• Published 15th Aug 2016
  • 7,544 Views, 96 Comments

Life as a Foal - BubblePuff

I awaken as a foal in Equestria, with Nightmare Moon as my mother.

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Being sick is no fun

I tossed and turned in my crib. I felt very cold, no matter how tightly I wrapped myself up in my blankie. I also felt very dizzy, and my tummy was in a lot of pain. My body felt stiff, like I was trapped in stone. I cried out for mommy.

Mommy walked into the nursery and stood over my crib. “What is wrong my little Blue?” She saw me shivering and picked me up in her magic. “You don’t look very good.” Mommy felt my forehead with her hoof. “Oh my! You’re burning up!” Mommy had also noticed that I had soiled my diaper. “Let’s get you cleaned up.”

After changing my diaper, Mommy held me close to her chest. She gently rocked me back and forth. “Don’t worry, mommy is going to make you feel all better.” She whispered softly. My tummy still really hurt. I wanted to cry, but I felt so exhausted. Suddenly, I threw up all over mommy’s chest and leg. Mommy just smiled and brushed my mane. “That’s ok, you just needed to get that out of your system. When the morning comes, I shall take you to the doctor.”

I felt really tired, so I feel back asleep. When I woke up I was in a brightly lit room with mommy. I was sitting on a padded table that was covered in paper. I would have liked to have my crayons, the paper was perfect for coloring. The room also had cabinets, and a counter top with a sink and three jars. One had q-tips, the other had cotton balls, and the third had popsicle sticks(Somepony must have eaten them already.)

The doctor came into the room. He wore a white coat, had a gray mane and tail, caramel-colored hair, and a thermometer for a cutie mark.

“Greetings Princess Nightmare Moon. So, I hear little Blue isn’t feeling so good?”

“He is not Doctor. My son has the chills, a fever, and has been vomiting.” Mommy spoke with a worried tone in her voice. I had never heard her speak like that before.

“Let’s have look then, shall we?” The doctor took out this weird thing that was round on one end, and split into two on the other. He stuck the split ends in his ears and then placed the round thing on my chest. After a few seconds he placed the round thing on my back.

“Hmm.” The doctor removed the strange object. “Better take his temperature.” The doctor brought out a thermometer. I had seen big ponies use it, so I opened my mouth. The doctor chuckled. “Guess again.” (I don’t want to talk about what happened next. All I can say is that it was cold.)

“He definitely has a high fever.” The doctor said. “I’d say Blue here has the flu.”

“The flu? Is there anything that can be done?” Mommy asked.

“Your son needs lots of rest and fluids. He should be better in a week. In the meantime, I do need to give him his booster shot.” The doctor left the room and came back in holding a needle. I instantly freaked out. I tried to crawl away, but mommy held me back. I screamed and waved my little arms around.

“Blue, look at me.” I opened my teary eyes and looked at mommy. “There is nothing to be afraid of. This shot will help you to feel better. Trust me.” Mommy gave me a warm look that calmed me down. The doctor stuck me with the needle. It felt like being pinched, but it really wasn’t that bad. Mommy then kissed me on forehead. “That was very brave of you, sweetie.”

When we returned to the castle, Mommy placed me in my crib and bundled me up. “Get some rest Blue, and I’ll be back later with some food that will easy on your tummy.” I still felt weak from the flu I had, so falling asleep wasn’t a problem.

Mommy came into my room a few hours later and woke me up. “Sweetie, I have a special lunch for you.” She gave me a tray that had a bowl of applesauce and sippy cup full of orange juice. “This food will help settle your tummy. Also, your cousins are here to see you.”

Luna, Cadance, Twilight, and Celestia came in with North Star, Melody Note, Nyx, and Ekko respectively. I noticed that they all had bandages on their arms.

“Your cousins all got flu shots, so now they can be with you.” Mommy said.

I didn’t notice a bandage on Ekko. “Ekko, didn’t u get a shot?”

“I got my shot in the butt.” Ekko said.

“Tho shots hwurt! Why we need them?” Melody asked.

“Mommy said it so we no get sick from Blue.” Nyx explained.

I looked around, but could not see Bioquill or his mother Quick Wit. “Where Bioquill? Didn’t he also get a shot?”

“Mommy said dat he getting his later today.” Said North Star.

Everypony was set down in a playpen while their mommies chatted. I really wanted to play too, but I was still too sick. Mommy then fed me the applesauce and I finished the entire bowl. “My, you must have been hungry.” Mommy said with a smile.

I picked up the sippy cup and drank the orange juice. It was good, but I still preferred mommy’s milk. It didn’t stay down though. Soon I felt a lump in the back of my throat, and suddenly I threw up again.

The others all shouted out “Eww!”. “Blue made pukey!” Melody shouted.

I felt embarrassed. Mommy smiled and rubbed my back. “Don’t worry Sweetie, your tummy is still a bit upset that’s all. Now let’s get you cleaned up.” Mommy picked me up and took me into the bathroom.

After we entered the bathroom, Mommy set me down on the floor. “How about a bubble bath?”

I smiled and clapped my hooves. “Yay! Bubba bath!”

“I’ll take that as a yes.” Mommy said with a snicker. She filled up the tub and stirred in the bubble bath until it was foaming with bubbles. Mommy placed me in and began scrubbing me down. When she went to get the shampoo, I hid in a mound of bubbles.

Mommy looked around for me. “My, where did my little Blue go?”

I popped up, completely covered in bubbles. “Boo!”

“Oh no! It’s the bubble monster!” Said mommy while trying to act scared. “I must stop it with tickles!” Mommy then tickled my sides, causing me to laugh hysterically. As she tickled me, mommy managed to shampoo my mane and tail.

Mommy removed me from the tub and dried me off. “There! All nice and clean!” I was then returned to my crib. My cousins had to leave because they were getting tired. Before they left, Nyx dropped something in my crib.

“We made dis for u!” I picked it up and it was card that read “GWET WEEL SOON!” I smiled as I held the card close.

Mommy walked over and tucked me in. “Sweet dreams my little prince.” She then kissed me on the horn. I closed my eyes and yawned. As I snuggled in under my blanket, I already began to feel better.

Author's Note:

A simple slice of life chapter. I got the idea after being sick myself recently.