• Published 26th Oct 2018
  • 5,709 Views, 566 Comments

Prison of Ice with Silver Keys - RadBunny

As Gallus navigates the uncertain waters of being a special somegriff, demons from past his refuse to let him rest. As a hostile empire looms, Gallus will need to fight with every fiber of his being; only this time it's to protect the one he loves.

  • ...

Chapter Eight: Squire’s Trials

A Gryphon Knight shall respect all weaknesses, and will constitute themselves the defender of them. Lend aid to the orphan, the downtrodden, and see one’s self as no greater than they.
*Two Months Later*

“Silverstream, you need to tell him.” Ocellus sighed, patting the unsettled hippogriff on the back.
“I k-know. It isn’t even t-that big of a deal! I j-just thought I could ignore it.” The changeling sighed as Silverstream sniffled, then shaking her head.
“ I m-mean it’s not even a real problem! It’s just how it makes me feel and s-stuff.”
“…and isn’t that exactly how Gallus could help? I mean we can tell you have it’s all a bunch of baseless junk, but hearing it from him might be best. I mean you said he is kind of the reason you’re getting all these, right?”

Silverstream flopped on the couch with a groan, wings drooping at her sides.
“Ok, that’s true…Thanks for your support though. You too Smolder.” The dragon waved from the table on the far side of the lounge, gesturing to a stack of papers; even as another one magically appeared and floated down onto the pile.

“No problem. Hey, want me to burn this one? Since apparently burning the senders isn’t an option.” A slight smile teased at Silverstream’s features at the thought.
“That…actually would be awesome. We might want to go outside though.”
“Awesome! Want to make S’mores in the fire pit? This stuff would be great for kindling!” A full smile edged onto the hippogriff’s beak, just as Yona burst in through the main door.
“S’mores party Yona, you’re invited too of course.” Smolder chuckled, gathering up the dozens of letters in her arms. “YONA LOVE GOOEY CHOCOLATE MARSHMALLOW GOODNESS!”
Silverstream’s spirits lifted as she followed her friends out the door, looking forward to see the immediate reminders of her distress go up in literal smoke.

“Good! Now watch out for the-”

Gyld sighed, tapping a large crystal that lay on the ground at the edge of the practice arena. The faceless arcane opponent vanished with a flash of energy, leaving an embarrassed gryphon in its wake.
“This is what will trip you up on the final in two weeks, Gallus.” The Master Sergeant quipped, seeing Gallus rubbing the side of his face.

“It’s that one strike that always gets you. Never focus too much on the weapons in an enemy’s hoof or claws; that is merely an extension of them. They still have other limbs to use, and even more so with a unicorn!” Gallus nodded, reaching over to take a swig of water from a bottle.
“That said, you are progressing remarkably well. Are you sure you can keep this up? A few hours extra of practice every day for two months…I’m impressed. I think we’re about done for tonight though.” Gyld remarked, prompting a nod from the younger gryphon.

“In a word, yes. I want to keep learning, and the pace is perfect.” He replied, prompting a chuckle from Gyld.
“Perfect you say? Well, you seem to be learning the techniques fantastically, regardless of the pace, so I have to agree. Now then, a quick review. Regarding the code of a knight; when is a duel an accepted request?”
“If the honor of who, or what, I am sworn to defend and uphold is insulted or threatened. Individuals, nations, or ideals.”
"Good. Can a knight’s loyalty be to multiple individuals or nations?”
"Yes, but with caveats. Singular persons of importance, and nations in which they are citizens of. Conflict between the two must be a rare possibility before taking any oath.”

Gyld nodded approvingly, eyes flickering over a rag-tag batch of combat recruits; apparently wanting to review their first week of training as the older groups including Gallus tested out in two weeks.
“That is correct. Obviously this is all to interpretation. Now then…what if a knight receives a military order that directly goes against his oath? To either creature or country?” Gallus’ brow furrowed, wracking his mind for the answer.
“That’s to be avoided at all cost, possibly acting as a mediator, but then it is the knight’s choice as to which is of most importance.”

As a group of noisy ponies meandered closer, Gyld nodded in approval.
“Correct, mostly. There are a few other political factors; review the most recent chapter, about halfway through it explains it superbly. But well done, you’ve picked everything up much faster than I’d have guessed. Now, Iron Shield is free tonight and was wondering…”

Gyld let his words trail off as three stallions clearly had Gallus’ attention, the gryphon’s eyes narrowing as he picked up the words of the most bombastic one, the other two laughing along.
“Really? The niece of Queen Novo? Riiiiiiight. Wait, you’re serious? Lucky dude.” Gallus couldn’t help but grin. Bombastic or not, this pony didn’t sound half bad.
“She’s probably amazing in bed too. I hear nobles get around a lot.” ….Ok, and now I like him a little less. But I suppose that’s what guys joke about? Well, some of them at least.

Apparently the cream-colored earth pony didn’t notice how his two friends were shaking their heads as he continued to chuckle, seeing Gallus out of the corner of their eyes.
"Wonder if she’ll come to visit? That could be fun for everyone-What? You’ve never been to a party with nobles? All up tight when everyone is around, but then if there’s a room free-”
And there’s the line. Joke around all you like, but don’t insinuate Silverstream is like that.

Gallus calmly tapped the stallion on the shoulder, the other two ponies quickly backing up.
“Excuse me, I couldn’t help but overhear you insinuating a few things about a certain hippogriff noble.” He stated, prompting the stallion to shrug.
“What? Oh, you’re her boyfriend or whatever right? So you’d know, lucky gryphon. Don’t feel bad, it happens to most noble couples- all fine until the next pleasant suitor comes around, then money and politics or just plain boredom takes hold.” The stallion remarked, waving a hoof as though it was well-known information.

Somehow this guy doesn’t seem to notice the five other ponies shaking their heads at him. How stupid is he?
…and is he seriously calling Silverstream a- “I’d know what?” Gallus asked calmly, curious to see how much of a hole this pony was going to dig himself into.
“Uh, you’d know how lucky you are to get her into bed? And probably know how many other guys have been running the same game with her? Then again, probably all at the same time.” Gallus felt his right eye twitch as he gently pressed a set of talons to his temple. Somehow this pony had managed to drain hours of patience away in mere moments.

“I’m sorry, are you accusing Lady Silverstream of sleeping around and otherwise not being faithful?” Gallus asked calmly, the stallion shrugging.
“Not really an accusation if it’s true. Most noble couples are just for show nowadays. Sorry to let you know you’re no exception to that.” Taking a deep breath and sighing, Gallus saw Gyld watching the exchange with an impassive expression. Well. I think this qualifies….

“What is your name?” Gallus asked, the pony looking over at him curiously.
“…Gilded Copper.” “Ok, Gilded Copper, I’m going to ask that you apologize for that insulting remark.” The gryphon stated, watching as the pony looked at him with a slight huff.
“Uh, why?” “Because you insulted Lady Silverstream, someone who I love dearly.”
Gallus had to resist rolling his eyes as the stallion sauntered a bit closer, the pony’s true colors showing as ego began to ooze from the pony’s demeanor. “And if I don’t?”

There was an audible *THWOK* as one of the ponies nearby planted a hoof onto their face with a groan, Gallus having to resist a grin.
“Well, I’ll have to explore other options, unless you apologize. So, I am asking you to do so, please.”
A simple raised eyebrow coupled with a roll of his eyes was the pony’s response.
“…Seriously? Not my fault you don’t know she’s sleeping around, and sleeping well I assume.” The stallion chuckled, Gallus now feeling physically dirty being in the presence of such an individual.

Ok, no more Mr. Nice gryphon. Sighing, Gallus looked over to Gyld, who simply shrugged. The other few ponies watching seemed to wince.
“Some ponies…When your brain was baking, did they forget the yeast? You’ve insulted Lady Silverstream, so now I challenge you to a duel for her honor.
“A what now?” Gyld stepped forward, a rather mischievous gleam in his eye.
“Squire Gallus here is challenging you to a duel to first yield, since you insulted the one has sworn to protect, unless you apologize for your remark of course.”

Regarding the older gryphon with a rather snobbish gaze, Copper shrugged his shoulders.
“Ok, so what is it about? If I win or lose?” Gyld calmly retrieved two training staffs, looking at the rude pony with a huff.
“If Gallus wins, you apologize for your statement- he likely won’t let go until you do. If you win, it shows Gallus has more to learn before challenging one to a duel. If you refuse the duel or to apologize upon losing, you simply will be known as a coward, one who’s word means nothing.”

Copper glared at the two gryphons, snagging a staff with his hooves.
“Well I’m not a coward- Hmm, Gallus…riiiight. Knight in training and all that. Heard a bit about you from my mom and dad- quite the talk in the noble circles.”
"Oh?” Gallus asked, snagging the training staff from Gyld and walking to the sparring area.
"Yep. But still not going to take it back; it is what it is. Hippogriff noble or pony noble; saaaaaame thing.” The gryphon sighed, shaking his head.

“You’re going to regret not apologizing- Ugh. Hey Master Sergeant? Why is it that some ponies just want to take the hard way out?” Gallus asked, seeing his instructor shrug.
“I have no idea.” The pony let out a soft laugh at the exchange, shrugging his shoulders.
"Hard way out? We’ll see- I’ve taken a few lessons.” He twirled the staff, standing at the ready as Gyld dropped a claw to start the duel. “Until the other yields due to pain or being pinned. No grievous wounds. START!”
Copper grinned, half-circling Gallus as he regarded the gryphon with a keen gaze. “Not sure why you’re so mad. You’re the one getting to benefit from her experience after all. Not like-”

With a strike that caused the air to hum with power, Gallus dealt blow to Copper’s cheek, sending the pony to the floor. The gryphon quickly kicking the staff from Copper’s loose grip, he stood over the prone stallion. Still dazed and struggling to get up, the pony was laid flat by another blow between his shoulder blades. “Apologize.” Gallus growled, Copper still trying to grapple the gryphon.
"Why? You going to claw me like you did my friend? You gryphons are all the same.” Copper hissed venomously. Oh. Well that explains a lot. Idiots run in packs it would seem. After a few moments of the pony scrabbling at his arms, Gallus rolled his eyes and promptly yanked a forelimb into a pin, Copper letting out a yelp as his limb was torqued.
“That. Apology.”

Pulling the limb even further, Gallus began to apply more pressure as the stallion let out a cry and began to nod.
Gallus immediately let the limb down, calmly retrieving both staves to hand over to Gyld.
“Duel concluded. Squire Gallus wins.” The older gryphon stated, watching with a surprised and approving eye as Gallus went over to offer a set of claws to Copper.

The stallion looked up at him with a curious gaze, prompting Gallus to roll his eyes.
“What? Just because I think you’re a crude loudmouth doesn’t mean I won’t be a good sport.” He stated, smiling slightly as Copper took his claws to lever himself up- And promptly had to dodge as the stallion tried to swing at him.

Before Gallus could even consciously make a decision, his limb snapped up and promptly socked the stallion in the jaw, once again sending Copper to the mat. Blinking in shock, the gryphon walked over and nudged the pony with a set of talons, then shrugging as he looked over to Gyld. “What is it with most ponies being ok, and then the few that are nasty are just bad?”

Gyld shrugged, waving over one of the late-night medics to tend to the stallion, still out cold on the floor.
“No idea, but well done. That’s the smoothest I’ve seen you react to any strike.” Nodding slowly, Gallus took a few deep breaths and shook his head.
“It was weird, more of an instant reaction than a conscious one.”

The Master Sergeant led him out of the training area, shrugging his own wings.
“It’s starting to be more muscle memory I suppose. Now then, as I was saying before we were so rudely interrupted; Iron Shield is free tonight. So, we could go see how your armor commission is coming along.”

“I’d like that; I should probably meet the pony responsible for refurbishing that armor…” Gallus mused, setting his things aside to follow Gyld out of the school and to the Master Blacksmith’s shop. Even from a block away, a bright glow was visible in the sky as a particular forge was heated to its maximum capacity.

Pushing through the backdoor to the workshop, Gyld looked around at the surprisingly-organized smithy.
“Hey, Iron! Got a friend for you to meet!” “So help me if it’s my wife’s in-laws again you overgrown featherduster-OH! You must be Gallus! The grizzled and rather smoky stallion crowed, eagerly shaking the gryphon’s claws in greeting.

“And you must be Iron Shield. Sorry I haven’t come earlier, haven’t had much free time.” Gallus replied meekly, surprised at how much energy the elderly stallion had to spare.
“I know Gyld here has been working you ragged, so no worries! Your armor- ah, but let me show it to you!” Iron gushed, walking over and yanking a heavy cloak off of a stand that was set off to the side of the room, next to a series of tools and a fairly clean wooden workbench. Gallus’ eyes widened at the sight; the forge light reflecting off of the artifact.
“Whoa…” Gallus whispered, taking a step forward as he was drawn to the chest piece in front of him.

-Songs apply to paragraph below-
Paragraph-Specific Song 1 Song 2
A bit more dull than silver yet shining all the same, the dull grey metal glimmered in the forge light as a predatory gleam seemed to light the polished edges of the breastplate. Polished to perfection, the gold and red Griffinstone crests stood out proudly against the darker background, the hint of a red gem set in the star between the two symbols.
Reaching forward with a set of claws, a shiver went down Gallus’ spine as he touched the ancient armor. A strange power seemed to flow from the old artifact, the piece having been worn by gryphons of old who sought to change the world for the better.
The armor of a knight, and soon I’ll be worthy to wear it and not sully their memory in doing so.
-song cut-

“Mr. Shield, this is perfect.” Gallus whispered, the stallion walking forward and gently removing the breastplate from the stand and handing it over.
“Just Iron, please. Now then, let me go over what I’ve done. I assume Gyld has told you about how some costs are covered? Diplomatic artifact restoration and all that?”

Gallus nodded, Iron then grinning slightly.
“What he didn’t tell you is that you’ll only be paying for the costs of the materials, very little more than that. The right to say I refurbished such a piece; that is a true honor. In lieu of the other costs, all I ask is that you mention my work if anyone asks. My name, the pride I have in my work is more than any bits to me at this point.” Holding the breastplate and looking it over, Gallus couldn’t help but swallow the lump that rose in his throat.
“Iron, your work is worth mentioning to any who will listen and I will gladly do so. Thank you. To me, this is worth more than just its historical value. Wait, is this velvet?” He asked, gesturing to the inside of the breastplate.

“A more durable form of it, aye! The other pieces are still being coated with oil and cleaned. I had some other orders come in, so this all took a bit longer than usual. That said, this breastplate is some of my finest work to date.” The stallion replied, standing up a bit straighter as he gestured to the piece of armor.
“New straps to connect all the pieces have been custom made and set with light chain mail; so even if the fabric frays, it will still hold together as long as the mail core is intact. The padding has been replaced and adjusted; this breastplate is a one-size fit all, and actually I have the segmented pieces to add to it when you grow a bit more. Not sure if you knew what they were when you found them, but if you outgrow this base plate, I can attach them to the edges to still provide full protection.” The master blacksmith continued, then gently prodding the metal with a hoof.

“I cannot add to this armor anything it already doesn’t have. A strange sort of chain-mail was forged into one of the inner layers at its inception; so overall that will stop any crossbow bolt, spear, or stab wound. Add the anti-magical properties of the gem, and you will have a level playing field against any foe. AH! The gem!” The stallion carefully took out a bit-sized rectangular ruby, gently placing it on the inside of the breastplate. “As long as this other gem is attached, it mostly nullifies the armor’s properties. So now it can be worn to any event and such without annoying any unicorns in the vicinity. Remove the inhibitor gem, and it’s back to full power!” Iron chuckled, seeing Gallus run his claws over the armor once again.

“That armor won’t rust for another hundred years. Oil baths, multiple scrubbings, re-heating, and more oiling. As you requested; ready for any social event, or dropped into a battlefield. The other pieces are not ready however; the gauntlets alone are challenging to clean due to all the hinged parts.” Gallus nodded, looking up at Iron with a slight grin.
“The breastplate though, could it be worn…in a few weeks?” Iron now had a matching grin, nodding slowly.
“Aye. To perhaps a certain high-class social ball?”

Holding out his claws, Gallus shook Iron’s hoof in a firm grip- one that was easily outmatched by the blacksmith. “The same. I cannot thank you enough, and I’m already anticipating what the other matching pieces will look like.”
“You’ll have them by the time Gyld sets you free I wager.”
-The Next Day-
Gallus read over the parchment once more before stowing it in the neck satchel, waiting for the tell-tale ‘POOF’ of seafoam on the ground that would signal Silverstream’s arrival. Discord seemed to enjoy doing such a thing, and it certainly was amusing. Sitting in their favorite high-altitude park, Gallus rapped his claws on the ground in thought. Something had been bothering his special-somegriff for weeks now, and while he hadn’t pushed, it pained Gallus to know Silverstream was hurting. He could see it in her gaze, eating away at her actions and thoughts when she wasn’t enamored by the shops they had explored; or him for that matter.

Within moments, a soft artificial wheeze echoed across the park, Silverstream snapping into existence amid a pile of vanishing seafoam. Trotting over to the hippogriff, Gallus wrapped her up in his arms as she began to look around.
“Hi Silver.” He whispered, Silverstream giggling and hugging him back, following up with a loving nuzzle to his cheek.
“Hi to you too.”

Gallus pulled back slightly, not able to resist smiling as two caring lavender eyes gazed back at him.
“Anything notable happen recently? I’m only here for another month or so and then can join in on the daily fun.” He asked, gently placing a palm on Silverstream’s cheek.
“Mmmm. Well we had an impromptu fire and S’mores last night; that was some yummy entertainment. Yona set a new record I think.” She murmured happily, Gallus smiling all the while.
“Sounds delicious; I like the more cinnamon-marshmallows though.” He mused, Silver giggling.
“I know. You wouldn’t stop talking about them the entire rest of that camping trip.” “Hey, they were good!”

Walking a short distance to sit under one of the trees nestled against the mountain wall, Gallus spread his wing over Silver’s shoulder, reaching over to give her claws a squeeze with his own.
“Silver? I know something has been bothering you.” He whispered, feeling her tense up slightly. “If you don’t want to go into it, that’s fine. Just- I just want to help if I can.”

Before Silverstream could speak, a parchment popped into existence in front of the pair, Gallus looking at it curiously.
“…magical letters? Huh. Didn’t know those were a thing outside of Spike and Princess Twilight and such.” Without saying a word, Silverstream reached out and read it over- Then promptly shredding it with her beak and claws, burying her head into Gallus' shoulder afterwards.
“Ah. And I take it I’ve just learned what has been bothering you?” The gryphon ventured to ask, prompting a muffled ‘yes’ into his shoulder.
It was more of a “Yfm,” but close enough.

“Why are they so bothersome? Other than popping up at times. I mean, magical parchment is a tad more expensive, so they have to be somewhat important? Or some sort of unpleasant message?” Gallus asked, feeling Silverstream take a shaky breath at his side, scooting closer to rest against him.
“Only more expensive. N-not important.” Silverstream whispered, her voice hitching slightly.
“Silver? What are they about?” Gallus asked, the hippogriff staring down at her claws.
“You, actually. Or rather, you and me.”

The gryphon blinked, completely at a loss for words.
“I-um, I don’t follow.” He stammered, trying his hardest to connect the dots but failing spectacularly.
Reaching into the small satchel around her neck, Silverstream handed Gallus three parchments, then looked back to the ground as he read them silently.
Dear Lady Silverstream…more titles…ok, wait- ‘we are saddened to hear by your choice of partner?’ Who is this pompous featherhead writing Silver?
Ok, maybe this next one is different… ‘surely could be able to find a more worthy successor of your bloodline’-are you serious?!
Now this final one… ‘eager to keep the noble blood pure, if at any moment you should desire a consort?’ WHAT?!

“Ok, ew.” Gallus muttered, prompting Silverstream to look over at him. “Hm?”
“Keep the noble blood pure? Seriously? What kind of seaweed did this guy eat before writing this?” Gallus asked, happy to see Silverstream’s ears perk up slightly. “He’s one of the highest ranking nobles in Mount Aris, Gallus.”
"Highest ranking in what? Pompfedory?” A very soft giggle reached Gallus’ ears.
“I don’t think that’s a word.”

Standing up a bit straighter, Gallus nudged Silverstream’s shoulder with his own, a gentle smile on his face.
“It is now. Definition: the height of self-centered foolery embodied into a fat hippogriff.” He then paused, gesturing to the letters briefly. “How many of these have you gotten Silver?”
“…dozens. Only the past few weeks though.” “DOZENS?!” Gallus squawked, shaking his head and hugging her close.

“Silver, why didn’t you tell me? I mean, I figure there’s more to this than just idiots writing letters though, but if that’s the case I’ll gladly shred them.” Seeing her nod, Gallus tore the papers to shreds, scooting over to face the hippogriff even as she avoided his gaze.
“I t-thought I could just ignore it! And it’s n-not the letters. It’s w-what they mean.” Silverstream whispered, wings drooping at her sides. A few tears snaked down her cheeks as Gallus pulled her into a hug, rocking the hippogriff back and forth as she cried. I don’t have to understand why; only that you are hurting.

Rubbing the back of her head feathers with a set of claws, Gallus continued to sway back and forth, Silverstream’s tears turning into affectionate nuzzles after a few moments.
“They never cared about me, not like that. Then suddenly when I find someone these nobles don’t approve of, they have my best interests in mind? W-what if I don’t want any of that stuff!” Silverstream hissed, shaking her head before laying it against Gallus’ chest.

“I love you, and I’m happy. Everything feels ok with you, and now I have these nobles wanting to change that. I m-mean they never could, Auntie would never allow it, but even so I know they’re trying to find a law that will let them.” She whispered, tightening her hold around Gallus.
“Digging through laws, trying to find some ancient written garbage to force me to marry-”
“Silver.” Gallus whispered, prompting her to look up at him. “That isn’t going to happen.”

Silverstream pouted, shaking her head slightly.
“Y-you can’t know that.”
Gallus chuckled, nodding slowly. “Aaaaactually, I can. So let’s say they find a law. I doubt Princess Twilight will let that slide, and she’ll go super-bookworm on it. Your friends wouldn’t let you just be whisked away, so you could stay anywhere from Yak-Yakistan to the Dragon Lands until things are figured out.” Gallus mused, then grinning as he rubbed Silver’s back.

“And, failing all that, running away is always an option. Try to find us in the badlands! Good luck to them!”
"….ok the first ideas sounded better.” Silverstream grumbled, prompting a chuckle. “What, you don’t envy the idea of running away with me? Fighting off who knows what in the badlands to keep your freedom? Sleeping under the stars, cooking over a campfire.”
“Well when you put it like that….it does sound rather exciting.” Silver mused, Gallus sighing as he gave her a brief kiss.

“All partial jokes aside Silverstream, I’m saying you have plenty of friends and family on your side. A bunch of stuffy nobles aren’t going to make you do anything.” Making sure to look into the eyes that set his heart on fire, Gallus set his palm on Silverstream’s cheek, the gryphon not able to keep a loving smile off his beak. “You deserve to make your own choices; and I’m still amazed one of those choices includes me. I’ll take on anyone who dares try to make you do anything.”

Silverstream melted into his embrace, sagging against Gallus’ touch with a smile. “Ocellus said you’d help; I should have told you a while ago, and she was right of course.” She murmured, brow then furrowing. “Um, how would you ‘take on’ anyone, as noble and r-rather attractive as that sounds.” Silverstream asked with a slight blush. “As amazing as that sounds, you socking some of these nobles over the beak…” She added with a rather nasty grumble.

“Oh. I can challenge them to a duel for your honor. The bonus of being a knight in training. I kind of already did that actually…” Gallus replied, Silverstream pushing him back briefly as her wings flared.

“You’re a WHAAAAAT?!” She exclaimed, eyes wide in shock as Gallus chuckled, blushing slightly with embarrassment. “Wasn’t sure how to tell you; wanted it to be a surprise until today though.” He grinned, the kiss Silverstream yanked Gallus into making the gryphon’s feathers stand on end.
“That’s. So. COOL!” She yelled, pulling him into another hug.
“The main reason I wanted to wait for today, is…well….” Gallus fished out a parchment, handing it over to the once-again-bouncy hippogriff.

“Huh? ‘Squire Gallus would like-‘ You’re a ‘squire?’ OHMYGOSHTHAT’SAWESOME-‘would like to formally invite Lady Silverstream to the Royal Canterlot Hearth’s Warming Ball.’” She looked up with shimmering eyes, Gallus grinning widely.
“So, would you care to join me for a night of dance and-MMMF!”

Silverstream tackled Gallus into an energetic kiss; one of the longest and best she had ever surprised him with. Like herself, it was full of warm energy and love, making Gallus’ entire face a lovely shade of purple as she finally let him breath. “W-wow.” He stammered with a dopey grin, Silverstream blushing nearly as badly. “Soooooo is that a yes?” Gallus asked, Silverstream stifling a giggle as she nodded.
“That’s a total yes. I can’t WAIT!” She exclaimed, voice squeaking as she flapped off the ground briefly before settling back down. “Waaaaait a minute. This duel thing. How does it work? So these codes you’ve mentioned, what are they? And-” Her eyes narrowed slightly. “You said that you already dueled? What?”

Gallus couldn’t help but grin; even as his feathers fluffed slightly from embarrassment. “Eh, basically if someone insults my honor, or that of who or what I am sworn to uphold, I challenge them to a duel; fight until they yield. So that oath would be to Equestria, the Gryphon Empire, and to you.” He explained, meeting her gaze before looking away, the blush becoming a bit more pronounced. “Basically if they refuse to apologize the duel goes on. Then if I win, they have to or are seen as a coward and generally ‘lower’ individual who won’t stand behind their words or thoughts. If I lose, it just shows I need more training before I can make such claims.”

Silverstream nodded, then poking his chest with a claw. “Buuuuuuut you said you already did that?” Gallus’ blush now was changing his entire face purple, the gryphon nodding as his wings flared slightly.
"I-erm, yeah. Basically some pony decided to insinuate some rather nasty things about you. So I challenged him and won. Not my fault he tried to take a swing at me after the duel and I knocked him out…”
Silverstream barely held in a giggle, yanking Gallus close for a tight hug. “That’s so sweeeeeeeeet! You’d d-do that- you DID that for me?” She asked, looking up at him as Gallus shrugged. “Um, duh? I love you, so nobody is going to say anything nasty or possibly spread rumors if I can help it.”
“….what was he saying?”

Gallus sighed, having known Silverstream would ask such a question but hating to repeat it all the same.
“Apparently nobles aren’t known for faithfulness to their partners. So implying you fell into that mix that-erm ‘got around’ per say. And some other things about that alleged stuff.”
“…oh…OH!” She shook her head vigorously.
“I hate that view; I’ve heard it before though.” The hippogriff’s wings sagged slightly.
“And then these…these coral-heads back home doesn’t make that any better, just see me as some bloodline saving creature! Did they ever ask what I want? N-nobody ever was close enough have me even want to-until-I-Maybe I just -UGH!” She smacked her head against the nearest object, which happened to be Gallus’ chest, causing him to wheeze.

“Ow. Um, Silver.” “OHMYGOSHIMSORRY.” She squealed, poking his feathers with a claw. “Are you ok?”
“Just need to…breath.” Gallus chuckled, rustling Silverstream’s head feathers. “I love that you’re so spunky, and energetic, at least when you’re not knocking the wind out of me.” He added, prompting an adorable blush in return.
“S-sorry.” She was quiet for a moment, then giving Gallus another hug and series of neck nuzzles. A bit of dampness shone in the hippogriff’s eyes as she gave him a tender kiss, then cuddling against his feathers.

“Just the fact you’re willing to fight for me, in any way…that means so much.” She whispered. “Even if it’s just against those who say nasty things; n-nobody has done that before, and I can’t say anything since it’s just my word against theirs. If my family or I said anything it would just make it seem true if I denied it a-and-”
“Silverstream, shush.” Gallus muttered, reaching up to tap her beak with a claw. “I’m here to fight the battles that you aren’t able to- or just won’t because it would just make things worse. Let creatures say what they want; hey, let those nobles find some stupid law. I’ll be standing between them and you every time.”

Silverstream didn’t say much for a time, silent tears tracing down her cheeks as she relaxed in her special somegriff’s arms. “I love you Gallus.”
“I love you too Silver.” The immediate replying whisper made Silverstream’s heart soar as she hugged him close. “Want to go get some Pish?” The hippogriff promptly dissolved into giggles as Gallus gave her a hug, the two then hopping to the edge of the park and launching themselves into a relaxing glide.

“Sir?” Gyld’s ears perked up as a royal guard in full armor walked into his administrative office, placing a single parchment on his desk.
“Is this regarding the vault break ins?” He asked, the guard noddingly simply.
“Just an update. We still haven’t discovered anything; but the Princesses want you on standby, unofficially. They’ve done the same for all of the guard actually.” The gryphon chuckled sadly, shaking his head.
“First year in the royal guard? I mean no offence of course.” He asked, the pony tilting his head before nodding.
“Almost five months Sir, just running messages for now.”
“You’ll come to learn two things son; first is that when they say ‘we don’t know anything,’ and then put you on standby, that means they most certainly do know something.”
“And the second thing Sir?”
Glyd looked at the pony with the hint of a steely smile.
“The second thing, is that when you are put on ‘standby,’ that just political language meaning ‘be ready for anything.’”

Author's Note:

Woohoo! Things are picking up!
AND THE RETURN OF THE SNARKY GALLUS! Hadn't been too sure how to write in his usual sarcasm until now, just due to the plot/who he was interacting with. But now he's getting back to his normal self!
Thank you to all who have favorited and commented! Feedback still is appreciated and welcome! (Side note- feel free to add to various groups, but double check to ensure it's in the correct folder for said group! :twilightsmile:)

I hear something...What is that?
Drums, in the deep.