• Published 15th Aug 2016
  • 7,545 Views, 96 Comments

Life as a Foal - BubblePuff

I awaken as a foal in Equestria, with Nightmare Moon as my mother.

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The sleepover

Mommy pushed me as I rode in my stroller down the street. I was going to Sugar Cookie’s house for a sleepover with her and Wintergreen. I was so excited that kept kicking my hind legs. Mommy looked down at me and smiled. “Aw, is my little stallion ready for his first sleepover?”

“Yeah!” I replied, bouncing up and down a little. Sugar Cookie’s house was on the edge of Canterlot. It was a two story tall brick house that was painted white. Mommy rang the doorbell and a mare answered. She had light brown hair and a dark brown mane and tail. Her cutie mark was a chocolate chip cookie with a bite taken out of it.

The mare shook my mommy’s hoof. “It is so nice to meet you princess! I’m Chocolate Chip, Sugar Cookie’s mother. And this must Blue Moon!” Chocolate Chip then tickled my tummy, causing me to giggle. “Wintergreen arrived an hour ago. She and Sugar Cookie are playing in the living room.”

“It is nice to meet you Chocolate Chip. From what I saw at foal daycare, I just know that Blue Moon and Sugar Cookie really like playing with each other.” Mommy then gave Chocolate Chip a saddle bag full of supplies. “Here are a few of Blue Moon’s things, including his pajamas and his penguin plushie. I swear he can’t sleep without it.”

“My Sugar Cookie is the same way with her tiger plushie. Isn’t it cute how foals have a special toy?” Chocolate Chip then picked me up from my stroller. Mommy then leaned over and kissed me on the cheek.

“Bye bye Blue Moon. Remember to behave yourself. I’ll be back to pick you up in the morning. Have fun!” Mommy waved as she walked away. Chocolate Chip then brought me inside to the living room. Sugar Cookie and Wintergreen were playing with some toys in a playpen. Chocolate Chip set me down in the playpen.

“Okay, you three play nicely now. I’ll be back to get you when it’s dinner time.”

Sugar Cookie and Wintergreen were both really happy to see me. “Bwue Moon!” They both said in unison. They both crawled over and gave me a big hug. “I’m so happy dat U came Bwue Moon. We gonna have so much fun!” Sugar Cookie said.

“Yeah, it gonna be a bwast!” Said Wintergreen.

“Dat sound gweat!” I replied. “Wat awe U pwaying now?”

“We pwaying get da tweasuwe! I’m da dwagon gauwding it and Wintewgween is a bwave knight twying to take it.”

“Can I be a knight too?” I asked.

“Suwe!” Wintergreen said. She crawled over to the toy pile and picked up a foam sword. I followed her and picked one for myself. Sugar Cookie crawled in front of the toy pile and grabbed a dragon plushie.

“Woaw! You’ww nevew get my tweasuwe!”

“Yes we wiww! Attack!” Wintergreen and I charged at Sugar Cookie. She picked up foam blocks and threw then at us.

“Taste my fiwe bweath!” She yelled.

I swatted away the blocks with my sword and Wintergreen did the same. When we got close to Sugar Cookie, we took our foam swords and began hitting the dragon plushie. Sugar Cookie fell over onto her back. “Ugh, I’m dead.”

Wintergreen and I celebrated. “Yay! We swayed da dwagon!” I cheered.

“Wat shouwd we pway now?” Wintergreen asked.

Sugar Cookie rolled back up to a seating position. “We can pway dwess up! But da costumes awe in my woom.”

“Not a pwoblem.” I said. I then used my magic to unlock the playpen and open the gate. “Wets go!”

Sugar Cookie lead the way as we followed her to her room. It was upstairs, so we climbed up one stair at a time. When we reached the top we found a baby gate blocking our path. I once again used my magic to open it and we continued on towards Sugar Cookie’s room.

Upon entering Sugar Cookie’s room, she pushed open the closet to reveal dozens of costumes and onesies. “Otay, time to pick out youw costume!” Sugar Cookie said.

Wintergreen went first. She picked out a royal guard costume with a plastic helmet and armor. Sugar Cookie put on a princess costume, which had a plastic tiara and wings made of fabric. “I da pwincess of cookies!” She declared.

After looking for a while, I chose a Discord costume. After putting it on, I let out and evil laugh. “Ha ha! Now I take all of youw cookies pwincess!”

“I don’t think so!” Wintergreen said. “I stop you with my tickwe swowd!” Wintergreen and I then engaged in a tickle fight. Sugar Cookie also joined in, and we rolled around her room in a big tickle ball. All of our fun stopped when Chocolate Chip came into the room.

“There you three are! You nearly had me worried to death when I couldn’t find you. You know that you are not supposed to leave the playpen unaccompanied.”

Sugar Cookie frowned and lowered her head. “Sowwy.”

Chocolate Chip smiled and picked her up. “It’s okay sweetie. Just don’t do it again.” Chocolate Chip then patted her diaper and heard a squish. “Feels like somepony needs a changing.” Chocolate Chip set down Sugar Cookie and checked me and Wintergreen as well. “My, it appears all three of you need a changing. In fact, you three need a bath before dinner.”

Chocolate Chip placed the three of us on her back and carried us to the bathroom. After she set us down on the floor and went to fill up the tub Sugar Cookie, Wintergreen, and I opened up the cabinet that held the towels. We played around with them and Chocolate Chip couldn’t help but giggle at the sight.

When the tub was full Chocolate Chip took off our diapers and placed us in the water. “Bubbas?” I asked.

“I don’t see why not.” Chocolate Chip added some bubble bath to the water and swirled it around with her hoof. Soon, the tub was filled with foaming bubbles.

“Yay bubbas!” We all shouted. We all played with the bubbles as Chocolate Chip took turns washing us. It tickled when she scrubbed the shampoo into our hair, and it smelt like berries. Once we were all nice and clean, Chocolate Chip removed us from the tub and dried us off. She then strapped us into clean diapers and carried us downstairs for dinner.

We were each seated in a high chair in the kitchen. Chocolate Chip then went and brought out several jars of foal food. Sugar Cookie and Wintergreen ate their food with no problems. I was a bit more hesitant. “Come on Blue Moon, open up” Chocolate Chip said. “It’s mashed peas. They’re good for you.” I held my mouth shut and shook my head.

“Pretty please?” Chocolate Chip asked. I still refused to open my mouth. Chocolate Chip thought for a moment, then she had an idea. Chocolate Chip tickled my tummy, making me laugh. As soon as my mouth was open she thrust the spoon into my mouth. I was about to spit it out but it actually tasted pretty good. I opened my mouth for more. “See? I knew you’d like it.” Chocolate Chip said with a smile.

After dinner Chocolate Chip took all of us back into the living room. I played with Sugar Cookie and Wintergreen in the playpen some more. Chocolate Chip watched over us, and even gave us bottles of chocolate milk for dessert. After while we all got tired and yawned. “Looks like it’s time for nighty night.” Chocolate Chip cooed. She scooped us all up onto her back and trotted upstairs to Sugar Cookie’s room.

Chocolate Chip helped us all into our pajamas. Mine were dark blue with stars on them. Sugar Cookie’s were pink, and Wintergreen’s were yellow. Chocolate Chip gave Sugar Cookie her tiger plushie that she called Tiggy. Chocolate Chip then gave me my penguin plushie Oswald, and I hugged him tight. Chocolate Chip tucked us in under a blanket, then she kissed each of us goodnight. “Sweet dreams my little ponies.” She then turned out the light and left the room, leaving a nightlight on.

Sugar Cookie and I tried to fall asleep, but Wintergreen kept holding the blanket and shivering. “Wat wwong Wintewgween?” I asked.

“I scawed of the dark.” She replied. “Wat if I have a nightmawe? Ow wat if monstews get me?”

Sugar Cookie moved closer to Wintergreen. “U no need ta be scawed. Tiggy will pwotect all of us from monstews.”

“Yeah, and my mommy is one of da pwincesses of da night! She’ww make suwe dat we don’t get nightmawes.” I said.

“Tanks! I feew so much safew with U two.” Wintergreen cuddled closer, and the three of us fell asleep holding each other.

As we slept, the three of us had a shared dream. We were all playing in a giant jungle gym with slides, swings, sand boxes, and ball pits. I looked up and saw mommy and aunt Luna watching over us.

The next morning, I was awoken by a bad odor. I sat up and my diaper went squish. I was so embarrassed that I instantly broke out crying. My crying woke up Sugar Cookie and Wintergreen. “Bwue Moon, wat’s wwong?” Sugar Cookie asked.

“I *sniff* I made a stinky.” I replied.

“Dat’s all? U don’t need to cwy about dat. I make stinkies all da time.”

“Yeah, accidents happen. U shouldn’t be ashamed.” Wintergreen said.

Their encouraging words cheered me up and I smiled. Chocolate Chip then came trotting into the room. “I heard crying. Is everypony alright?” I held up my hooves and Chocolate Chip picked me up. “It smells like somepony made a stinky.” She cooed. Chocolate Chip brought me over to the changing table. She took off my pajamas and proceeded to change my diaper. Once I was wiped down, powdered, and strapped into a clean diaper she kissed me on the horn. “There! All nice and clean!”

After changing me, Chocolate Chip did diaper checks on Sugar Cookie and Wintergreen. “It looks like you two are dry. How about some strawberry pancakes for breakfast?”

“Yay!” We all cheered. Chocolate Chip brought us downstairs for breakfast. After making the pancakes, she cut them up into bite sized pieces that we could more easily eat. After breakfast, Chocolate Chip brought us into the living room and placed us back in the playpen. Sugar Cookie, Wintergreen, and I spent the time stacking some blocks to see how high we could go. After we had stacked the final block there was a knock at the door. Chocolate Chip got up to answer it. When she opened the door, mommy stepped into the house.

“Mommy!” I cheered. I crawled to the edge of the playpen as fast as I could. Mommy picked me up with her magic and held me close. I gave her a big hug.

“Aww, did you miss me?” Mommy cooed. She then turned to Chocolate Chip. “I do hope that he wasn’t any trouble.”

“Not at all.” Chocolate Chip said. “Aside from a little mischief, Blue Moon was a perfect little foal.”

“That’s wonderful to hear!. And Blue Moon, did you enjoy sleeping over with your friends?”

“Yeah! Tey fun!” I replied.

“Well then, we’ll have to see about having them over for a sleepover at the castle. Doesn’t that sound nice?” I smiled and nodded my head.

Mommy then placed me in my stroller and packed up my things. Sugar Cookie and Wintergreen both waved goodbye as I left, and I did the same. It was the best sleepover ever!