• Published 15th Aug 2016
  • 7,544 Views, 96 Comments

Life as a Foal - BubblePuff

I awaken as a foal in Equestria, with Nightmare Moon as my mother.

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A grand day out

After a few days, I was feeling much better. Mommy came into my nursery one morning and felt my forehead. “Very good, you no longer have a fever! This means you can go back to your regular breakfast.”

“Num nums!” Mommy lifted me out of my crib with her magic. She then curled up on a couch and placed me by her breasts. I began to suckle, glad that I could once again have mommy’s sweet milk. When I was done mommy placed me over her shoulder and patted my back. I let out a burp that echoed throughout the nursery.

“Well, compliments to the chef!” Mommy said with a giggle. I couldn’t help but giggle as well. Mommy then placed me on her back. She walked out out of the nursery and down the hall to the main room. There was a playpen already set up with North Star, Melody Note, Nyx, Ekko, and Bioquill already playing. Mommy set me down inside.

“U no sicky anymore?” Bioquill asked.

“Nope. I all better!”

Mommy gently patted my head. “Since you were so brave in getting your shot and overcoming your illness, I thought I’d reward you with a trip to the toy store!”

My eyes lit up and I clapped my hooves. “Yay!”

Twilight then approached Mommy. “Nightmare Moon, we still have that meeting with the griffons. I’m afraid it will take up most of the day.”

I could feel my heart sink. Then Quick Wit then spoke up. “I’ll take Blue Moon for you. I’ll even take the other foals. It will be fun day out.”

We all raised our hooves(and paws) and cheered in unison. Mommy smiled. “It sounds like the little ones are in agreement.”

I was strapped into a stroller with Nyx and Melody while North Star, Bioquill, and Ekko were strapped into another. Before we left, our mommies kissed us on the cheek. “Now you behave yourself.” Mommy said as we left.

It was a sunny day in Canterlot. As Quick Wit pushed our strollers down the street, many ponies stopped and D’awwed at us. They also kept saying things like “How cute!” and “They are so adorable!”

We soon arrived at Canterlot mall. We were all amazed by how huge the place was! There were hundreds of stores, and thousands of ponies rushing about. Quick Wit took us into an elevator. It was fun to go up. It felt like a ride, and looking out the window made it seem like everything was getting smaller as we got higher.

We got off of the elevator right in front of the toy store. As we entered, we looked around in awe at the huge amount of toys that surrounded us.

“Alright little ones.” Quick Wit said. “When you see a toy you like, just point out to it.” I immediately looked around. There were so many toys to choose from, but one in particular caught my eye.

It was a plush penguin. I reached out for it, and Quick Wit noticed. She picked it up and read the tag.

“Oswald the penguin. Is this what you want?” I nodded my head and smiled. “Alright, here you go.” Quick Wit gave me Oswald. I was so happy that I bounced up and down in stroller. I hugged Oswald tightly, feeling how soft he was.

Quick Wit took us around the store. As she did, Nyx, Melody, North Star, Ekko, and Bioquill all picked out a toy they liked.

“Uh-oh.” There was a whizzing sound, and Ekko held her muzzle in embarrassment. A yellow spot appeared on her diaper.

“Did you have an accident Ekko?” Quick Wit asked. Ekko nodded her head. “Ok, let's get you changed.” Quick Wit rolled the strollers up to the bathroom. “Now, what to do with the rest of you?” Quick Wit looked around and spotted an employee.

“Excuse me, sir?” Quick Wit asked as she trotted up to the employee. “I need to change this little one’s diaper. Could you please look after these five foals? I’ll only be minute.”

The employee nodded his head. “Not a problem.” Quick Wit thanked him and took Ekko to the bathroom. Melody and North Star had both fallen asleep.

Bioquill then took notice of a balloon cart right outside of the toy store. He saw that the employee was distracted, so he replaced his spot in the stroller with his toy and climbed out.

“Wat u doing?” I asked.

“I wanna bawoon!”

“U should wait for ur mommy.”

“But I want one now!”

I let out a sigh. “ At weast wet me come wit u. U could get hwurt.” I had Oswald hold my spot in the stroller and climbed out.

Nyx then followed us. “I wanna come too!”


“ I just think it funny to see u two gwet in twouble.” Nyx said with a giggle. I shook my head, then Nyx and I followed Bioquill to the balloon cart.

When we reached the cart, we were mesmerized by all of the balloons. They came in many different sizes and colors, but the one that Bioquill was interested in the most was a big red balloon.

“I want tat one!” Bioquill said as he pointed to it and smiled.

“It hwuge!” I said.

“It bigger than the three of us.” Said Nyx.

Bioquill flapped his wings and flew up to the part of the cart that the big red balloon was tied too. It wasn’t tied very tightly, as Bioquill easily untied it. He grabbed the string and tried to come down, but just as he was about to touch the floor the balloon began to carry him off.

“Hang on!” I jumped up and grabbed Bioquill to try and pull him down, but the balloon began to carry me too.

“I save u!” Nyx jumped up and grabbed me, but the balloon was able to carry the three of us into the air. The balloon carried us over the railing, and we found ourselves hovering over the center of the mall.

Quick Wit came back from the bathroom with a freshly changed Ekko. When she reached the strollers, she that Bioquill, Nyx, and I were missing.

“Where did three of the foals go?!”

The employee looked around in a state of shock. “I don’t know! They were right here a second ago!”

Quick Wit then saw us hanging from the balloon. “Oh no!” She placed placed Ekko in one of the strollers and ran to the railing. “Stay calm! I’ll save you!”

Meanwhile, we all began to panic and cry. “I scared!” Nyx screamed. There was then a stinky smell, and Nyx’s diaper became larger. Our predicament had literally scared the poop out of her.

The added weight caused us to slowly descend. Quick Wit ran down the escalators, following us as we got lower. Suddenly, the balloon drifted towards a chandelier that hung above the center of the mall. Once the balloon touched the chandelier, it popped.

The three of us screamed as we plummeted. Thinking fast, Quick Wit lept into the air, flapping her wings as hard as she could. She caught us before we hit the ground and landed safely.

“By Celestia, thank goodness you’re alright!” Quick Wit said as she held us close. “You nearly scared me to death! Don’t you EVER do something like that again!”

Nyx, Bioquill, and I all lowered our heads. We didn’t mean to scare Quick Wit. We all felt ashamed.

“Well, look who it is.” Quick Wit turned her head. She narrowed her eyes and snorted as soon as she saw who was talking to her.

“Hello, Blue Blood.” She said as she gritted her teeth.

Blue Blood stood with a bunch of servants who were caring all of his shopping. “If it isn’t the foul mouthed foal sitter herself. What was your name again? Half wit!” Blue Blood then laughed at his own joke.

“What do you want?” Quick Wit said with an irritated voice.

“Well, I was just shopping and minding my own business when what should I see but the worst foal sitter in Equestria letting two of the lands royal foals and her own little brat getting into danger.”

“It isn’t what it looks like.” Quick Wit pleaded.

Blue Blood just waved his hoof at her. “Please. Like I would care if they were gone. A foal who is the son of a monster, another foal who is the daughter of a pretend princess, and a common street foal? No big loss.”

“Don’t talk that way about my son and his friends!”

“Or else what? I’m Canterlot royalty, you are not. One word from me and not only will you never work in the castle, but you’ll never foal sit in Canterlot ever again. Foal services might even take away your little rugrat.”

Tears began to build up in Quick Wits eyes. That’s when I became angry. Blue Blood had no right to threaten Quick Wit, insult my friends, and badmouth my mommy!. As my anger built up, my horn began to glow and sparks spouted from the tip of it. A beam of blue magic then shot from my horn and hit Blue Blood.

There was a bright flash, and when it cleared Blue Blood found himself wearing a giant diaper. There was a loud farting sound, and Blue Blood’s diaper filled up.

I pointed at Blue Blood and smiled. “Bwue Bwood pooted!”

Everypony in the around Blue Blood held their noses to block out the stench. Blue Blood’s face turned bright red as he turned and ran out of the mall screaming “Don’t look at me!”

Quick Wit broke out laughing, as did Nyx and Bioquill. “Thank you for helping me out Blue Blood. For that, you can keep your toy. But you’re still in trouble for wandering away.

When we returned to the castle, Quick Wit told mommy about everything that had happened. Mommy had a serious look on her face when she heard how I wandered off and floated away on a balloon. But then she laughed when she heard what I did to Blue Blood.

I sat in the playpen, holding Oswald. I was worried that mommy was going to give me a spanking. Mommy finally came over to talk to me.

“Blue Moon, I am very disappointed with you. You shouldn’t wander off like that! I’m just glad you, Nyx, and Bioquill were not hurt. But at the same time, I am proud of you. You showed your first use of magic today. And from what I hear, it was quite powerful. Not to mention Hilarious. So, you may keep your new toy. I will not spank you, but for your punishment you will not get any milk for one week. Understood?”

I nodded my head and mommy kissed my horn. I was glad that I would not get a spanking and that I would get to keep Oswald, but no milk for a week?! That could take forever!

Author's Note:

Fun fact: I really did have a stuffed penguin named Oswald growing up.