• Published 15th Aug 2016
  • 7,544 Views, 96 Comments

Life as a Foal - BubblePuff

I awaken as a foal in Equestria, with Nightmare Moon as my mother.

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The Fight

Quick Wit had taken me, Melody Note, North Star, Nyx, and Bioquill out for a day at the park. The five of us were placed in one big stroller, with North Star sitting next to me on my left in the front. Nyx was seated in between North Star and Melody Note in the back.

Ekko wasn’t with us. Mommy said that Aunt Celestia and Ekko had something private to take care of.

I held Oswald as I bounced up and down on diaper. “I cwant wait to get ta park! It gonna be fwun!”

“Yeah! My mommy said dat der a new slide an’ swing set!” Bioquill said joyfully.

“I jus hope dat it not too scwary.” North Star said while sucking on his hoof.

“U a big wimp!” Melody Note said.

“At weast he not afwaid of bugs!” Said Nyx.

“Wat? Tey icky!” Melody Note made a gag face and shivered.

As we approached the park, a zebra walked up to Quick Wit. “These little foals I cannot ignore. They are so sweet I must adore!”

Quick Wit blushed. “Oh, why thank you.”

“My name is Nala.” The zebra continued. “I just have to know if this is true. Do all of these foals belong to you?”

“Only this little cutie pie.” Quick Wit then patted Bioquill on the head. “His name is Bioquill. This is Nyx, the daughter of Princess Twilight. North Star, the son of Princess Luna. Melody Note, the daughter of Princess Cadence. And Blue Moon, the son of Princess Nightmare Moon.”

Nala looked down at all of us and cooed. “Sahara be my daughter’s name. She is in the park playing a game.”

“Oh good! Maybe she’ll play with these little cuties and become friends!” Quick Wit continued pushing our stroller towards the park.

Bioquill looked over to me. “Dat gwon up tawked funny.”

“All gwon ups tawk funny.” I replied.

We arrived at the park and Quick Wit removed us from the stroller. The playground was amazing! There was a jungle gym, a bounce house, and of course the slide! It was corkscrew shaped and so tall that it must’ve reached Cloudsdale!

I looked over and saw a zebra foal playing in a sandbox shaped like a big lady bug. “Dat must be Sahara. Wets go say hewo!”

We all crawled over and greeted ourselves. “Hewo! I Blue Moon! Tis is Melody Note, Bioquill, North Star, an Nyx!”

Sahara looked at all of us and smiled. “Hi!”

“We gonna wide ta slide! U wanna join us?”

Sahara frowned and shook her head. “Nuh uh. Too scawy!”

“I agwee.” North Star said. “I wanna stay and pway.”

“Otay. U can wook afta Oswald while I pway on the slide!” I gave Oswald over to North Star for him to look after.

Melody Note scoffed at North Star. “U R such a scady cat!” A butterfly then landed on Melody Note’s nose. She took one look at it, then began crying. She took off screaming back to Quick Wit. “ICKY!!!!!!”

North Star pointed and laughed. “Now who a wimp!”

Nyx, Bioquill, and I all crawled over to the slide. We cranked our heads up to look at the top of the towering structure. “Awight, wet’s go.” I led the way as we climbed up the stairs.

It felt like forever to reach the top of the slide. I thought I saw clouds floating by us we were so high! When we finally reached the top, we paused as we looked down the towering slide. I looked over at Nyx and Bioquill. “So, who wanna go fwirst?”

“Not me!” Nyx replied.

“Nuh uh!” Bioquill said while shaking his head.

“Awight, I go fwirst.” I looked down the slide and gulped. I took a few steps forward, then shut my eyes tight and shoved myself. I must have sped down the slide at a billion miles per hour! It was the most exhilarating thing ever!

Going around the massive corkscrew slide left me dizzy when I reached the bottom. I was so wobbly that I fell on my back with my diapered rump sticking high in the air. Nyx and Bioquill looked down at me. “R U otay?” Nyx asked.

I got up and shook myself of. “Dat was so fwun!” I said with a big smile while bouncing up and down. “ I wanna go agwain!”

Bioquill and Nyx both looked at each other and shrugged. They then both went down the slide at the same time. The two of them landed on their bottoms with a plop. “Wets go agwain!” Bioquill shouted.

The three of us rode the slide dozens of times. Afterwards we decided to explore the rest of the playground. We went back to the sandbox to get North Star. He was digging a hole while Sahara was playing with Oswald.

“Tanks for wooking afta Oswald, Sahara!” But as I reached over to grab him, Sahara snatched Oswald away.

“Mine!” Sahara shouted.

I was shocked and upset. “But Oswald no bewong to U! He mine!”

“Mine now!” Sahara then stuck her tongue out at me. I reached over and grabbed Oswald, trying to wrestle him away.

“Give him back!”

“No! Mine!” Sahara then shoved me off. My face turned red with rage. I grabbed North Star’s plastic shovel and bonked Sahara on the head.

“U bwig meanie!”

Sahara let go of Oswald. She then tackled me and began slapping me with her hooves. “U stuwpid hed!” She shout. I started to slap her back and soon we were fighting, rolling all over the sandbox screaming.

Quick Wit and Nala overheard our fight and immediately ran over to break us up. They were both really mad.

“Blue Moon, were you and Sahara fighting?!” Quick Wit yelled.

I grabbed ahold of Oswald. Sahara reached over and tried to snatch him. “Mine now!”

Nala was appalled. “Sahara, I have taught you better than that! You can’t go around acting like a brat!” Nala sat down and placed Sahara on her lap. She then pulled down Sahara’s diaper and spanked her butt until it was red. Sahara cried and screamed.

Quick Wit meanwhile gave me a stare that could rival Aunt Fluttershy’s. “Don’t think that you’re innocent in all this, Blue Moon. You are in VERY big trouble and I will be telling your mother when we get back to the castle!” I held Oswald tight as I gulped.

Quick Wit then turned to Nala. “I am so sorry for Blue Moon’s behavior. He usually plays very well with other foals.”

“ I am sorry for Sahara’s actions as well. She is very sweet, but when she acts up I can never tell.” Nala replied.

Quick Wit placed me, North Star, Nyx, Melody Note, and Bioquill back in the stroller and took us back home. I dreaded the entire ride back to the castle.

When we got home, Quick Wit informed Mommy of what happened. Mommy took me to my room and gave me a spanking that seemed to last forever. I cried and screamed as loud as I could, but it all fell on deaf ears.

Mommy placed me on the floor when she was done. “I am so disappointed in you Blue. Fighting is bad, and I never want you to get involved in another one ever again. Do I make myself clear?”

I wiped away my tears and nodded. “Good. I still love you, but as a prince you must be a positive example to the ponies of Equestria.”

As I thought about Mommy’s words, I noticed that Ekko wasn’t around when we came home. “Ware Ekko?”

Mommy paused and let out a sigh. “Ekko is no longer here. She is living someplace else for a while.” Mommy then proceeded to explain what happened while I was out at the playground.

Author's Note:

Don't worry, I will fully explain what happened to Ekko in the next chapter.