• Published 26th Oct 2018
  • 5,709 Views, 566 Comments

Prison of Ice with Silver Keys - RadBunny

As Gallus navigates the uncertain waters of being a special somegriff, demons from past his refuse to let him rest. As a hostile empire looms, Gallus will need to fight with every fiber of his being; only this time it's to protect the one he loves.

  • ...

Chapter Four: Glimmering Griffinstone Gambles

“I have decided that I do not like teleporting places.” Gallus grumbled, smoothing down some puffy crest feathers as he walked with Silverstream towards the main Griffinstone gates. A teleport was certainly a faster method of travel as opposed to a few days of trains and a boat. That said, he’d be sure to mention to Starlight she needed to refine long-distance spells a bit. …Or maybe not, because then Headmare Twilight would probably write a how-to essay on it, and Starlight would get annoyed to say the least.

“Aww, but you look adorable! Arcane-induced fluffy!” YAY!” The hippogriff proclaimed, grabbing him in a quick hug before looking around.
“So this is Griffinstone; huh. Looks interesting.” She mused, Gallus nodding as he shrugged his wings. The place had certainly changed in the past year or so for the better. Next to the large gates shaped in the red and gold Griffinstone Crest, there were actual resident guards now watching ponies and gryphons meander in and out. The once proud city was starting to rise from the ashes, the dumpy dwellings having been cleared away for homey granite and brick stone housing and even some multi-storied businesses. The once dirt street now had neatly laid cobblestones that led to the governing council chambers, and shops had sprouted up outside a large central marketplace. Simple lamps lined the main streets, and smaller powered lighting in front of the shops with clearly recent wiring in place was visible along the rooftops.

Love is Magic- First Movement
(For just the next paragraph or two; a short moment, but the song captures that quite well.)

It now was starting to feel like an actual town, a city.
“So after I show you around for a bit, I’ll need to go to talk to Grampa Gruff, and you can admire some more of the shops if you want.” Gallus suggested, Silverstream letting out a happy squeal.
“I’d LOVE that!” “If they’re free, I can bet Gilda or Gabby might want to say hi. Or maybe not, but they’re some of the few gryphons that actually helped me out; so I need to thank them for sure.” Gallus added, speaking more to himself than Silverstream. The hippogriff was just happy to trot along at his side, head on a swivel as they passed through the main gates and down the large busy street.
“Thisissocoolthisissocoolthisissocoolthisissocool-” Gallus couldn’t help but let out a soft “snrk,” trying to not burst out laughing as Silverstream's overjoyed whispers reaching his ears.

Looking over to the ecstatic hippogriff, Gallus couldn’t help but sigh happily. Someone as amazing as her actually loves me… Wide lavender eyes gazed into a shop window, relics of old capturing Silverstream’s immediate attention. She took in the sights as a hatchling would; with unabashed wonder and curiosity. Always curious; one of many things I love about her. The gryphon mused, enjoying her antics as the hippogriff bounded from window to window, barely-contained squeals of joy leaving her beak. The few gryphons or ponies who paid her any mind had mixed expressions; some of annoyance, others of amusement. Some actually seemed to watch her with a dreamy gaze, as though envying the excitement of discovering something new.
(Song end)

Gallus padded along at a slower pace, letting Silverstream peek in most, if not all the shop windows along this section of street. A few times she beaconed to have him cover over; and the gryphon was surprised to see the items she pointed out were actually pretty neat. Old coins, artifacts of wars long past, but to name a few. She’s just so happy and curious- always wanting to explore the world. And then she’s gorgeous on top of it all… With that final thought, Gallus' eyes widened slightly, a burning blush flooding his cheeks and neck.

Somehow, another layer of intimate attractiveness decided to finally welded itself onto his awareness at that last thought. If he was being honest with himself, it had been there for a time, but only now decided to make itself aware to his conscious thoughts. Gallus’ thoughts now flatlined, the gryphon struggling to place one set of claws in front of the other. He had always found her rather attractive; but this was the final and rather intimate layer to that.
Ok. Where did THAT come from?! And until now, how in the world did I not-

He knew of course. But of all the times and places, it could have been better. As sudden and slightly annoying as it was, Gallus couldn’t help but feel like his feelings were more complete, in an odd way. It was as though something he never knew was missing had been found. A conversation with Starlight sprung to mind from a few months ago; he probably should have taken what the book said more seriously… Whoops.
‘Reading this might help you expect some things, Gallus.’
‘The effects of malnutrition? Huh?’
‘It can affect your body and mind; but now that you’re recovering from that, I thought it’d help as things stabilize.’
‘Thanks Starlight, I will.’

It was now that Gallus noticed a very amused Silverstream poking at his side, the hippogriff following his gaze. “…something about that cloud catch your attention?” She asked, Gallus extremely aware as to how nice it was to have her sides brush his.
“Ah-erm, we’ll go with that. Let’s just get to the main council chambers. I don’t want to have to wait for Grumpy Gruff to finish his meetings.” Gallus stammered, trotting off as Silverstream hopped along. “Grumpy Gruff? Pfffft.”

If Silverstream noticed his entire neck and cheeks were purple, she didn’t show it, for better or worse.
Oh tailfeathers. How would I explain that? …I stubbed my claw. Yes. That’s it. And it hurt so I tried not to yell out.
Or, y’know. I could tell her the truth. Yeah, that’s not totally awkward. But- Errands first. Step one.

Stopping at a tidy shop, Gallus poked his head inside, seeing two familiar griffins.
“H-Hey Gilda, Gabby.” He stammered, the two mentioned individuals staring in shock.
“Gallus? Whoa. Didn’t expect to see you here!” One gryphoness called over, the other trotting over and looking over Gallus.
“Good to see you dude, you’re actually looking pretty good.” She remarked, the corners of her beak turning up slightly at seeing a certain pink-feathered necklace.
“And you must be Silverstream; I’m Gilda.” She held out a set of claws, Silverstream bowing her head and shaking them. “Nice to meet you Gilda; and you’d be right. That’s me!” Her smooth tone only lasted for about half of her words, the characteristic excited squeak peaking at the end. Gilda chuckled, waving to another gryphon behind the counter as Gabby walked up.

“C’mon Gabby. Hey, Gretta! Store is yours for a bit. We’re just heading out for a while.”
Gretta waved a set of claws, the grey patterned gryphon next to Gilda bouncing up and down excitedly.
“So you’re Silverstream? I’m Gabby! Nice to meet you!” She happily shook Silverstream’s claws with a grin. On hearing the excited gryphon’s voice, Silverstream’s ears perked up even more.
“Nice to meet you too! I heard you went to Ponyville before?”

As the two chatted back and forth, Gilda gave Gallus’ shoulder a shove with a fist, nodding slowly.
“I’m glad you’re doing alright Gallus, really.” She said, tone actually soft and sincere.
“You had me worried for a while.” Gallus shrugged, rubbing his neck awkwardly before finally looking over to her.
“It was pretty rough, your help made it much easier actually. I never really thanked you, not formally. So…thank you Gilda.” He stated, making sure to look at her when speaking; last thing he wanted was for her to think he was insincere.

“You’re quite welcome. I’m just glad I was able to help somegriff.” She replied, shrugging with a slight smile on her beak.
“So what are you up to here? Showing your special somegriff around?” Gallus felt a blush rise to his cheeks, nodding briefly.
“Erm, well yeah. But also picking up some stuff from Grampa Gruff. I also did want to thank you and Gabby.” He explained, prompting Gilda to chuckle.
“Well, I’m glad to see you’re doing alright.” She then glanced back to Silverstream and Gabby who fist-bumped claws. “Really really well.”

Gallus couldn’t help but smile, Gabby hopping up to his side.
“Hey Gallus! You’re looking much better! And you and Silverstream? WOW. She’s fun!” Gabby crowed, happily walking alongside the gryphon.
“That’s an understatement to say the least.” Gallus grinned, then turned to look at the bouncy gryphoness.
“Hey, Gabby? Those time that you offered me bits or food; whether I turned it down or not…thank you.” He said, gaze softening slightly.
“I was an idiot not to take help, but feeling like someone pitied me, I just- thank you. It did help, a lot.” Gabby seemed to settle down ever so slightly, giving Gallus’ shoulder a nudge.
“You’re welcome, and don’t worry about it. I get the whole pity-angle. I’m just glad you’re happy! So you’re here to visit us and the grumpy Gruff?” She asked, gesturing to the stump-shaped building in front of them.
“He should be in there. We can chat out here if you want!” Gabby remarked, glancing back to a smiling Silverstream.
“Yup! I’m good.” She chirped, waving to Gallus with a set of claws.

Clearly a tad surprised the three were getting along so well, Gallus waved back and trotted up the steps.
Well. At least that went over well.

Silverstream smiled at the two gryphons, the three walking over to wait under a few newly-planted trees to the side of the council hall.
“So Silverstream…what do you think of Gallus? We’ve heard a bit about you, buuuuuut-” Gilda asked, looking over the pink hippogriff curiously.

Knowing full well a blush was on her cheeks, Silverstream couldn’t help but let out a slight giggle.
“I-um. Think of him? I mean I love him, a lot.” She stammered, fiddling with her claws. Gabby grinned, stepping forward with barely contained excitement.
“Oh! I’ve always wanted to do this!” The gryphoness snagged a bit of shiny tile, aiming the sunlight at Silverstream’s face. “What are your intentions with Gallus?” She asked, her barely-giggling tone offsetting the artificial roughness she tried to portray.

Silverstream’s ears flattened slightly, looking at the two curiously.
“W-what? What do you mean?” She asked, Gilda rolling her eyes as Gabby laughed to herself.
“Silverstream, we just want to know what your plans are with Gallus. Good or bad. He’s younger than us, well, only by a bit, but we’ve seen him grow up. He’s our friend. We both just want to make sure he’s happy, girl to girl.” Gilda remarked, Gabby’s expression becoming rather troubled for a moment.

“Yeah. I’ve heard pleeeeenty of stories and known a few gryphons it has happened two. Guy falls in love, girl leads him on to get whatever, girl leaves, guy is a mess. We just don’t want anything like that happening to Gallus. That wouldn’t be nice.” The gryphoness’ demeanor darkened towards the end, then looking back up to the puzzled hippogriff.
Gilda actually took a step back as Silverstream glared at her, a rather ferocious look in the hippogriff’s eyes.
“I love him! Why would I lead him on? He’s had a hard enough life! I mean, he hasn’t told me a bunch about his past, but I don’t want to pry. I just want him to be happy!” She growled, sitting down and looking at the two. Silverstream’s ears and wings drooped as she let out a slight sniffle.

“A-And if it turns out that n-not being with me makes him happy, t-then t-that’s ok. Because he’ll still b-be h-happy.” She choked out, taking a deep breath and glaring at the two for a moment, expression then softening.
“But intentions? I-I want to get to know him more. Everything so far has just made me love him more and more. I know he’s got a lot of stuff to deal with, but I don’t want to push him in any way. He means everything to me, I mean if he asked me to marry him now I’d probably say ye-” Silverstream's cheeks were about three noticeable shades darker than the rest of her body, the hippogriff letting out a slight squeak.
“I-um, said that last part out loud, didn’t I? Ohmygosh.”

Both Gabby and Gilda broke out into laughter, wide smiles on their beaks as their gazes softened.
“That was waaaaaay more of an answer than I think we were looking for!” Gabby giggled, holding her side with a set of claws.
“I was expecting an ‘I love him and want him to be happy,’ but wow.” She added, Gilda walking over and gently resting a set of talons on Silverstream’s shoulder.
“Thank you Silverstream, and erm, sorry for that.” The gryphon winced, a slight embarrassed blush on her white cheeks. “Just, we care about him and wanted everything to be alright. No offense, but if you were any different I’d have probably told you to not hurt him ‘or else.’” Gilda let out a slight huff.
“Mainly if you were a gryphon, actually. No offense though; I’m glad he’s got someone like you at his side.”

Silverstream let out a sniffle, now all smiles as she held out a set of claws to the pair.
“None taken. I’m just glad he has friends like you all. So....between us, friends? I understand the ‘don’t hurt Gallus talk,’ it’s rather sweet actually. I couldn’t imagine doing something like that though! I just love him and want him to be happy and close and-” Silverstream’s words cut out with a slight blush, looking to the gryphoness’ in front of her. Gabby shook the outstretched claws, Gilda suppressing a snicker before nodding and adding her claws to the mix.
“Well, glad to hear. Happy and close huh?”

Silverstream glanced over curiously, head tilted in curiosity.
“What? I love his hugs and kisses and-oh. OH.
The blush that swept over Silverstream’s face and neck was enough to have Gabby in tears from laughter, Gilda simply grinning. “Oh look, there’s your boyfriend now.” “EEEEEP!”

-A few minutes prior-

Gallus trotted inside the council chambers, following the simple wooden signs down marble halls to Grampa Gruff’s office.
For not being organized for years upon years, the older gryphon apparently had figured out that filling cabinets were of use, because his room was full of them, all circled around an old wooden desk.
“Oi. Gallus. So you’re here then? Heard you were coming to pick up your items.” The elderly council member called out, hopping down from a rather tall desk chair to look over the younger gryphon.

“Huh. Look more healthy. Fatter. Glad to see it. Now then…” Grampa Gruff hauled out a large crate, a quick glance inside showing it packed with sawdust. Gallus examined the contents to ensure all were accounted for before latching the container back up.
“Do you remember what I told you about this, hatchling? And what you promised?” He asked, his one good eye dead set on Gallus.
“I remember. I’m not planning on wearing it other than for fitting until after I’ve gotten training.” Gallus remarked, showing a small certificate drawn from his neck satchel.
“Combat School eh? Well I’d be peeved it wasn’t the one in the gryphon empire, but they barely started plumbing the old training grounds. So pony fighting will have to do for now.” Grampa Gruff grumbled, nodding slowly.

“Aye. That will indeed keep your word. Now get your stuff and head on out! You have that lovely lady waiting for you anyhow!” The older gryphon called, then pausing briefly. His withered expression softened for but a brief moment as he held out a set of claws.
“Gallus. I’m glad you’re doing well, hatchling.” The council member stated sincerely, Gallus shaking the outstretched claws. “Thank you for your help over the years too.” Gallus added, then backing up as the other gryphon flared his wings.
“Ok enough of that! Out out out! I have papers to sign and I’ll charge you ten bits if you make me miss the next appointment I have!” Gallus chuckled as he hefted the crate on his back, trotting out of the office.
Once out of view and earshot, Grampa gruff slumped back into the desk chair, letting out a slight sigh.
“You did well Gallus, much better than most here. Take care youngster."
Once in the hallways of the council chamber, Gallus cracked the crate open once again, looking at a worn metal helmet held in his claws. A decade-old memory came flooding back to the fore, the armored piece having unlocked it from Gallus' mind.
-Ten Years Ago-

“But I found it! So I can do whatever I want with it, right? It’s my claim!” The young hatchling said, glaring at the elderly gryphon. Grampa Gruff trotted over, examining the pile of armor.
“Gallus, listen to me.” He trolled, the sincere tone causing the hatchling to clam up.

“You claimed it, yes. And if you wish to sell it for a few bits now, I won’t stop you. But remember this; If you do that, sometime in the future you will regret it. This is more valuable than you realize- and not many around know that. If you sell it for a few bits now, you will have lost something greater than money, but plenty of that too; a history, a treasure that would be shortchanged by anything less than a portion of the pony capital’s vault.” The gryphon explained, setting a claw on the worn helmet.
“However. If you think I have a shred of truth in my words, I’ll keep the armor safe for you until the time is right. That being said, you have to promise me you won’t wear it until you’re trained to do so.” The gryphon’s good eye then narrowed. “Trained with a good heart that is. You may laugh, and I probably will too at my own words later, but it’s the truth. No scoundrel or criminal ever wore this armor, so promise me that!” The gryphon hissed, waiting for Gallus’ answer.

“S-so, you’ll keep it safe until I call for it later? And it’s much more valuable than any bits I could get?” Gallus asked, Grampa Gruff nodding.
“You have no idea, very few do. Well, they will eventually. Consider it an investment. Later on, you can sell it for thousands more than what you can get now. Or, perhaps you want to wear it for whatever reason. But that requires the promise.”

Grampa Gruff resisted a smile as the young hatchling stared at the dirt floor in thought, finally nodding.
“Keep it safe for me. And I promise I won’t wear it without training. But how do I get the whole good-heart thing?” Gallus asked, looking up at the elderly gryphon.
“Eh. I think you’ll have that covered. Now skedaddle before someone gets suspicious.” Grampa Gruff grumbled, rustling Gallus’ head-feathers as he scampered out the door.
Gallus stared at the helmet and took a deep breath, setting it back in the box. A promise was a promise, and perhaps those at the combat school could tell him what exactly this was. For now though, he had a loving special somegriff waiting for him. Walking out of the alabaster building, Gallus saw the three chatting, and Silverstream quite suddenly blushing with a rather high pitched squeak. Ok, those blushes are getting more and more adorable.

“Uh, Silver? Gabby? Gilda?” He asked, looking at them curiously. Gabby seemed incapacitated from laughter as Gilda struggled to not join in. Poor Silverstream was a mess- her feathers fluffing as a blush spread from her cheeks to her neck in a lovely shade of dark pink.
“Did um-I miss something?” Gallus asked, prompting a soft “Snrk.” From Gilda.
“Eh. Nothing too important.” She replied, waving a set of claws.
“I probably have to get back to the shop- and Gabby, don’t think I forgot about that training lesson about macaroons!” Gilda added, causing the other gryphon to sigh.
“Yeah yeah. We probably do need to get headed back.” She admitted, ambushing Silverstream with a hug.
“It was so great to meet you! I hope you can visit again sometime?” She asked, prompting the hippogriff to nod, then shaking Gilda’s outstretched claws.
“Take care of him Silverstream, and it was good to meet you.” Gilda remarked, Silverstream’s wings flaring briefly.
“It was good to meet you both! I’ll be sure to visit!” The hippogriff added, the two walking over to Gallus.
“I’m glad you’re doing alright Gallus; don’t be a stranger, yeah?” Gilda asked, shaking his outstretched claws as Gabby followed suit.
“Same to you two; and I’ll be visiting for sure. Thank you again, both of you.” Gallus remarked, surprised by the slight dampness in his eyes.
“We’re just glad you’re happy. We’ll see you around!” Gabby quipped, waving as she hopped into the air, Gilda giving a wave as well as she followed.

“Reunions are weird. Good kind of weird, but still a new thing.” Gallus mused, Silverstream walking over to his side and looking at the large crate strapped to his back. As much as she clearly wanted to ask about the container, it was a surprise.
“I guess. They seem nice though- and certainly care about you.” She added, the hippogriff trying her hardest to not exacerbate the slowly-fading blush (to a limited effect it would seem.)
“So now we get to explore some shops? Assuming that thing isn’t too heavy…” Silverstream asked, ears perking up as Gallus nodded.
“Eh, it’s fine. I can set it down when we go inside shops anyhow. But yep!” Gallus added, taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly as he looked around, the pair walking down a smaller street.

“Just, well in a moment we can continue. It’s a bit surreal, being here. The majority of my memories are not what I’d call happy ones of this place. But now…” He stopped for a moment to undo the straps on the crate, setting the container down to pull Silverstream close with a wing.
“I’m happy in Griffinstone, and that’s a big thing for me. I’d say you’re the main part of it all though.” Gallus whispered, resting a set of claws on Silverstream’s cheek before giving her a kiss.

The hippogriff let out a squeaky giggle, an adorable blush returning full force as she sighed happily and returned the loving gesture. Enjoying the kiss to the fullest, Gallus couldn’t help but smile as his worries slipped away. How pony kisses felt he had no idea (nor really any intention of ever knowing…) But beaks were interesting. Hard towards the front, but then malleable and flexible towards the back. It made for a tricky but oh-so-rewarding gesture. Nobody had ever really shown affection to him like this up until Silverstream, so how could he describe it?
Warm. Comforting…
Knowing someone else wants to show affection to me.

Those few thoughts just caused Gallus to give Silverstream a final tight hug, a happy smile as his beak as the gryphon retrieved the crate once again.
“Hmm. Somebody is blushy today.” He stated with a grin, the poor hippogriff actually sputtering as she avoided his gaze. I mean, I can’t be one to talk, but that dark pink is beautiful on her.
And cute.

“I-I’m not-hmmph.” Silverstream grumbled, wings flaring slightly as she trotted along at his side. “You totally are, it’s awesome.” Gallus quipped, giving her shoulder a nudge with his own. Aaaaand still that blush is there.
“O-oh?” The hippogriff stammered, glancing over to him briefly.
“Yup. Toootally adorable. No idea what you’re flustered about, but it’s amazing.” He chuckled. She opened her beak to respond, promptly shutting it as the shades of pink darkened even more on her cheeks, much unlike other passing blushes. Almost like how I was a short time ago, a totally incoherent blushing mess when- Wait. Is that the same reason? Could she-

“S-so sight-seeing? Shops?” Silver asked, looking around at the nearest locations.
“Yup! Not too many sights to see; since we do have to be back today. But plenty of these new shops that have sprung up. Non-critical relics are for sale and stuff. A few knock offs, lots of knock offs actually, but plenty of the real deal too.” Gallus explained, the two walking by some windows. A happy giggle left Silverstream’s beak as a glass shop-front came into view, the hippogriff bouncing over to look at the displayed items. Gallus followed, looking at each artifact (or occasional fake,) to see if anything was worth investigating or buying. Buying stuff. That’s a new concept I still am getting used to.

The two visited easily a dozen shops, then munched on some fish pastries from a local eatery as they meandered back through the main gates.
“This. Was. AWESOME!” Silver squealed, hopping into the air to hover next to Gallus, the biggest smile on her features.
“I’m glad you had fun; and thanks for coming. It-erm, it helped.” Gallus admitted, glancing over to her as the hippogriff landed to walk besides him.
“Of course! Can we come back sometime? We saw the shops on only one street! There’s like, dozens of streets! SO MANY!” She exclaimed, prompting Gallus to chuckle.
“I don’t see why not. Would be a longer trip if we don’t have Starlight’s help. But apparently these teleportation crystals are becoming a regular thing…” The gryphon mused, fishing the small stone from his satchel.

“I’m just glad Starlight made one for us, and that you wanted me to come.” Silverstream remarked, sitting down under a tree offset from the main road. As Gallus looked over the teleportation crystal, the hippogriff couldn’t help but sigh happily. I got to see your home, your friends, and learn more just about where you came from…thank you Gallus.

Said gryphon sat down next to her, ears perking up with a slight blush as he glanced at Silverstream.
“Uh, Silver?”
Silverstream’s blush returned full force, now realizing she was staring. Leaning against his shoulder, the hippogriff simply shrugged her wings.
“Just-thank you for showing me all this. I know you pretty well, but this helps fill in some of the gaps.” She explained, smiling happily as Gallus settled against her side.
“I know I haven’t told you the specifics, but I promise I will. I want to. Just-it takes time.” Gallus said softly, and Silverstream’s attention was brought downwards as the gryphon lifted a set of claws.
They were shaking.

“Even if I’m not actively thinking about the bad stuff, it’s still there, and still affects me. You being here helps though.” He added with a sigh, giving Silverstream’s own offered claws a squeeze.
“I love you Gallus, and I don’t want you to feel like I’m prying. I can’t really relate to the past stuff- but I know it has to be really hard. So just know I’m right here whenever you do feel like telling me more.” Silverstream’s heart soared as Gallus turned to wrap her up in a loving hug, and then an equally passionate kiss. She couldn’t lie to herself; she just loved just sagging into his arms and kissing back. To feel loved and then to show the gryphon she cared about most that she loved him back. That was almost the best part; the slight surprise any time she showed him affection back.

“I love you too Silverstream.” As Gallus’ arms held her close, Silverstream buried her head into his feathers, a few tears dampening her eyes at his soft but affectionate whisper. Moments like this is what I’ve always wanted. I’m not perfect, and neither are you Gallus. But You’re still everything I could ever look for. Are you really always surprised someone wants to show you that you’re loved? I guess so, but I’ll never stop. You’re so worth it.

Silverstream reveled in his embrace for a good few moments, wanting nothing but to spend the day in his arms. But…life. She poked at the satchel on his chest, letting out a frustrated ‘Mmmmf’ into his feathers.
“Guess we should be heading back?” She asked, feeling his head nod briefly.
“Yeah. I suppose. I plan on plenty more moments like this though.” The gryphon mused, prompting Silverstream’s ears to perk up considerably.
“Oh?” Gallus cupped her cheek in a loving gesture, tapping the crystal three times to activate it with the other set of claws as he grinned.
“Plan on it.”

Author's Note:

Idea for the G&G talk with Silverstream from Reading4Halfmylife. :pinkiehappy:
Did some looking into the effects of malnutrition/starvation; so that's starting to come into play. Or rather, the recovery of it. Takes a while for the body to stabilize everything.
In other words, poor Gallus. :rainbowlaugh:
And now, Gallus is off to train. Protecting the one he loves can be a fantastic motivator!
If anyone else has ideas that seem within reason of the story, let me know, some stuff like that talk I honestly just hadn't considered!

Didn't expect to get this chapter done so fast; I figure on average will be updated each week, sometimes multiple times (thus far it would seem.)
I'm curious; what do people prefer? Upload whenever it's done? A schedule? Etc.