• Published 26th Oct 2018
  • 5,709 Views, 566 Comments

Prison of Ice with Silver Keys - RadBunny

As Gallus navigates the uncertain waters of being a special somegriff, demons from past his refuse to let him rest. As a hostile empire looms, Gallus will need to fight with every fiber of his being; only this time it's to protect the one he loves.

  • ...

Chapter Twenty: Return To Normalcy

“Headmare Twilight said she’d waive our homework until she could figure out how best to substitute it.” Silverstream mused, her head resting next to Gallus on the white sheeted hospital bed.
“I honestly wouldn’t mind some make up work. Not like I’ll be able to move for a good week or so though.” The gryphon grumbled, large bandages adorning the left and right side of his torso.
“I mean, you did get impaled by a pointy broom.” Silver interjected.
“I vote we always call spears pointy brooms.”

Silverstream giggled at his statement, then letting out a sigh.
“This is weird, huh? A week back and it still feels off. I guess it probably will for a while.”
Gallus nodded, reaching over to give her claws a squeeze. Stationed in the medical center of the school, he was essentially confined to the medical room while his body recovered. A week at the Canterlot general hospital had been necessary first to confirm he even could be transferred here. Despite all the non-stop doctors and smell of antiseptic, it had certainly been worth it.
Then again, I did get stuck by a spear-erm, pointy broom.

“Oh. Did you decide when you’d like to have the awards thingy? Celestia and Gyld aren’t really budging on a definite date until we tell them.” Silverstream asked, prompting Gallus to shrug.
“Well...Once I can move a bit. Sooooo maybe in two weeks to be safe?”
“You playing it safe? That’s new.”

The gryphon grinned, then winced as he barely contained some chuckles.
“What can I say, getting chased around by a crazed monkey with you has made me a bit cautious.”
Silver nodded in agreement, her own wings drooping.
“Things won’t ever really be back to normal, huh? Not like before.” She asked.
“I still get nervous if we’re in a new space and I don’t know the exits, or if there’s anything that sounds like an arcane crackle…”

Gallus nodded, reaching up to caress the hippogriff’s cheek with a set of claws.
“Yeah. It’s like that now, it’s a new normal. We’ll adjust and learn to deal with it. But it’s part of us now. I don’t think it’s always a bad thing though. Some of the experiences are, yeah. But we’re alive, we learned, we grew, and we’re here.”

Silverstream smiled, nodding briefly.
“Quite poetic of you.”
“…I might have seen a quote like that in a textbook.”
Gallus grinned, shifting on his back slightly.
“But really, we just need to learn to get back to real life. I still don’t like being without my armor- and that probably won’t go away for a while, or ever. But we just can adjust. Starlight said we have a free slot whenever we need it, sooooo lots of meetings I think. Hmm, we do need to meet with Celestia sometime to tell them what went on as soon as possible. I think Gyld said it will be some sort of debriefing for the military.”
Letting out a hum of agreement, Silverstream flopped onto the bed a bit more.
“And then maybe we can get back to school. I heard that the school might progress- like, open a university for friendship for older creatures. I think that’d be kind of cool.”
Gallus could only nod, the idea not sounding nearly as horrible as it had many years ago.
“More school? Honestly at this point, that doesn’t sound too bad at all…”

Silverstream giggled, clearly not able to stay out of a good mood.
“I’m just happy to be with you without a crazy monkey chasing us.”
“I completely agree. From what Gyld said at least, seems like there’s not much left of that creep.”
As Silverstream nodded, Gallus let his thoughts wander briefly. From the meeting with Gyld the other day, the Squire had been able to glean a bit of what now was going on. As far as anyone knew, there was now a near-bottomless hole in the earth where the necromancer’s domain had been, every side of the cavern melted into perfectly smooth glass. Both he and Silverstream liked one of the ideas floating around, the premise being to turn the crater it into a lake; an oasis in the badlands.

As for the remnants of IC’s army, Gyld had said the Equestrian government was trying to find out what to do with them, their allies ceding that duty to the ponies due to the creature’s magical nature. Until a method of sentencing could be brought up, the thousands of remaining arcane creatures were put into a form of stasis.
Quite a few ponies, a hippogriff or two, and then just a smattering of badlands creatures. I’m not surprised he got the thousands of supporters…but now that their minds are clear, they have to live with their initial mistake.

He shook his head, prompting Silverstream to hum.
“You ok?”
The Squire sighed, shrugging his wings slightly.
“Just thinking about stuff; what has happened, what’s going to happen, but I guess that’s all out of our claws now.” He then smiled slightly.
“Feels nice to not have to worry about it. I do know we need to make our report soon.”
“And you get a medal.”
“Well you do too!” He countered, prompting a giggle.
“Which is nice, but I think you deserve it much more.”
Gallus didn’t bother arguing- the last time he had tried that, Silverstream had shut him up with a kiss and a glare.
Hmm. Maybe I SHOULD try arguing then.

“Excuse me, it’s that time again.” A voice called, entering the small off-white hospital room with a knock.
“Oh boy! More pills! And a syringe too!” Gallus exclaimed in mock excitement, the nurse not able to resist a slight smile.
“Yep. Your favorite.”
Waving to Silverstream, Gallus sat up slightly.
“This stuff makes me pretty sleepy- as you know. Sooooo see you later today?”
The hippogriff nodded- about to leave but quickly turned around to give her favorite gryphon a long kiss.
“Bet on it!”

-One and a half weeks later-

The guards snapped to attention, a small congregation of various creatures continuing to file it. They took their place in various seats in front of the makeshift stage erected in the grounds of the Combat School. The wooden stage was built a short distance from the ground, wooden planking adorning the main floor as banners from all four present nations hung as a backdrop. The attendance was supposed to be minimal; small as far as prestigious award ceremonies go at least.

In terms of attendance, in addition to a few foreign delegates, there were perhaps forty other individuals. It would be broadcast of course, and while Gallus wasn’t a fan of the cameras and radio recordings, he understood the importance. Paying rapt attention to the introductions were members of the royal guard, Grampa Gruff, Gyld, Celestia, Queen Novo, a Dragon ambassador (due to an issue in the Dragon Province requiring Ember’s attention,) and of course Silverstream’s parents with Terramar in tow. The other individuals in the crowd composed of higher up nobles and guards from the three nations other than two particular gryphons. Their feathers freshly combed, both watching were Gilda and Gabby, the pair looking on curiously, the latter with a barely-concealed grin of joy.

“You’ll do fine, it’s not even a speech, just a few words.” Silverstream chittered, looking over Gallus in full armor, her own crystal breastplate in place.
“Yeah. Still feels awkward. I don’t like it…but hey, we both get medals.” The gryphon mused, clearly a tad distracted by both the crowd and the twinge in his side. While they both were being commended for their efforts, Gyld had said he had another surprise for him- but refused to say what.
The fact he was smiling makes me think it’s a good thing, well, obviously. They already said we get to keep our crystal armor…

A kiss then fully occupied Gallus’ attention, the gryphon letting out a happy hum as he hugged Silverstream close.
“Feel better?” She giggled, electing a nod from the grinning Squire.
“Uh huuuuuh.”
The two then made their way out from the stage dressing rooms- small tents behind the main structure, then aiming for some seating on the side of the main stage as Celestia finished her update to the nation and delegates.
Sounds like what Gyld said- the empire is gone, and they’re still trying to figure out what to do with the arcane individuals. A few thousand ponies having joined is a lot more than I thought…

“So without further ado- Squire Gallus, lady Silverstream?” Celestia called out, Queen Novo standing at her side.
At their cue, the pair walked up to the podium- Gallus immediately trying to squash his nerves.
I don’t like so many eyes on me…
Silverstream glanced over to him, and the uneasiness faded into the background.
Well, I’ve got Silver. I can handle a few looks.

“For exemplary displays of heroism in the face of seeming insurmountable odds, I am proud to present these two awards on behalf of the Equestrian, Hippogriff, Gryphon, and Dragon kingdoms.” Celestia began.
“To you, Squire Gallus, I award you the Merit of Honor and Valor- the highest recognition we can give to an individual with your partial military designation.”
Gallus lowered his head as the gold and red medal was placed around his neck, the silky purple fabric a nice contrast against his feathers.
“To you, Lady Silverstream, rewarded on behalf of the Equestrian, Hippogriff, Gryphon, and Dragon kingdoms, I award you the Civilian Merit of Exceptional Service- the highest award that we can give to a member of nobility not in the military.” Celestia called out, placing the gold and blue pattered medal around Silverstream’s neck, the blue fabric a surprising match to Gallus’ feathers.

Celestia spread a wing- the two bowing their heads in thanks as the congregation broke out in applause. To Gallus’ amusement, it was Silverstream’s father who looked on the verge of a full bawling outbreak while Ocean Flow swiped away a bit of dampness from her own eyes.
The hole in Gallus’ heart on not having his own family was wiped away as he saw four other faces waving and clapping, the occupants having slid in at the last minute. Smolder, Ocellus, Sandbar and Yona added their cheers to the mix with wide smiles on their faces.
That’s right, I don’t need to feel like that anymore…
I do have a family.

As Silverstream trotted off the stage, Celestia motioned for Gallus to stay.
Gyld then walked up to stand in front of him- the older gryphon sporting a gleaming black breastplate adorned with numerous small golden metals.
“Master Sergeant Gyld Ironfeather will now conduct the portion of the ceremony.” Celestia remarked, standing back with the other leaders and delegates to the side of the stage.

“Squire Gallus, but months ago I started training you as a Squire, the first in this modern day and age. While I was optimistic, you went above and beyond my wildest expectations.” Gyld said proudly, Gallus standing up a bit straighter.
“To those who do not know, as a Squire, it is customary to serve under a Knight or one with such training for years, such as myself. Through years of study can you prove yourself worth to hold the designation of a Knight, and your Squire title indicates you understand the eventual duties of such. However, the other way you can progress to such a title, is proving your worth in combat.”
Wait. I’m going to be-

Taking a small wooden box out of the back of the podium, Gyld opened it and gently cradled the silver necklace. Emblazoned with the symbols of all four major kingdoms, the center of the medallion was carved in the shape of a sword and shield, Gallus’ name etched underneath it all.
What Gallus didn’t miss, was that there was room for a last name to be added.

“It has been agreed upon by all four kingdoms present in the fight against the necromancer, that you have fulfilled the requirements for the title, be it equestrian, gryphon, dragon, or hippogriff. If you accept, you shall be recognized as a Knight in such provinces, and have the duties and expectations placed upon you that such a title requires.”
Gyld stood up to his full height, Gallus doing the same.
“Gallus, do you accept this designation, and hereby take upon yourself the title of ‘Knight’?”

Gallus swallowed the lump in his throat, nodding and finally speaking loud and clear.
“I do.”
Gyld placed the medallion over the young gryphon’s neck, not able to resist a proud smile.
“Well done Gallus.”
Then turning to address the crowd, Gyld indicated the podium briefly.
“I’ll now ask Gallus to say a few brief words.”

Gallus nodded, walking over to the stand and taking a deep breath. Seeing his friend, his family gathered eased his nerves, and the gryphon began to speak.
“I am honored by these awards, but I couldn’t have done any of it alone. In fact, the whole point of all of it was the opposite of doing things on my own.” He pushed through the lump in his throat, seeing Silverstream watching out of the corner of his eye.
“I wouldn’t- we, Silverstream and I, wouldn’t be here if not for the efforts of others. While I appreciate the recognition, it’s not why I became a Squire, and now a Knight. It never was about me- well, I guess a part of it was. A sort of personal fulfillment, but that wasn’t the primary purpose.” He paused, not able to resist a brief glance over to Silver.
“I never wanted to be a Knight to save the world, I just wanted to protect one creature in it.”
He stepped down amid applause, seeing Silverstream’s eyes fill with tears as she resisted an adoring high-pitched squeak.

Celestia concluded the ceremony with a few more rewards- mainly to the commanders of each nation who had directed their forces on the front lines, as well as the forced in Manehatten that had held the line against the necromancer’s intrusion.
As the gathering dissipated and the various parties began to meander towards the array of refreshment tables and open grounds, Grampa Gruff made his way to Gallus, looking the gryphon up and down.
“Gallus.” He growled, good eye narrowing slightly.
The older gryphon then softened his stance, holding out a set of claws.
“You’ve made me proud hatchling. You kept your promise.”
Shaking his outstretched claws, Gallus nodded, doing his best to not tear up.
“Thank you, Sir.”
Grampa Gruff waved away the title, then shrugging his wings.
“Meh. No ‘Sir-ing’ me. Makes me sound old…er. Now where are those small shrimp sandwiches?”

Gallus then found himself wrapped up in a hug from Ocean Flow, the mother then letting him go as Silver shouldered her away.
“Mom! He’s not totally better.” She remarked, Ocean then wincing.
“Oh! Sorry dear. Just-I wanted to say thank you.”
“We both did.” Sky Beak joined in, Terramar nodding as well.
“You promised to keep our daughter safe- and you did, to the best of your ability. We haven’t had a chance to properly thank you.” Ocean added, Gallus nodding, seeing Silverstream’s expression shimmer slightly to the side.
“You are most welcome, and I’d do it again in a heartbeart.”

After a few more moments of congratulations with her family, Silverstream broke away to give Gallus a hug and kiss combo, then nuzzling his cheek.
“Don’t you dare beat yourself up about not saving me earlier, ok?” She whispered fiercely.
“I’ll say it as many times as needed to keep it out of that blue feathered head of yours.”
“Do I get kisses every time you do?” The gryphon asked cheekily, then chuckling at her sly expression.
“But thanks Silver- It’s just going to take some time.”
“I’ll be here to make sure you don’t dare blame yourself though. Now let’s go find some Pish. I saw some over there…”

-Three Weeks Later-

Sitting underneath a tree, Silverstream cast a glance over to her favorite gryphon, the pair having finished a nice lunch in between a class and then a meeting with Starlight.
“It’s still weird, huh? Being back in school after a month.” She mused, Gallus nodding.
“Yeah…very. I still don’t like going anywhere without my armor or at least that sword.”
The sword…
Silverstream’s brow furrowed, looking over to Gallus briefly. Their talks with Starlight had been going fantastically- working through their fears and things that kept cropping up. All in all, they were handling it well, at least as it seemed to Starlight.
Then again, we have each other.

“Gallus?” Silver asked, prompting him to glance over.
“Back when we fought the necromancer, did you push my claws away on purpose?” Silverstream asked, toying with a bit of grass in front of her.
“I thought maybe it was an accident- but it seemed on purpose. I never really knew how or when to ask you.”

Gallus sighed, scooting closer to let his sides occasionally brush Silvers.
“I did it intentionally.” He finally stated, own brow furrowing in thought.
“I needed to be the one to kill him. Not out of some revenge thing, but because…” The Knight paused, looking over to Silverstream briefly. To her surprise, Gallus’ eyes were slightly damp as he reached over and gave her claws a squeeze.
“It would have certainly changed you. I had already been killing those creatures for over a week- at least in my mind. I had already made that choice and prepared myself for it. I didn’t want you to bear that burden. That’s part of the reason I wanted to be a Knight, to make sure that never fell to you. I was trained to handle that, and I knew what to expect and how to deal with it, at least a bit. You though- I couldn’t stand by and have such a thing change you.”

Silverstream sniffled, barely containing a bucket of happy and appreciative tears.
“You did all that for me? I s-still don’t…” She stammered, shaking her head as Gallus hugged her close.
“Always for you. That’s why I couldn’t let you do it. It was my burden- one that I accepted the moment I realized I would do anything to protect you.”
He then looked down at the shaking hippogriff, not able to resist a smile.
“Are you laughing or crying?”
“I d-don’t know!”
The smile on Silver’s face eased any fears, Gallus continuing to hug her close.
After Silvers laugh-sobs subsided, Gallus let out a slight hum as she nuzzled his feathers.
“Y’know, a few more years at a friendship university doesn’t sound that bad…”
Silverstream shook her head, then perked up at hearing some familiar voices call out in the distance.
“I guess our friends finally finished their lunch.”

Gallus nodded, standing up fully and stretching. Things were slowly getting back to ‘a’ normal. It wasn’t the same as before- some things just made him more on edge, same with Silver, but their friends hadn’t so much as batted an eye at it, instead just making sure to look out for the pair as they adjusted. A few questions here and there, but the other four creatures had quickly learned to not pry into what exactly had gone on for that stressful week. They took it in stride, even going so far as to misdirect any nosey questions they knew would cause Gallus or Silverstream some discomfort.
That’s what friends do, what family does.
And now I have both.

“Are you coming Gallus?” Silverstream called, walking a few steps ahead of him. Before she got too far ahead, the gryphon dashed up to her and wrapped the hippogriff up in a hug. Silver barely had time to let out a surprised squeak before being extremely preoccupied with a passionate kiss, her cheeks flushing immediately.
“Love you Silver.”
“L-love you too Gallus.” She stammered, glaring at the pleased gryphon who was currently reveling in her blush.
“Silverstream have fever?” Yona asked, their group of friends rounding the building corner as the pair drew near.

“Nah. Just a gryphon who’s good at kissing.”
Gallus turned bright red as Silverstream shot him a cheeky grin, the other four individuals reacting with a combination of amused eye rolls or smiles- Smolder’s gagging aside.
“Ok. I deserved that…well, are we still good for ice cream?”
Surrounded by his friends and family, Gallus couldn’t help but smile. As they all walked towards Sugarcube Corner, Gallus couldn’t help but join in with five other synchronized yells as Yona charged towards the building.