• Published 26th Oct 2018
  • 5,709 Views, 566 Comments

Prison of Ice with Silver Keys - RadBunny

As Gallus navigates the uncertain waters of being a special somegriff, demons from past his refuse to let him rest. As a hostile empire looms, Gallus will need to fight with every fiber of his being; only this time it's to protect the one he loves.

  • ...

Chapter Five: A Warrior's Heart

Silverstream snuggled close to Gallus, his comforting arms pulling her close. She’d never tire of leaning into his embrace...
“The train is going to leave, so I have to go. I’ll see you in a week or two.” He whispered, the hippogriff giving him a brief kiss.
“Alright, stay safe. And good luck!” She called out, the gryphon hopping onto the train. As the vehicle chugged down the Ponyville station tracks, Silverstream felt an unpleasant shiver make its way up her spine. A familiar shadowy figure chuckled, appearing at the edge of the boarding platform. Blue wispy eyes looked at the hippogriff as a staff was hefted in a clawed hand, the biped waving it briefly towards the train.

The passenger cars exploded into splinters, a single figure being plucked out from them and promptly frozen with ancient magic. Silverstream’s limbs were frozen, fear creeping through her entire frame as she sank into the concrete slowly.
“N-No. You’re gone. You can’t be back.” She whispered, prompting another maniacal laugh.
“Do you really believe that?” The Storm King quipped, examining the magically-frozen gryphon in his grasp. “Such a shame.”

The scenery shifted, the two now overlooking a massive cliff, sharp rocks jutting through the waves in the distant shore below. The unstable biped grinned, levitating Gallus’ frozen body out over the edge.
“Bye Bye birdie!” He grinned, releasing his hold and sending the gryphon plummeting to the jagged rocks below. Just as Gallus burst into pieces, a white light burned away the evil king and erased the hippogriff’s vision.

Silverstream rocketed up in her bed, chest heaving as her beak was still frozen in a silent scream. Sweat soaked her feathers as Silverstream’s claws shook, still holding the blanket in a tight grip.
Tears dripped from her eyes, and the hippogriff letting out a soft sob as she curled into a ball and tried to erase the nightmare from her thoughts. The other dreams hadn’t ever been this bad…Gallus, is this what you have been dealing with for all this time? You’re so much stronger than me.
…I need to tell you that.

Getting out of her bed, Silverstream quietly left her section of the dormitories, soon finding herself in a different section and on the other side of a familiar door.
“G-gallus?” She asked, knocking softly. Wings drooped at her sides, Silverstream held back the tears brimming at her eyes. I need to see you ok. Not falling onto those rocks, but here and still you and not- On the second knock, the door opened, a bleary gryphon looking back at her.
“Dangit Sandbar, sock monsters aren’t real. I told-bwa? Silver?” He asked, blinking sleep from his eyes.

Tears leaked from Silverstream’s eyes, a relieved smile on her beak.
“Y-you’re ok. I j-just needed t-to see t-t-that.” She whispered, Gallus quickly moving closer to wrap her up in a hug.
“Bad dream?” He asked, his loving embrace unlocking Silverstream’s sobs. The hippogriff cried into the gryphon’s feathers, forelimbs shaking as she held him tightly. You’re here, you’re ok.
“I’m right here Silver, everything’s alright.” He whispered, rocking her back and forth. “You’re safe, I’m safe.”

Silverstream closed her eyes, leaning against Gallus’ chest to hear his familiar heartbeat. How much she just wanted to fall asleep to that sound; strong and steady. Exhaustion settling into her limbs, Silverstream yawned as Gallus led her to the couch, the two settling down on the plush cushions. Not able to help herself, Silverstream cuddled up next to her favorite gryphon, head turning to lean against his chest. Hearing his heartbeat and Gallus’ sides rise and fall against hers was better than any relaxing tea or massage.

All the tension flowed from Silverstream’s frame, the peace she so desperately sought calming her mind at Gallus' touch.
“Thank you so much Gallus, I l-love you.” She whispered, snuggling close with a soft sniffle.
“I love you so much.”
A tender touch on her cheek nearly restarted the tears as the gryphon then lay his head across Silver’s with a caring whisper.
“Love you too Silverstream, and anytime.” I want every night to be like this.
Gallus yawned as he shifted against Silverstream, heart still aching at seeing her so distressed. When she had shown up at his door a few moments ago with tears in her eyes and looking so sad- he wanted nothing more than to make everything better. He had rarely seen Silverstream look so upset. And her eyes- There had been something behind that beautiful lavender gaze that had torn at Gallus’ heart. A longing, a desperate need to just be safe. Or perhaps see me safe, if her nightmares are still of that type. Running a set of claws through Silverstream’s headfeathers, Gallus couldn’t help but hug her close with a wing as the hippogriff let out a soft whimper. It wasn’t often Silverstream was the one needing comfort, but it felt good to give her the same thing she had so generously done for him.

Her sides shook briefly, Silverstream nuzzling his chest slightly as Gallus’ wing draped over her sides.
“Shhhhhh. Just sleep. I’ll be right here.” Gallus whispered. As she drifted off to a peaceful slumber, Gallus looked down at her lovingly. Her claws reached over to snag his, and the gryphon couldn’t help but smile as he leaned his head back down to doze off once again.
I wish I didn’t have to leave for so long; but at least I can see you once a week. It’s a small price to pay I think; to know that I have the training to keep you safe.
Even if it’s just from nightmares, I’ll protect you.

Waking up with a yawn, Gallus looked down to see Silverstream still curled around his front half. The hippogriff was adorable, sleeping or not, a genuinely peaceful expression on her face as she slumbered. Glad I packed yesterday; I can at least stay here with her for a bit before the train. As he ran a set of talons through Silverstream’s head feathers, Gallus couldn’t help but smile peacefully. I never thought I could ever love someone- let alone this much. Then again, I didn’t even know I had a soft side. Well, to an extent.

Silverstream shifted, letting out a yawn and glancing around briefly before plopping her head back down.
“Mmmm. This again, yay a couch dream. Prefer the bed one though…” She mumbled blearily, prompting Gallus to chuckle.
“I suppose the bed is more comfy than the couch. Eh, to each their own I guess. This isn’t a dream either. Real life cuddles in action.” He quipped, prompting Silver to sigh. I mean, if you’re exhausted, having a sleeping dream makes sense. I’ve had a few of those.
“Mmmm.” She replied, laying still for a moment-
And then promptly sat up stock still, the deepest blush Gallus had ever seen darkening her cheeks and neck.

“H-how much of that did I say out loud?” She squeaked, looking at Gallus with a completely shocked expression, prompting him to shrug his wings.
“Uh, all of it I guess? You just wanted to have a dream sleeping in a bed instead of couch cuddles I guess?” He suggested, not fully understanding her reaction as Silverstream’s left eye began to twitch slightly.
“Yes. Sleep on bed because tired. Uh huh. Sounds right. Of course.” She grumbled, flopping back down on the couch and taking a few deep breaths as almost the entire upper half of the hippogriff turned a new shade of dark pink.
“…you ok there?” The gryphon asked, her rather fantastic color change causing him to barely suppress some laughter.

Gallus looked at her with a rather bemused expression, the hippogriff refused to look at him surprisingly.
Weird. Amusing and adorable, but weird. Maybe I will ask sometime what that was about…
“Well, ok then. I’m glad you got some sleep though. You had me worried last night.” He admitted, Silverstream seeming oddly grateful for the change of topic.

“It wasn’t fun.” She whispered, wings drooping slightly.
“If it was anything like what you’ve been going through, you’re so much stronger than me. I h-had to see you o-ok and-” Her words cut off as Gallus reached over to ‘boop’ her beak with a claw, turning to look at the hippogriff.
“Anytime I can help with nightmares, I’m glad to help. You looked horrible, and I just want you to be happy.” Gallus whispered, Silverstream sighing happily as a clawed hand cupped her cheek.
“And you really think I could do better than you; I’ll change your mind yet.” She mumbled happily, prompting a grin from Gallus.
“Might take time, but you do like puzzles.”
“Mmmm. And you’re the beeeeest one.”

Letting out a rather vicious grumble, Silverstream hopped off the couch on seeing the time.
“I’d feel horrible if I made you late.” Gallus stretched, getting up as well to fish out some leftover pancakes and throw them into a large stove pan.
“Guess we can have breakfast together; I figure Sandbar won’t be up for another hour or two. I already said my goodbyes to everyone yesterday as well.” He remarked, Silverstream padding over to watch him cook- or rather, re-heat things.
Apparently it was still interesting, judging from how often the hippogriff enjoyed watching simple but new concepts.

The two of them downing the simple meal, Gallus glanced over to a certain pink hippogriff who had a rather dreamy look on her face.
“Erm, Silver?” A light pink blush colored her cheeks, Silverstream’s claws tracing on the table briefly.
“I like having mornings with you. And nights.” She whispered, wings flaring slightly.
“Ok and days, and all the time. J-just-ugh.”

Gallus couldn’t help but smile, warmth blossoming in his chest and throughout his entire frame. She really loves spending time with me.
Walking over to cup her cheek in a set of claws, Gallus didn’t miss the rather deep blush that returned to her cheeks, the gryphon pulling her in for a passionate kiss and then a hug.
“I don’t think I’ll ever get used to you saying that. Someone wanting to spend time with me is-” He sighed, shaking his head and just enjoying Silverstream’s touch as she hugged him back.
“It’s new, among other things. But I love spending time with you too.” Silverstream let out a slight hum, looking up at him with a curious gaze.
“…among other things?” A familiar warm lump rose in Gallus’ throat, the gryphon’s words tripping over the other.
“N-nobody has ever-I mean, it’s just a new-erm-“ He sighed, finally just leaning down to rub his cheek against Silver’s.

“I’ve never felt like I’m someone worth something before, not until meeting you and the others. You loving me-being worth that much to someone….it’s a new, scary, and amazing thing, and I don’t want it to ever end.” He whispered, doubts trying to rise to the fore but being quickly shoved aside as Silverstream returned the gesture.
“Neither do I. And you most certainly are loved, a lot.”

The determined smirk on Silverstream’s beak made Gallus’ unable to resist a smile, the hippogriff yanking him into a rather passionate kiss. It was moments like this that Gallus could only just enjoy the gesture and kiss back; thoughts a happy haze as someone who loved him showed it.
“And I’ll be sure to remind you of that fact as often as I can.”
The dopey grin on Gallus’ face was enough to make Silverstream giggle, the gryphon giving her a final hug before retrieving his simple suitcase.
“I’d like that very much, and I hope to do the same.”

The scenery smoothly sailed by, Gallus taking in the view on the way to Canterlot. He had barely made the train on time; but he wouldn’t have traded the slight delay for the world. A dopey grin slid onto his beak at remembering the kiss Silverstream had given him just before boarding. The fact it was one of the most heated chocolate kisses she had ever yanked him into still made Gallus’ fur prickle.
“Even without chocolate, your kisses are still the best!” She had then giggled, giving him a nuzzle before waving him off. I doubt that will ever get old…

Now turning to the current matter, Gallus’ brow furrowed. He wasn’t worried about the physical requirements for the school; working out had made that easy. It was everything else he wasn’t sure on. Apparently is was the pre-guard training regime, or what individuals went through to qualify as bodyguards for diplomats or nobles. I mean, I’m in love with a noble I suppose, so that takes care of that.

What had raised a few concerns was of how the lessons or methods were to be taught. It obviously was meant for ponies; so was Gallus going to have to use a fist instead of his claws for everything? His wings slumped at that thought, a few memories threatening to ruin his mood.
Pulling punches, again.

If that was the case, he’d still do his best. But not learning to fight as a gryphon would leave a bad taste in his mouth.
But perhaps this would help qualify me for a gryphon school- whenever they get one together. Something is better than nothing. Still. The idea of pulling his punches, literally, was enough to send his tail lashing in a brief spurt of anger.
No point in getting riled up before it all. Just will have to see.
Even if it was just pony training it was something, and Gallus wasn’t about to shun any knowledge, not if it could help protect Silverstream. Protect her from what, he wasn’t sure. So far nightmares seemed the biggest threat. Hopefully it would stay that way.

Taking the second stop before Canterlot Central, Gallus hefted his burlap suitcase (which barely was the size of a backpack,) and the heavier armor crate, balancing the two as he meandered to the main signboard. “Okaaaaay. Combat school- take Horseshoe Avenue, and then at the intersection take a right and a left. Easy enough.” He muttered, setting off at a fast walk. A suburb of Canterlot, the squat business buildings were intermingled with older shops, providing a strange clash of styles and architecture. Brick mingled with marble pillars, and bakeries inhabited the same corner as a loan office.
Oooooh. Is that a blacksmith!? Maybe they can polish this armor. First things first though.

The combat school itself was a set of massive solid granite buildings, the square structures arrayed in a loose oval campus pattern. Judging from the map near the entrance, there were dormitories, an armory, cafeteria, training areas (ok, LOTS of training areas,) but to name a few. Opening the door to the spotless main lobby, Gallus set the large crate aside as a dull green unicorn looked up from behind the stone counter.

“Hello! May I help you?” The unicorn asked, tone surprisingly genuine and pleasant.
“Erm, yeah. I’m here for the basic combat training? The name is Gallus.” The gryphon remarked, then shrugging his wings.
“Probably the only gryphon, so shouldn’t be too hard to find my name.” The unicorn chuckled, handing him a stack of papers and books.
“Hmm. Only gryphon other than one of our Headmasters at least- but yep! You’re right here. These are the introductory books as well as rules, a map, local shops, and so forth. Any questions will be answered at orientation tomorrow. Huh. That’s odd…” The stallion looked at a the large binder in front of him, then shrugged his shoulders.
“Looks like the Headmasters wanted to meet with you actually. Probably being a representative of the Gryphon Empire and all that; Formalities. Anyhow, here’s your room keys and so forth; we already have gryphon specific items for you as well!”

Gallus blinked, not used to having someone seem so excited about their job, let alone pleasant about it.
…other than Pinkie Pie of course.
“Thanks, I’ll go get settled then. And the Headmaster’s office is on the map?”
“Sure is! Main administrative building, top floor, office five-seven-two. Or just follow the giant signs!” Waving to the helpful secretary, Gallus made his way through the sturdy halls, then began to walk across the massive campus. This place makes Twilight’s school seem like a single house. Whoaaaaa.

While the granite buildings were all similar in color and style, the size varied in clumps, no doubt due to their unique functions. In the center courtyard cobblestone paths meandered to each separate cluster of buildings, all meeting around a central fountain. The dormitories were easy to find; one story rectangular buildings with a few doors on either side. A few ponies cast some interested glances his way, but thus far it didn’t seem like any paid the only gryphon any mind.
Only gryphon other than a Headmaster apparently? Huh.

The dormitory was simple yet elegant; stone walls meeting thick wooden and metal-gilded doors that lined the hallways. The best part about it all…
“Oh my gosh I get my own room. Awesome.”
A simple bed to one side, complete with a set of dressers, armor-hooks, and a sink was all neatly tucked into the space. A smattering of gryphon care products were set on the bed, fresh linens and towels stacked neatly beside it all. The showers were at the end; simple stalls allowing for any creature to get clean. Feather preening supplies? Gryphon shampoo? Totally taking some of this back assuming I don’t use it all.

Setting the heavy armor crate down beside the bed, Gallus took a few minutes to unpack his few belongings. Since gryphons didn’t wear clothes, the suitcase only held a few items from the other school, as well as some note taking supplies and the like.
“So, ok, unpacked and stuff, just lock up and head to the Headmasters. Probably some formal greeting? Representative of the Gryphon empire-not like I had any training for that role.” Gallus grumbled, setting the locks and placing the keys in the satchel that hung at his side.

Padding out of the dormitory, Gallus turned a corner-
And promptly slammed into the cobblestones.
Letting out a hiss, the gryphon looked back to see what he had tripped over, and saw a rather large dull blue earth pony stallion grinning.
“Better watch your step birdie. Wouldn’t want to trip over yourself.” He chuckled, a unicorn and another earth pony laughing behind him as the three walked off. Oh great.

Wincing at the pain in his side, the gryphon continued on to the Headmaster’s office. He really should have expected such behavior. Eh, whatever. Not like it’s worse than a gryphon. At that thought he smirked, following the signs in the administrative building to the top floor. Another unicorn secretary waved him into a small waiting room, the gryphon then knocking on two large double wooden doors.
“Come in.” A cheery voice called, Gallus easing his way into the room.

Entering the office, Gallus saw two large wooden desks and a matching table off to the right side. On the right, a large bookcase stood filled to the brim, and a few smaller chair sat in front of the desks. It was the occupants of the desks that captured Gallus’ attention. On the rightmost desk was a sturdy light-orange earth pony, clad in a neat teal uniform. On the left however…

A piercing amber eye stared at Gallus, the other hidden by an eyepatch. Dark grey and black speckled in color, the gryphon was easily one and a half times the size of the other pony. Strangely, the eye that looked over Gallus seemed almost soft rather than judging.
“Ah, Gallus! Excellent. My name is Headmaster Quench- technically Oil Quench but ‘Oil’ just sounds…eh.” The pony chuckled, getting up and offering a hoof.
“Glad you could make it, hey, you alright?” He asked, seeing the gryphon wince as Gallus shifted.
“Eh. Just smacked my side on the group, tripped.” The gryphon remarked, shaking the hoof.
“Nice to meet you Headmaster Quench.” No reason to start off on a bad hoof-erm, claw. At Gallus' first words, the gryphon got up from behind his desk, offering a set of claws to shake as well.

“I’m Headmaster Gyld; nice to see another gryphon here.” He rumbled, Gallus almost certain the voice being deep enough to shake the stone walls. Quench meandered back to his desk, waving a hoof to the chairs.
“Well feel free to sit, just a few things to take care of-”
“Gallus, if I may be so bold, how did you trip?” Gyld rumbled, prompting Gallus to wince. How did he-
“Erm, over a hoof. Not that big of a deal.” Gallus added, still not wanting to raise any hackles, pony or gryphon. The amused look in Gyld’s eye indicated Gallus was failing at that, as did Quench’s slight unsettled nature.
“I respect you not wanting to elaborate. But, if I may cut to the point. Did a large light blue stallion trip you up?” Gallus' eyes widened in shock, now really feeling out of his element, as though everyone knew a joke but he was left clueless. “Uh, yeah? Just figured was what individuals did? Any gryphon would have.”

If not for the fact of being utterly confused, Gallus would have laughed out loud at seeing Quench’s color completely drain. The light orange now replaced with a pasty white, the stallion pressed a hoof to his temple.
“Oh I s-see…” A deep chuckle reverberated through the room, Gyld grinning rather widely as he patted his partner on the back.
“Well, I did tell you this was bound to happen.”
“But this soon? And now with a representative of the Gryphon Empire! That’s a foreign government and three princesses that will have my head! Oh you were right. Well, mostly.” The stallion grumbled, prompting Gallus to raise a set of claws.
“Excuse me? Did I miss something? Some sort of entrance test?” He asked, prompting Gyld to shake his head.

“Nothing of the sort. However, Gallus, we find ourselves in a bit of a bind. You can either help, or let is try and sort out the matter. It is not your place to- not yet at least.” Gallus looked at the two Headmasters, curiosity spurring him onwards.
“Well what is going on? I got tripped by a pony, no big deal.”
“That pony has sent five other recruits to the hospital.”

At Gyld’s words, Gallus' ears pinned back, the cold tone icing the gryphon to the core.
“Gyld….” Quench seemed to warn.
“Unofficially. Officially, when training with staffs, the dampening spells have malfunctioned with his partners, causing some rather nasty injuries. Mere coincidence then that he has heckled each unfortunate partner prior to that.” Gyld explained, prompting a groan from Quench.
“He’s a kid. It’s our job to handle this!”
“I could have handled it, but-”
“…no.” Oil grumbled.
“Um, I’m still here- so you’ve got a bully? Big deal? Kick him out? I dunno, talk with him? Isn’t that kind of what Headmare Twilight’s school teaches?” Gallus asked, prompting yet another chuckle from Gyld.

“And you have been doing well, making quite the name for yourself actually. Friendship has started to spread from Equestria to all nations, and that is a grand thing indeed.” The older gryphon remarked, then shaking his head.
“Tell me, Gallus, do you think every creature is susceptible to such? No, let me rephrase. Do you believe in all circumstances befriending the individual is the solution?” ….Tailfeathers. Twilight would not like me answering this. “No. Not always.” Gallus admitted.

“Now then, knowing that, we can’t take any of those actions without repercussions. Officially, we have no evidence of foul play. Unofficially, this pony’s father has paid about twenty percent of our budget for this year, and is adamant that his son will become a better pony through this school. Thus far five ponies have paid the price for his ‘betterment.’” Gyld explained, Quench avoiding the gaze tossed his way.
“So, you must now see what might happen if you, a representative of the Gryphon empire, enrolled in a Princess’s school, and courting a certain hippogriff noble was the end up in the hospital.” Gallus couldn’t help but wince, try to suppress the smirk that wanted to meander onto his beak.
“Oh, wow. That would not go over well.” To Quench’s credit, the stallion didn’t faint, despite looking even more like a ghost at Gyld’s explanation.

“I would like to make a point, if I may. Just a few questions which you don’t have to answer unless you want to. How would you have handled something like this in Griffinstone, if I may ask?” Gyld asked, prompting a steely gaze from Quench. “Gyld…”
“If you don’t wish to answer I understand.” Gallus took a deep breath, still trying to wrap his mind around the whole affair. Will any of this be held against me? It was different over there.” He finally asked, wings drooping slightly. Quench’s eyes widened as he smacked a hoof to his forehead.
“Dangit Gyld. He’s. A. Kid. We can handle this, it’s our job to handle this.”
“You and everyone else have called him a kid. You don’t grow up on the streets without a family and stay a ‘kid’ for long.” Gyld hissed, Gallus' eyes widening.
“I wasn’t a kid afterwards at least, and I doubt Gallus here had it much easier.”
He grew up without a family? On the streets? Gyld- he understands how it is then?
….that makes a bit more sense.
“So Gallus, I’d like your answer to that question- and not the censored one you were about to tell us.” Gyld remarked, prompting Gallus to sit up a bit straighter.

“I’d avoid at all costs. Failing that, try to befriend him or at least remove the hostility. If I had to deal with him, I’d make sure he knew not to cross me again. I’d wait until he was sleeping, then I bruised his side with a metal bar.” The gryphon’s eye’s widened at the slip in speech, ears flattening.
“Gallus, how many exits to this room are there?” “Two. Window, door.”
Gyld continued.
“…chairs, whatever isn’t bolted down.” A set of heavy claws set itself on his shoulder, Gyld having gotten up to sit nearby. Quench on the other hand, stared at the gryphon with a shocked gaze.
“Those are the things you look for in a room; if you’re a solider, or if you grew up on your own.” Gyld rumbled.

“I feel like a fool. Those stories, your stories, Gyld, you really haven’t been kidding, have you?” Quench asked softly, shaking his head.
“I guess this is why they wanted both of us to lead this school. Well, alright then. What do we do?”
You leave the room while I talk to Gallus. My career can take a hit if needs be, yours cannot. Some things you wouldn’t understand, Quench.” The older gryphon remarked, prompting a glare from the pony.
“I also have express permission from two princesses to deal with this matter immediately. Preferably quietly, otherwise they will find a way. Do you want Gallus to end up like the others?”

The pony shook his head, giving Gallus a pat on the shoulder as he left the room.
As the door closed, Gallus took a deep breath and then gestured around the office.
“Ok, what is going on!? I came here to learn how to fight, and suddenly just because some jerk tripped me, it’s a big incident?!”
“You are a representative of the Gryphon Empire, and enrolled in Princess Twilight’s international school of Friendship, and as I also said, courting a hippogriff noble.” Gyld remarked, sitting up straight, and causing the younger gryphon to gulp. Oh, whoa he’s big…

“Ok, it still sounds pretty bad when you when you put it like that.” Gyld sighed, shaking his head.
“I am sorry to ask this of you Gallus, but this is a tipping point. The princesses know of the issues here and have been content letting us deal with it. However, since this has now become an international incident, so we can’t wait. If the pattern is to be repeated, it would end badly for you, but not because he’s stronger.”

Gallus raised an eyebrow, curious as to see where Gyld was heading with this line of thought.
“Then why would I lose?”
“Because you’re a gryphon living among ponies, and we have to be careful. I get it; not the specifics, but overall. Tell me I’m wrong though; did you wonder how you’d learn to fight here without using your claws? Perhaps imagining balling your talons into a fist the entire time?”

Seeing Gallus’ shocked gaze, Gyld chuckled softly.
“When you live among ponies, you become more careful even without thinking. You don’t push too hard on a shoulder, lest you puncture their hide. A friendly hug with talons might scratch them something horrible unless you are careful. So, you learn to move as a pony in that respect; without your claws. Tell me, Gallus, am I wrong? I don’t speak to you now as the Headmaster of this school, I speak to you as a friend, well, perhaps in time at least. But if not that, then just as a gryphon who has a clue of what it’s like to live among ponies.”

Gallus could only stare, shaking his head. This gryphon had gone from intimidating to something else in such short a time. Not a friend yet; but someone who understood. He understands something so few don’t; I couldn’t even put it to words until now.
“You are right.” Gallus sighed, wings drooping slightly. “But this is the best school to learn; there isn’t a gryphon combat academy, not yet. So I had to take what I could.”

Gyld nodded, Gallus looking to a set of his claws.
“I did pull my punches once. In that slip up I had a few minutes ago.”
“We all do. Once.” The older gryphon pointed to the scar across his eye briefly. “Why do you think I got this? The price of mercy, of hesitation. I suspect you learned a similar lesson.”

The memory surged to the fore; a changeling face laughing at Gallus in his mind as it piggybacked on the past experience.
“This stallion reminds me of him. Big gryphon, probably not even homeless. He bullied the other smaller orphans for their share of food. If they didn’t immediately hand it over, he threw them against a wall. I could have hit him, used my claws, but it would have taken out his eye. I didn’t want to do that, so I stopped- and lost. I had bruises for weeks.” Gallus looked at the floor.

“The next day, I saw him beat up a few hatchlings. So I waited for him to fall asleep, and found a piece of metal pole. Pretty sure I broke some of his ribs, but never saw him after that.” To Gallus' surprise, he was absolutely petrified of looking up. How the story had flowed so easily from his beak, the gryphon didn’t know. But to tell such a thing to a pony, at least one who grew up not on the streets- it would be cause for shock, disgust, just a look. The look that said ‘you’re a bad gryphon, aren’t you?’

Instead, when Gallus finally looked up to Gyld, the other gryphon simply nodded, his gaze that of understanding.
“We are predators, Gallus. This is why I wanted to talk to you one on one. It is something no pony, aside from the battle hardened can understand. Ponies are not predators by nature, plain and simple. They can train for it, act it, but in the end, they are not. We on the other claw…” Gyld raised a set of his talons with a shrug.

“We kill to survive. Fish, rabbits, it’s part of life. That alone is incomprehensible to ponies. I say this not to demean them in the slightest- but to point out a fact. In this case, you have a pony who thinks he is a predator, hunting those who are weak, only because of influence and money. When it comes down to it, he’s still a pony, and does not have those instincts, that drive. We do, and have learned to reign it in, lest we hurt our friends.” Gyld sighed, taking a few items out of his desk and handing them to Gallus.

“We cannot take action against Barbed Wire until we have evidence. That being said, you must be careful. A blow that would bruise an earth pony would shatter your arm, since our bones are mostly hollow. This means the acceptability of physical risk for you is lower, especially considering your diplomatic status.” Gyld raised a claw as Gallus opened his beak to object.

“I am not saying you will be getting special treatment or pity. You will be just like any other recruit in terms of attending the curriculum.” Gallus promptly closed his beak with a nod. “I am saying, that things are different in your case. Other ponies could not fight back; either because they are weaker than him, or were afraid of the consequences. You need not take either of those into account.”

Gallus' brow furrowed, the gryphon shaking his head.
“I don’t want to hurt anypony. I didn’t come here to do that- not when there’s an alternative.” Gyld smiled, genuine warmth in the older gryphon’s gaze.
“That right there makes you quite a special gryphon. You have a heart, Gallus. And while more and more gryphons are opening their hearts to friendships and goodness, you are far ahead of them all. I am not saying to seek out a fight. Avoid it at all costs. That being said…”

Gyld’s eye narrowed, the warmth in his gaze refined to that of a fine welder’s flame.
“If there is no other alternative, if the only outcome is you being harmed, or him- don’t let it be you.” Sitting up a bit taller, the ash-grey gryphon looked down at Gallus curiously.
“Why are you here, Gallus? If I may ask. Perhaps that will help resolve that dilemma. You want to learn, yes, but to what end? Do you want to be a bodyguard? Enroll in the Royal Guard? Perhaps go back to the gryphon lands for such a thing?”

Gallus shook his head, talons curling into a fist.
“There is someone that I want to protect, and I can’t do that until I have the training.” He whispered, prompting a nod from Gyld.
“Then what would you do if some-creature was Tartarus-bent on making sure you would never see her again?” The fiery look in Gallus’ eyes made the older gryphon smile, pointing a claw at him.

“That, right there. That is what you need to harness. For all this training you will go through, for dealing with this bully. I hope it will not come to that- perhaps there is another way. But if your back is against a wall, and all he wants to do is make an example out of you like the others…” Gyld sighed, locking gazes with the younger gryphon.

“Fight with your claws out, Gallus. As abrupt as it is, this unfortunate event is the embodiment of the training you will receive. We teach to avoid to fight, use non-lethal methods, immobilizing holds and punches. We teach to never start the fight; a bodyguard must be reactionary to any threat. But when a fight starts, you are to finish it, do you understand?”

Gallus looked over to Gyld, then to his own claws with a sigh.
“I’ve never started a fight, Headmaster Gyld. But you are telling me-”
“Just Gyld when we’re alone, Gallus. I am telling you that if an unfortunate event occurs, and you are threatened with bodily harm, Don’t. Pull. Your. Punches.” The gryphon handed over what appeared to be a few small crystal stickers, each barely half the size of a bit.
“Considering most ‘accidents’ occur in the staff training hall, take these. Oil Quench is a good pony, but ponies themselves haven’t seen actual combat for some time. They have the unique power greater than physical force; to turn the hearts of their enemies. When they try to act like they know what the cutthroat world is like out there; they get sloppy. When attached, these crystals cancel the dampening spells on your staff. If you get hit by Barbed Wire, you make sure to hit back.”

Now the larger gryphon stood tall, looking down at Gallus.
“You understand how much we are trusting you? Perhaps you are asking why?” Gallus could only nod, pocketing the small crystal devices. “You have the recommendation of the rulers of this nation, as well as having saved all of Equestria from a magic-less fate. I’d say that’s a sturdy resume if I’ve ever seen it. You’re not perfect- but nobody is. I don’t have to go over what not to use these items for, correct?”
Gallus shook his head, reaching out with a set of claws.
“Thank you Gyld. I don’t think I’ve ever met someone who….” He shook his head, swallowing a lump in his throat.

Shaking the offered claws, Gyld then placed a set of heavy claws on Gallus’ shoulder, giving a gentle pat.
“You’re a good gryphon, Gallus. With such a difficult upbringing, that speaks wonders to your character. And I do get it; I grew up on the streets too. You’re going down a path that took me years to find. Now get going; orientation is tonight.” Gallus nodded, a genuine smile inching onto his beak.
“I-just, thank you, Gyld.” His ears then perked up. “Say, are there any good blacksmith’s in town? I’ve got some old items that need refurbishing. I don’t have a TON of bits, but I’d love to get them polished up and such.” The gryphon nodded, gesturing to his desk.
“Drop by the items here before orientation, and I’ll see what I can do to get a quote. There’s a local blacksmith I’ve used for years for my items. Honest, and one of the best.”

Giving a wave, Gyld watched the young gryphon leave the office, then slumped down at his desk with a sigh. “Quite the interesting character you are, Gallus. And to think you are seen as a ‘kid.’ I promised no special treatment in the assigned classes, but I wonder…” The gryphon then began to scratch at a parchment, sealing the final request with his personal stamp.
‘Dear Princess Celestia, Luna, and Twilight; co forwarded to the Gryphon Empire logistics department.
Master Sergeant Gyld Ironfeather requesting express permission to train and otherwise instruct Representative Gallus…
One hour later, three scrolls were magically delivered to the mentioned individuals. Across the great oceans, a stamp was quickly applied and the parchment sent back. In Canterlot’s royal throne room, two benevolent rulers looked over the request with a nod.
“We-I thought this would happen. I certainly approve. I doubt it is anything new to Gallus in theory.”
“Very well. A waiting week would be prudent though. We’ll also need to convince Twilight.” Luna let out a soft chuckle, shaking her head slightly. “Well, best we schedule an audience with our friend for that occasion.”

In a crystal castle outside Ponyville, birds flew from the battlements as a shocked cry rang out as a scroll arrived and was quickly read.

Author's Note:

As another reader coined the term....FLORF! (Fluff + Lore)
Gallus arrives the guard school; and we get a bit more insight. Dun Dun Duuuuuuun.

Feedback welcome as always!