• Published 26th Oct 2018
  • 5,710 Views, 566 Comments

Prison of Ice with Silver Keys - RadBunny

As Gallus navigates the uncertain waters of being a special somegriff, demons from past his refuse to let him rest. As a hostile empire looms, Gallus will need to fight with every fiber of his being; only this time it's to protect the one he loves.

  • ...

Chapter Ten: As Streams of Silver Wander, Hearts of Gold Soar

“Ugh. No.”
“Roses made out of ruby’s and other gems?”
“NO-actually, ok that’d be pretty awesome.”
“AH HAH! Wait. What were we trying to find out again?” Silverstream muttered, prompting Smolder to smack a set of claws to her face.
“I said dragons don’t have many romantic gestures, and I didn’t think there’d be one I’d like. You took issue with this.” She grumbled, prompting the hippogriff to giggle.
“Oh! Right! Well, we solved that! Soooooo I should totally tell Spike that roses made of gems are a yes?”

The fact Smolder’s face went bright purple as the dragoness refused to speak was enough of an answer for Silverstream who promptly cackled with glee.
“Bull’s eye! I won’t say toooooo much. But seriously, has he not asked you to the Hearth’s Warming dance?”
“What if he did and I already said yes?”
“What was that?”
“He tooootally did didn’t he? And I hope you said-”
“I SAID YES OK? OF COURSE I SAID YES! CAN WE CHANGE THE SUBJECT?” Smolder yelled, holding her head in her claws before then pointing to a very quiet but grinning changeling reading a book on the couch.
“AND OCELLUS DON’T SAY ANYTHING! READING FEELINGS IS CHEATING!” The dragoness growled, the changeling putting on her best innocent face as the book became even more fascinating.

Silverstream smiled, simply letting out a sigh as she flopped into the oversized armchair.
“We all love you Smolder. We won’t saaaaaay anything. Not like I can really tease about stuff like that anyhow.”
“No kidding. Sorry to hear Gallus can’t come to the dance, but he’s got that big test thing a few weeks after that, right? That sounds pretty cool.”
Silverstream nodded, the smile on her beak lessening but then returning.
“Yeah, but honestly that ball a week ago totally made up for it. I’ll just be happy to have him back here more often. And you’re right about the test thing, I kind of hope I can go. Some sort of written portion and then an actual series of fights. Should be neat!” She mused, the door suddenly flying open.

“YONA GOT ‘A’ ON TEST!” The yak proclaimed as Silverstream hopped over for a tight hug.
“Congratulations!” She squealed, Yona all smiles as Smolder and Ocellus waved with similar grins.
“Awesome! I know you were studying for that make up test for hours.” Smolder added, Ocellus simply beaming.
“Yona just happy friends helped study! We go celebrate now? Excuse for tasty sweet things?” The yak asked, the dragon and changeling promptly hopping up.
“Uh, duh!” Smolder smirked, Ocellus nodding as the four made their way down the halls to Sugarcube Corner.
“Yona, the quadruple chocolate cheesecake malt put one pony into a joy-induced sugar coma for a week!” Ocellus warned, the yak glaring at the changeling over the rim of a large cup.
“YAK CAN HANDLE SUGER GOODNESS COMA!” Yona growled, Smolder chuckling as Silverstream winced.
“I mean, we can’t really stop her-” The hippogriff mused.
With a final glare at the still-laughing dragoness, Yona took a massive slurp from the milkshake straw-
And froze.

“Uh, Yona?” Smolder asked, waving a set of claws in front of the yak’s now very-dilated eyes.
“She’s still drinking it!” Ocellus gasped, looking at the steadily decreasing milkshake.
“Not anymore. I think she paused.” Silverstream whispered, poking the side of the yak with a claw.
“Uh, Yona?”
Said yak continued to stare straight ahead as she moved the milkshake to the side, a wide grin on her features.
She promptly faceplanted onto the table with an audible ‘THUD’.

“Milkshake One, Yona, Zero.” Smolder quipped, now hearing Yona begin to snore.
“I mean, I think she’ll be alright? She only drank a third of it, so maybe just a nap?” Ocellus remarked, Silverstream nodding in agreement.
“Well, at least we’re having fun? I guess a sugar-coma counts as that!” The hippogriff added, the other two still-conscious creatures leaning back into the plush booth seats.
“So Silverstream, any-”

Smolder’s question was promptly interrupted by a scroll appearing in front of the hippogriff, the dragon grinning widely.
“Awesome! Another one to burn? I have to say it’s pretty fun!”
Silverstream shook her head with a giggle, fishing the scroll out of the air.
“I don’t think so. After my Auntie chewed out the Nobles, one annoying scroll a week isn’t too bad. I hear they fight over who gets to send it. But this one has a shell wax stamp! That’s Skystar’s seal!”
Unrolling the scroll, Silverstream gave it a quick glance over before stowing it in a side satchel, shrugging her wings happily.
“She’s just saying hello. Since we’re visiting in a month or two she’s been bouncing off the walls in excitement, literally in some cases.” Silverstream remarked with a grin, Smolder rolling her eyes with a barely suppressed smile.

“Reminds me of some other friend, who could it be….” The dragoness mused, earning a playful poke from Silverstream
“Fair point, but we did hang out a ton growing up. But she’s a bit older and stuff. More…quirky and curious than me. In a different way. Similar but not-um-”
“Just not as much a super talkative excitable and hyperactive pink ball of energy?” Smolder offered, getting a playful glare from Silverstream, still all smiles.
“Ok yeah, basically. She’s just friendly and quirky, which I am I guess, but-” A claw was held up as an amused look was beginning to form in Smolder’s eyes.

“Ok yes, just not TOO much of the stuff you said. But like, she makes stuff!” Silver explained, poking at Gallus’ necklace that hung around her neck.
“Like, Skystar taught herself how to make things out of shells. SO. MUCH. STUFF! She taught me how to carve the shells and stones for Gallus’ necklace.” She explained, Smolder waving a set of claws as Ocellus nodded.

“Well, from what little you’ve told me, she sounds like pretty similar to you. But older. Guess that has to be a bit weird. Shouldn’t she have a bunch of advice on guy stuff though? I mean, dragons aren’t exactly the best examples.” Smolder admitted with a shrug, Ocellus nodding in agreement.
“I mean, Sandy and I are still happy, but we’re new at this. I’d love to get any advice from her, no offense to our professors, but….”

Silverstream winced, shaking her head as Yona began to mumble about chocolate monsters in her sleep.
“Well, while she’s older and stuff, Sky doesn’t have much guy advice. I would have asked her, but yeah…” Ocellus’ ears pinned back as Smolder winced slightly.
“Oh. Ouch. That has to not be fun.” The dragoness remarked.

“I feel bad for her honestly. She’s so fun to be around! But it’s kind of like until I met Gallus. Lots of guys just don’t like the hyper quirky. I mean for Sky, more on the quirky but still fun! Also being Queen Novo’s daughter makes that tricky.” Silver added, flopping onto the table.
“It’s one of many reasons I can’t wait to go back to see her. She’s just lonely and doesn’t have too many friends. Hmmm, I think Gallus would like her too, I think all you girls would like her.”
“She could always visit?” Ocellus remarked, prompting Silverstream to perk back up.
“That’s not a bad idea! I’ll ask! I know Auntie gets kind of protective though…”
“Just thought I’d float the idea.” The changeling smiled.

All three girls turned as Yona suddenly began to laugh, a wide grin on the previously comatose yak’s face.
“Changeling friend make funny pun!”
The laughter of all four friends echoed throughout Sugarcube Corner as a pronking pink pony delivered some delicious but not coma inducing chocolate milkshakes.

“Soooooo, do you all have dates for the dance?” Silverstream asked, the four friends making their way back to the dorms via the scenic route in Ponyville.
“Well Sandy for me of course, he’s such a sweetheart. He knew I’d say yes but wrote a nice poem all the same.” Ocellus remarked with a smile, not able to resist a giggle at seeing Smolder roll her eyes.
“Yona?” Silverstream asked, glancing over to see the Yak grinning widely.
“Yona no have date.”
Smolder then paused, looking at her in confusion.
“And…you’re smiling?”
“Yona have three!”
The other three creatures stared at her, the yak shrugging before continuing on.
“What? All ponies were nice and asked in traditional but awkward Yak ways! Showed interest in Yak culture! So of course Yona say yes!”
A squeal with the same pitch as a hissing tea kettle finally reached their ears, Silverstream scrunching her cheeks up in glee as she hovered in the air.
“That’s ADORABLE!” She squeaked, Smolder sighing.
“Yeah yeah. That is pretty neat they bothered to learn how to ask…”
“Smolder have date?” Yona asked with a grin, her eyes betraying the mischievous glee in seeing the dragoness instantly blush.

“Yes. Ugh, girls, we already went over this ok? Spike is an ok guy…” Smolder grumbled, prompting a few knowing grins, especially from Silverstream.
“We’re just happy you’re happy.” The hippogriff chirped, both Ocellus and Yona nodding in agreement.
“Yona curious though. Bend down to kiss?” The Yak mused, prompting Smolder to smack her shoulder.
“YONA! Not cool!” She grumbled, usually static scales turning a fantastic shade of purple.
“Dragon friend tease other friends! Not fair otherwise. Yona have to keep up!” The Yak proclaimed with a grin, Smolder then sighing.
“Ugh. Fair point. But yes, we all have dates. Hey Silverstream, maybe Gallus will pop in for a dance?”
She sighed, pink-feathered head bobbing from side to side in thought.
“Yeah, maybe. I hope so at least, but I know he’s super-duper busy.” Silverstream mused.
“I think he will find a way. He loves you a lot.” Ocellus remarked softly, prompting a happy sigh from Silverstream.
“I know, I hope he does show though…”

*Two Weeks Later*

As the music played and couple swayed back and forth, Silverstream kept a happy smile on her face with ease. Her other friends were happily dancing, and Yona had actually picked up another date for a dance.
I mean, the fact colts had bothered to learn old Yak methods of asking another out is impressive; so good for them! I wish Gallus was here though.

Sandbar and Ocellus were busy chatting away at the refreshment table while Spike and Smolder were similarly engaged, the smaller dragon sporting a fantastically tailored suit. Judging from the hint of a blush on Smolder’s cheeks, it was going fairly well.
“At least they’re having fun. Wish you could dance though.” A voice remarked form beside Silverstream, prompting her to nod.
“Yeah, but Gallus isn’t-GALLUS?!” She squeaked, said gryphon grinning and yanking her into a hug.
“Hi Silver.” He whispered, words quickly being cut off by the kiss she pulled him into. A few tears formed in her eyes and prompted the hippogriff to sniffle happily.

“Y-you came to the dance! I thought you were too busy…” She whispered, the gryphon shrugging.
“Well, for the whole dance I am, but no reason I can’t pop in for a few songs. I just had to bribe Discord.” He remarked, then grinning as he whispered into her ear. “What he doesn’t know is that I have a huge stash of random items that I’ve accumulated in our O&O game, buuuuut I think seeing you is a much better use for them rather than imaginary gold!”
Silverstream sighed, nuzzling Gallus' neck feathers happily.
“I’m just glad you’re here; thank you.” She whispered, the gryphon holding her close.
“You’re quite welcome. Oh wow…Smolder and Spike? And Yona with a date?”
“Four dates. They alternate dances.”
Gallus blinked, then finally nodded slowly.
“Huh. Well good for them. And to think I would have made fun of…well, this before.” He mused, giving Silverstream a squeeze.
“You still do. You suggested we tape those two ponies’ heads together in the park.”
“They were making out like, all over each other! Clearly they needed help keeping their mouths connected!” He replied with a grumble, Silverstream giggling and then yanking him onto the dance floor.
“Not disagreeing, but now is dance time!” She squealed happily, Gallus easily leading her into a slow waltz.
I’ve missed this…

Silverstream couldn’t stop smiling the entire time, Gallus' loving gaze occasionally meeting hers throughout each dance. As another faster song played, the hippogriff nudged Gallus off the dance floor.
“Before you have to go, hugs?” She asked, words surprisingly being choked in her throat.
The pair slipped outside into one of the empty plaza areas of the school, Silverstream pressing her cheek against Gallus’, simply wanting to be close.
“I d-didn’t plan on getting c-choked up y’know…” She whispered, Gallus sighing and wrapping her up in a hug.
“I know. I’ve missed you too Silver.”
The hippogriff didn’t say much else for a time, simply enjoying being held in Gallus’ loving embrace.
How could I ever get tired of this? Knowing he cares so much about me.
Just being him..

Silverstream’s loving thoughts only increased as Gallus gave her another kiss, the gryphon reaching down to cup her cheek with a set of talons.
“What did I ever do to deserve you.” He whispered, prompting Silverstream to only hug Gallus tighter.
“Be you. That’s all I’ve wanted.” She whispered, Gallus not able to do anything but smile with slightly damp eyes at her response. Silverstream let out a slight squeak as she was pulled in close, her head resting on his chest feathers.
I love hearing that heart beat…

“Love you Silver.”
“Love you too Gallus.” She replied, letting out a slight ‘mmf’ into his chest.
“You have to get going, huh?”
Giving him a final hug, Silverstream’s eyes narrowed mischievously. Acting like she was about to pull away slightly, the hippogriff then yanked Gallus into a heated kiss, enough so that the gryphon’s eyes widened in shock and he fluffed to twice his size.
Now you can go.” She giggled, Gallus blinking with a dopey grin on his face.
“I still think you took a kissing class, because woooooow-”
“Get going you goof.” Silver replied, Gallus waving before a cotton-candy shaped portal snapped into existence in front of him
“Oh! Silver…in a month is my final test.” Gallus said, smiling gently as he spoke.
“I’d love it if you were there.”
“Count on it.”

*One Month Later*

Silverstream sat on the train, reading over the formal parchment in her claws. In some ways, she was a bit nervous even as excitement hummed through her frame.
‘Dear Lady Silverstream,
Gallus has informed me of your intention to attend his final test, and while I fully approve I hope to not overstep my boundaries in asking a favor of you.
This final test is meant to push Squire Gallus to his limits, proving that despite distractions and heightened emotions he is able to keep his focus in battle. To that end I would request your assistance in this test. You would be perfectly safe; but simply be standing in place of the usual ‘inert’ dummy target to give the scenario an added boost in realism.

No advance letter is necessary, simply let me know when you arrive.
Many thanks,
Master Sergeant Gyld Ironfeather’

She’d do it of course, but the entire exercise seemed a bit…rough.
Then again, I guess it’s supposed to be difficult.
As the train arrived, the hippogriff hopped off and meandered down the simple street towards the buildings in the distance. Silverstream had visited the combat school once before, Gallus giving her a brief tour. So it was easy enough to enter and find the training gym. It was the giant building after all.

“Ah! Lady Silverstream, glad you could make it.” Gyld rumbled, shaking her claws at the entrance as the older gryphon smiled as he waved Silverstream inside.
“Have you decided whether to assist in the exercise or not?”
“I have; I want to help, even if it’s just standing there.” Silver replied, a bit more curious than anything.
“Excellent! You will, essentially, just be ‘standing there.’” Gyld explained, showing her the large training arena that had been staked out, thick white tape indicating the rough margins of the battle floor. Large column shaped blue arcane-soaked crystals dotted each side, providing a base point for one of the training opponents.
“You’ll be standing in one of the corners, and Gallus will have to prevent the arcane training dummies from reaching you as long as he can. If you happen to cry out or anything in surprise, that’s fine. The more realistic this is, the better. I know you’ve seen him fight a few times…” Gyld mused, Silverstream nodding briefly.

“Yeah. It’s…scary and impressive at the same time.” Silverstream remarked, the Master Sergeant nodding slowly.
“That’s a good way to put it. That’s why I say any exclamations are fine, whether it be in surprise or otherwise. You are the reason he’s here, for the most part. That said, I expect this will be quite an interesting exercise.”
A slight blush colored Silverstream’s cheeks at Gyld’s remark; both out of embarrassment and pride.

“So…just stand there?”
“Yes. Otherwise, it’d just be a training dummy serving as the individual to protect. You’ll be completely safe; a simple shield will cover the corner, so even if a strike or weapon is thrown your way, you’d be fine.” The instructor explained, Silverstream nodding slowly.
“Sounds simple enough, when do we start?”

Gyld chuckled, gesturing to another gryphon entering the building. Clad in a simple padded breastplate to mimic light armor, Gallus perked up on seeing Silverstream already there.
“Silver! Hi!” He exclaimed trotting over to greet her with a hug.
“Hello to you too!” Silver chirped, giving his cheek a nuzzle before looking around.
“So, final test? Good luck of course, I think you’ll do fantastic! Like, how could you not.” She rambled, the hippogriff rather looking forward to seeing him in action.

Gallus blushed, then standing up a bit straighter as Gyld walked over.
“Squire Gallus, we can begin whenever you would like.”
Nodding briefly, Gallus gave Silverstream a brief kiss and walked to the edge of the arena, taking a few deep breaths. A few ponies filed in to watch the spectacle, their instructors also appearing to take interest.
“Now as good a time as any.”

Gyld nodded, walking to stand on the opposite edge of the arena. As Gallus’ attention was diverted to his instructor, Silverstream saw a flash of color off to her right. Three Alicorns briefly phased into view, standing in the far corner of the training arena before vanishing once again. Twilight caught Silverstream’s gaze and waved before being cloaked in arcane magic.
Wow. All three princesses are here?! Probably best Gallus doesn’t know…
Or maybe he already does.

“Squire Gallus!” Gyld proclaimed as the younger gryphon stood at attention.
“You have passed all written portions of the Squire’s test, and now must undergo the combat portion. You have demonstrated an excellent knowledge of the Knight’s code, conduct, and history, but now must prove yourself in combat to earn the official title of Squire and begin your journey to become a Knight. This test will also qualify you for the advanced bodyguard position, namely high ranking diplomats which the previous combat school basic course did not prepare you for.” The Master Sergeant explained, waving Silverstream over.
“In lieu of a training dummy, Lady Silverstream has accepted to assist in this test.”
Gallus’ eyes widened in surprise, flickering to Silverstream briefly before back to Gyld while still maintaining a slightly steely gaze.

“Your mission is simple. In the far corner, your Charge stands alone. Facing you will be an unknown number of individuals who desire to kill, capture, and otherwise torture Lady Silverstream. You must stop that using any means necessary. The test will end if an opponent reaches her or you become incapacitated.” Gyld took a pause.

“The arcane dampeners are set to minimum. A lethal blow will not be pleasant but inflict no lasting damage of course. Strikes will numb and sting an area to mimic bodily damage, and opponents will continue to fight until incapacitated or destroyed. You have two weapons; a staff and sword. Both will break under realistic stress. You may not leave the arena until the test has ended. There is no time limit. Do you understand the test requirements?”
Optional Songs: One Two Three

As Gyld walked forward to hand the staff and sword to Gallus, as three unicorns trotted into the gym, each taking place at the arcane crystals on the edges of the arena. The younger gryphon nodded, then taking a few deep breaths.
“I understand.”
“Good. Prepare to defend your Charge!” Gyld barked, Gallus quickly trotting over to stand between Silverstream and the other three corners of the square ring. Silverstream caught the look in his eyes briefly, and she wasn’t sure whether to be frightened or emboldened…
He’s taking this seriously, I’ve never seen that look before.
No. I have. Back in the woods…
During the fight with the Timberwolves.

The six pony-sized crystals ignited with a low hum, a single opponent appearing at the opposing three sides. The air snapped around Silverstream, a barely-visible shield taking place between her and the opponents. Gallus glanced back to her briefly, and the hippogriff was surprised to see something in his eyes.
Fear. What is he afraid of? For me?
As he turned back around, the puzzle pieces fell into place for Silverstream.
Not. Not for me.
She caught a final look in Gallus’ eyes, his concerned gaze shifting to that of…something else.
Of me, of what I might think.

Gallus’ posture shifted, the staff held in his claws as the gryphon reared on his hind legs. The sword hung at a simple belt at his side, while the opponents had their own hooves.
The three earth pony arcane mannequins charged, Gallus easily sidestepping one and ripping its throat out with his claws. The second swung at the gryphon yet found its blow blocked by the staff twirled artfully in Gallus’ claws. Two brutal blows to the head and the second pony fell to the floor and vanished in a burst of light. The third circled Gallus slightly, faking a few blows before charging.

Gallus met the attack head on.
Grappling with the arcane pony, the gryphon slit the arcane creature’s throat, then hopping up to scan for more targets.

Two opponents now faced Gallus, each with a sword held in their hooves. The staff was quickly hacked to pieces, the gryphon yanking out his own bladed weapon. Punching the muzzle of one pony, Gallus then buried his weapon in the dummy’s chest, yanking it out to then duck a blow from the other.
Silverstream’s eyes were wide with both shock, horror, and surprise at the savage fight in front of her. As the second pony’s sword was battered aside, Gallus got too close for the weapon to be swung and used his claws to shred another throat.

A massive pony now stood in front of Gallus, spiked horseshoes adorning both front hooves as the brute plodded towards her. To her side, a second opponent flickered into existence; a Pegasus that darted towards Silverstream with a dagger held in its hooves.

The arcane entity flashed as Gallus bounded to intercept it, hacking a limb off in a single swipe. A wild look shone in the gryphon’s eyes as he stood mere feet from in front of Silverstream. The world didn’t seem to exist outside the ring for Gallus; only the massive arcane pony in front of him.

Silverstream’s horror and shock suddenly vanished, the emotions going up in smoke as a simple truth laid itself bare with a single fierce whisper from Gallus.
“I won’t let you touch her!”
He’s doing all this, learning all this, for me.

The arcane pony growled, breaking into a gallop as it charged Gallus. The gryphon lashed out with his sword, cutting of a single hoof as the brute swung wildly. Despite the loss of part of a limb, the pony scrambled to the side, bringing a massive hoof down onto Gallus. Deflecting the blow to a side, Gallus still appeared to take some of the force as a grunt left his beak. The arcane entity then flopped to the ground as its other forehoof was shredded by claw and sword alike, Gallus twirling the weapon as it vanished into sparkling smoke.

Five opponents snapped into existence; two unicorns with weapons, one earth pony, and two gryphons.
Five on one?!
“You. Won’t. Touch. Her!” A familiar voice hissed, the gryphon readying his weapon.

Nothing but the three ponies and two gryphons in front of Gallus mattered.
Nothing except what who stood behind him.
The emotional animal in his heart now energized every limb, no bars needing to constrain it this time.
Hoof or claw, you won’t touch Silver!

The first to charge was a unicorn and an earth pony- the weapon of the first swinging as the other moved into a tackle. Gallus blocked the weapon strike- then slicing at the face of the arcane pony that was but a stride from him on the right. A glancing blow caused the gryphon to hiss as pain stung along his side; but it wasn’t a lethal blow.
No worse than the winds in Griffinstone!

The unicorn paid for the strike in full, Gallus’ claws shredding the mock up face easily, a sword then piercing its chest. The final three opponents moved in as one, weapons swinging and others moving to flank along the side. A few blows got through this time; a punch from an earth pony, a slice from a unicorn’s weapon, the claws from a gryphon.
But each blow was repaid with a lethal counter attack, the sword battered aside to expose a throat, and a punch resulting in a severed or shredded limb. A set of claws that scored his side were cut off and a limb promptly removed.
A new opponent now entered, standing a full head taller than Gallus and wearing a familiar eyepatch. It grinned, the gryphon flexing its claws as it circled the younger combatant.

Silverstream watched in wonder as Gyld, standing off to the side and wreathed in arcane energy, acted as the base for the puppet in the arena. Batting aside Gallus’ strike with a set of claws, Gyld easily delivered a painful blow to Gallus’ chest.
To Silverstream’s surprise, Gyld seem to hesitate as Gallus tackled the arcane mimic. Holding one set of claws to the side, Gallus tore into the gryphon’s chest with the other before being thrown off. The sword having skidded out of his grip, Gallus circled the mimic to always be between Silverstream and the opponent.

As the two locked into blows again Gallus aimed a strike at the mimic’s blind side, the set of claws set to tear into the gryphon’s shoulder-
And was promptly blocked.

The mimic now easily held Gallus at an arm’s length and delivered a series of brutal blows to his head, the dazed gryphon then being tossed aside once again.
Gyld’s mimic casually strode towards Silverstream as Gallus only shifted slightly on the ground-
And then stopped still.
Turning around slightly the mimic’s body began to fragment as a weapon became visible buried in its back; Gallus’ thrown sword.

The gryphon visibly spent, Gallus hobbled forward and tore the throat out of the mimic at last, then retrieving his sword and standing at the ready. To the side, Gyld appeared genuinely surprised and nodded approvingly. The opponents now came fast and in brutal succession; two gryphons, two ponies, three gryphons. Barely beating aside each attack, Gallus got a few strikes in each time, an opponent falling every now and again even as they scored successive hits. Eventually, Gallus slumped to the ground and a low signal chimed.
-End optional song-

“Cease the test!” Gyld barked, walking to the center of the arena and offer a set of claws to Gallus. The younger gryphon was completely winded, the wild look in his eyes starting to fade as he looked back to Silverstream and then Gyld. Ponies that had watched from the entrance briefly stomped their hooves in applause, excited whispers breaking the air as the onlookers took their leave.
“It’s all over Gallus.” The Master Sergeant said softly, Gallus then nodding as he sucked in desperately needed air. The three Alicorns in the room appeared for a split second to nod approvingly to Gyld before vanishing, the instructor more concerned with his student.
“How do you feel?”
Gallus shook his head, slowly levering himself upright with the assistance of Gyld.
“Exhausted, but…good. I did my best, and I hope it was enough. They just kept coming.”
Gyld stared at the gryphon and promptly let out a roar of laughter.
“Enough? You passed with flying colors! Gallus, by any scoring method that was fantastic. You took out sixteen opponents before falling. As a Squire, that is above and beyond what anyone could expect. You also caught me by surprise; and that is a rare thing indeed. You defended your charge to the bitter end, exactly what you had to do. There was no end to this test other than your defeat.” Gyld remarked with a chuckle, gesturing to the rest station as Silverstream slowly padded over.

“Congratulations, Squire Gallus. See to Silverstream and then meet me in the small side office to sign a few forms when you’re ready.” Gyld remarked, taking his leave as Silverstream nudged Gallus with a shoulder.
“Hey, you ok?” Silverstream asked, Gallus nodding with a familiar look in his eyes.
“Yeah. Just- I-the fights-”
“Gallus, are you worried what I think about it?” She stated flatly, taking a bit of pleasure in seeing Gallus’ eyes widen in surprise, the gryphon then nodding.
“I think the fact you’ve gone all though this to, among other things, protect me, is the most. Amazing. Thing. EVER!” She crowed, breaking out into laughter and hugging him close.
“Like, it’s scary and brutal but you’re doing it for a good reason! And ohmygoshyou’resweatyeeeewwwwwwww-” The hippogriff exclaimed, then letting out an adorable and playfully disgusted squeal as Gallus rubbed his cheek against hers.
“Whaaaat? Not a fan of sweaty me?” He chuckled, then brought his beak close to Silver’s ear.
“Thank you, Silver. I was afraid you’d think…differently after all that.”
“Nope! Well, yeah. I think you’re even more awesome!” She replied back, giving him a brief kiss.
“Now go sign those forms and take a shower. I’ll be here.” The hippogriff added, giving him a final hug as Gallus trotted off to the small office in the training area.

Entering the simple room, Gallus examined the three forms in front of him with a tired gaze.
“More forms?”
“More forms. These are the final ones though. Only that you have completed the final test and I have certified it was to adequate standards. The other two are your signature to become a Squire in the Gryphon Empire, and secondly a certified bodyguard in such as well as in Equestria.” Gyld explained, Gallus quickly marking each with his signature.

“I was surprised Gallus. I had no idea you could throw weapons…” The gryphon remarked, Gallus getting a rather smug grin on his face.
“I’ve been practicing in my spare time. I’m not great at it, so it was a fifty-fifty if it’d work.”
“But it did, and that was fantastic. Having hidden options is a wide move indeed.” The Master Sergeant remarked, then pausing as Gallus raised a claw in curiosity.
“Gyld, how did you know about that strike to your side? It was in your blind spot. I get being able to sense attacks and anticipate a strike, but that was so specific…”

Gyld closed the simple blinds on the room’s single window, then smiling as he turned to the younger gryphon. Lifting up the eyepatch, now two perfectly function eyes looked back at Gallus wryly. The tinted patch then was placed back on, Gyld grinning at the younger gryphon.
“I find it prudent to always have individuals guessing, as you demonstrated with your thrown sword as well.” Gyld remarked, Gallus staring at the older gryphon and sighing.

“REALLY? I mean, jeez. All this time? That’s…I’m both surprised and not. That’s really smart actually. Obviously I won’t tell anyone, but-” Gallus shook his head with a slight smile.
“That’s one of the most crafty and smart things I’ve ever seen. Then again, I expected nothing less from you Master Sergeant.” He added, standing on weary legs to snap his instructor a smart salute which was promptly returned.
“Congratulations, Squire Gallus. We can work out your studies later. For now, you can return to your Friendship School studies. We’ll be in touch.”

Gallus held out his claws, then shaking Gyld’s as he returned the gesture.
“Thank you Gyld, for everything.” He said, the older gryphon nodding simply.
“You are most welcome. Now go get a shower and enjoy some time off.”

Making his way out of the office with more than a bit of a spring in his step, Gallus paused by Silverstream who was waiting off to the side. Giving her another sweaty hug, Gallus chuckled and held her close despite the squeak of almost-protest.
“I’m an official Squire! I passed! This feels so weird that it’s over, but I did it!” He exclaimed, a happy kiss from Silverstream only making his heart soar higher.
“Congratulations Gallus. I knew you could do it, I always did.” Silverstream whispered, returning the hug as he swung the hippogriff around.

“Now I’m back to the school for a bit, and then more studies. Probably just in addition to Twilight’s school stuff, and maybe a few times back here now and again. And-” Gallus then cupped Silverstream’s cheek, and the hippogriff melted at his touch. Her eyes shone with genuine happiness and love, Gallus’ heart skipping a few beats.
“I haven’t forgotten by the way. In two months, I can’t wait to meet your family.”
The overjoyed squeal that left Silverstream’s beak threatened to shatter the training crystals.

Author's Note:

A chapter with our favorite hippogriff! What has been going on with her? I wanted there to be a balance between the two (with still mainly Gallus-PoV though,) but the latter has been lacking. So, here we go!

...as shown, that certainly doesn't mean any lack of adorable fluff, action, and Gallus bits! Things are picking up!