• Published 15th Aug 2016
  • 7,545 Views, 96 Comments

Life as a Foal - BubblePuff

I awaken as a foal in Equestria, with Nightmare Moon as my mother.

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Foal Daycare

I sat in my stroller as mommy pushed me down the street in downtown Canterlot. Grown ups would stop and coo at me, saying how cute I was. All of the attention made me blush. As we continued on our way, I looked up at mommy and asked “Whewe we going?”

Mommy looked down at me and smiled. “You’re going to spend the day at foal daycare. You’ll get to play all day and make new friends!”

The thought of making new friends made me smile. I loved playing around Melody Note, North Star, and Nyx, but they were family and I saw them everyday. The only other foals that I knew who were not family were Bioquill and the Cake twins. It would be good to meet new foals.

When we arrived at the foal daycare center, I was amazed at how many foals there were and by how many toys they had. I wildly kicked my hind legs and reached out to interact, but I was still strapped into my stroller. Mommy saw this and giggled. We were then approached by a unicorn mare with white hair, a blonde mane and tail, and a rattle for a cutie mark.

“Hello and welcome to Canterlot foal care your highness!” The mare said. “My name is Caretaker, and I am incharge.” Caretaker leaned down to look at me. “And this eager little one must be prince Blue Moon I assume?”

“Yes he is.” Mommy replied. “I’m trying to get him out of the palace more often and have him interact with more foals outside of the royal family.”

“Then you’ve come to the right place. Canterlot foal care is the top rated day care center in the entire city. I have a feeling that Blue Moon is going to fit right in.” Caretaker then tickled me on the chin, making me giggle.

“I don’t doubt it.” Mommy then unstrapped me and lifted me up for a hug. “Now you play nice with the other foals Blue Moon. I’ll be back to pick you up this afternoon.” Mommy then kissed me on the cheek and gave me over to Caretaker.

I watched mommy leave, then Caretaker took me into the main playroom. She set me down on the padded floor and then went off to check on the other foals. I couldn’t decide what to do first, so I sat on the floor and sucked on my hoof. That’s when I was approached by a unicorn filly with golden brown hair, a sparkling white mane and tail, and dark brown eyes.

“Hi! I Sugaw Cookie!” She said with a big smile.

“Nice to meet U! I Bwue Moon!” I replied.

“U must be new awound hewe. I nevew seen U befowe.”

“Dat because I a pwince! I wive in the woyale castle!”

It was then that Sugar Cookie finally noticed my stubby wings. “U an Awicown? Dat is so cool! Which pwincess is youw mommy?”

“Nightmawe Moon.”

“The pwincess behind Nightmawe Night? I wove dat howiday!” Sugar Cookie said cheerfully. “I gets to dwess up and get tons of candy!”

“Yeah, my mommy is the best. Do U want to pway with me?”

“Of couwse I do! How about we pway adventuwe!”

“Dat sounds wike fun. How do we pway?”

“We gonna seawch for some tweasuwe! Fowwow me!” I followed Sugar Cookie as we both crawled around the the daycare center. I imagined that we were in a jungle, looking for a long lost treasure. Suddenly, a big scary lion blocked our path.

“Wook out! It a wion!” Sugar Cookie said as she pointed to a lion plushie.

“I got dis!” I grabbed a nearby ball and threw it at the plushie, knocking it over.

“My hewo!” Sugar Cookie crawled over and gave me a hug. We then continued on our adventure. We eventually arrived at a toy chest. “Dis must be whewe da tweasuwe is located.” Sugar Cookie said.

The chest was closed. Sugar Cookie tried to reach up and open it with her hooves, but it was too far and she fell back on her diapered butt. She then tried to use her magic, but only a few sparks came out of her horn.

“I can do it!” I concentrated and soon the lid to the toy chest was surrounded by my magic. I lifted open the lid then used my magic to tip over the chest, spilling toys all over the place.

“Hooway! We found da tweasuwe!” Sugar Cookie cheered. “What do U want to pway with fiwst?”

I Immediately grabbed one of the colored blocks. “Wets buiwd a castwe!” I then began stacking blocks to build a wall. Sugar Cookie joined in, helping to build the towers. After a few minutes, we had built a mighty castle.

Another unicorn filly with green hair and a poofy green mane and tail then crawled over to our castle. “Who awe U? I asked.

“I Winterwgween!” She said. “Can I pway?”

“Sure!” Sugar Cookie replied. “We pwaying castwe!”

A smile came over Wintergreen’s face. “Youw castwe is no match for da tickwe monstew!” Wintergreen then burst through the walls of our castle, knocking Sugar Cookie and I to the ground. Wintergreen then tickled our tummies. We both laughed uncontrollably, waving around our hooves all over the place.

Suddenly, there was a hissing sound. Sugar Cookie looked down and saw a yellow spot on her diaper getting bigger. This made Sugar Cookie burst out crying.

At the same time, I felt a bulge in my diaper followed by a stinky smell. I poked my diaper and it went squish. This also made me cry.

Caretaker came over and calmed us down. “Aw, did somepony make a stinky?” She said in a calm, motherly tone. Caretaker then picked Sugar Cookie and I up in her magic. She then carried us over to the changing table. We were changed into fresh diapers within a couple of minutes. Caretaker then washed her hooves, kissed both of us on the head, and then returned us to the main playroom.

Wintergreen crawled over with a sad look on her face. “I sowwy I made U two mess ur diapies.”

I just looked at Wintergreen and smiled. “Dat okay. It was fun being tickwed!”

Sugar Cookie agreed. “In fact, it tickwe time!” Sugar Cookie and I then leapt onto Wintergreen and tickled her all over. She squealed and laughed out loud. Soon it was snack time, and we were all given warm bottles of formula. When we were finished, we were put down for nap time on sleeping mats with pillows and blankets. Sugar Cookie and I even got to share a mat.

When I awoke from my nap I crawled back over to the toys and began playing with a ball. After a while both Sugar Cookie and Wintergreen woke up from their naps as well. They both crawled over to me. “Can we pway too?” Asked Wintergreen.

“Suwe!” I replied. We all took turns rolling the ball between the three of us. Time flew by fast because soon mommy arrived to take me home. She scooped me up with her magic and held me with her hooves.

“So, did my little stallion have fun today?”

“Yeah!” I replied.

“Your son was a perfect little foal.” Caregiver said. “He made friends with two of my regulars, and the three of them have been playing together all day.”

“Well then, I’ll have to talk with their mothers about having them come over to the castle for a play date.”

“Yay pway!” I cheered. Mommy strapped me into my stroller and we got ready to leave. I smiled and waved bye bye to Sugar Cookie and Wintergreen as we were leaving and they waved back. I couldn’t wait to play with them again.