• Published 15th Aug 2016
  • 7,528 Views, 96 Comments

Life as a Foal - BubblePuff

I awaken as a foal in Equestria, with Nightmare Moon as my mother.

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The bully

I sat in my stroller holding my penguin plushie Oswald as mommy pushed me down the street. We were heading towards the foal daycare center, and I couldn’t wait to get there so that I could play with Sugar Cookie and Wintergreen. Mommy looked down at me and smiled. “Are you excited to see your friends again?” She asked.

“Yeah!” I replied, bouncing up and down on my diaper. It made crinkling sounds as I moved.

When we arrived at the daycare center, a mare came out and greeted us. She had golden hair and a blond mane and tail. “Hello! My name is Honey pot. It is so good to see you again Nightmare Moon.” Honey Pot then knelt down beside me. “Welcome back Blue Moon! Sugar Cookie and Wintergreen are already here, and they can’t wait to play with you!”

Mommy knelt down and gave me a kiss. “Now you behave yourself while I’m gone, okay sweetie? I’ll be back to pick you up this afternoon.” Honey Pot then picked me up as I was waving goodbye to mommy. She then carried me over to the play area where I could see Sugar Cookie and Wintergreen playing with some toys.

As soon as Honey Pot set me down on the floor, Sugar Cookie and Wintergreen crawled over and hugged me. “Bwue Moon! We missed U!” Sugar Cookie said.

“I missed U too!” I replied. “So wat awe U pwaying?”

“We pwaying with da choo choo twain!” Said Wintergreen. “Come and pway with us!”

We played with the toy train, imagining that it was traveling through hills, forests, jungles, and even the ocean. We were all having a great time until a unicorn colt with white hair and a red mane and tail who was a year older than us and wearing pull ups crawled over and took away the train.

“Mine now!” he said.

Sugar Cookie, Wintergreen, and I were very upset. “Dat not youws!” I said. “We pwaying with da twain.”

“Yeah, give it back!” Sugar Cookie said.

“Make me!” The colt replied. He then stuck his tongue out at us. The three us then grabbed the train and tried to pull it away from the colt, but the colt wouldn’t let go. Honey Pot took notice and came over to investigate. As soon as the colt saw Honey Pot, he let go of the train. He then fell down on his back and started crying. Honey Pot rushed over and scooped him up in her hooves.

“Blue Moon! Sugar Cookie!, Wintergreen! Shame on the three of you!” Honey Pot said very angrily. “Picking on Candy Cane like that, what’s wrong with you?” Honey Pot then placed Candy Cane on her shoulder and rubbed his back to calm him down. As soon as Honey Pot turned her back to us, Candy Cane gave us a wicked smile.

“Hey, he fakin!” I said aloud.

“Yeah! He a bad foaw!” Sugar Cookie said.

We all crawled away to the other side of the play room to get away from Candy Cane. “Wat shouwd we do now?” Wintergreen asked.

I grabbed Oswald and held him up. “How about a tea pawty?” Sugar Cookie and Wintergreen both agreed. They then went over to the toy pile to get the tea set as well as plushies for themselves. We set everything up and began our tea party, soon forgetting all about Candy Cane.

Half way through our tea party, Candy Cane came crawling over. We were all irritated by him. “Wat do U want?” I asked.

Candy Cane pointed to Oswald and made a mean face. “Gimme!” He said.

I held Oswald tight. “No! He my pwushie! Get youw own!”

Candy Cane grabbed ahold of Oswald and tried to take him away from me. I refused to let go. Soon, we were in a tug of war with Oswald. Sugar Cookie and Wintergreen joined in to help me out. All of our commotion drew the attention of Honey Pot, who came trotting over. “What is going on over here?” She asked.

Candy Cane let go of Oswald. He then broke out crying again. “Tey no shawe!” He shouted.

“Again? Blue Moon, Sugar Cookie, Wintergreen I’m very disappointed with all of you!” Honey Pot then took Oswald away from me and gave him to Candy Cane. “If I catch you bullying Candy Cane again, then I’ll send you all to time out and tell your mothers. Understood?”

Candy Cane smiled happily as he crawled off with Oswald. I broke out crying. “It not faiw! He da buwwy, not me! I want Oswawd back!”

Sugar Cookie patted me on the back. “Don’t wowwy Bwue Moon, we’ww get Oswawd back and pwove that Candy Cane is a buwwy.”

“Yeah, I have a pwan!” Wintergreen said. The three of us huddled together and plotted out our revenge.

We waited until nap time came around. All of the other foals were fast asleep, including Candy Cane. Sugar Cookie and I went over to Candy Cane while Wintergreen went off to get Honey Pot. We stood over Candy Cane as he slept, still holding on to Oswald. I grabbed Oswald and yanked him from Candy Cane’s clutches. This woke up Candy Cane who was furious.

“Hey, give dat back!” Candy Cane shouted.

“No! U a buwwy!” I said.

Candy Cane just smiled and laughed. “U wight I am! And what awe U gonna do about it? I can get away with whatevew I want! If a gwown up suspects anything, aww I have ta do is cwy and tey take my side!”

“Candy Cane!” Candy Cane turned his head to see Honey Pot staring down at him with an angry look. “Is what you just said all true?”

Candy Cane gulped. He tried faking a smile and tried to act innocent. “Uh, goo goo?”

“I can’t believe that you’ve been bullying other foals this whole time.” Honey Pot said. “And to make things worse, you’ve been lying about being a victim! I am putting you in time out for the rest of the day and I’m telling your mother when she gets here.”

After sending Candy Cane away to the time out corner, Honey Pot turned to face the three of us. “Blue Moon, Sugar Cookie, Wintergreen, I just want to apologise. I had no idea about what Candy Cane was up to, and I shouldn’t have jumped to conclusions about the three of you like that. Can you ever forgive me?”

We all crawled over and gave Honey Pot a big hug. She dawwed and hugged us back. The rest of the day went smoothly, with no other foals picking on us. When mommy came to pick me up Honey Pot explained to her what had happened with Candy Cane. Mommy was proud of me for standing up for myself against a bully.

After mommy had put me in my stroller, I waved goodbye to Sugar Cookie and Wintergreen. I then yawned and fell asleep during the ride home, proud of myself for standing up to a bully.