• Published 15th Aug 2016
  • 7,545 Views, 96 Comments

Life as a Foal - BubblePuff

I awaken as a foal in Equestria, with Nightmare Moon as my mother.

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A day at the beach

It was a hot day outside, so our mommies decided to take us all to the beach. Instead of regular diapers our mommies put us in special swimming diapers that were made for the water. Aunt Cadence even warned Melody Note that if she tried anything that was similar to what she did at the Wonderbolts show that she would be grounded for a month. Melody Note was not happy.

We arrived at the beach via the royal chariot. The sand was soft, white, and looked like sugar. Nyx tried to eat some but immediately spat it out. “Tis not sugaw! It taste wike yuck!” She yelled.

Before we could play, our mommies covered us all in a cream called sunscreen. It was cold to the touch and it made us all slippery. It tickled as mommy put it on, so I started to squirm and giggle. Mommy let out a chuckle. “Now hold still Blue Moon. This will protect you from your aunt Celestia’s mean old sun.”

“I heard that.” Aunt Celestia said jokingly.

After we were lathered up, we got together to discuss what to do first. “Wets go pway in da watew!” I said. “It’s so bwue and pwetty!”

Bioquill had another idea. “I wanna buiwd a sand castwe!”

In the end we decided to split up. Nyx and I went to play in the water while Bioquill, Melody Note, and North Star built a sand castle.

Mommy and aunt Twilight waded into the water until they were knee deep. They then lightly splashed the water as they called to us. “Come on Blue Moon!” Mommy said encouragingly. “Come swim over to mommy. You can do it!” Nyx and I both dipped our hooves into the water and it was cold! We both backed away but our mommies kept encouraging us to swim over to them.

“Wat we gonna do?” Nyx asked.

I looked out over the water at mommy. The water was cold, but I wanted mommy to be proud of me. After building up all of my courage, I marched into the water. I kept going until the water became deep enough that I had to start kicking my legs to stay afloat. Halfway towards mommy swimming became easier. It was just like swimming in the tub, except some of the water got into my mouth and it was really salty.

Nyx soon followed right behind me. We swam inch by inch towards our mommies. After what seemed like forever, I finally reached my mommy. She picked me up and nuzzled me. “I knew you could do it Blue Moon! Great job!” She then placed me back in the water and I swam around her laughing. After Nyx reached aunt Twilight, I swam over to her and started a splash fight.

We swam and played around for a while until I felt a bulge in the back of my swim diaper. “Uh oh!” I said aloud. Mommy came over and lifted me out of the water.

“Looks like somepony made a stinky.” She said playfully. Mommy took me back to the beach where she laid me down on a towel and proceeded to change me. Once I was changed, I felt a rumbling in my tummy.

“Ba ba!” I said to mommy as I pointed my mouth.

“Aw, is my little stallion hungry? Well then, let’s get you some lunch.” Mommy reached into a cooler and pulled out a bottle of cold formula. She gave it to me and I instantly started to suckle it down. Melody Note, Nyx, North Star, and Bioquill’s mommies also stopped to give them some lunch.

After I had consumed the entire bottle, Mommy burped me then set me down with Nyx. We both decided to examine the sand castle that Bioquill, Melody Note, and North Star had made. We crawled over and were amazed at what we saw. Their sand castle looked exactly like the royal castle back in Canterlot.

“Wow! U made tis?” I asked.

“Yup! We made it all by ouwsewves!” Melody Note said proudly.

“Actuawwy, we had hewp fwom ouw mommies.” Bioquill interjected.

“Weww, I bet dat Nyx and I can buiwd a bettew sand castwe!” I said.

“We can?” Nyx replied.

“Suwe! How hawd can it be?” Nyx and Immediately started construction on our own sand castle. We filled up buckets with sand and started stacking them up in piles. After a while it looked less like a castle and more like a big mound of sand. Mommy and aunt Twilight took notice of what we were doing and walked over.

“Are you two trying to build a sand castle?” Aunt Twilight asked. We both nodded our heads yes.

“How about we help you out.” Mommy said.

“Yay!” Nyx and I shouted. Soon, mommy and aunt Twilight were helping us to build our sand castle. We all stacked and molded the sand carefully. Soon enough, our sand castle was complete. It looked like an exact replica of the castle of the two sisters.

“Wow! Gweat castwe!” North Star said.

“It pwetty.” Said Bioquill.

“It alwight.” Melody Note said.

Aunt Celestia walked over and saw our sand castle. “Oh my, did Blue Moon and Nyx make this sand castle? It looks terrific!”

“Yes they did. With a little help.” Mommy said.

Melody Note pulled on Celestia’s mane and pointed to her sand castle. “I’m assuming that Melody Note, North Star, and Bioquill made this one? They did a wonderful job. I love both sand castles!”

We all smiled and cheered. We then decided to play in the water some more. We swam around and giggled every time a wave came in and splashed us.

A pony with an ice cream cart came walking by. We all swam out of the water and begged our mommies for some. “Ice cweam!” We all shouted.

“Well since you’ve all been such good foals, I think you deserve some ice cream.” Aunt Luna said.

Our mommies held us as they bought each of us a scoop of ice cream. I chose strawberry and savored each and every lick. Bioquill ate his too fast and he got a brain freeze. He screamed and began to cry, so Quick Wit cradled him to calm him down.

After we finished our ice cream I decided to play in the sand. I grabbed a shovel and began to dig for buried treasure. I knew that pirates buried their treasure from the Daring Do books that mommy would read me, so I was hoping to dig some up.

“Wat awe U doing?” North Star asked as he walked over to me.

“I wooking fow buiwed tweasuwe. Wanna hewp?”

“Suwe!” North Star grabbed a shovel and joined me in digging. After digging for a while, we finally struck something. We reached in with our hooves and pulled out an old horseshoe. “Tweasure!” We both shouted.

Aunt Celestia came over to see what all the commotion was about. “What are you two doing?” She asked. North Star and I both showed her the horseshoe, smiling and bouncing as we did.

“Oh my, did you two find this? It’s such a good horseshoe. You both did a very good job finding this! I’m so proud of you!” Aunt Celestia then picked us up with her magic and gave us kisses on our horns.

Melody Note decided to dig for treasure as well. As she was digging, Nyx snuck up behind her and poured sand down her diaper. Melody Note ran off screaming while Nyx rolled around laughing.

Aunt Twilight wasn’t pleased. “Nyx! That was very naughty of you! You go apologize this instant or you are grounded!” Aunt Twilight said sternly.

Nyx crawled over to Melody Note. “I sowwy.” She said. Melody Note just frowned and stuck her tongue out at her. Aunt Cadence was just as angry as Aunt Twilight.

“Melody Note! We do not insult somepony when they are trying to apologize! Now you two make up this instant!”

“I sowwy too.” Melody Note said. She and Nyx then hugged it out.

A couple of hours later we were all tired. Our mommies put us back in our strollers where we yawned and fell asleep. When we got home we were all given a bath to wash off all the sand and sunscreen. Playing in the tub is fun, but the ocean is better. We then had dinner and were put to bed. Going to the beach was the best, and I can’t wait to go again!