• Published 26th Oct 2018
  • 5,710 Views, 566 Comments

Prison of Ice with Silver Keys - RadBunny

As Gallus navigates the uncertain waters of being a special somegriff, demons from past his refuse to let him rest. As a hostile empire looms, Gallus will need to fight with every fiber of his being; only this time it's to protect the one he loves.

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Chaper Fifteen: Squiggly Plans

With the top of his rock citadel still smoldering from Celestia’s attack, IC opened a portal to the Alicorn rulers. A very unsettling sensation of being wrong itched at his warped mind with an unending hum. A golden shield now encompassed his entire kingdom from the outside- and the scouts on the outer wall had been silenced. More than one report indicated golden-armored ponies shredding their forms without mercy. While most ponies had an aversion to violence, these creatures seemed to have no such hesitation.
In fact, some seemed to be enjoying the art of combat.
He had expected an attack, some sort of retaliation- but not one to not only shatter his defenses but vaporize the top of his fortress! And now his empire was turned into a prison cell? There had been no signs of this in any of his research of the ruling Alicorns! Rumors perhaps, but nothing concrete!
Why have they been hiding such power?!

“Necromancer.” Celestia stated flatly, looking into the portal with an impassive gaze.
“I believe that…we….” The primate’s words faded briefly on seeing the two princesses glaring back at him. Both were glad in full armor; Celestia in gold breastplate contrasting Luna in a dark bluish grey metal, each with matching royal symbols on the chest.
“We were about to address you actually- so we shall speak until you regain your words.” Celestia quipped, eyes narrowing slightly.
“You have attacked our kingdom and slain our subjects, therefore your already illegitimate request to be ‘left alone’ is hereby rejected. You will be fought at every turn and no quarter shown from this time forth. In terms of your previous threats to major cities, unless you show signs of aggression towards a major population center we will not employ our full power to prevent further loss of life on both sides. That said, conventional means will hereby be used to eradicate every trace of your empire unless you surrender and retreat. This decree takes effect after my sister’s reply to your aggression.” Celestia proclaimed as Luna stepped forward with a steely look in her eyes.

“Those were my ponies too.”
IC looked up and saw a bright light streaking down from the star-lit heavens, a low rumble sounding as something broke the atmosphere. Whatever it was struck the base of the tower on the opposite side- causing the ground to shake and shiver as white energy tore around the entire structure. Cracks sheared out from the solid stone construction and into the foundations themselves as the solid stone tower leaned slightly towards the impact zone.

“That was the dust fragments of a star, Necromancer. Do not tempt me to call upon the multitude of eager stars at my beck and call!” Luna hissed as she stepped back to let Celestia take the lead once again.
“What is your response?”

IC took a slight bow as he struggled to not show the cold sweat breaking out across his brow.
“I believe my earlier actions were far too hasty. I fully accept your terms- at least in terms of threatening another population center. My work and eternal empire is not yet completed though, so I cannot retreat or leave.” He remarked, prompting Celestia to shrug her armored shoulders.
“Then we have nothing more to discuss. Be warned, you face more than just Equestria- and they will not likely offer such a generous offer of retreat.”

At this the necromancer’s demeanor shifted, the primate laughing as he gestured around at the black sky.
“Who? The Hippogriffs? They barely have an army to stand on as of yet- and just my cousin’s image caused them to quake and shiver! The dragons? They care nothing for ponies or their quarrels; they are as greedy as they are stupid. The gryphons? Their kingdom is in disarray- I hardly call a group of bouncers an army! Who else is there? The Yaks who hide in their snow kingdoms? The crystal ponies in the far north?” IC was now chuckling with genuine mirth.

“No. Your powers are impressive Celestia, Luna, but I made a miscalculation on that. It is just us on this chessboard, and I can’t wait to see how it plays out!” He crowed just as the transmission portal cut out.
“Get those runes etched! And start transmitting as soon as possible! We need more troops!” IC growled to a few nearby minions., crimson eyes narrowing as shadow magic surged through his frame.
I won’t attack your cities directly Celestia- but there are plenty who will gladly join my cause! The mirth in IC’s mind then cracked slightly, recalling the last two seconds of the transmission.
Just before the portal had closed, a smirk had dawned on Celestia’s features.

As Luna stood next to her sister surveying the reserve troops of Equestria’s army mobilizing in the castle grounds, the night princess’ ears perked on hearing Celestia speak.
“Luna, can you please let me know as soon as our ambassadors reach our allies? I know we have the hippogriff’s support, but I may have to speak to each personally. I need the earlier portal transmissions easily accessible as well before I do so.” She asked, the older Alicorn letting weariness seep into her voice.
“Of course dear sister. Go sleep now- we will handle things.”
As Celestia shed her armor to retire until the morning but a few hours away, Luna looked up to her sky and smiled ever so slightly.
“You are the tip of the spear for this fight Gallus- you just don’t know it yet.”

Sides heaving as he struggled to not pant out loud, Gallus’ eyes narrowed on seeing three storm beasts and a feline walking along a crude path. Each form sparked with the same purple arcane energy, their outlines and details fairly defined.
“Why are we near here? We’re closer to the camp, why would those idiots even hide here? The rune is barely-”
The feline’s words choked off as something slit through his head and chest, a blue blur dashing in-between the four enemies and vanishing into the shrubs. Clubs and swords at the ready, the three storm beasts were back to back as they scanned for whatever had dispatched their leader.

Two of the storm beasts suddenly noticed their comrade was on his stomach. Glaring at them as the remnants of the storm beast evaporated, a young gryphon launched himself at the nearest one. Claws open wide to snag on the edge of the beast’s arm, he dodged a swipe from the other scout with a nimble duck. As the storm beast howled, the gryphon’s other arm slammed a sword into its face, the blade piercing down through its torso.

The final beast held a club ready to swing as Gallus dashed towards it.
The creature swung- but quickly realized the arm holding the club was no longer attached. The arcane limb quickly disintegrated as the Squire ripped the sword through the Storm Beast’s torso and watch it vanish.
No sounds. They didn’t alert anyone then…but they regenerate, right? So they’ll notice then, or when they don’t report.

Exhaustion began to eat at the edge of Gallus’ being, the young gryphon now realizing his limbs were shaking with the strain of constant combat and movement.
There was also a dull pressure in his mind- like the full impact of the past few days was about to come crashing down.
Not yet.
I need to get back to Silver. Then I can just hug her for like an hour, or more.
That’s a plan.

Looking up into the dark sky, Gallus chanced a brief venture. Climbing a semi-bushy jungle tree and poking his head above the dense jungle foliage, the gryphon spotted a familiar feature a short distance off.
Huh. So that river flows from south to north…towards the wall. That could be useful.

It wasn’t the ideal method of travel, but there was no way Gallus could run the miles back to Silverstream. Not quietly, and certainly not without collapsing. He was barely a quarter of the way back; having run closer to the enemy camp and the badlands rune before tearing apart the search party. Hopefully it’d keep them searching the area further south. That however left three-fourths of the journey though solid jungle and search parties.
Making his way back down to the ground, Gallus picked his way softly to the river- snagging an armful of cattails along the nearest edge. The water was surprisingly cold for a jungle flowing river- but he had a feeling IC was behind that change. It still was pleasant however, Gallus easing his way in as he tucking his limbs and wings to his body. Swimming to the center, Gallus then watched as the shoreline sped by.

No trace of me walking back and much faster. Now if I don’t get eaten by something that would be fantastic.
Oddly, Gallus didn’t see any wildlife on his way back. Speaking of which, he hadn’t seen much anyhow, which was very troubling considering the jungle had been alive with all sorts of sounds their first day. That was put in the ‘worry about later’ box, and the gryphon continued to watch the shore for any sign of enemies or familiar landmarks. A good hour or two passed, and Gallus continued to watch both the shore and the skies, the moon providing a constant light.
I have to be getting close, right?
Another hour- and Gallus was starting to worry if he had missed it. The river ran all the way to the ice wall (or at least that he could see,) so he couldn’t-
That boulder! I know that boulder!

Pushing through the current, Gallus was almost too tired to heave himself out onto the rock.
“Good. Boulder.” He muttered, forcing himself to stand. Forgoing the muddy banks, the gryphon still hopped from rock to rock to hide his exit from the fast travel method.
Ok, so these rocks, then a nice grassy clearing- perfect. I should be close!


Silverstream shivered on the stone slab, curled up into a ball as her stomach tossed and turned. Cold shivers wracked her body while an ever present pressure at her temples refused to let her be. The dark magic section on her pearl necklace seemed a bit smaller today though, contained by the odd glowing crystal pieces. She had slept most of the day- otherwise just letting thoughts flow to and fro. Many of course were on Gallus, hoping that he’d find his way back safely.
I hate being helpless here!
A few tears welled up in the hippogriff’s eyes, trickling down her cheeks slowly. From how Gallus had been acting, he was still holding it all together…somehow. Maybe he just hadn’t had a chance to think about it all. But now, as she waited for him to get back, all Silverstream had to do was think.
Well, and eat a few pieces of cattails.

Feeling helpless because she lacked the ability to do something was one thing- but this was different. She know how to help; gather food, boil water, all that stuff Gallus had showed her when they went camping.
She knew how to, but couldn’t. Her limbs were lead, and all Silverstream wanted to do was rest. It was like the flu with aches, pains, and exhaustion all over.
Probably has to do with that dark magic, from when that necromancer zapped me with-
A few more tears trickled down her cheeks, Silverstream sniffling at the nightmare brought to life.
I can’t forget how much that hurt. And I couldn’t do anything!
…but Gallus did.

Just thinking about her favorite gryphon made the tears slow a bit. Silver loved him more than she could express- well, almost. She knew exactly how to express it, but…
Do girls do that? Ask the guy to marry them? I haven’t heard it happening that often. I mean, it wouldn’t surprise me if Skystar did that whenever she finds a guy. But could I…
Just the thought of that made her let out a soft giggle- punctuated by a sniffle. It wasn’t an alien thought- she had known Gallus was the one for a while. But she wasn’t sure of a few things- one being if he felt like that. No matter how much she mused over the pro’s and con’s though, she always ended up at the same result for her feelings. No matter what hypothetic problems she threw into the equation, it ended up the same.
I really do want to be with him.

The surety of knowing what her feelings meant gave Silverstream a sort of peace, even amidst everything else falling apart.
I wonder how I’ll tell him? Surely not when we’re stuck in a cave with some crazy primate trying to capture us? She had to let out a soft laugh at that thought.
Or perhaps that’s the perfect time, knowing how tooootally normal we are. Honestly I’ll settle for him being back here nice and safe.
“Yeah, yeah. I know, we’re late. Let’s just check this area quickly alright?” A voice called from outside the cave, followed by a low rumble.
“I know we’re not going to find anything. But we have to check, and then the boss will mark it on the map. Then we can go search those caves down south.”

The soft scrabbling of someone on the rocks above made Silverstream clasp her beak in fear to stifle a squeak, eyes widening as she snagged the large chunk of crystal nearby. Holding it to her chest, she tapped it three times and muffled a surprised breath. The crystal spread over her body like a breastplate- reaching down her sides but focusing on her torso.

It’s so warm, like a hug.
Her limbs felt lighter, and the nausea and borderline headache receded ever so slightly, the armor pulsing softly. The noises above continued for a few more moments before a soft retch was hear from the outside.
“I envy your species for not having a good sniffer. The water over here reeks! No sign of the two here- not even a footprint. Let’s get out of here.”
An affirmative grumble was heard, and the banter of the scouts faded into the distance. Silverstream slumped back down on the rock, curling up with a sigh of relief after listening for a while without incident.
They left!

A slight smile then flickered onto her beak, the hippogriff then noticing how comfy solid crystal actually was.
Why does this armor make me feel like I’m snuggling Gallus?
Silverstream’s brow furrowed, remembering something from when she was dazed back in Mount Aris. Something about the armor being similar to the Crystal Heart…
Isn’t the Heart powered by love?
A bright blush flushed Silverstream’s cheeks, the armor pulsing a bit faster.
He loves me enough to power this armor?
She hugged the crystal close, settling down to close her eyes just for a few moments as fatigue rushed to replace panic.
Get here safe Gallus…
Silverstream awoke seemingly moments later- but judging from how stiff her limbs were it had been a few hours. The armor was still wrapped around her chest- and a soft scrambling alerted the hippogriff to a possible intruder.
Are the scouts back?!

As she struggled to stand, Silverstream heard as the entrance was put back into place and a blue gryphon then flopped down the short tunnel to let out an exhausted sigh.
“Silver, you’re ok…” Gallus whispered, dragging himself over to her.
“And while you look amazing in that armor, did something happen?” He asked, clearly struggling to stay away.
“Just some scouts. They didn’t find anything though- and were saying they’d mark on the map this place as clear.” She relayed, yanking Gallus close for a kiss that made her own hooves tingle.
Oh I’d give you a much longer kiss if you would stay awake for it!

Gallus returned the gesture and hugged Silverstream close, letting out a soft hum of relief.
“I’m just glad you’re ok.” He whispered, then leaning into Silver’s embrace slightly.
“I guess we’re safe, at least for now…I think that armor needs to recharge though. Try tapping it again.”
Silverstream tapped the crystal breastplate three times, and it promptly dropped off into the oblong shape to sit on the floor. It blinked a bit faster, the green glow pooling at the bottom of the bluish pink crystal.
“Can barely keep my eyes open. Entrance is covered, should be ok.” Gallus murmured, sagging in Silverstream’s arms as he settled down on the designated sleeping rock.

Flopping down next to him, Silverstream could only smile happily as Gallus snuggled under her slightly outstretched wing. Nuzzling his shoulder, Silver let a few tears escape her eyes.
You’re safe.
“Love you Silver.” He mumbled, giving her talons a squeeze and prompting a happy squeak from the hippogriff.
“Love you too Gallus.”

Three rulers looked through the split communications portal at Celestia with varying degrees of determination. Queen Novo stared impassively as she waited to hear the other’s responses.
“Princess Ember?” Celestia asked, the armor-clad dragon in the portal letting out a huff of steam with a nod.
“You have our support. The south and westernmost border will be secured.” She stated, a sly smirk dawning on Ember’s draconic features.
“I had very little backing from my subjects until you sent that lovely recording of the necromancer calling all dragons stupid by the way. But I think you knew that would be the case, huh?”
Celestia’s only reply was to smile, then turning to look at a scarred gryphon in the other corner of the portal.
“General Gruff?”
The gryphon looked at Celestia with his single good eye, partially hidden under a half metal helmet that may or may not have been cast from an old saucepan.
“What? Of course you have our support! The Gryphon Empire did strike the first blow after all thanks to Gallus!” The old gryphon crowed, prompting Celestia to resist a wider smile.
“We will cover the eastern border with the hippogriffs- erm, assuming that works with you Queen Novo.” Grampa Gruff stuttered in a rare breech of ego as Novo nodded in agreement.
“And that leaves the north border for you, Princess Celestia.” Novo replied, prompting the Alicorn to nod.
“My forces have already encircled the entire province of the necromancer. The sooner you all can support them the better- it’s only a matter of time before he tries something else.” Celestia remarked- seeing the other three rulers nod in agreement.

“Our forces will be there within two days.” Ember declared, the dull thump of a scepter echoing from her portion of the viewing portal.
“Same for my troops.” Novo agreed, leaving Grampa Gruff to proudly fluff his feathers slightly.
“Our forces are already on their way- under two days!”
Of course the gryphons need their posturing…between them and the dragons, the necromancer might be crushed under the weight of their national ego. Celestia mused, then standing straighter and nodding to the rulers.
“Thank you all for your support. We will stay in touch for a coordinated show of force once everything is in position. Once the borders are secure, we can work out mutual offensive and defensive strategies. After all, the necromancer has targeted your cities as well with his spells. I am already receiving strange reports from the nearest large cities in Equestria.”
The other three rulers nodded as the portal closed on that sober note. Unstable and seemingly distant, the necromancer was like a coiled spring- ready to unleash at Equestria or any of her allies.
But now we don’t stand alone.
“Inform me of any further updates.” Celestia barked to the staff as she took her leave. The day court was still a necessary event, even during times such as this.
For my ponies, I would say it is even more important to maintain the semblance of normalcy.

Gallus let out a soft grumble as more than a dozen aches and pains assailed his sleepy mind, the gryphon shifting slightly.
Oh. Yay, soft pillow…
It only took a few moments for him to recognize a familiar hippogriff smell and soft shoulder; prompting a relieved sigh.
Silver is still here, and breathing. Both good things.
I don’t think I’ll be able to do much today though.
Finally cracking his eyes open, Gallus looked around the dimly lit cave- the sun shining through the small hole or two in the roof.
Feeling Silverstream shift next to him, a tide of anxiety and worry stabbed their way into Gallus’ heart. No longer hidden behind adrenaline and panic, the tumult of emotions caused tears to squeeze their way from his eyes.
We’re really trapped here, huh? Crazy monkey trying to capture us- or at least Silverstream. I actually tore all those creatures apart…and the attack that started it all-
The gryphon let out a sharp breath, holding a set of claws to his temples. It was almost too much to take in at once.

Holding Silverstream’s claws, Gallus wanted nothing more than to hug her for hours-
Said hippogriff blinked, looking over to the gryphon with a yawn.
“You ok?”
He was about to brush off her words, but Gallus had learned over the months, years for that matter being with her and his other friends.
Bottling up stuff is easy and makes you look strong-
But all it does is hurt yourself.
“N-no.” He whimpered, scooting close to press against Silverstream’s shoulder. She promptly sat up and wrapped Gallus into a tight hug as he cried. Closing his eyes, the young gryphon tried to forget everything except having Silverstream hold him close. She rocked him back and forth slightly as the tears ebbed, the stress from the past few days fading slightly.
Probably won’t really understand it all until after we escape.
Just like my time in Griffinstone.

He wasn’t sure how long Silverstream hugged him close, the hippogriff eventually resting her cheek against his.
“You feeling any better?” Gallus asked, feeling her nod ever so slightly.
“Uh huh. I mean, still feel kinda cruddy, but much better than yesterday. What about you?”
“I’m glad…” Was all Gallus could say, then not able to resist pulling Silver a bit closer and smiling at the surprise squeak that followed. Her exclamation was quickly muffled by a long and passionate kiss that left the hippogriff humming happily.
“It’s just a lot to take in, but feeling a bit better. You help a ton of course. But I do ache all over- definitely gonna just stay here today. Rest and try to plan stuff, maybe get some food at night.” Gallus muttered, and was happy to feel Silverstream nod in agreement.
“Yay yummy cattails again. They aren’t that bad…”
Gallus managed a smile, taking a few deep breaths and pulling back to look Silverstream over briefly. Her color was better, and the hippogriff’s ears had a familiar perk to them.
“How are you holding up?” He asked, prompting Silver’s ears to flatten briefly.
“Still pretty shaken. Probably will be for a while, but hey, we’re ok for now.” She managed to say as he hugged the hippogriff close again.

“Lots of Starlight talks in the future for both of us I guess. Or maybe a professional therapist.” Gallus muttered, prompting a giggle from Silverstream.
“Is that still you Gallus? Or did I just hear you say you are open to actually going to someone professional to talk about feelings and stuff?” She teased, nuzzling his neck feathers.
“Don’t tempt me to change my mind. I think it’d be good.” He grumbled with a slight smile.
“I agree, I’m just surprised.”

After taking a break from the loving hug to eat some breakfast, the pair sat down as Gallus boiled a bit more water to keep a steady supply going. For a few moments, the situation could be partially forgotten- just the two of them camping in a remote cave without some supplies.
Of course when Silverstream scooted over to nuzzle under Gallus’ chin, it was even easier to forgot it all.
“Mmmmm. I always want to be able to hug and snuggle you like this. Day or night or wheneeeeever. I’d like that.” Silverstream mused happily, prompting a slight chuckle from Gallus.
“Heh, careful Silver- almost sounds like you wouldn’t mind marrying me or something.”
Silverstream was uncharacteristically quiet, but she finally pulled her head back to look into Gallus’ eyes with a vulnerable and nervous look in her own.
“Is that such a bad thing to want?” She asked softly, now only able to look at her claws.
“Huh? No? Not at all! I mean that sounds awesome-holdonwaitaminute.” Gallus’ immediate response quickly spiraled off as her words hammered home into his mind and heart.

“Um, are you sure you’re feeling ok still? Like…woozy or anything?” He asked, prompting a slightly frustrated glare from Silverstream.
“What, you think that’s why I said that?” She asked as Gallus shrugged, now looking at his own claws.
“I mean, maybe? I’m still trying to-just give me a minute.” He mumbled, mind racing in circles.
Did she just admit to me what I finally figured out for myself?
Someone really wants to spend their whole life with me?
She wants to…

Looking up and seeing Silverstream actually appear worried, Gallus padded closer to rest his claws on hers.
“You can stop worrying you know.” The Squire whispered, letting out a breath that he hadn’t known was being held.
“Y’know, I had planned on going to see your parents sometime, alone.” The gryphon said softly, prompting Silverstream’s head to snap up and stare at him.
“They mentioned that’d be fine- but I had already been thinking about it. I wasn’t sure obviously- and that’s why I didn’t say anything. I just have been afraid my feelings would change, but they never have. Well, not in the ‘less feelings’ way at least. Only more. Just like when I told you I loved you.” He added.

Gallus took the fact Silverstream’s face was split in a genuine smile with a few tears spilling from her eyes as a good sign, giving her claws a slight squeeze.
“That said, making decisions when we’re both stressed out of our minds is probably a bad idea.” Gallus mused, but then met her gaze with a slight smile.
“How about we get out of here first and get things back to normal? We can go to a bunch of therapy sessions with Starlight or someone, and have more dates of course. Then…” The Squire’s brow furrowed, then nodding slightly as he looked up into Silverstream’s expectant and loving gaze.

“Then, after that, I’m going to take a trip to Mount Aris alone, and then we’re going to have a talk, where some important questions are going to be asked. And then I really, really hope the answer is the same one I have.” He finished, prompting a slight sniffle and a few more tears from Silverstream as he reached a set of claws over to rest against her cheek.
“Sound like a plan?”
It was only then Gallus noticed a few tears on his own eyes as Silverstream nodded rapidly.
“I like that plan.” She whispered, then yanking him close and sighing.
“I guess that’s one way to talk about…that.” Silverstream murmured, prompting a chuckle from Gallus.
“Yeah, but since when have we eeeeeever been a typical couple?”
“Fair point.”

Enjoying the hug for a time, Gallus then winced as Silverstream flopped back down to the floor.
“Ok, sitting and standing time over.” She quipped, poking her unresponsive limbs with a free claw.
“The bandage seems to have helped. Not much stinging, and it’s starting to heal too.”
Gallus looked under the bandage and nodded approvingly. The wound wasn’t infected, which was probably due to luck and the poultice he kept applying. It was healing nicely though.
Checking on the fire and refilling the clean water after sharing it with Silverstream, Gallus sat down to check her bandage again before absorbing the conversation from a few minutes ago.

Looking at Silverstream again, Gallus felt a blush rise to his cheeks. It was becoming a more common thing, noticing how good she looked at times- and not just in the usual ‘Silverstream is adorable way.’
More of the ‘Silverstream is amazingly attractive’ sort of way.
Now his cheeks were definitely beginning to burn as their previous dancing-around-marriage discussion came to the fore.
“Um. S-silver?” He asked, definitely not able to meet her gaze this time.
“Being ok with what you said earlier, that means e-everything?”
“Uhhhhhhh like-?”
“…after a certain question-”

The resulting blush on Silverstream’s face was enough of an answer for Gallus as she nodded once, and the gryphon would have laughed if not for his own dumbfounded expression. A rather sudden realization smacked him in the face, and the blush quickly drained from the Squire’s features.
“U-um, I just realized we never really talked about boundaries? Like, ever? I read that somewhere that’s a thing that comes up with couples?” He stammered, tapping a set of claws nervously.
“Did I kiss you too much? Is that a thing? For royals? For what you want? I never really asked- I just figured-”
“Gallus. Shush.”

Obediently clamping his beak shut, Gallus had to watch as Silverstream tried to restrain giggles but utterly failed.
“W-we never had to, because it never was an issue. I’m sure with some nobles I’d need to set boundaries, but you never made me feel uncomfortable.” She chirped with a blushing smile.
“I mean as royals there’s stuff we’re taught to not do- and I think my parents had a good idea about it, which I agree with. But I never really even needed to bring it up because you’re such a gentlegriff.” Silverstream explained happily.

Phew. Wait why does she now look…uncertain?
“I-um, was actually wondering if you even saw me like that.” Silverstream remarked, prompting Gallus to raise a set of eyebrows curiously.
“Like…ugh.” She grumbled, gesturing towards him with a set of claws.
“Like I like you for you, but I also think you’re a hunk of a gryphon!”

Tilting his head to the side, Gallus shrugged his wings, still clearly a bit confused.
“I’ve always thought you were cute. Deeefinitelly beautiful.” He mused with a grin. Still seeing Silverstream waiting for another answer, Gallus wracked his brain for what she could mean.
“Hint, Gallus, because I dunno if this could get even more awkward, but it kinda has been bugging me. Um, I mean about after-a-big-question stuff.” Silver squeaked.
“Like, sex?”
His words prompted a squeak from the hippogriff and a blush returned quickly to Gallus’ cheeks as his eyes widened.
Wellllll guess I probably should have told her this a while ago. Thank you past me.

“I-erm, y-yes.” He managed to squawk, smoothing down a few feathers and looking up at Silver as the surprise shoved through the embarrassment.
“Wait, bugging you? Huh?”
The hippogriff surprisingly had a lesser blush than he did- looking down to her claws briefly.
“I wasn’t sure if you even saw me like that.” She admitted softly, toying with a rock in front of her.
“Like, in a want-to-be-super-close-with-you-after-a-big-question-way. Other guys joke about that sort of thing, or even brag about it, but I don’t think you’ve mentioned that sort of thing almost at all.” She then looked at him with a rather loving gaze.
“O-Oh! I-um, don’t mean that it’s a bad thing. I really like that about you. Not crude and stuff. Still a snark machine though. I was just worried you didn’t see me like that, or erm, ever want that sort of thing. Which is kinda an issue with really close couples actually…” Silver added.
Gallus was about to protest, but then simply nodded, moving to sit next to Silverstream.
“Snark machine? Ok, fair enough. But there’s a reason for the other stuff actually.” He admitted, looking at his arm.
No longer a scrawny weakling, but I guess that all took a toll on me in more ways than one…

“I-um, never really thought about that intimate stuff in general. It’s a side effect- or was.” Gallus explained, Silverstream’s ears perking up.
“Starlight gave me a book actually, recommended by Twilight. The effects of malnutrition.”
“Yeah, you told me about the effects- and I saw them. I felt so bad…” Silver interjected, Gallus nodding briefly.
“Migraines, weakness, irritability, the list goes on. But it also messes with your head. Like…from what I understood, you aren’t getting enough good stuff, or any stuff to your body- so it shuts down all the things that aren’t really necessary to keep living.”
Silverstream continued to listen, the always curious hippogriff recalling a brief explanation about this from before, but not this detailed.

“Some of the stuff that is shut down includes thinking about girls…like that. After big-question stuff.” Gallus admitted, surprised at how not awkward the conversation now was. It was almost like a health issue.
Or had been a health issue.

“Oooooooooooooh. Wait, really?” She asked, prompting a nod.
“Uh huh. So it wasn’t a matter of not seeing you like that in an attractive way- because my gosh Silverstream you’re gorgeous and wow. ANYHOW. It’s just…I couldn’t. The same way I was a lot nastier at first. It took me over a year just to get to a healthy state where I was ok. So, yeah.”
Silverstream stayed quiet, a blush and slightly evil grin then edging onto her beak.
“Buuuut that malnutrition is cured, right? Soooooo that means…”
Curse you Silverstream.
“U-um definitely cured? Very much so? Can I stop there?” He squeaked, a blush flaring on Gallus’ cheeks. Silverstream's happy nod thankfully gave him reprise from elaborating on that.
“WAIT. Does that mean you have seen me like that for a while? And…”
His open ended question prompted the hippogriff to squeak and bury her head under a set of claws with a groan.
“NUH UH. Ohmygoshyes.”

Gallus blinked, a rather wide and happy smile on his beak. He’d never really considered himself good looking- not in a completely serious manner at least. But now having someone he loved thinking he was attractive and wanting to be with him forever? In any meaning of the phrase?
I…don’t know what to think. Someone wants to be with me.
How could I ever get used to feeling this loved? Take this for granted?

Blinking out of his happy stupor, Gallus looked at the increasingly dark-pink hippogriff with a tilt of his head.
“Huh. Really? Sorry, it’s…that’s totally awesome, but a weird thing for me. Not complaining though. Hold on- OOOOOOOH! So does that mean every time you blushed super dark and were all awkward you were thinking-”
“Galluuuuuus. Stoooooooooop.” The defeated mumble had Gallus chuckling with his own blush returning to his cheeks once again.
“Huh. Good to know I guess. That’s…heh, ok, that’s awesome.” He grinned, poking the prone hippogriff’s side with a claw.
“You ok there? Now that I think about it, there were quite a few moments you blushed a lot.”
“Ugh, quiet you. So. Much. Blushing.” She groaned, her happy demeanor then abruptly shifting with a hiss.

Silverstream promptly curled into a ball and shivered as the embarrassed and jovial mood evaporated. A cold sweat instantly was visible on her hide, the hippogriff managing a weak smile.
“S-sorry to be such a mood killer.” She joked, then wincing a shivers shuddered through her body.
“Eh, plenty of time for a mood later. We need to get you better.” Gallus replied, then frowning at seeing her shiver on the flat rock.
“We need- I need to get you a bed, and fast. I would have done it earlier, but had more urgent stuff. So hold on, I’m going to chance it.”
Silverstream tried to protest, but instead simply flopped to the floor. He was right of course- the cold rock was sapping her of any residual heat.

Creeping out of the camouflaged cave entrance, Gallus looked around and mused over his options.
Some vines, cattail fiber- and maybe some bushy moss…
The cattails were easy to collect- going north instead of south of the last place he harvested. On the way back he snagged a few vines, then returning to look for the final piece.
Namely, he was looking for something that wasn’t poisonous that could provide a bit of cushion.
Bark- no, bushy branch- nope, that has thorns…Ah!
On the side of a few trees and stumps were some thick collections of lime-green moss. Careful to shave some off with his sword, Gallus left a good half of the moss on the tree. It would take longer to collect enough, but wouldn’t alert anyone to his actions as quickly. Ripping it off would be a tell-tale sign of harvest of course.
A few trips back and forth, and the gryphon got to work. Weaving a crude flat ‘mat’ of cattail fibers, he then tucked it over the moss ball, repeating the pattern a few times and laying it over the stone as well.

“Tada! Five star bed!” Gallus crowed, watching as Silverstream scooted onto it and sighed.
“Ok, this is tooooooons better.” She whispered, head flopping onto the moss and fiber pillow.
“This is great Gallus…thank you.”
She reached over and gave his free claws a squeeze- his other set of talons gently resting on her cheek for a moment.
“Welcome, of course. I hate seeing you sick, or hurt, or anything.” He replied softly, prompting Silverstream to let out a laugh that left her wincing.
“W-well, I guess I’m kinda both at this point.”

Gallus settled down next to her, resting his head on her upper shoulder softly.
“We’ll see about tomorrow, but within the next few days when you’re feeling up to it, I think I have an idea of how to get out of here.”
Drawing a crude squiggly line intersecting a slightly curved one, Gallus gestured to the simple map.
“We’re here, and that’s the river. From what I could see it runs all the way to the ice wall. Now…we won’t know until we get there, but maybe it runs under the wall. Meaning-”
“We can slip under with it.”

Gallus nodded, looking over to the still-charging crystal armor, at about two-thirds power now.
“Bingo. But we’ll have to move there, and maybe I’ll scout it first. The longer we stay here, the more likely we’ll be found.”
Head bobbing in agreement, Silverstream shifted as her eyes drifted closed.
“Sounds like a plan. But for now, you’re staying right here.”
A grin slid onto Gallus’ beak as he nuzzled her feathers gently, Silver drifting off into a soft slumber.
“Yup, I’m not going anywhere.”
“Love you Gallus.”
“Love you too Silver.”

Author's Note:

A plan is finally in motion, and Allies respond!
Well, two plans are going that is, one much less adorable than the other, but more necessary. (The whole escape ice-wall thing!)
Oh poor awkward lovebirds. :rainbowlaugh: that sequence was fun to write. Honestly it's a conversation any serious couple should have...Maybe not when hiding from a sociopathic monkey though.

As always, feedback is welcome and appreciated! Happy new year to all!