• Published 15th Aug 2016
  • 7,545 Views, 96 Comments

Life as a Foal - BubblePuff

I awaken as a foal in Equestria, with Nightmare Moon as my mother.

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Adventures in foalsitting pt. 2

Fluttershy set up the table for the tea party while Pinkie went to the kitchen to make the cupcakes. Rarity lined up myself, Ekko, and Melody for our clothes fitting.

“Ok Blue Moon, I’ll start with you.” Rarity then reached into her satchel and pulled a tiny white tuxedo shirt with a matching jacket and black bow tie. She also pulled out a pair of tiny black pants. Using her magic, she slipped the outfit onto me.

“Ooh, you look so handsome!” Rarity then booped me on the nose. I couldn’t help but giggle, and the outfit did make me look handsome.

“And for Melody Note.” Rarity pulled out a sparkly pink dress with a matching plastic diaper. Rarity removed Melody’s old diaper and put on the new one, then slipped on the dress. “There! Fit for a princess!”

Melody made a big smile. “I wook pwetty!”

“Don’t worry Ekko, I haven’t forgotten about you.” Rarity pulled an aqua blue dress that also had a matching plastic diaper. She placed the outfit on Ekko. “You are so adorable!” Rarity patted Ekko on the head, and she smiled and wagged her tail in return.

“The cupcakes will be ready soon!” Pinkie called from the kitchen.

“I wonder wat da others are doing?” Ekko asked.

I just waved them off. “It pwobably something dwull.”

“Alright everypony, who’s ready to play adventure!” Rainbow said with enthusiasm. Nyx, North Star, and Bioquill all cheered.

“So what type of adventure would you youngins like to play?” Applejack asked.

“Duh, they obviously want to play Daring Do!”

“No offense Dash, but how about we let the foals decide?”

Rainbow pouted and crossed her front legs. “Fine! But I really want to play Daring Do.”

Nyx, Bioquill, and North Star all looked at each other. “How bout we pway pwiraits?” Nyx suggested.

“Dat sound gweat! But how do we wet Rwainbow and Abblejat know? They no speak foal.” Bioquill replied.

“I gots an idea!” North Star crawled over to his coloring book and grabbed a black marker. He closed his right eye and drew an eyepatch on his face.

“Good thwinking!” Bioquill and Nyx did the same thing. Soon all three had drawn on eyepatches.

“It looks like these sugarcubes want to play pirates.” Applejack said with a smile. She pulled a bandana out of her saddlebag and wrapped it around her head.

Rainbow took notice. “Well, I guess that could be fun.” Rainbow went to a closet and found a plunger. She lifted up her back leg and stuck the plunger on her thigh, using it as a peg leg.

“So wat should we do on our pwirait adventure?” Bioquill asked.

A grin came over Nyx’s face. “I, cabin Nyx, will wead u to take the booty of the cupie cakes!”

North Star broke out laughing. “U said booty!”

Rarity had set up the table for the tea party. Ekko, Melody, and myself all took our seats. Since tea was too hot for us, Rarity filled our cups with our mommies milk.

“Alright Darlings, now I’m going to show you how to properly hold a tea cup.” Rarity held her cup with with one hoof by the handle, carefully lifted it up, then took a sip. “There, now you try.”

I grabbed the cup with both of my hooves and chugged down the milk.

Rarity shook her head. “No no, like this.” She then repeated the cup holding technique. “Now try again.”

Ekko lapped up the milk from her cup with her tongue, causing her to drool.

Rarity sighed and rubbed the sides of her head. “That is most uncouth.”

We all giggled. Pinkie then came into the room with a tray of freshly made cupcakes. “Cupcakes are ready!” She set them down on the table and we cheered. Just as I was about to reach for one, there was a yell that came from rafters.

We all looked up to see Applejack, Rainbow, Nyx, Bioquill, and North Star dressed up as pirates. “Arr! Da cupie cakes be ours!” Nyx shouted. They all then swung down using curtains that had been tied together to make ropes.

Nyx landed on the table right in front of me. “Nyx, wat are Udoing?”

“My name cabin Nyx! I come for ur cupie cakes!”

“Oh boy! A pirate party!” Pinkie shouted. She then gave all of us foam rubber swords. “Defend the cupcakes!”

Nyx and I proceeded to do battle atop the table. “ U will neber have the cupie cakes!”

As I battled Nyx, Ekko fought North Star, Melody fought Bioquill, and Pinkie fought both Applejack and Rainbow. Rarity however was having none of it.

“Stop it! You are all acting like a bunch of brutes!” She shouted in her failed attempt to maintain order.

“U want da cupie cakes so bad? Take ‘em!” I grabbed a cupcake and hurled it at Nyx. She ducked, and the cupcake hit Rarity right in the face.

There was a brief moment of silence, then Pinkie shouted “Food fight!” Cupcakes flew everywhere. Everypony (and winged wolf pup) was covered in cupcakes and frosting. The tea set had been knock over. Rarity’s fancy foal cloths had been stained, and the entire room was a complete mess.

“STOP!” Rarity shouted. “My foal designs are ruined! The tea set is destroyed! And worse of all, there’s frosting in my mane! This is the worst possible thing!” She then broke out crying.

I and the other foals could not help but feel bad. We wanted to have fun, but not at the expense of hurting anyponies feelings.

“We need to make dwis wight.” I said. “Nyx, North Star, Bioquill, u hwelp Abblejak and Wainbow cwean up. Ekko, Melody, come wit me.” Nyx, North Star, and Bioquill went to the utility closet and got paper towels, a mop, and a bucket. They returned and and started cleaning up.

Meanwhile Melody, Ekko, and I went to the playpen and grabbed markers and paper. Pinkie hopped over and asked “Whatcha up too?”

“We need gwue and tape.” I told her. I doubted that she could understand me since I was speaking foal. Pinkie then sped away in a pink blur and returned with the glue and tape.

“Here you go!” She said happily. I don’t know how she was able to understand me, but I had work to do.

Along with Applejack, Fluttershy, and Rainbow, Nyx, Bioquill, and North Star were able to clean up the place. Rarity was still crying on a fainting couch(Which I don’t recall ever being there) when myself, Ekko, and Melody approached her. I tugged on her tail to get her attention.

Rarity stopped crying and looked down at us. “What is this?” We were holding a giant card we had made that said “WE SWORRY WARITY” along with a drawing of her. We also gave her a paper hat that was covered in drawing of her cutie mark.

“You...you made these for me?” We all smiled and nodded our heads. “That is so kind and thoughtful of you!” Rarity gathered all six of us up in her magic and gave us all a big hug.

Applejack smiled. “That is the sweetest thing I’ve ever seen.” Rainbow turned her head and made a gagging motion.

Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow, Fluttershy, and Pinkie then gave all of us a bath. Rainbow read us one of her Daring Do books until we got sleepy. They then put us in our cribs and tucked us in for the night.

Our mommies came home a couple hours later. “So, how was girls night?” Rainbow asked.

“Let’s just say that what happens in Canterlot, stays in Canterlot.” Twilight said with a giggle. “How were the foals? Were they any trouble?”

Pinkie immediately dashed to the front of the group. “You wouldn’t believe what happened! First there was a tea party, then pirats-” Applejack shoved her hoof in Pinkie’s mouth.

“Everything went just fine.” Applejack answered.

“Very good.” Said Celestia. “Would you care to do it again sometime? The other princesses and I want to make the girls night out a once a month event.”

Rarity looked down at the card that we all had made her. She smiled and put on the paper hat. “It would be our pleasure.”