned with rage, a fiery breastplate encircled her chest as though called on a whim.
On the edge of the ice wall, scores of Celestial Legionaries shouldered their way to the containment runes, now drawing a set of new inscriptions.
Their primary purpose was to serve as Celestia’s shock troops, that much was true.
However, their secondary goal was to contain her power- if for but a moment.

Celestia’s horn lit up with a searing white light, fire rolling off her frame as though water into a bucket. Surging to the ground, the flames ate at the air and stone eagerly, continuing to spread and grow. The golden shield around the empire now crackled, containing the deadly fire to the necromancer’s domain as well dulling the earthquakes that continued to ripple out from Luna’s attack.

On the gryphon empire’s side of the wall, Grampa Gruff gestured to the golden ball of fire, not saying anything for a moment. The sun itself seeming to have nestled into the ground, the fiery dome being pushed into the soil and rock by the distant silhouetted figure above.
“To all those who doubt the strengths of ponies, just look at that. I expect to hear no more of such things.” Grampa Gruff grumbled, leaning on a spear and shaking his head in awe.

A wide grin was affixed to Celestia’s face as she pushed the small sun deeper into the ground- the magical fire eating away at the tower and deep runes alike. Softened by Luna’s attack, the ruptured stone and soil was easy prey for the fire that now consumed rune and arcane flesh alike, turning it all to glass.
The grin widened as more fire poured from Celestia’s frame, the full weight of the sun burning through her mind and body.
“Sister.” A familiar voice cut through Celestia’s daze, and the Alicorn blinked. Shaking her head, Celestia snorted a stream of fire and took a breath.
“Thank you Luna.” She whispered, finishing the spell with a short burst from her horn. However, there was no time to view the results of their work as the fire began to burn out.
“Now to Manehatten!”

The necromancer let out a painful scream as his body shivered and shook. Arcane energy melted off his frame in waves, mortal flesh replacing the dark magic that had sustained his body for so long. Bare skin now was laid open from previous wounds, and the primate let out a growl as he yanked one of the daggers out. Purple blood spurted from the puncture as IC leaned on his staff.
“You…What have you done?!” He hissed. Seeing his mortal frame now spotted with ancient runes that sputtered and hissed as they failed, IC gripped the staff tightly and took a step back.
“I’ll take you both down with me then! I won’t be beaten that easily!” He roared, swinging the staff to aim directly at Silverstream’s head as the hippogriff struggled to help Gallus stand.
“YOU ALL WILL BURN WITH ME!” The mad necromancer bellowed, the gems in the staff flickering with power as a magical strike powered up, blue flames licking from the weapon.

It only took a moment- but Gallus saw Silverstream’s claws reaching for the fallen sword hilt.
The gryphon pushed her claws aside- grabbing the handle of the sword and levering himself upright. With his ribs on fire, Gallus activated the blue weapon with a ‘CRACK’ blue fire igniting along the blade as the gryphon launched himself forward. No words left his beak- only a battle cry as he swung the blade in a diagonal arc.
Cleaving through the staff and gems alike, the sword dug into the necromancer’s chest as a pulse of dark energy blasted out from the broken weapon. The two were sent staggering to the floor as Gallus yanked the sword free. The necromancer quickly snagged a jagged piece of the staff, slashing at the gryphon wildly and then taking aim for Silverstream with a mad laugh.

With a final swing, Gallus sent the sword slashing down onto the necromancer’s neck, the sword biting into the floor underneath the primate. With a final shudder, the primate dropped the makeshift dagger barely a sword length from Silverstream, the horrified hippogriff pressed flat against the wall. Pulling the sword free, Gallus kicked at the primate’s head to send it crashing across the room.
“I told you. I’d kill you before you touched her again!” The gryphon hissed, using his sword as a makeshift walking stick to then flop next to Silverstream.
It’s over. He’s gone…
“H-hey Silver, you ok?” He gasped, clutching his side as a bit of blood leaked onto his claws.
Silverstream’s tearful eyes were an answer enough, Gallus wrapping her up in a hug.
“It’s done.”
*End Music*

Barely a minute later, the magical arrival of a creature shoved body and furniture aside with a rush of energy. Gallus reaching for his sword, the gryphon then paused on seeing Celestia standing at the ready with a horn lit for battle. She blinked, the offensive spell flickering out of existence as her eyes rested on the battle worn creatures in front of her- and then the body of the necromancer.
“It’s finished then.” She whispered, cloaking Gallus and Silverstream in a magical field and promptly yanking them to safety.
Gallus and Silverstream’s vision went white- their last sensation being that of laying on soft pillows with comforting voices all around. One voice in particular stood out before all went black and quiet however, emanating from a vague white form.
“Well done you two, well done. Rest now- all is well.”

Back in Manehatten, a squad of legionaries filed into the room, followed by an exhausted Gyld Ironfeather. Looking over to see the body of the necromancer being frozen by two legionnaire unicorns, the gryphon sighed.
“So, the burden indeed fell to you Gallus.” He muttered, shaking his head.
“And yet as a Squire you accomplished it all the same.”

Author's Note:

Things come to a rip-roaring finale, and I hope everyone enjoyed it! This was a fun one to write- and I hope it didn't seem rushed, since it was one of the more face-paced chapters yet! As for what is next, the next chapter will be the conclusion of this adventure, so stay tuned!