• Published 15th Aug 2016
  • 7,545 Views, 96 Comments

Life as a Foal - BubblePuff

I awaken as a foal in Equestria, with Nightmare Moon as my mother.

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Sweet Tooth

I giggled as I climbed up mommy’s mane. I reached the top of her head and placed hooves over her eyes.

“Now where did Blue Moon go?” Mommy asked in a playful voiced. I removed my hooves and looked into her eyes. “There you are!” Mommy grabbed me and nuzzled my mane. I smiled and booped her on the nose.

“You’re just a silly little chub chub, aren’t you?” Mommy then blew a raspberry on my tummy. I laughed and waved around my hooves. Mommy took another look at me. “Hmm, you do seem to be getting a bit fluffy.” Mommy said as she poked my tummy. “I think it’s time we cut back on your sweets for a while.”

I could not believe what I had just heard. “No! Want sweets!” I squealed. Mommy set me down in my playpen with Bioquill.

“I’m sorry, but I can’t have the future ruler of the night being too out of shape to raise the moon.” Mommy then patted me on the head. “Besides, you can still have sweets on occasion.”

As mommy walked away, I crossed my hooves and let out a huff of frustration. Bioquill noticed that I was upset and crawled over to me. “Wat’s wong?”

“Mommy says I can no longer have sweets!” I complained. “It not fair!”

Bioquill patted me on the back. “Don’t wowry, I sure u can still find a way to get sweets.”

Soon Aunts Celestia, Luna,Twilight, and Cadance came over with North Star, Echo,Nyx, and Melody Note. “Alright, is everypony ready for our annual girls night out?” Quick Wit asked. Aunt Celestia’s horn lit up, and a scroll appeared. She opened it up and read it.

“Oh my. Twilight, it seems that there is a friendship problem in Griffon kingdom. You and your friends are needed right away.”

Mommy let out a sigh. “There go’s girls night. Who are we going to find to watch the foals now?”

Aunt Twilight stepped forward. “Actually, I have an idea. Just me teleport over to Ponyville real quick.” Aunt Twilight vanished in a flash of light. A half hour later, she returned with three fillies. An Earth pony, a Unicorn, and a Pegasus.


Aunt Luna walked over to aunt Twilight. “Twilight, are you sure about this? I mean, they’re just fillies.”

“Don’t worry.” Aunt Twilight said reassuringly. “ I’ve been teaching Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo for some time and they are very responsible. Plus, the Cakes have them watch over Pound and Pumpkin all the time.”

“Well, we do need foal sitters. And this is very short notice.” Mommy said. She turned to the Cutie Mark Crusaders. “Alright, you three have the job. Make sure the foals get fed, bathed, and put to bed. Bottles of our breast milk are marked and in the refrigerator. Oh, and one more thing. No sweets. We are trying to cut back.”

Applebloom raised her hoof in a salute. “Don’t worry princess, you can count on us!”

Aunt Twilight teleported away for her friendship mission. Mommy and aunts Celestia, Luna, Cadance, and Quick Wit then left for their girls night out. Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle came over to the playpen and introduced themselves.

“Hello little ones! We’re your foalsitters for tonight! My name’s Applebloom!”

“I’m Sweetie Belle!”

“And I’m Scootaloo!”

I pointed at Scootaloo and smiled. “Chicken!”

Sweetie Belle could not help but Snicker. Bioquill then pointed at Sweetie Belle. “Squeaky!”

Both Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle looked irritated. Applebloom looked at them both and chuckled. “Don’t get upset girls. They’re just foals after all.”

Echo pointed at Applebloom. “Stinky!”

Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo broke out laughing. Applebloom sniffed under her armpit. “I guess I did work a bit too hard on the farm.” She said with an embarrassed look on her face.

Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle then sniffed the air and held their noses. “Oh come on, I don’t smell that bad!” Applebloom complained.

“I don’t think it’s you.” Scootaloo said. She then pointed over to me. Everypony looked and saw that my diaper was sagging. I just blushed and made an innocent smile.

“Somepony DEFINITELY needs a change.” Sweetie Belle lifted me up in her magic and carried me to the changing table. On the way there we passed the kitchen, and that’s when I spotted a jar of cookies. “I need to get those sweets.” I thought to myself.

Sweetie Belle laid me down on the changing table. After removing my soiled diaper and throwing it out, she wiped and powdered my bottom. That’s when I made my move. Just as Sweetie Belle was about to put a fresh diaper on me, I grabbed the the bottle of foal powder and squeezed it in her face.

Sweetie Belle coughed as a cloud of foal powder swirled around her head. Now was my chance! I used my magic to levitate down from the changing table, and made a frantic crawl towards the kitchen. Suddenly, I felt myself being grabbed by the scruff and hoisted into the air.

I came face to face with Applebloom, whom looked very upset. “Blue Moon, that was very naughty of you! Bad foal!” She placed a clean diaper on me, and then placed me in a small pen that was set up in the corner. “You need a time out, mister!”

“Want cookie!” I whined, but they would not hear of it.

“You are not getting any sweets, especially after the stunt you just pulled.” Said Scootaloo. “Now sit there and think about what you did.”

I frowned and lowered my head. Melody Note crawled over to speak with me. “Blue, wyed u do dat?”

“ I can’t hwelp it!” I tried to explain. “ I need ta have sweets!”

Echo joined in on our conversation. “ But u could get da spankies!”

“Wat I gonna do?”

“U need ta contwol urself.” Melody said. “Just resits da urge for sweets.”

That was going to be easier said than done. When dinner time came around, we were all seated in our high chairs. Applebloom went around giving us each a bottle of milk. Before she gave me my bottle, Applebloom looked right at me. “Before you get your dinner Blue Moon, I think you should say something to Sweetie Belle.”

I looked over at Sweetie Belle with sad eyes. “I sowry.”

Sweetie Belle smiled.She walked over and rubbed my head. “I forgive you.”

I was given my bottle. As I drank, I noticed that the jar of cookies was directly across from me, sitting up on a shelf. Those cookies had me in a trance. “No! I must resist!” I thought as I continued to chug my mommie’s milk. But the urge taste the sweet delights was growing stronger and stronger.

After I finished my bottle, Applebloom came over to burp me. As she put me over her shoulder and patted my back, I noticed that Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were distracted with cleaning up Bioquill, who had made a mess.

I couldn’t take it any longer. I needed those cookies, and I needed them now! I lit up my horn, and soon the cookie jar was encased in the blue aura of my magic. I lifted it off of the shelf and began to bring them over to me. I licked my lips as the jar hovered in the air, moving closer and closer. But then it happened. I burped. In that brief moment, I lost my concentration. My magic aura disappeared from around the jar, causing it to come crashing down right on top of Scootaloo’s head.

Everypony turned to look at Scootaloo. She had a lump on her head, and her eyes were all googly. Cookies were scattered all over the floor along with the shattered pieces of the cookie jar. Applebloom looked at me with fury in her eyes. I smiled innocently, hoping to avoid trouble.

I was wrong.

“You naughty little foal! Just wait until your mother gets home!” Applebloom yelled.

“No! Not da spankies!” I shouted. I tried to wiggle free from Applebloom’s grip, but it was no use.

Seeing that I was in trouble, Bioquill grabbed his bottle and squirted Sweetie Belle in the face. As she screamed, Applebloom turned her head to see what all the commotion was. Bioquill sprayed Applebloom in the face as well, causing her to drop me.

“Wun Blue wun!” Bioquill shouted.

I ran as fast as my little legs could carry me. I went into mommy’s room and hid under the bed. “I am in so much trouble! And all because of some stupid cookies!”

I then heard the door open. “Oh no! They found me!” I hid my face behind my hooves as I shook with fear. I then felt a tapping on shoulder. Before I could scream, I felt a hoof cover my mouth. I opened my eyes to Bioquill next to me.

“Wat u doing here Bioquill? And wy u hwelp me? Now we both get da spankies!”

“Because my mommy awso ban me fwom having sweets.” Bioquill told me. “I know da urge is stwong. Dat wy I smuggle these.” Bioquill then removed two cookies that he had hidden in his diaper.

I smiled and hugged Bioquill. “U a good fwiend, Bioquill. But I been bad, and don’t desweve cookies. U go on and have them.”

“Tanks Blue! U a good fwiend too!” Bioquill devoured both of the cookies. Soon after, Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo all looked under the bed and found us. Bioquill and I both gulped and began to sweat.

We were both placed in the time out pen. When our mommies got home, they were informed of how bad we had been. “My goodness! I am so sorry!” Mommy said to the CMC. “Here, let me pay you extra. I just hope that this hasn’t soured your relationship with the foals.”

“Don’t worry Nightmare Moon.” Applebloom said. “We’ve had harder times with the Cake twins. And we would be glad to foalsit again.”

Aunt Celestia took the CMC home to Ponyville. Quick Wit picked up Bioquill and gave him a stern look. “I’ll deal with you when we get home.”

Mommy looked down at me. I knew exactly what was coming. She removed me from the time out pen with her magic and laid me across her lap. She then spanked my bottom for what seemed liked forever.

I squealed and cried even after it was over. Mommy then held me close.

“Blue Moon, I want you to know that I do not enjoy spanking you. But you must learn that actions have consequences. Scootaloo could have been very hurt! Everything I do is for your own good. Now, do you promise me that you will behave yourself and control your sugar cravings?”

I looked up at mommy and wiped away my tears. “I pwomise.”

Mommy smiled and kissed me on head. “I love you Blue Moon.” She then hugged me gently.

“I wove u too, mommy.” I said as I hugged her back.