• Published 26th Oct 2018
  • 5,710 Views, 566 Comments

Prison of Ice with Silver Keys - RadBunny

As Gallus navigates the uncertain waters of being a special somegriff, demons from past his refuse to let him rest. As a hostile empire looms, Gallus will need to fight with every fiber of his being; only this time it's to protect the one he loves.

  • ...

Chapter Seventeen: The Wall

“Princess?” One of the guards stationed in the large war room asked, snapping Celestia out of her thoughts. A smattering of papers littered the desk in front of the Alicorn, and the monarch stood and shook the dreary reports from her mind.
“Yes Corporal?”
“The other armies; they have all made good time. They’re moving into position now and should be ready for the operation in the evening.”
“Thank you.” Celestia remarked, then smiling as she glanced over to the pony in question.
“Let them all know the timetable hasn’t changed. Also, please inform Master Sergeant Gyld to get into position and be ready to move.”
Walking out to the balcony to view her mid-morning sun, Celestia allowed herself a satisfied smirk, the previous melancholy lost.
“Your king is about to be put in ‘Check’, necromancer. You just don’t know it yet.”

Letting out a massive yawn, Gallus blinked and looked around at the light shafts radiating down from above, the large pool in the cave sending shimmering reflections over his face.
Huh. Must be a few hours before noon…
Maybe today we’re getting out of here!
That last thought sent energy surging through his limbs- the gryphon sitting up with a sigh. As comfy as it was to lean against Silverstream, the sooner they were out of here the better.
Then we can spend an entire day cuddling.

Seeing the crystal armor sitting on the ground, Gallus grinned at seeing it pulse a soft blue color.
Not green- guess that means it’s charged!
“Gallus? Morning.” Silverstream grumbled, rolling slightly to avoid a beam of sunlight.
“Morning to you too, feeling ok?”
“Uh huh…WHOA!” Silver’s voice instantly jumped a few octaves, the hippogriff all smiles and gesturing to her pearl shard necklace.
“That nasty magic and the crystal! It’s all gone! Just the pearl!” She crowed, happily hopping around.
“Want to try it out? Might make escaping easier. If not…” Gallus suggested, and Silver nodded with a bit of hesitation.
“Yeah, I think I should.”

Walking to the shallow edge of the pool, Silverstream took a breath and activated the pearl. With a familiar flash of magic, Silverstream was engulfed in arcane energy for a few moments. After a second or two, a very happy seapony flapped her tail on the rocky shoreline with a smile and then shifted back.
“IT WORKS!” Silverstream crowed- then covered her beak with a set of claws.
“It works!” She whispered softer with an embarrassed giggle, Gallus walking over to give the hippogriff a hug and good-morning kiss.
“I’m glad you’re feeling better.” He whispered after breaking the gesture, Silver humming happily.
“Uh huuuuuuh! Much better!” She crowed, Gallus’ eyes then widening as Silverstream yanked him into another kiss.
“Bwa?” Gallus stammered as Silverstream giggled.
“Did somebody forget I like kisses already?”
The bright blush that plastered itself onto the gryphon’s features was immediate and brilliant, prompting the hippogriff to laugh.
“Hey, I feel good, so all the kisses! Buuuut I guess we do need to get out of here, huh?” She asked, demeanor calming slightly.

Trying to smooth down his feathers without much success, Gallus nodded, clearly a bit preoccupied.
“I-erm…yeah…” He then glared at Silverstream before kissing her again and sighing.
“Couldn’t resist, and we do need to get out of here. I’ll go take a look at the wall and then come and get you.”
Silverstream shook her head, pouting and sitting down in front of him.
“Nope. I’m coming with you. What if it’s safe to go right then? The longer we wait, the more likely we’ll be found, as you said. Soooo shouldn’t we just do that as soon as possible? We could wait until the sun is going down though.”

Gallus nodded, not able to resist a smile at the resolute hippogriff.
“Well, I can’t argue either of those points. So I guess we just wait here a bit, maybe finish off the fish from last night and some more cattails in the meantime.”

Taking a few minutes to coax a small fire into existence, Gallus then set a bit of the already-cooked fish nearby to heat it up along with a glass bottle of water. Settling down with a wince, the gryphon took off the metal armor for a few moments and glanced over to Silverstream.
“Anything on your mind? Other than feeling good and kisses?” He quipped, his teasing being rewarded with a slight blush.
“Not fair. But just…it’s all kind of overwhelming. It’s been a crazy few days. Or a week? Almost that. I guess it won’t really set in until after.” Silverstream mused, prompting a nod.
“Yeah. Kind of like the stuff that happened in Griffinstone- it took years for that to come all out.” He then paused, trying to meet Silverstream’s gaze as she watched the small fire.
“I’m here if you want to talk about things you know. You’ve been there through all my stuff…”

Silver looked up to him and nodded- eyes slightly damp as she struggled to smile slightly.
“T-thanks Gallus. I’ll take you up on that, just not now.” She whispered, then shaking her head.
“V-vacation on a beach or in a snowy cabin?”

Silver shrugged as she settled next to the fire next to Gallus, nibbling on a bit of cattail.
“Just fun questions to ask back and forth. Skystar and I did it all the time. I’d prefer a beach.”
Gallus mused over the options and finally nodded.
“Yeah, I’ll agree with you there. Snowy cabin sounds fun for like, a bit. But then it’d get boring. A beach it’s much more relaxing somehow, and more to do. Haven’t been much though.”
Not saying anything for a moment, Gallus then let out a huff at seeing Silverstream looking at him expectantly.
“Oh. So I ask one now? Ummmmm, favorite Pish filling?”
“Galluuuuus. That’s not fair.” She pouted.
“They’re ALL so good!”
He chucked and nodded in agreement.
“Ok, that is true. Hmm. Worst dessert you’ve ever eaten?”
Silverstream stuck out her tongue and shivered at the thought.
“Remember when Ocellus challenge Smolder to a bake off? And they both made brownies? Smolder’s….” Another shiver ran over the hippogriff’s frame as Gallus followed suite.
“Yup, in agreement. That-blech, let’s not ever talk about that again actually.”

The two chuckled briefly, and Gallus then tossing a small object over to Silverstream.
“Oh. I carved this for you, or tried to at least. It’s simple, but thought you’d like it.”
Looking over the wooden carved seashell, Silverstream couldn’t help but let out a happy squeak. Rough around all the details but recognizable nonetheless, the single clamshell had been carved from a random piece of leftover wood- likely with just Gallus’ claws, judging from the marks.
“I love it!” She squealed, then blushed as she looked over and saw Gallus staring with a content smile on his beak.
“What?” She asked, prompting a simple shrug.
“I just love it when you’re happy.”
The kind gryphon was quickly preoccupied by the kiss Silverstream gave him, then leaning against his shoulder.
“Well same goes for you.” Silverstream whispered, then letting out a soft sigh.
“I just want more of this. Without the stress and running from a psycho monkey.”
A nod was Gallus’ reply, leaning back against her head with his own.
“Yeah, I’d like that too. But we’re close to that- just need to take a little swim.”

The hippogriff was quiet for a few moments, then finally gave Gallus’ shoulder a final nuzzle and a nod.
“I’m ready to be done with this place.” She then managed a slight smile.
“Well, only because we’re inside a freaky ice wall. This cave is actually quite nice!”
Gallus could hear the slight quiver in Silver’s voice as he gave her talons a squeeze, then organized the few items they had just to double check things.
“I’m just going to check outside briefly, ok?” He whispered, Silverstream watching him scramble up the tunnel with a nod.
We’re so close to getting out of here! Just need to wait until-
His thoughts froze on hearing a gaggle of voices in the distance, the gryphon not poking his head out of the crevasse. They were a distance off- but there were quite a few of them. Branches snapped as the voices moved through the forest- their path angling past the cave entrance towards the upriver area.
We might not be able to wait until nightfall.

Slithering back inside, Gallus kept his voice soft as he shook his head.
“There’s a lot of creatures out there. Barely within earshot, but close. We should just eat and wait for the coast to be clear. After they’ve left, we need to get going. I don’t think we can wait until it’s dark. If it’s a large search party, or they’re moving the camp this far then I don’t know how we’d leave…”
The pair ate in silence, then quietly discussing their plans of how best to traverse underwater. Against Gallus’ wishes, Silver shoved the crystal armor into his talons.
“This thing will protect you if something happens; I can just swim away!” She stated, the fire in her gaze dampening the gryphon’s arguments.
It was a fairly heavy load between the satchels and the armor, but nothing that would weigh Gallus down to the point of it being deadly. In fact, it would help when swimming underneath the wall and needing to hug the riverbed.

A quick check above ground confirmed the large group had moved on- and Gallus nodded to Silverstream quickly.
After a final look around the cave, Silverstream followed the Squire’s lead to the sunny jungle above them. Despite a pleasant temperature, nerves ate away at the pair’s every thought. They were still a few miles from the wall- and every snapped twig was an enemy, and every whisper of the wind turned into an alerting cry.

Optional Music
“Is everyone in position?” Celestia asked, standing among a dozen of her legionaries and addressed the portal in front of her, the ice kingdom a few miles away. The small forward operating base consisted of a smattering of tents surrounded by a hastily erected wooden wall. The guard had doubled due to Celestia paying it a visit. The hippogriffs’ own post was a short distance away as well, the two bases only a few minutes trot.
“Our border is set- awaiting your signal Celestia.” Ember declared.
“The gryphon empire is ready and waiting!” General Gruff grumbled.
“The hippogriff army is ready to support.” Queen Novo stated proudly.
“Then let us begin. All forces prepare for any counter attacks, and continue to watch for Gallus and Silverstream.”
As the portal closed, Celestia charged her own magic and let a smile slip onto her features.
“Check, Necromancer.”

Gallus paused in their trek through a thick section of jungle forest, Silverstream stopping at his side as a strange energy filled the air. The river section of the wall was in sight- but something made them pause. They hadn’t heard any enemies for their entire trek…
Clambering up a thick tree, the two took a brief look around to ensure they weren’t about to be surprised by a mysterious attack. A low then hum permeated the jungle, and Gallus was the first to spot a flicker of color behind them.
“Silver!” He whispered, gesturing with a talon.

A single red rune shone against the sky; the two crests of Griffinstone burning into the clouds. It was small- but was quickly joined by another. Five more then joined it, and then a dozen, then hundreds. Within moments runes carpeted the sky- the smaller shapes making up a larger crest that burned brightly on the distant border of the ice wall as the gryphon army made its presence known.
A green symbol quickly followed- a crude drawing of the dragon lands sigil matching the Griffinstone one as it seared the sky. Flames licked from the edge of the jagged design as another border of the necromancer’s land was marked.

Gallus felt Silverstream reach over and hold his claws as two more symbols lit up the sky in unison, which happened to also be the closest ones; that of the Hippogriff Kingdom and the Two Sisters. The golden shield around the empire crackled as Celestia and Luna’s brand caused the low clouds to rumble with thunder. The four kingdoms enclosed the borders of the necromancer’s claim with their own marks- each race united against the common threat. The golden shield originally summoned expanded with a thunderclap- the magic widening and linking with the symbols that radiated into the sky. Each corner of the empire now glowed with a unique color as each nation added their own magic to the containment shield.
“They’re all here.” Gallus whispered as Silverstream nodded.
“Gallus, let’s go home.”
Dropping down from the trees, the two scampered quickly towards the river and the ice wall. They probably had a short break while the runes distracted everyone…
(Option to end music- or continue listening)

Gallus skidded to a stop at the edge of the shoreline. The river gurgled and rumbled underneath the ice wall, emerging but a few dozen feet away in a boiling tumult of white water.
“I’ll go first. Then I can wait for you and help if you get stuck.” Silverstream stated, shaking her head as Gallus was about to object.
“I’m not too good with air bubble magic, but I can do it for a few moments. So I’ll make sure you’re safe.” She added with a smile.
“Well, considering I can’t argue, I guess that’s the plan.” Gallus chuckled, Silverstream nodding briefly.
“Yup! No arguing, now let’s get out of here.”

Silverstream dove into the water, gracefully transforming into her seapony form as she swam underneath the wall. Sure enough, no barriers stopped her- and she popped up on the other side before coming back.
“There’s a few rocks, but you’ll be fine! Just tuck your head in just in case. Maybe I’ll take the satchels and the armor?” She asked, Gallus about to reply when his ears twitched.
“Silver. Go!” He hissed, prompting the Seapony to dive.

“Gallus!” A familiar voice called, and the gryphon’s heart jumped on seeing two familiar Alicorns step out from the shadowy tree line.
“You got close enough so that we could finally sense you! Come, let us get out of here. And where is Silverstream-Ah! There she is!” Celestia remarked as Luna looked on, Silverstream popping her head up just offshore.
Gallus was about to answer when his eyes narrowed.
No. This makes no sense, none at all. I wonder…
“And you must be Princess Luna- it’s a pleasure to finally meet you.” Gallus remarked smoothly, watching as Luna nodded.
“Indeed, nice to meet you-”
The Alicorn’s words were cut off as Gallus’ spear snapped into existence and buried itself into Luna’s face- the disguised arcane entity letting out a pained screech. ‘Celestia’ scrambled backwards as Gallus bounded forwards, tearing the disguise and hidden creature apart with a blow from his sword.

Yanking the satchels from his side, Gallus tossed them to Silverstream- catching an oblong crystal that fell out.
“Silver, get these out of here! Run!” He yelled, abandoning all stealth.
They know we’re here!
“I’m not leaving you!” She called back, retrieving the satchel and gesturing for him to run.
“I don’t plan on being left! Just get a head start!”
As Silverstream dove once again, Gallus jumped to launch himself into the water-
And found his body slammed against the ice wall a few feet away.

Letting out a groan, the gryphon found himself pinned by a set of claws, a long face leering at him with a chuckle.
“FINALLY got you!” IC hissed, yanking the crystal from Gallus’ grip. Slamming it into his staff, the necromancer grinned as a soft whine from his staff permeated the air. Hitting Gallus with a magically charged blow, the gryphon was sent skyward to land on top of the wall. As Gallus scrambled upright and looked around, he saw hidden runes embedded deep in the ice near the ground far below.
So that’s how they knew we were here- and once the crystal was away from the changeling throne shards…

Landing with a THUD that cracked the wall itself, IC glared at the gryphon as he cloaked himself in ethereal fire, black flames eating at the edges of his body.
“You have made my life very inconvenient, gryphon!” He called, gesturing down below.
“I need her alive- you, not so much! But I’m sure my minions…” The cocky primate’s words trailed off as flashes of light illuminated the scene down below. The dozens of arcane creatures that had pursued Silverstream outside the wall were brutally being slaughtered by Celestial Legionnaires; their flaming weapons biting through armor and magic forms alike. Silverstream was frantically gesturing his way- protected by four armored ponies who looked up and gestured with their spears.
She’s safe!

Scooting closer to the edge, Gallus then found himself thrown across the wall- IC now standing between him and freedom.
“Oh no you don’t! I’m not through with you yet.” He growled, Gallus tapping the crystal armor on his chest. Quickly spreading to line his gauntlets and helmet, the armor glowed as the gryphon settled into a fighting stance. Grasping the spear handle, Gallus didn’t activate the weapon just yet.
This windbag like to talk. So let’s see…
“What are you going to do? Turn me into an arcane zombie?” Gallus asked as IC edged forward with a mad chuckle.
“I was thinking more of slowly tearing your mortal form into-GAH!” The spear slammed into the necromancer’s side as Gallus then bounded forwards. Yanking the weapon out and tossing it aside, IC held his staff low- the long artifact shifting its shape into a longsword as he smacked Gallus aside. Burning with black and purple dark magic, the weapon seemed to have a tinge of green as well as it rang off the gryphon’s protected side.
My armor nullifies his magical strikes- so at least it’s on a somewhat even playing field!

Gallus slashed at the primate’s neck- the biped sidestepping and delivering a glancing blow to the gryphon’s ribs. The crystal armor let out a screech but didn’t give, Gallus skidding on the ice to try and score another blow.
Blocking it and pushing Gallus’ arm aside, IC brutally slashed at Gallus’ chest, the crystal armor letting off a loud ‘PING’ as the weapon burned through. The metal underneath however resisted the attack.
The gryphon was quick to realize his disadvantage as IC skidded to his side, a brutal kick sending Gallus sprawling. While his claws and paws skidded on the ice, the necromancer’s footing was sure- somehow skating this way and that effortlessly.

That disadvantage was even further amplified as Gallus struggled to stand- barely blocking a blow from the dark magic sword.
“What’s the matter gryphon? Can’t seem to get a sure footing?” IC chuckled, then letting out a hiss as Gallus stabbed his sword through the primate’s ankle.
“PEST!” The necromancer growled, kicking at Gallus’ head and then drawing back his sword. Gallus rolled away and managed to get into a low combat stance.
“Oh, but I’m your pest. Aren’t I special?” Gallus quipped with a grin, an arcane shield snapping into existence on his left forearm.
Dashing forward, the necromancer battered at the energy shield, Gallus managing to score a deep blow to the creature’s arm. He was rewarded with a kick to his leg- the blow sending the Squire sprawling before regaining his footing for a moment.

The ice then rippled and shivered under Gallus’ paws, sending the gryphon skidding onto all fours as IC laughed, his sword having glowed with magic briefly. While the gryphon was down, IC skated to his side and tore into an unarmored section of Gallus’ side with a flick of his wrist.
As the gryphon tried to stand, IC shoved Gallus over, pinning the Squire’ sword arm to the icy floor and drew back his own weapon. On trying to rise, Gallus received another brutal blow to his head that made his ears ring behind the helmet. He barely managed to block another blow- this one sliding to cut into the crystal-enforced breastplate.
“That gem of yours is highly annoying- but I don’t need fancy spells to dispatch you.”
The gryphon’s vision swam as IC slammed the sword against his helmet, then slashing at the Gallus’ chest again. The armor let out a hiss- the crystalline armor appearing to hold onto the dark magic blade for a moment before it pulsed slightly. Gallus felt the armor get suddenly heavier-
Out of power, did that strike drain it?
IC stood over him, drawing the weapon back for a swipe at his unarmored neck.
The sword was halfway down in a strike when the necromancer let out a choked gasp and paused his movements. Protruding from his left eye was a crossbow bolt- a second emerging from IC’s neck moments later.

Hidden in a tall tree bordering the ice wall, Master Sergeant Gyld let a stony grin slide onto his beak as he took aim with the modified crossbow once again. The sadistic primate just needed to take a few steps to get back in his sights…
Strike at my student will you?

Stumbling backwards, the necromancer’s form shivered as he looked around angrily for the unseen foe. Gallus managed to stand up once again as he clutched at his side, letting out a slight grunt as blood dripped from under his claws. A third bolt slammed into the necromancer’s chest- IC’s form shivering even more violently. With an angry growl, the necromancer kicked viscously at Gallus, sending the gryphon sliding across the ice towards the edge. A fourth crossbow bolt hit the primate’s chest- causing him to finally vanish with a ‘SNAP’ of energy.

Gallus’ vision swam as he stumbled to the close edge of the wall and flopped over- vaguely remembering that spreading his wings would be a good idea. Something caught him- the gryphon vaguely remembering pink feathers, followed by golden armor and an ethereal fire.
The world then went black.

Two legionaries launched themselves into the air after the pink missile that exploded from next to them, Silverstream tackling Gallus midair and spreading her own wings to slow the unconscious gryphon’s decent. The two Pegasi guards grabbed each of the gryphon’s forelimbs, lowering him to the ground as another barked out orders. Six Celestial legionaries dashed forward with spears at the ready, guarding the retreat as the group vanished north towards the Forward Operating Base.
The sight was almost too much for Silverstream to take in; dozens of ponies and Hippogriffs crowding around as they made their way through the tan military tents towards a larger one in the middle, desks and tables visible inside.
Silverstream didn’t leave Gallus’ side until he was whisked into a medical tent to her right, a small squat green structure- then held back with two Legionaries. With a flash of magic, Queen Novo appeared at her side and promptly wrapped her niece in a hug.

“Silverstream! You made it! Thank heavens, are you hurt? This way- we have our own medical tent here.” Novo instructed, Silverstream casting a worried glance backwards as she was hustled into a smaller dark blue tent.
“But Gallus-”
“Will be fine. I need to get you checked out first though. Equestrian doctors are the best in the land- but they haven’t had time to study our biology in some time. So please just let us look you over alright?” The worried Queen explained as Silverstream nodded. As they entered the small medical tent, Silver’s eyes widened as she looked down.
“U-Um Auntie? My limbs are shaking, and I feel kind of weird.” She stammered, promptly sitting down with a gasp.
“Medics, here!” Novo called as a blue hippogriff wrapped a blanket around Silverstream.
“Just shock, sit here please.” The medical officer instructed as he wrapped a blood-pressure cuff around Silver’s arm.
“I need to get back to Celestia- and I’ll let your parents know, ok Silver? You’re safe now.” Novo relayed, giving her niece a brief hug before vanishing again.

As Silverstream shivered and let the medic run his various tests, she couldn’t help but clutch a small wooden carving, the seashell smooth against her claws.
Please be ok Gallus…

“How is he?” Celestia asked as Gyld stood over the prone gryphon, a chunk of crystal resting on the ground from where it had dropped moments earlier.
“Probably a nasty goose egg on his head; therefore a slight concussion, and some stitches were needed on his side for that nasty gash. Overall, not bad. He’s done fighting at full strength for a while though.” Gyld remarked, then sighing with relief.
“They’re finally out of there…now they can leave war to us.”
Not hearing Celestia’s response, Gyld’s eyes narrowed as he turned to look at Celestia, the benevolent ruler’s eyes rather determined but not lacking in compassion.
“I wish it was that simple Gyld. I will explain further, but don’t you and your wife have a home in Manehattan?”
Gyld immediately caught on and nodded.
“The one with two stories that recently was re-painted? Do we need to take a vacation with guests?”
“I believe so.”

As Celestia walked out of the tent, Gyld sighed and shook his head, looking over the unconscious gryphon sadly.
“Looks like you’re not out of this yet Gallus. But we’ll take care of you as best we can.”

“You got back one of the gems, right? So isn’t that a win?” Sulfid suggested to the fuming primate, his form still flaking off bits of dark magic as it re-energized. Something had happened on the wall a few hours prior, but IC had refused to elaborate until now.
“Yes, but that hippogriff’s pearl is the only one that resonates with the amulet we possess. The others would fragment, among other issues. Therefore that’s the conduit we have to use! And they still have two of the crystals. No, we need that pearl shard above all else. I can get by with one crystal.” The necromancer hissed, wiggling his hand as the magical flesh returned to his natural form.

“And I assume you have a plan for all that? I’ve been overseeing our successful recruitment as best I can.” Sulfid remarked, IC then waving the hippogriff off.
“Yes yes, you’ve been doing a fantastic job. And I do have a plan- but we have to wait. Until that pink nuisance stops moving, we can’t spring it. For now, we build our forces and wait for the signature to show up again. I’ll give you details soon enough so you can train the troops on the plan. Just pass it down to the training officers.”
Sulfid nodded as the necromancer moved off to survey his domain- shrugging briefly as he went about his duties. He didn’t have to understand the master plan- only execute it.

Gallus awoke to a pounding headache- and something rather cool on his brow.
The cushions- or whatever soft item he lay on was also rather nice.
The last thing I remember…that fight-
His effort to snap awake and upright was partially successful- the gryphon lifting his head slightly before flopping back down with a groan.
Ok. Bad idea.
Whatever cool compress was on his forehead also was blocking Gallus’ vision, but some soft noises next to him assayed his next fear.
“Gallus? You’re awake!” A gentle voice whispered, a familiar soft cheek pressing against his.
“I was worried when you wouldn’t wake up and had that gash in your side and the huge lump on your head and I thought-”
“Silver. Breath.”
Said hippogriff took a deep breath and sighed, nuzzling her favorite gryphon gently.
“S-sorry. I was just so worried.”
“Indeed we all were- well, those of us who didn’t know how hard headed you were.”

The deep voice brought a chuckle out of Gallus, the gryphon tilting his head to the side.
“Gyld? That you?”
A chuckle was the Squire’s answer, Gyld nodding as he walked a bit closer and sat down.
“In the flesh. How are you feeling Gallus?”
The Squire grumbled, letting out a sigh.
“Feels like I got smacked by an angry monkey, which is pretty close to the truth. Where am I?”
Silverstream let out a giggle at that, and a slight huff left Gyld’s beak.
“That is indeed accurate. We’re currently in Manehattan- at one of the royal safehouse locations. My wife is downstairs handling the antique store front of the place.” Gyld explained, Gallus finally cracking open an eye as he lifted the cool cloth on his forehead.

Silver was sitting next to him with a wide grin, while the Gyld was situated to the left, near a doorway in the simple off-tan room. A set of windows were to Gallus’ right, looking over what was likely a main street, judging by the other buildings in view.
“So…we just wait here? How long have I been out?” Gallus asked, noticing Silverstream’s smile fade slightly. Gyld walked over and held up a familiar side satchel, the clinking of crystal and stone emanating within.
“….oh boy.” Gallus groaned, promptly putting the cool cloth over his eyes once again.

“That’s kind of what I said.” Silver quipped, prompting Gyld to sigh.
“And warranted. It’s a bit of a pickle we’re in Gallus. Celestia herself is going to stop by later now that you’re up and explain, but we don’t have many options.”
Gallus’ decent mood had quickly shifted, the gryphon grumbling and trying to avoid the looming headache.

“We escaped that nightmare to get those things away, and to someone who could take care of it. Like…I don’t know- Celestia, Luna, the royal guard? Why are they still here?”
“Gallus, they didn’t have a choice.” Silver piped up, prompting Gallus to lift the cloth once again and look at her curiously.
“Celestia doesn’t know who to trust.” Silverstream explained, setting her head next to Gallus’ and nuzzling his cheek.
“Some of the royal guards defected to the necromancer. He’s been doing some sort of advertising, recruiting criminals and such. The only creatures Celestia and Luna seem to trust are Gyld, his wife, us, and the elements of harmony.” The hippogriff sighed, clearly not happy with their current predicament.

“Well, she can trust her legionaries- the amazing fiery ponies who were there. But there’s a bit more to that. Umm, your armor…”
A loud groan left Gallus’ beak, the gryphon tapping the metal breastplate that was loosely still attached to his body. The past days began to cascade through his tired mind like a painful waterfall- they were supposed to be safe
“The gem. You have got to be kidding me. Please tell me that is not the reason.”
“That’s the reason.” Silver whispered, resting her cheek against his, and prompting another huff.
“You know, it’s really hard to be angry when you’re cuddly.”

Gyld chuckled, walking closer and shrugging his wings.
“She is correct though. That ancient gem on your armor helps dampen the signature of the gems and Silverstream’s pearl shard. Well, when coupled with the changeling rocks of course. We tried to transport them actually- and Silverstream separately. In both cases, we were immediately attacked by dozens of the necromancer’s forces. So we did try Gallus- Celestia says she has a plan though.”

Nodding slowly, Gallus let out a tired breath, then wincing at the movement.
“I don’t like it, but that makes sense. And let me guess- the armor only works with me?”
“Actually…” Silver chirped, prompting another groan.
“Oh come on.”

“Again, we tried Gallus. You’ve been out for a day and a half. We tried every other option- and every time we got attacked. The only time the necromancer can’t sense the gems or the pearl shard is when they’re with you and that armor. The crystal armor seems to amplify the dampening field- it’s over there.” Gyld then let out a genuine laugh, gesturing to the crystal chunk sitting on a chair across the room.
“By the way, I’ve never seen scientists so mad before Gallus. The armor wouldn’t respond to their instruments almost at all, and only activated when placed on your or Silverstream. So congratulations on your extended equipment loan.”

That prompted a chuckle from Gallus, slowly taking the cold cloth from his eyes.
“Ok, that sounds pretty awesome…can I get up?” He asked, prompting Gyld to nod.
“Silver, can you help him up? Slowly please.”

Silver helped the gryphon slowly sit up, then squeaking as he flopped onto her shoulder.
“Um. Sorry Silver. Really weak.” Gallus grumbled as Gyld retrieved a small plate of food; fish and pastries from the looks of it.
“I don’t doubt it. That gash in your side needed stitches, and the blows to your head probably left you with a slight concussion. Both of you need rest- you’re worn ragged from the past week.” Gyld explained, and Gallus could now see circles under Silverstream’s eyes, neither of them now fueled by the constant adrenaline rush of running and hiding.

“We’re…uh, both kinda a mess, huh?” He asked, prompting Silver to nod.
“I slept for twelve hours straight. Next to you of course- you had me worried.” The hippogriff whispered, letting out a tired breath.

“I wish I could offer more comforting information, but that’s the situation.” Gyld explained, then looking over as Gallus grinned slightly.
“Well, at least you’re here, and we’re not inside an ice wall. Speaking of- who shot those bolts when I was on the wall? Weren’t you a trained sniper?”
Gyld nodded, a twitch of a smile edging onto his beak.
“I am a trained sniper, Squire Gallus. And yes, that was me. You looked like you could use a bit of help.” He explained, prompting Gallus to nod.
“That explains it- well, thank you. Thought I’d do better against him than that, but suppose not.”
“On the contrary.” Gyld quipped, watching as Gallus took a stab at the food with a talon.
“You did remarkably. You were on the run for a week with minimal rations, had to fight on unsteady and slipper ground, against a foe you knew little to nothing about. Despite that, you held your own and got a few blows in. You performed fantastically- especially since the necromancer is leagues above any training projection you faced.”

Gallus nodded as the praise eased a bit of his doubts, the food starting to replenish a bit of his energy.
“Suppose so…” He mused, then feeling a very familiar sensation starting to clog his throat.
“H-hey Gyld? Can I have some time with Silver please?” He asked, the older gryphon quickly nodding and walking out without objection. As soon as the door shut, Silverstream scooted a bit closer.
“Gallus? You ok?”

Ignoring the pain in his side and aching temples, Gallus shook his head slightly, the gryphon leaning against Silverstream’s chest.
“Not really. Are you?” He whispered, a few tears brimming in his eyes.
“We escaped, we’re finally sort of safe, but still caught up in all of it? It j-just…”
Silverstream nodded, holding her gryphon close as he cried, tears in her own eyes spilling over.
“But w-we’re at least here with Gyld and his wife. We’re safer than before, so at least it’s a step up.” She whispered, prompting a tearful chuckle from Gallus.
“Always looking on the bright side.” He whispered, enjoying the nuzzle Silverstream gave his cheek and neck.
“Kinda have to in times like this.” She whispered, then resting her cheek against his.
“If you look for the light, you can often find it. But if you look for the dark that is all you will ever see.”
Gallus let out a slight huff, pulling back and looking at Silverstream curiously.
“That was surprisingly beautiful. I mean coming from you that covers a lot, but…”
Blushing furiously, Silver shook her head with a slight smile.
“Oh, that was from an old philosopher Skystar told me about. Lots of good quotes like that, but that one just stuck with me.”
“I think it’s pretty fitting for us right now though.” Gallus agreed, closing his eyes and enjoying Silverstream’s fuzzy hug.

“I never thought I’d be excited about the idea of just having homework to be worried about.”
The soft comment prompted a few giggles from Silverstream, the hippogriff nodding in agreement.
“Tooooootally. Having a crazy monkey chase me has gotten old.”
She was quiet for a moment before tightening her hug an nuzzling under Gallus’ chin.
“I also look forward to more of this, when we’re not stressed out.” She added, prompting a chuckle.
“But don’t you miss those awkward yet informative talks we had?”
Gallus swore he could feel Silverstream heating up from his jest, prompting a slight laugh as she grumbled.
“Noooooooot gonna answer that.”
Continuing to chuckle, Gallus gave Silverstream a tender kiss, then sighing as he gestured towards the door.
“We probably should see what Celestia wants. I guess Gyld can contact her…”
A slightly red Silverstream nodded, helping the gryphon stand with no small amount of hissing from his beak.
“So. Sore. Ow.” He sighed, meandering to the door and finding Gyld looking through a larger binder in the next room. Surprisingly vacant, the room held a few bookcases, a couch, and a desk with a large window set above it.

“Ah, what can I do for you two?” He asked, Silverstream then piping up.
“Erm, when is Celestia coming? We just want to hear what she has to say.” She explained, Gallus letting out a slight chuckle.
“Or give us a medal, that works too.”
Seeing the glare Silver shot his way, the gryphon shrugged.
“What? A medal would be cool!”

Gyld chuckled and tapped a small crystal that sat on the desk, then nodding as it blinked twice.
“Well. I just alerted her that you’re awake and coherent. So go get comfortable in the next room and she should be along shortly.”

Meandering back to the other room and plopping on the couch Gallus previously had been occupying, the pair simply leaned against each other tiredly.
“A week at the beach sounds nice.” Gallus mumbled, Silver nodding in agreement.
“Uh huh.”

With a soft ‘POP’, a familiar alabaster Alicorn appeared in the room with a sigh.
“Hello you two- I’m glad to see you’re both doing well.” She said, Gallus only managing to bow his head along with Silver.
“Thank you, Princess Celestia, for the save by the way.” Gallus replied, prompting Celestia to wave a hoof.
“Just Celestia here, please. And Silverstream is the one who first caught you, I might add. My legionaries then swept in.”
Silverstream blushed slightly, Gallus giving her shoulder a loving nudge.

“But, my time here is short, so I’d better explain. I am sorry to burden you both with this, but we are out of options.” Celestia explained, summoning three metal objects to float in front of the pair.
“A crossbow…and two daggers?” Gallus asked curiously. There were simple grips wrapped around each of the hilts, while the crossbow appeared to a be single-shot model. Both the bolt and tips of the daggers had odd square bits that seemed to shift and warp with color.

“Since the necromancer will come for Silverstream first, and likely the gems as soon as they leave your presence, I thought it best to give you these.” Celestia stated, then letting out a groan as a familiar voice echoed through the room.
“My favorite gryphon is back! Huzzah!” Discord crowed, a potted plant in the corner sprouting eyes and a mouth. Unraveling into his full form, the Draconequus cracked his neck in half before looking at Gallus and frowning.
“Well you look awful. No guys nights for a bit I suppose…”
“Good to see you too Discord.” Gallus chuckled, the chaotic god taking the three objects and spinning them around.

“I’ll take it from here my sunny delight. Let me make this short. Just shoot and or stab that monkey with them. Two have to be used! If that happens, the lovely gems in the ends will paralyze him. When that happens, you yell for Celestia, and she brings the pain!” He chuckled, eyes flaring with fire at his last word.
“So, shoot, stab, yell. Yes?” He asked, the pair nodding before all three looked to Celestia, Discord having a rather smug grin on his features.
“Did that cover it?”
Smacking a hoof to her forehead, Celestia couldn’t hide the smile dawning on her tired features.
“Yes Discord that did. Thank you.”
“Ta ta!”

As he vanished, Gallus looked at the objects and carefully picked up the dagger, then setting it aside.
“So…these gems paralyze the necromance if we can stab him? Or shoot. Use two of them and then call for you? That’s it?” He asked, then sighing as the full situation came into focus.
“And of course we have to be the ones to do it. Because if he comes here- he’ll come for Silverstream, the gems, and revenge as a side note. That means totally bypassing any guards if he can, or Gyld for that matter.”

Celestia nodded at the young gryphons words.
“Quite a decent way to sum it up I’m afraid. But this is the final step, and Gyld will be here regardless. Once he’s paralyzed, I’ll be free to destroy the runes threatening the various provinces. If you can, destroy him too, but I’ll handle that if not.” She explained, then bowing her head to the pair.

“I am sorry to place such a burden on you two so soon after escaping. I would wait longer, but the necromancer’s forces are growing at an alarming rate.”
Silverstream let out a slight squeak, shaking her head quickly.
“No need to thank us…I mean you’ve done a lot from what I’ve heard.”
“I second that. Also having the ruler of Equestria bowing her head to me feels really really weird.” Gallus added, Celestia letting out a chuckle.
“My efforts still don’t excuse the lapse that led to this entire situation, and for that I am sorry. If there’s anything you need, do let me know. But Gyld will fill you in on the current plans. Take this week to relax and recuperate- then we will proceed. There are a few counselors in the city I can recommend as well, or Starlight can come back here if you’d wish.”

Silverstream blushed at the last offer, Gallus looking over to her with a raised eyebrow.
“I, um, mentioned it’d be a good idea….” She mumbled, Gallus shrugging his wings.
“Eh. It’s true. We’ll talk with Gyld over which ones sound best, but I think we get it.” The gryphon remarked, Silverstream nodding as the weapons were set next to them.

“Thank you both- I’ll see about that medal by the way…” Celestia chuckled as Gallus blushed with embarrassment, the Alicorn then vanishing with a ‘SNAP.’
“She totally heard that. Dangit.” He muttered as Silverstream laughed.
“But hey, we have a week off! You can get some more rest.”
Laying back down Gallus nodded, gently rubbing an eye as his lids became heavy.
“Which I think is a good thing…a few minutes conversation and I’m already done.” He mumbled, Silverstream pulling a pillow over to then nuzzle his cheek.
“Then rest. I’ll be here when you wake up.”

Gyld smiled at seeing the two start to doze, then returning to gloss over the binder of plans Celestia had left him the day before.
You two are quite a pair. Rest up, you’ll need your strength before the final piece of this chess game falls.

Author's Note:

FREEDOM! Safety?
We're in the endgame now...

Bonus points if you know who that 'old philosopher' is without googling! (I certainly didn't.) Hint: Not MLP related, and he likes to drink tea.