• Published 26th Oct 2018
  • 5,704 Views, 566 Comments

Prison of Ice with Silver Keys - RadBunny

As Gallus navigates the uncertain waters of being a special somegriff, demons from past his refuse to let him rest. As a hostile empire looms, Gallus will need to fight with every fiber of his being; only this time it's to protect the one he loves.

  • ...

Chapter Fourteen: A Forbidden Jungle of Terror

The ethereal hippogriff winced as black tinted ice spread across the floor- a livid primate taking a few deep breaths as the two stared at the ruined equipment.
“Sulfid, do you understand how inconveniencing this is?” The necromancer hissed, prompting the noble hippogriff to shake his head.
“Not entirely. I am still surprised there weren’t more guards. I did say-”
“Do not finish that sentence.” IC growled, glaring at the noble.
“You were correct in that the holding cells should have been moved. As I explained before, the runes here disrupt your forms- all except the higher echelons at least. That is why you are here, and the others are not. The troops who responded are still regenerating.”

Sulfid shrugged his wings as he looked around briefly, then gesturing to the ruined runes behind the open containment cell.
“He took some of the stones, disrupted the runes, and smashed your staff? Are you certain everyone is loyal? This is what a planned attack would have caused, not some gryphon bodyguard.”
The necromancer waved a hand, picking up half of the ruined staff and reforming it into a smaller version of its former self.
“I am certain, but will certainly investigate.” He growled.
“I believe he simply got lucky, but we can’t rule out anything else. That being said, the loss of both the staff and the pearl shard is annoying, and the disruption of the runes caused a feedback loop.”
“Meaning?” The hippogriff asked, letting out a wince as IC bounded forward and poked his chest.
The arcane energy rippled, giving into the touch a lot more than it should have.
“It means, that we are in a dearth of energy. It will take another day or two before I can restore the necromantic channels into the leylines- but before that can even initiate, we need a bridge of additional energy to prevent a complete collapse.”

Sulfid blinked, then shook his head fiercely.
“A bridge? Oh no no no, I see where you are going with this. I cannot advise that!” He muttered, prompting IC to chuckled.
“Go ahead, don’t advise me. Two hundred bodies or so will suffice. In fact, there’s a small pony trading settlement near the edge of the badlands we can utilize. It is still dark out- the Princess’s won’t know its fate until sunrise, or perhaps later when their army actually gets here which is another few days at least.”
“You will bring down the sun onto us!”

IC shook his head, the purple magic tendrils flaring around his crimson eyes.
“Not fully. The other runes are intact, as are the other artifacts. I still have targeted two cities in every kingdom- well, three in Equestria. If we don’t act now, we start to lose bodies. I will drain that town and brace for the counter-attack. Besides, letting loose a large attack now may allow for a compromised standstill in which we can win conventional warfare.”

The hippogriff hated the logic; technically correct, but still madness.
“So you are expecting them to respond?”
IC chuckled, waving a hand and turning one of the walls transparent to survey the slowly growing machine of progress below them. Massive runes were slowly and meticulously being carved into the lifeless dirt as more tents and squat stone buildings rose from the dust. All were lit by the same teal ethereal fire that inhabited the active runes.
“Expect? Oh yes. My request was to have them leave me alone. The fact I am infringing on their kingdom warrants a counter gesture. The question is how severe said attack will be. I am confident we can endure it, mainly because our regenerative power isn’t bound by mortal limits. Also, I’ll drain one of their metropolitan areas if they respond with overwhelming force. If their attack is weak, then I’ll test a stronger response to find the limit.” He mused, seeing the hippogriff start to nod.

“So this is a test to see how much they value two hundred lives? If they respond too harshly, they risk more cities to fall, yet too soft will cause instability within. Push until their attacks aren’t easily repelled to find an acceptable impasse.” Sulfid mused, starting to see the mad king in a more respectable light.
“Forgive my doubting, that does make sense. It is a different game with the power of Alicorns and a hippogriff Queen in play I suppose.”

IC nodded, looking out across his growing empire with a grin.
“All is forgiven, and you are correct. One must deal with these opponents as they are- not knights or pawns, but kings and queens on the board. However, considering the Sun Princess has been defeated multiple times in the past year, I expect to only get a sunburn. I believe her powers to be greatly exaggerated.”
He then paused, looking back at the hippogriff.
“That said…”
The primate’s eyes then narrowed to spear Sulfid to the core.
“Find that gryphon and the pearl shard. The hippogriff needs to be alive- but whatever condition that may be is irrelevant. Once I can examine that shard, I might be able to bring hundreds under our rule with a single spell. As for the gryphon, kill him if needs be. The stones can be replaced- the crystals and the shard much less so.” IC then let a rather savage grin split his features.
“Let your subordinates know- if they fail, I won’t have to enact punishment. They won’t regenerate fully unless we have all our pieces in place, which we currently do not.”

Sulfid cast a quick salute and dashed off- mentally shuddering. The idea of spending an unknown time in a timeless void more than enough to send him soaring into the air from a nearby balcony.
IC watched his commander dive to the bottom floor, letting a bit of savage rage seep from his previously composed frame.
“You got lucky, gryphon runt. I’ll find you soon enough. You just took a two hundred life loan from me.”

The spell was simple to weave and cast- a scintillating wave of purple and black magic arcing through the night towards the target over the horizon. He had spent the previous hours etching the runes for this very purpose, so such a seamless casting was to be expected.
Over a hundred miles away, the inhabitants of a sleepy trading village didn’t even have time to scream as their lives were snuffed out in an instant, leaving scorched bodies in the spell’s wake.
The runes inside the ice walls abruptly began to glow brighter as the energy was absorbed by the evil magic, low reserves now being bolstered to acceptable levels as the fresh energy was used to draw further power from darker places.

“I’ve just taken one of your pawns Celestia. Will you strike with a pawn in turn? Or do I warrant a queen’s punch, if you can even summon such a gesture.” The necromancer hissed, turning to check the status of the various magical barriers around his kingdom.
“If you haven’t moved a chess piece by mid-day, I’ll assume I can take another turn. Surely that will be enough time for you to decide.”

Gallus snapped awake, chest heaving as a fading bit of moonlight squirmed through a slight stone gap in the ceiling. His entire body was sore, and the numerous scratches and scrapes on his hide stung like crazy.
But they were alive, and that was saying something. He must have only slept for a few hours- the full moon giving plenty of light through the fist-sized hole in the ceiling as it began to journey down the sky. The sun would most likely rise within an hour or two…

His own pain was put on hold as the gryphon padded over to Silverstream who lay prone on a stone slab. The mad dash last night had yielded this cave as a shelter- barely a dozen feet off the ground at that but surprisingly deep underground. The pile of boulders had been sheltering this decently-sized cavern, enough for about ten gryphons to stand in. A smaller passage led off the opposite end of the entrance- only a few fist-sized rocks blocking the emergency exit that was buried under rotting grass and wood.

One way in, two ways out, both of which were hidden; not bad.
If Gallus was right, they had a river close by too. He had passed by the cave and then doubled back on hitting the water’s edge- drinkable water was a plus…
I just have to think about surviving in the woods near Griffinstone. Need food, water, shelter. Checkmark on the last two…

First though was Silverstream. The hippogriff was still out cold, a crude bandage encasing her back right thigh. It had been dark and it was a patchy job at best- but the sword blow that Gallus had dodged on leaving the tower had indeed found a mark, just not in his hide. The gash was a good few claw lengths long- but not too deep.
It looked like the grass and vine bandage had caused the bleeding to slow, and possibly stop thankfully.

Gallus swallowed, nerves threatening to rise up as he looked at the pearl shard still vibrating with dark magic. Next to it, one of the stones he had stolen from the tower lay- it seemed to suppress the evil energies slightly. That made sense, considering Gallus had seen chunks of this stone in new textbooks detailing the destruction of a changeling throne.

Even if he was wrong, at this point the gryphon would take whatever advantages he could get.
I can bandage a wound- and other stuff thanks to Gyld’s first aid classes. But this is magic- how do I help that?! He wondered, pulling up one of Silverstream’s eyelids.
Purple flames promptly began to leak from the comatose hippogriff’s eyes, prompting the gryphon to take a step back.

“I don’t know how to fix this.” Gallus muttered, reaching over to hold Silverstream’s claws in his own.
As he sat looking at Silver, a slow realization crept into the young gryphon’s heart. There were very few times he had genuinely been scared- living on the streets had dulled him to quite a few worrisome situations. But now, being helpless as the one he loved most lay under some sort of magical torment, Gallus was terrified.
For all he knew, Silver might die right in front of him- and there would be nothing he could do about it.

That simple thought cemented itself into Gallus' mind, and the implications sent an unpleasant shiver down his spine. It scared him more than the storm beasts or even the crazed Ice King.
What if she was gone?
What if I lost her forever?

Gallus’ talons tightened into a fist, the gryphon shaking his head.
I can’t dwell on that. I have to do something!
Walking closer, Gallus reached over and held the dark-magic inflicted pearl shard.
“How do I help this? Is this spell what’s affecting you?” He whispered.
I don’t know any magic, only that one rune spell Gyld taught me.
That won’t do any good against this, what can I-?

Gallus blinked as a familiar warm feeling slid down his arm, liquid-like crystal wrapping around his talon and then encasing the pearl shard. The dark magic seem to shudder slightly and recoil as the crystal wove a small barrier around it, encasing the evil energy to a smaller portion of the shard.
His breastplate then blinked, the gryphon’s armor suddenly becoming much colder and heavier. Withdrawing into a large shard, the crystal hoofball-shaped chunk promptly dropped to the floor and began to blink slowly, light beginning to pool at the bottom of the oval. It shimmered briefly, and the green light grew in intensity slightly- settling at the bottom.

It’s almost like it’s filling up, the light dripping into a reservoir that- oooooooooooh!
“You’re out of power.” Gallus muttered, startled as the armor blinked once as though answering.
“Well. Ok then, at least I know the limits of it. And-” The gryphon looked over to Silverstream again, relieved to see the pearl shard still holding onto the pieces of the crystal.
“So it can split even when recharging, ok…”
Silverstream stirred, mumbling in her sleep.

That’s the first time she’s spoken or even moved.
Holding her claws tightly, Gallus carefully moved Silverstream into a more comfortable resting position, holding a wing over her side. He couldn’t help but smile as the armor glowed a bit brighter at the gesture.
Well if it’s powered by love, no trouble there.
Rising up through the shock and the nerves, a few burning tears edged into Gallus’ eyes.
“I can’t lose you.” He whispered, leaning over to rest his cheek against Silverstream’s shoulder lightly. Somehow talking to the sleeping hippogriff eased his fears ever so slightly.
“I tried to keep you safe. I tried, but we’re still here. I’m sorry...” Gallus took a few breaths, nuzzling Silver’s shoulder and wanting nothing more than for her to pop up with her usual energy.

“I don’t want you to leave me.”
With those words, a lightning bolt seared Gallus’ heart and mind.
“I don’t want to leave you, ever.” He whispered, holding her claws tightly.
That almost sounds like-
“And I won’t.” The gryphon added, a few tears now leaking from his tired eyes.
“Y-you know, I told your parents about another visit. I said we’d visit more, and then they mentioned maybe a visit without you knowing. I was thinking about it before that though.” Gallus said, still holding Silverstream close with his wing.
“You know what I said? I said that’d be a thing. I wasn’t sure when though- but I knew I’d ask them for permission…to ask you….”

The armor container glowed a cheery green as Gallus forced the words past the lump in his throat.
“If-when we get out of here, I’ll be making that trip as soon as I can. You’re it.” He said, letting out a shaky breath, a slight smile now breaking through.
“And maybe I’ll be able to tell you this to your face, not when you’re asleep. I guess I’m planning on it though. I can only hope you feel the same.”
The gryphon leaned against the hippogriff, letting his thoughts run freely- it was a pleasant if not temporary distraction from the horrors outside the cave.
“I guess I’ll just have to take a leap of faith. I wonder how that trip would even go, asking your parent’s permission? I mean, before that I actually think some therapy for the two of us would be good. As long as it’s with you, I think I could handle it. I think we’ll both need it after this…” A slight huff left Gallus’ beak at that.

“Yeah, I could do that. But how do hippogriffs ask the other to marry them? How does royalty ask? Oh boy…” He muttered at that thought.
Step one, escape freaky necromancer. Step two, research how to propose to someone, then hippogriff proposal customs, and finally hippogriff royalty proposal methods. In that order.
…Solid plan.

His nerves somewhat calmed, Gallus stood up with a deep breath and looked around.
If I’m going to be by your side forever Silver, then I’d better start looking for a way to get out of here, huh?
The realization gave Gallus a surprising amount of clarity. It was the end of a long winding set of paths over the past year that led to the single overriding thought. He had mused about such a topic before of course, but now was the first time it had clarified into a concrete feeling and defined choice.
She’s the one.
As much as he wanted to share, to jump with joy at the prospect, and being able to even feel these things for Silverstream, the Squire had to restrain himself.
They were still behind enemy lines, and they needed food and water.
I’m still going to give her one amazing kiss when she’s awake though. I never thought I’d find…

Gallus walked over to the armor shard- pulling off the sword handle that had affixed itself on the crystal chunk along with the staff piece. To his relief the weapon still snapped on and off.
At least I won’t be defenseless out there.
Another brief look around the cave yielded a few interesting ideas. The rocks were loose in one section near the escape tunnel- that could be a concealed fire pit, since the smoke would dissipate in the tunnel and such. He’d dig that later- a pit for the fire, and then a small tunnel from one pit to the other. Such a setup would cause the smoke to dissipate slightly even before leaving the fire pit, assuming he covered it with grass at the exit.

Near the large stone slab where Silverstream was, there was a large circular divot; as though an arm-wide boulder had caused the rock to sag into the ground. It could hold quite a bit of water if full actually. Further down the ‘escape tunnel’ was a bit of softer dirt- a lovely five star toilet in this case.
“Oh boy. Well, better than rocks…” Gallus muttered as he scraped out a deep hole- better now than later. A bit more grass was added to the exit- the gryphon making a mental note to look at it on the outside.

Taking a brief look at Silverstream, Gallus scrawled a quick note on the ground next to the armor shard before edging to the cave entrance.
Covered by a large rock and a pile of dead sticks and grass, the entrance was little more than a depression in the ground next to the rocky outcropping. The land around them was thankfully more forest-like than swampy, but the ground had a definite ‘give’ to it whenever large puddle of water made an appearance. Strangely though the air was nippy with the partially overcast sky.
The Ice King…Could he be trying to make this place into a giant snow kingdom?

From what Gallus had learned about biology, that would not turn out well for the swamp. It would also make things difficult if they couldn’t escape soon. The arcane creatures probably didn’t have an aversion to cold weather, so that could be a pretty good tactic to discourage intruders. The immediate area was full of large bushy trees draped with vines and moss, and the sound of insects and other creatures filled the air. Everything had the same odd lime-green tint, the swamp seeming to exclude a sickly demeanor.
But for now- find new bandage supplies, a container for water, and maybe some food.

The bandage items were easy- clean vines from low hanging trees and some fresh non-irritating grass. Gallus had to be careful to pick only the types that didn’t have razor like edges which grew in clumps next to puddles.
A careful and quiet trot back to the cave, and Gallus set out again. Walking around the back of the rocky outcrop, he found the disguised secret exit. It was completely hidden under rotting grass and a few rocks- but he added a bit more foul vegetation to be sure. There was a large puddle nearby- providing quite a stench next to the exit.
Huh. That will make it easier to mask the smell of fire and waste.

Then exploring towards the river, Gallus was careful to watch where his paws went- just like when sneaking around in the alleyways and bordering forest areas of Griffinstone.
You don’t want anyone to know you were there. No stepping on wet ground- as much as possible at least. No stepping on sticks, caaaaarefully edging around the greenery to not bruise the leaves.
Huh. It’s easier than trying to hide tracks in snow at least.

Gallus paused, a smile on his beak as he found a stack of stones.
Bingo. Ok, ok, what do I need? Medium sized ones…this should be enough.
If it got cold, these smooth stones could be awesome once heated up- assuming a fire was possible.
After another trip back to the cave, the gryphon grinned as he spotted some decently dried wood pieces and ferried them back to the cave as well. Considering it was a swamp, this was a rarity!
Ok. Tinder, check. Work on fire-starting methods later. If it rains, goodbye dried wood. AH! There’s the water.
It was definitely a river- at least as wide as the main school auditorium. It seemed only to be deep in the middle, the edges sporting all sorts of plant life as the water moved steadily along.
I don’t recognize any of these plants. They could kill me or make me puff up like a balloon...WAITAMINUTE!
The gryphon was all smiles as he carefully snagged an arm-full of puffy cattails, yanking up the entire plant. He was particular to remove them in spotty bunches up and down the entire river bank to maintain the natural look of the river as best he could, masking the telltale sign of harvesting.
Total. Goldmine.
These common ‘weeds’ were nothing short of a nomad’s dream; their uses only limited by imagination. In this case, they might quite literally be a life saver.
Ok. Food for like, a day, check. AND I can use the ash from these to help Silverstream’s cut! Until then, a root poultice will have to do.

The sun was now up; slowly creeping higher into the sky and peeking through the clouds. Gallus winced as he looked around for something, anything that could hold water. A glint of something caught his eye, and the gryphon couldn’t help but smile as he picked out an empty glass cider bottle.
The one time littering turns out to be a good thing. Thank you random drunk creature…
It was a small bottle- so filling it up and ferrying it back to the cave would take far too long. As he was pondering, it was only now that Gallus realized he hadn’t had a drink, let alone something to eat in over a day.
…well. Crud.

Finding a fairly fast-moving area of the river near the bank, the gryphon drank his fill and shrugged. Boiling it was out of the question for now; so he’d have to take his chances. There was no way he’d chance a fire yet, but dehydration could be a deadly distraction now.
I can probably handle any nasties in the water better than Silverstream can. Hopefully I’ll have time to boil it before she wakes up.
Walking along the bank, Gallus kept his eyes peeled for any other trash. He needed something bigger, even something large and semi-flat would work.


Removing his breastplate, Gallus rinsed it in the water before then dipping it into the river and carefully ferrying the contents back to the cave. It was only a few minutes of walking, so after a few trips the small divot in the cave floor was nearly full.
Food, check. Water, check. Ok, and now it’s getting a bit too light for my liking. Guess it’s back to being nocturnal again.
It wasn’t his favorite schedule, but if things were dangerous during daylight, going out at night in Griffinstone or this swamp was marginally less so.

Buckling the breastplate back on, the gryphon concealed the entrance once again as he checked on Silverstream.
“Well. We can stay in here until nighttime. Then we can either move or I can get more supplies. Honestly…I’ll probably see if I can set them all on a false trail tonight.” He mused, sitting down next to Silverstream.
“Cattail parts for breakfast lunch and dinner today. Hmm. The fluffy stuff can be ground into a flour, but no flat cakes on the menu. I can probably weave a better bandage with the fibers though.”

The gryphon busied himself with separating the life-saving pieces of the plant into piles, grinding up a clawfull of roots with a spare rock. He then carefully applied the poultice underneath the vine bandage on Silverstream’s flank.
Hopefully that can stave off infection at least a bit.
The exhausted gryphon then flopped next to Silverstream and quickly became aware of another necessity.
“…tonight, grass for a bed. Ow.” He muttered, weariness seeping into his limbs. The life and death flight of the previous day and night had caught up to him- and Gallus was struggling to keep his eyes open.
He wasn’t sure if he imagined it- but as he drifted off to sleep leaning against Silverstream’s shoulder, she seemed to snuggle closer to him.
“Love you Silver….”
A few hours after Gallus closed his eyes, a sadistic primate grinned as he looked out across the tents and runes in front of him as the sun rose to mid-day. Surveying the growing industry from a small hill, the Necromancer began to summon up the dark magic that seeped from his connection to the other realm.
“Time is up Celestia. Let us play some more chess.
Pawn to C-Five. Will I take one of your castles?”

Troop movement papers scattered in front of her, Celestia cast a keen gaze over the reports in the war room. The rail lines to the south had been sabotaged as she expected, so Equestria’s main force was delayed once again.
We are not quick to war- that restraint has served us so well until now.
“Princess!” A pony looked up from a large projected map- similar to that Twilight had in her castle.
“Dark magic surge detected! It’s heading to Ponyvile!” The pony called, prompting Celestia to stand up and begin to charge a teleportation spell.
“I’ll handle that my-”
A clawed paw promptly snuffed the spell on the Alicorn’s horn much like a candle being put out.
“Nope. I think you’re busy enough.” A cheeky Draconequus chuckled as he stood on the table.
He nodded, looking at the map and the black line that was slowly extending from the ice kingdom to Ponyville.
“The one and only. I’ll take care of this. That buffoon is threatening Fluttershy and stole my only gryphon friend. He also ruined guys night!” Discord growled, his spastic demeanor softening ever so slightly.
“Here’s a crumb of information for you by the way. They have remnants of the changeling throne- quite a few pieces actually. I suspect they are charging it with necromantic runes to spread the dampening effect, that’s why your scouts can’t send any scrying spells into their kingdom, and why I cannot intervene.”
Another look at the map, and the Draconequus flipped upside down and waved.

The inhabitants of Ponyville were largely unaware as the wave of dark magic sped onwards. On impact, the life energy of every pony and living creature within range would be siphoned back to the ice kingdom, then held in storage before being distributed among the arcane creatures.
As the strike neared, a strange creature popped into existence above the town- dressed in plaid-pattered armor and holding a small metal stick as he balanced on a small circular green area of floating grass.

“I do feel like a round of golf today. How about you, necromancer?” Discord chuckled as he held the putter at ready.
The wave was nearly upon the town, growing to the size of a castle as it gathered and prepared to unleash its full energy.
“You don’t get to mess with my friends!” Discord hissed, the golf club growing in size to match the magical attack.

With a clap of thunder that shattered a few windows, the God of Chaos teed off against the deadly magic, sending the purple and black bolt arcing back towards the ice kingdom at a much greater speed than it arrived.
“Hmm. Not a hole in one though, how disappointing.” Discord mused, then examining his claw which now stung with dark magic tendrils.
“That’s interesting…might have to break out the first aid kit for this one.”
Celestia watched in satisfaction at the viewing portal in front of her- a feed from one of the advance scouts sent to observe the ice kingdom. Since in-depth scrying spells were out of the question, a simple magnification spell would have to do. The dark magic impacted the base of the tower, eating away at the stone and punching a hole to the other side.
“Well done Discord. Well done.”
The necromancer pouted, diverting some magic to begin shoring up the foundations of the tower.
“You defeated my pawn’s attack, but is that all? You still cower behind your defenses?”


Wakefulness only brought aches and pains to Silverstream’s awareness. Cracking her eyes open, the hippogriff immediately shut them again and shivered as a cold sweat instantly coated her frame. From what she had briefly seen- the surrounding cave was dimly lit by sunlight- but that was about it.
Ugh. I feel like I got tossed off a cliff after eating some bad fish…
Her stomach was in knots, and Silver’s right leg ached. A headache threatened to surge forwards from a low awareness to a full blown migraine as well.
What happened? Why am I-?

The previous day came flooding back, prompting her to curl into a ball and let out a soft cry.
I remember.
It had been a scene ripped from her worst nightmare- held by that creature as dark magic had torn into her entire body. Just before she had drifted off to unconsciousness, she had heard a familiar battle cry though-
Her eyes snapping open, Silverstream ignored the pain it caused, about to cry out for her favorite gryphon-
Only to see him slumbering next to her, a wing draped over her back.
“Y-you’re here, you’re safe.” She whispered, closing her eyes to then scoot underneath her head under his.
That strong heartbeat. He’s here. We got out- somehow.
Did you rescue me?

“Mwa? Silver?” Gallus blearily muttered, his entire body then stiffening.
Familiar and strong arms held the hippogriff in a tender embrace, tears coursing from the gryphon’s loving gaze as he nuzzled Silverstream’s neck feathers.
“You’re ok. You’re ok…” He whispered, sides shaking with barely contained sobs.
“I’m ok Gallus- well, I feel cruddy, but I’m here. W-what’s going on? How did we get out?” Silverstream asked, her question apparently having to wait as Gallus shook his head and just hugged her.
“Just, give me a minute.” Gallus replied softly, gently nuzzling her features before giving Silverstream a gentle and loving kiss. Even as the rest of her body felt totally ill, the gesture still caused a pleasant shiver to run down her spine.
“I didn’t know if you’d ever wake up.”

Silverstream let herself enjoy his touch as long as she could, but she suddenly winced as a series of shivers ran through her frame.
“Erm, Gallus? I don’t feel so great.” She muttered, the pink hippogriff’s face gaining a green tinge.
With surprising ease, Gallus helped her stumble down a side passageway and to a recently dug hole-

And just in time as Silverstream promptly heaved up what was left in her stomach, Gallus stoically letting her lean on him for support. Then helping Silver back, the gryphon looked at her right leg and nodded slowly.
“Well, the bandage is still holding- but probably hurts.” He muttered, then stepping forward to hug her again.
“Can you tell me what’s going on? Um, no need to let me go though.” Silver admitted, Gallus’ embrace easily banishing the darker thoughts in her mind.

As Gallus recounted the previous day’s events, Silverstream’s heart felt like it was about to burst.
“You fought that creature to save me? Carried me out of that tower and then ran with me on your back? And got all this set up….” She whispered, the Squire then pulling back to look at her perplexedly. A strange confidence shone in his blue eyes as a smile edged onto his beak.
“Of course I did. Why wouldn’t I?”
Another loving kiss occupied Silverstream attention, Gallus then nuzzling her cheek with his.
“I love you more than anything- I’d do it all again in a heartbeat.”
Where did this different sort of confidence come from? It’s…new. But I like it.

“We have cattails for dinner- both parts of the roots and stems are rather yummy. I can show you of course. I’ll get some water boiling too. I drank some and feel ok, but I don’t want to mess with you having to deal with any nasties in the water.” He explained.
“We just need to stay put, at least for a day or two. You also don’t look too great, and I can’t carry you far without leaving a trace.” The gryphon walked over to another hole, close to another one on the other side of a large rock.

“I found this out when I woke up a hour or two ago and experimented before napping again.” Pulling out his sword, Gallus sent it skittering against a stone, sending a cascade of sparks into the hole. With a soft ‘puff’ a fire ignited, and the smoke exited the other hole, which had a large amount of grass covering it.
“It’s connected? Fire on one side, and the smoke goes out there?” Silver asked, grateful for any distractions at this point.

“Uh huh. Helps disperse the smoke. Air pushes it through the tunnel I dug, then dissipates in the grass. By the time it leaves the tunnel down there, nobody will be able to find it. I’d rather not make a fire, but to get water for you….I don’t want to risk having you drink bad water.” Gallus explained as he placed a water-filled glass bottle on the flames in the bottom of the pit.

Satisfied at the soon-to-be clean water, Gallus walked back over and promptly held Silverstream’s claws.
“How are you feeling? Leg probably hurting…” He muttered, looking at the wound briefly.
“Feels like I got tossed down a mountain and ate some bad pish.” Silver muttered, settling down on the cool stone with a sigh. Out of curiosity, she reached a set of claws up to brush against the pearl shard-
And met crystal instead, causing her to tilt her neck and observe the odd phenomenon.

“Don’t…touch it.” Gallus warned, shaking his head.
“There’s still some sort of dark magic affecting it. You didn’t stir until the armor contained the spell. I think it did anyhow.” He shrugged, eyes becoming slightly damp.
“I really don’t care how it worked, but it did.”
As Gallus sat there holding her claws, Silverstream had no words. Very few things in her life could leave her speechless- and yet what Gallus had done for her
She hoped the hug she gave him conveyed at least a bit of that as she leaned against the young gryphon’s chest.

“Thank you Gallus. I don’t know if I can ever thank you enough.”
Looking up briefly, the hippogriff found Gallus looking at her curiously.
“Thanks are nice, but I did it because I can’t lose you.” His voice cracked on the final few words.
“The fact you love me is thanks enough.”
Silverstream managed a smile, squeezing his claws tightly.
“And I do love you Gallus, so incredibly much. The fact you went through all this for me is a b-bit overwhelming though.” She squeaked, prompting the gryphon to shrug, a bit of his cocky demeanor returning.
“It was nothing. Just beat up a few jerks.”
The barely contained laugh caused a painful wince from Silverstream as she shook her head.
“Ok. Laughing bad, ow. It’s like after I did a bunch of laps at school- but every muscle feels like that.”

Gallus was about to reply when his ears perked up- and Silverstream caught the sound of distant voices.
“Oh no.” He whispered, looking at a small chunk of crystal on the ground. It appeared to be a quarter full of green light.
“That’s my armor by the way- or the crystal part of it. Not recharged fully…” Gallus remarked, shaking his head.
“I have to go.” He whispered, taking the crystal chunk and then setting it down as an afterthought.
“I’ll lead them away and then be back by nightfall, or close after it.” The Squire continued, putting the armor shard close to her.
“If you have to run, press that to your chest and tap it three times. It might make you feel good enough to get free, ok?”
I don’t like how matter of fact you’re was being about all this… Silverstream pouted, worry eating at her heart.
“I can’t lose you either Gallus.” She whispered, prompting him to pause.
“You won’t. Just stay quiet here. I love you Silverstream- see you soon.”
And with that, he was gone, carefully slipping out the main entrance.

Tears now welled up in Silverstream’s eyes, the armor crystal glowing a bit brighter.
Don’t leave me alone Gallus.
Just get back here safe…please.

Gallus’ heart was nearly torn in two as he carefully concealed the entrance to the cave.
I don’t have a choice. I can’t let them find her!
The fire would burn out- and thankfully the dry wood wouldn’t put up much smell or smoke. That said, he had to get the search parties’ to look elsewhere.
And he knew just how to do it.

As he made his way through the jungle, careful to not leave any paw or claw prints, Gyld’s voice echoed in his mind.
‘If you must misdirect the enemy, never do it in a direction directly related to where you don’t want them to go. Never a straight line back or forward, or left or right. Always a diagonal path mixed in with the others. Go forwards, then back, or then side to side. Make your pattern of alerting them unpredictable. Ending by going towards an enemy position or two with the previous methods will throw them into disarray.’

Gallus only hoped he could find his way back- but thankfully the river was a good landmark.
I can’t go too far outside the jungle- maybe skirt the edge, but farther away, closer to the border south. And then a signal into the badlands itself. I’ll have to time it right- make them all go off at once.
He wanted to immediately set off a signal- but that would be a death sentence. Heading away was the only option.

His first stop was to the north-west edge of the jungle- actually within sight of the massive ice wall still many miles away. It had taken him hours to run this far…
Ok. Signal rune with a timer. Circle, two slashes, Griffinstone crest, leyline amplifier symbols…
Hoping it wouldn’t immediately activate, Gallus looked over the runic carving in the mud and tapped the center with a claw. Lighting up with a dull blue glow, the symbol pulsed slowly but didn’t immediately flare to life.

His victory was short lived as Gallus trekked onwards once again. The timer was set to any other runes he would carve in the next few hours- that had been the tricky part.
Thank you Gyld for the advanced rune classes!
The second symbol was a few miles into the badlands. With the tents and signs of necromantic industry glowing underneath the scepter-shaped tower in the distance, Gallus etched his next rune into the side of a rocky plateau. He now had a clear view of the tower- even if it was in the distance. The greyish black stone spiraled from the foundations buried in the orange sand, twisting this way and that as it aimed towards the sky. Hundreds of tail-lengths tall, it must have dozens upon dozens of stories, windows scattered about this way and that on the rough surface. At the top, spires reached towards the clouds after a bulbous section- possibly the one he and Silver had escaped.

Returning to his work, another successful rune was etched and the gryphon was off again.
The best part, is I saw a lot of cave systems nearby! Maybe they’ll search those!
Hopping from rock to rock to not leave dust footprints, he made it safety back to the jungle with a sigh of relief.
Two more!
A few hours later and two close calls with some burrowing snake-like creatures who tried to bite his tail off, Gallus waited at the final rune and looked around. The four symbols were set to go off at the same time, or close to it. First the one he was currently at, then the one western edge, then the furthest south-east badlands one, and finally another south-western one.
Let Equestria know I’m alive, and hopefully get them searching this way.
He had left a few clues of his flight at each rune- every visible path leading in a different direction. Two paths he aimed in the direction of the badlands rune however.
All I can do is hope they’ll find those caves and be preoccupied by those.

As he was about to activate the rune, an arcane storm beast lumbered into the small clearing.
Oh no.
Not even pausing for a moment, Gallus dashed across the expanse and used his claws to tear the creature’s head to shreds before it could cry out, then listening for any further sounds.
None. So a lone scout….I’ve waited too long!

Activating the rune with a claw, Gallus took a final look and carefully set off. He gave himself twenty minutes or so before they activated. In the fading light, they’d be giant search beacons…if needs be he could lie low if a search party appeared.
I wish I could have activated it sooner- but then I’d have been caught and Silver…
Through the stress and the strain, Gallus’ heart was pricked by hope. He was sending out a distress call- and he could only hope there’d be an answer.


Celestia’s gaze was unfocused as she and Luna looked out across Canterlot from a castle balcony, the elder sister’s mind venturing on the events of the past day. Thanks to Discord, Ponyville was safe at least for now. The chaotic god had popped in to warn her that another strike might have unintended side effects if he intervened.
Apparently his paw was actually injured- Celestia didn’t even know that could happen to Discord, so she took the Draconequus’ words to heart. He had been rather serious too, quite a change from his usual demeanor.

She didn’t know what the necromancer’s excuse for the attack would be, but it could have also been to throw her off balance. He could push the limits of violent retaliation, whereas she had to be the one to temper her reply.
So, just like every other day then.
In this case, the necromancer had very little to lose, whereas Equestria had much higher and more mortal stakes.

The most recent status report echoed that thought. It had been a simple message; a casualty report of a trading post near the ice kingdom. Due to the sabotaged rail lines and magical interference, the report had been delayed by nearly thirteen hours. No doubt this had bolstered the necromancer’s confidence in his ability to test Equestrian response.
Two hundred and fifty three lives.
More ponies I failed, subjects I couldn’t save.
Perhaps I have grown too soft in dealing with such threats over the centuries.
This is not a problem Twilight and her friends can solve with harmony, not this time.
Gallus, Silverstream, are you still alive in that dark place?

“It never gets easier, dealing with failures that cost lives.” Celestia whispered, prompting a steely gaze from Luna.
“It is not your failure, it is part of war. The necromancer has fired a salvo that you did not expect. It is almost a reactionary response- the draining of a village and an attempt to destroy Ponyville. The strategy going forward may need to change.” The lunar princess stated, prompting her sister to nod.
Luna, war is not as distant a memory as it is for me. Perhaps you can advise me on this matters more than before. In fact, I hope so.

Optional Music One
Optional Music Two

“Princess!” A royal messenger gasped as he burst onto the balcony with the two Alicorn sisters.
“Runes! One bearing Griffinstone’s sigil! Four of them appeared inside the ice kingdom!”
They’re alive?!
Celestia’s eyes widened in shock- and then a determined grin slid onto her features as Luna looked on in surprise. Standing to her full height, Celestia’s horn lit up as she cast a simple spell; her royal decree amplified and echoing around all of Canterlot castle and beyond.

Within seconds, a pillar of sunlight focused and flashed into existence, the stone underneath becoming scorched with runic magic as ancient magical leylines were drawn upon. Within moments the light faded to reveal an armored pony bowing its head in respect. The light column was quickly repeated five, ten, then dozens of times, each teleportation lighting up the balcony and then the hallway beyond into the castle; scores of golden-armored ponies answering their leader’s call and filling the section of the immediate area. Shocked nobles plastered themselves to the side as the warriors appeared and filled every available space, yet all stood immobile and waited for direction.
Clad head to hoof in armor, the Legionnaires looked nearly identical to the Royal Guards- except emblazoned on their sides was a red painted outline of Celestia raising the sun. Solar Princess Sigil

Luna was one of the least-shocked ponies, instead regarding her sister with an admirable smile.
“Solar Legionnaires! The Necromancer of the Ice Kingdom has now not only attacked Ponyville, but one of our trading posts and killed over two hundred of your fellow ponies!” Celestia declared, wings spread wide as the afternoon sun lit up her impressive figure.

“Go now, and secure that evil kingdom from all the lands! While we must wait to see if our allies will answer our summons, we must prevent any more lives being lost. Reinforcements will arrive within two days- you must hold out until then. Give no quarter to any threats that assail you! Signal runes have been set either by Gallus or Silverstream- and if you see them on the inside edge of the walls, retrieve them and retreat! Now fly like the solar winds and protect your homes and your families! GO!”

In unison, the hundred strong throng stood and saluted with armored hooves. The nearest pony met Celestia’s gaze and nodded- then turning to address the ponies visible and beyond.
“Legionnaires! Prepares for flight!” He bellowed before taking another deep breath.
“Ours swords will fall! AND?”
“THE SUN WILL RISE!” A hundred strong voices called back as one, making the stone pillars of the castle vibrate with power.

Tapping a small circular rune on their breastplate, each pony glowed with an ethereal fire that matched the sun in intensity. Vanishing with flashes of sunlight, the ponies appeared as comets of fire that streaked from Canterlot castle towards the distant enemy kingdom, each transport sending out a small thunderclap from the castle as they leapt into the sky.
The few citizens of Canterlot who understood the significance of the sight gasped- many then breaking out into cheers as the meteors streaked into the heavens.

Luna calmly stepped aside as the Legionnaires continued to transport themselves- seeing the stone underneath Celestia’s hooves now begin to soften and warp with heat.
Her horn aglow with magic, Celestia brought dozens of runes into existence on the balcony floor. To any observing pony, they would naturally assume they were the source of what was about to occur.
It was only Luna that knew such runes were powerful shielding spells, and not to protect Celestia, but the castle and inhabitants of Canterlot.
You dare speak of not interfering, and then kill my ponies?
Perhaps you underestimate not only Equestria, but me.

As her loyal shock troops sped towards the necromancer, Celestia took a deep breath and let the gold royal regalia melt off her form with a slight twist of her neck. As the molten metal splattered to the stone, Celestia’s mane took on a fiery tint, the Solar Princess opening up her connection to the sun with ease. Energy filled her frame and caused the alabaster Alicorn to glow with an intensity that both hurt the eyes yet soothed the soul all the same.
It has been some time, hasn’t it?
Oh how I’ve missed this.

The massive power at the tip of her awareness begged to be let loose, then eagerly funneling through the outlet Celestia opened.
Arcing from the cloudy heavens, a red and yellow solar flare burned through the atmosphere, the princess’s powerful spells barely contained the superheated stream. As though water roaring through the curve of a river, the energy rebounded off Canterlot and took aim towards a new target- easily surpassing the legionnaires’ speedy flight.

Her vision narrowing and pointed towards the target so many miles away, Celestia watched- her view that as though poised at the tip of her solar spear itself as it sped towards the grotesque tower behind the ice wall.
The sun begged to be let loose further- and for a brief moment Celestia complied. The solar flare intensified and roared through the air as it doubled in size with a ‘SNAP’, daring anything to oppose it. Air bubbled and popped around the blistering strike as it hungrily devoured the atmosphere. The large stone tower now within view, Celestia’s muzzle parted in a slightly feral smile, her magic encountering a bit of resistance.
You have shields? You really shouldn’t have gone to the trouble!

The necromancer looked up from his ground level location, eyes widening in shock as the solar flare punched through the layers of dark magic shields around the tower. The flare ate through arcane magic and stone alike as it burned away all impurities from the evil room where Gallus and Silverstream had previously fled. Punching through the tower, the raw energy tore into the other sections with ease as it began to spread from the impact zone.
I could wipe it all away right now, purge this foul craft from the face of Equestria!
Open the channel a bit further, turn it all to glass.
And why stop there? If a city had to be lost for the safety of all, what of it?
We are so much more powerful than-

“Sister, be careful to not overstep.” Luna’s voice cut through Celestia’s thoughts and causing the spell to abruptly cease. The solar flare cut off as the sun resumed its peaceful slumber- yet the warped balcony and melted regalia remained. A few curious nobles and guards had begun to peer inside, as had a few ponies below the balcony.
“Thank you Luna.” Celestia whispered as her sister only smiled.
“I know the look. While he deserves it, the cost would be too great. I know how easy it is to give in to those thoughts.” She replied, prompting Celestia to nod.

“You and your quips of wisdom. How I’ve missed and needed those. Especially now I think; you are more familiar with this type of war than I.”
“Both I and my peanut gallery of wisdom are here to stay Sister. In matters of war however; I would like to send my own reply to this monster when he calls. When night falls do you wish for my Night Guards to take over as well?” Luna asked, and Celestia could see a bit of excitement in the younger Alicorn.
“Not without you leading them. My legionnaires have been in constant readiness for hundreds of years- and I think you ensuring a smooth deployment and integration with the night guard would make things easier.” She then paused and smiled.
“They will answer to you as readily to me. The sun will not rise without the setting of the moon- so treat them as your own guard.”

Celestia paused to muse over her next words, still seeing a few shocked gazes from down in the courtyards.
“Luna, I think it’s time for a reminder both our ponies and our allies. It has not been necessary until now, but against threats the elements cannot contain we are far from helpless.”
Luna stood a bit taller and nodded, a spell causing dark grey armor to snap into existence against her lithe frame. Molded to her body and bearing an emblazoned half-moon on the breastplate, the armor hadn’t seen air outside the armory in a millennium.
Celestia could only smile- not having seen her sister clad in both confidence and armor in so long.

A similar spell briefly was cast from her ebony horn; golden armor adorning Celestia’s entire body briefly with her sigil etched into the front.
“I have missed this, in a strange way. Not war itself, but being the ones to protect our ponies. It sounds odd I suppose, but-”
“I understand dear sister. The elements have been our primary defense for so long, I think we have forgotten our own duty to our subjects, and they in turn have forgotten what we can accomplish.”
Pondering on Luna’s words for a moment, Celestia then gave her sister a gentle hug, nodding in agreement.
“Then let us remind ourselves of that duty- and our friends.”

A determined expression now adorning Luna’s features, the blue Alicorn gave her sister a hug back before standing a bit taller.
“Then let us do just that. I will draw up plans immediately- and can I expect you to visit the command center we construct?”
“Count on it dear Sister.”

As Luna vanished with a snap of light, Celestia looked over her own armor briefly. The weight was both physical and mental, a reminder of long-past burdens, decisions, and failures.
Yet such reminders were burned away by the countless victories- and with the hope that now radiated from over a hundred comets that sped towards the necromancer’s kingdom.


Gallus was out of breath running- now cowering in some mud as the distant sounds of another frantic search party passed. Despite his body crying for rest from the strain, the massive beam of light that had punched a house-sized hole in the distant tower buoyed his spirits like no other.
Celestia is watching- and far from helpless! Guess using the elements had to be exchanged for whatever magic that was.
That. Was. Awesome.

The cloudy evening sky suddenly lit up as bright lights sped overhead. Dispersing in a circular pattern, the meteors fell to the ground evenly spaced beyond the ice wall. Within moments, runes adorned the clouds just outside the ice wall. The sigil of the Solar Princess blistered against the sky as powerful magic began to weave each symbol together. A crackling shield of golden energy wove into the sky, enclosing the ice kingdom in a separate barrier. More meteors continued to fall, and even more emblems blossomed across the sky in reply. Dark magic lashed out from the distant ice wall at the offending barrier, but it yielded to the golden tendrils like smoke against stone.

Gallus continued to make his way steadily back to Silverstream, a long absent warm feeling now blossoming in his chest.
I’m not alone.
No- we’re not alone!
With the runes shining in the sky, the gryphon continued his trek onwards- the knowledge that help was waiting just outside the walls making the journey that much easier.
We’ll get out of here Silverstream, just you wait!

Author's Note:

This was a fun one to write! LOTS of things in motion now! And now the record for the biggest chapter!

The journey of our favorite blue and pink pair continues! And Gallus comes to a realization. It may seem obvious- but I wanted to portray that iron-clad realization of a fact, the culmination of months if not years of feelings.
The survival info is genuine by the way; cattails have such uses, and the method of fire-making Gallus employs is a technique to prevent detection. And boiling water of course.

Celestia was particularly fun to write in this. I am operating under the idea that she is much more powerful than previously shown. As a nigh-immortal ruler who wants her subjects to succeed and learn, it would only make sense for her to provide them with opportunities to grow, even if that meant she had to trust them over her own abilities. (The opposite of Daybreaker)
That said, when the chips are down, she still has a direct connection to the sun, and could channel that to her whim.
So I for one, welcome our Solar Princess.

The board is set, the pieces are moving...